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# --A": 1 ".--"'v.,:-.* xx -■ -:: ; : v;:/ - xxxx: - ; ,■ : . •/ —-j xx- -■ V,". - ;^r : ; ,'• v y ■>"" v . -■ '• : -x- xx; : xxx- :^x:'/' " ' ■■-".. ;' ■- ;^xxxs§ .*~' ■' : 'X - . "~'-'"X -■ ' .•■ V-""-" -:: r '.-- ■■ 1 --ri-. ■j ■" - ;?k- ,-" ! X" X.- X' ""-'■ .X: . X-.' .- . v -.' - v " ' ." -,- =/ . . , X-' ">.■ ; ? .-/• ■■ v . =r V- .v.f■<s '' " / v -P' ".'"''' '■> -' ' ■''■ "-- . "■•' : '-» '-. ■* .:''• >" *". '"'.„ f" ; V- '-': F-' '' '- -. -T- '• -\. ••" 3 •** . ■ ''■- ■■ XX- *X : -'X ; 'X .>i'";".r.'" •' » ;• .", ; '.' <: .»« $ ■ -st../,.X ?/, X ' . '' " v •> ' ' ■•; ••'■ ;•••'. _.. :■ '-. .. .. " \ ~; •■ ' .. ; V,-*X ' -i 1 'IS-' ''■'- ; ' , '» 1 "'»■ " 'i,' 5 ' ' ' ' ■• '■ '; '''> »'• ; - '*■ /'-/.- >?/ ,' - X~. '•"?: *•.<-'• /" " <r ! « ■ - ' -V,-' •■ - ; ''■ -,t ..' :*.■' ' ■ '-•/// ■'•/■;■-■ ■ ' •' "v V* "* *' .. .- snow^Ms^^ri .|M i '~~ V'e Bid You Welcome. 2™H! 1 / ? I HBI / A ■ ~ During the above hours upon TUES- '< M *f << / I['■ H J Tf TP CHAV 'Tis with great pleasure we announce preset! of all that is new and fashion- DAY EVENING our F™ I'®1'® 4 I //{< ;I : ffijjSfff l I * % that our Spring and Summer Opening Show able in. Fabrics, Colourings, Millinery, remain open s? " ' " '3. ) i / ; < I fßttS&xil&i -4hStol' ]VTCVT will be held at the usual date, viz., Apparel and Fancy Goods. , An efficient Orchestra will render a fit / 'wl « < w j |. ; I'll'slf JCA M TUESDAY NEXT, when the collection of A visit to M. & G.'son Show Days is al- number of popular selections. JRI ll *<| y<j( j} I Jkm \ / \ 7>bß& merchandise that will then be submitted, ways interestingthis season it will prove "SPEND A PLEASANT HOUR j%££kfl W \ilS!s [ § ifs /< J J >#11 will, we feel sure, merit the approval of our more so, on account of the very drastic style WITH US." E2&§f' >5 s st" <t" •'■• /\ fP. patrons. changes. Need we point out the advantage V fLtjjstt ««a j | 63x17 S^e^ t " >nS ' There is merchandise in g< rs have their reward in dsplays thal are but especially upon Show Days* ™* 1C!BS * cokxtr effect. The trtoThe smartness of tile- IMB te aboves. Ceo- I ; 4'---' -/■ JpawH ' V ' Jt/T V ■ tyr ' posed at folded Sept Kdise -with ITwc eHootrt Crepe nri ® •'; ? -vr // jJHR. ' . Flozsl IB fanhg cs Orowa. It bu >i^-Tgy^jiict' .tt^-i* S V t 5 p|:f>ri'.' ■ DESCRIPTIONS OF THE ABOVE TOILETTES: t ; I , 1 a '-- /. - •'*":, rim % The next is an exceptionally smart A nniqne Frock for Visiting Wear. In- A Stylish Coeraroe. showing in French A distinct XoTritr Is shown in Foral . ' Oli. W| h JIJUI -Ej / -—Z&ssf mjj yS& v " Model*. Cos trace In Purple Bengaiine. rich shade of Peep Rose Bengaline. Grey Cord, has Military Collar. The Ninon on Nary ■ ground. ; This pretty "***" J**" "*i e •Quyrg 1! 5 / r ■.': xjjfe" — ~ —' —\ - tt* « Coif has inset Sleeves, Low Waistline, This pretty. Model Is on new st-i-.iigbt front of Coat Is pointed to siirfest Vest. "Frock, it will be noticed, has the new,' popmar *z 1" "JJ® * .V* I ** : g w *8 / ...._. ~3jf' — \ Km _ ' . . 