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IffiM -^il—: We cordially invite Inspection. I * : Showroom Display of I ]| \Y/; n 1 .... we are making a comprehensive Cctton Fabrics ' 1 I' w* * r<* Ik mLarmirmn "* dll UUI VV lIIUOWS f]ic n L v n f M pw Spain's FaKnV* INCH ENGLISH WASHING CREPES, in White, I I JfIMIBH/ Fl AINTY (1 ARMFNTS display or new reason s aoncs, Pale Pinkt Sliyi Lemon) Grey( Brown( and Black i | i UAinil unnmuuj =: vet with this weat assortment of m yard - E * ceHent va,ue " 1 pHHUHV 4 y el ' Wltn lfllS I^l SSSOrtment Or 40-INCH POPLINS, all colours. 1 1 inspection of these exouisite models different materials taken out there is still a fresh rlisnlav of fahrirs in 40=INCH COTTON gabardines, ail colours. | WILL BE A DELIGHT TO LADIES. UlllClClll IlldlClldlb Id&CIl OUI UieiC lb bllll d lieSll Ulbpidy 01 IdDHCS HI WINCH SAN TOY CREPES, in Pink, Blue, Black, I i mir DiYxk Dpnarrmpnr and Brown. ! 1 1 'izSHrjjkj ~%5|5 These have just been received, and are the product uul I * eSS i/cpauurau. 28-INCH BURV'OOD SUITINGS, for Dresses or Boys' | \ i L#Jdlii?aJiHre « nd Paris'. 8 1 exquisite" C just 8 begins to It is without rlmiKt tliP k p( ,i. pr h nn nf Summer Fahrirs wp 40 to 46 ' ,INCH WHITE PIQUES, all qualities, I ! describe their daintiness and charm. The workman- ll 1S WllllOUl OOUDI me DeSt Selection OF Jlimmer TaDHCS We 40: INCH VOILES, in the newest and daintiest ? ship is such as to excite the instant admiration of L„,,« ~«i „L^, ir „ „„J LJ,'~„ „L.~,,1J C„J l>~v~ „„„„„ v~«,„'v™«™,4. IL., colourings. I i HaKiifißß ladies who appreciate superlative skin. This exclusive nave yet shown, and ladies should hnd here every requirement tor 44 =inch mercerised muslin and crepe i t shipment is distinctly "out of the ordinary," and as *U Am c*lvAC ™J *U«,'« U A „- A k A ' MERLES, in all colours. I | I jgIBPpiKSPBI the number is limited we advise early selection. lliemSeiVeS ana Uieir nOUSenOIQ. 3MNCH FRENCH CHECK GINGHAMS very * 1 | matrons' black silk and voile coats. We purchase direct from the leading Manufacturers, carefully w n 1 I i BBfeEfllTinlV muslin and voile blouses. j ... L£ L . , ~, , Woollens, i I 1 iHnVill C « EPE DE chine and georgette blouses. selecting the fabrics we know will appeal to our customers every 42 to S( , INCH LUSTRES AND SICILIANS. \ I iltHpßlßwH MODEL COSTUMES IN SILK, POPLIN, AND material Ap tact nmmrnklp pvph; rlecion and rnlnnr the latest anr! scinch FINE Panama suitings. 1 1 * iHHwSSmH "grograine," black and navy silk. mateiiai me Dest procuraoie, every aesign ana colour me latest ana newest spring shadings in gabardines. I 1 * MODEL FROCKS IN CREPE DE CHINE AND Smartest 56-INCH CREAM SERGES, GABARDINES, in Cream ] 1 | crepe de chine and To walk through our Dress Department is a pleasant way of Silk Voiles. I I llhSmKwi shantung. keeping in touch with Fashions latest. Experienced assistants are always M beautiful colourings in this popular and pleasing | I i llHaVKlrll There is much else to see in Ladies'and Children's j . • fll * f 1 . • ' 1. fabrics just arrived. \{ & I 1 AwR W serviceable wear, all goods being of the latest and most ready to glVe lUll mrOrmatlOn, DUt mnO CaSe IS any One preSSed tO Winch wide. 7/6 yard. !) I I RlflffilffiP*'ltltßmlP^ lff fashionable make. Inspection is invited, but in no . L These have been scarce for some time, and we advise I ;| ' ' 1 ' 11111 ■ ■■ m mm&mmmmuMmmm ■■■■■■■— 1

