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_' . ■...-' ■ , ' - - ' : ■■♦■■■• : vi'.. ■ '' - ' ' '•■■■■i V - N/ LACE ? i'rice i4/ohe Does iVbf TRIMMINGS Cbnsftote Va/ue/ I In the case of baking powder, quantity must ' Of tI)C DCttCr CI&SS. *'; be ' considered, as well, as price, but of chief . j . importance is quality. While the price of j , ' , . WMUnLIj fe y ou interested in a line at the Usual Price ? I ONE QUALITY, ONLY *** ' , I OWd6r ' | Such a good "offer from a wholesale house could - jI™ •' ■ '-:•'■/ *-■■' ,' \- - not bo refused by ufiv 'As usual we pass the value .-.' '■-.:,> ;■ is Slightly higher than that Of Other brands, . - ; on. Those ho, in the ordinary my would con- v ->; S/ i •i • u —-,*-« ..t«»A# n *+ tin -■ ! the better class tnmmiifg too expensive may ... •?-. '= Edmonds contains greater weight per tin -,- . now ;, piu ,. ]laso .at ; on e. fourth 0 f lho ' a fide pHcc . '■ / n and is of infinitely better quality; ,»,. n: ■ *■ ,— - ■ ..i:--- ••>?>>■ a. . • , LbMtt. I Edmonds jMfcj , ,- Wa i&Sfc£Bffß%S®S& ' 1 weight of Baking Powder, and as its chief in- > •.-■-. fi credient is the best Grape Cream of Tartar, it „ . METAL MIXTURES IN SOIIT METALLIC - , V j. ,KcnliiWv wholesome and oossesscn " v ,- EFFECTS CLEVERLY APPLIED WILL GIVE • is absolutely pure, wholesome ana possesses ... .. WONDERFULLY EFFECTIVE RESULTS. - : ' > greatest leavening power. y ->" ~:• .-.:■. : ■^•. i '. £t ; V". >. : ; -,l , ; V T :.' Use Edmond's and you use the best! - " ;'. ' ' '. .. ■ ( . Edmonds Baking Powder is now obtainable in ~' , c AC •J 1 117* 1, <V T\* ' •■ < lxi: v / A bpecial Window Display I EDMONDS BAKING POWDER WORfCS Of 9 *(\(\ yj CHRISTCHURCH •'■',;• .■ U1 l f St -""J: 1 :. | ' '.V. . : j A LINE OF SILK FRINGES, with Insertion Band, J? X. ' ./V. S - : in Saxe, Reseda, Grey, and Navy,'7in wide. \ f X XX S 'X ' A DAINTY SCALLOPED TRIMMING, in Pastel — jf , j. Silks and Gold Thread, 2Ain wide. \ S A x/ A \/ W X . COLOURED NET INSERTIONS, embroidered in f v ■ i ■ '••'-' I, ' Self Shades and Oxidised Thread. : Brown, " Navy ' Saxe ' sky ' Reseda ' 3in widc i/ t0 2/11 i . |;"; All at 6d. Yd. I f! i BLACK SCALLOPED' CHIFFON, : embroidered j ' 'a gsessgsj\ -! (Coloured Silk and Tinsel, Sin wide. ... '5 tlfflll 5 ' NET ' heavily embroidered in Silk J • _ ; ,3, and Gold Thread,' sin wide, in Brown, Grey, ,V fit HI '3 ■ CREAM GUIPURE MEDALLION TRIMMING " , ' /iTTX 3 AND NET .AND. GUIPURE INSERTION, ,''. : : '. 5 I 'Vf I " V' From 2/11 *°! 