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MiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiM Iliiliiiii|iii[iiiiiii|iiiiiiiii mil in iiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiii inn iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiii mill iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii mm iiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiliilliiiiilini iiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiilili~ll I Coats of all Lengths appear in Checks of all Sizes. fl4 Pf* V C Checks Plain and Broken are r ~~ Hi .Ma T .. 1 I ~ ' CnCLIVO Employed in separate Skirts. HOSIERY Hand-Made Torchon i = .&h t. Mm &v* JRS . . Autumn and Winter makes, in- IMP ffgrifi ons - = IPL# Irf- mr an nnktand nn fpafiirp \» i,/ \l\jjj/ eludln ? st * les sultable fop Wear .ivh...iu.u. = TV7 Iff V§£< £>' UUIOsUIHsIiUJ ItaiUlC V, mmm IW-iKiffiJ With Check Garments. As a trimming for Undergarment.), = = jkjfA A'i. K/U. >«M\A /vffliEi'r. C A . nn „l„ A I Ifc&E&TOl Jlllflp?! jPftwraSil PLAIN COLOURED ALL-WOOL Medallions permit of very uncommon = = wSIW sWCfeV /fPWw 01 IUIS jCflSOn S ADDfIrCI. ffiffifflffli JllSllll /WSSSk CASHMERE HOSE, Seamless; effects being achieved, and as the j| = L Swm(!lK-~ < ®SiSr~ Regardless of nil other Fashion demands, Checks are r-J^fflffl^^—— Navy, Toney.Tan, Green, Violet— obtainable in niany novel shapes E \ ™181 reveals their appearance in many of the mo3t important ■flllllSii BHH BROAD~RIB COTTON AND WOOL - = iff j JUV jjjT sir j'f" jOI " l~j " " _ ifhrW' -?ftsTn So also do they appear in the Maids' Department, and F and Green mixtures—4/9 pair. Small Basket design— 9d each!" = E U* 3f? *=£r i n *M**ll wil?iPintlil\ in Coat Styles especially, with a little trimming of plain KMffffffflWfir 'ii : FINE RIB CASHMERE HOSE, in SMALL EAT SHAPE MEDALLION E S ffllfTjßf II 1 \ colour, result in extremciy smart styles for all agea. in i" make-1/3 each! "' =' I \lSi» ' "J I - \J 'MU IfffP St y^^uta^^i^ a Sii fTfl « Iff COTCON AND WOOL HOSE, fine J'T SsicT wEH'? 1 | Vv> r "ifil important lines for practically all sections. Nf» i make, In shades, Grey, Light "f^, \^ -Tape-vi eiS ' 1 = V ' m for „T a!" man., fhnrl fna* CtlfloC U' 0 W V JASON'S PLAIN WHITE' CASH- "S^KfLfov = = « 7 #1 Lp soy Three of many Check loat Myies w * j mm hose, FJ SS^Kn^mSOT. l b = = ii W V ™ „. . 0 -. ~ /O—A Smartly Tailored Skirt in Novelty Check Worsted. It has par extra fine desiffn-1/7 each = = V v SilPWinn fOr nfllUS fan k€tß &t Bidee > ftnd to fitted with buttoned Btra P ß at JASON'S BROAD RIB WHITE CHINESE TORCHON MEDALLION = = 95-Tliis Model Coat is tailored in warm 85-A Novelty Sport* Coat of large Black u,lv "» i y IVI llUiiau. waistrffeßlCE, 63/-. CASH>IERE HOSE-7/6 pair. in large BuUerfl'v design-1/9 = • = 9 checks are largo and and White Check Tweed. It has large 69-Made in Fine