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SP"" ■ Mis ' ■' .'•-.»•-'-■.. • IMF''''•''-i l' •.V 62 • '-•-.'■'" i; Vl2B - : •■:"\ - ■■.';'■■/'■"•:"•■ ,V 563 .• 1V3269 * -, / .„.„ ' VB2O-, . ' - - *■ •,•,--■ 'Si'..*- ~ ■•■ '•■'."■ : . '■' .'•'■ ■'•: ""•" ~'■ .-5 '".■'■•.'.•.■.' '''''■•.■'..'■ ■.'-"' ■"'■'■ • ■ ,'••,--'•-"•' •'' : '!'-•■:';■" -V. '^ : '.",:..', .'"V" : '■■■'-%';. '".."'■.'■■. , -'■■■■'''■'::' I- INpf SKIRTS OF SUPERIOR QUALITY Special Reductions «,'feft. I m ' ' In New and attractive Styles. , . MlWt -M VM-BLAOK TAFFETA SILK SKIRT, V3IM _ SUPERIOR QUALITY SERGE LftUICS-.UflUCrSnlriS * ami// ' , '««*' gathered round waist and finished with ; \BKIRTS> in Navy or Black, fine smooth •.'■-;;-, ■ on/1 '•''' -' ffly i iy\ heading lin wide: tab pockets with rows ;.. finish.; well -tailored,, and- good v fitting. , aiKi , .«;'- (|s|9 ,1 " \ (i\ of 'stitehing, and hem of. skirt finished '; ■ All sizes-"."=• ■••-■ .'.-;.-■■...■-.. ~*.. ..■ - 'N.V l h\'jr : r y : ,;.'•, . '\ - ■ H/ I '\\ with same.. Remarkably good value-. ,>,';-:;..;«-':.'■::■-; '.; Maii'c/}fltrAwhdrC ' ' Wll • \\ ,#r.*.^^^ ' STYLISHLY CUT CREPE DE CHINE MM S UVeiXOatS A, I, — I V\ Vl23t-VERY DRESSY BLACK .TAFFETA • SKIRTS, made full around waist and ti A Ilf 1 A 1 ,' tip * l \\ -BILK SKIRT, with pannier effect. Well '. ; finished with narrow/heading and single Hfl|» SIAP WPPK iIHIV II M, 'II •• \\\ made of reliable quality silk. Excellent ?• cord; i.6 rows of floss stitching in three . * : " 1 VIIV : if fcVIV VIIIJ I* Ml » ilk -i >\\ ' : value— '••'■■;•-••''*'•,'•>..'"' -'' : •■■ "' groups round skirt. Tab •' pockets,- '•**«.* '■•' : ■• : -<^ ; -■':■■ ■'. '■■;■■'•;■ m v.'-. ■;*'■■'-■;:-■■' Miff * II V\\ 65/-. \-. t ' ... ~ *^ ; Btitcta to match- ' ; .-l "H -: Commencing To-day. ' • I?M&1 4* 111 VIA V589-ALL.W.OOL BLACK SERGE is the ~_,_„, 52 (°; ;'_■' ■:'. *;% i„L_,« " ;: - : "^f : ' v,; ' ;v ■ { - ».{;■ \A%i\ If ill >\\\ material of wfaioh this Stylish Pleated LAD '«' 9MML SILK .TAFFETA '.v; v>r ; ;, ; , : . ~; ;;>>. . -> :. v- ~#.£• liiW I & iU\Ji\l\ Skirt is made. ■It is very smartly cut '.■■SKIRTS, gathered full, and finished at, '.• ....... •"■■■■-•jtigßw: -.■■-■■. . if : BSffdL A& n&&s4 "' finished with belt- waist -with - : rows and CO ve d rrsiytu- hem. S'fJ-"-. -. "TJpS|3|Hft, ; '-':\--' ffijra&{s?."«r.v : "%» ; V_ 39/6 • '. ■■ Splendid quality and very, stylish—.■ •■ '/■ ! ''" : '}lj : -^-2|PW^3Hm : ' : ' '" |j^" MHfe VM fc 0 B W M «!BTS 8 oS W S 8«-ACK MOIRE SILK SKIRT, for matron', •' M *■ ! _-*** •' I IM-lif m?? • Stffl ki 'nIK ' wear; pleated from waist and from nar- /K« - f si&j«- um ' *- s. s & , tr ,d * i,hta,,o "°' rfu&Jm^ J'J w8? Same Ktylp in " a Wt " t6 Check— _ l *_—», : \'<.'. '/ft{ */iß^^^l*/^ j@ol 'J V«l2 -CREAM GABARDINE SKIRTS, out '■■'•■;,-#ffiW ''--'•■ - liCTWi^l^ // full and finished with rows, of heavy ■' ■■' /i. te?- »^\ JA . floss stitching. A very dressy skirt and /*.