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I A BUDGET OF BEAUTY BADINAGE 1 I WHEN BLACKHEADS THREATEN. A WOMAN'S SKIN. PAUSE BEFORE POWDERING 1 H ■ fc 8 °/, matter remaininr fixed in the ekin havoc withthe healthy Sm leaoWls I?°u iJ n ?fi? e ?* t ,s not always as mi - H B Tclive to throw &Uffi ° lent!y healthy and are great destroyers, if y ou™it to o? thSelSSTto ««H ♦•. « [3:<liSS*i"T3** S&SftS£s2FJ£»FH I H 2?d i? it na jf . r b i ac . khe »ds in any number oftem tected against these cLisnjrurinK forces, you must coSd by kindP fact - 1 ■ to^. ffTLsrSrs^^^^t^** I I 1 1 Open Pore Cure is safe. S i«f™|Hi!l3HS 1 pests cleanses and stimulates the skin, and makes cxleriments She wants refill«n3 W DOt obtrude itseb Even doctors in various case, sfl Rf blackheads impossible. Price. 2/9, posted. Black- a mister in tEHSwcTrteJs 5 "IL"^!* 01 !•5f M T»- ">"****, &>' «i* « » posted Cure °- 2 * ° r m ° re ob3tinate cases - 5/-. and offers the final toVch needed :wn all orer Clear v&* ™l,i ma - ate > "£ H ""fi i„ , „„, - 4 u v, M , ■ •., sesame this gifted complexion specialist invokes is canhot be iniurioV *' *" d " m lt( * !; fcfl I . Hand in hand with blackheads invariably goes —Valaze Beautifvinc Russian Skin Food—admini« cannot D« injurious. other mstancs aSectins ft. LJ 1 . greasy skin. of open pores and and moist or Bert .££& when yoS let with ik W?n ' But. f the . so many other instance affectinc in J® greasy skin. Valaze Liquidino (5/- and 8/6) will Rest assure? when you let hold of this Drlna?a JhT ° f the i co s»P l « l «>. a - Mme Rubinstein has in ■ 9 put an immediate stop to this complaint, and con- fion you cet hold li the onfv scientific «n»?i«; this case also done pioneering work by prepanne f«3 1 stunt use of Valaze Beauty Grains. 2/9. and lh?ch clears away the film that unnaturally b?n« P S^ tr l V$ ? er?,y - f °£ im ? beautifying 1 9 , rec^rence° Sl4PaSta - 3/4. for washing, will prevent your complexion It prevents the skin lapsing into b«t for hygienic effect Poudre. 3 m . recurrence your complexion, it prevents tne sKin lapsing into a rich, succulent powder for dry and nc-mal "(kins I 1 ' ■ . wrinkles, frees it from blotches muddy appear- and Valaze Complexion Powder a powder o a [fl I ance, freckles, and sallowness. Don't. let anybody more absorbent character, lor greasy over-moiM r 3 3 WDIUtfl m U/nHJirM per s de . yoj .that something, else is "just, as „nd snmy skins. Each may beobtained in three 1 1 WRINKLED WOMEN. loot p^eTY/ 5 - ft ela ] as ,in<s - - 6 a box - j| m This state of skin will gradually yield to judici- ———_____ ,'^| » ous treatment, particularly when done in time, and -__—______ 2 1 it is most important that it should be taken in TUIQ IC ARftllT CHAD 1 5 |j hand, on the appearance of the first symptoms, for I lllw IO HDUU I OUMr. "a B nothing is more ageing. Pique should be applied WHEN THE SKIN IS DRY AND Men and women art- reasonably fastidious a? 1 1 The wonderful Eau qui Pique should be applied WHIN IH t SKIN IS DRY AND Men and women are reasonably fastidious : \ii a to the face, accompanied by Roman Jelly, which ■»■■«■ » ■■■■ w.»..» iw via ■ m.w what eat and drink . but very {ew ae £S tgl tightens the tissues and makes them firm. Eau HARQH properly scrupulous in the matter of soap Thn II B3 qui Pique, as its name implies, gives a pricking. nfUlWl*. average man lathers his face -.villi offensive and & H tingling sensation to the skin, and is the most _, . . . injurious mineral and animal matter two or three &* KM effective astringent preparation of the day. It " 1 f requires special treatment, or wrinkles and times daily. These cheap and nasty soaps dry up g Kg banishes ,flabbincss. puffiness, and moderate crowsfeet will rapidly develop. In the first place. the skin, and in the end completely ruin it. For S 69 wrinkles, restoring at the same time freshness and the skin should not be washed with soap and the delicate skins of women, cheap soap* inva'-i- " IHH colour to the skin. The price of each is 5/6. 