Broken Check Tweed and fln.shed withpateh SHOT CASHMERE HOSE, Black CHINESE HAND-MADE TORCHON = X b mixed colourings. It is slightly flap collar and long revere, fancy pocketo and fancy etrap at waist. This » a very nice Shot Whlt6) Black Shot Saxe- MEDALLIONS, in Crochet- = i S K? Jd"&«-SS WUh CUff9 *° CO " OBPODd ' r- 1 _ aoJE&tt NovW Chtk, and a nobble feature ie the J™ »ffi 8 & CASm rERE TANGLE gtSIIS 1 1 collar and Raglan sleeves OQ _ An wtrfmely smart Travelling , n A pleatings back and front and the poke pockets; belt at waust-. HOSE, Light and Mid Tan- fsj£ ggg -SHAM '-Kit J 1 = ci T n sports length and of lartre Check Black and White Check Tweed; flat JlSsweSfi'l AaNSffiHKSk 69/8. 4/11 pair. MFDTTTM SIZE SHAPE— ' = = Sal Kerf th"oolt to Sremely collar with long pointed revcrs, strapped %-/ <$*W fflffibl Two other very smart Skirt styles iD Check designs 't> i m M™ SHADE CASHMERE HOSE, MEDIUM BIZL oQLARI. faHAPE = = 2SISd for XL with walking at side ove? patS pocket below which JW « , °r 8 b n JS? Ml S :j th M MEDIUM SIZE ROUND SHAPE- § = skirt It is in Black and Grev Block the skirt hangs full-£9/9/-. A| x colourings. It has two patch pockets (buttoned) and a lull bacic Blue, Green~7/ll pair. 7Wd each. = = a**wo—-.././s SB** i|| ifiM colouring, of Brown, Green and Black, Has two patch pockets g/6 C cS K U OS S.r LACE MEDALLIONS, m the = = —C?T>- s®** colourings of Brown, Green and Black, Has two patch pockets g/6 . LACE MEDALLIONS, m the _ I M3Sk tiTWi AB iMM with huuoned nap strap " back °"' t - 39/ °- 1 i If Mill ffl fill i» Check Hflterifils bv the Yflrd. io/g pair - mediuSe square shape, § i = Y Preecnt-day weaves embrace Checks of many kinds, sWlib FANCY SHAPE MEDALLION, in ~ t= f jfSJEk " J^S^^ L r, sb i » nd though some of them are scarce and difficult to mVjsM\ fine thread—2 / 3 eaoh - =: = J • if ll^ a * > ' procure, we are at the present moment submitting a very WS&Si. TRIANGLE SHAPE MEDALLION, = = \ V / \ \ "-* l T ] " mP PlainNeat Checks are shewn in many colourings, LARGE SQUARE SHAPE FRENCH = = \ W V\ t\'*£" M kSST ' 9 mwP whilst every new effect is represented. \i» j TORCHON MEDALLION — 1/6 = — \fC*7 * \*v */W "M, f WW Is? m HI The wisdom of an early 9eleotion rom these goods V" L . _ ■ PLAIN SQUARE SHAPE MEDAL- E — Jj iff *.V WW kW iff IK oannot be too strongly emphasised. | "* /K\\ f/k LION, heavy design—l/ 7 each. — — i / ' Wi m m H TWO-TONE CHECKS-Theae make up very smartly, /BjSSlwwL MEDIUM SIZE SQUARE MEDAL- E — / jrffT *>' *ol ' V IM MM 1$ ftnd are obtainable in Black and Green, Black and iwlWlMffllffllß LION, fine make—l/ 8 each. = = JS "'" fijf] '* ' fflk M Bk M„, Grey, Black and Wine, Black and Blue, Black and //Mm fll HitIVII Nil FANCY ROUND MEDALLION, m = = fe| JeW Brown ' on White r,round i 38in—2/11. JyMk II 111 ill nioe fine design—l/ 11 eaoh. = — / /^&&& tl * ™ n» colourings, Brown and Blaok, Black and Green, C\\~*« » 1 nli 1™! CSTO Ct\\ I ADC = = M jei K2 Black and Blue, Black and Wine, Black and Fawn, VyVri HUll I |]jj UW rUK t-ULLAKO. = = VFlflllß HIIIINFRY J2l-.This Very Smart Coat is of Key Pattern Check, Black Black, Grey Overchecks on White Ground; 40in- W MJll|| }}■ Fur Collars are an Important = = »L,L,viUiii i ill-will-ill and White, with trimmings of'plain colour Saxe Blue *'} ' AnnmT ,„ n . , ~,,,., W.\\ Rffi feature in dress accessories this = = ft •i. c- r ~ri Poplin. Could bo worn as Coat Frock. 34-inch CHECK WORSTEDS-A very smart material, light in W yfflMl season, and are obtainable in Coney, = = SlPnirtinn FlVe SnPfial SlianPS ' (back)-30/6. wei » ht - in Bmall and broken CheckB ' in Paatel WJU I 11 Wolf, Opossum, Wallaby, Musquash, = 3 &BE2s£^£j& i ZSr\ WCpitllliy MTV jpitllll JllUpW. nwsaj-jw/o. shadings, Light Grey, Mid Grey and Fawn; 52in- W?" I CTA S~j w. mn The rWiips too = \ r J22—Another very distinctive Coat Style, in Black and 16/6. ! ! ' /rfj "apes, too, = = *'' Many instances are given this season in support of White Shepherd's Plaid. The trimmings are of Col- mixed weaves and colourings} good <% \ \v^ 4 -* PfiTT AP In ™M = = iV -f the fact that utility is just as much a feature in Mil . cured Poplin, and the buttons correspond. 324nch mat erial, suitable , or costumes or skirt*; /*, » = zr / \ / , HuirH M/fl ii i-o. i i j- /\_ l i ~, t/7/ an&pe, medium size, iflaca or :r = / \ ' linery as in other personal apparel. (lmcK ' jw/o. small Check and medium size Overoheck; 64in— ..---.„ UMI I „.„„ White— 25/- nafli = = \ V--' J 23 -A Miss's Coat of Shepherd's Plaid. A double strap 12/6. A USEfUL HORNING BLOUSE. suSimAPW MR nOTTAtt In = = ' \ A To-day we direct attention to Five Ready-to-wear runs round back to sides. Finished novelty buttons HONEYCOMB CHECKS-A smart Chock Fabric, woven m w „ Natural = = , V\ Styles in Velour, the Pile Fabric that has no equal for and Sailor collar, Tussore Poplin wit* »■* -»ioa in Honeycomb effect, very suitable for dressy , ™ii neat little SHIRT BLOUSE J T 7\A MUSK In Tiirim = I "^ and ° ne a,^s retains its ° rig^ floft 41 - iDch (bMk) - 59/0 ssriSLsm 9hadM ' Mastic * Grey> Putty - aa ™ B *s? K& i = . effect, even when subject to the severest testa. % DWS TOOTH CHECIf-Eicellent wearing material, Obtainable in various Coloured «VJ e«h. = i ,"*- ta 4 doublfredge brim ' and i 9 trimmed Splendid Values in Underwear. n^g££3^^& — IW i5-ZS£ *"* 6IMB ' Si ™ i = fe jfl in several ways. FL^NELEm NiGHTDRESSES, lar Checks J ~ ' ' Natural-59/6. —J | = iS^ A B Bm&rt ' ™* M Hfttß for «« wlth Costumes or Magyar shape, square neck; hemstitched with Sky, Pink „%*"' 40m to 8 «»-*/ 11 4 / 6 ' 6 / n » 10/6, „ = = fUr Sports Garments, they will be much in favour, and eelec- and White Women's PRICE, 12/6. Weifo fni* Aiir Wlntf>p rnrnlnttiiA = § J^ tlon should not be delayed. LADLES' CREAM RADIANTA PYJAMAS, with Cream '-' — — Write rer , our Winter Catalogue. £ = « ....... u , „ Jap. Silk facings; jumper 6t 3 rW - Women's size—27/6. IWg Catalogue, lllustmfcfaig useful = = v fSSfffT / / Colours: Rose, Pink, Beetroot, Bottle, Fawn, LADIES' PURE WOOL SPENCERS, V-neck, long sleeves, m•* Wo Millinery, personal apparel, and novelties, aid including = = I$M if! Mastic, Nattier, Black - Cream-Women's, 7/11, Out! Size, 8/0. /l/l Jl*« ✓V Jk/ej H 4. /rl Pri«> Lists from the Household and Fancy Sections, fa = = M *• mmmltk inKia LADIES' WOOL AND COTTON CHEMISE UpERVKTS, /¥ 11| M P (L% Hil VCP 0 .Tfl »>» practically ready for issue, and will be wa£** = = £T*L' PRICE, 32/6 and 35/6. with fancy tops; Cream only-Women's eize, 8/6; ITJsVIIIIV %J%> %J7 A 1 \J J Vv free npon request. 5 — M* VfeT Out Site, 8/11. V -l.x ~ « « 3 3 — ' "j vi To all Post Orders for Millinery 6d. extra, as fragile LADIES' PURE WOOL BLOOMERS, elastio waist and niTDCM CTnrrT Write for ft Copy To-day, S = ' /JD r<;v M must be added. knees; Navy only-Women's, 9/11; Out Siae, 10/6. UEC IN OIKCCI. « ■ Igf

—— — .-■ == LAST FEW DAYS I OF i Most Successful A Record Clearance Sale I We have overhauled our stock and re-marked at FURTHER $ GREATLY REDUCED PRICES numerous lots that must be i cleared out these last few days regardless of cost. £ ♦ SHOWROOM. dress department. ♦ FURTHER REDUCTIONS. ""881 vWKd tSUPS ♦ 15/11. ♦ AL ffl.h L .?.?^,i B I R( L E BDK!.RTB8 D K !. RTB BMART HEAVY GABARDINE. Grey, ♦ illghtlj soiled—l 2/11. Further Reduced Coating, Mole. Navy, and rtiler shades ♦ 10 ■>"• -syds for 18/6. + WH SKIRT^ 0 Un E .» «!Ji D an P « B A R °I : !! f E BARGAIN PRICES RIGHT THROUGH ♦ S tofl "nS n B/1 ' FUr " ™ DRESS DEPARTMENT. ♦ TM.annn cimdw «,« « m. » ALL THE SINGLE-WIDTH DREBB ♦ TUB i I ,S!L E f. B SiP I9;II, Further Re- LENGTHS AT SPECIAL CLEARING * duced to J/11. PRICES. A 8 YA ffr^?St l N M .!i ß yi i' Rosebud * 1 lovely goods for large people-25/-. Fur- . ''*" For 3/ "- N0W ' *'"• ♦ ther Reduced to 9/11. * YARDB BTRIPED OR fLORAL VO(LE ♦ ODDMENTS IN WHITE WASHING COS- ~ FOr 4/11, N °' , ' ll, ♦ TUMES-32/0 to 42/-. Further Re- 6 YARDS RIVERINA. Plain, Grey, or ♦ duced to 9/11. Champagne—For 8/11. Now, 4/11. <fc ODDMENTS IN WHITE PIQUE, VOILE, 6 YARDS RIVERINA, White Ground with 0 AND MUBLIN FROCKS-Up to 45/-. Navy or Black Spots, also Stripes For A Further Reduced to 4/11, 8/11, and 9/11. 8/11. Now, 4/11. X ODDMENTS IN LADIES' DUST GOATS- 6 YARDS OF HAIRLINE, Stripes, Grey, or A Up to 35/-. Further Reduced to 6/11. Sky-Fer 6/11. Now, 4/11. £ PRINT UNDERSKIRTS-3/11. Further ALL ODD LENGTHS of 2to 5 yards, A Reduced to 2/8. Marked at Clearing Prices. See the X WHITE EMBROIDERY UNDERSKIRTB tables, % —318. further Reduced to 2/6. X crepe, voile, zephyr, cambric MEN'S and BOYS' WEAR. 5 AND CABEMENT MORNING WRAP- »viu «■•«»« J PERB; large assortment of them. Lovely BOYS' SPORT SUITS, slightly damaged, I goods; handsomely trimmed. Easily sizes sto 11—Worth, 18/11 to 22/6. Fur- T 7«,» l? t6 oa !. oc k »-Were up to ther Reduced to 12/11 the suit. ♦ . Now Further Reduced to 5/11 and BOYB , B ILK-FINISHED POPLIN 'VAR. ♦ LAD. ES' CALICO COMBINATIONS. IC !