-. ,/.' wffijs / |(*? W SX'ni' if { ' VSI Same style in Black Velveteen— ' ■ **°m!ia& 1 ' " > [■, ;?.''■■ ; ' is\ • V jf / -'" ' . ft» Are you interested in & / ffl m > (i '- FANCY WORK? * .;.' > , Sff^flp 1 W\ '\\ ' if/ i#4|\ If so you wilt appreciate the [r - SSfepßP '" ■••' i■\\ \" \\ V' -«&, splendid selection now : show- : t&?/ '" ;•• i"v' \\ IT/ '\ W • ■■'- 'ingatTheJ.CL. VjSf «C;i -U; .' V -.V' ■■':"\' t ■" IJ j \< ( ' These illustrations ' show' garments cut V yl ;■; ": '. •< ' ' Ea •■; i I lAi* -.oilt'"-with■ pretty w traced: dosigns ; ready for V VI i. 'I ;•.'.;' '*- . , . >.;^v ( i \ 1 vV ' 'working; they are NOT ready-made,. but ... v*\ \. \\ '.."-..-. I 'i: >,' • * ; ll\ I \\ ' are shown as, they will. appear when com- . \ V ' J. f£-4«lia / ,| ; ||i \\ pteted. All feature the Magyar effect, the \ v I JkLSWI i , /--fl ill ll V materials are reliable, and the values are / | ■ _ -•, - afßF^/ I<'^* , ti-IS AN UNMADE NIGHTDRESS IN ' 171 f ' >f:^'v; 'x> / i '\ CREAM WINGEYETTE OR VELCO. 1 ' - '-Wem*/■ r*> /X/ " / / 11 Both of these materials give excellent \ ill I 'vaßsPjl - A / Y iu'i FT/ vEil . wear, are soft and warm, and very popu- 111 /I i 'Wr /ft (X / //: "" I*7 " V>* *^ ar or winter. The illustration shows - ( IMI / / 'W <A\\ '/0\ / .// . ;! i iJ "f\ one of i number Equally, attractive— 'I'll / f "// ■: '' : -' <' : g, •■»■'"• E2-SHOWS A WHITE CREPE UNMADE , J \\\\ / /» I,f^KtSjl\4/^ ; > I '' Efi ... NIGHTDRESS, with pretty traced de- - "I / ~ ? L. M T* M» .Vjji '"' : •■■->■ ♦; . signs; Magyar shape. - Splendid value- . \ ./< ;■ ' /m/ ? U Fh ? I 'm*KV E&P ■ ' - ASK FOR THE E5-THIS ILLUSTRATION A ' * A : . "El ... ' -: ,- ; „ , [M ft JW I My ' "J.C.L." CREME; . CREAM RADIANTA ,:DRESSING _-_ : -» Jr^S^»:W:''- : '^-' ; - JACKET, with '•' very attractive traced • *«, ■ ; ..- •■* ~..,,, " M- iP'W'rffl'tJß ;'■' •■ " A Greasier Face design, ready ; for • working. ' Magyar A «f? fine-select. on of LADIES' * A V7l cl* * \«M ~> ~ &-ideal Pinker . effect Good, quality-: ■ . SI .KNj.nEp.JDARVES, in .V 11/ l»| ,/f-.V *.. v:, ~ White- ideal for the fi/fi parh . • Plain and, Shot effects, and : includ- \\l/ . ,V \ ■■■((>:rw, ~,'; • Sexotandau '• ■ „ ftunK SnMADE FROCK IN ing all .the fashionable ' shades- .\ ■ \lf ).i I\\ •.- % ■ Zlh\£t iood - E Prices range from 3/11 to \f ; 1 .\\ Special -WW- en for embroidery work round sleeves 15/6. ,:, /] . <I, l\ \\).-- ' V. • I ' ,} l ar * and yoke. Excellent value- • ■■ -- y- -.. ,'■-■■■■ --■ Lh\£n i\ r W '' ,; _____ 4/11 each " ' & IBi W \r T/\UIWT AvAlTriT* TTH Auckland's Leading Drapers, ; |\ ' JuttlW tUUKI, Liu., TheJCL. Queen Street. , m " ■■>■•'■/ " i .-■■ ■■', - .- 1 Licensed to ' sell ' stamps. V : ..' ~ __---—____________MmM_»—WW—M—^

