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®&W-i' • ■. _, ■ .-»■■., ;,',•'■.,:»;•■■,■■,;;,■ , ~--;vtv.'..„;;.-. ~— —— v/„■„,■.., .1— r .w.„, , ~-, , ~ , v—;,„.- ~. ;„„ »,, >~, ~ 1 .....,,,. ;l . ,<„,.,. . v .i. .... ._ —-v . ...... ■ ..— -— -*-*- ——■ ■■■ •• ■ ! ' ■• ~ . " • . -;./,,,:.. ■ •-,;■ ~ . ■ •■- ■■ ,•; - ■ ■ :■■ ■ : ;;••••• ■ , ; ' —_ -__ _ ' J 'I « JssMl?L //\ *& HXf' § colouring is presented hi the A' visit to our Autumn Exposition of the latest in * l ■.;'■■•.• ' S. m = !: "V'-.' : = i_Sf__k^"'Bl_ W // ft •*•*'/ }\) I Autumn Millinery that it is •,,.....;.• >~-,.,.; .■ _ , . ... ,XT ■-... .... *. ~, A,,+ Hmn Hole '■ Ti^v~ i lr%> _Sf »'/ all-/' \> \ A #-/'■ ~ - ■'■■! = JlKHkW*'' ' Cxi""--/// i /'• difficult to decide .which type Fashionable Apparel, .Millinery, Fabrics and Novehties AUlumn Hats. ] m jj 3/ / /'J \ A P~^ 1 — //** of Hat deserves first mention, will not only prove interesting, but extremely helpful in I s * |% 1/ 0// * Ww / fggM\ 1 _ if jfSSI - Sy \^jf i / r ' I one of the new'sailor shapes,' every way. , ';V ,-' , .; . ,• ■ .;;;■ . .', Hats, each with its note of |\ s " / ■ wwk* I'' ®j / l Mli'&rfl fIY/\ = — wl_K §I_'sil "Vrn . 1 which' is rendered quite out of T ~ ; ... '-'-<"y, y A--? *.„•., „^ii„„i.:„„ 0 +v.o+ newness and individuality. -On . %Wk hI ■ f ', I /\\ f'MnM 1I ¥A = '^ ' =■ f fliil • /r*® ■ " the ordinary by its upturned In the assembling of.the, extensive collections that: the top right is a pry smart I A I }I ' M Ifflfe/ /' *$. = — MwJSBi'HII /Tiim I ' .*! . , . brim ' It iB of Amethyst plush > ' will be on view there is reflected the Neatest'cM ; and shape, which is trimmed 1 Jlr l'» 'Mi f' 11/A&r°r»kl ' \\\*>, = ! ■• ••■ = ' &Pl—MffiSW Hail •• AvsJmk-t ' with van-coloured ornament m front. . v<- ..:,,. „ • ■ ■ ■■■■ , -:■ .-•;■. n-a-:'-- . ■•> _ ' ... ": in quite a simple manner with \,Mm JtiM 1 \\\\ 'i' ffl Nffl I tart/ I V>& = = ' MmSfIH|BS|HRV { - Wide brims are particularly in favour, !a v forethought, not only of our Overseas Representatives,..' small ornaments of Black and w *f Jv(tf /'/ W/ © i M/'is\ = ! ' ' = _U_fJ__fi__i iVWI typical example of the many shewing is \depictcd but of each individual Departmental Buyer. '' ' Gold. The large hat is a par- ft \\ 111 / W\M \, lWf0) = ; = OT.WIIHM r^l ' ' - above. It is rich Black Velvet, with a simple trim- bUt ° f GuCh m ™" ai , Departmental Jiuyer, ... becoming one, decidedly . « \\M PTWfT\\ I\m I I //If = ; = ' x3slllll_!H_lL S V ming of White Ermine. : /. ;, '-~ • Quality, the outstanding feature of M. and C. new in shape,, and carried out / I) 1 / ' ///'I 1 ' \'\\ =! -' = vffi ImffT <lfmffsi M U ' or a Costume Hat nothing smarter could be „,,,.„ ; ::■ . : - ; „-.v •-; . ~ ■ .