1 and finished with Tabs and Buttons: lines with "sash below hips. -£S 10/6. Loose Strap across Square Cut Back. Sleeveless Coat effect, the Body being, of ' - y°T iOO ""V- ■!■ 1 -xne— I-iw-u g, .'4 r /«i» . / . W On the extreme left is a charming lined with Silk. The new Flared Skirt The lovely drooping Hat ci* this Frock The oar Flared Skirt is trimmed -at -' Black Taffeta with Velvet Band at . .-» **«■■« Bgrot. .« '" :•*--*• .•*<**'*& S ■I . „ / . 9 Model vin Klgger Ninon over White Silk. has yoke at Uipa formins a Panel down Is an imported Model, carried out in the Waist to match Coat. £1010/- Waist. The Skirt, cct on the latest full h B I J. " tmIM . Vest and Collar of White Organdie. the front. 9 Gnlneaa. Palest Rose Crepe, and has a smart bow The Chapeau of this Toilette has the . lines, has deep Band of Blade Silk at " * *- *. - " - «. - V ® 'Si 1 I \ Waist .belt in two tones of Bo?e Silk." smart low crown Sailor sketched of Black Velvet for Trimming. popular tnrned-np. Sailor Brim that hea foot. Silk Foundation of . White Jap. e- ft « Br ' I 1 . - '[ \ Bodice trimmed with Taffeta Silk in is a White Tagel'with pipings of Bine been so much spoken of. The low crown j" "■ ' - * "• • —6 19/6 . V .» •"< £ If ,>>C : /) I Nigger, with large Rose design. A on brim. The Band and Bow are of is finished with narrow bend of Black ' :*'■<. A - •-.iV'.'. - vj-% M §} I deep band of same at foot. 10 Guineas. White Faille Ribbon. Ribbon and handsome Heron Mount. * . t ",. - ; .* * 1 \ | The Model Hat Is of the Palest Pink __ __ ____ ' ',' „__. _. _ ~"t , " . ■■ " **——^"1 M- \"• -- / / is* yji"&j? a j;g ;THE NEW FABRICS. THE BRIDE TO BE \ n-~r- • . «-■„ J .i_f.i.. J .,v' ■ i I \ A. 'S" f) j BandS " fialßb with. 1008 endS " - What with the dye problems and the fact that so many Will revel in the exhibition of dainty "PURITAN"' Lingerie. Many " 111 I^llfJllSlllil^S* _ 1 I \ ' i / of the textfle manufacturers were producing solely for examples of beam it work in all classes of garments will be on view. one caJUlot view "BW™hiT»g Fabrics -wttbotst bang. ?4 S I \ xSS|||k mK / . | the Army, the question of dress fabric supplies presented The Underwear Section has never offered a wider choice. impressed with the wonderful possibilities of bringing interest- gf g 8 \ / manv difficulties. We are pleased to saV that these were jjj„ varietv and pleasing harmony into *>»>'■ home. 4., • ■•*•' A M I X ' j/' ■ The Millinery. S£2£^ , , w 11 The Corset Display ' *.»W- % { 1 \ y magEj& SSSSP " 5 one that will appeal to ev«ry lady woo knows toe value ol reliable COLONIAL DRAPERY FABRICS, which are so designed as %■ ® I ' X s&r The example of the London season bids . . Ladies are strongly urged not to delay the choice of and good fitting makes. * * - to be applicable to every room in hoase. Tbe prices, tecs || 1 R fair to be followed here. Practically all material for the Spring Frock or Costume. Present prices Shewing on TUESDAY will be the latest front lacing are so varied and moderate withal that^ every taste may be|jf 9 S ?