,— ———J——— "— ~~~~~~~—'———~'~ mm ■—»■■■——— | | „ J —, ... ~ ~ ~ , .-., ~ -——i — i j %*£> <&»&^">&<s">&><s°}& '(fnmmmmaam .iimiiiiiiumw ■■■■ m ■■■■■■■mm ..iT.i.i n i in* i iVy —Sea- «.< ill .1 Wrv -#- Cold Weather Coats | tostumes Comparison f • An*fk "■:l% ; • '^"^'■'' i -X : " ;: '' : '' r 1917 «v> ' :We don ' lhat Costumes as good are unprocurable in A'\ //!•* If 51111 I II3TS Cj-1 ' V the city. THey are procurable, We don't say" JBEADSTEBET'S" % / Mi\ *m ' V•*****""' VVwW) . OiyiCS, "A is the only House to Auckland for Smart Costumes. It would be ,A* ? '- ; ■' / (Mi/t 111 *if ' " ' '''' '" W ' Mali: But we DO doubt If any Costumes of the same HIGH Ah * H And all the Popular Fabrics • ' X GRADE and SUPERIOR make,. AS UP-TO-THE-MINUTE • W \^®!lj : i*lm ■■"'•' tK e from. 9; IN FA3HIOK are pb° c ™ a ble at our prices. The ?nf lits\ * to cnOOfi6 . /f\ value of our Smart New Costumes ■is really exceptional, and ff\ TsSr' "'•-' ' ■- *' ' ■. '-' v : : .;'" ; • Hi people who have priced them "elsewhere endorse it by buying 'Hr *■ fry% I Mf*¥ '"v —" ..,•;:.-,-, -~,,„,,_ 1 a -jf from us, Hero are some Special Lines * or May * * , * n i V; &■* ' Hifr /-''''"' '^»S|fii^ ; '' : v's" ?A ; : i-W'^ : V; F ;:: ■'•'■■>? '~, : 'H : ;e % A fe 7/// 1 1 ill I K•' COvTING-12/lW , W , . LADIES' GABARDINE COSTUMES 'In W /'// Hi 41 I ?„«« t, n ALL O ■ \ v^'"d9fc^; " , Kfiaki. shiTdos, smart «tyl«s-£«/12/9, W //'// . '! 111 111 ■■.'■•>' ■■* .SO-INCH.-' „ALL- J ■■ M/«y». and ■*•/•/.. ■■■ 5 ■■■■'■ IMI / \lt ' " W sftvr B 11 I ;« Vwd 8 ' 'j&S&sT.'' ■ LADIES'GREY TWEED COSTUMES, with .0, & /M / E ; ill ■' COATING-11/l »""■ ;. ~, J% _ /|\ \ > Yoke end £5/10/9. 5 v , ~'::•::" \y A 1 * ~ I Mil It f 1W ''"V A First-class Ranee fj -& r *?' 4\* ; • >-4^ ; '. ■ LADIES' '.NAVY;, SERGE; COSTUMES.: - //A M■IMl II •11-BHIF v^ y: , >N. TWEED; COATINGS .to .. If v- ■ • ' latent styles, with side bells—£3/19/8. T4 *f|* r: -" fml Hi mft ill • ch ? o66 f J° m ~" ' a ' /■; v X LADIES' / NAVY. serges costumes. \J ■■ 111 M I ! i ffi\ -;i ; 10/6 yard. -. v^> ; ;.,-; . , • ■■:•■• ,v ; A -:r^: *offlMsMw® t pluin flared Skirt, latest style Coat— A ■■■(|'|l ft] "ri'o"/f> 11 /C YARD; ' / fV WrfflKmSm ; ' •*/ 6/9 " '■':: »- # jb 1 /'' ft IP 12 Oj 11'b Ah VWkfflMmmm LADIES' TWEED COSTUMES, new flared \V7 - liJ v? W I S * irt ' Wted Coit-M/I. W .;•".>.."■/ As Illustrated. .A iHt 1 ; ;^ 'fP^A' ; '^VvV'-'"'^V : -.? :'■: V/. '■)(•■ '■..'".."■■ 75/" W»\?«\ ' SMARTLY; CUT . RAIN- j Ah :: fiSHWII ■■•: ITmiffArl P/iAf" ' W? ■■■»■■!■■■ ~ »i 1,1 ■..; ■ dine. eollar..faßt«mnc husk )V MMMffiflflftlMl vOatt ■■• v., W '-" r * '•"""" "' ; ,iSffiffiu "* ife,\ ';Mo throat, set-ip • sleeves;,;>; 0 i,"; - ffiMfPfflMiiill ■■■ ; „„, . . . , , . u •V- '.' ••'■' ' ; " ; »" H at wai,tl f "' 9 f - F :;:.';|ffl fflfflP M' -'. What 1S S0 truly W3rm aLIJ snug and ° i ' , TiH\' ' l L c ifh D ' A JffiplHlM so suited for Auckland's winter? It /|\ : '■W'B , 4sK---»fi bpock B;t; °fe .. 4r ■ 'HHIiSi you've priced wool lately you'll wonder tt 7/T ! - ,Sn? Special Line in .FAWN . V ; - ; . H HiHB '■-;?: how w ° can "11 Knitted Coats at the fOl- V CREAM BLANKET COAT I|lill /lV c^ato D, ffi ß n A lowing prices, AHnew designs, too. /V as illustration- £3/9/6. ' II ffirt l/» .If M collar fanteninir : hitth to, |' W/ LADIES' ALL-WOOL KNITTED SPORTS mm ■♦' " ~ li irv/l'P throat, belt : ftt waist, and;. , \l/ ; •.