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I some of the new IR.CKS THE IMPORTANCE OF MAKING EARLY SELECTIONS. I ]f s A GROUP OF DAINTY WHITE VOILE BLOUSES. yet quite the latest. JlO Smartness and prac- —Quite deserving of J32lDescriptions cannot J473 —The wearer of this J596 —Grey -Whipcord h __ —This smartly tailored Hat Is M42Here Is depicted one of the " c -/»%»! ticaliiv are so well cow Its place among the . do Justice to this de- smart Eton costume will the material used In this „, — of navy tagel and white satin, and new mushroom shapes. It is of UrSSjSS ! b'aed "in this Frock of smartest frocks Is this llghtful model frock In receive many an admir- smart costume, and for . _^-"* £= -^v > V _ - ,s suitably trimmed with a win? navy tagel. smartly trimmed with Buckshot Voile that it model of navy and white black and white check ing glance. It is of fine this reason it» eerrice- /^^ = K')\. /O—— -2si • pompom and whip mounts. Price, white ribbon and tiny white wings. may be safely recom- striped voile. It is car- voile. It is artfully navy coating, beautifully able qualities cannot be >, V v I ( I'/l/Mk l/r^ —*"— $ 32/6. 15 6. mei'.ed to ail manv ried out on a foundation simple in style, but the braided and buttoned. doubted. The skirt Is ffc far X. All Z/VWjh •4ir~ & „- . . . . . , ._ - ■~.,.> , *~, , „ . '.='*£?§■ t ■ needs „ the wardrobe of white Jap. silk, has a new design check, the but the appealing fen- In three-tier style, the \ (ft. \\ // /"/h A M 3.» —In white rage: with broad —A very useful little Hat in It Is white with a naw vest of lace, sleeves of black satin belt and ture is the scalloped ef collar Is of fancy silk. B«W X f<\. \A U& - « black binding, this Sailor Hat is soft white straw trimmed with . - st>ot the "cuffs collar navy ninon. and the cuffs, and the touch of feet that Is carried and a new cuff effect Is t^ 1 2 I ~*TO>T &. '■*! 7) particularly smart end effective: two large black pins and a tiny H ■■-. aid 'vest of white Inwn plain caw which forms lemon green that is seen throughout. Price. seen on the sleeves, I V_. &- "«JSL T_' ■'W \V"' // „ on Th? brim I!e several nicely bunch of cherries tucked under the , ?"i3g* and the belt of white the hem of skirt, cuffs. through to lower portion £6 19/6. Price. 6 guineas. M* V2k "IHC\ 1 A. YV /J curled quills. Price, 29/6. crown. 21/-. ,J~. . t ~£ ;; ciit Price 4", 6 belt and revers elves It of the bodice and under "^— > i » IV C . / X \ /*-.. '•■"ffz/iv. — : 3i : %%t silk, trie. ™ covetable smartness «** collar give a de- f^^l/^X — \ +- /V I *\— /£^M\!fcfc--£lsW -"Tr 'in M26—Very chic Ls this little Hat in M 23— lovely wide brimmed Wlm I Pice. *"7 19/6 cidedly new and fascin- Ix I K. v / \ I *-' f\9 \™\\'M'/1* I white tagel with an owl's head as sailor is of black and white striped ' _*?•*_ a ting effect. The founda- S/TMa. «JxL I \ J?s>r/l/-' \/ < \C _ v\\\\\ >L)f W* a trimming: Faille ribbon snr- silk, is lined with white tagel and i «k -P.? '™ •** ite Jap. . S " VV\ffIPV / X-A /V*X3»""Tr>v \W f•* fctt»» VIL Ml i l rounds the crown and terminates smartly finished round crown with " y>2~"""\a si!t - Price ' * 8 19/6. CnmmAt- ' / .-t°'m , I''*? » }\V /// S*£±\f./ ' ]\J */. ' V* \ at back with a bow. 206. soft ribbon. 