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-j i ■■ ' ■ ' ■ " .■-■■-- ._ „— ■ i ii 'i " ii i■ ■ i ...■■■• ' ' r-'-.'":"*-I hi j* tn_ ci -A■ ~~ v^m^T^m . Ladies' Open Shoes l"^^^T : f fmt™* h *4«iy-Gk« 0p« So*" 1- Glace Btsfcy 2*e, Stt . if /Mf Ponra Sofa, Cabtn Heck &oait C», Fair Wefts, salable for boben jftaSlSarF T , * / Mil ww & 2% poce— or eoifcsae weaf—*| #J //* wttMRSr Wm¥ SEJ? * : *. : ■ ■«. ■ ■ 4%*& #j» ■ "'I ■ > : *V/V ■■■ , -MWHrW-- - VlWr " Sfe* -Stasias- fetßSsaS < ; S '■■'■ k- : £t£tjw I SEE <XJR WINDOWS. , UfiwaOSsa&aati/S.PißS^ssß&j, g| I .pp? James Adams & Co., teSS* * 19/6 jl -^S^

FAOM A SHIR That Is about all the infisnnatim.:|| permitted by the censor, nevertheless M that vague intimation in Saturdays 1 Press sufficed to fill | fl9nBBBHflHB0HHDBilI! ' from the advertised hour of opening- 1 9 am. to the closing hour of SJO pit! i i all saving folk are advised that the Jj balance of these absurdly cheap lots f| will be "soli out" in a very short .-|| space of time. _ 9 SO SEE TO IT that the first thing after breakfast isl a visit to the ■ ■ M ■ : '11 I ■ "•■;•:,."• s.ziviT. •■■ - ■ ■-■■ - : '- ■' -"■"' .■ '-- ■'■'■'" ■' : '"-"'"". • lip | Thousands were pleased yesterday, i still these are more pfee others 5 •rt\-HtXTT - - s-.'-V-; ■''■>*' :"-:«r«3 . WBMB. jaa mwmfc. gasa ~ : laasuaaa «* 'f'^ BE EABLYI v- ; :.^f£f/V'* % > T ". • *' ■:^ :^:^^ " ill . : -'v -.• -. - •„■*« *.-■.-* *v,«- .—■-,■■ ,■ ■ -i3m -.!■*■•> \ / ,„, , .. ■ . • ,:. . .", .'■■..-■ ~-.. >- t ;.:.:^jr : v;. -- ■■_£ >"-. ■'- : -i;y-_t. . ... : J|•... -.V : ../._ - jt and. Sons,. Ltd., :m KARANOAHAPE ROAD. turn ■iiiiiiiiii M mwiiwiimii nimi—Man—«i—in I a Although we all have I|j 1 I to pay the Tea Tax, H 1 what comes out of the I|| I Pocket can be saved j | in the Pot by always j | I § using the | '§. '§ ■ ' BEST TEA- ' § ! ' "■■"-•v---.. .;. - - : . M Because LIPTON'S § ;• 1 themselves grow their i w Choice Tea, they can || |I give—and do give- the SI I Greatest Value on the give—and do give- the j j Greatest Value on the [j market. They can also 4 m * confidently guarantee 1 the Quality of every jll|| i spoonful . . . Enjoy jl | UPTON'S To-day! | I\ • - //b AT ALL L D "■/ leading xmocm m

KB Special Items Jj I in Upholstery [fl I H* ?kJ iei% d qfzehterf a fea GaadfeEs aal dote 19[ ' I , <£3& ia?p fcl a=d *&&%$, &ti art: tag c? gtov I I ' Ikhjdt, ire Sa atA i£ asd fia is fks csSy ,_i* I tsps ci sj&JiSaty tSsS h>«*as ©et &genxoe& Tear I *r*»! sl&elsas a to t£» Baal rfsdae»d eHBTEBfiEtII S»fTE, mm*. «UfiW SEW EASY CHAffi, TUi 6101111 AMD TWO LOONOE CHAIRS. Oai bes&t, tpssx. sa&.tsA Tank. %I!?Ul* £s> isoasy «saA sal oaEfeS*i£».«a«3« jse&Es&afeE. «"■»» ■ '■■* **wj* <Sasßy tanu Hid* to &m *a a »»-*«* w 7 ** I to &e& 3-Wise, 137 ttfc LYHQAIE 6«IICR. I inl mb rmaasi d tfessassfc wssiassa- TUB CHAIEL .«,«..