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The prospect of fine weather for the inauguration of the Auckland Racing Club's Autumn Meeting on Saturday appeared anything but bright oil Friday. However, the rain practically cleared away overnight, and the club was favoured with fine, 6unny weather. There was a stiff southerly wind blowing, but this did not mar the proceedings to any appreciable extent.

The grounds were in good order, despite the heavy rain on the previous day, and the well-tended lawns and beautiful autumn blooms formed a most pleasing sight for visitors. Tho course, however, was holding when the racing commenced, but it improved somewhat as the afternoon progressed. In consequence times were slow. Tho racing on the whole was excellent, and some good finishes resultedThe day's sport passed off without a hitch. The stewards were called together only on one occasion, and that was to inquire into the cause of Hadj and Matakana falling in the straight in the Nelson Handicap. After hearing the evidence it was decide! that the tall was purely accidental. The riders of both horses escaped without injury.

There was a fairly large attendance, including His Excellency the Governor, and the Countess of Liverpool and suite, the Hon. W. H. H'erries, Minister for Railways, and the Hon. A. L. Eerdman, Minister for Justice. , A feature of the afternoon's sport was the run of successes credited to the Ictsil jockey, J. Buchanan, Royal Irish, Arran, Merry Roe, Hyginas, and Hoy respectively winning in his hands. Speculation on tho totalisator was not as brisk as at the previous autumn meeting, the sum of £43,881 going through the machine, against £44,867 10a for the first day last vear, a decrease of £986 10s.

During the afternoon the band of the Auckland Mounted Rifles, under Sir. H. Seymour, rendered a number of pleasing selections on the lawn.' The following ar» the details of the racing

TRADESMEN'S HANDICAP of 350sovs ; second horse 70sovs, and third horse 30SOVS. One mile and a-qunrter. Mr. J. Williamson's br ff Royal Irish, 6yrs, Bst 31b (J- Buchanan) -._ •• J • 1 Mr. W". G. Stead's ch. c Red Book, 4yrs, ffst lllb (L. Wilson) ; ■ j- 2 V.T3. S. Lennard's ch m Tangiwai, aged. lest lllb (Reid) .. .. •• •• 3 alpo started; Prince Merriwee. Bst 91b (McMillen); Phosphorus. Sst 41b (Manson); Lady Penurv. Sst 4lb (C. Browne); Achilledes, 7st- 101b (Price); SonltikofF, 7st lib (L. Brown); Lady Alicia, 6st 12lb (Sinclair); El Gallo, 6st lllb (Robinson): Boldstroke, 6st 9lb. carried 7st lib (Goldfinch). Red Book was favourite. The start was considerably delayed by misbehaviour on the part of Boldstroke. but finally the field got away .fairly well, Lady Penury and Red Book being alternately in front until entering on the back stretch, when Lady Per.ury was out piloting Aoliilledes and Red Book. Lady Penury still had command ' entering the nome turn, when several challenged. Royal Irish came from, a •long way bock and finally gained the verdict •in a close finish by a neck from Red Book, Tangiwai third a neck behind. El Gallo, Lady Penury, . and . Phosphorus all handy. Time, 2m 13 4-ss. >