29/6. The Little Maid's &ij~m Dress Fabrics A\\ miWfl IMk*S'T-?i Ml # I /m. 1\ 4 M m ■*. m . Frnck should he i-aoncs. / \\\M\ Ml lU \\\W&o- A : P iW\ V H tf /i More Novelty Neckwear rrUCIV dIIUUIU. L/C BK»> What to choose for the new Spring / \\ ft #\\-'%\ ///Ml 1 i' 'fi 'fi lf%.ilW --C Z.-sLIUIA iK \ I a /Ik //I . s i- ; i Frock or Costume is a question that is V !\\ «\.fi v ///Jl\\ ft \\ M il'&i ij! 'rCWV S * « --'"J ft f%\ \ / //l\ U I _I|KT DPfP^VPH zZ~'--rnOSGn nOW engaging the attention of many ladies I AM*\ \9 I /w/'^llw 1 i //l 7\\\"'' '"'if lI W * / I®//Afe V ™Ju«?I iV.CrV'I-fl UU. i. T " | In our Dress Section a truly represen- 1 I » il-iAril /*EPSK\Qv*~r~C\\ W' I AV • <?"/ J '/ i ' **3 Neckwear has never played such In consequence of last week's announce- tatlve collection ~t those dependable n I I .I' 111 /S^3\\\SETLA \* W \ y'JVN \« jf / J J a 3tW**n an important part in the Toilette ... •i j . i» j ftXVvn and fashionable fabrics for which \ Vk II I . fit] 4—— if\« S5 j /V. V \ / \ _, .•♦ ;= j«;„« iv,; «»„=„„ "Ss«^l ment ana the special departmental and £\VW W//WrflkfSsS\ M 4 C. are noted, will be found in the J'<V 1I ' ',']" l , \t \\\H ,1 i I&»*S ,i'tnmtmtf' / '' ' ' "* ls doin g this season. •.-■■. V : ' J window display of Frocks for the Tounger /////////(A§s& prevailing shades of the season. l!^^^^^Ji I lAv/A , 16 ~. TIQ Both Frock and Costume stylet ,"-,,., ,t, ," v f\\V V /////////x\ nr/lln Prices, too. notwithstanding the mann J^^^-'-^^ZX/,'^U' v* \ Jli. Jl9. lend themselves to the dainty generation, the Maids Department has facturers' difficulties, are most reason- A~ j/4 B!«.. s «t1„ ™, „„ , , adornment of the neck, and -we are experienced an exceptionally busy time. IfMy . IVTnv 4„v Bbl - , ♦~, J Jll. ST vfseVuf material The" U l^^., 0 ' fortunate in being able to offer a. Many mothers made their selections and {» W 'Mf j »^. I ft wea'r- J '1 ° f,aß,UeS ' chen t Jap "if '""' V clJnlr TS£ most moderate ?rices many line. ; were loud in their praise of the smart- NFwS #//'/ VXfIL -Champ., Purple. Gold Brown, Sand. -fl 1 styles, such as we illustrate and describe to-day. that are quite exclusive to us. :^2s?l ™«« of the strles the wide choice, and LttYW W,/, jVXQi Cornflower. 401n., 2/6 JI 1 7 b * on V he « bottom i eft (J9> la ot the finest Qnallty voile, trimmed with ' Here are * few descriptionfl of 1 ness or the styles, the wide choice, and bavw f//rfj MXA WHIPCORD—A nice plain material, having *-f I I l ace inMrtJon - buttons and touches of embroidered work dainty law? cuffs this week's arrivals. the moderate prices ruling. »*%{ Tytvy V/rIL lhe «PP«afat>« of Garblcord—Plain col- yflf I I I . extend over the hand. Price, 21/6. v , ~ . . _ , ours. Saxe. Tan. Reseda. «ln.. 2/11 rJ?J& 0n the top «* ' Jll ' Is a very smart little voile blouse daintilv embroider.-, EMS. ROLL MUSLIX COLLARS, . Useful number in TUCKED OR- '.: r N ever before have tve shown a greater ts3tg&g£o22& COTELE CORDS — Cotton and artificial fl !f&%k stitched and finished with the new cuffs and a'black ribbon at n4k Vi *« ' in fine Organdi—l/- each. GAXDI \-ESTETTE, with v „ r : pv Thero are ■iiiitaHA stvleo for sl,k - a smart material with very silky /jS* ' \SIS.\ d 9 ( / li t><? ~..,,. „ , lt ' '°' PlpotfiH Military Poll Pallor • variety. there are suitaoie styles lor SSSam?J=ZZS!