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. To Let. BROWN'S BAY.-4-roomed Cottage to -JJ -K" Let, furnished.: ; on i beaoh.—Address fat 3nni.LP. - ■ ,■--•■ :.; >\ COTTAGE. 5 1 rooms, ' Three Lamps", good con vs.; rent, 15b 6d,— Swales, Tailor, Victoria St. . ■ ' • CITY. —G-room/sd House, new range, porce- . iS lain i bath, gas stove, 'garden; '■ rent, lGs,' 1 —Mcßrine, Frederick Place, Napier St. nHELTENHAM, Imin from beach.-Fur-XJ '\ nlshed"- House 6. rooms, all conveniences; • will ! Lease for terra, cheap rent •is Apply, ■ ' - \ , D. J. COOPER. " ; '.'..- ■'■•■■.- ;'.;' .-■ ■'■:. "" Shakespeare Betel,. X DWELLING, 6 j rooms, Belle Vue Rd., Mi j Eden, to Let or Lease; near 2d car stop. —J. M. Melville, 23, H.M. ■• Arcade. vv-rw __ ' T7IDENDALE—Compact ;;'■ 4-roomed r;House, 'JJ }*; level'voloanio- section, •return i verandah, handy*; school; ft. rent ;r 16s—J. Millar, =S 6, Phoenix Chambers. •" ■ -■■>~• -." ■■: HOUSE. :10 - rooms, all conveniences.—l 3, 'v-HarcreaveßjSt.^Ponsonby->^Md'?>>y HOUSE,' -4"; rooms, cohvenienes;-' central; : rent, 10s ; 6d.-151, Albert iStreot;^'^: HOUSE, B.v rooms, etc., ;-169 6d. No. 9, ;i Shoal ■.'Bay "Rd.;--. Devonport; 'key vat No. 7.—Hatrick, Northoote. -'..v^---''^ ; ift'.^':'.-.-.-^; HOUSE, now,i6 Srooms;' furnished, Taka- :;■; puna; :; 6 minutes ;- Milford ;' Beach.— Bros., ;■■ 113, Queen - St. k :;;.':;■- ; ■ '-■ ■■'■'/: HOUSE,; 6 rooms, nicely furnished, . convs., s'phone; y- for:; six weeks % from .'middle April— ':■ Ayr St.. Parnell. Aawg "---.■y.y HOUSE, 1 12, rooms, convs., 83, ! Graham St.; '■ fronting harbour.—Miss Craig, 21, Hardinge:St.,i off .Victoria St. • West >-■?•■•■ ~ "t;;/; ■•;< >* ■ - HOUSE, modern, ;8 ' rooms, l ; large 7 section; '; s select; 5 to approved ' tenant, rent ; 20s.— A. Mi Bryden, 195, Queen .'Bt;-:*a->-- -"';" ;V '' HOUSE. : ; 6 rooms•■ and motor: garage. ■■ 18s; ,; ' Cricket Av., Mt. Eoskill, : 2d section.— . W. Snook, King's Court 'Phone 2265. -■;•< HOUSE, nice, near corner Dominion and ■; Boundary & Rds„ convenient;.; to s trams;' ; cheap to approved people.—Apply on property; HOUSE, 9•; rooms,; '■;• furnished; ■ extensive '-'"' grounds ■; Cheltenham."-? Beach." :?, : t; Albo, small Furnished Cottage, St. Holiors.—Address at HERAIiD. ; rv-.-'■'-'-■ '■'■■:':'>■ ■- :v ■-'-:; MILFORD BEACH.-House, [furnished {-. J-M-'; hot and cold ; water, laid .on.— 'Phone 1237. A-A-'. w'.,.;/v:,','-/■:.,-: :/^■:■:■■>:-';> ONEHUNGA.— 9-Toomed ; House,.; all; conI; veniences, all; repainted and papered.— Key .'at" Mr. .' Cochran's Store, '■ next door. , r - ; PART of House :to i Let; furnished;, good .-Alooality.—Address at HBRAIiD. &■::■■■■:. •;:■< ROOMS, 1 i, good; central; 2 furnished, bath, C stores, pardon, etc.— Altcn Rd., off I-Lower Symonda St.. .>■:■'■■'.: *-.. :■■':'■■ : :j ROTORUA.— : '■■~ 2■■ weeks from ' ';■ Easter—B-roomed House, central ■ situation, all conveniences.—House, Box 9, Rotorna. ;;'•;";-:' ~:..>„•<:■;■■■. -.■'.; : "u:^: J U-j--;.;-;?'- .-': : y- 'rj HUKAPUNA.-Cottago, furnished; -' to LetT J. 2d section.— 1237. ..; s :"'■■'■ X ; ; TpAKAPUNA, on Beach, : near 2d section— J- '■>' Furnished Cottage.