BRIGHTON HURDLE RACE of 350sovs; second horso 70sovs, and third 30sovs. Two miles. Mr. D. P. Moraghan's br g Tragedy King. syrs, by Soult-Romola, lOst 71b (Julian) 1 Mr. J. Williamson's blk « Black Northern, •'aged, list 3lb QfcFlynn) .. , .. .. 2 Messrs Tooman and McHugh » br c »' -Admiral "Sonlt, aged, 12st Sib (Flynn) .. 3 Also. started Spalperion, lOst 81b ,(O'Con- » nell): Barbwiro. • fist 101b (Tooman); St. ■> Lewis, 9st Sib (Hall); Gloy, 9st 4lb (Tilsley); Dandy Breeze, 9st (McCallum). Dandy Breeze and Gloy were coupled rn • the tptalisator.V" ; Spalperion was '' favourite. Dandy '• Breeze- rushed out in front early, and held'a commanding lead past the stand, but was interfered v.-ith by the riderless Barbwiro (who fell early) and ran off just put the old mile post. .Spalperion then took charge from Tragedy King, Gloy, and Black Northern, - but near the half-mile post Tragedy Kins rushed (o the lead, and despite a strong' challenge from Black Northern over the last three furlongs, won comfortably by three lengths, Admiral Soult a similar distance" behind Black Northern. Spaltierion was fourth'.' Gloj> fell at the second last fcncc. ; Time, 3ra 58 3-ss. PRESIDENT'S HANDICAP of 350sovs; second • horso 70sovs, third 30sovs. Five furlongs. Hon. J. D. Ormond's ch g Centre. 3yrs, by Hymcttus—Target, 6st 12lb (Sinclair) 1 Mr. A; J. Burke's ch g Goldfire, syrs, 7sl 1011) (Morris) .. .. .. .. 2 Messrs. Collis and Casey's br c Colonel Soult* syrs, Bst 61b (C. Browne) .. ..3 Also started: Toreador, 9st (McMillan): Potoa. Sst 12lb (Tapp); Tinopai, Bot 12lb (Robinson): Bluestone, Bst (Stockley): Waio* rewa, Sst (Buchanan); Simple Sara, 7st 121b (Price); Grattan, 7st 101b (L. Wilson); Kitty Bellairs, 7st 101b' (Hanson); Glad Tidings. 7ft 91b (McDevitt); Try Fluke. 7st 31b (Rice); Ha ni King. 7st 3lb (Conquest): Nicomar, 7st lib (Reid); Gold Necklet, fist 91b (Chaplin): Hanukau, 6st 71b (L. Brown). ' Colonel Scnlt was favourite.

Goldfire iras the first to single himself out from a bunched field, and led until about a hundred yards from the post, when Colonel and Centre were distinctly noticeable. Centre gradually forged ahead peering the post, and won by half a length, wi{h Colonel Soult a length and a-nalf further back third, and Grattan, Nicomar, and Waiorewa an ngst the next lot. Time, lm 3 4-53.

GREAT NORTHERN CHAMPAGNE STAKES of lOOOsovs; first horse GOOsovs, second . horse 200bovs, and third horse lOOeovs. Breeder of winner, lOObovs. For two-year-olds. Colts, Bst 10lb: fillies, Bst Sib; geldings, Sat 7lb. Six furlongs. Mr. J. McNicol's bo Arran, by Marble Arch—Monoquil, fist 10lb (Buchanan) 1 Mr. T. H. Lowry's b f Desert Gold, Bst Blb (L. Wilson) 2 Mr. Ernest Alison's br f Housewife, Bst Blb (Conquest) 3 Also started: March, Bst Blb (McMillan); Penroe, Bst Blb (C. Browne).