6/6 yard, ' ? I ffifflll 1 > *' :, 'ife -- fi ' .. A SMART TRIMMING, in Silk Embroidered Net, \ 4 I JG&& gSfek I ■ ' : - ,'■' ''■'■' s d. in Pink, Saxe, Helio., White, and Grey, out--3 H *SL--''- ; JP '0 1 ' A H^SOME C POINTED TRIMMING bßliok 5 "pl "^'' ? ' Bm&k '■' B NET INSERTION,, embroidered'in'Pastel Silks, 3 ■■*+-*** «' BLACK NET INSERTION, embroidered in Navy. ' - 5 fj 17 » -' and Burgundy Silk and Oxidised Thread, 3in "' m' '.-->#.'J^.i'.w; ■ jji wide. v ; .:.;-;- r 1 LAMPS ' "' 'A BLACK POINTED NET, embroidered Gold i . • . ;v? ■'■ 1 S Thread, and the leading shade, Green, 3in wide. . 2' v"" ' 3 A RICH SCALLOPED TRBMNG, in Black Net .. , a' f x ... ' ,;'^>'J-^r'■•"-. ■..• jjj ; - ; Embroidery,*'iri-;Coloured Silks and Silve? -;.'--• .- 3 • '~fjf ■ f <\ " **» T ' Thread, in Navy,-Ivory, Sky, 3iin wide. : - ;' i .iVZn? excfusttkly Che product* 1; -..''./. i/lito 3/n yard. 3 i- """"' 8 All at 3d Yd. „ IS ' ' Thread, and the leading shade, Green, 3in wide. j A RICH SCALLOPED TRIMMING, in Black Net I Embroidery, in Coloured Silks and Silve? fjf /*/*/* "N ■* "' Thread, in Navy, Ivory, Sky, 3£in wide. *ylne exc/usiuuy (he product* ' • I; ... 1/11 to 3/11 yard. if A 3 a t 9d. Yd. BRITISH OPITAI 5 I BRinsH labour I: ! , KARANGAHAPE RD. ; l ;, :' BRITISH MATEWAI t •,•..'. 5 ■ '. . ; ■~, ,\ ? . RENDELLS ' 5 HAMMERSMITH J -'*>: " 8 ;; -'\ '*"..•'. *" - -v.'-*' <;f ■ ; london „ fi;, Limited.: , t§ ; W5? CROSHER SONS- •" i'• ■•-';--•■-. ■:■" ; -, -> ' ;....... y Gl e B KEEP iWELD r " - ' "^~~7 Healthy and "fit"—as Nature intend^*"you- ■ "'' : *i'-•■•;.: ■• -a "1 " ■ :i .. ''* .- to be—by taking. Beecham's Pills ; occa- - , ■-, .. ' .' .. &■■ ■ .' ... ■-' .•■ .■-"'- sionally. ' The' many ' uses and valuable ' .. ..';'- - . » y ..■,- j. ft.,,,;' ; . curative properties of this unic-ue prepara- .-, ' ' •,;. .'-/' ;.'- J &,.'■ ■:. -~.--■.■ tion- are now matters of general knowledge. '-. , '-I'l-'--- ; " *'". 'r- **-.-.■' Indeed a large number of people find that a ? ' V -J"-- : A •;■' ■ -.' - '• :. periodical doB« of/this .famous specific is all • ' ''■*"• -*'•*" . that they need in the way of. medicine from '-; ' ' ' t f -'■.: Ti- • A "• - '•'/ one-year's-endrtoW another.-> : For three ' {•'-'.*? •'• ll '"-:'. .. ,• ' It generations. Beeoham's; Pills,' have, main- s. ( ;.> O:rS-j'. '•"'■' II '•■'%''■*'*■' " > ■■■'-: tained an. unrivalled;.norjularity:. as.a safe ■•'■! w . - "'v'J - ". ' - . IB • , and speedy corrective for the' numerous ail- , l o ' la : ?' ' - ments ' arising from disturbed' conditions of v / •'•..'"'"' I-. ' n •■■ ■- ' " the 'jdieestive -system.