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' '"" '"I'M I .li.liii. iii ..11. I■.l . i , I, ly 111 j, 11. The Kodak for Your Pocket is the || No. 1 Junior (Autographic) : I This compact little camera is one jmtfh.n 1 you will like. It is handy to : MM, cany, yet thoroughly practical jSBUiII & and capable of producing thecrisp, : ; - :^SH|I III' : - '> ■ \ . ';;. clear pictures everyone admires. JmS^mm " Like all Kodaks,' it ■■ is \ ;' ■ .. :i \ . very' simple, to use. There are no elaborate |j,W .complications;:; and, of ll' 1 I ; ■ ■.''■ ' i course, it loads and un-; jp|lp|§|lr II I 1! ||i :U '.':•;. 111 111 The size of the picture , 111 111 " ' it takes— ,x inches II I, '■• "■'" -is just right for all gen- m/ :^: f) 1 - eral snapshotting, while J&Mm lit . it has the advantage of , j I ' ;. . being: very economical ■■, ■ ,■ . '^^^SmM} - Special and' exclusive features* have made the V|| Hi I .; Kodaks the best of all pocket cameras, The No. mMMfI ////// . "i 1 Junior is titled "with the wonderfully efficient. , - ; '- pW/f//// : ball-bearing shutter, a rigidly tested lens, and the. f : HH 'IJ/.y <: - autographic attachment which allows a title or 'p MM//// /'. ! ; date to be recorded ■on -the film at the time of -;: RlM.'*/ exposure. The camera is offered in a choice of . , Wi£<- ' ~-. ~ two lenses. ' v \ "* ( i X *■" The No. 1 JUNIOR KODAK (Autographic), with Meniscus Lens ■ * >. . ■ Price aE2/5/« ': The No. i JUNIOR KODAK (Autographic), with R.R. f.B Lens . ■ - ' • ' Price £2/15/- 6 1 ; Ask for the latest Kodak Catalogue, describing '; models priced from 35/- up to £13/10/- ... . * When you want to know about the KODAKS ; ; and the BROWNIES, go to . P SUCKLINGS who Explain, Demonstrate and Sell "■*„ JAt 52 QUEEN STREET - AUCKLAND V " Between "Everybody's" and "The Queen's,', Hare youiwcin the painting of the Kodak Girl on the door? ;>■ ;"'" You'll know Our Shop by It. f •*•-■•-••';••" •' -- •>»• .- >.'■■•. -' . ■..' ,i •■;■/ •■ ' . > l ; ■ ' ']-':'■'. nttl<\ Ml TaKg S'aucc |aMkiK vfith eV2iy coarse 11 - \ • ' HottHolbrook. ') I : ISrlpH H '• 1' ' " Put " few drO P in soiip-doesn't it give r \ ' ( i Ji'MmBS&SSL :■' splendid flavour? What, you (tad white fish rather I VlSl 19 y ''- "' tasteless? Try it with Holbrook's Saucel Andp , M , |. v ■ "'■ '■'-:*■ the joint and the cheese, a little. Holbrook's makes ;■ . . ] J -'.■'.'.:■'; allihe difference/- If you want to your ■ ■-...-. f j .' 