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lln <Sm. ,; "ALWAYS busy.- and .ALWAYS GROWING." ft CORSETS SB Wk/£\ For Children's and Maids. maids' summer frocks I fc Li Unexcelled for Quality, Value, and comfort. ° n view at Th * Model House. J iWlitrffW W«?l§r *$£8k t*) lar « CU^'- 8 , nd , vest of fine Swiss Muslin riV wUh daX VoUe trim" I •:,-;;" H ••;.■' mm] ml flPlpS ISA BlnB; finished with soft Black Satin belt— tilt. h dainty We trim - I Iff/ Hi- JfßLf flp?m. #$ v VERY DAINTY FROCKS, in Wedgwood Blue Floral Silk Cr* n ». I Mr// Mil * _JiBKP \VJ? ?i Ut sle «7« belt and widfcircular frill of BlnV I till IK flßsSlSl Se " P:Ped Sf&: m M 1 I fill /Sal J VslSSm ZISL. ml \ £/sv/\ MA w^d F a L rS n X.°P LE K F^° CKS> Ytt , ?^ ,e " ou »d and small Wed*- I BSE? 1 ' l'■ i./. f|f .'fffll / KMSitKreSaf 1/ ffESfc*>_*£©K ~ I \ IT fiir» Lift \ 0< ? and Brown Rosebuds: new full skirt with vnlm- h n Js»7 »*.— R 9 P CSTIII /< Ml / ftV£&Msi V hL } T tITTM \ efect: ve ? t, collar, and cuffs of fine Swiss Muslki .rfo.s with "^ I "' I H I'i |W I I ' J' » ill* I minjt: wide Wedgwood Ribbon belt—49/8 iuusllll - #dsed with trun- | I \ ufiHHi 4- IIV/' MAIDS' STYLISH WHITE EMBROIDERED VOILE FROCK* j 1 UaUZWIm fllpSf!lfl \\ llilllll I'lll// T?-** *«» * k irts: bodice with inset sleeves: collar cuffs and 5,»~ ad ? I 1 wwl'4m HIH \wl|i I 1 If/ irtof Eoseand White Striped Voile: &£!« '™&*-3tt cm ° I MmiM I fe\ *» d I * EL-wIL llwfl MAIDS' WHITE FIGURED COTTON VOILE FRORKR u-.j- j . I ■r MB if mages&Bxssmgs ' 1 S^^S^ltS I*'1 *' 2*ll <>o—lo-inch. 2/6 j 12-inch A V N "AMERICAN GIRL" corsets, to J, 2;«d MAIDS' CORSETS, exceptionally - LADIES' SPRING COSTUMES AND COATS U strong White Coutil. low bust, medium T&gS&BSSSt&sfl *fL.t T aluC u : a , de ». strong White v, v « . viToi_O «ML» WftlJ. ;; hips: top trimmed with Val. Lace and ™*f. : * W i 5 1 ' lon , hips. 4 hose supII Satin Ribbon bow: 4 hose supports at- E°;j *.« ix * : <v? len did corset for SADIES' COLOURED PIQUE COSTUMES «,»*. ™« , i. -x , L svr» fi p.frf : -°"^ b - =* >»»'• yea " : Bircßl9 to 28 SftSJt 2 .?» ?S,™I M ?iS dollar "an? *£»? £& I ' KSISiESBI . and wAiSi W p a ts **" backfa Fawa *"* Pink--1 THIS IS ftSi NEW CARPETS JUIIT inniv., I ""^iL^F'J, 6 LINEN C° STUMES ', °° at short in front, 1°«« at back: BLOUSE AND FROCK WEEK • NEW CARPETS JUST ARR.VED. « a*jrf . Blue or Pink Linen : corslet skirt made wide and scalloped at AT Included are Body and Border Ax- vaiue—?a/-. THE J.C.L. STORE AND THE „. minster Carpets. Wilton's Carpet "^^V*" UNEN COSTUMES, short style, natch Dockets: belt S MODEL HOUSE CHILDREN'S KUMFYSTRAP BANDS, Squares, and Brussels and Asminater »t ba <=k or right round: yoke skirt, corslet shape-65/.. • ■ I® All Ladies' Bb. M at Special Reduced CaiDet Mrß " aH in J te aew "* •*»• LA^' EB ' t B fl t * CK 1] 00ATS ' lined with W h"« »»■ Silk, fastening to I Prices for One Week Only ability- fc, ings and designs. These are now on throat > Se « <*&**- Raglan sleeve, belt from sides, or round waistr-89/6. I ' Sizes * * « 7 8 9 10 Tlw » onr Ftirnishing Showroom. STYLISH BLACK SILK COATS, with Self collar and belt, side fastening- 1 9d 11 «* 1/- 1/2 1/4 1/6 1/8 , lined with White Jap. Silk—M/.. I IK AT ,<M *Bai < > :7fi-?'i"^W* i " Included are Body and Border Ax- ' TOMHW% THE J.C.L. STORE AND