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mxua Always Busy s lKlfl.CL,f!liß!li> ■ _ THE J.C.L. NOW PROCEEDING. BOYS' WEAR at CLEARING PRICES. ♦ {f%\ S SERGE OVERCOATS; to fit bovs AND faTl « , E OVERCOATS; to fit boys 5 to \V/ Sale a p7i^e ÜB'nrico U B'n rico - 10/ ° /6 ' 4l f FrVllilk B °^o^o^f£x 0 S ufi ßCO I ATS; , 1 ° fit hpys I 1 BOYS ' TWEED OVERCOATS; to fit bovs «^ D rilc DD4S DD4i B K Y E S R WHITE „ MERCERISED HAND 8D42-BOYS' FINE INDIGO SERGE NORFOLK SUIT* ~i ; „ HI?" fi 2<s on comer— breeches, good Quality nice neat srmearAn7,> sU vi ' T w J- h b 2 U( " I unsal p n 6d. Bport Suit* withbutton bwochcs? To^tboTsof Bto 11 Sel ' B ° «,« Sa,e P " Ce ' 3 for >/'• Bfffcft Mfc , >CJIS - B ° V^ T p ß r •°ISi, o1 R 35 EE . D ari ; VARSITY BU,TS ' wsrln and durable. To fit „ Sal ° Price, 1/11. "' *' C UDf HAT? O^ U nP E '> , PLUSH AND Sale Price, 7/11. «" EDE .- ax H v AT a S n ' d l " Greys. Purple, COW-BOYS' TWEED 6FORT SUITS, in assorted shade. vrrv «m,r ( Usual £. ice 5/6 to *8 Od. suit with short pants. To fit boys of ito 6 yews- T S art Sa{ Price, 2/6. Sale Price 911 B «T S ' A^ Y0^ ths ' fe «-T hats, in ~„„, oaie rrice, 51/11. Brown Green, Fawn, and Greys— BOYS-SPORT SUITS, in Strong Tweed with Donegal effect « t ro„o L stud Price. 3/11 to 4/11. Quality; Fawn shades. To fit boys of Bto 11 "ear™ ' r°S Sale Price, 2/11. Usually, 23/6 and 25/0. CHILDREN'S POPLIN HATS •♦! c Sale Price, 18/11.. brim, 'In N 4? or Brown- ' Wlth f * rry Also to fit b<jys of 12 to 15 years— Usual Price, 2/11 to 3/6. Usually. 24/- to 25/6. Sale Price, 1/11. Sale Price, 19/11. boys- tweed HATS, assorted shadesBOYS' TWEED SPORT AND NORFOLK SUITS, with button breeches „~S* Ultl Price - 1/;} Sa,e P"Ce, */». "f^iffifWCTiJ 8 fit boyßof 81015 "»- \*'7v BD " ATS - ST'lf*^ Sale Price 12/6 Isual p?ice - 2/6 - Sale ™e, 1/6 boy t*' ra» S lf 0 to R « T s?l ** buttoned —«- D —> ■** B rs;a^r!ce CR /r EN Ia7e E prfc eri/6 Usual Prices. 27/6 and 29/6. BOYS' DARK GREEN 'VARSITY CAPSi Sale Price, 22/6. Usual Price, i/ 6.' Sale Price, 6d. BOYS' TWEED AND SERGE TUNIC SUITS, a nonulir «♦»!.. t nr l B 2 °, R , GIRLS' 1/1 RIBBED JERof 2 to S rears. In assorted shades— Popular stylo for boys SEYS. Polo collars, in Heather. Khaki, Utual Price, 13'6. and Dark Grey; fitting from i to 14 years. -„ Sale Price, 8/11. «™' |B* 4 g£ 5 "- j BARGAINS in CHILDREN'S and MAIDS' WEAR. «IRLB° NAVY SERGE COSTUMES, unequalled for school and general wear: coat loose-fitting, with _J&T : &'\ y*%C^v belt, turned-down collar and rover, patch