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Sales by Auction. WM* —~..,, ■ t —— - /"V* BEHALF OF^T_^ MORTGAGEE "PA pEEKINS AND flO. Have . received-■; instructions ;,; to .-' Sell ?t----[ALL THAT PIECE OR PARCEL Of ■',':-... :''■■■■:. i 'v. J-i '■'• LAND ;'in •'■:'> the">-' Provincial ; District .'•■ ol Auckland, situated •■• in . the County of <■ HoJdanga, » Bay >; of Islands, - containing > 835 :-■-■'-'''-i ■■'■ .."'/- ■-'<■ Acres, '" being all \ the '■:■. land '■ ;in '■•' a'-. 5 grant ■•'-,-, \"-r-, : -.•'>,-■- ..originally made by the Crown to one George v > Bennett * Orsmond, • since -undo):,.; various - '.' - . owners' control. ", ? •'■" §§?■ ' -■:, i THE SALE WILL TAKE : PLACE ' ■->! rnmS;T\AY. . rpHis tSay, f\ ' AT 151 O'CLOCK. ;•• ■ AT OUR MART. [.:-.. ..; Terms, Cash." -. *' - Pull 'particulars from : the Auctioneer. ' V A EEK[NS AND-no;,!.; AUCTIONEERS, CITY' MARKET. ' V '' jTttCHARD . A RTHUR ■ AND : Q0„ [TTNREDEEMED pLEDGES. .;. . TTNREDEEMED PLEDGES. •pmiDAY - JTEXT - JiRIDAY. i AT "JO O'CLOCK. HI OUR ROOMS, ELLIOTT STREET. B. KISSIN, - PROPRIETOR OF THE WAITEMATA LOAN. CO.. CUSTOMS STREET. FA; SPLENDID. ASSORTMENT OP TTNREDEEMED T)LEDGES "'., - 1915, October 19th, 69, G Ringj. December 1.-th, 237, Ring; 23rd, 309, G Chain; 21th. 814, G Chain; 24th, 315, G Chun. 1916, January 19th, 466, S Watch and Cham; 23rd, 472, Bangle and Locket; Slat. 613, W Ring; February 15th, 694. W Ring; March Brd. 671, 8 Watch: 28th, 779, G ." Links; 80th, 792. Ring; 30th, 733. 2 Pr. Glasses, etc.; 31st, 798, Chain; April 4th, BU. Brooch; 10th, 633, Chain llth. 861. 'Necklace; 14th, 854, Watch an- Cham: 18th, 876, O Coat; 184. 877, Watoh and G Chain; 18th, 882, Violin; 22nd, 902, Ring, Pin, and Albert; 22nd, 910, Ring: 22nd, 914, Ring: 26th, 935. M Watch and Chain; 28th, 852, Ring; 29th, 962. Pendant and Ring! May 2nd, 976, S Watch; sth, 097, LHG Watch; 9th, 1008, Ring; llth, 1024, 6 Bales; f ' 12th. 1031, Scarf Pin, etc.; 18th, 1060; ' Watch I 18th, 1051, Tools: 18th, 1062, Saw and Plane; 22nd, 1062, Ring; 23rd, 1066, Ring; 26th. 1077, Watch and G Chain; BUt,> 1094 Brooch; June 2nd, 1108, Wrist Watchi ' 6th,'1116, 8 Watch; 6th. 1119, S Watch and Chain; 6th. 1120, 2 Lenses; 6th, 1121, SB Gun; 6th, 1129, D Ring; "6th, 1130. Ring; 9th, 1157, Ring; 9th, 1161, G Chum; 10th, 56, S Watch; 20th, 1204, Syringe; 20th, 1210, G Watch; Qlst, 1212, G Chain; 26th, 1234, G Watch; 28th, 1212, Cham; 1246. 34, 8 Lenses; 28th, 1244, Coin; 29th, 1246. Watch; 80th, 1258, G Cham; July 4th, 1268, Stocks, and Dies; 4th, 1269, 10 Dollar Pen. flant; 4th, 1270. Ring; 6th, 1275. Cameraj .6th, 1279, Saddle; 7th. 1302, G Chain and Pendant; Sth, 1308. G Chain: 10th, 1310, Sovereign Purse; 11th. 1318, Nugget Pin; 17th, 1359? Electro-Plate; 18th, 1869, S Watch; 18th, 1370. Ring; 18th. 1371, Greenstone Chain; 18th, 1372. Bicycle: 18th, 1873. Ring; 19th, 1378, Ring and Brooch; 20th, 1382, Bicycle: 21st, 1390, GH Watch: 28th, 1420. G Wristlet: 28th, 1424, Ring; cist, 1433. King and'" Brooch: August 3rd,' 1444, Wrist Watch and Brooch: Fith. 1456, .King; 7th. 1461. Gun; 7th, 1468, G Chain; Dth. 1475, G Watch; llth, 1485, 2 Rings; nth. 1487. G Pencil; 12th, 1495, S Watch' '14th, 1500, G,Watch and GuardMstn, 1510, Boot and Stamps; 23rd. 1540. G Chain; ?4th, ' 1547, Snuff Box; f s& - 1555. Rifle; 25th 1666, Wnst Watch: 28*1 i. f568. S Watoh - : and Cha-n; '« m 1571 > Watch and Chain; 28th,; 1.572, Carvers; 29th. 1576, 9 Watch' 29th. 1678, Watch and. Chain:' 31st, 1590 BS?°fc ,^ >I)temb l r „ 4th - lm - 6th, 1609, Watch and O Coat; 6th. 1610. Gun; Khj 15 - Cutlery; 7th;- 1618. Watch; Bth, ' * t%"'-% &"&- m lm - KR Guni" 14th Wt' 1644. Manicure Set; ; 3*l2' I" 7 -. .Necklace nnd ' Pendant: ; lßt.h 1653, Bicycle: '; 16th. 165!). S Wptch* 19th , ,'-■: 1665. Pendant::.: 19th. •• 1667. .Gv Watch : . and ; ~. '. . % Cha ni 20th \ 1674. Watch: 21st.' 1680.'Watch. :'.:- <i . Chain, and Bangle. •;-, 1 1916-^anuarv'lsth, 111. Trousers, etc.: February Ist. • 187. Ban. '; ,• ~--:-^'SlcWa:- < May 20th. 057, Bag. etc.: July 13th 825. O Coat; 13th. 326. Purs; 19th. 335; Suit'- '• , ; August 10th, 365. 3 Rues;-11th.i867. Suit'- ;> 35th, 869 Coat: 23rd. 335. Swag : :80&. ; 393' ; ?.- Co «i,,' ptenl l ,eT 14th. 4, 8. Trousers; 18th' '" " m O Coat; MA. 431. O Coat: October WW . ■& 440.: SSui t Ifith. : ;457,; O Coat: : i 26th. - 472 Dressing Jacket; November Bth, > 482,' Kit - ; £ at V B fe: 1 .., ?°^ ! "th. 490. Coal a.nd , : Vest; 29tb 603^2;^sp:^ December 14th. SIS, O Coat; 15th. : 616,.Trousers. :■:.;'•..-• : ■gICHARD (ARTHUR ' AND ' no..