- «-„«„ I *s &ei 2-frSM, 127 ttfc LTKOAtE CQUCH. TUB CftAlflL LASCE *«rO CBAKDFATHER - • I CHAIEL SfflSe jo s C&sssss?S3 fell ▼Si tatlySUAm&tt WSfittrWM ' Andrews & Clark 8 Furnishing Specialists, Queen St I ■La^^^^^T^^^^^^iaiaiaMaa— : - - - ll GET THE BEST OUT OF LIFE! 1111111 The Beat of Life is "Out m the Open." -^^^^IS^ j M If jot ttre « Bkjde jm ara «» «qn>l«m lie t»&» of rest eciicer fflSSteSFS^UWffl W Yea eaa keep KfJIJEzI&M J^*..,' Sep fit and enjoy LIFE! 'IK 2obm «a} ** °* ***"* Kcytk Oar *SKEAT£S" PoeslvHe. lai £0 I&. i««fee lVßf\ B»g??m». bat we bare tfeesa at eseet to safe aB ptrraea ftota ft* hVA\ i^nL^cte"——- "SKEA7ES" Jweisle to tfc< "SSEATES" B^A.-ifce Bat W| |ft\ M««±be h tie Woia-Price £16 Kk Tacis creigwL ePll\ ' ' ' Send far Sped*! Qyde C*e*Jofße. We Pa 7 die Frsgtt U] SKEATES & WHITE, "TleCycHiU'HffaiefwQffl&y;' FORT STREET,AUCKLAHD. g ■"— 'J" * a I RKEUMAT!Si j Economy in Shaving. 1 GAllf BE CORED 1 :: fr &eae canfcil time* wakefulness & cut of , . , w ™ KttTXUOTO RIFfWf 1 iation. Men are watefcxng tfce small leaks and *„ [ lie little dxibbKng expenses. They are saying K-SSMBgla l ' money ami saving time—vrhkh is true ecowany ' l"!liil—T*^l —ijy sKsvbg truOTselves. Tnoosanbs are - MttkV*M|fini ftdoptinf the tabrt of sharing with th« am F^ s V i»i f<* no cti« razor tppfals ton*&? to -fIMMI lfl 7 i2 Ctllßt£ gB vdFctr witfafwt uny tcrncii - i^^^^iDi^flUilflß^^lCK. *■ pA* Start yow ifcnriEg; economy ttbumhi —. «» k„„* _ -akare youmlf-fay gtaisj a GHltue ]j**3&. tiufct iv*aay. " : 'W&wk&Effl ' li£i;taeacaa ffiarrd is jjsrfeiEsi ■ Saul *»wyeVr* EritStlin.ic V '-■■- "■ fey dspla taeasa. Oar nut TKnait S , &BOFFKURCACOUUI. Gillette Stiodtrd Set **«» *J» tsmM^sacsy 1 1 SSyST asstfjßSfwssrf I&iKfcffE"**'-! Cfflttt»S«£«yiUz«Ltf.,L«s4o6,Eaj. —«faad R»»r,- Ki&SgMvi'ißMto ■ -iaep. ,s»i pals Out .asSarsofiea g J t..m ""''' JlTii"" ' "~—" citt»i G3fet» Hi*w (m ' taort 3 isto perfect oeiltfi. : I B"^* l^«»^^^Si^iwlWfll^fcfi9"^^^lP^H *l »ii»»« «4««1 TsaaaS uk 1 matter what b.flw 1 f:^ ss 1 . '„ veinnm^^^WKt^e^^ «*««*n« Cm* wafreo nsra sad wwatta a e>f«r a . . •<*--•<■■?• v -■• -■ --■-■-. - ... ■ . . ....■■;■ • ■ walk d lift, vbsQisr tier *«» »x- -to -•■■■. ■-.-,.. .. ...~ •.,:„.: v-». > *Tf ;•- •• . ~ ■ ,-.■■• • ■ • • ™ ' ..V p pc«d io th» aSeaanU or kiJ m I !»■■>■ sa■■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■'1 I toteiiaeir {eei does setoosat . I* M *'""" ~M,,' ' M ' ,,, " MM '""""' *'"*" , * M ' , '' , * ~l ; Soma of tfca ilsovUsl tsttißsaisili I 'I ,'." - '$'■' * I ! arefawaddiaea tadwsjascwrest R I • ■■.■•>, ' _- - 11 •■{ to Tftoa com # nw» bis bam tetoreM B ■' jesffik i < . ta» jo? « lisa. So ess can *?pxe- fl I r m* ajar ■• * ' «be» p«» «a3«»» I j; TheMuscleand %M { fc^ ,blßiofesate {! '•» •/• i» ■' ? ■ 3fa?yjfc>>L I !»?«*» tormfal to t>* iodSr tisstua. I I f «#>#* **#• /v(l/J?Ax 'S M ?> aaaph; wmoTsa-fron lh» «ntem S I LslTfZ Oi £1 A/ '/c S IE *?• l | -'*' l *sc«ti(ra rixracv |i *•*• f VM* •* W YA 2| I feaau It rs=ioMs fie eana» ard ft« 1 I" ; - AT VilSmirrt I ai/q! "I M *3«* mast go. We Est* trp'sined | I ' ««■ j Im r»l'f iKMI I I *F* "l**? Wlt ,:a ,* bcoMet entitled I 'l linf%&Aiel%\* m filfc.«K 'Iv><<l I 1 .