THE minster Carpets. Wilton's Carpet STYLISH WHITE LINEN COSTUMES, short style, patch pockets: belt MODEL HOUSE CHILDREN'S KUMFYSTRAP BANDS, Squares, and Brussels and Axminster at ba <=k or rurht round: yoke skirt, corslet shape-65/.. Ail L S dies> BW. at Special Induced rtrntfanTdurl "J""* a " *» *• new «* •*»■ LA^ EB ' t B S^ OK „ 00ATS ' lined - ith ™*° »«• Silk, fastening to Prices for One Week Only ability- V mgs and designs. These are now on tnroat > SeW c °Uar. Raglan sleeve, belt from sides, or round waist-88/6. * Sizes * « • 7 8 9 10 Tlew » our y«»i~ia« Showroom. STYLISH BLACK SILK COATS, with Self collar and belt, side fastening »<* H«* I.'- 1/2 1/4 1/« 1/8 , lined with White Jap. Silk—sS7-. JUun wUURT ITH QUEEN VERY "SMART BLACK MOIRE COAT, with Self collar and revers § _. *A 1 vv/u| V f f JL_# I STREET. fiDi9hed lodP off ' ot: Self cuffs - Silk '"teniaw of corded loo"' 8 ,_, ' 7 —5 1 IvCJC 1 • lnset sleeves: half lined—96/.. The J.C.L. Store and Tht? Mnrfoi Hnnw bl^ K ?°^ DKD * , I v ls coat - wi,h *»-* si «™ s«»* «,«.. imed. I j *w« OUIUI 1 lIC iUOUei nOUSe. » r ?^ h plaiD S,lk: *«>««•». cuffs, and front finished with Lace I H Motias— M

i —r i ihi ■mini i imii iiiiiwt—rriim ««■— ' ~~ ~ "—^—^■■ i—— a Bradstreet offers the Millinery Bargain of the Season f *| -** ** ? )J gfW ". a undoubtedly, the Millinery Bargain of the Season. " A Ivlpllal* C & .rf&L Smart Tagel Hats ~iST] l c,.,.. A «n\ 5/ti 6/6 6/H 7/11 8/11 |» 1 |*S£S V /SS! I ttj All the Newest Shapes and Colour.. Jf W Pl ? Uanf " MIW w MasMSSL n . Enghsh Samp,c A A svi'^^ToS a mXmi Readu-to*wear Hats Xv /A ? ssasss J L ti 1 . . «ii- ... V\a il/2k. f\ "d Picnic Sandwiches. W W\ ; mil "• taUrt ™«y «acnnced at below regular warenonse prices. Boat samples, tfcere is only one /fiv Kri T#hCV <Ab W X rfald»d,fctead,««UTer,« rtM Sd,anßi al l y be«ilifd. ' ,J? R W fll LINKS LUXURY fA A M ff/«i4 C*f44 0/44 4A/44 10/11 - W ° • WITH ECONOMY *g A V*gg_ 5 / m 6/11 8/11 12/11 13/11 _~W A. I L*__J| A Remember, the supply is limited, and you must act H3VfIfiiTSV!WSV9B I SRYfIRE3 A oakford. ltd -a sanrord m ~ W PJ°>?Ptly if you want to benefit by this extraordinary ■§ ■&« Ji JJAI ■ M 919 I \ff ° &"!» be^Mantl^SS 0 Millinery offer. , mmVUHSmmZMSSatSMLSUSm 5 '"- A. a ,'"*° and *•««>«. All Country Orders sent Freight Free. ' RD A "- I —^TJ^** —. nJo .* X n ß^H bitß V »nd Smoked Fish of Best [li^iHPaipapaHß The New Zealand Dairy The Individualistic Note Association, Limited, lfilitef in Furniture. and its affiliated interests, pioneered the Dairy Business in the Auckland Province. ,W _ „ _ Til. " ,_ t A LMOST everybody has at the back of their brain a desire for furniture of a It nursed the Industry in the early struggl- ** p^^iw^t^Mingoutnotabwiute^ L". " ■ __ j T_ -1 , . style. The only way in which this desire for Furniture of individualistic ing days wnen money was scarce and supplies - <>*v «- <» «**«> » »>>„. « ™ac » «*,. a. **»«. „a .^.a™, I were small. It is still growing, and to-day is ' Z£^Zl?