10/6, water, but cleansed with Isovena Cerate, a splendid ably spell destruction. jg _fl and £1/1/-. Then there is the Valaze Massagette. cream which both nourishes and cleanses the skin. The thing to useespecially in conjunction with ? IH a. wonderful new invention which permits of Valazei Beautifying Russian Skin Food should be Valaze— Valaze Herbal Complexion Soap tin til ■ message being carried on in a really ideal manner applied at night. During the day Baume Verte ' cakes, 2/- each). It contains no injurious elements 43 m without the least exertion. It is sold in two sizes. should be applied to the skin and a little Novena or unwholesome animal fat. It is made of herb- - ■ the smaller at £1111- and the larger at 25/-. the Poudre dusted Ivovena Poudre is specially and the essential oil of almonds. Is. beyond coin- J? H > difference being that the smaller may be used for designed for dry skins, being really a skin food in parison. the finest skin soap on the market. Every f" ■ the face, while the larger may also be used for the powdered form, and so completely free from the woman who uses this soap is franklv delighted 5 H neck, chest, scalp, shoulders, and other parts of ill-effects of other powders. with it. ~ ■ * the body. Jnovena Cerate, 2/- and 3/6; Novena Poudre (in ___________ S | M _____________ three tints). 2/6 a box: Valaze. 4/- and 7/-: Baume i | HAIR ON THE FACE. ' ** "* *'"* TO PRODUCE LONC EYELASHES. j I Mme. Rubinstein has just brought out a New There can be no denying the fact that long silky mm m Noveno Hair Destroyer. Glorious as is the pos- ■■•■■■» .*«■■ . AaK <»_._.. ......_- eyelashes add immeasurably to the charm and fSi M session of hair in its place, out of its place it is a HAVF Villi A SMniITH WUITF beauty of any face, and >.ovena Eyelash Grower [3 W misery grievous to be borne. Mme. Rubinstein ~n* " IWW i"l umUUIIIj II 111 IL. is a preparation the use of which is attended with '■£ ■ has just brought out a New Novena Hair iICPIT astonishing results, both as to growth and colour. B& ■ Destroyer, the only existing depilatory without any nLuiVf J* ° a ? created quite a furore in Paris: the smrri §H ■ detriment to the skin. It is an imported pre- Frenchwomen have quickly remarked its singular H paration, manufactured under the personal super- This is really essential to most women, especially excellence. The price of the Xovena Eyelash H vision.of one of the greatest experts in chemical 3U6t now when fashion demands that we should all Orower is 5/3. g analysis, expressly and exclusively for Mme. Helena wear low-nocked, collarless dresses. The skin of —_-———___—___ S§ Rubinstein. Every other Hair Destroyer known the neck is exceedingly apt to turn brown and to 3a injures the skin, the unfailing effects being redness show signs of discolouration, due chiefly to the CI MCUCn rinrn Attn nrn linnpn H and soreness of the parts treated. The cooling friction of collars and furs. To remove this re- rLUdlibU rAUCw AllU ntU NUakS W* sensation produced by the New Novena Hair course must be had to the Strong Valaze. one of «»■.»