&Z\ appearance — Plain Colours, Saxe. Mid /Eg t } 1 i II SjrC Jl6—Made of white voile with a self stripe, this Blouse will at once appeal PLEATED BACK, POINTED" o« Military Koll Collar— - 5 voung people of 2to IS Years carried out 11/mnfffTViU V\\\\o Grey. Light Saxe, Navy. Black. AW . *$i \\\ f r*Zirf l 0 lad lea who appreciate neatness, the smart collar has French knots and mtttta-rv nmr rr»TT 2 ' B, ~* ' lln Ld serviceable materials, such J/]lPM\\\u\ ««. „—a a . 42te " /» '1)1 /71 .- x, *, « * edging of black. Price. , 1/6. PLAIK ORGAOTI^;^ VHSTSTSB, *3 las Cambric, Zephyr, Poplin, Gotton Jill 111 ROT V «"REPE TAFFETA—A nice woven material Jl / . *Wjl|///l Jl7—The daintineaa of white voile is again portrayed in this embroidered i« with Militarv CoUar, trimmed ' ' las Cambric, Zephyr, Poplin, Cotton /////|/ ™|f. lr. Plain Colours, having a pretty crepe HW 1 a. KB Mil /\\ Blouse. On either aide in front and on the shoulders are to be seen fine tucks 1/3- STYLE IN HEM- Pearl -"' smart desiim— Cord, as well as daintv Voile and Muslin 41 M 1 UuVllmV '"u l T B „ Si p'' 'fft Uo -r ßls - I it » 5 lUf // 1 Price, 15/6. DATVTY <ZTYTV TV HT\f. Pawons, smart designVf/////l R. I'liVlri cuit > Tan - I-lme, Rose, Light Saxe. Grev. / 1 /OS Sf&ltirl I \\ ~« --, u „ aAaXWII MilJi l-> xltM.- 2/6. I stvles 'Uiir «!n.. 4/6 / /Ml ft 1 /AISSi JLI v J». »™L L«,. B I y «- a , nd ; taade J Bl0 ? se ha ßan np«tandlng collar with a STITCHED ORGANDI ROLL «s> TART rßn<sfi-f>vrn wct ?*. B v *-** u '- aA*\ P A t ,pv T vnTTP<S A „ PC tm .. m „,t-! / //Jw.\ A f >' f/ <f| A *"'• serrated edge, and ls finely tucked and embro dered. The new long cuffs and rv»TTAT?<3 -p;~>f VAc» 1/a. silAKi t,KUSW-OVt,K >TbST, m 1 The little Frock we illustrate to-day. frf \ Slk aid worfTtavtaJ I / the b,a< * r,bb at neCk are alß ° a fe " nre of the trlmminT Priced"' 1 COLLARS, Picot Edge_l/4. dou M e organdi> 3^^ 1 v. ; - rrio nf maT ,Tr « m „U a„j „' / \ \ effect— Navy, Dark Navy, Grey, and I *,£ . LrfT " ' * Smart Number in PLEATED CoUar, trimmed fine VaL Lace 6 2*c. L2i, is one of many smart and use- I\\ Mo!e - 401n - 4/ " 1 0 s /^f&**^ y B4CK MILITARY ROLL COL- —2/11. I M styles carried out in Cambric, Down / \\ TV SSg > * SKtV SS'SaSTSS «f]|| t|P W rilAlirr I ~ LAR, in fine Organdi; daintily TUCKED ORGANDI VESTETTE, g; the front to the waist it will be seen that * \\ resisting, and excellent wear. 501n..5/li , ImM ■ I iVI X ■ ■_■■ ■«/ ■ I Trt embroideredl/6. with fine Valenciennes Lace, I the, stripes meet diagonally while the »T i \\ SUMMER ™g™££>«« ¥ V 111 l\| /V I 111 II I I' V Novelty Shape in EMB. ORGANDI trimed Pwl § collar, cuffs and a section of the belt are X \\ Check effects; very suitable for present ' I llLrfl 1 Lrf |JL \j||\# 1 VlLrf ••■ MILITARY COLLARS—I/9 ea. buttons— 6. lof plain material. The sizes range for *o§Jm VI pn'Sffx DP soip * t S«s?« ta - 25 ■■■*■ 1 ■-■ VII 1V ■ XJKtf Mtf jauaxAnx wj^axw-/ FINE IVORY NINON FICHU I a C es 7to 10 years. Prices, 5/11 a a d "wS S 3l^^. *£, 11 S^' I - I 6/iLv .^"^ ' Brown, Navy. Grey, Blscoit. Lijtht Naw. QUEEN STREET, AUCKLAND. ORGANDI VESTETTE, "** trimmed fine Guijrare Edging G / u - Mil Gold Brown, Mole. Mid Saxe, 44in., ca'i VjUtltlni J I KuC 1 , AUL/KLAiNU. Roll Collar— 2/9. and VaL I*ce—<s/6r . . | . ' « ■' •i- ■ ' : . s : : ! . '- ;'■«.- ' - ;"; ,- " -~.