7*>L /ip-v -" ifou*& of just "aitlng. them — tfkt Holbrook** . ' '' / ! A Ny ill.; Sauce with every course.'' . •-',''■ ,1 VV' '.Jf '''" * MadtanibtHikilnEngUmd. - 1 Holbrooke Sauce 1 - l HOLBROOK'S . ' ' HOLBROOK'S PUNCH SAUCE j}f WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCEi j;V')'? •; ' (In the M* bott'e'. ;'. iSyj : * mmmmmmmmmmMwmmmmmmmmmmm»mmmjmmmimmmmMmmmmmMmmmam^mmmm^mmmmmmm»mmnnwmmmmMmmmmmf i ( 'Safest and most -~ ," ~ ' v . "■■ .;.',-...-, "-..'usiS<>V;... I * : '6antleMrf{oinefot'^^^^^^^^^^^ij^^^^^^^^ Infants, Children, S'^o^@l^P*QP*^^^^^Kj| O i-ri Delicto Females, 1 W sWfkk \ I WtlW ', Z-n and the Sicbiess MJii f kvl fla O of frignancy. tBsWBKMmBSB^SSSStBBfI £SSO * i Jff\Xml 4 ' The Uuiversal Keraedy for, Acidity of the Stomach, ;-*,::.. j I _ Jjij Heartburn, liclujtofalonil&bur Eructations, Bilious Affections, (r^

■' '■■ "^T"*"— " mm " '■' ii ili I'lii"' il, ii l.u , ; ' mmmmmmmm \ ; jsgagsggggg "11 ; " h.iii ■■■ ' ; ' mil ';«■!,• —■■mmmm:■■ i— ■> ■OTTi—CT— TTTiya 11, lIIIIW Ui i■WffTiftJlllll 1 . fii 1111,1 'n'".' 7; v I: D flfc'i'fiiji I ">'■ Items 11 "^"^H i El ' Hit Dpeciaijieins m can be sored C *AlSr? ' )■ I , nil * I IBY1 BY Tttß StAfiVEl,LOXrs REMEDY it "I *« UJIIIUIDIvI Jf j : pllilil, VM II The real test of upholstery is.time. Conches and chairs ! OH MUiIHIKBiP'aUIIiJIIIiAIMI v'i'fl ':""•' -/aiidv springy,! that never -sag: or grow ■ | j f*k ' ' & iWI "■ I CHESTERFIELD SUITE, ' COUCH, PILLOW SEAT EASY CHAIR; TUB CHAIR, I 1 D (gUffiS, M* 1 I i I AND TWO LOUNGE CHAIRS. .-..,_ N | | MftSfilfWl ■•L ! l 1 Oak fronts/ spring seat'and back, Bounded back, covered in Blue or || |j Iff 4fl!iiffiMl 3 ' I rnviiriiit of : a rich Green- Moquette. 'A .' •■'«'■■'■• v i ' 'j"". 1 t ; ' o i-.' ■'•'■. Mauve , Fadeless - Tapestry, Very ; com- ■Bi H M EL' > fe^^SSSS^** I = dinary : care. Made to our special design »« » »»t t -P"«»» WW; ■•. . ■ , Ifl Thousands prove It beyond a$ *, H and our guarantee of thorough Workman- ,«,,,-..- „„.•,„. " S n .> Shadow Of doubt. ft B ship to back it—Prlw. *27 10s,i .. ." '. ' \, >■ ■ LYNDALE COUCH, ■ | 'This seeming marvel is performed St S B^'','. nn J.'i,.^i, ; nn..w,r'.»ui.rt ; TUB CHAIR,'' :■ •■" ■•"•''•■ -./.--/: :;/-:"*■.-.'-;.■■;. -; 1 S by simple means, :?: Our great remedy > B ••; ■ LARGE SIZED GRANDFATHER' ..';• ,V s ..'•'." •..;..• ■;- e ;^.,^, "■-~ . . ~,-. .'•'•;:.>" I, 1 ■ ~ , H heuroalme-Oiygena" '-*- promptly ■ 1 i. ■ , •■ CHAIR; ~ , , ;■ . d^^^: :lM^^^™^»a»^^Fto--.-h .■ , Hero's a, present worth giving. Fully Square ,backrcovered in. Mastic I Stmtawnt -gradually* rcduc«s.Hba>:: I 5 . 1 worth-giving. Fully ..■■: A delightful rest chair, and•^' Wn^-^ P S swollen .v/ioints/Sstraighteus \ :; the '•; j;; ■ ; ! pr ??S.i and covered with Shadow Cloth : with the colour scheme- of any room! %* r Mm, o w , l J^i.^, wltb . out 8 :.1?°?? 