# 3» |J Destroyer is a most pleasing deviation from all Mme. Rubinstein's latest specialities, which is a For home treatment, the use of Novena "Rod 9 m other preparations of this kind, whose burning wonderful remedy for all such blemishes. The Nose Ointment and Powder as well* as V»W 9 ■ effects ire nt too well known to require mention. new invisible, and non-caking Valaze Snow Lotion Liquidine and Baume Blanc are recommended >»* - B m The .New Jiovena Hair Destroyer is perfectly should be used in conjunction with the Strong a first resort. In the more advanced stages of the ■ | simple to use, and will be found of equal service Valaze. The treatment here indicated . will, after trouble, when small, vein-like blood-ve=sels become 9 H in. removing hair from the arms as from the face. a few applications, give the skin exquisite white- noticeable, home treatment is more, difficult 3 IS Eg Price. 6/6. ness and purity. The Valaze Snow Lotion may more radical and special treatment should be taken M M Novena Pasta, applied after the New Novena also be used for the face, shoulders, arms, and at the Valaze Massage Institute """"*" ut - Kucen —■ Hair Destroyer has been removed, will be found * hands the appearance of which it improves in- Novena Red Nose° Ointment "and Pownpr R/c "9 invaluable, as it soothes, softens, whitens, and credibly. The price of the Strong Valaze is 10/6. Valaze Liquidine. 5/- and 8/6: Baume Blanc 5/6 H ' preserves the skin. Price. 2/- and 3/6. of Valaze Snow Lotion. 3/6. 10/6 and £1/1/-. -oianc. °'- g It will be of additional interest to the women readers of this paper to know that Mile. Rubinstein 1 is in Auckland, and will remain there for a few days, during which time she may be consulted H on any matter concerning the complexion. No charge whatsoever will be made for advice, and H whether it concerns the object of some of her many new Specialities or the use of an old one to obtain the i best possible beautifying results, Mile. Rubinstein will be well able to furnish all those who will seek m her counsel numerous hints which should prove of lasting advantage. If calling on Mile. Rubinstein Ei should be impossible for some reason or other, or you prefer to treat yourself at home, she will H send, you, if 3d is sent for postage, her book, " Beauty in the Making," in which will be found a remedy B for every complexion trouble, and indispensable information on the scientific and modern treatment H ' of the Pace and Hair. H g The Specialities mentioned above will be forwarded on receipt of remittance. Address:— 8 I The Specialities mentioned above will be forwarded on receipt of remittance. Address:— I HELENA RUBINSTEIN 8 CO., Dept. 51 Strand Arcade. Queen St., Auckland I ■ > Also at Sydney, Melbourne, London, Paris, New York, and Petrograd. I ■ ' -_^_^__«__»— ■ ■ '" _—__—»____ ~ ;: ~ ' --' mmi^m^^mm^m^tmmmmmm^m^j^£j^j^_^^ Dyers. "wmmmi wm ■■■■■■■■■"■■■■"■■■■■^■■■■^■■^■^■■■ MBB--^M^MIB^_MlMM^^ By Special Appointment to His Excellency nllllliiiiiP'M »_==] H ' Ifffll 1 I 1 I 8 Iff *-3l>T ■• 'mm < imf •- * the Earl of Liverpool, K.C.M.G., M.V.O. Hi!} tifjltt. _J||| nnTIl ™%J|| ° I : |1 ' '*i lill -wMIK 1 IF SUIT OR DRESS IS SOILED II \ ff '/V| -• j| B Ij^^^^l HAVE IT DRY CLEANED AT I . if :'M PORTER'S DYE WORKS I i = teMuil''' 1 MmJ ; : Office: Tabernacle Buildings. Karangahape li j * f0 JJ 1 ~*^ y^Ll-L' LJ { 1 'f . j '\ J \\V\ I -t'|| ' " ;>/'.; L l^qjl ■ Jm fj TSHIk >C m —-^M**LJB-i3HM^BL—I Tiers'r many aztking you'd'like :o shine j CHEMICAL DRY CLEANING 0 *. /* J I *J- /• ' I I D - A Jti£^SJ" Safe for polished surfaces I ■"»•' 1866. 'Photb 1884. x - . _ „ _^. ■ WORKS ; GBAFTQN TBRRAQP, At J o *** gTOCeT* — 6d. Bon Ami is a mineral |L_^iij^~g~— — leaving a- smear or speck or ________________ = ___ == SOap of flour-like fine- \x^LW^'T^^kX^Bi^? scratch. Not only does Bon ' SS, tihat cleanS and \jj\ "^ifcrl''-="' Ami remote oirt where ordi- ~ brightens polished sur- aC AIM &M ~& x >gra «,»«Vfo „* ♦;« r • t i r -1 I -T?a »_L-rMJ rapialy—saves lots o: time Iw-tlCclD faces without danger of f \ and labor. C 11 1 scratching. Eon Ami is a household OeCOnd-nanCl make the enamelin V word all over America, vv.