-ha pes -were worn: Large. Medium, and . aiM * CO OTir ran & es should be taken advantage o». types; new Models in the famous O-P. La Sirene French Corsets, and a suited. 4 W I /v\ Small, with and without brims, though the WOOL splendid varietv of "Beautv's and P.D.S. COLOXIAL DRAPERY FABRICS. WOOL DRESSES. splendid variety of "Beautv's Contour" and P.D.S. I COLONIAL DRAPERY".FAtfftHK. *• . "'' , / A \ M * WHIPCORDS, a nice soft material, vert suitable for the Fashionable » » nraoh to «v th.l cvgrthmhuk» aait .11 fipns .M all As noptiotted. .fahody «. i»v.! / 7 \ °' pu't »d »,li.e are ****** Cost™,. Braver, Ta. Light Sm BrtectM » are advisable " taht the s,»s * re 50 -all »«™a. 4 I s mX' 'jM J WW?." P,lae"ii<i h S faabi™ble b «!mrs° TOPLIX-DE-SOIE. a%ilk andl Wool material, Tith a nice bright Ctene. Exclusive Embroideries. " i 1 ■': jfl|B y^;;: ; : : A Descriptions of five very popular styles H 1 " " Je De * shades Navy, Grey, Champ., Tan, Saxe, Tete-de- Here again an unrivalled collection awaits inspection. ment=. Ample scope is presented for very pretty window S§ -§-X i&jMk are given below;— * ' PI .rFIVn mirnf rarnr. , ~- .- , , 44l 6/11 Personally selected by Mr. Jennings, the designs will be treatment. Toe prices Xtagu as foliowß^- ' ; j : Ifa I 1- This is a. verv smart Sailor Hat of lovelv if j- be a leaoing material forthe # found quite different to anything else in the City. The - * * ' ,V f- - %|l Pedal Straw, and has for trimming "a rwt* e bar© the small medim and tej-ge Dog-a-tooth vaJne, too, is exceptionally good. A tew prices are PRINTED VOILES, from SJd- to 1/11 "per yard. ■.%■*;* « % W®isszSßE*-i ■■ '*■ band and ornament of White Sulde. 42m. to o6in., 2/11, V 6, 3/11, V 6, o/6, 6/6 . given;- f _____. . w ... v; X ' X, | g % '' /fr'V&y- '■ The price is 32/6. ' COTTON DRESSES. ORGANDIE MUSLIN FLOUNGINGS, 27in., in floral design, 3/11 yard; CBBPE VOrLESy,I/8,.1/ll t** J"- s ««• M ' '?• -- - / -- Is an exquisite Model carried out in BLOCK STRIPE SPOT. AND FLORAL VOILE will hold the lead in another pretty floral design, with pin spot and sin Ail scollop edge, SILK CASEMENTS. 3/6, 4/6 per yard. v * i 4 M tjSsjg v ? X" X=x ' / White Crepe, the under brim being faced Cotton Dresses. We feature them in all the newest designs and 9/11 yard. . pr itv rmnrßETi W «». b«*pH -fmmilM. to 1 /7» S v * jS V with Black and White Silk. The trim- • colourings; White Grounds with pretty rosebud effect.' 27in.. 9*d. Also the large Mercerised - Rose design, and finished with Val. inser- - - ' • . - ' | $ " 1/ \X:wxs?S% ; :y mings are comprised of three very good WHITE AND COLOURED GROUND VOILES, with medium size Cliene llon to match, 18/8 vara. LOOSE.COVER FABRICS new effects ill Shadow Taffeta 4 £-; V qualitvwhite feather Pompoms. Price, Rosebud effect and dainty colourings. 