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'- v = ' _; m . • • Fast Dye Navy Coating Costumes .■■ v ; ..-. •- ' | ■ ; -*Ih| ' 1 JEut jjßfc) JJmk* ' specially Priced at 75/.-- Nav y Gabardine, .± A Good winter '' M .-.; I' ; -ffeT.'^Sf. V' '' ■* & / There are three important factors that render the Costumes 0/11 for 5/0. \±J /" OVerCOat. ' I *SJB £ i" = :|" ' v : ,r: ■■■"' ' / \ / depicted more than usually interesting. Firstly, we emphasise the .xtfvUN*-* - A^pid = : \ "ear '■/'' /K J / *1 I / \LA fact that they are of a thoroughly dependable and absolutely FAST For Costumes or. {Separate Skirts there //ft 1 ~..«-, = * •■■■■= " ; -J "1 ' . VS T -3U \VA- ,^i: *V-T t «AS«£» B ' b S /xM - Usually 75/.. * |j£| = • >{ /> ( >4h<-..; \7/ . t \jfm N i ' ' '<*& ness of CUt ; and excellence of finish; an <> lastly, to the price, for. 5/6 per yard on Monday is of nice . //J - A '/ ' I>' ■ s'V' \ /l\^' v ".'•'.' , m \\ // ' X MI W " V'lf though they would represent good value at 84/- they 1 are being weight, in Mid and Dark Navy. 4 -—tslv I EU-. CA/X € : « "| . V %[P X "-i. '?:* ■™' f V offered «at the special price of 75/.. : .Width, 48 and 54 inches. . ' TOf 59/0. p^SS ■ 1 ■ M2O ? - '•■', : *. K»o ' ' '""'■• M 220 Mas ° ■ Other styles in Fast Dye Navy Coating, finished cable stitch. - __~ jE?o" " If ■ I 411 E . i. v \/RI VET Mill IMPDV tog, are showing at the same-special price, 75/.. Cream WinCCV. £3) . II This is what we offer in our Men's Sec- E ..,.-'$ = li *-v VCiLVLI ITllLiL«lllEtftvl . _. • *' I ! 01- -1 tion next week. It is a Double-breasted pSf 1 = • '.dCr-afc' : £21 «=«?«W <l/n 4 o/t < * I/* * 1 L J I Coat, as illustrated, in an All-wool Tweed t -.|<T = HUH i em uiH.^.HHh M a. m <.i.f.i. aM . -s=fßp • ' "* and z/ll ior 1/1 If i\ / of Rich Brown shade - Lined through • f .■ . = HuH Is much In vogue and these smart shapes V*/ V/V ' ! **&r ! / / and finished with button belt at back. I._ § 8188 have all been specially Priced for Monday. /ft /}/ ;* K$ .n« bi {f saving on such useful -[ / L I '18% 3 mm F' V K ' A;\l \\ /AX J 1 A'X material as Wincey will be much ap- •/ . / 1 ANOTHER WARM TWEED COAT, ' c = ■■ *?>*» •£=«►« ■ ■ > ■ / I V Vl I 1/ ✓ I V ■ /T/ >1l predated by careful buyers. It is un- / / I 11 TTanallv fiQ/fi iq Sneriallv Pric«l at — - "-' - E*V *?% M2OO-A V:ERY SMART SAILOR SHAPE, the brim being wider at Bides /\\ A A/ \\ /hVs V drinkable and admirably suited for j IBM J2S y 'iJT'aSo a'DoubleTreasted fc = 5 ->» / than front and back. Finished braid and band of .Corded Ribbon., In '/ A \\l /A \ (-JI \\ / « Blouses, Children's Wear, and Under- TT7-T — - Coat in Grey or Fawn shades, and = : '®P ■p Black, Brown; Navy, Dark Green-U/«. • . ' (-/ ft) J I AA-tA T/ \U I /A\ garments. If/ may be had lined or unlined. .fc -'^| 1 J • \ M220-A NOVEL SHAPE, very suitable for young ladies. The. brim is. uYfl "I ft \ • 'tis fl\\\Y / VflToA \ C r*t\* Ha PhlflA ' M-4 MEN'S EVENING DRESS SHIRTS, = ,{V : ' = • "*"«»«». 