-■\'- pr ~ AUCTIONEERS.■-, _• ■ i ' ■ UNDER CONDUCT OP I THE :' REGISTRAR OP THE SUPREME COURT - 7 : '* AT .AUCKLAND. ACTING AT TOE -, V i( . .REQUEST OP THE MORTGAGER : ~'■:, . JJOCELAHDS AVENUE, i — '• ' . MOUNT' EDEN. .■:"-• "_ V:;;'- ; JIRIDAY, A PRIL -jo ;:.■ ';.' '; h AT 2.15 P.M. ' ' '-'" ' .JpSSES. AND riOAKLEY Will BeD by PubHo Action at their Auo- ■< Auckland, on the 'ALL THAT PIECE OP LAND, contain- ' .--' • c-.v , 'JX »* twenty and; two-tenths perohes : (more or less) being. Lot 8 on a clan de- • posited to «hti Land Registry Oißco at Auck- - r ; land, uader • No.. 9091 which said Sec? of i /■ • • v: SmfHS^tl 109 ; °! ; Section - 10 ?of the Suburbs of Aucklan/1. toeether with all the' "..,•. Buildings thereon erected, and all the rights ; •: • - Bad, appurtenances thereunto belonging. ».;'-) .---. The Mprteaaeo's'. application, : and. her esti- - ■ ■-■ /;:; jnate of the value of the mortgaged premises J ■, - v fcay be.seen at the Office of the Registrar i . aforesaid, and ,at the Office of >C ' Stewart and Johnston. Wyndham Street, the - Mortgagee's■-.'-Mlioitors,;. at «alJ;' reasonable ' ; , Boom at the timo of the Sale, without pay- ' , ffient of any fee. Particulars and conditions , &**Z& bspected at Auotion f ," ;" v; v,--\\ ■■----.. ..■■■■-, ~~~ ■ —- J t; ~ • t: .'-..-.- ■: TTNDER CONDUCT :OP THE REGIB- ;i l UIBAB OF THE SUPREME COURT OF r NEW ZEALAND, AT AUCKLAND AT a THE REQUEST' OF THE MORTGA- ! . >;.-. ' v;.r: GEES,-'AND ' WITH: THE ' LEAVE OP * . ' SUPREME COURT. « ', "DEMUERA T)OAD. ' | pun* APRIL 13> ' !

