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Australian and N.Z. Cable Association. London, june 27. metals. months "- 10s. ad ' SPOt £29 10., throa months £28 »potTl73 £ 7 5 'J IU 'r motllh » £56. 2s fid. 6d ' thrco months £173 17-1 , WHEAT. 11,0 eat ""to is firmer and quiet. national bank, PROFIT 1011 the year Australian „d K.Z. A,«i.,|„. Tl,„ v.• , LONDON. JUNE 27. made a profit o f'^ and^as [his Vlol'£25,000; bonus f depreciation reserve, at the rate of V 2 n s ' dividend 1 per cent - additf cent - and a bonus of Pension fund " serv «' f 15,000 ; £42,109. i-WOO, earned forward,

STOCK SALES. AUCKLAND. a yarding ot W estfield. we had salo, practicallif r^va o r< L p ° rt a successful di «ry cows and , b r? mg sold - Best <rthera £6 iOa to f t r \ £ 53 to ~ 15 16aempty cows % ? 1 5 8: bulls, £5 103 to £11: to 18 momt;.\ - 5s 10 £8 "a Gd: yearling steer wives f 3 i? 8 to £4 17s 6dT steers, £H io a g'j ~1 J o3 i. . 3^ -year-old £2 5s to £3 la >ft el^er calves. of 45 cows'mnt wiiPi ,¥°. rlson 'f dairy B °ld at satißfaot brisk bidding, all being wethers were soM ry P V ces " The store On Frida; 1 lk.Th at f' 1 "s 3d. KS&4 « & £l At 8 £4 10- to £8? ' £6 103 to clearing oat on Saturday, we held a There wa 3 ° u 1 r i > CCO^ nt J of Mr ' E. D. White. » most ? attendance, and we report selling at from f8 10a to £17 T? averaged over £&■ Sundries old* , rd utensils at ruling prices. 103 aad dalry ing n sa^ on olf y o at Pa » u J a wo held a clearTlfere a C a°n » C „ COUnt i of Mr ' Tho3 - Murray, good RB.S, L i!j a 'J,™ attendance, and a fll 10a to flfi Ued ' T - he °° ws and 6 ' av , o £13 16s. Sundries ana tumnure sold at hich valuer £i r90 and a £l £17 -• a ° d f° 10 : buggy. £6 15s. yarding and ' a 3' Thursday we had a full thou• 1110 ® 8 ere on - a par with Viu f*u values, everything changing UD t hOU V exception. Dairy cows made to £7 f" lfers to £11 10s. bulls £4 10s 103 IS-months steers £4 lOs to £6 vn?j;^ Monda at Takapuna, we had a largo an d,. a most successful sale is rePMted. everything being sold at hieh prices. fjo 7- Bj WS i ? } oso J° profit, from £8 10s to f„ 13 „; 8 6d i heifers, to £12 Ss ' yearling steers. 6- f : r?n e /' £1 153 to £2 8s; beef cows. £7 to m 10s. _ Westfield fat stock market on Wedneaj " e ?J waa penned in .verage numbers, ?° jr? -t * as week's prices. Best oxen sold to £3 7 a per 1001b, others £2 3s to £2 6s- cows and heifers sold to £2 5s per 1001b tor best, others £2 Is to £2 4s: steers sold ij 01 ? i to £20 15s; cows and heifers sold at from £7 to £14 10s. Some of the averages were:-—l 6 steers from Mr. Jas. Taylor, Maungakawa, averaged £19 3s; a truck m om i ;H. E. Reed, Waerenga, -18 _s 6a: a truck of cows from the same vendor, £14 10s; 30 Bteer3 from North, £17 6d. Calves were penned in large numbers, and improved slightly in prices. Kunners sold at from £6 15s to £8 17s 6d for I hoi purchased by Mr. Sydney Day. butcher, Ellerslie. Heavy suckers, £4 10s to £6 4s; medium trackers, £3 5s to £4 8s; light suckers, £1 12s to £3 3s; small and freshdropped, "J to £1 ss. Sheep were penned in largo numbers and sold at improved prices. Best wethers sold at from for extra neavy, £1 18s to £2 ss; others). £1 12s to £1 17s 6d • best ewes, £1 ]5s 6d to £2; others, £1 6s 9d to £1 li 3 6d; hoggets sold at from £1 3s to £1 8s 6d. A truck of wethers from Mr. Jas. Taylor, Maungakawa averaced £2 3s 6d: 60 wethers from Mr. G. T. Nicol, Papatoetoe, averaged £1 18s 6d. Lambs were penned in average numbers and sold at, best, from £1 1.8 to £l 5s 3d; others, 17s to £1. Pigs were penned in average numbers and advanced in prices Choppers sold at from £4 13s to £6 10s j heavy baconers. £4 5s to £4 12s; medium baconers, £3 10s to £4 43; lieht baconers, £3 to £3 9s; heavy porkers, from £210 ato £3; medium porkers, from £2 Is to £2 9s; light porkers, from £1 13s to £2slips, £1 43 to £1 10s.

