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.. • ' ■—_____«««——^ —r-' ; ; - RE-BIRTH OF THE NATION. < ~.- ~- ' - , •:.' .' - , • ', «'•** • •: This '-great;^pulsating/;sensate. thing we call the heart; of the world is. being stirred to; its depths as never before. _ By., what? An unseen force we call evolution— forco we recognise. on the surface, yet are afraid to probe to' its foundations, desiring, yet fearing;" the knowledge which'- would ' free this ; greats heart from all the ;< ache and pain. ' All this travail- and ■ pain are necessary : to the; re-birth of. a new and joyous heart. With naught but physical enjoyment and pleasure there seemed :no need to question ■ the deeper ! meanings of life or to listen to the submerged moaning half of the world-heart, but , a'; great . tempest stirring the most careless * into thoughts of the realities/Of being is sweeping over the, world, awakening by its cruel force the soul of humanity, awakening it to : a wider conception :of all the ' relationships which bind us here and hereafter. ,; At heart humanity,is but one-Mjne great heart beats through all; ; and a recognition' of this is the supreme meaning behind, all suffering.';. This cruel' war is. doing more than tear from us our dear ones:_ it is opening to our inner sight the certainty of continuity of lifo, and that love is immortal ' and continuous, >so that the groat human heart -is' not mocked in having its dearest possessions wrenched from it ; ■ but, . comforted by, the 'growing certainty that ..the sacrifice 'of life on the physical means its re-birth into the planes of consciousness, we 'can only ■'have gleams of here arid now. ./None can escape the evolutionary wave sweeping over humanity. !; The Testing Time.

; ■ Those who ; spared the -tense anxiety of having dear ones in constant danger are sent some form of awakening. Disappointment, ' disillusionment—an; awakening to the : reality. It is a., testing time with us all, and each one is in some way forced : to think and feel.' We have nothing to.fear, nothing to mourn over, for surely at the core the heart of {humanity is 'pure and: good, and, truly;,", we are all bound j about the "feet of God. by. chains of love."] The same great laws which holds the iters j to their course as surely'/ directs ours/ and we are coming to the time when we shall j no longer be taught the fear of, but the' love of, God. " Perfect love ? casteth out fear." It is; no metaphor, that we live in \ two -worlds here and now, and that, the un- I the great power behind the heart of humanity, • bringing it through'; cleansing fires of . sacrifice and refining experience to acknowledgment lof / the'? divinity . within, a consoiouspess of : which must ultimately I make the world beautiful with ; unifying brotherhood. £ This -war,and its toll of heroic sacrifice is a furnace out 'of which the: great minting machine of God ■ is.coining a new heart for humanity, for evil has no abiding place there, evil being merely a state of evolution,-; a .condition necessary. in the wheel of necessity .we call life. :■ ;.'.'.".;- 4; ;':-'.:':'';' : ;.:;' : ;7-= fi;: ;-;-./:;-'t:a''''V''';";', " : ' ■*: I - -,v ; ; Right and Wrong Ideals. v■■_' " j . -.The heart of each nation is governed by I a different stage of evolution, consequently widely-different ideals, ; : ; which cannot at I once be changed excepting by tho. baring of the; heart to the light of justice and. j truth. Wrong ideals may-for. a time seem ; to succeed, but when the limit'■ is '. reached, and the scales become over-weighted; the crash comes \ through tho unstable foundations ; giving way.: Then it is: pressed in upon the minds 'of; the builders ; the necessity "i of % studying :' the '. law in - rebuilding upon a sure ; andtrue foundation. The heart \of the: world ' is';over; searching for the ■; true/ arid "■ beautiful, with ever•ascending l ideals;' for the God. immanent in man. refuses all limitations, arid.its expanding, wings soar, ever.'. higher/;' gaining a wider' view of illimitable life. ; '* -.-The'.woman-hearted 0: the new' race holds glorious possibilities and responsibility/,, the waiting mothers are the coming saviours of humanity';.they hold the key to the inner life, y laying foundations \of moment'to our unborn generations. 1 ' Mother love transcends all other human love in sacrifices - and \ effacements, '' and ' their heroic share in the battle fori right is surely.) recognised, even by;, the ■ judgment . of her fellow-beings. Tho. source of her : strength .; lies /in -the, consciousness ; of, : a spiritual reservoir, from which we all may draw without limitation. The heart of the, world 'slow to unfold the life of its professed religion, which is no.'simple; and I direct/ arid until this: heart becomes "that of a little child" there is, small chance of I the entrance of heaven into it. ;.

