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[FROM run i.w.v iorrespo.vdent.]

LONDON, March 8. The following New Zealanders have been awarded the Military Cross for the deeds mentioned : - Lieutenant Duncan Bain Murchison, Mounted Rifles, N.Z.E.F.. was decorated for conspicuous gallantry nnd devotion to duty *' in reconnoitring a hostile redoubt. There were about entity of the enemy patrolling round the redoubt, but he made a complete reconnaissance and brought back very valuable information. At one time a patrol of 13 of the enemy appeared 20yds away on one flank, and another of similar strength 12yds away on the other flank, but by good leadership ami sble control of his men ho succeeded in evading them and completed his work unknown to the enemy. He showed great daring and resource." The M.C. was bestowed upon Captain Peter MacOallum. R.A.M.C., for conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. "He was in charge of the evacuation ot the wounded from an advanced position, and worked m tho open under very heavy fire for four successive days and nights, organising stretcher ■quads and dire.. the removal of the wounded. He was tho means of finding several severe.) wounded men lying in shellholes and bringing lhem to safety under heavy fire. Hl3 splendid example and utter disregard of danger were largely responsible for the success of the evacuation " Captain Donald K. Macdougall."r.A.M.C . formerly of Wellington, displayed -conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty when during the 70 hours tho battalion was in the line he displayed great fearlessness dealing with a large number of wounded without assistance when all his orderlies had become casualties, and his stores had been destroyed by shell fire." Second-Lieut A. C. Temple Perkins, R.G.A.. attached K.KC, showed conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty, for "the machine in.which he was an observer came into col Jl f M *Xn!!« h , otl i er w hen he was at a height '. "3i d *,** ,t8 J right-hand bottom plane so badly damaged that it got into a spinning nose dive Seeing this B he inW diatcly chined to the outer bay of the left hand plane and by hia weight there enabled •»«» to land Distinguished Conduct Medal. The following have been awarded the Distinguished Conduct Medal — B.S.M A. Bailey. N.Z F.A., for "conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty TO, £*?h»VJ arK * °^? voy , of P«k animals up riUft%™ tte i? he came under heav? SToil S r m ,?«.*how«d great coolness in * most difficult situation, and got hit convoy forward with very few casualties. He wt *n - SSM =e P r^° f dta «- . Sergeant A. K. Coley. R B for "T. •Pinionsgallantry and devotion to duty 9 commanded a platoon in the attack with th» greatest courage »' nd skill. Finding that there was ? can in the attacking line he at on i* sot his men into position to fill to rtLrttfi*** front other units to strengthen his party. Ho led his men forward and captured an enemy strong S £sie S f °o?t n r^em y B S na ' «*» -flicted heavy Sergeant G Fisher, M.G.C.. for " conspicuous gaHantry and devotion to duty, When his officer was killed during the advance he took over command of a battery of machine guns, personally reconnoitring the positions under heavy shell fire, and moving tho guns forward into action. He displayed great initiative, coolness, and resource under heavy fire, and by his capable leadership kept his guns in actios. %nd set & splendid example to his men." S!M. K. W. Haddow. R. 8.. for " conspicuous galhtntryi and devotion to duty when in charge of a forward dump during «i action. 'When the officer in charge of •the carrying nartv and moat of his men became casualties he collected men and kept tie party going, and did excellent work for three dax* in seeing to the requirements of the battalion, being most of the time under heavy shell fire. It was by his personal example of leadership and contempt of danger that supplies were got un to the front line." Carrying Ammunition. C.S.M. T. Kenna. Engineers, for "conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. Though the enemy was shelling heavily with gas and H.E. shells, he volunteered to got forward a light railway train of ammunition to ii battery t which was in urgent need of it. The train was derailed several times, but ho made two iotirneys to the battery with ammunition, though he was suffering from file effects of gas. It was solely owing to his Derscnal example that the work was accomplished." ri, Private J. L. Keogh. Rifle Brigade, for "conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty • fas stretcher-bearer. Throughout the whole •'operations he carried on his work with tireJess energy and with utter disregard for personal SRfety. Hn continually went into No- '".? Man's Land under heavy machine-gun fire, ' and carried wounded men in. His devotion to duty was the means of saving many Jives." Lance-Corporal W. G. F. Pinkham. M.M., Engineers, "for conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty in an attack. All the forward signal party were casualties except himself, but he went forward alone, and. finding the battalion commanders together, at once laid out a line to them, working with great, coolness on an open slope swept by machine-gun fire. He then brought in his officer, who was wounded, and continued the maintenance of the line. He showed the greatest gallantry in the execution of his duty on this and many other occasions." C.S.M. F. W. H. Sheppard, Rifle Brigade, for "conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. When all his company officers had become casualties during an attack he led the company forward and assisted in consolidating the captured position under heavy machine-gun and rifle fire. His coolness and determination were an excellent example to his men." C.BJI. C. A. Spriggs. Rifle Brigade, for conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. By his personal example and disregard of danger he inspired his platoon at a critical time in the attack. In' the consolidation tinder heavy machine-gun fire his cheerfulness and courage spurred on the men with him, and it was mainly owing to his efforts that the work was completed." B.M. W. S. Btichbury. Auckland Regiment, tor "conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. He organised cation, store and water parties and guides for his battalion. Ho handled them with great success, and by his energy and determination in the" face of {treat difficulties inspired all his men to-bear the strain cheerfully. He has at all times cone excellent work." Saving a Wounded Comrade. Sergeant J. M. Stringer, N.Z.F.A.. for. conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty, -the battery was subjected to very heavy fire and a bivouac was blown in. He at once went to the spot, extricated a wounded man and got him clear. Twice later the same thing occurred, and he again displayed the greatest courage and self-sacrifice in getting the wounded out." C.S.M. J. W. Voyle. M.M.. Rifle Brigade, for "conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. Part of the battalion was held up "J an enemy strong point soon after the attack started. He worked on to a flank alone and captured an enemy machine-gun and two prisoners. His prompt and courageous action enabled the advance to proceed." Sergeant J. A. Barr. machine-gun squadTon, for " conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. Although badly wounded in action he refused to leave the field until he St e ' ven every possible assistance to his officer in getting his section together after it had suffered heavily from shell fire. His pluck and devotion to duty deserve the highest praise." Sergeant 3. Cusaok. Auckland Regiment, for " conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. Having established an advanced post 800 yards in front of our line, he found an enemy post close by. which he promptly attacked with bombs, capturing one prisoner and killing tho remainder, 22 in number. ihis action was marked by great courage end determination, as the enemy post was strongly protected by wire." Lance-Sergeant S. C. Foot, Wellington. Kegirnent, " for conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. During an attack upon a Btrorig enemy position his platoon was held np by an. enemy post in some hedge-rows. -the position wos serious until he and a Private crept Tound the flank and by rifle fire compelled the entire enemy post to retire. Not content to let them do this, however, he continued firing upon them until Joey surrendered to him—24 in ail. After this dashing piece of initiative the platoon was then led forward by Lance-Sergeant loot to its final objective." Killed Two Single-handed. Sergeant (8.H.M.) A. Martin. Canterbury Mounted Rifles, " for conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty on two occasions. During an advance he showed great skill and daring in advance of his squadron, meeting two of the enemy and killing them singlehanded. Later his coolness and gallantry were particularly noticeable while directing Ills men in diguing in under heavy hostile shell-fire." (i C.S.M. W, McKean. Wellington Regiment, for conspicuous gallantry and devotion to fluty during an attack upon an enemy po :■ tion. His coolness under intense shell-fire was magnificent, and he was of the greatest assistance to his company commander when all but one of his platoon commanders had become casualties. Time after time he vi»it*>H the outnosts and kept his officer informed as to the situation, and the example which he set throughout the whole operation was most inspiring to all with whom he . ctiT>e «n contact." ■•*' „ private D. Murphy, Wellington Regiment, i lot conspicuous -allantry and devotion to outy when one of a garrison of a forward tg -post. On three occasions he passed through very heavy shell-fire to bring up stretcherbearers. On the last one. though buried ~'/' P 5 !.. 8,11 explosion he completed his errand, ■<&''■ ?-i?% to ob' bearers, returned to the ?;v shelled area and carried out a badly wounded »i" comrade on his back. During the same '• • r ii 0 2' half t ' ie 08 * heing destroyed by , .shellrure, and all tlie rations with it. he v;','.,volunteered to go back and bring up food, 'his he successfully did. Finally, when the post was relieved after a terrible ordeal, in '$$&'■< -