■• i» Bottle Green Velvet, with a / if V \ J 11 \\ kZ^^>a/l /' W = : = _l - Mm "'A S 'IN chosen than the close-fitting shape. It is of Black 'Merchandise for; over fifty years, IS apparent in, every neat band of Gold and Coloured $ "j! 'I'll I WW //VTvLW *0/ -!'''"' '"'' i '=■ HSiB _____!_ i ■'-- #[\ m«*v* rf cct n vc 17 t J" immcd :- with " d ««P stitching of article, whilst the variety offering is indeed a tribute to i'osi«. m. remaining style is v J A-J / / •» 1 \/// / \\U/&ffl 11 = ' __TTO_ _! If ''" • ''■41- : i' ---'■' Mastic Chenille, and is onlv one of many smart , . a particularly suitable Costume » S _> ;/ / ' y/ I ! \ M&sl = ; — SiW&M K_k fa 14 \ \ conceptions rom Gage's. the enterprise of the British manufacturer. .';■:■;.•;. v.v Hat of Bordeaux Velvet, trim- I/, J Jm—. Jl I // = ; -' ; " il_iS9il '' ■"' :: ''ffnl iif /^<%k If 1/ r '* ■ ■ , We bid you welcome on TUESDAY NEXT. is and a* band | <; ' " ' ■II = " =: it " 3 /ii 1 M ■ Jc* i• i ' • v'■ V--■■ " i ' :: ".' : '' . Ribbon. Moderately priced at 'if//, - /</ \ \\\ — '= IMS:3 I'M'A Diversity of Style is •: ■y, ■■ ■ 4 0/e. ModeratcLv Driccd at %w v * <>%0SB& \ \\\ 1 ■'« in the Frocks'for Dressy: ~ -'..,.. ...y, ;.-'■-v^,','. •" ? • ' * , r \ \\\ I' = llMffll ' i Hl ill v'\\\.j& some being smartly/fashioned in Taffetas 1~~ - ' - Blouses are Daintier than ever. //lm ) I \\\ = -' = 'M8&IPI i?////ll "' 1 g smartly'fashioned in Taffetas, . . ' . /// ] I \\\ =■■ . ■ i-wJ_liS_!' ' !«lWfl P~ i \l\ 1 " 8 *" Chiffon Velvet, Crepe Georgette, and ::. •„• ' • Koine appearing with high, others with low necks., Most of them '/Jr jf A \ \\\ = ; '■ =1 F_K_»SwL» ///// 111 I I ' It deUllne, ] ...... _a . r T ( as««-il3ill4Y \Tc»wr PaklflrT' have long sleeves, some of them demanding that the back of the hand c--/' A *>. X. » We ' ■ - )_HHH^SH : -^^'»/////. 111 IIIWV rhree very desirable , Frocks' depicted. concerning new raDriics . B iii be covered.- - ?\ / > \ \\ = = j ■ ' r\|\\\\ and* CI rffSi 61 vN model of rich Black Taffot ? ! , : " ' . . Silk Crepe and Ninon are favoured fabrics, and many styles are _~ ,' \/J V- s \» = . : '• ;^; : JIU m\V\\ and Chiffon Velvet. 'The velvet'is seen in • ." ' •i •' shewing in Lace ' ' • / iX \ / '/§ \\ = "'.'• = : J ' %fe If /// I' • I \\\\ ' • Concerning the New Materials for the New Frocks and . uppermost sketch depicts a French model in Shell Pink Silk, ~./ . #H(IP \ ' \ = ' = • .*gficW). //I- II 1 l\\\ [new barrel st •! ft '■ ?"' ; W Suits much could be written • with a'trimming of White : Marabout at neck and cuffs; fastened with ; /SJ.i|ri«S J ! * =! " • 1'- \n2// I/// I 1 W MA its M^icltv '■ 'Of novelty weaves there are not many, the British 'Tsw£?srt* shews a pretty Dinner Blouse in a dainty Helic I / |' : = Mh FL I 1 \M\ I ™ B W , . clt s- . u ».° f 'ra Crepe, with J :.