27in., 1/o*. 1/3. 1 /C.i ttk-t- ~,T - v- ' * .. . „ , ~ . , . ~ have been greatly admired by *11 who have seen taem. % >. •• / Jsmzm 42/-. * r ' BLOCK STRIPE VOILES, White Grounds, dainty , -. ' . - FINE MLtoLIN FIjOUNt INCrts in Rosebud aesiirn. and * Sam in the The prices of in 31in. range from 2/9 to 3/3 „ _ ' *•■ ' \ 42/-. BIX>CK STRIPE % OILK>. White Grounas. dainty coloured stripes— f flT onrit<a PT o-» .-> ,i > o f - varr) - Tne prices oi tnese m 3lin. range from 2/9 to 3/3 per 3. Is another smart Sailor Shape, with new Sky, Pink, Grey, Brown, Saze, Navy. Black, in i. i. and A' in. stripes. _____ * IX''X _" " "'" " * yard; in 50in_, from 4/"9 to 5/6 per yard. • *:■ ■ J S \mßr ■ **- "* 1/<4 "£s('?2r i M **"• to '» c'REIOSXSS - h.™ de^ P 1 White *Kin™ * fil OVPC VOILE FLOUXCDJGS are also shewing in a variety of patterns. ' The .°lf J"** **** >" I I \ 4. This very chic little Model is of Black ULOVbS. large Mercerised floral design, with scollop edge, 2/11, 3/6, 3/11 4}<L to 2/9 per. yard, and the dOin. from _/U to j»/11. t g ■ \teMU / I \ Sequins ana Maline. the crown being WHITE KID GLOVES, with Domes and ar<^ '• a^ so the large , ? , poC effect, 2/9 yard. NEW MADRAS HANGINGSThese mciade many new styles, | \X / /\A\ formed of White Rose petals, finished Buttons—-'/ll 3/6 3/11 4/6 4/11 THE_rTRN_ with scollop euge 5/1 i yard; also the "LILT OF in plain Ivory and Ecm also in ookwred sten- |» ■' 11 I|/ /-v V Yl' ' \ with a verr beautiful Osprer. Price, f/6 Xn ' ' ' THE VALLh\._ with true lovers Knot, b/6 yard. cilled effects on Cream ground. In darker grounds.-wfech i v I<» f\i ' v\\, ] \/. \ 5 Guineas " rft - rv: nn r-rnrrc „; t v, VOILE INSERTIONS AND EDGINGS arc- shewing in various widths are so suitable for side hangings, the majority of the U 1• * « X Mm \ 5 one of the new elongated KJD 1/6 Domes lit in small and large designs, from 8H- colours are guaranteed Trill be irtmnrfy" i S mSW \W \ ' The mat Sal is ?fS Buttons-3/6, o/11, 4/t,, Vll, 5/6, COLOURED ORGANDIE EDGINGS., very new, from 1/4 yard. difficult to ctoain in the future. Prices- | 1 / A \ White Maline, the trimming consisting BTARRITZ WASH LEATHER GLOVES. ' Cream_Madras, 1/3 to 3/H per yard. I / Xx. JZ&ZZSZZsL of a wide black velvet band, with lovely Natural only—l.~ ' TflP Npw Smart Sllitc; Rlnnci=»c Stencilled Madras, to 3/9. £ g I N .'», roses shading from the palest to the WHITE DOESKIN WASHABLE lie INcW <?UHSridUcS _ oUItS allu DIOUSCS Dark Ground Madras, 1/11 to 5/TL. B I darkest.of pink. Price, 63/-. GLOVES, Domes or Buttons — 3/11, Are very smart and quite in keeping tOT Wee BOVS. Opal Muslin effects, 1/15 *0 1/9. 1 » ■ : 4/6, 4/11, 5/11, 6/6, 6/11. with the style changes. In Wee Roys' Wash Suits manv entirely BLINDS- — in a shipment of plain materials, jast : I \ "X- / The above will show the completeness Q „ <-r-SL«rFrATttr«: -H- 1 ,JtrT styles are showing. Those were opened, are the following shades— 5 \ \ of our price ranges in a few of our KLALN Isma w ong personally selected bv Mr.