3 "* B '" sharply turned up at back and down in front; finished with Ribbon Wy// I ttV/ "° V\ / l* |l\'4 Vl CpC UC Will llCj W Hi Pure Irish Linen, front and, cuffs. p "®^ = ' Streamers. In Brown, Black, or Navy-12/6. W\\ \ IvT**. \IA < vMv !\ V\V\ \ eW Sizes, 14 i -to 18-Usually, 8/6 and - =3)f.V = «» ' " " [■ IF 1/7 1 / JBc? 6/6 for 4/6 ~ - * 10/6 * ****** 5/11, | - = M240-A VELVET SPORTS HAT, ohtainablo in Black with Coloured Bind- />p±jL=l==ff( U !_J.--rr i \ ' UJ-Hl ' V/V IW t/Ui | _ «^fe - ing and stitched brim, also in Self, Brown, Navy, or Green— / JTlf [ 1 \ \/Tfl 1 1 I / if' •111 m. t11•*« • L «i * = = ■ i < »..-....»«> ' /II It 11 /J/ 11 I / l\ The popular fabric for Dainty Blouses ———_-_-—---———.---—-——__—___ = . ■•■■{■, - »rorn » imnn TiTint o»ttati Trim al • »l- i. , ~, „ / // . II ft \ //I 11 V / i ill and Frocks; 40 inches wide. In Sky, — —■ ■ '■ ■■ • ■_■ — '"B^^ 3 . kJmMMS 51250—A WIDE BRIM SAILOR HAT, the brim of which may be slightly /V 11 \\ /II I' \ / I \\ Ni?cer, Violet, Navy, Dark Navy, rV - 3 iMiiilliil 11 tilted as desired; finished binding and narrow band of Ribbon. In Dark 111 \\ 111 I" \ / I 111 Brown,' Canary, Cerise, Golden § J = '^& | ' Brown, Black, or Navy-21/-. /'M |\ /■/ p't / I I Brown, Nil, T»ngo. " Sister SllSlC S _ 1 ''iA I. *^^^^ *& _ M260-A BECOMING SHAPE OF SUPERIOR QUALITY BLACK HJj ' VjJ \*S <JJ L/ QfllH- IT jMH^ 1 " [] 1 ,~.^ - 'V ' v.-* vJ VELVET, the high crown being a notable feature. Binding and band of —— &" ■ rrrni ITTiY a/* * it •«• 1 IT* ' lr~j -JJ = '&.£&% - = "'■'xy : A , - ' Black Ribbon-16/6. , • , //I , . M A Smart Veiling, ' . „ '~..„. '. > Llw/ I - - ' /fVs— Hkl W "- 1/ 0r . ° is really » novel knitting bag. | V | E ;• • c = ' 7 1 // '' ■ ,^ fc^.^^^"^^^"^r a - V a 5/11 for 2/11 vd Uffi-fifaSS I I ':"'■! . = IJ ,//) . , . and band of Self Colour Ribbon. In Saxe, Navy, Brown, or Green- ( .V W \J) .O/ll IUI A/ 1 * ing of Red, a Tiny Bovr Tie, f J = j\ ti '—' /' // ' I * / *' 232 i„ not mL . . ~..,„,,„.,. , and Pearl 'Buttons- Ties at | &>. <?.,*• 1 - i '■'■')- =•• ■ 4 V ,—„ ffl^h.d« D %.ilorColl«. ~„ »„ lt « , . back 901-I n thJLrt Costume.' This s a fashionab Black Vei ing of ne,k with cord;. 12 inches deep V *'"#*' \ = « - ' ' M 2 7° | as»-J[he deep Sailor Collar. 182-Wrth Box pleats back 901-In this Smart Costume. F ine Mesh deßD T v embroidered in necE witn opro,. W incnes aeep | q, \ f , = BBTn the new Kanearoo Dockets and front, and the deep which is especially suited c-, mu ' J aeepiy emoroiaerea in —Price, 2/11. \ DtW 3 - ■*'. ". : ' . E V- ■ i\ ■ and fllncy tabs on cuffs, ' lor collar with lope roll for young ladies' wear, the Oliver llireaa. .