-,* .. v. ■-f • ... " ib . Bb f ,. trope Crepe Georgette, with wide bands of lace inserted. Finished with A ft I\\ «V ' ,i =. ■ = tsA Byy feP/jk I I II UTOIA a effective trimming of stitching in Vieux i manufacturers contenting themselves with producing fabrics little bows of ribbon /] \ i !** = : - ' 1= " .¥ * J®V ISr I 1 Y# ? 0W * 7P lo y ed . a V he 7 a . that - Whi,Bt conformhl ß t0 nll the dictates ot thc lateßt mode ' " The remaining Blouse is a French model in White Crepe de Chine, / )MIV ' W I & ='^ _ ' 1 iteT S/W 'r * :T7ff * foundatiofi will in addition give excellent service. ' , and the Key, which may be worn as fastener or pendant, is made from [# I'jPh/ '' .f =;:. = /*5 > Xf&mM aa\?SL?W I fe\ mfel M° tr 1• ■ j.-'x- «_'«• -„j ••*«i ■ • ~'•«"'. ' . ■■*'. i .....«' .«,,..».. . covers of old lever Watches, and has been patented by the designer. V fill X* ill = ' V . ="■ m : fT\\J er / A&m ly { \^? ni^YC^nt^ Fro f ' A first favourite will be the Real Garbicord, followed With this Blouse is shewn a beautiful mite Marabout Set. The \ ( /ft/ I I =1 §• " I* Vft J- %t Za? & v He ' ,a .? e f (Ie ' closely by Gabardine. The former is shewn in a beautiful deep cape is in one'animal style, and the fashionably-shaped muff ha S ' ///( \ % =j -- wr ) \ 11 V- ' Chine skirt, Ihe bodice is lined with lvorv ... ■-. .. -i.v . . , : . ~: *■- ~,iJ,in„i Rt f \vi,;+„ «;u. • /// -k _—- ? / » _ • =■ ' m&FfflßJsJr \J> ' ■ Ninon, and there is a deep sailor collar at quality of very wide width, in a range of colourings that is nicl.ings of White ... /// If "*?•»*, / '/ =, v , '■ = «*» ~*tflr 1 ' i / Kn„i. TU.t>..M. M »rr<'.i,iT i r«nllv natrthUliiiKr x 0f tlie tur Sets for thls season, one of the newest desips is \ ///I ¥»"«««>»*• \ = . ■•• i — a Ti&ttfilm v 1 I iK ■■ >' hack, lie straps are of Gold Lace. reany nstonismng. , . . . , . .7, .. ... , ••..,, . I //# I IP \i \\ \ = - = / /tfMs&B&i/ r s-» •• . «* • '- •- - ...,-_ shewn. It is. of picked skins of natural Musquash in rich, dark shade. \ /'/ I I U \\ \\ \ =..:-; — ' \ I&*WW/ll A* fyP~"i ' » •' Gabardines are in great variety and shadings that will' The high choker collar worn outside of chin has the small cape effect, 1 I 11 II tt «, \ El ; ; .■' ■ ; = IWmWySA , C** I '"-'-' -* ~ —— ■ ' — be in demand. These are especially suitable for those, who while muff is the melon shape now in vogue. 1 I f I ?\ \\ 51VI//////1 n\\\n\v\. ' .-"';,',;. .... i. ii fu •' The Blouse over which the Fur Set is shewn is a French model in A A3 . RSn a X<r\ = '■=■-■ ////// ■ 1 \™\ : •' i'\ ■ ■ ■ •■' FvenilKT PrnrnPtlflflp prefer a light-weight, yet nrm, ; fabric. Black Taffetas. It has the sloped shoulder effect, and is trimmed with J L~-Wr\ \ =' -- - =/' //|f ;I ™% x U enin £ rromenatie. ;r ( , |VpdH a _ agdn p _ ular _ _ d| jf o _ „_ nskc(l jt hand painted ruches. ' \ V = • _ ' I S-l I 1 l\\\\\V\ V; • V FROM 7to 9 p.m. '• ■' : '. v - : ; "' V .:■•- would 'bo difficult to mention a more useful fabric. ; .