-lecr-ags. and. Dark Brown, Lipht Brown, Twine, Ecru, Cream, 1 \ I : ":X ' * -»t» °»ir- handles, in Green, Naw, and Brown — 'toy V*» ,•: » -» 1 \ X s. .T .\ makes onl - T - ay 6 e-ch thongu qa» eselusivr. are very moo- Dark Green. Vert Green, Fawn and Green Jaspe % \ --- zJ fk /'■ >: \ PLATS SIUC SUNSHADES, in Emmld, ratelv SSto'in The Norfolk? and Together »iti «x« n; olemiF. pbi. lao= »=d tosoßoas. 1 \ /fl \ Hnciprv PLAIN SILK SUNSHADES, in Emerald. smart eW in Combination Suits will Togetner w a th scane werr extensive plam laces and mserfcons. | v TT / j \\/ : s;y "* \ lU3ICI y • with Black and White Stripe border appeal to the little men. J g 4 X V / 7 / \ FIBRE SILK HOSE, in Black or PLAIN LISLE HOSE, Cashmere feet, 16/11. . 1 I 1 J}/' - : : : White. These have double Soles, in Black—l/ 9. 1/11, 2/3, 2/6, 2/9. "BELL SHAPE." in Navy Sit, with 1— ————————I I I/ —I f/ r I Heels and Toes, and dye is fast and LACE LISLE HOSE in the smartest Emerald Border; also the Pagoda _ ___ _—« — _„ _ _ I I / i' - j sanitarv — 1/11, 2/6. 2/11, 3/6. and newest designs, in Black or shape in floral designs—29/6. H&' ¥ « i| fl «*f #1 * B Vf Tg i I Olll* NgW CfltfllnO* \ s'"' ' J ;J/11 - 4/ .°' , lL SILK HOSE, in White—l/ 6, 19, 1/11, 2/3. " '6. FAVOURITE BLACK AND WHITE, WkM S U IPIJ @4 aHh9l\f Im ll B|D» j - B Uur New V : ' ill VxxWxj COLD. FIBRE SILK HOSE, m 2/9. 2/11. with ionsr black handle, mushroom top rag H g 843b19 H Sil B ; 1 -lllustrlL A, r dW, °S JIXX/ Champ.. Joffrc Blue, Palm Beach. LACE LISLE HOSE, newest designs, _ 17/6 ~ 1%1 M.^!« Md 13 1/1111 M l/li li" I ttd firi ? Cn l>»g Sllmrt Spring \/ A ,f V Jp# * Cadet. Battleship Grey, and Golden Cashmere feet, Black - 1/6, 1/9, "aAvmTF "P4C084 SH4FF« A « Mb? W WAA V A mm mm M neoF id™ Fashions, and containing /MI X T „_ o/-> na ; ' 1/11 0/3 2/6.2/9,2/11 up. t.REi and Will it PAGODA SHAPE, , I -,?4 "I'ill T --Jr'l &W PLAIS "LISLE HOSE, in Bteck or SHOT SILK LISLE HOSE Mark *!™' g ' ' M QUEEN STREET, AUCKLAND. I .e^ lre e^i^° ,d '_y\\ V^t/T.'/^• V " d '" t ST■ x, ° ll 1 |;.. 1 wp.m: TO-day. 5 • / • ' ... **'■'— I 1 " 1 " 1" . .luwimi. 1 I^———CM———W«al ' ' . N 1 :X-X Printed a-nd Published b'y Hesrt Hortoj.. of b.»„ STBiuit Eobssx .Wtt*oir, at lakaouH*. *nd. JtMix jetuki*. *4 n.™~—. *»• tw—- . , u - - — - —■———— —m——— • • tiemuera. .WtLLtut Ecaaax Wits oh. ai Xakaaima. and Ktyatr Vjuutok jgruxue. mi a u. <1 ■■ - 1 , L -- .- — — . ■ ———* TiTu aw fifa-i. todtojL fin ZaJaad. Baiaidffl. Eotcdu 13. ]S!k -v'j^S^ m&;-,: : • . ' > ' ...

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LII, Issue 16026, 18 September 1915, Page 10 (Supplement)

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Page 10 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume LII, Issue 16026, 18 September 1915, Page 10 (Supplement)

Page 10 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume LII, Issue 16026, 18 September 1915, Page 10 (Supplement)