•'"■' V J _. o"S|^ - ' *R§,C' are features to note in this front. This Costume is sailor collar. Kanearoo *~' " r- " lllttWiy _. = • '""" * JILS' ■'••»' Costume. It is loose- particularly smart. Note pockets, and cuffs, are ' — •'■ = ..... w+ m>. t* *m a fitting, and has a strap the novel pitch pockets. finished with .cable stitoh- /v««-» A A* P*M~-r. - /?*N — . = '-=!>?* ■= ■ 4 Ran?e of Ladies % For Little Oris, sMk laws fe£g d - Nav * Crepe de Chine Collars gg = = ; fli i\MUgV Ul IvUUIVJ ll Coa,tin«r. finished cable 75/.. I*-/- nAI7/ ,, mnrrtr = ' •■< »'= ' ' / J\ _ - . Btitching-76/.. A smart sailor shaped collar of best \*l 'ROYS IricSrY = '-^fflß - C i IT J ' ~ L* ' / lA VjflA Th«»e linpc that nfiirlanf : : ' ! : " ——— quality French Silk Crepe de Chine, I -' vy * i»ui\UL(i _ = Sample Underwear, to thM Three L,nes that prudent n am a<!tnnth<atnrices »/?»" l S ,| T i « li /\ = - ;; i = ■•■■•■ VSVl«|i parents win not overlook. uamasKUotiisatpnces __ dm JSts&WSTvSr-iSr /l l\ SUITS ' E 11 be Cleared at Very low f CHni)BIN , B SHOWERPROOF much less than usual.. ggJ|L _.. ■—. \ 7 i«m w 0/ , I: a = - ; *~.;.,.;, ' I / • in • serviceable Fawn shade of cloth, They are Nice Quality Cotton Cloths in YlClOrian DOII(|UGIS ] f lt)/0 lOr IZ/O. = ■ : ' = f PriCeS * ' 1 " I made with Raglan slaves, Military handsome designs, with border all round. , ' -»_—4 = • -^ila: : ''= * ■• * :L : ' c " ' f fl ■ Collar, and .broad waist belt. Sizes, 58 by 68-4/11 for 4/6. A much sought for Dress Accessory, V?r] They are All-Wool Jersey Suits with 3 '■• = . v : V':Vi ;::■ !-- ...-■ ,I||B| . and smart useful colourings. Sizes COTTON UNION DAMASK WlltdnW Hnllnniic J ' * =" * -Q •: = •■•:•.,'•'. -.:•'. ,'X, ..•.•■-,.•■', ■:-,■ ■lV / iv ''YiiniHrl fc/.„« 9 «««, «a K.™.» n.«.il„ VIETTES, dinner sires—Usually, 7/11,^^ l «*j lfc .' ▼V.IIIUUW 1 lUlldlllib /I l\ * = -.iv^ =- An early selection is advised, as the ■ OOHB - ' 7 2 toSi Sta 8 / 6 ' 9/6 ' 10/E), 12/6. W' 1 iScH SERVIETTES,-' D . ' , ' 5 : — = - "? - v;= garments are of excellent quality, and will .• j j jjjlJ Pnced, 17/6 to 23/6. Special Price, Prices, 1/11,7/8, 7/11, 8/6, 9/«, 10/9. A Oualitv usuallv sold ' Buying heavily in Blind Hollands at ~ " rJ||l D| f, . .. . =~: -V-,- : = :-/i readily: purchased at the ! Low, Prices |H ' 16^1L t> I . I\ , « at 2/a Vo spLialty th ° °« of war enables us to quote WhCI. filling Blanket needs remember = ' '*\l I they are marked. ;■ ' "■ ; \|Hw CHILDREN'S ALL-WOOL NAVY BLUE . ' PUN M DMWSto. jjWTj* 2/6 dozen for .. 1 for these goods at "" the many desirable qualities Ot the I 4||| ■■-■.."•: ~ ■"■-:%?