- ,i ' JfH -': ; -COATS.. with Belt and Patch-pockets. ; ,'i \l/ 'Also in Ljeht Brown Fleecy v'f(^ Tl^l ftV patch pockets-ill/', , ? 0 , ... , ~;,? WMak-;' Thrco-Quartor lencth--32/0, 30/8. and ,'g Knop Tweed without FULL - LENGTH RAIN. ',} >£. * r '"''■ iVf: -LADIES' ALL-WOOL KNITTED COATS. £ m ,>. ■■ pockctr-Price. 49/1. lH\ '' ■;•>•■ COAT, in Fawn : Gabar- /l\ -m "'"'■' ' "•" with Belt—22/9 arid 28/9. v..-.v ■•,: : /|\ /// 'i' : '; dine, cut with new swinu- ii- : WW M 1 -- LADIES' STRIPED- FLANNEL SPORTS t/\i W * back: RaKlan sleeps and ' f \j |9» . COATS, plain shape, with pockets-21/9. 71T W . patch pockets—4s/'. .---,. ■• - ;.V( .-. >«"£/_, ' ■... ' V'J ■<.■■-'• >"'-'- 1 1' '/" ! * r >-' • .-■■'■.''/'■"••% ■•-,'•:•'.;••■ \J .": As Illustrated. ',' " : /"' '' 'A ' A 49/6,69/6 y . When its Afternoon Tea Time | ,}.- • ;,. /k how' you'd enjoy to spread out one of these charming Drawn* ,7 IS f'- : •', ■ IfY thread Tea Cloths. They're very Special Value, and .short, ity f\ Spl' 8 * I v .'■;■■. time back would have cost double the money. ; ■,;■■■■.■• J;V ' A '''•■■•' / ; f '~-. ,v .J:'--.''.. \ : . ••,."■ A Ah •* >;,'•■ v"..'-' A New Shipment of DRAWN-THREAD : ~' ( :■ J'j, , m-ov *4WW r.DOD ■' ViY v AFTERNOON TEA CLOTHS-1/lil. r .,■ ,W/ *Ai Illustrated. DARK GOOD 'Ma -?«;■. ■ ".? 2/3, 2/11, and 3/8. . . , - - • A}/ QUALITY GABARDINE RAINCOAT. / I «\ \ ■ ;Oj: H k ... • DRAWN.THREAD TRAY CLOTHS-1/41, . ** 8 new wrap-over collar, eet-in cleave, f Lj&t& \\ •'■■■' /ill •-' 1/61,1 ' ,i ' *'"* ****' M unnrt narrow belt at waist, fastened' Oj* I Iff- \ /J\ ; STENCILLED TABLECLOTHS-1/I each. , /'A witi atccl buckle; patch pockets, full if*! A ll\ IFI ' ' ; ' "WHITE POINT LACE COSEY' COVERS- ;v \ IT l en£ th-75/.. If h MO* ' ,'V'I • , 11W each. , J/ lit I*l \l7 ; A VERY SPECIAL VALUE. " -1A 'As Illustrated. GOOD QUALITY PAWN |( Jl| U / Ah ' . .W V AND GREEN SHADES GABARDINE • if/ ISI \\ / R -—— ■ ■ "■""-"; : IV I 2T It IIW • I ■ Freight Paid " Cash Ctuntry Orders. K R| I* | gjo^>c^oo^><'^oo^>c^oc^>c^o^ fill OCISS jLtu» S OKB ' T DE "" ?u E n Ei-D c:nEArEST ~ .._,. .. . *Sajßfla»Wft. ' D. ■ ' , . , Th ' al ' s „hy bo many Motorists'use. I TDRBAKWATEIt "DOAD. .-CLINCHER DREADNOUGHT-MOTOI | --. | O J ' . • U ' TYRES."*■■:■. 1 Karangahape Koad m vad leUphoaes: ».p-^^g«a Wear „ 1 » fV«timiga*WH*& *»>v»« 658 l Hea4 Office! 88, Order OiSc«.> • ' ' - ' pullan.armS^co,.

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Bibliographic details

New Zealand Herald, Volume LIV, Issue 16538, 14 May 1917, Page 9

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Page 9 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume LIV, Issue 16538, 14 May 1917, Page 9

Page 9 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume LIV, Issue 16538, 14 May 1917, Page 9