".. The Heart, of a Child. ' The - heart' of a' child—how beautiful ■ it : is, unsullied by the I petty < deceits of later, life. It is always a touching. lesson to us this ; simple; faith: of a child; and - how jwe i aUlbvethe frank, often uncomplimentary, criticisms of unblushing, little ones, whose; sense of truth has, not •become clouded by a veneer of conventionality, 1 another name for humbug (to give it a mild title) ! Well, we cannot humbug 'the: grand permanent law of being, so'that at' long and last we must obey it, and know the abiding peace it .will bring.. Freedom and publicity of thought has never ■"- been: :so groatT, as ■■ at present, and ; education :is doing ■ much in' this direction* but' this great heart of the world is e'tUl dwelling mostly on the physical plane, " andl criticisms are /dealing almost entirely with exteriors, ; personalities and life r geneNi!ly, from its : least important side. '■ Even ! this grand \ blessing of; education is misunderstood, and is , mostly a cramming in Mid- not a drawing Only the education which • draws/down from, the higher self is of permanent benefit. - The thinking man is always educated..'" Thore is nothing either good 'or bad but; thinking makes it,so." Thus the power given by education, as/ it now is, causes mostly a striving / ambition for. material benefit and possesions, / and ' this much-talked-of equality, which is "as" impossible of realisation ;as that"of a first-standard child filling a professor's ohair. : > The ideals and moral Srmciples of our children is trie trub founation of beneficent, education, and > until this is recognised there can be little hope of • peace, and unity on \ earth. There ,; will be need for retrospect and patience on the part of all leaders of thought, a.looking back for causes -are bringing their effects, "because of past injustice." :> Selfishness has too long >dominated, and it m only when a harmonising interest :in : one another is established.that the, rising unrest and dissatisfied I conditions will subside :}' and ■",Burns'; ideal \ bo realised— "That man man the warld o'er /shall brothers be for a'- that." . The Hind of the Potter. /

Brotherhood implies;. close relationship,, and different ages or stages of evolution, and that . the elders ; axe ; greatly ; responsible for the /care, and iurifoldment of the younger members. -."The mills. of .God grind ; slowly, hut they grind exceeding small." 'is The grinding of the heart of the world is. in ./progress, : and'/we can conceive, when ;-: it has passed many through : the mill, ''amalgamation will be easy,/ and the Hand of the Potter awaits the, now condition out of ■ which to remodel and fashion a gloriously happy heart in . place of the /world's present turbulent, contending, discordant member. Not one of us is free from some share in- this furnishing of; conditions for the building' of /this itiew.Hyhblb'' heart of the world ; broken arid /' makes the appeal to one uw'i all, and, what is more the response ' will' be made almost before the ..appeal reaches individual hearts. We are ready for a", better world, and we shall have it. ./'. ,'.;■ : -.. ./'"-"' ; The great sea 7of consciousness in which we have our being/ has as ' its /centre; unspeakable peace, with which at rare spells we come in touch. There are moments when separateness of ; individuality is merged i. in; it, and ;wo live r momentarily on : these higher planes of peace and : har:. monv. The heart, of the world is not detached ;" merely/ clouds of; gloom . and de- ! pression .obscure the /higher^light; for a j time;s through the action /of "the/ lower selfish .desire..."We shall all win Homo, be ffie road 7 long/ant winding ? l or /direct .arid I straight/., and ;; perpetual.: peace, is ; the, (promise for;perfected humpity,,, ," / j v". •'. i ': "•' ": I<x:,BzxJyx%y:y^ <x- :: -- Wk^: : S{-^^^^K!^:^.v^ ■:::•■■ .;'■.', :;- ;:•:*;■"-.'■. ■:;•;•. X-:'. - : x-''x--■■■,., ■;■■■-.■■■ ,-X : ; : - x

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LIV, Issue 16669, 13 October 1917, Page 1 (Supplement)

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THE HEART OF THE WORLD. New Zealand Herald, Volume LIV, Issue 16669, 13 October 1917, Page 1 (Supplement)

THE HEART OF THE WORLD. New Zealand Herald, Volume LIV, Issue 16669, 13 October 1917, Page 1 (Supplement)