*. ? ' \\ \ 1 •:{• V'j x ' ■'-■'-=' mill ■ >\ I|\\\\A\\ '"* : on /. the evening of Tuesday Next the premises r : . '! All-Wool V ! Flannel '■" Suitings, that make such extremely TUa WinHnw DorAfo+SAMc ; ' ! A i i I II =SB ; -v--= '■• ■'■•"• ; -' S,,Tain, ain °- pe ? fof ins P ect |° u n ■$&*& on! - v - ' A ;•• useful Costumes, are very scarce, yet we shew a fine range " ~.1 ne VV,nUOW L»eCOrailOnS. 5 \ \\\ =\. .;.•' ; y - •■.-=: I lOr'V \\\ delightful musical programme that, has ; been arranged , . , ~.. .... -..,•, -„ <. •■■,, ->-,'. •• -, . . .■•'.- ■ : . ""'■■ I " * HW'*iiuh?B/fflllBL" » \\ I = : r'\ = J in —MT\\ \ \\\ 'nr kHII a,w motßrifliiv in th« nloienvo «f « : vicit ,i„.?„„ in both light and dark effects, in plain and striped designs. - ' ' : = /CTtoßsssfflTW_. l 1 = ' : I = L'lit \\\ \\m : ' .or will add materially to. the pleasure of a visit during «■ .... , ' ', . ' . * The window scheme provides a distinct departure. With a scenic i * JmSBSSBXSbSS&L \ » =i-'^f ■ _ nUI 11 111 ■■ \\ • > ,0 aDove nours.. v. , '•■■ l| - . A'clour-finished Venetian Cloth is a fabric with a very background that is essentially Flemish in conception, one gets a vista \ » \ ' : '• '-? = //nlMk-Jl I IL-V'm '" ~—~— '' '• " v • '■''• -'•-y •-•'•'''' handsome appearance that will appeal to those desirous of of distant roals and trees, the latter of the peculiar type that Dutch \ wL',W'Mm =1 ; ": V v : = -l/ rKU-P H\\\ \\\ " ' A '-J ,M AlQ l+i fl , +1, «. a change for the more ■ severe type of material. The range of Art Painters have familiarised us *>*'_~,., -ru \ ■ ' - =1 '" = hill I H 1 Mu And of Novelties there are many. shades embraces , Brown Nan s axe Pumie ooorto and , . r,,e * bo ™' com T d Wlth a , lghtfu dlsplay of Fashions and WSiS3i_9a_J__ =0". — UN I 1 11 W\ J Sl,aaes cniDraces mown, navy, oaxe, fin pic, uporio, anu glorious blending oi colours, completes a picture well worthy of J^^"^^^ '■ . =. ■-'■ '■?.: 3 7/JMJJ v|L J|fjp'ulA Notable among the Neckwear is an FANTASTIC CIRCULAR DRAPE Bottle Green. „ . a special visit. ~.,..., >•'•£« T* 3- l5 ~ f ' ='//ir<J I IMll A Exclusive number: in FICHU ■' VEII,, in' Fine Silk Mesh, with „' ~s . ~ ~'~ .. ... '~ ~.. ~ ',-*• ■ „ 'm{%u ='''■'■■' = '/// if II """1 UL style, with Novelty pointed back heavy plain Silk' Embroidered Molame is another _, novelty that will .claim attention, if . .... ~ ..- ~. ■ ,/- y .■ =i?