pockets; aw** "a CtlV7r2&l flnrt full, flared, and corslet waist; coat lined J^J64* I VPw» &J*B%sJfVV?P XmJtlut^* GIRLS' COLLEGE COSTUMES, in Cream Seres. wMMIiWIk f/M^Wm^K loose-fittine coat, with belt, patch pockets, turned- ' down collur and revers: coat lined throughout; fiwntf923ssgc&&% " K/sflVflffl/XTW/yvK full tiared ckirt. with corslet waist. To fit cirls lt&§ffikWrll-'i&8»%& \y^t^^^/y^%\ r. in us 1 costumes, in BROWN gabardine. TKTBT Purl jfJsisll IlISp U^M^lYv^^ <-oat buttoning to neck, finished Military collar. *tcL/Mj(M KvffiQSr loose-fitting: could be worn either with or without |$8j £!!$] i^CzSZflw^ft^^ b«lt: tkirt full dared and corslet waist; coat lined r V \ MSSBtfiiKv' 1 <V?\ f If I GIRLS' AND MAIDS' WINTER COATS, in Tweed. cJ W| I\LV fc'erso. and Blanket Cloth; well tailored; buttoning "Spff*" i [&&& ifs_'«*.<s^> <o neok. storm or Military collar, with or without ♦"-■ cD ®»' V— N belt, loose-fitting, pockets at side. Siza 27in — ,• .... **' Usuallv 10/6 15/6 19/6 22/6 25/6 -' All 5851 710 Sale Prices 7/11 13/6 15/6 18/6 21/- AH-OHILDREN'S " BOULEVARD » FROCK,, all wool; collar and cuffs :: Usually 15,7 JB/6 22/6 25/6 29/6 &£* lr ? mtrMtu « COl ° Sllk Cord at ™*- CtCy ' S " C - 2favy -' Sale Prices 13/6 15/6 18/6 21/« 24/6 sizes, 1234 "> Si™ V.\n— ' Usual 10/fi 11/6 12/6 33/fi J Usually 16/6 18/6 32/6.25/6 42/- Sale 8/11 8/11 9/11 9/11 Sale Prices 14,6 15/6 18/6 21/- 35/- 5851-CHILDREN;S " BOULEVARD " COSTUMES, comprising Jersey Sue 3Gin and Skirts, all wool, buttoning on shoulder; Cardinal. Brown Navy. ■ Usually 18/6 23/6 25/- 29/6 37/6 to-. , Sale Prices 15/6 18/6 21/. 24/6 29/6 §& y j\/6 ]2 % * /( . 14 *, r I Siza 39in- Sale 8/11 8/11 9/11 9/11 L"' . „ "A io/ft «?B 90/R So; K 710-CHILDREN'S ALL-WOOL "KILTIE" COSTUMES, Jersey and Kilted Sale Prices 15/6 19/6 22/6 29/6 49/6 Skirt attached; Bloomers to match; turned-down collar • Navy and / • Size 4"in ' Brown shades— ' J Usually " 22/6 25/- 29/6 39/6 45.'- § T " eB „ 12 3 4 5 6 : Sale Prices 18/6-21/. 24/6 32/6 37/6 fifr ti',% !% • iS/S ,7^ CHILDREN'S WINTER COATS, dainty, smart, and CHILDREN'S COATS, buttoning to neck, with or without J cosy buttoning to neck, loose-fittinK. with or with- belt; smart cosy garments, marie in the plain or basket stitch desiim § mit belt: in Navy. Nattier, or Cardinal Serge: 20in TT „ 14m 16in lam 20in 22in 04in 27in soin v.ii!v— Usual Price. 14/6. . Usually 10/b 11/h 12/8 14/6 16/6 18/6 22/0 ■ 23/6 Sale Price, 8/11. Sale Prices 9/6 10/6 11/6 13/6 14/11 16/6 19/6 21/JOHN COURT LTD., £ u r! t .