J. H. PORTER & GO. Sea-Grass Furniture ! Great Drapery Bargain Days, ' ";-,3 ._■,-,' Strong, Comfortable, and Inexpensive. I Monday next and all the week. • I " 1 iv ■■■■ ITI . el . Chairs, Lounges, r Annual Stock-Taking Sale. £ 2 : Surplus Stock at Absurd -Prices. jlCttf^GS Showroom Surplus Goods at nominal figures. —————— There are no Chairs made which will give you a greater sense 01 Bargains Everywhere. absolute rest! ladies- wear. short white GLOVES-1-. Worth. 1,6. Call and inspect our Great Stock of these Chairs. , I ORGANDIE AND GUIPURE LACE COL- _ . . . , FACED CLOTH COATS, trimmed Silk ! LARS, in almost every shape—At 1/-. 1/3. Over 500 designs to Select from braid and buttons. Rose, Amethyst, Brown. 1/6. and 1/11. v * cl **\j\r "«"»"» «■" screvl *»«*"«• Grey, and Black—Usual price, 12/6 to 19,6. LINEN COLLARS, all shapes and sizes— Chair* Stnnla and Tables fnr rhn Phi'l^ron To be absolutely cleared at 3/11 and 5/11. Were Sid. Now. 4|d. Others soiled at lid L,nairs, jsioois, ana xaDies ior trie L-nuaren. GREY ALL-WOOL BLANKET COATS. 45 each, and 48 inches long—Were 25/6. Now, 9/11. See the window full of the NEW WIDE ( , lir . . r\« , DARK GREY TWEED COATS, with belt— WAIST SILK BELTS, all colours— Inspect Our Window Display. Were 15/11. Now, 18/11. each. r r j J-LENSTH TWEED SPORTS COATS, A FEW LADIES* HANDBAGS at i the a trimmed Black Velvet; wide belts—Were usual prices. ' ' w tl »A w% W w T% V o*m m. w o*m 25/6. Now, 15/11. THE NEWEST LACE AND CHIFFON 1 IJ M 8 f It 1 A / 1%. I V |Jf\l^|lJ ALL-WOOL CLOTH SPORTS COATS, PLEATING AND FRILLING, in White. I fi ■ \i\i I JkTT II ml Tango, Saxe, Rose. Cerise, and Brown— Paris, and Black. m■ _ ■ JB ■m. % M WW 1 XI &Xc ft. Jl II «. M Were 29/6. Now. 15/11. COLOURED CHIFFON, in great demand; %J • m W T * 9m* A IVb# GREY RAINCOATS, Raglan sleeves—Were double-width—l 3. Worth, 1/11*. 19/11. New, 9/11. - WHITE AND COLOURED TULLES— At —m i/iDliir tUAIir nnin 1 ALL-WOOL TARTAN MILITARY CAPE 1/- per yard. 0% KAKANVjrAIIAJrJLi KUAII —Was 45/-. Now. 29/6. ' 1 BLACK SEALETTE COAT, full length— BEDDING DEPARTMENT. ■, COAT—Was 35/6 Exceptional Value in KAPOK BEDS. ————— ————^——_——_————_ __ 1 £!:*«,« STRACHAN COAT— M/ - purest Samarang; well teased; well-made Hull, I?!*, ticks C SKVVHV^HiKIiHRIiBiHIB^HHB^CMBiBIIMISHiV^fIiI^iII^K^i^HSB^it^HH^Hi^i^HI^HHB fi . G !°v^^J s Mi-TFn W, rOAT<; 'lenzth Sin Ü B^e e ß?ds-"lo'l1 6 ; 13/ liV 4ft.. 18/11 / ■■■■■^BMBHiHZMMraBMHBfiMBH ALL-WOOL KNITTED COATS, j-IWJgth. FLOCK BEDS— Double Bed, 15/11; Single, / Green, Brown, Grey, Cream, and Navy— a/11 . 