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'" '" '" * ' "''.'' i ■ iii -»——», i i ~ nini ■»!, i . — , ™ , ~~~'' l '"'*'" "'"''" Til * '■"■■ ■ ■■'•■■■•■''■.• ■■■■■'■-■^■'■'^■■-.j.--- y'.<: v \ -*~,'■' ■'-~'''"■ < cssk tuna jmuuMWfc nn m§ on jBMk «—» east gsbb& , M , ■ __ . of particularly nice Casement Drape* Madras Muslin, Laee and Madras Curtains, etc., are just to hand, all quite of the Latest styles. Many of the lines are exceedingly high-pile, whilst the prices are very moderate. SOin FANCY WOVEN TAPESTRY, for Soin-1/8. 1/9, 1/11. J/J. Cannes. ,n "" "" AH** Colonielßlanta «„ *„„»«.», m ™ «... -««Wi*- - 7 Madras Muslin. ~„,. M 8 ™";., „,, „,. - 40m SIMILAR GOODS, extra heevy-1/8. Three-quarter Size—29/6, 32/-. 35/-, Hit net* "to £A»CT CBETONNES. li*bt and dark BOin SIMELAB GOODS, in Cream and Paris £o in SCALLOPED EDGE. Crcam-2/3. 2/6. _ »■% ._. „_ „, „„ MM „, Shades—l/ 8, 1/11, 3/3 3/j Double Bed Size—39/6. «/-. 47/6. «9/S, SSI: 2Sin DITTO. DITrO-lOld. 54in SIMILAR GOODS, in large check SCALLOPED EDGE Cream will- floral d,. All-woo! Cot Blanketa-13/11. 11/11 DW Dalr. Blto i LIGHT FANCY WASHING Joncy coloured border,. ffi%}*& PM^T^li ,l/S 30in SPECIAL VALUE LIGHT AND DARK J COLOURED BORDERED CASE- SCALLOPED EDGE, in Black grounds AH-WOOI CoIOfli&l BidllkCtS FANCY SATEENS for Down Quilts. MENT VOILES. Urn vane, fancy with floral designs in Blue. ink Car- «»"**»»» etc new desume-i/« yard. . Bhadcß and desiras—»i*. 101 d, 11} d yard dinali and Greens-3/J. 4/8. 4/11, 5/9. GREY. 36in LIGHT FANCY SATEENS, for ditto- PLAIN CApMENT VOlLES.coloured 50« STRAIGHT EDGE, in Black and Blue. Single *'* Size-22/8 per Mir. 1/9 yard. , ... b °. 'I'i JK l«t'w»ll y^Ar» «- Bleck nd Green - Blfick and Fawn ' Threemuarter Bed Bue-M/-. 32/6, 32in HEAVY WASHING CRETONNES t3a ) JS}ff% m . SSfSLISC* i wiXs'. tnitable to "* Double Bed Silt^l " Sift 1 « a ?« d ..^ fancy deßlenal/< - 1/8 « in White and Cream fancy coloured "■"«•• M < iiiwinnSS Tnenfifl 86in WHITE ANI) CTEAM CASEMENT MSb MiL 86in IMITATION SHADOW TISSUEB. 70ILES. with fancy embroidered bor- S,UiU wu d»» fe. in nt B 2T^ ,d - Pala Blue - sad Ecru Madras Brise Bise m ~„ «*««, nm ~/« *» in tapestry and leaf desisns-2/11 yard. 3flin CKEAM AND PARIS CASEMENT «*»«»*»» »l SiC DIM. 7/11. 1/11, «/«. «/«. «/«. 19/". »/«. 3Cin HEAVY WASHING CRETONNES, in VOILES, with H.S. borders-Hid and tapestry and leaf desicns-3/3, S/8, 3/8, 1/2, ifti_l/s 1/11 all « 1* • i fi . 3/11, 4/8 yard. JBin CREAM AND PARIS SIMILAR 2_ ' llfl fill-WOfil mii%. 32in THE "CUMBERLAND" SHADOW GOODS, extra heavy, with H.S. borders S" ]',\' V,,.' V.l ... **" ?,WUi * iiU 6 tU «"©«» TISSUES, in fancy woven art desiens. -1/8, 1/8, 1/11. * 4 } 11 ""!' ,, !/It ' lli ' I/8 - reversible-3/11. 4/8, 4/11. iOk HEAVY MARQUESETTE. in Cream 27in-1/11. 19/8, S/-, 29/6. M/«. 37/6. 50in THE " WESTMORELAND" SHADOW and Ecru. H.S. edees-2/3, 2/9. and 2/11 TISSUES, lisht and dark art designs. .... . ~ ta a »«- " ve " iblft - 3/1, • * * 1 1 White MarceUa Q€ts. ruiuiSQiDS fOiie alio i 13 1 —i™™ SinEle Btd BiM _ i/11( IJ/11( It/Itl Hyil . Casement Cloths. I THE f ]|il I STORE I Bed «»-ii/«. aw.*/«. AN ALMOST ENDLESS ABBORTMENY. Lnmiuji... IsLaJr A : Double Q Bed /-?«7t5. 3 '35/-.30/-. 18/11* tt/ 8 ' AN ALMOST ENDLESS ABBORTMErtf. 19/8. 21/-. 23/6. 25/-. 30/-, 35/-. JT/6. 40in PLAIN CREAM CASEMENT CLOTH I— ' _ j **" 'SS»*-« Wkib and to Curtain White Honeycomb Qsiilfs. ifeK&ttmrtainreitt. tt'Wto ~J p.... f Hrt»i« Hot '"" HnW ""'""' '""' K WUitaa vIIS " W,C al " , tCr " t<irta,nS - M ' »A" SUe -""' ""' "* nne tenurekj yara. „ , ,i»,i.. oOin THE "DEFIANCE" EXTRA FINE «* , J „ .'« iOin-1/l. 1/1, 1/9. 2/8. SUN-RESISTING CASEMENT CLOTH. ™.. .»./«' »2in-1/9, 1/11. m# ~.» <« a. A «4. &£&«"; c — Brtwo " 4nd 8 x IBS Jffl: m. ,0/1, 11/, ,2,8 si »- m J/s - m White Marcdla Cot mm 60in THE "DEFIANCE" FINE MER- 18/11. up to 15/11. ~..,. K CERISED CASEMENT REPP, in Navy, 65x3M1/«. Hit. A i (ft IV #• f• v «/ 6 - 5/11 ' 6/11 ' ,/r " /8 Met V iITI . IP n Colored Belgium Ming t a White and Ecru Bnse M * im. M »«. •». M White Flaanelette curtain.. in Fawn only, ttniffii 72in. R . BM/11. 5/9. RkftlfDt* 49in " VELOUR." in Brown only, for ditto ~W* , « inf.. _, < • IM*lll»«W. ♦Sin HEAVY MOHAIR PLUSH, in Brown "in-1/2. BIU6 SHU WOltC IlCfilllg 58in x 78in-S/8 each, only—ll/8 yard. 20in--1/.. sSin x Win—7/S «ae!l. Mm ..hSii J £S? CRASH ' ,or * U dftr> « in - 18 W- 1/ -» 1 * ,/3 ' 1/«. 1/1. 1/1. 1/1. 9WB-10W. I/-, 1/8, 1/11. 30in x 40in Cot fiir.e-1/11 yard. K in-1/J, 1/8. 1/9 1/11. 6 gin-2/8. l/|l. 68in x Blin-8/8 each. Those highjacked Oiled RIMU CHAIRS are still 11/6 each. ~™.——~ 111 '■ " ' ~—~~ i_i»i«in. I ■ I, < ■ — ■ ■ "' ■■ ■■ * ii "":'' ' ' " ; iiw , • b ii .... "7"*^