ff— ■ - ■ .. ,„■■ " ■■■■,■, -■• ■ ■■ .- >:,■-■ . ; —i *= . . — m : ' ~ .■■■:■■ .- ~ '■■■ > - '• ' i There's a Life-Saving Power about | Bronchitis Cure , that raises this remedy "right out ,^^^ of the Ruck. Read this and reflects '.^ln^^m^^^mL "When my little girl was 3 years old, she contracted "Measles- upon which supervened Bronchitis,' Pneu- ZglrJ "monia and Congestion of the Lungs. She was attended - J jjflfit "by a Doctor of high standing whose treatment however /BBK|"^* l fr X Jfjf&Whs. I ' "was not successful. On Saturday, 21st October, he fij\ "" "said that her life was in danger-that there was very gslg "little hope for her. For eight days and nights she had Iffijmf wlr J5Pa "been prostrated with Cough, Pain and Fever, and {[mm 7\&\\- ] "was lying like a statue, Unconscious. At this /§§£»' /^^^^^^^Swi^ | "stage, I was persuaded by a friend to obtain flfeSSS' ' S^Kll^^KWw^ 1 "Hisarffie's Bronchitis Care, with its auxili- ypySß' \ "^^^Simnßßm llHS^i "ary medicine for the Fever and Congestion of jjSlfi/ \ "the Lungs, as directed in the Catalogue Jtmffl ?§1 \ "oi Medicines which accompanies each /|lg§s /\\ "S U \ "improvement from the First Dose JllF jjfs l . 1| %hPh Jlw "of Eearne's Bronchitis Core. -aJfjlp ' ft '^BW^^Bi DANIEL GARDINER, // /if If If WWm^^ Meredith. // |I|jf// It S? Price 2/0 anM/6 V A | i/ Kla W. G. HWume & Co. lUi. )l P lH(\f I ncM,T>,J 111/ ' v,ctoiba i^'j.Vi;-"v.-. j& ' . LZI. — ——^———^»jm , ! :, r' \ ' » BEANUH OFFICE* KBNWKPK BSB WHHW COJU-OTBaBK, JWEUdMOaJOS

flk& .Ladies' Open Shoes . 1 IB Thiß is a dainty Glace Open Shoe, ' Up-to-Date Glace Derby Sljjoe, Pat W 1 Imm Pump Soles, Cuban Heels, Smart, Cap, Fair Welts, suitable for business . . ■Im W ' | /mm worth 28/6, our price- or costume wear-1 A/g , |WW ■ ' I /Jfif 22/6 SEE OUR WINDOWS. . . jj|l SI '' [| mW I_~ AJL M A 41 Pi* Opposite Y.M.C.A.; ®P^" : <- jj James Adams & UJL *<&** Street E. - 9 / 6 /- I

■ I mm =-' ■ *"" ggjSß ||1S I Make it a real pleasure, F[ A I be it long or short, by j m | equipping yourself with; 1 m | JUST THE THING : . 1 jj you need, so easily select* i I ['■ H \ ed from ouy list of !':■'■ m II Travelling requisites. Note I ' m I the following: \"f H m 1 SOLID LEATHER SUIT CASES, most durable and well made, t \\\ II I , fitted with nickel-plated locks, leather reinforced corners—! ; jjj I w I 23in x 13in x 6in— Price, 52/- each, h ' S I 26in x 15lin x 7in—Price, 59/- each, .? I B LEATHER KIT BAGS, well made- • j M i 14in 16in 18in I IS | 30/. '35/- 38/6 each. | hi 1 FIBRE CANE TRAVELLING TRUNK, best made, fitued with 1 j 1 | brass locks and keys— '-•'SB 1 30in 33in 36in 39in arches. ! ill I £6/10/. £7/10/. £7/15/= £8 /5/., j 11 I FIBRE CANE CABIN TRUNK- I D 1 30in 33in 36in 1 II I £5/5/- £5/15/. £6/5/.. | H j LEATHER ATTACHE CASES, nickel locked key to each- fI M |12in . 14in 16in l&in j \ i S 14/. 16/0 18/6 21A. 1 §1 I GREEN CANVAS SUIT CASES, nickel-plated lock and key- [ H !20in 22in 24in 26m 1 f§| 15/- 16/. 18/. 19/6. I m I GOOD RELIABLE GREEN SUIT CASES, 26in, nickel-plated ! I US g locks and keys, leather reinforced corners— each. \ I % ■ KHAKI CANVAS SUIT CASES, fitted with brass locks and keys- I I !l| i 20in 22in 24in 26in 1 mi I 15/- 16/6 18/. 19/6 each. f| jjj . J COMPRESSED FIBRE SUIT CASES, well made, very durable, 1 I S I brass locks and clasps rj E;-' ! ;£ | . 20in 22in 24in 26in 28in I{ H j 47/6 52/. 57/6 62/- 67/6. | |j§; I VERY STRONG, WELL-MADE CABIN TRUNK, 33in x 20k x I jjj I 12in, Khaki colour, fitted with 4 protecting bands—s7/6. | LI Orders should be accompanied by remittance, including | j I||l 1 freight. Prompt attention—quick despatch. j m .inwii _- t |f|| I co., ltd. f vm I QUEEN fjWBT, AUCKLAND... \ 4 '