to make biz. I We've a lot of new stock that we want to turn into ready money, and B we want you to buy some of it. To induce you to do this we have aban- I doned the idea of making big profits, and made our prices so low that they Eg must appeal to your judgment as being exceptionally good value. If you fig live out of town we wish to remind you that samples are sent on appli- ra cation, and all unsuitable goods may be. returned.. If you live in the city, H so much the better; call in to-day and personally inspect our stock, and H so become better acquainted with the splendid bargains which are keeping ■ us so busy. H f Bargains! to make biz. I We've a lot of new stock that we want to turn into ready money, and H we want you to buy some of it. To induce you to do this we have aban- H doned the idea of making big profits, and made our prices so low that they Sy must appeal to your judgment as being exceptionally good value. If you BO live out of town we wish to remind you that samples are sent on appli- lag cation, and all unsuitable goods may be returned. If you live in the city. H so much the better; call in to-day and personally inspect our stock, and H so beoome better acquainted with the splendid bargains which are keeping M us so busy. ■ SALE CONTINUES I There's no need for us to repeat the unavoidable reasons for our sale. I We will confine our remarks to directing your attention to the seasonable ■ character of these bargains. M »«iNrERITY" SUITS. LONG BLACK SEALETTE COATS. M "SINCERITY ouiio. 4g an(J 50 , nches |<jng very srnart mm ....... <• aiuneoiTV >> suits and beautiful quality. Usual #» "SKrSr 2SSKS."& ™! T fc %}?' «/■/- Special Sal. Price, I tailor-made 68/6,02/6. 64/6. 66/9. »/« fe FAWN RAINCOATS . 50 M *mV2& *Si/aom fleecy UNDER- - ' *«> 56 inches long. 17/6. 27/6. 35/-. B "KiW*!." SAWS *"°*H «««/.. to 69/6. according to 1 «{(& WORKING SHIRTS plain LADIES'' FAWN MACKINTOSHES. M MEN'S WORKING SHIRTS, plain serviceable, seasonable. H Wl Navy Drill and Nayy and White rubber-lined waterproof, with a ■ fl I MS II > ..fHi&S».iS^ la lJtUmJ and woven Cashmere finish; Rag'an sleeves; H 111 > UNDERWEAR, knitted and woven "in vent back, suitable for rid- Eg &*.¥£[.+ IT/ (unshrinkable), all makes and ing. sizes 50, 52, 64, and 56 inches. §fl FULL' RANGE OF BOYS' NOR- Special value at the Special Price M • FOLK AND '"VARSITY" SUITS laVls' DARK FAWN COVERT B "»" »<Sa» at special prices. RAINCOATS, smart military col- H Me.j.o nniiRLE . BREASTED _„_.„ ... . ...... . A . TC rn lar and belt, and altogether ■ Iwrcn MOATS? similar to OVER 300 LADIES' COATS TO superior finish; length, 48 and 50 B nutrition? with belt at back. A BE CLEARED. inches. Price, 39/6. fl bis wlitv hi "lies 3, 4, 5, 6, and m , .„„ LADIES' FINE WOVEN " ROS- M V 8 Better value never Offered be- LADIES' FAWN. GREEN. AND uYN --. SHIRT BLOUSES, with B fore Price 35/- each. _„ GREY MIXTURE TWEED pockct . and detachable collar (131, B YOUTHS' DOUBLE -BREABTED COATS, warm and serviceable. , 14i {); Navy Saxe, Light Brown, ■ TwVJrn nvERCOATS, similar to gale Price, 36/-. 12/9. B Jbv E e E 33.n. «i« 8. 22// DARK HEATHER. BROWN. AND LAD ALL-WOOL " ROSLYN " B 331n. size 7. 23/0; 36in, Size 8, 26/ ; J MID GREY MIXED TWEED KNITTED GOLF COATS. Norfolk B 36in size 0, 26/6; 381n, size 10. COATS. 37/8. Bty ,, wit belt, open and closed B $8/- 40in, size 11. 29/8; 41jn- szo other qualities in Dark Tweed front, with roll collar; Navy, Saxe B iwViW» 3 * ffi aa «. &&.%<. and Dark I hAAI^BO OVERCOATS. .» » fiX«».OUL COATS «■ J.0.j.&f,,,, f„"- E £^. r ttflffi I * sfcvs.iißWffiW.wa. Navy> and cream - 1 "WOOLLEN JER- "Stt, W&. «°S: S„«ia. Un. of CHILDREN. S | ImIWIU'o?!' "anT S»OW ~;%• (Necklet K^' I f £bV^ ,I To^r'? & KSt KM"""' fe iV2'.CA * 1 If" BRAND." Sizes 60, 62, M. 68. _68. __. ■ Uk — I ii,, Sole Price, 18/6. Usual Price. 25/-. W"fe '«* 48 A 7 * B MEN'S ALL-WOOL N.Z. SADDLE IJ -J| ilttim ' #:~~ oridgmaivs Premises now close at 6.80 '' (BRIDGMAN & BRIDGMAN), B alt Wee Days excepting Fridays o pp. Town Hall. Queen Street, Auckland fl §£: and Saturdays. " _Z—_^_^^——^^J

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Bibliographic details

New Zealand Herald, Volume LIII, Issue 16267, 28 June 1916, Page 11

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Page 11 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume LIII, Issue 16267, 28 June 1916, Page 11

Page 11 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume LIII, Issue 16267, 28 June 1916, Page 11