3ft 10 , . aft M rt| , %< <&N^-^Sa > »—,. - »»■ FA^CY^N^^VoW^RTrCO — E/egflH/ AH J NdO -23/6. Now. 9/11, and a few soiled ones fuul-SizJ 1/6, 1/11. to V 1 /eHJ-WfiJJSi'i po!t w/^ K !/'3' CHINTZ COVERED WADDED QUILTS, \\ Wv VVTI • « Li? ALL - WOOL COAT—Was 45/-. Now, mil size— Were 10/11. ' \ X. \S. N\ till *■ I 1 f »J?/, l iV »i.« uc«uv wui-r-rcn (3 Only) SATIN-COVERED EIDERDOWN .\ \\ \V \k \i%i faITA HAATItrAOI* FAWN AND CREAM HEAVY KNITTED OUILTS—Were 65/- Now 45- A I X N?V N ?\ WW IB E B fr* I MII IB WHH ■ WOOL COftTS. Mer.gth-33 6. Now, 15/11. FLOOR COVERINGS. - You will, save V V A \v \ IfllllV A UUIVT FAWN BLANKET COATS, wide belt Mill. mo ney by buying"at our present prices. \ >$V \v Bil r A f fSrOF VW «Su 3 R' 3 TWEED. 9/1 %£""" ' 9P,aCB * aWt,,lnE *** *» \ D T S o Eß b ? E c«fa?e S d TU a l E lW. n ax BEDROOM OILCLOTH. 2yd, wide f J I. »S r Jv A%ru*«§rMiT« hi<rH «, a! c* *»« WELL-SEASONED LINOLEUM, newest .V. V/ \ J UI *^"«tC^» NAVY ? L0 J1»u S ii» hig, J,« alst ' Strap patterns. 2yds wide—At 3/6 and 3/11. at back—Worth 7/11. Now, 3/11. en t n CARPET SQUARES — square, 276; ' m*nmwm^^m*m*^mi^mi^^^^^^^^^^m^^mi A V. O H. rWE FP. SKIRTS—Were Sll to 3vds square , 37 /5;3 by 3 j, 45/.. Bargains. i&3 ■■ E3QtS 8888 Ba bl;% a a ,^Pecheck E dsk.rts. ™ I ™^"^^™ N'o g w, TIT 3t baCk - WOrth 6/11 - w „\ T B ra 1/111. 2/6. 2/11. and T HE eleganCC ° f my MW white footwear wUI prove to be very ALL-WOOL TARTAN SKIRTS— 13/6. 3 , 6- ' / ' 1 pleasing to all ladies who appreciate smart boots and shoes. Now is STRIPED FLANNELETTE SHIRT ana'sfll • very wide tne time to your s" 11111161 shoes, so as to have them for the bright days. BLOUSES —Were 2/11 to 4/11 ' Now, 1/6 IVORY. 3yds long At 4/11 Worth 6/11 . ~ . .„. _ . „ n -, . ~,,„, ...V.V, 5 . , ». a «?, 2/ lVi «- cuidt Diniiccc 3iyds long—At 6/11, 7/11. arid 8/11. Ladies' White Canvas Ankle-Bar Shoes, neat bow. covered heel 7/11 CINNAMON SILK SHIRT. BLUUaEb — Worth 5/- more \t/l-. /-• ~i t ei - - .„„ e Wg» BLOUSES CREAM? to&-\m\. Were. 2/11. 3iyds_ White Canvas 2-bulton Shoes - - - - 0 /9 S,tK - PJN'SHIPPOPLM BLOUSES. 3/11 _ Were 5/6; and 3iyds, extra wide, White Canvas Brooch-Bar latest style) Shoes - . 12/6 Cream, Green, Purple, Rose, Sky. Brown, 4/1 l anri «,... «/,-„ W i-»fl ,, il«l White Buck Coun Shoes ..... ,6/6 Grey and Fawn high and low neck- n^ ? in * White Buck Court Shoes - 16/6 «s£> , »L H PDP4M 4 'ii , Pf BLOUSES- w >ndow. LACE CURTAINS, with rod com- Velvet Leather Shoes, very fine .... 