Messrs. Alfred Buckland and Sons report:—

At Westfield oil Thursday, June 22. dairy storo stock were penned in usual numbers and met with a ready bale at ruling fc'gh prices. Dairy cows and heifers made from £7 10a to £15 15s, according to quality.empty cows, £4 15s to £8 10s; yearling to 18-month cattle. £4 10s to £6 10s ; good calves, £3 10a to £4 7s; other cables, £2 23 to £3 ss; young bulls, £8 to £17 17s. There were 3235 store sheep penned. Buyers were numerous, and everything sold at very high rates. Wethers, £1 12s to £1 16s: small wethers, £1 7s 9d to £1 10a 6d; young ewes in lamb, £1 12b to £1 14s; full-mouth ewes. £1 98 to £1 lis. At the Pukekohe Yards on Monday, June 26, we held our monthly sale, and for the time of year had a good yarding. There was a large attendance and all classes sold freely. Forward three to four-year-old steers, £12 15s to £13 19s; two to three-year-olds, £7 to £11 10s; yearling to 18-month steers, £4 15s to £6 10s; heifers, same age. £3 15s to £5 53; empty cows, £5 10s to £8 15s; good calves, £3 188 to £4 10s; smaller calves, £2 5s to £3 10s; small fat steers. £13 10s to £15; cows and heifers, £8 to £12 10s (these prices were equal to Westfield rates) aged ewes in lamb, £1 Bs. Yesterday, at our weekly Westfield fat stock market, we sold beef to the number of 328 head, comprising 220 steers, 103 cows and heifers, and five bulls. Competition was steady, and last week's values ruled. Choice ox sold to £2 6s, prime £2 os to £2 ss. ordinary £1 18s to £2 Is, cows and heifers. £1 18a to £2 4s; steers ranged ill price from £10 10s to £21 108, cows and heifers £7 to £18 10s—this price for a choice cow from Mr. Isaac Gray. Papatoetoe. bought by Mr. T. Baster, Ponsonby Road. The highest averages for steers were: Six from Mr. R. Hannon, Cambridge, £20 2s 6d; 16 from Mr. James Taylor, Maungakawa property, £18 2s 9d: 12 from Mr. Geo. icol. Papatoetoe. £17 ss: 12 from Mr. W. W. McLaughlin, Papatoetoe. £16 3s 6d: 15 from Mr. A. Orr. Morrinsville, £16 12s lOd; 16 from Mangere, £16 3a 2d; 7 from Mr. Geo. Hastie, Papatoetoe, £16 lis Gd; two very choice 20-month steers from the same farm made £13 ss: 8 from the Waikato, £16 2s 6d; IS from Mr. James McNicol. Waiorongomai. £16 5s 3d: 9 from Tokanui Mental Hospital, £15 15s lOd: 24 from Mr. Chas. Bischoff. Waiuku, £14 18s 9d: 16 from the North. £15 18s 9d; (i very crime cows from Panmure, £14 18s 9d. There was a heavy yarding of mutton, and the quality was superior to recent markets, there being many lines of heavy prime wethers and ewes. The demand was good throughout, and. generally, values were on a par vrith late sales. Extra heavy prime wethers made from £2 0s 9d to £2 ss, heavy prime £1 17s to £2. medium to heavy £1 14s 6d to £1 16s 6d, other wethers £1 9d to £1 14s. extra heavy prime ewes £1 14s 6d to £1 17s fid. good ewes £1 10s to £1 138, other ewes £1 Is to £1 Ss 6d. Good hoggets. £1 on 6d to £1 10s 6d, smaller £1 2s to £1 ss. unfinished 18s to £1 Is (2269 sold). A truck of extra heavy wethers from Mr. James Taylor's Maungakawa property, averaged £2 4s 7d, and there were 1376 wethers that made between £1 16s and £2 53. averaging £1 17s 9d. and 239 ewes that averaged £1 14s lOd. There was a full yarding of fat and young calves, and they sold freely at late quotations Runners made from £5 7s 6d to £8 17s 6d: heavy vealers, £3 15s to £5 ss. medium £3 to £3 12s 6d.. lighter £2 6s to £2 19s, light £1 18s to £2 Be. small end fresh dropped 5s to £1 15s (100 sold). Piss came forward in average numbers, and there was keen competition at slightly improved prices. Choppers brought from £4 12s to £6; heavy baconers, £3 18s to £1 ss, medium £3 5s to £3 15s, light £2 lGs to £3 3s: large porkers, £2 10s to £2 los smaller £2 2s to £2 Bs, small £1 15s to £2- slips. £1 8s to £1 lis; weaners. 18s ♦-£1 7s • suckers. 10s to 16s. The advertised sows sold from £4 121b 6d to £6 (224 Pl At the Haymarket on Friday last horses rnmn forward in average numbers. Aged draughts realised from. £16 to £28 10s. waggon and express sorts £22 to £32. light harness class £7 5s to £16. 15s, plough horses £14 to £22, gig ponies and hacks £3 10s to £12 sb. On Saturday, at Pukekohe, wo held a special sale of dairy cows. More than the advertised number were yarded. There was a large attendance of buyers, and a most successful sale resulted. Best cows, dun July and August, brought from £14 10b to £19. more backward £11 10s to £14 6°. aged and inferior £7 15. to £10 15s choice well-grown heifers. £12 to £14 10s, others £7 2s 6d to £11 ss. bulls £7 to £10 15s, yearling to 18-montha heifers £3 9s to £5 17b 6d. On Tuesday we held a clearance sale on account of Mr. T Mclndoe. Rewiti. Buyers were in attendance from all quarters. and high values niled. The best «f the dairy cows and heifers sold at from £11 15s to £15 10s. good £10 5s to £11. 10s. aired and empty £6 15s to £9 sb, yearling heifers £3 17a 6d to £4 6a, calves £2 14s to £3 ss, bow pigs £4 10s to £4 15b. farm horses £17 to £21 10 8 . Shorthorn bull £10 17s 6d. lambs £1 to £1 0» oil.