-0 .' EH j •■- I V —* and goffered frill collar carried Scallop'border, are shewn in only for its good wearing properties. . - —— , , — : — —— : _ — '^'-' == 1/ — ' J -/ out in Dainty Shadow Lace, fin- Hunter Green, Black and Gold, '„. », . , . .. « . „ . ... Porrinatinn of ho TliilHean'r C«. rt —, —" ■= . ' (J*— <v -il — ' ished with Black Moire Ribbon. and Fawn. Frieze Cheviots for the Sports Costume or serviceable . . raSCinatlOn OT tile Lllllaren S brOCKS, ■ W - E * —■'; t S--- * '\ FINE NET VESTETTE is FANTASTIC DRAPE CIRCULAR everyday wear are shewn in wide range of new tonings. . Every age, from the wee tot to girls in their teens, has been S ® !r =,v = '■■,' fj-i - ' trimmed with Novelty Shadow • VEIL, with j Old Gold -Metal', . .. ... >. ... „,.*, _, w.' , , ..■,-.■. fmly considered and provided for in our collections for this season, j '' =1 . ~''='• -' / M ;..'■. . Lace; with soft Lace collar high Embroidered Border in ex- '■ ' '' ;' Amon g *?* "B htcr fabncsChiffon Taffeta holds pride ° and the styles all bear that distinctiveness expected of M. and C. goods. ! TWvT*A \Vv = I ■f — */} > : at, back arid Tow. in' front.' -• .trem'ely new"' spray \ . design; . place, whilst Crepe Georgette ; and Crepe de Chine are very For a little girl of six is' shewn a charming Frock in Cerise Cotele. '■ '§] '/ \ \ \V\ El ;.,' : ; ..• = " \ ■■--.' ; T .' LADIES' BLACK PATENT LEA- 7 ' isottlo Green > Brown « Navy, , favourable for Blouses. ■'' , 'H ] - ■■■ ' : " ,! It has a straight front effect from the shoulder, and side-pleated panel. / I I \\\ \\ = f, • : . -, = ' \. . w .. i.v THER BELTS in new patent • :ft nd Black. ' -, ~;. ;..V. ' U -,T A smart Frock for a girl of fourteen is in Tomato-coloured Serge. -/I I \\\ V\\ = ! = . M ; "'"'■" ring clasp style, interlaced with SADIES' FANCY CREPE DE For Velveteens a great demand is anticipated, and we are It is box-pleated .from the shoulder, and slashed with Black Velvet / / I 'WW = ''(■■ •'■•■ ■ --- • -" > ■'■ '' V i"' Black Silk Braid or White Kid,- (:![IXI '' HANDKERCHIEFS, fortunate in being able to submit a'splendid range of shades . Rihbon, finished with Patent Leather Belt, and White Muslin Collar /- / ' \ \\\ ='' « _ J /--Hi ' will be in demand. ' ' in "Vel-duvet," "Venice," and Chiffon finish, Corduroy and and ». .. f _ + ~._.,, , ' \ V =' = • - with small dainty. Horal design 111 ' - Many very dainty effects are shewn in Misses' Frocks for Evenin" / M =: I , : ',;'"= .' ■■'■■■-■ ■WWSt'X ■•■ ■" ; "'■■" -' : 0 ■-■''* ' ' - V'" - r ' in Fink, Sky, Helio, and Deep. plain makes. ,-,-, v, >.•>;>,;;,;•...,...,. ~,...„. Wear. One pretty' style is in Crepe de Chine, Rale Pink, and Sky. It / = ; /. -' = :,' : '..jfci-C: <%Mft~''*''*'?i* ' '■' «!': ;f / "- Champagne. - . | :■, .■ . ~ . | has full, gathered skirt, and the V-neck 'is finished with large pointed W? ~*rrr<9 S S = ':•.';',■'= ' ' v j__i '*\- y ':■'.'■ ' ' ' '** ' ' ' ' ', ' : r ; :-'' ~~ "■ collar, crossing in the front. Folded belt at waist. ' .' * y^^^J^ \s ~ = 44-APATlTTrminrrmrin«/v,amtM,», ' ' ''^W^^M^ i'-V -««-NAVT GABARDIXB Is the material SS-A VERT SMART COSTUME OP = = WGrSoS ??