22/6 iJLT E i A f D i C , R u LACE BLOUSES — SHORT LACE CURTAINS, witti rod com- ' B^c e BLOUSES-Were c 5 i R e T^ l ri 3 fflft, ' 6 at Bargain Prices. WHITE BUTTON BOOTS FOR LADIES. F^w Y ,V** ■"Wn-W1 » 11/6. MA 7 E o L i.l A, a^'l^l G ea^h n CrlmS ° Canvas, 12/6 and 13/6. Nubuck. 25/-. SUPERIOR GREY FLEECY BLOCMERS OLEaSiNO Tot oV" cnVi* i a sft 'aND EM- Bostock's Velvet Leather with new French toe. 35/-. —Were 2/11 Nnui 1/111 Rettor mmlitixc «LMnIHU LJT OF FHILLEO AND EM- ' at am 3/6 3-11 ' 5 " dualities BROIDERED PILLOW CASES, large _ _ RIPPLE cloth" DRESSING JACKETS. sizes-At 1/3 and 1,6. Were, 1 1t and 1/11. rW% /HI A¥> nn Fmnnnum, Navy. Rose, and Marone-Were 11. Now. . EOYS , WEAR 1 ■ I f\ %£ wC 000 l dliipOriUlXl^ r. u ..» n _ EXTRA STRONG STRIPED 'VARSITY JL • jL« Virfftrin Sfr<»*»f Wett CHILDREN'S WEAR. SUITS, all sizes. 5/11; usual price. 8/11 — •• ~y V ICtOria Otreet West, TWEED OVERCOATS, to fit ages 4to 8. * , ~~ . -* A ANn , b« co .t OUI,ED . jersey coats V n(jT^ M nsi: , 2rnlw t0 « IVr: ~,« And Three Lamps, Ponsonby. AND CAPS, jlor ages 2 to s—Wore 9/11 YOUTHS' OVERCOATS, 911 to 14/11; J and 10/11. now all 611. C 8 '" usual prices, 17/11 to 21/-. SBftßftwn^Mnnn^ftaftmßMranftßP^ft^ft^Bl^ft^^ KNITTED KILTIES, for ages 2to 7—W«r, I Bill U B 511 to 6/11. Now all 3/11? were men's wear. ■^^^^■^■^^^^^■^^^^^^■■■■^■^■■•^^^^^^^■■B G T R E r, S 'cOA?S I M a^ ,D c!; OU^ L -at{^z L S T^ua P , E Sri c . CA I M i? R,C SH,BTS ' 21,! ' 8/11 tO 15/11. NOW all 5/11. WHITP TM , iii ;, e "e U . B ,. • I KNITTED WOOL CAPS, Cream Marone Vn il« TE . N 2 £SH » RTS ' with or without , Brown, and Saxe-Were 1/-. Now fd" SriST'Sift . S/1 - I J« 3/6, and 3/,lj usual I —y- __» BIBS— 9d and 1/-. Now firt cPEfSSf JiJ. 1 t0 4 ' ll - . .i 1/ V —■ —^^^L^*«*^| ' Now. 6d. SSt?A t ?° LE ; TW , EED TROUSERS, correct fit. O1 NK OAI t^^^^^TK HOSIERY AND FANCY DEPARTMENT *' 6"' 8/ " ! USUa ' PriCeS ' B '"' 10 ' 6 " I \ Hll TSr* < fc>* !2i srf Vl^ LA aSd E h S e a C — "OSE, „ght The success \U« I AI H\ toCTbe : ■WfWMSmF WH,TE LA " a a^K u .W£"IBW^JKSi EVERYWHERtr^^{j freight paid on al " 80LE AGENTS AND BOTTLERB FOR THE AUCKLAND DISTRICT. PORTER'S CORNER "*Z£L m * m .»* Q. McMillan & CO., *ib.ll VI UUIIIILIIi 82 and 84, Pitt Street (Ut* HIPIUNS & COUTtS), /- Wine aid Spirit Merchant* . CUSTOMS STREET EAST* * Ik-' if