cloaranM aU £. l 01 1 Wednesday wo held a. attendance *1 a v Mr " w - Nicholas. The dairy coma ,3 ? era was lar ? e - The brought, yA lO ' l "ere a choice lot, 10° which i „ 415 to f l? 5s - averaging £15 two yearling i« , re( ?°rd for the district: M: hov/ rTi ct J.- heifers averaged £10 lis u - sow Plga £o to £a 1?a C J

held al fhofr I?,* 9 0tnp^1 ? y ' Ltd., advise having field vesterJ}* weekly stock salo at WestX.f- mJ y 33 under: — Par with lo°4 ra l° ya^n £: prices wore on a ox sold nt JL rates. Choice pons extra prime Prime or A° 468 per 1001b. Ordinary and heifer i ii°< 448 per 1001b - Cow 1001b. 80 d from 37s to 423 per made Vi r. Ve Qge yarding. Heavy runners to £7 rJI to , i 8 17s 61; ordinary. £5 17s 6d small «n .1- ca, o? BUck °rs. £3 15s to £5 3s; M iff. ! ' 3os to £ *- others, 5a to 265. a whol« o. arB "? yarding. Prices were on ralp p.i! 15 £ r bead lower than last week's to jr. I n heavy primo wethers made up mucin frnm 6 good-skinned weighty wethers "i' ?° lom 34 a to 383; inferior, 29s to 33->; wf-iJht » vy ow ,S B mada «P to 398 : medium weight owes, 26s to 325; inferior, 20s to 2^1?oL Pr , i^? J mad e 11 P to 29s 9d; medium TWi,. * ! - lsht and inferior. 18s to 21a. ra j ° r>u alr yarding, which sold at late £> ,i 5 V made up to £5 3s; baconcrs, i- 183 to £t 3a ; porkers. 33s to 565.