■■•"■-■■■-••■■''* -- : .;' '--•■ ." , •■ BLOOMERS, with elastic waist REMARKABLY CHEAP. ' " '_«,_«, »-. ' - ' ' ■ 1 LADIES' GREY WOVEN BLOOMERS, ' Pj|||i $™ '•' W» 4 Mj«i- Th|p oSoring ;' com ised 0 , 30 piece, of Damask that are imperfect in . .^™ N BLIND 32iM . "golden FLEECE." hhi - M)««f2M» forM Inascftwarm I tHHK Usually, 4/9 to 5/9. Special Price, weave , but they aro of PURE LINEN, and. at the very low prices they are Widths 24 26 28 OT 32 ins. UV " = _ 3/9 and J/11, lor J/3, ln a sen warm ■ j/H. mM ked for Monday, offer a buying chance that may not occur agan for a vary Usual Prices 1/14 1/2 13 m 1/4 . = = texture, very comfortable for the cold J Cf tim^Usuai y pdcS,4/3f 4/9, 5/3, 5/9, 6/6. Special Price., 2/11, 8/9, Special Prices Bid 1/9 ©id lOd 1/- j Made from the highest grade wool, they are of full weight = I weather; with elastic'band. In me, j WIT "^% IP-, S a % riceß &* g' E™' and « 2 e, and for vdue rem.n q.te nnanrpaased. = | - ~',■', Ueual nces 1 ' 4 5 I'sz1 ' 5 z 2' l The golden border gives them a rich appearance, and they = , = diuni and large sizes. . *&%&jr •. ./ v —.-.. «....«.«....».....«..-...» — ..«...».«. -, a ——, / Special Prices l/l| 1/2 1/2} 1/8 never go soger when' washed, ' =-' ■ ' 'I LONGCLOTH CAMISOLES, 2/11 for POST ORDERS for these specially priced goods will receive T I ]11/■ II MIT 9I U AV/IPC I PS'- 1/S iS tS i™' ' PrfCW of " ° lden Fleece.". V 'I C = • 1/6. "They'..™ of nice shape," in' moat careful and prompt attention. f IVI I I l\l I /VljllllYtXl SSSS' l?ft l?d ifi ' -' 9/4 SINGLE BED-S3/6, 25/6,26/9,29/9. ' S:". = ■ medium size only. - Trimmed 'with V All the lines are" well represented, but as the price savings jITJ Ml 1M (A VI IV I Vm! Widths 38 40 42 45 ins. 10/4 THREE-QUARTER BED-28/6, 83/6, 34/9, 39/9, 66/3 = -•; • ~ • -lice Ind \* ' " "v, 'Z;i-£L' ' ■ :_________!i2llJ • Usual Prices l/6i l/7i I/ 9 V ll H/4 FULL 39/9, «/9, 69/9. = v O."', = Wee or_ ianoro ana ~__ . --^-- ; - . . ; 1 M . w ■ ■'■' --J- Special Prices 1/4| 1/6| 1/6| 1/8 '. 12/S.LAEGE to 83/9. r• =." : = headings. " - . We Pay tl» Postage, ; Queen. Street, Auckland. ' U! -" ? ■ ' BLANKETS FOR '.«*«" . «»■ AND COTS-l/9 =^$8 | ~.'., rr r — -T7- Queen Street, Auckland. • ■«— .. : , J .. ■ .. - .. toss/6pair. ■•■••' = fJ ; SI .. R_ * ' : I [ I ! 'if i'i ■ »>■■■ .».'■■■..■■>.■ ■■■■m■■■'/■ i-r iniiii 1 »iniiMillllllllllllllllifllllllllllllllllll1llllllllttlllllllll(lllllllllllllllllllllHlrilllll1IIIHIII111111ltinilflllHril>imilllllllllllHlln m hhmmimi jiiiiiiminmiliilimiliinmiiiTT.T,™,. _ - ?XSMM