TAKE NOTICE of this Advt., it is of GREAT IMPORTANCE! W. LAMBOURNE'S JSSU SALE Opens TO-MORROW (FRIDAY), SEP. 10 When the whole of the stock of Furniture, Furnishings, Hardware, and Crockery will be offered at prices that will astonish you. BARGAINS IN FURNITURE DEPARTMENT. BARGAINS IN MANCHESTER DEPARTMENT. BARGAINS IN HARDWARE DEPARTMENT. BARGAINS IN CROCKERY DEPARTMENT. ASK FOR OUR SPECIAL. SALE CATALOGUE. W. LAMBOURNE, Complete House Furnisher, ■ LnltlDUUlillLj Three Lamps, PONSONBY. COME and SEE the Glory of the East Genuine Handicraft in Copper, Brass, Bronze, and Pottery Ware, !' Candlesticks, Flower Vases, Fern Pots, J J Rose Bowls, Dinner Gongs, Copper Trays, j|{! ;; Oak Trays, Fire Screens, Draught Screens, l| ji; in quaint designs and new colours, at PRICES to suit all PURCHASERS. | Each article bears the impress J of the craftsman. ill _ \\ Andrews & Clark, | Furnishing Specialists, : Queen Street. I n"' i i ir- p. mm~~-m***-~m r -.»■.■» - - - - .--■.--. --■-.-_-_-_ c _ | ggg. i^^^J.

• . ■ - ......wlia - '. _'-.'•..- *" -VS? lIP 11 BLINDS ...... ;■ jj For Inside and Outside Shade. i I "# ft **«**» J j§ |heg»»?TM6C'M^^»ae LAEGE VAEIETY '01 * |j§ HOLLANDS la Requirements am shades, ' Including our well-known w fti . in SUNFAST HOLLAED. ? flgf BLINDS We have stocked this tor the past SV I IJjf years, end time, has proved its lasting |i|| \ will now claim your qualities. | attention. AST SHADE HOLLANDS, in Cream, I|| Ecru, Beige, Linen figure, Dark For the treatment of Olive, Brown, Grey, Laurel, Terraall styles we can give cotta, and Art Green shades. '¥$ 1 ' 1 * * $^^ you Large Assortment of . i^ CORRECT IDEAS, BLIHD LACES AND jjj j and supply you with IBSEETIOKS. the Also various Trimmings to match. ||| LATEST We m * ke * Speciality ol 4 OFFICE, SHOP, AHD SKYLIGHT f|E* j MATERIALS. blinds, and CANVAS VEEAHDAH SHADES, .-.;,'; Sow-so much in vogue. .-/ | iTrrrrn^wrr CONSULT US for Suggestions and Estimates B for AH Styles of Blinds. EXPERIENCED MEN sent to Measure and Advise Free of Charge in City & Suburbs. SAMPLES posted Free on Application. jljf TONSON GARLICK COY„ LTD., ; Queen St., Auckland.

HENRY HUGHES, ME6ISTMBSD PATENT AQMSX. Sruuiubuh BUEMAUS - ft ■•SJaMndaaa 7^ /\V Ibronftaout the world \P 'Advice to Inventor! * M re* on application. Clients adrissd and assist*! disposing of their wraatieaa, nmiN (Mm: Exchange Lane. tfeoMS — t MMU-SililP toHt»

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LII, Issue 16020, 11 September 1915, Page 10 (Supplement)

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Page 10 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume LII, Issue 16020, 11 September 1915, Page 10 (Supplement)

Page 10 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume LII, Issue 16020, 11 September 1915, Page 10 (Supplement)