'* MI * ,IIIII " ,WIII ' ,I^I1 *'* MM » i iii—awaa—— BOX SPANNERS! v" Si H^»Motorists, mechanics, and anyone dealing with machinery should buy a ret of these handy Spanners before the prices co up. We have only a fow sets on hand at these prices. Get in early. \Ve pay the postage. No. 7 SET-Corapriafof: 4 Spanner». doubb ended, and tnrniny bar; will take I the followiiiß nuU:-!in, im, Jin. 7-16ra, Jin. S-16in, 3-16 in, fl-lfiin. Per Set 8/6. * No ' i 3 i o s v T ~«*,7 pri^n * 3 .-? ann - double «nd«d; will take the following nuta:-11-32 m, 27>'!2m. Jin, 0-lGin. 7-16: n, |in. Per Set, 8/6. No. 1 SET-WiU take five sites of mts. Pet' Set, 4/-. ; gift B.S.A. Lubricating Oil for Bicycles ! Speeklly .prepared by the famous B.S.A. Company, timuiwvA. j_Zfeim I°'* °" •' , ,a ' fc *P in with the firm's great reputation ' !J I ma- '?"! <"} tlt T-. There is nothinj on the market so suitfifiiKfiffiSS'W iffflil ,Wo '?' bicycle lubrication. Also specially suitable I "ilK&Sfflii/i'SSmfl tot nio ' <r " c y"* 3-speed hubs. I * ,nc *' I '' 6 p * r t " 1 - ! " GASTINE." Th* put economiier of Benzine. In use by lour |s3sflßaw'iSiK«raS armies ~t the front. It removes and prevents Carbon I deposits. Qi/n .;t a trial, and you will be glad you I SawaSflffilißTTO dld ' Ctr * rrie d in the vest pocket. Price, 7/6 per iiS&Sißra »lH X°' 10 <>blt^ - Enough for 100 gallons of benrine. WE pay the POSTAGE. j HHH SKEATES & WHITE, " The Cyclists' House lor Quality," (g=~W 48 FORT STREET.