■ <*• "Braken CroWi".which ba I I moßeiey if ! ■ «etl free en a ? sb»twn f il tha «a- I | /a 'l 8 do ** d ««y»a « Med fn asd at- 1 ' Ii m iWrpc <» I; B tac&ed. If 70a . coffer Bhensutizm 1 ' I " ryt (1 fI .1 lin u* quite rae that it will la 1 ■I a wl II -/'r*fl»m I I d* l ' l * r Mr te e 1 I I Vf C H If I ' I Bwe c.yr CURE TOIT. 1 Ii w fit if { Mi l 1 I «ith<n>t delay. X"oa incur bo oWig*. i 'i< W Ii [% g m I I %"*? dobs *■>■ Oar specialist I I « l // lit. M Ii H will srn yen his tine* FBES I I \ if ft J I 10P CHABOB. 1 l| m Jl 11 -J FBEE C ol^os 1 I, \*— EH I bTo tK« Dominion Btenmatia Cora Ptr- 1 ? I ." ll '■■" m" f ■ Jl AUCKLAND. . . ; 11 ' 1 Dear Sirs.— send ttajow frea { I ii ' book entitled "The Broken Crotch: A Xil , , I Most Interesting- Storj," as mentiontd I 1 FT* I in the &nr 7xxuxo Hksald. saA. I] ' Ihe muscle is in the tread. It is given [i »■» j|| to the tread by the Moseley mottled |! "*" ' 'ji rubber. This is the original Moseley ij k ~— , i mottled rubber. It is tough, it is almost |] HAED CASH i !j: puncture proof* || fob , ii '! » ' jj 81 . If , „ a . ... '! OLD DEBTS, j|i But the Moseley "extra speed with* i] jl] Cycle Tyre is not out effort" And j]' my safe and I!] only tough, it is this quality comes ji SSn B Sf'» •[i lively, it is respon* from the. Flexifort i! day. i-o-morbow i I . 1 ' xt « i . r « t . I THEI MAX BE I I sive, and gives the Fabric to Nation. § wobthless i |i I! [J || WHEN 2H DOUBT I MOSELEY 6IVE^Z WO ! |i i ROOM BROS., ' ■I i j ;|l For further larticulara and price* ask your nearest dealer l ( M and is, h.h. aboadb. ||] If you have any difficulty i* obtaining \\ qijeeX STBEBT. AUCKLAHD i | your requirements, please address ' I " «-*»»«• j|j Wholesale Distributors: . < jl Vhtw *"*' ; ii A. G. HEALING & CO., i — —• ;j! TORY STREET, WELLINGTON. jj "S n<w H 24 "" C 0 "™ ; Ij , I ' —~ i hcw.B. . . ,e*. || THE COST OP LIVING IS NOT j '■■■n..—»■■■■■« , uw .,..»aaaii' : j , INCBEASBD BX USING TItB ltJ --n —— — ————r — -'——r ■"——■-'p —»■"«-""■——'aa»aaiwa»- dKBI i/Ujrrisi!. ifauLua&aua. .. " -/ ■■»■'■ ' . WE HAVE MADE NO ADVANCE IN S •''■'.- ' I I -.-- PRICE >Jaa*MLV 8 ... . , ~ ;. i . ASK *oub gboceb fob OUB V*V I swaiiwaiiTriiTiTmTJrmTi" fn nil "FRENCH," "MOCHA"' AM) JmmSr SBHSffl^^A^Sw? 1 AIB-TIGHT brands dj ftwK?/ sTerrtafn- AIR-TIGHT 21NS. \§3?**S a j park a son SfZlal. THE BEST WINTER BEVERAGE AND gfc* B Opt!cisns, 218. Oneen St (nesr Vi .. ■ * ■ ■ -- - »£* SaWttm "Tt N , I J yHA '^.. 8 ,? AP A T PNTBIcININDm.TTJ), SxisTEyM of siTcolonrs in stock. Nautikal *•■*• Fna* and B«st for all A. U• V MJ and Sanaiors' instromsnti is stock and » LAUNDRY AND HOUSEHOLD .TEA AND COFFEE-MERCHANTS, ,Wf* . -* ' ' '. ■ PURPOSES. . ,'<•.? CHaTOJUi SXBSSS, AUCKtASA

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LIV, Issue 16671, 16 October 1917, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 New Zealand Herald, Volume LIV, Issue 16671, 16 October 1917, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 New Zealand Herald, Volume LIV, Issue 16671, 16 October 1917, Page 2