—Box ,490.'; G.P.0., Auckland."'. '-:-/'' ■■ VX" y; ' ; v.:' 'jS'-f;'' "■-.;■'■ TAKAPUNA. - : Furnished n\ Hut: 1 -*' : : also 8-roomod Houew. all convß. —45, Cook St., W„ noxt Central Hall. ' '.> r.-.>(<'; -■..■■■■ -\^ 17 fi D; WEEKLY-Furnished if $ reJ. I, '■ V _•;.;. quired—Cottage,';/.^-on'■!;•'. beach, : Northcote, -pith nearly one acre land: level, rich soil. Also. 55s—Well-furnished House, on beach, (5 moms, with sleepinp-out npcom-modation.-^A.G.,' 148, ■ Grafton : Rd. 'Phone .2666.'•:■•■■... ■ --■->•"'■ :--v;-' REMUERA.-Tawora Rd.-6 Room's and ' every.convenience; rent, 20s. .;•;.- NEWTON, South St.—6 Rooms, 15s. ' * - PARNELL. ..Cracroft St.— Rooms, 8s 6d. GREY : LYNN. ' Well •" Park ••' Avenue-5 ;,\ Rooms, 12s. • '' ' SHEARER AND _ EASTGATE. ' f ! "\ ■' Security Buildings. I . ... . ~ .. =i=t> '■■"'■' Houses and Land Wanted. ' BUNGALOW, Remuera; wanted to Rent ■■'A or v Lease, ''. 4d .? section,; near {? cars.—; Write, \ giving full, particulars, v , to /House, 187. HEBAljD.:i.^-'^--'.>'-v-,.'.^^/;.--.-'-'Vy-'>^ DAIRY I Farmors 'i called f>. up.—A :- reliable ;■ l man with sufficient stock -to make farm ' pay, ' offers as deposit £100 cash ; and ' £300 equity' in house for farm. to carry at ; leatt 20 cows.—A.G., 145, Grafton Rd., Auckland. 'Phone :2666:'..j;;yv -rv-/V. .^n^W-K.', HjENTLEMAN'S Residonce wanted to rent. VX with grounds; references exchanged.— T.j-''I3S.';H!!BALD, HOUSE Property and ; Mortgages, good, j % wanted J immediately $in t exchange * for j farms; :'■', some - going concerns.—Bray ' Bros., —Union Bldgs. ■>■ ■■-...■■v-'i:■ '.v.-;-.' V": : j

HOUSE, • unfurnished, '/wanted; to ' : Rent, for, term; 6 or more rooms; one floor; - high'; ground; good locality, Mt. Eden.— : Retired, 207, ; HERAI.D. , M" "ODERN . HOUSE, ' 5 or 6 rooms, about ItX- £800." wanted.* Will give 17 acres, value - £425, unencumbered, -in part payment. • -,::;/ SANDERS' AND BOND. ■: <j /■ r ; /-. -.'. / --.--- -■: -■;-'/ 81." Shortland - St. SUBURBAN Farm, muet be a bargain; can pay £1000 cash' and good mortgago; ? —8., 204, IIEBAIiP. SEA i Frontage.-Wanted .to Purchase, 25ft, -/froehold:; Auckland Harbour, Taka--1 puna or Cheltenham Beaches,—Seaside, 964, ; HmM,P. :../-.' -/■'■:.. '.?''/■;-'-.!'^<-:-:K : -.- /' ■-.-. WANTED to •■; Buy-Nice % Home, at St. ; ; St.'fioliers Bay. Will Exchange splen- . did farm lit Papatoeloo.— 82, Queen 1 St.- " -'■ .'. /.'-/•--: ■:*■:< T s WANT. ,A-. -FARM. /. WAIKATO. vs 60 to 150 Acres fully, Improved Level, well watered, blackberry, : good House, -build* ings, and : fences; ;• milking machino preferred./ I will giro; for £500, yielding 8 per cent., equity £1460, or £800. in,: choice -, .Suburban home, with ; r: acreage in; part- payment,;/' Only r genuine /fanners dealt: with, who - should • send fullest details ■ to/::-'-".;.- -/;:'/-/•-;: FAIR'. DEAL, . •;..,--;;«.• 16, HERALD;-^ r "l i; Houses and Land for ; Exchange. v /parm' EXCHANGE TMR TTOTEL. JD ARM JUXCHANGE XOR HOTEL. : Vj FARM TIXCHANGE fpOR TTOTEL. . i ARM 'JaXOHANOBJP-OR-JlOTBIi;j 9QC ACRES, L.T.T., in good district; and v\) / only 6 miles / from £ railway; ;/; good . 