Christchurch, Wednesday. „ Addington stock market there vas .. ® tt l Pntry m ?f stock especially beef and tore sheep. The yarding of fit sheep was rm", heavy as at the three preceding sales, i. tie was a good attendance. There was an advance in beef, the yard : ag be ng of er.-el-nt quality. Fat ambs were iery fiim atlato rates, as wore also st' 10 sheep. Fat sneep were irregular, but on the whole I'riper. 4 °„? ro . Sheep : Lambs, mixed sexes, 15s 2d to 22s 4d; wether lambs, 14s lOd to 19s. 8d; ewe lambs, 20s 3d to 23s 6d; two, four, six, and eight-tooth ewes, 21s 6d to 255; soundM l ' 2 ? 3 3d to 208 6(1: full-mouth, 15s 4d 101 S two and four-tooth wetnars, 16s ™ ,«> 253 2d; sound-mouth Merino ewes, Ids 10d to 15s lOd; four, six, and e.'glittooth •Merino wethers. 17s to 20s. Fat Sheep: Prime lambs, 24s Cd to 325; ! medium. 20s 6d to 245; lightl7s Gd 1c 20a; oxtra prime wethers, to 4" a; p.-irno I wethers, 27s 6d to 355; otaers, 22a to 275; Merino wethers. 22s 3d to 23s 7-1; prime ewes, 27s 6d to 31s Id; medium ewes, 23s 6d to 275; others. 17s 6d to 235; Merino ewos, lis 7d to 15s lid Fat Cattl«>: Extra primt steers, *0 £C-5; ordinary, £9 10s to £24 'K-i extra prirre heifers, to £17; ordinary, £7 ITs to SiO 15s; extra prim© cows, £17 15s; ordinary. £7 7 s I'd to £14 1..5. Store Cattle; Two and a-half-yiar eU-trs. to £6 10s 6d; three-year steers. £7 10s to £8 15s; three-year heifers, £6 ss; dry cows, £2 10s to £6 ss; dairy cows, £3 103 to £17 10s. BURNSIDE. [BY TELEGIULPH. —PRESS ASSOCIATION.] Dunedin, Wednesday. At Hurnside, "to-day, 200 fat cattle were yarded, the quality being medium to good. The entry was in excess of requirements, and prices dropped 10» to £1. Extra prime bullocks brought £20 17s 6d, prime £15 10s to £18, medium £13 to. £14 17s. 6d, light £9 10s to £12 ss; extra prime cows and heifers, £21, prime £13 10s to £15 10s, medium £10 10s to £12 10s, light and inferior £7 10s to £9 10s. Fat Sheep: 2913 penned, the bulk being medium sorts. As the result of competition by freezing buyers, prices were steady at last week's rates. Extra prime wethers brought 42s 6d, prime 84s 6d to 38s, medium ,27s to 31s, light 23s to 26 a 6d; extra prime ewes, 43s 6d, prime 31» to 365, good 26s to 28s 6d. light and medium 15s 6d to 22s 6d. Lambs: 2800 penned. The quality on the whole was good. Export buyers were operating freely, and prices were firm at late rates. Extra prime brought 32s 6d. prime 24s to 28s, medium to good 20s to 235, light and unfinished 15s 6d to 18s 6d. Pigs: A fair yarding. Porker® and baconers were in good demand. Stores sold fairly well, while suckers and slips realised advanced prices. HIDES, SKINS, AND TALLOW. Messrs. Alfred Buckland and Sons report having held their weekly sale of hides, si-ins, tallow, wool, etc.. at the 1:1 ay market on Tuesday, quoting as under: — Hides: Market very firm. Stout ox 105 d to lid. medium ox lOd to 101 d. light ox 9jd to 95d: cow. best lines 91d to 9Jd. fair quality 83d to 9d; kip. 9id to JOd ; yearlings. 95d to lOJd: calf. 12d _to 13ld for sound-conditioned, others at prices relatively lower. Sheepskins: Market brisk. Butchers' picked, extra large 13s 6d to 15s. large lis Id to 12s Bd. good medium 8s lid to 10s 4d. small to medium 5s 9d to 7s 9d: lambs', largo 7s 3d to 8s 6d. medium 5s 9d to 7s. shorn 3s 6d to 4s 6d. . Sound and carefully-dried skins are selling at equal to 9}d to 10id per lb. Damaged and neglected. 4d to 7d ner lb; sound dry pelts. Is 9d to 4s. according to size of pelt and length of wool. . , , Wool Bright crossbred 13d to 1-ld. faulty 10} d to 12d, seedy wool 3d to 6d. crutchings 12d to 13id for clean light-conditioned lots. lOd to lid for heavy-condition lots, dead wool 9d to 12d, pieces 5d to 7^d. Tallow: 26s to 32s 6d per cwt. Bones: 5s Gd per owt. Horsehair: Is 6d to Is 7id for tail. Is 3d to Is 5d for mixed. 9d to lOd for mane.