until BtretrWK» to ook a , f K the wounded tnagnificent sr;„5 r ;„ . arers C0 J uld *» **t. His Wness can not ?i'° n *?<* exceptional fear- • Sant q «° fe° h, ¥ W y Praised." EeVimen?- ->£' Pen >?e?ather. Wellington devotion to dutv in 00 " 0 " 8 Sentry and w«coniiAii ! «'n™. y m daring persona to do this ht i° ( - a hostile P° Bt - In <*<*<* second occasion Ji? BWam »*«•». on the the enemy an d 1'l?° Venn the . position of rafts x?mX d taking possession of two his rotur \r t0 T ored , on thei ' »i*». On of tho rafts an°d n8 »V rU * Cted aferry out of on * fine SidiLiJf 8 Wou fM initiativrand h « =i?on.^ eatly ~ " Forco°n S r;i^n,? yan^Wellinßlon Raiment: duty whS, P .2S, u " sa ' lantr y an d devotion to an attack ' a*i?i? a \ "»Piny runner during wero lost' 4 lth .°"eh a l the other runners loss tn ?l ™ rly m tho day - he reduced the ranirmL ""{"mum by the promptness ana ariuous oW he performed this moat »V H,reKar 8?nd -- showing the .helling! UH reßar< l of i %hVo^ho u rTho wlfii B> h . lch c , ont mued throughout the not ! L op€ratl °?-' lastin « -° &" Had it cooing ° r hls .««eptional gallantry and coolness, communications back would have tT v«s™til m i palred - He was the first man to volunteer for more work later in the S° the same day, when guide's 0 required tor the relieving company." bergeant L. Strachnn - Wellington Mounted "',l™' . „ Fo , conspicuous .gallantry and deh»t™«r duty m rushing forward and bayoneting an enemy sniper who was inflicting casualties amongst our men. By this prompt and gallant action he greatly assisted our advance."

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LV, Issue 16850, 15 May 1918, Page 9

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DECORATIONS AWARDED New Zealand Herald, Volume LV, Issue 16850, 15 May 1918, Page 9

DECORATIONS AWARDED New Zealand Herald, Volume LV, Issue 16850, 15 May 1918, Page 9