gjjjpjptllllllllllllllllll L-■ ■ ~ • '■■- fiAn l^! 11 ! 1 ! A A A J.H.PORTER&GO. piMiiPiiil IfliOcwU.: ; Oar exceptionally low price* (not withstanding the great advances J which have token place in the warehouses) are drawing the bargain seekers and the prudent people to our Mm NOTED BARGAIN STORE !S§ : ' ' ■ '■ / '.'"" ' ■ ■ k On Monday «i | A !Lwm« <U,s ' YARDS STRIPED BLOWINGS, I*4 V ; ttyi,.;. ettours-For 1/11. .1 > <_».».' *««••«.• »U nUiitrf I YARDS OREV, PINK; 'OR -FAWN !; .we are ottering the cnapest ; storm flannelette-fct 3/11. - , I ft A l -.'.""■ J YARDS CURL MOLLETON, in Pink, lot 01 x« tuu, White, « Sky-Far 4/1. .- S I YARDS STRONG TWILL PYJAMA . TABLE MAPERV CLOTH-FeY 4/11. > TAHLfe WA»*tllT. 1 YARDS FRENCH TWILL FLANNELWs war aecured Exceptional Quail* JTE, Pink. Sky. Pawn, or Brey-For «^ B -** Mu,l » wished, and at Bargain 3i YARDS BTI , OHO WINCEY SHIRTING. S TOTH^ 6i AFT " NOOH TEA •YA^.WnWlWS^^f'A ■ aKjfEff SHOWROOM BARGAINS, uK fXEfeiini ?iSa iHt Merv. and jap. silk and Crepe do China, pmN^LA^RUNNERsI-'-"'' •"' •»•** plain and fancy.- Very large assert«i«li/ii?srf a/i*"Naw 1 1/111 and 2/1. ™VSiLK ar tit af a "1&IM m."im- iiM-im;-,a-.-.,.,:..: -,:■- ,"-v:: -1111011 —11/ i. NOW, 8711/' . ■■ - j■••-<• nunHCMI sits-t/l and 3/11.^.;v v:; BLACK SILK ROUSES. high rw*»TEA°CO" and 1/11{. „ "'"•."-%«"! .'NINE BLOUSES ; HANDSOME DRAWN • THREAD HIM- ■WOK - CRIPE DE CHINEi BLOUSESSTITCHED AND EMBROIDERED- CRE^'M CORD BLOUSES-Tll , StSRUNNIRtm ~; oOl iiV ß ; ?i WINTER BLOUSES - >'"• ■■-<: nnrcHEJME SETS— 1/-. i/f. and 1/11. ■■ -.- 3/11, 4/11. 5/11.: -, , 1/11. Maw, 1/11 and im. - %?£££?£*MRl* m l ,'"' / "' *'/:• . 36fn SQUARE TEA OLOTHB-8/11 and 2f BA S o i{ , J!. ?i B l? c T|Vi .1. .i, .-. 18/8. New, 4/11 and 6/11. v" i! ■ BLACK, SICILIAN SKIRTS, all sizes. In* ' v4SEn BOUAfU TEA CLOTHS-5/i NOW, 3/8 v eluding 0.8.-23/8. : jOB%T A value. Cray PILLOW SHAMS at the same lew rata. , M Twsed,with Belt-18/11. «/"«/"- ; 'Tri>7--'T? : --:">" , \->iv-<-^ x « : '-V' ; '-i<--r'.-•:>-:'••■■.'.:■.■■ ■■.-.-'■ LADIES' RAINCOATS—2S/0. 35/-. 45/-. ■ nßEfifi DEPARTMENT JOB PURCHASE OF 145 LADIES' SPORT DHESS UfcfArtiMcm. COATg Large Assortment at Absurd "?EL U .ss ß hr D HEAVYXREAM SERGE COATS-43/8. - ' f'JUSL f^A CrW ' doub, » >wWth - BLACK ASTRACHAN OOATS-45/-. fi*Jj , "S S D ,o riVut maw nit iitPK BLACK PONY CLOTH AND CARACUL DA «iii*/!2b L liih T u.ML Wh». BLACK OOATB-SB/8, «f/l, N/* ; f^Lll?9«*i?i H H«I n, tnfil- * mt *- BLACK FURS. Tawe ahape-24/8, MA i *■'■:,■■' -• 5 yards for 14/8. how, »/ij. ■ ■ ' ■< -.-asi. so/a^ *si. • ■.«,*.-..'•■.Ar-.-.'.r".-• --/• LICHJ STRIPEDXABARDINB EFFECT "M'fURS, with Heads and '" "SB Mlßfeufr- BeVr S^oL /< E*S-1 / 7/11, 25/1. : PL4IM ANnVnleii CLOTH i Travellers' Samples LADIES' VESTS. COMAMD ORBIH BIOTH-ri -.■>..'='BIMATIOHI. SPENCERS. Etc. All ?: ai / tmf BEST TWi-Fna in Plain weights In Wool, and Wool and Cotton. Chelk and Stripe SSt every shaded Bou *' 1,, *W' M,,,n * ch,aply - CORD VELVETEENS are in .great demand, WOVeV, 5 /?.