Dalsety and Company, Limited, report having held their usual weekly sale of hides, skins, tallow, etc.. on Tuesday as under:— Hides. Market very firm. Butchers' hides, well flayed and conditioned, extra stout, to lid. medium 93d to lOld. light 91d to 95d; cow. well flayed and conditioned, to 9Jd. wet Conditioned 81d to 9d; dirty. scored, or sloppy hides at lower rates; damaged and cut. 6d to 7ld; stags. 5d to 7d; kip, 8d to 9}d; calf, best lines, to lid. good 9d to lOd, cut. damaged, and meaty 5d to 6d. Sheepskins: Market firm, with improving prices. Dry woolly skins, best, 9id to lOd per lb: seconds. 8d to 9d: dry pelts. Is Gd to 2s 6d. according to length of wool: skins with weevil-eaten and weather-stained pelts at lower rates. Butchers' salted skins, best Us to 13s. medium 8s to 9s, small 5s to 7s. Tallow: Market firm. Best, in shipment casks, to 555: in 4cwt casks, good. 26s to 28s; seconds, 22s to 245; tins, 20s to 265, according to quality. Cowtails: Is per dozen. Horsehair: Tail, Is 6}d: mixed. Is to Is 6d : mane. 7d to lOd. Bones: Good dry. £5 10s per ton. Wool: In sacks and dumps, bright crossbred and lambs to 14Jd ; cotted and dingy. 9d to 10 Jd: pieces, 6d to 9d: locks, 3d to Gld: crntchings. bright, 12d to 13jd, heavy conditioned and short B}d to lOd: seedy wool difficult to sell.

The New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company. Limited, report:— submitted and sold average catalogues of hides., skins, and tallow on Tuesday, competition being brisk for all lines offering. We quote: Extra stout ox. IOJd to ll}d: stout do.. lOid to 10} d: medium do., 9}d to 30Jd: light do.. BJd to 93d; cow. best lines, 9id to 9{d. good BJd to 9d. inferior 8d to Bid: kips, to ]o{d; calfskins, best, to 12d. good lOjd to Hid. cut and damaged 6d to BJd. Sheepskins: Market brisk. Best butchers' skins, picked, to 14s 9d; good lines, average, 10s to lis 9d; medium. 7s 6d to 8s 6d; small, 4s to 5s sd. Lambs' and pelts, 2s 9d to 4a 6d. Country dry and woolly skins, best, to lid per lb: good BJd to Old. damaged 2d to 6id. Tallow: Market firm. Best mixed, to 555; good. 27s 6d to 29s Gd; seconds, 24s to 25s 9d. Rough fat, 2d per lb. Bones. £5 10s. Cowtails. Is dozen. Horsehair. is 2d to Is Bd. Wool, in bags and dumps, selling freely Bright crossbred, to 14d: coarse crossbred" lOd to Hid; inferior. B}d to 9Jd: crutchings! clean to 14d. seconds 9-} dto lid. seedy 6id to 7Jd: locks and pieces. 4d to 8!d.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LIII, Issue 16268, 29 June 1916, Page 5

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COMMERCIAL. New Zealand Herald, Volume LIII, Issue 16268, 29 June 1916, Page 5

COMMERCIAL. New Zealand Herald, Volume LIII, Issue 16268, 29 June 1916, Page 5