+!ZT*lZZ2r , £*J7£Z the biggeSt and beSt eXpOSitiOn Of the CO*^tainmKto^iture. operative ideal in New Zealand. r\ c n J n • o r* • i 1 * U.o.C and Cousins & Cousins, Ltd. The CO-OperatiVe principle enables THE Victoria Quadrant and Lome Street, Auckland. NEW ZEALAND DAIRY ASSOCIATION, LTD., to MBMBMMMMMMmi pay the best prices for its supplies of Butter- — — fat in Milk or Cream form, and to provide T^ # 1 C the Consumer with the Choicest Quality 1 Jf\ C \\ IO V ' f^| Butter at Ruling Rates. A*JJ^ *** J Wi * The New Zealand Dairy Association, Ltd. White OllOeS WM . --, w.r*T%**n\ mnrfnetciw esrw%x%r>w- AimirT i»rt% LADIES' WHITE CANVAS DERBY SHOES—6/11 pair. Postage, 4id. WHOLESALE DEPOT* WELLESLEY STREET. AUCKLAND. ladies' white canvas ™lli^¥l£^',ii^ 'p^, v. : y,|" 4§d. \L* LADIES' WHITE CANVAS COTJBT SHOES— pair. Postage, 41d. LADIES' BLACK VELVET BAB SHOES—7/6 pair. Postage, 4Jd. tek. -_—-—-— ii i i ir m i ,i ggSSSa' MEN'S WHITE CANVAS SHOES, Leather Soles—7/6 pair. Portage, 4*d. : ~~ ~~ MEN'S WHITE CANVAS SHOES, Oreenhide Soles—B/6 pair. Postage, 4*d. in,.,,., ,„ „|, „. —.^——■—— gjaMggi—^—w I ——— ——=tJ MEN'S WHITE CANVAS BOOTS, Leather Soles—B/6 pair. Postage, 41d. ,gipi —irarßh-,r*~ ITU" I, «*»Wfk fir*A iMf niAl W\§ MEN'S WHITE CANVAS BOOTS, Greenhide Soles—«/ 6 pair. Postage, 4Jd. "t** Life §. J Otu. W. dASLIY ahr rf&fy"ZrffljMfc&&t/L r- «.-" ff) «ecistereo patent abent. n.z. 1 ■■ Is W fjlVCr uyrlpi Patents, Designs, Trade M.rks rancy floods ■ llfli < '**" Y^-fcjl^—— «Vr# H 1 aod CopyrighU obt»iai»<l * VJUUUo Good health i 5 your greatest assst With it ' +} LATEST GAME, "THE ALLIES' RACE TO BEBLIN"-Our Price, 1/6 you can do anvth^na—without it you can do JgU •9BMHMSsZe*& Bade ' %A. \ each - PosUge, 3d. noS VITADATIO7« great Ure.*mn« BM *VlmA Sffiffi \*Z& HANCHOW KITS-6d, 9d, and 1/- each. Postage, 2d. ' ! Tent and iil iUKII yourlyrtem with wealth Wgi //MM KgSj 1 """!? ShipmeDt ° f GIFT BOOKS - priMS ' «». "- V". 1/6, 1/9, j . ix. £Bl' \i y 1/ v'MSßmk IW. m 2/6, 3/6 each, and strength. H «i-tM. «IIP IX *%,««««• MILLER'S SPECIAL VALUE WRITING PADS-3 for 1/-. Postage, 4id ffi?^? e rDTb^c r hr B o^*^ W " ] V T™ 1 ™" 7 ' LA^ ST HEMY ' S TUTOES < 1/-. Wage, Indigestion. insomnia, Nerroo>- c a _-i. Hejl I JuSSSmsVr 5 »"-.-"-?ii'- 11 > ' 5, made by fully exi«ri«n- ___.'... __...— ..._.„_. -.„ ■ ■-_. . _ »«• etc. ADVICE FREE Hi = iSHiB" I "ddraughts" THE "A" BRAND ANSONIA WATCHES AND CLOCKS—S/6 each. — ■ Tga[N11 _ ffnapi I >ntorm»tio»obui»»w.«t«»~ MILLER'S NOTED SPECTACLES— CrystaIs, 1/-; Best Crystals 2/6 pair S. A. PALMER. \ UNIVERSAL PATENTS AGENCY (££) SSH: SS^JP^^fA?**^?^^ 19 p* ir - ' 439 Flinders Lane, Melboar^^^^^^lWmff ' \ [wa.TEMATA chambers, t.w», auccund GOLD-PILLED SPECTACLES OR PINCE-NEZ-7,* pair. • Send mc free sample ofVITADATIO. 'I ' |l,l *"|| I H/lf ' 3/6, ' ~" ~—* _„_ ____ _-_ fawhichl enclose 9d. in slamt*. T™'lKfa-** FftcV-,^— ■■ A*_ Mil I FANCY REPOSITORY _. *-. rKi*3L5 ;;* sitf asftjg-aSssrli ws JrVl IYIII <■ iJUXO and root palace » Aaatralim rate*.—Wuwtema, Ltd., Union Buildings. Psls #*"'■" - Adores* Ctißtoms Street East, gymoads Bti*»t. «M inn' IA4 1 rtA • cvgrthmhuk» ■.» 11 i" £:!••"•" —^TZlZll.——^—m^— — Mount Eden. ' 100, 102, 104 Victoria Street, Auckland.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LII, Issue 16035, 29 September 1915, Page 13

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Page 13 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume LII, Issue 16035, 29 September 1915, Page 13

Page 13 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume LII, Issue 16035, 29 September 1915, Page 13