« u „ ~« 7/0. 9/11. and we stock almost every shade at WOVEN MIGHTS-5/11, 7/0, 9/11. • 1/114 and 2/11.-:-.■';■• ■.-•:;-'•.•••.'-,;•';'.■. CHILDREN'S WHITE PLUSH SETS DRESS VELVETEEN, Chiffon finish--1/11* (Muff and Collar)--3/11. and 2/11. ,a :, , . CHILDREN'S BROWN BETB-5/11. COLOURED SILK VELVETS-3/11. Now LADIES' BLOOMERS-Croy, 1/111, 2/11} ■:.^y^Vm..r;'- : -\' ■;,. v\. . Navy, 2/11, 3/11. ' •11 ~„/r„ mine -~ CHILDREN'S TEDDY BONNETB-4/8. :, BLANKETS, RUGS, ETC. CHILDREN'S TRIMMED MILLINERY- ''"»■"';;. '>•-'■-"-" f '' ; -" -. ■, • Very Much Reduced. < u *We are having a tremendous run on TEDDY BEAR COATS-S/11, 3/11, 10/11. Ifi&ttttVstt& -F?o o m ß^1 T l' -"" ;? " h "' " *o*s our customers must purchase it INFANTS' FLANNELETTE BARRAS- , DOUBLE BED ALL-WOOL N.Z. BLAN- -.JflJ/fc. R. Dl iir.i/ii KETS-29/8 and 32/8. Extra large at FLANNEL BARRAS-3/11. J 39/8. These are excellent quality, and PRINT OVERALLS—2/0, 2/11, 3/11. •>M we are selling numbers of them for mak- FLANNELETTE DRESSING GOWNS—B/11 Ing Blanket Coatslit.l9/11 the(Blanket. - SELF - COLOURED FRENCH TWILL ■, 6INGLE BED BLANKETS-23/6 and ?! ' FLANNELETTE DRESSING GOWNS •v BUSH RUGS, splendid value, strong, —11/0, ■..-■■■■- p heavy, and warm-7/11. 8/11, and 8/11 RIPPLE DRESSING QOWNS-16/11, 13/11. FRl^D^gH^^ . . ORBING JACKET&-5/11. FRINGED RUGS at Bargain Prices. WADDED AND KAPOK QUILTS are ROYS' AND MIEN'S WEAR. ' chsaper than blankets. BUY!> ANg WBtN 8 WfcAH. SINGLE BED QUILTS, Sateen covered and _ UII n __ MIC ~a trv M . p.,-,.,-, 'V• %> Mllarf—ld/ll C-'-'-.v'-v■::>-'.-.• CHILDREN'S jerseys, Navy, cardinal, - DOUBLE BED-15/11.; and Frilled 15/11. : Brawn, or J, 2/3; 3. 2/8 i 4, FULL-SIZE EIDER QUILTS, several do- wn V}'> , 6 iJl%, , ' „*.,, , MUUir^_»um . . elnn— ' . ;,-• ;.v' ~ WOOL JERSEYS, assorted colours— 1, PRAM7AND COT KAPOK QUILTS-2/11, 2/11; 2. 3/1: 3. 3/111 4, 4/1 i 5, 4/11! 3/11; Frilled. 4/11. 5/11. . > '* 8,5/6. WHITE SHEETS, Double Bed-At 7/11 and TWEED 'VARSITY SUITS, Grey, Brown, 8/11 a pair; exseptienal value. ' m and Navy-Size 1, 8/8; 2, 8/11; 3, 8/«! SINGLE BED SHEETS, in Grey or .*, 9/11; larger sizes, up to 12/11. . . ' ,' 'White—4/11-pair. •••.-?■•■ BOYS' SPORT SUITS, Grey Tweed—Size - BARGAIN - LOTS. . «.. ..*>,../". M.,.,.. ...... ~;'.... ~.., MEN'S FLEECY VESTS OR PANTB-2/6, ; S YARDS STRIPED FLANNELETTE- -X' COLONIAL FLAN. ' IY sp ß o\Vlou Y s« IJSR L^ men M I L Zealand ALt-WOOL KNITTED W. I"*' MEN'S WHITE TENNIS shirts, all aim I YARDS STRIPED TWILL FLANNEL- —2/11, 3/11. " ■'';*■ . •:■-, ETTE-Fer 3/11. : :.. \ MEN'S HEAVY 80X-1/-, 1/3, 1/8, 1/11* . 1 Freight Except on Floor Covering!, Bedding, and Blind*. s - : -'ir"":- '■■■ W' :" Porter's Corner 65,67 &69 Karangahiipe Rd„ 82 &84 Pitt St.

nnMiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiii)iiHiuiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiii|||||iHiiiHiii|n^^^ * „ ?.,: 7 "—wr- ,-i' —, .. r" 7rr ' I Bedtk Lights "■ - - * i | Electric Starter . , 'i | ; Jfe|Mto ItnitUm «| 1 V orzt\c J 1 At Main * All!! At Main % \■j / ; Ports -"": CSIVVU Ports ] • | vI ; The Light Four Model 90 ' | ■ Touring Car | 1 I 3|;.. ; True Economy f | 1 There is integrity of value in every I 1 ,: .' t one of the motor cars in the Willys- I 1 ' Overland group—the most comprehen- 1 . 1 sive range of models ever built by any 1 I one motor car producer. 1 §'""■■■■ ' I | For most families we believe the Light I I Four-cylinder Overland represents just '•■ | . the right combination of the practical 1 1 with the luxurious, to result in lasting I -1 satisfaction. | 1 But the car in the Willys-Overland 1 1 > line best suited to your needs and your 1 | means is the car for you to buy with an I •-1 eye to true economy. 1 I '■"■'.'• I i Let us advise and help you in your I •' I selectbn. •" ■' .' I I :; • ' I I Willys-Overland Models Include: { M Big Four-Cylinder Light Four-Cylin- Lillys-Knight - i p. - Overland der Overland Model | ltd TtmriinCar TtmrintCv , Fo*r-Cyli*dtt \ M Roadster Towing Car '■- PI VCoutlrv Club'! ■' J I Automobiles Company, Albert Street, Auckland, I i i4jenfeybri4uc«:/anJ , . | If J. Pomeroy ft Co., Ltd., Hamilton, Agents for I S. A. Hatrick ft Co., Ltd., Wanganui, Distributors in P lr'^'' f ••'■''• &-ih& North Island. v ' Ifcj ■..;..:" ". :... ■.. ■ ■ Ifl^ \ (Ui.A.) Aastrslasia, hi, 352 Keat St., Sytaey, N.S.W, fl^ m Cable AJeVtM-Ororitt**, Teleie < ABC. Stfe: Ceaeral, Western Uaiea, H[ '• '■ 'v''";R.. : ;.* i aadlieitrCoojM). "-,,':■.■ ■'.:■ . ™ w ■»—————r '■' ''■ !>, " ■ •' ' : '• '' '. ■• i. . ,-' - , - : '.' ' .' '\. ','■'' ' rr< *~-^V.i ' • : V<'-' " , -'---

—' ' i " I* '■'*'' i— ~ V 'I ■',■"■■. ' -■ --.'•■ . "i <: T'.--^-'/ ltes*o English pHOITIQIIOn Llialllullcll ■■■■••■ ■ ■w-iiwH Ware. Guaranteed free from all deleterious ingredients BEST ON THE MARKET. if . < o : ;-:-'..v, ■ . ■.<■.>;>■. .._.,. PEARL SAUCEPANS, bright Tin Covers- i'; v """2ptr ' T^pt?/ v '«it' Ipt. II pt. Mpt. wpt, 16 pt. ; I 4/6 6/6 7/6 8/9 9/9 11/6 12/6 18/6 V. 1 \V% PEARL STEWPANS- , •■'•,,- ■■*' '-' "Ntpt.' int. «pt. Wpt. 12pt. '• IfVl 6/- 9/- 11/6 ' 12/6 16/6 > fi N PEARL OVAL BOILERS, with Bail Handle- ' : - ■agtl."' 2igal. 3 gal. 4 gal. igal. ', 6 gal. ' % 16/6 18/6 ' - 21/- "'" 27/6 " 32/6 36/, ; 4f PEARL PRYPANS, Reliable— "V % > : | 7in. — Sin. 9in. lOia. Ilia. 12in. 5/6 2/9 3/8 .3/6' 3/9 4/9 each. STOVE KETTLES, Seamless Steel ' -im *2pt. 4rt. 6pt. Bpt. 10 pt. mi 14 pt. 16 pt. ll 4/6 if. 7/6 - 10/- 12/6 14/6 16/6 18/6 each % m . fl-PFIIAR |,| U utUAn • I BW^HF'-f- • mops. --" i; *# iWlvl Hi i || Best thing about O-Cedar is the ease with which a HIGH AND LASTING | flf I LUSTRE is produced. VERY LITTLE RUBBING NECESSARY. This § il| appeals to housewives. It saves their strength. ' * ' I .*£s O-CEDAR TRIANGLE MOPS, 2 sizes—6/6 and 9/6 each. | ',|j| „ ROUND HOPS, 2 sizes— and 9/6 each. | „ DUSTER, with wood handle—l/ 6 each. - | J|| „ CLOTH DUSTERS, 3 sizes-1/., 1/6, and 2/6 each. | iffl „ POUSB?-4oz, 1/6; 12os, 3/-; J gal., 6/-; J gal., 9/- 1 gal., 15/-. 1 |fll ToNsoN Kick" Q^lP : li COY., LTD. AUCKLAND I f|| QUEEN ST, AUCKLAND J