-;,.. Distressing., syrup- . :: ■'■>/." \■. ;■ '■-. v*;." '-x'ifi.'-.'■ ..■ 'a':-dose, or two of : Beccham's Pills on the ?. • ' '••' * !.■-'.'•''''''■ ' . ■first aiens.'of indisposition.''.slli is a great <,■s."" '.-• * ,","•' i-- ''.HjßhLw- ;, .V , ' ; •*. mistake to neglect 80-called minor ailments v \r ■"'" ' "•'•' i^"^^fSJrv for they may develop© into more? serious ■ . ~..'• '■'^\Msßmß@&'~■ -■■ ■"■' illness and in any/case. ■if unattended to, ' -■:.»'■■ ''■'...', :..".- ' /ImWm^' ' ' entail lowered vitality.. denresßion qf * spirits ' ' t--''.''.' •.. '; 'te&slgß}&L ™ J^. ■''■■'''' ' and'■:distaste'Jdr.-'works>nd-.pleasurf. ;:.■ :Beme■'?/'' : ''• > . : ?' '" '''•*' '''•'•.-•'^BsSO^Stmß^^'" l --' ■'•■='- ; ' a preventive as well as , a curative medicine. . ' •"'.■"■• " .'" '^S-S«^ ! ■'' ■ ■' >: ■ ' " its ;use ; will gretlyvassist'in ; lt?eping - the " '..''■ " ■"■ '■■""■■■ ' • ' important organs of digestion in natural, ~' >~l ■' >'" .. ■ i ''-'- : :^^wlH«n V--' ; ■ healthy state. • Composed of • tho purest .in- r ; 'k' ' ''■ .'-'' • ' ■'• ' ''.'<.?-■'■ ' 'v* ■"-:'■' ..-.i grediente of vegetable; origin and of proved ".■•.'■■ ' " j^S^'<^'''^' »l ' ' ' BEECHAM'S PILLS . ' ~ .IJ^^S always,; do; good. .; There is truthiii'- the .' ':. " ■'■jtSHBEO' '"' r ' '^'• : appreciation that they are "Worth-a Guinea •' ' "'• ; ■ lil¥flSSSiMi^^^SW* ' a Boi,".'for restoring impaired appetite, cor- <'■"" '■* ~ ' -.; :"BRlEni?* I>f ,iC recting bilipußness. and' sick-headache, re- •'■■-*••-. : tts!Bs£tsi) ' • ■ '' > ■- •'- lieving constipation, overcoming hver-.shncss, ' ~-. f^^r^t^Mm*^Bßß^'''■»■' ' '-' purifying• the blood and eswhliahing■ tho - : , . iffiiffltffffiM general health. , A bright eye and . clear '. ' ■''■'''''■''■'-•'■'"lhSmHHßßibißm^&^^^Sß head, cheerful spirits, vim and vigour accrue '■>■ ■ ••'' .'-"',. fBJjJMBK HflffijjraMk'^^BKffitf ' -'" from the sensible uso-.of this, valuable .".," '• :; v^ : mKMHh9BHB»W^^'-'■''}h^F- : '"'*''-'• remedy. ; Such benefits may be yours if you- :<•;) : - , sMMHIimifIgTOMwMPL :r^r^'*'! ' will have recourse to Beecham's Pills:when ;?"•'■'■, . ' jHßaHrßißmßlßßfflWf 'iß' necessary.. It will bo well: wbrth' yoiir 'whili , ; { ; i .# ' '""'-f ■ -'.'.' .' ' ' OCCASIONALIY;" ' ' ' ' ' ::' ' THOMAS BEECHAM. St. Helens, Ens, ' , ..' ''flßl' * ■ Bw& - ""' ' . labelled .price,. lOjd (38 pills)..;ls l}a ; (66 ;/.:' ' . , . 