9QC J rolling country, with soma; good | t-> v U / flats; : soleyards , and / butter I factory; OQfJ if well handled will mn a cow to It Oo\J acres. ; Fiur-roomed 'Cottage,' stable OQ(* 1 1 barn, and . other g outbuildings . (these OuU'-are old, but serviceable). The whole OQf? T;as ■'' Going ; Concern, ;.with % 4 :;good O V V/ working'„ horses, './'harness;-- ploughs, QQC .roller, and stack of oat-sheaves of Oo\J about -80 tons. -: Equity, £4000. v.;: > FOR EXCHANGE FOR HOTEL. NOW IS YOUR TIME. ' SEND ALONG YOUR FARMS SHARP,: , ~ , To i : WHITTAKER AND no;, - j THE LEADING HOTEL ■■ BROKERS- AND VALUATORS, PHOENIX CHAMBERS, QUEEN STREET ./ (Right opposite P.O. and Railway Station). T7XCHANGEB. .. DO YOU WISH TO EXCHANGE YOUR, HOUSE? - WE HAVE THE FARM TO SUIT, • WE require particulars of sound ■ City and V V Suburban .Properly _in s? Exchange'-;' for Farms of all sizes; '- particularly *a ' splendid Sheep ";'•;and / Cattle '/Property,: all ;limestone country, conveniently situated and partly improved. Price, only £7 6s per acre. Another client has :an .; excellent Dairy / Farm ■/ of.-. 260 ! acres, open ' to ;.Exchango / for, Mortgages -or Suburban Property. 'Send us particulars at once. .NO /SALE, NO CHARGE. , .-.' A. W. R BAD 0 ;- ESTATE AUCTIONEERS, 79, QUEEN ST. /GENUINE EXCHANGES. 0/4 1 ACRES—I 6 ■ Acres grass,' 6 aores good 'jU'xS} apple- orchard; 6 paddocks; Cottage (2 rooms), chaff-house, r- stable, trap-shed, i etc AH : in : good ordor j" ■14 miles ; station: j handy to Auokland. v PRICE,'£I2SOr equity, £1160. frit ;';/-:/ OWNER WANTS FARM UP TO,' k ; h•'/"/ ; BAY. -"'£2ooo.';'i'::'V: >2:>/V--;■!/;-..;-1(T1 ACREB-All in Brass; I-- orchMd; CotjL«J I -> tage -(4 rooms), large; shod; li miles station, i-milo'school;V 22 lmiles ■ Auckland. PRICE, £1000; equity; £460. - OWNER WANTS?HOUSE PROPERTY OR MORTGAGE. :- OH A' ACRES-Only s.B(/ miles from AuckUv/V/ land; ;' now ; : carry 500 sheep s and 100 cattle. ..' Good Buildings; / practically all ploughablo; j well ' watered; s splendidly suited for subdivision.: Equity, £4000.'/; '->-?-':;•'V- > OWNER v. WANTS &X SMALLER : DAIRY FARM, OR MORT* , :;■ GAGES.' ■.;•■. :-.- , .•- . '■■/■/•. QKAA '• ACRES— sheep/ and cattle : 00\J\J country;/, good ;; House,- telephone, P. 0., «te.; frontage; Will now carry 1200 ! sheep and '. about .200. cattle, /r PRICE, £4; ' equity, £9700. ' . OWNER WANTS / SMALLER FARM, Please tend your particulars ;to ' , , ■.. .gARRIS AND . ORUMP, ' BANFURLY BUILDINGS. QUEEN ST. : | •""■ , ~ fI^XCHANGE.— 160; Acres.- ; mostly ; drained swamp land, all plbughable, 2 Houses, good ■ sheds, running 40 milking > cows, .'etc. .Price. £36 pa. Equity, £3500. ' - NORTHERN AGENCY, ■;; i, H.M. Arcade, - , • ■' ' A

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LIV, Issue 16499, 27 March 1917, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 5 New Zealand Herald, Volume LIV, Issue 16499, 27 March 1917, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 5 New Zealand Herald, Volume LIV, Issue 16499, 27 March 1917, Page 2