liMiil.imm».«»-i.,m» f a«MM T m—i aa———————a—«■———» Roots and Shoes. yOUR MEW "DOOTS CAN BE GOT CHEAPEST AND BEST FROM rtEORGB TTIGGINB, NEXT CITY MARKET. QUEEN STREET. DIRECT IMPORTER AND MAKER 01 BEST MEN'S AND WOMEN'S FOOTWEAR. REPAIRS A SPECIALTY. MAKE AN INSPECTION. Tar. m A R rpREATMENT. ANCIENT AND MODERN. It is wonderful the things -that com* oat of tar Part is useful is a Road Binder tad part ia useless and detrimental. , If the useful part were put on first and the useless parts put on afterwards people would say, " How foolish." Yet this is what is being done every day in Auckland. One-fifth of the useless ■ and detrimental spoils the other four-fifths. This requires no argument. A raw (at job starts to disintegrate from '.he time it is put down. Reitar Tars last 'for years. RESTAR, LTD.. specialise in 'tar preparation, and their products are cheaper because they last longer. Lite 8.R.8. No. 1 Tar for piths, tenaii courts, asphalting, etc, and Bestir {or heavy road work. Retail: CRUICKSHANK, MILLER AND CO., Lome Street. Wholesale: RESTAR. LTD., Pattesott St. rp AR. IJAE. Ip aB. NOW IS THE TIME TO DO YUDR TABBING WITH OUR FAMOUS A DSTRALIAN pOKB QVEN TYiSTILLED ITUR. AND OUR CPECIAL ri BADE SPARRING CAND, The result is work that will stand (or years. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Wc also Sell Lime, Cement, Shingle, etc. J. J. ulG ' LTDQUEEN STREET. JProfeaioofl] Notice* Iff: rftlirfllillCTlflliWliMnillW

■I——MMllMaiuan iii .. i. W ||E Booksellers and Stationers. BOOKS TO BUY. CIR ARTHUR QONAN *nOYL&. rpHE T>RITISH CAMPAIGN, IN FRANCE AND FLANDERS, 1914, With Maps and Plans, forming tho first volume of SIR A. 0. DOYLE'S HIS TORY OF THE WAR. This volume deals with the events of 1014. in the British fighting line in France and Belgium. Price. 7a 6d. Posted, Bs. The Second Volume, to arrive- shortly, will be entitled, rpHE BRITISH fjAMPAIGN IN 1915, And gives for the first time the connected story of two of the greatest battles in British history: The Second Battle of Ynroi and the Battle of Loos. ORDERS BOOKED NOW. Price. 7s 6d. Posted. Bs, rtHAMPTALOJP AND PDMISTON, BOOKSELLERS. STATIONERS. AND NEWS AGENTS, QUEEN STREET. AUCKLAND. P.O. Box 781. [GEO. W. HOY I ■EOlSnitED PATENTAQBKt. R.Z. ' Patmli, Designs, Trade Harts itP^^ *JU Copyrighis obtained an* »«v.ter«d is all .^ oouatriis. »4V _**aBI2L I m*Jf EfP& J S&SF TiLir«o»ui «r «* ogstJUj HoomlC. 6 work (toeladtot draw. ia(ti) dona ey rally experienced Pat»at Experts, at tfc« Auckland OSes, under my psraeaal supervision. 109 ROYAL INSURANCE BUILDINGS. jWWJTMEJ. otp.3aartM Sheet, AUOKLAWB.* I SURGICAL MID DBES3 FOOTWEAR TO ORDER. Children'! HodellF ■■»• a Speciality. Dot•CI «( l.of»! Doctors' TeiilmunUli, and awarded (no Odd JleJila. Aftfil lor Br. tcholl'i Bunion lteducaii, ttc i Utile HccVlnje. Ailrire Km. Sea Mr Betall t'ooivMr Wmdo». Bm«rtImam} V«luf ustjuallid la ths City. ERNEST E.HEANIKC leahrwr Bptdaliit. Mill Dopil fcsW tO WAKEFIELD ST. IB nay bu Ball. AvdMtai. / WF^^^'^S*^sl»lßi*MaWfflim^*

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LV, Issue 16823, 13 April 1918, Page 11

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Page 11 Advertisements Column 3 New Zealand Herald, Volume LV, Issue 16823, 13 April 1918, Page 11

Page 11 Advertisements Column 3 New Zealand Herald, Volume LV, Issue 16823, 13 April 1918, Page 11