1 E £^ op « 5 fcack > »▼« healthful, restful iI Js »> ■*m : :Difll , Rpiei and .Green; A.rea11?..«% Only a'bright - cMioh''needeo>PrlG«i cour ~ Kf,M » on| y tll ' , '': t ' .sleep; jand'puts the suSerer once/, f i B)fortable^hemdsomo ! chair—Price,,£4/19/0. f4/8/., \ :■■■■'■,» ■ ■■■■'y^r'-vL'v\n^t : v a Mm -•into'-'petfeol'vhtaltS.'-v-v: •'•;-.; :V II- Dull 1 Rose and Green. A t really corn- Only .a ' bright cushion needeo>Prfee» -'The Finest Value Offering 3 deep, and not matter what is once .1 fortiUt handsome chair-Prloe, f Uiffi, «/e/.. a . T "' ~„„ Plniit V9llKl oltarfB _ I E mow into perfect health. 11,8 FlnMt Va,ua °««l , iW Ii I If does not matter what is the B 1 H -. ■ ', • ' ■■ ■■ " — t| I 'occupation, of the sufferer—we hare K 1 I Q ;■' ■■ ■'' :J - ■ . \ ' - '..i .■ ' \ HI relieved men and' women in every ■. B ■ | H '■ ML ~', " m : ~f% « jj-rt >« . yjt- Hi walk of life, 'whether they were ex- j: 6 H. : r ■•■•■',•. #il '.■■ ja'Jl ■^■^^ j »:- -i---_ •_ ; —'. ■■•--■ ■-•-■• ill;-- tf Ati -:^^.Si; v B I .posed to the elements or had no need'- I-: 9 - : A-M IB # 1 FOlllfC '■'■' ■•■■ :v - lf-'ff : t3 *% &BIUP ■'■ U r J?-we4 their feet. Nor does age count. -Ji i^ I i ' : '- U| '/^m"llLll' Wa ; ■■■' ■" OIL tL IrtlP Irk ■-■-:'. H I Some of the delated testimonials |:, I If -i ..-•■; .'" »■>>• WW '- w^,-'-'i"-'-'-.'. %fDt -:'■- ■■ «bm '■- '.•-'','! 1 v are from old men and women over 80. ;H. I Ha , " ■ •■ ;■: ."- '.'.;••> ;'•:■•:'..- . - ! -. : '-:■;.;•' ".-".'.'.'■'•-,' B I;; to whom, once more has been returned B'< Ifl • .. «m • '»*'•—» -'- ■ .' ; ' ! , '' t' , H 1 the 1 joy of life. No one can ippre- :I f I Furnishing Specialists, Queen St. 1 1 £CJs au ™'"« - I _J3 " Kueumalinc-OxyKena" works B BBBM iii naturally and DNJUiptly. and it is in ! I -—— ~;,,.,,,....—, • " ' ;■• ' ~ • /J l...'—.y:^-,!:::^..'- c ....■-.■•-..-.::;■■-,■' n.i..« „„. *■"-'-•-■■■» ;■-'■' ".-^-••■>w^.--.-.-, |no way harmful to the bodily tissues. ! ; 8 ;-211——^^-^--^l-—^-I^^L—-— 1 ■_ •- ■>:■ -:^-■■v.v■^.:^■■--^■■^^.-;^^!!™^■;'■"^"':^^''.. . g | -It simply, removes from the : system I '■] 1 y. ■ ,'.. -■-.■■■■■• :- ■ . ■~■;.-■■■ ,-■ ■ ■-'..' ™^^^^ m^^^^^^^^^^^ ***'*'***mmmmwmmmmmmmm\ e -'too;predisposition towards rheuma-'; [ .'• 3 i ' ' kl"Jlßa'i i^' ii* °«ie»A-''iaw*B*-4 T sm- It removes the cause and the s'" ! >-' ; ilh -j|v IMM ' ■■■'Ifi N %-J !■-:"■: ill 8 11L| I fljl/ !■■■-■ ■■■n?KSM¥ ; the, matter fully ma booklet en it edv : [ ; ■•>■• ■. ■" TT. .??T'*' . . /*.■■' -.. -^■*•.-■ p. sesi.': free, on application. if' the ena r/SgJg closed coupon is filled in and atS V " ,•' lhf 4 Rp°,t of I if? ifi' "Out in &* OriV»n" ■■ il i " < $ <aohe:l If you suffer Rheumatism S: | , , ■'-: V. * I,c Best oi 1.110 is uui in -tne upen. ,=-.... •; *wo '".i "* 6 sure will be- i ■ kit it' 1'- ■ ', ■ ■ .