*vi " M " u the re{rigera^r glisten . .it V JsPTfffl IBB^T— miUIOIIS ° ' ious^e eP^s fane ! will* brighten' copper, tile, A «■ g€ f< > ra " *"g I have been singing its praises vttlO nickel and painted wood- /A FlfterKindS H for over twenty years. WE, ay cheap «W^l. for MM work, and dean the ■ win- \a\ Wg^Y^^Zt Cleaning li CLARTON HODGSON * we fully recognise that I dows ™ mirrors Without JBfrr*' U CO., LTD.. WELLINGTON ; buying a car that is out '""""" ' of order is an expensive proposition I Wil———a»^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^-^^ m^mj ~.,,,, J .'• no matter how small the price may I i-"-=- a^^mmmmm • be. But these cars are all in per- I >—■——^— — i SSSSSSZ . mT." feet order. Our skilled mechanics I ' have replaced an defective P ■ |, GOVERNMENT ■■■■f^alf^Bf^l^HMr^MMlH^.^Ml^lMMUf^f^f^™ htt&si I ■ INSURJVNf!F HORROCKSES' | invited to inspect them and go for H II"' ™ Igj. 17¥ iTWIUITr 17TT17C '■'" If C I a trial run. Do so, then you will H * DEPARTMENT tl*AlinillUil-lli»> . :-■»*..:>-'?■'. | recognise the perfectcondfeon and ■ *~ r ** L!!' 6 ™ ' LONGCLOTHS '' ■ ' I V''' ~ m their extremely, good value, which ■ _. - _._. _. ... -««*■»_**» ji V ,^^--«V- J I make, them "cheap "cars in the R FACT NO. 11. MADA£OLAMS aild' DRILLS I 1 trueSOTSC M At 31st Dec, 1911, £207,105. u * „ --.. I i -warren," 35 L P . W ranicu „,„„ At 7ZTTZ "Z beat *" competifaoii 3 1 5-passenger £175 H IN CASH, wag digtnbuted amontf -_---___f, H I "HUPMOBILE." 2-se.ter, B the Policyholders IN BONUSES. If SEE HORROCKSES'' NAME (OK SELVEDGE | 1 hood and screen, £105 B „, ," ..",,.,' H «ad3deolia»'«il •abrtitirtoa. ."".."' M i "CHEVELOT"2Shn H nf^^??^™^ 6 "* 1 * 8 "J^^S? 1 I Sola by all F3^«as«lJW|««^d^t««iiper. B E , U V j h P- B ? f £833,994 to the snms assured. Th«j ■ mamtT awaW AT AH/ 55 GREAT s g 5-pMsenger, hood and H bonnaes ar«mow fixad upon an asos-ndin* 1 HIQHKST AWaUPS at tottibal 5 M screen. Only used for ■■ 1 scale, it being arranged that th« increase* ataßaßMiaMßßßWaMßaWaMWa^a^a^i^Si^iJiii^aa^BsHßraM ■ demonstration runs. H H «h»ll beoome greater with the duration of --/^pS-. ■ Complete £275 I I the policy. TheTractioalworkiasof this ' "' lll '" ;^^ m TORPEDO BODY, latest' 9 ■ arrangement will be naderstood by aa - >^^P^ B type, with hood and screen, HB Pj inspection of the following examples: .^B«iVflHß«la«^B«aßa«Sßß^Bs9Bß«ffi3B^^B^Bß9K»ssssk^^ '~'s%^^^ n *" II n*k Thx JPoXiicn tajuo? oxtt • B LE.TTFL 26 K P » ■■ •Uottod IS Tears 27 Vear» 42Ye&rs Ttell 1 tHyirV SiUr IrN flNr rHv r ' ■ Harrison & Gash SS SdSit it J s .fS S" l^^™^^^^^^^^"^ I O A P 1 1902 .SO 0634166 40 6 0 *TnPM£T\^mm^LmmmmmmmfmWo4lNml2&*&* m^ I namson & Gash gg SS S Si' 2 111 I WHS? *vn « . Agents for "Studeb«ker" and 1911 34 8 0 39 18 0 46 5 0 BY ALL .. A • ril > ,^^^ D ? t S';?-" l :W,--^ J Renault Car., , i w " VWKag^m^j|^i<^_^J3^ >^.^^^^pJ^S||y^ *"''"''■' '•""' '"'' >; b Kbyber Pass, NEWMARKET J 80•« 2 J £6 19 a MNMQMR& AUdOAIiO. «» IHSII 1 Uwuui-.tu w»r uuub Ju--bm-js- now *- «*••

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LII, Issue 16020, 11 September 1915, Page 7 (Supplement)

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Page 7 Advertisements Column 2 New Zealand Herald, Volume LII, Issue 16020, 11 September 1915, Page 7 (Supplement)

Page 7 Advertisements Column 2 New Zealand Herald, Volume LII, Issue 16020, 11 September 1915, Page 7 (Supplement)