1 ' ~— ■ >t -- ; -hr ■•:'•'• : ' - The Sign of Good Whisky* Throw Awajr^ l^^ Spssassn tf ]IODFRIRK ~ • barber shave yon without stropping:. H %y#- ■M W 1 M Hii( BiL UM I iIJ And if he can't eivevouasucceWrul f " AM> &*P &JL %T shave wlthont stropping the blade,' 1 , r ■, , f '■ » how can any safety razor'do. so? . : ' -° • . .' ' J j«__,-,:_ k i a—i^t. ■." '■*■ *''•'•■' ''■ '<■ - Surely,therefore, no other razor can — :*'' ~. ' ' special SCOtCu v / /$ . •>■, give yon the same satisfaction as an -I I ■ . :. . - i >■~. ' t * ', •■.,' '. ■■■''~,• >"••■'' ■n Y^ ] k?' IV, lil unequalled as a high grade special to-day 3 as it was 75 years ago when it set a new : ': J ior no other razor has the patent be- i I ; standard or quality in whisky. vwe which ensures just as perfect wv»«*v*wa*4 VJ VjUUlllJ 111 YVI,HOft.V« | stropping by the novice as by an ex- I < '-- ' ;; '- ' ' ' •"■' ■>. •' ■ r ' v "■ .' >-~:.. fk pert. .tskyonr dealer to give you an I ' " '• .',"."' . * .■ ■ 'V .; ' ••■.■.■ ''.i -.'■^' ; " ■-. ; . ; -'.'. •'•■ •'--'.■•■':' " :<-:.:'. ■'.':' .''-V- . •■' AutoStro;; on the 30 days' free trial. /l]}] ' *'■* ■• ■ '' *'■ : k -"A : '-'J''/: .1 C' •V-'--".»'-'"' ; '"■' ''■■"'■ '""■ * ■''"'' '''■' '='"'"""."i" "."' * Razor Set of .ilv«r-, special < ■ ,' ; ™ nCI //Of (fjtf , LOnnOfs3Cfjr.-:; H ? ' ■ ,:'<;,•.:.: 12 lucn ileel "Viltt" bWi*,fa mc, 25/- I .. -.! ' '■ , ¥ ' ' j'. - OBTAINADLK KVKnrWHERE. '. ('* .',/' • . ' ' M 1"* li iff' V T%'4t '•,'., RALPH ABEBCR6mBY, G»r ( St, him , ■ ' * *•*"* &™& *> Smi XX <. - — ====: == ::^~~~ — .;.'. - _-.',. . Scotch Whisky-de-Luxe OOK'T LOOK OLD. NOTHING FINER PRODUCED. * look oS with Delicate, Smooth and Light. those gtey.and v r ~ faded hairs, fa # SJsi^Wi'"-% »' •..-_ ■'•'-, always so con- li ■ W 1J ; • • WRIGHT & ; >GREIG LTD.. spictvous,- A IB II '■ i i - :-"-■.--■-'■-'• / ■^ , •***.> bottle of u»v||/JK Wil Distillers. GLASGOW. world-famed ■-\|i w « ' " ' * - ' » L Uckyer's ; Sole Agents for Auckland Province! g iSLRsSjfi C. H. DRYSDALE & CO. , Sate&St****! >' Wiitayu (Iwaberj, CUSTOMSTREET WEST. AOCKUND. * LL-flOi»'r | LOOK OH*- I :;■ ■-•„-, '---.' '■■■ " •••-■' • ■-::••■;■•/:'.:•■,:■••• ■ .■-■ ..'.<!> ; !!S' : -'-'--'""^'' -■'— ■"^>T l^**mm t ' ~1 "" "- ■'■■- "' ' .'. 'ii ""ji" I m£mml ' ■ '^'^'''" ! y'^'-' : .Cll*' ' " ~

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Bibliographic details

New Zealand Herald, Volume LIV, Issue 16498, 26 March 1917, Page 8

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Page 8 Advertisements Column 2 New Zealand Herald, Volume LIV, Issue 16498, 26 March 1917, Page 8

Page 8 Advertisements Column 2 New Zealand Herald, Volume LIV, Issue 16498, 26 March 1917, Page 8