■" '■ ';'• ■'■ : _,■•'■• -:.•'■': . "■""■"" "-"-:■ .f^fe«fr^ll}i^ u ASte?ll il)rTllft/l!' 1 ;<he dusire'of yom-■ be cured.•.'•, t 1 M It you have a Bicycle you can go anywhere* The radius of your outdoor : ' IWE CAN CURB YOU. 6 Write I a m activities is extended enormously at almost nothing a mile. You can keep \~2TFMMIf I - i without delay. You "A cur no obligiv iI ,; I*R yourself fit and veil, bUild up a sure foundation ° health t0 8 " y > : I «" ™°» advico'^EEß ;S v - g through your old age. % |. CHABGE. -•. ■ .;; -:< ■;.-':', ■!¥ 1 i^£q^ llfc "' .' 1/rrh f IT* a tvttcn i-»twtt/%"«7 » rtr*n • ■ - ' I free COUPON. /.'! v S KV /Y : JVKfrK I HI I - ANr) r N 'If lY» I IFF I KwaV | To the- Dominion Rheumatic Owe. Ply.." 1 - 1 ItSjJ .; ; IVLiiJI Ail rUll/ 1 LiirJu i ■■". '' J BW|ffln\\| I " d " Hellaby's Buildings. Queen Si. | 1 -' ]Um«" ' '" '■ ■" W S C met 0 tart I■' r»wofcentttftcr^'^e-B^6n" a <^^^" I lOTwfc Corneal "' about \ Bicy ? k our "SKEATES" Popular No. lat £10 10s. is* fine BHK r^v%l^fei^°T^'s ;, "M ioiled ■ * 3 fIR//Wl ' machine - but vo have' them at prices to suit all purses from the ; #K^ : I 1 «n the M:w 3SA. 'SKH/'2™S ----^-L:V ! "SKEATES" Juvenile to the "SKEATES" B.SA.-the Best Mil ft\ I ! Nani6 —•.-.••.•.•..••■...-.......... IaOT -' '' Machine in * World-Price £16:10s. Terms arranged. <! ■ m'll\»| I \dd « '•:'■..■ f 3 ti^H^^9^/ ' or ec '?' Cycle Catalogue. Wc Pay' the Freight. % \X\ 1 vgsEsa > - ■^ t »'l-w"■',' '■ '-'-'.1'- ' -^B^^a' ; SKEATES & WHITE, : ' ■ -i======r^==: :1 "The Cyclists' House for Quality/* 48 FORT STREET, AUCKLAND. ' ffrS^^^lr^ I | lA. J. PARK. & SON, Ailkfrikej Pattat Aswtt —»rirw— ■"" ''■'■»»■«■■»——■—«— ■' '" ■■■"■■■-"■<r--n»—»w M gK 1 « P ».—», l >-.. [Bmp!re BnUd lngi, Aackland. Est. I8J& Ladies* Open Shoes , ' _^jH v'"v. •'■•' / Jwf Thiß li '*' dalnty ?' ac . ° pen Shoe » Up-to-Date Glace Derby Shoe, Pat -4jl|P' /'MSI PumP Soleß, Cuban Heels;- Smart ' Cap; Fair Welts, suitable for business *Bs^ : 'Wßwf " '/ JKI ' ' ' W ° rth ' our price 'or costume wear—< Q If* ' ErMeM Zflt ..,■■• v SEE OUR WINDOWS. . '' ' ' lamac A name Jv ia ' .'Opposite Y.M.C.A.. 'J*H| WT UallltJO iIUaUIS QL Vll«, Wellesley Street E. io/ fi

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LIV, Issue 16673, 18 October 1917, Page 8

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Page 8 Advertisements Column 4 New Zealand Herald, Volume LIV, Issue 16673, 18 October 1917, Page 8

Page 8 Advertisements Column 4 New Zealand Herald, Volume LIV, Issue 16673, 18 October 1917, Page 8