&">' *» *' $ ' *"*** "*' J WSSSSfSHeSffI. N ° W BOYS' NAVY BERQB KNICKERS, dm ♦ LADIES' PIQUE HATS-3/11 and 4/11. uc !, ° l^" e !' 2 'V' "V" " ' ' 1 Now, 1/iii and 2/11. MEN ; 8P0 o R TB COATS, sizes 4, 5, 6, 7- ♦ Worth, 29/6. Reduced to 25/-. A MEN'S BRACES, slightly soiledl/11. Re. ❖ DRESS DEPARTMENT. menTVuJmer weight merino $ DOUBLE.WIDTH FLORAL VOILES- VESTS AND PANTS-Sale Price. 1/3 <> Were syds for 8/11. Now Reduced to eacll, * 4711. MEN'S WINTER WEIGHT MERINO A STRIPED MERCERISED LAWNS, Black VESTS -2,3. Pants, 2/6. A and White, White and Black, Hello. MEN'S FLANNEL UNDERSHIRTS, In * and White, also Black and White Check Navy or Chocolate-6/0 each. In strong Y —Were, syds for 9/11. Now, 4/11. Grey Army Union Flnnnel, 5/11 each. ▼ BLACK AND WHITE CHECK VOILES- MEN'S PYJAMAS— and 6/11 the suit. I Were, syds for 9/11. Now Reduced to ▼ ♦/". ♦ a %,DfiK D un w c ,T^ H . EAVY BILK BARGAINS for the HOUSE. $ STRIPED VOlLE—syds for 14/11. Re- A duced to 0/11. COLOURED QUILTS, Clearing Lot, all <> WMTE OR CREAM .VOILE SELF HAIR- ." B .' iVßli?ift R .?ft. 0 I r w M ",>' t T 9 " 4, ♦ CORD STRIPE-V/as 1/111 a yard. 4/11. 10-4. 5/11; 11-4, 6/11; 12-4, 8/11. Y Now, 1/61. BEDSPREADS, White Ground, pretty de- J HETTY SELF CHECK WOOL DE- tILSAh' *"""'' 5 LAINEB, Saxe, Brown, or Sky-Were double bed 3IZ6 ~ AI 8/11 each ' a 3/11. Now, 1/111-a yard. BARGAIN LOT OF LONG LACE CUR- ▼ NAVY OR BLACK GROUND FOULARDS, ™ N _f; i with White Spot-Were. 2/11 a yard. ft""' of ta s %.7ff iTiltfmfW", i " ow » , '*' and an extra wide one, 6 yards, lor 8/11, I VELTONA, Hello., Saxe, or Grey-Were worth 12/6. J 1/11 i. Now, 1/8} a yard. ODD LENCT hB, from 11yds to 3yds-At J DRESS LENGTHS OP STRIPED COAT. Clearing Prices. •< ING GABARDINE-5 yards for 10/11. A FEW AIRS 0F THE BEBT ARISTON — SMALL TARTAN CHECK COSTUME NET CURTAINS-Worth 35/. to 42/- a CLOTH—SyrJ9 (or 14/6, pair. Reduced to 19/11. Woar for years, FREIGHT PAID ON ALL ABOVE. wmmtmmmmmmmmmmmammmmmmmK^mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmami^mmmmmmi Porter's Corner,! I 65, 67, 69 Karangahape Road . and 82 and 84 Pitt Street. 1 '

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LV, Issue 16823, 13 April 1918, Page 8 (Supplement)

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Page 8 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume LV, Issue 16823, 13 April 1918, Page 8 (Supplement)

Page 8 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume LV, Issue 16823, 13 April 1918, Page 8 (Supplement)