IHaKeaTMeofWhy I I Give the Best Service I II THE CASING-The Strength and Quality of the Canvas used In. || I] "" Dunlop Motor Cycle Covers ensures you freedom from bursts and ji I annoying tyre troubles. Ample strength is jj|£3& II II embodied in every cover we issue to carry you tJKk || 1 || thousands of miles over the roughest of roads. jS-Kr '|| THE RUBBER TREAD.-Only the highest grade .. jKT\ 1 1 ™ Rubber is used-and plenty of it Light* \ 11 I weight covers will not stand up to hard K\W M , , ] 11 I .riding-on our roads. Thafs why \iks ujfl\\ 1 1] "Dunlops" are so popular amongst wW ffiffllk If I motor cyclists-ample rubber is provided WkKll/M HI ' II to guarantee you a big mileage. Iff [■•WORKMANSHIP. -Our reputation AlHllll\ II II depends on this, and as we endeavour ' /liSyil'|ll\ iff II to make every tyre we issue a standing / i mojul L - II advertisement-you get the benefit IMP tlllSL II' 1 THEREFORE REMEMBER JSaKA ffllk 111 IT PAYS TO USE "DUNLOPS." \\ II Stocked by all Leading Agent* in B^^^S^OT Kv-l 111 "GROOVED,'' "STUDDED," lmM\'iWfflW 111 ' " RIBBED " and" LOZENGE" jfflfVJl W'^feHSi ' WI I Patterns. LisU on Application imfll^^l^X'jn^^^^^r/ 111 'DUNLOP RUDBER CCt lH^Sl^^ If . Melbourne, Sydney, Adelaide, PtPtd,, -^tfrnfiJ jßtr\fi\ W jTO^^^^'^SiflllflE^L^"'^** I Brisbane, Wellington & Chruiohurvh ' 1// //'/If I •^Sv^SjH^M'SSl*-^'"^'-1 Thoughtful Dairymesi^^^^fo a who work to obtain the max!- Wi%''! mVW]!lw I mum of profit from their Dairy wiwEimmMiA I Hereto, know from practical I experience that its pays to sysI tematlcally drench each cow WUjr^^s^Mw 4%s} after calving with SYKES'S DRENCH.I | Road what a Prominent Jersey Breeder says: m m Amongst (be most prominent and successful breeders of Jersey m I cattle in New Zealand, Mr. E. GRIFFITHS, of the Honeyfield Jersey [I I Farm, near New Plymouth, has long been counted. The New Zealand flj i Government recently purchased from Mr. Griffiths a handsome bull to H | head their pedigiee Jersey herd at the Rtiakura Farm of Instruction. § I Though troubled with abortion four years ago, he says "he has not! I suffered a single loss since using Sykes's Drench and AbOr- I I tion Powders and Drench, Before and after calving 1 I every cow is drenched, and later on before service i 1 the cows are treated with Abortion Powders." p I It costs 3d. to Drench a Cow, 1 1 Price: 16/- doz. Packets, or 1/6 a Packet. I m. Better buy it by the dozen. | \| SOLD EVERYWHERE. 1 I Each Paonet of SYKES'S DRENCH contains enough for two doses, 1 | SYKES'S DRENCH ANNUAL-FREE! Write for it. 1 ii :

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LIV, Issue 16669, 13 October 1917, Page 7 (Supplement)

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Page 7 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume LIV, Issue 16669, 13 October 1917, Page 7 (Supplement)

Page 7 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume LIV, Issue 16669, 13 October 1917, Page 7 (Supplement)