♦"? Iv" 8 B « t : " employed in the above Smart Costume. BLACK BROADTAIL CLOTH. It has = = ', , „ frw Barrel sw™' „, ll,f I f 1 " 3i -*-^£i^S i 'jgMj^W^^Poa^ 66. I 1 Loose Panels are soon at Side of both . Pitch Collar Band, and the Coat is = ' : "= *-J *?*: 6M CONEY COAT, ' &jß^i!& ,r W ,Ble,l . — 4 v,, v Bodice and Skirt, Finished with Red Out Very Full at the -Hip*. A Very =, 5 with Skunk and Lined With Black Military Braid , , ,_■'.- . | • /- % . .; „._ ;, \ ■-, , Velvet and Fancy Braiding. ' Desirable Garment for Matrons' Wear. E - E ' Wine Slik - Tfl e collar may be worn as '':.-.' ■■/' '■-;"-. -, : ff.'ft--.-- '•'■■. fr ; "■'"■•■ y - :f - -'■ ■■'■■■" '-'" 'y'.- "--- ?; '-''. -■ ■■■'.■- . ' ■ . .'-'■■ '.-■■■ ;"■■-■■.■'•.■■■ : ' . - >;■;■:;■■■■. >■ = ■''■— shewn or flat. " *'/ ■ *•* f; 7** * f ''"•' '''•"'-.*•-.' . ~ • -.. T-, s ■, ;;■",.,"■' ' _ '•= 65-THE COAT FROCK.IS A FASHION M /H' ' > ' /**& ' "' W ', .'•,'■', ' ' = • =" „ ABLE •GARMENT, THIS SEASON, and /« /_ V V 1_ T WP% if* I W_r\ _ T W-« i ' — 'fT^ ; ' ' ' ''" '' '• = • ■:= «3-THE ABOVE SKETCH' SHEWS A ' the above _■^Garment. ; 'isv «ii J Extremely /WB 1 § l\.'i M 4 *j%f* M Hi ■I\/ I !C I B I ■ T7—.V MODEL COAT FROCK IN'BROWN' ABOVE COAT STYLE IS WELL = iS PRENCH MODEL COAT in Wine "; a?,?. Style in Navy Gabardine. Plnlsliifd I¥»1 I'_ 1 l^t'''- :; --C3S>[' _| I\\ # JT' «_</ '■ • ■ ; --''''^' :r K tl F ■"*"■> GABARDINE. "It has a Choker Collar, TAILORED IN BROWN GABARDINE = '•'.' _ Velour Delaine, with Collar and Cuffs of with Crlmison Revers. ""'" "' ■'■" . X.™ 1a..- 8 -. ~*:. ;■ *•—« •-:^® •,.. ; .-'.^S^' / . fl. • ifl .■■■* .. %ST;.. B—«T -iiii:t &.''.■• C; ■ Finished. Skunk Opossum. ' Braid and and Trimmed with Fur. CaWe-sr.ltchlng E S, — Grey Coney. ':;>i. " ■' , : , X QUEEN STREET ;..... ■ . AUCKLAND. s Cahle-stllchlug are cleverly used as a Is seen on the Belt and Round the | I \ .■'-*-. * "..;. AUCKLAND. " T,i™iii _, m« .»ti. c«t g ; : -: : ■•:*./■ l".r ■\ , ■ , - ' ■. . MM :-."... :: .;-■-;■, v■^^^^> ; >::^■v;^^ :; .■^■:^;:•;■;■;r■; : :vsr^^r^ y,..:-.;: .. > •;. -. ■:';.'■:".,-.■ :,;".;■ .?;"'" .... . .■-. ". ■ . > ; "■- ■;.>..,:.;., > ; ; .: ; .,,•;■;.■ ;.' : '- ".'. , - \'y,:- Y '; ;; y' v y- v ; -;"'•y'.-'" . -:■• • :; -r » : ;,-;y■. !^v:-; ) 1 ;:.>:^^ ,Y V w.:.,,Y-- -.'.'A /yyyry--".;:"(-,"■■-.■';>.■ ; ''. >:?\W >::'■'.' ' " ,- : > 'z ■ y ,'Y- .' J '•■■ ~.-;,•;-.. : :'.' ;: 'Y-—^——_-_ ■ ' '■V- : ■■■■■■■";'■-..•■• ■•■ ■■■...■■■'■•-:'.■ - -',: ■..: . <

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LIV, Issue 16497, 24 March 1917, Page 8 (Supplement)

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Page 8 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume LIV, Issue 16497, 24 March 1917, Page 8 (Supplement)

Page 8 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume LIV, Issue 16497, 24 March 1917, Page 8 (Supplement)