miipmmiiiiiiiimiiiininmmimifiiii mmiii|ii|ii|i|ffiim)innimiiiiimmini|fi > ———^^—SSBSBSSSSS *"*"SSBS ——^—™———SSSSSSSBES IMM — .._.__. _ v ' . | 1 i Ask For GOOD YEAR I'm -9 ■ I It is to your own interest to exercise the same care in 1 M buying tubes that you do in buying tyres. _ I B Ask for the Goodyear tubes by name, as you ask {or the B I tyres. H I I The' quality of the one, compliments the quality of the | I . fl other. Both are the product of the same skilled GoodI B year Workmen. I . B Goodyear tubes are literally built up, layer upon layer, I I and the layers are welded into an air-tight tube. I H This is known as the laminated process. It aids us to %'■ ■ detect and remove flaws which must go into tubes made I n . by a machine from a single piece of thick rubber. I ■ Each sheet of rubber that goes into a Goodyear Tube i fl is inspected most carefully. Foreign matter, which not I H only adds considerably to the weight, but makes porous I 9 soots and sand holes, is easily seen and eliminated. |; B So a Goodyear Tube is leakproof; it holds the air-press-I\ B ure: it saves countless annoyances. I' i | At the weakest point of many tubes-the valve patch--1I fl Goodyear Tube* show unusual strength. I\ it The Goodyear valve-patch is not cemented on. It is 1' Ifl vulcanised into the tube, and becomes an integral part. 1: fl There is no chance for leakage here. "> I 9 Goodyear Tubes cost about the same as others; but they I , fl ' offer the extra advantages of better service, longer service I.i fl and lower tube cost. II H If you use Goodyear Tyres, you know that they rendet ( I H extra service at lower cost, and you will find.that GoodI I! year Tubes do the same. • V.^ I\ m If you use neither Goodyear Tyres nor Tubes, let th« I B tubes prove to you that the Goodyear quality in both I'' | M is a real advantage. ... : V :''••..? I' 1 THE GOODYEAR TYRE 8? RUBBER CO., I 1 ""-' '^ ! OF NEW ZEALAND, LTD. ■.. I I Head Office : 6 Mercer St., Wellingteji i A ■_.„!,. •■* Aiwolm ia all Afaeiod Chi** Dnlcra E»«nrwfc«r«. fl I I-.- r-.. : -'v" ,'-^!f"; i ;'' ■ ft Goo4yt»r Tyrtt, Tubes, Bitting. Ho»s, Puking, •<«., are sow § Fl34] ;;r obtainabla throughout Australia and N.Z. -.' ' ; '• :•■»■"/ • ,_. r /*' : -.'; . v :-.-; 'f' ;-'•":'.. ' r >,'' '. .

' , IPyerg. By Special Appointment to Hit Excellency ' the Ctrl of Liverpool, K.C.M.Q., M.V.O. PORTER'S DYE WORKS ! ' ' •' ; LEADING %ER*''^V' > '"' v ' v ' "And, "\"C' 1 ".: DRY CLEANERS ? '6f Si;, the Dominion. -pi j Bead Offlot. ;. Taberaaclo -';"T ;<? * WoAe, «.» 1 idle,, Sarangahape Ba.. - - : Epson. ~- Auckland _. . Phone*. 1711*4381 JUlCoaatnrfijdiMßiotiMfiaofijil Attention [

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LIV, Issue 16561, 9 June 1917, Page 8 (Supplement)

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Page 8 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume LIV, Issue 16561, 9 June 1917, Page 8 (Supplement)

Page 8 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume LIV, Issue 16561, 9 June 1917, Page 8 (Supplement)