'^'...'" AT 2.15 P.M. ) -■ ' IMESSRS. WALKER AND COAKLEY hare .-. V been, instructed to Sell by Public Auction. •l"-v;v :,■ ft their.Auction Mart,. High Street, Auck- ,; <;-':, .;. land, on. the'above-mentioned date— ■.'■'..•■ ; >" ; ALL THAT rt PIECE OP LAND, co* ; ■'-. /"'=•=:. :■:.-* X* taming One : Rood . and f Seventeen t 'f' ;. ; - 7.'■: Porches, .-. more .'-:' or; less,-:being Lot No,'B : : " v :-V'-on deposited plan No. 4169. and being part ' ..■» v. v r .of Allotment No. 163 of Section 16, Suburbs - --' ■£'• of Auckland, iand;■ ■■heme the » whole of the ,i - :.V' and comprised in Certificate of Title regis- .;,: tered in f tohim.; 176,- F01ic.252, of the Regisv ter vV 00 , of ~L and • Transfer Office at : ' -Auckland aforesaid. '■ .:-• A' . The Mortgagees' application and the est!- ' mated value of the land can be seen at the i office of he Registrar at all reasonable times ' prior to the date of Bale, and in the Auction Room at. the time of sale without payment of any fee. • **" cu r For full particulars and conditions of We twh .to the Auctioneer, or to the, ISS cagees Solicitors/ Messrs. Endran and^ol■yyiLßON AND iWILSON, WHANGAREI. I •yyHANGAREI GALES. fHUHSDAYrjJARCH 9q 1 AT 9 A.M. 1000 nE^iudi CB 0F c -™. i 100 BEEP ; . too STEERS (35 to -1 years) i eSO STEERS (18 months to 2 years! ti 100 STORE COWS AND 200 CALVES, ■ £ ~ " p JJAMO gALES. C f pRIDAY, ARCH gQ. I 500 HEA £If CA:^ 70 BEEF " '/''■ '. •' f 100 STEERS (3i to i vears) - ' ■"'- J, 1 , , IK) STEERS (18 months to 2 TClWs)i -% j ■t ; ■- I \V. JiA , KGASEi; gciAi;' a H EEP gALES. ' ■ , OPENING OF NEW SHEEP - YARDS ' UESDAY * PB il 3. ,' J AT 12 NOON. [ 5000 • '%s***> was. f

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LIV, Issue 16498, 26 March 1917, Page 10

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Page 10 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume LIV, Issue 16498, 26 March 1917, Page 10

Page 10 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume LIV, Issue 16498, 26 March 1917, Page 10