Desert Gold was favourite. The five starters went away in good line, but Desert Gold and Arran soon singled themselves out in front, the former having ft slight advantage over the Aucklander during the initial three furlongs. However, as the turn for home came in sight, Buchanan could be seen sitting comfortably on Axtan, and once heads were turned for home the son of Marble Arch held the advantage over tho All Black filly. A great finish homo resulted in the halfbrother to defunct Soltano winning nicely by three-parts of a length from Desert Gold, with Housewife, who finished strongly a neck further back, and March fourth. Time, lm 19s. WINNERS OF THE CHAMPAGNE STAKES. Time, ran. Bangle, bv Mn->ket ] 19 1888—Hilda, by Musket 1 19} Corunna, by Mu«ket 1 174 1890—Aroiioel, by Apremont 1 18j lE9l—Tiralllerie, by Nordenfeldt.. ... 1 17 1892—St. Hippo, by St. Leger 1 19 1895—Eve, by Brigadier ... 1 19 1894—' Star, by Castor 1 18 1895—Forma, by Hotchkiss I 19J 1896— Paul, by St Leger 1 19$ 1897— Emmy, by Cuirassier ... 1 18j , 1898—Hermosa, by St. Leger 1 194 1893—Mifs Delaval, by Seaton Delaral... 1 17 Beddington, by Seaton Delaval 1 17 2-S —Nonette, by Seaton Delaval ... 1 18 1-5 "j9o2—Forirua, by Beaton Delaval ... 1 18i Kamo, by'Seaton Delaval ... 1 173 1904— by Stepniak 1 19 2.5 1905—King Billy, by Merriwee 1 182-5 1906—Cambrian by Cyrenian 1 17 3-5 Downfall, by San Francisco ... 1 181-5 1908—Aborigine, by Merriwee 1 164-5 1909—Kakania, by Soult 1 17 Apellon, by Monoform 1 16 3-5 1911 Miscount, by Birkenhead ... 1 15 2-5 1912— 1 King, bv Muitiild 1 15 1915—Soltano, by Soult 1 162-8 1914—Tete-a-tete, by Royal Fusilier 1 16 2-5 1915—Arran, by Marble Arch ... 1 19 EASTER HANDICAP of lOOOsovs; second horse 200sovs, third hoJrse lOOsovs. Ono mile. Mr. F. Hall's br f Merry Rce, by Soult Erry Roe. 4yrs, 9st (Buchanan) . . 1 Mr J. H. Walters's ch g Goldsize, 6yrs, Sat 3lb (Morris) 2 Mr. F. Stenning's b g Jack Delaval, aged. Sat 13lb (McFlynn) .. .. fl Also started: Bedford, Bst 41b (Conquest); Mullingar, Bft 4lb (Price); Downham, Bsf 31b (L Wilson); King Lupin, Bst (Robinson) ; Belasco, 7st 91b (Manson); Beldame, 7st 7lb (Reid); Tact, 7st 61b (C. Browne); Prince Soult, 7st 6lb (Rowe); Selection. Gst 121b (Chaplin); Salvia, 6st 71b (L Brown). Downham was favourite. After some slight delay at tho post the fourteen competitors were sent away on even terms, but it was not long, before Tact and King Lupin had command 'out in front this pair racing together in front of Down-

ham and Bedford until three find a-half furlongs were covered, when King Lupin rushed to the lead and piloted the field round the home turn into the straight, where Bedford, Merry Roo, Jack Delaval, and Goldsize could all be seen making big efforts. Bedford's effort was of no avail, but just inside the distance Merry Roe headed King Lupin, and an interesting finish over the last 150 yds witnessed the daughter of Soult win in game fashion by three-parts of a length from Goldsize, who was the same distance ahead of Jack Delaval, the latter finishing fast on the rails. King Lupin was a very close fourth, and then came Prince Soult, Mullincar. and Belasco in that order, the last three to finish being Bedford, Salvia, and Downham. Time, lm 43 2-55.. The winner was bracketed with Castalia. WINNERS OF THE EASTER HANDICAP (Since 1898). Time, m. i.

IS3B— ,T. 0. Booth's Re*, 7.6 1 1899—Mr. J. C. Booth s Rex, 8.12 .. 143 2-5 1900—Mr. Douglas Gordon's Advance, 9.6 142 1901—Messrs. L. D. and N. A. N'athsn'i Rosclla, 7.13 1 « 1902—Mr. J. T. Evan's Nonette, 9,11 ... 142 i9OJ—Mr. J. Lynch's Golden Rose, 7.8 ... 141 1904—Mr. J. Sinclair's Regulation, 8 1.- 1 411-5 1905—Mr. D. Stewart's Scotty, 8.11 ... 143 2-5 1906— Hon. J, D. Ormond's Mobility, 5.7 1 43 1907—Mr. J. Mull's Walpuna, 8.1 1414-5 1908—Mr. ,T. R. McDonald's Gold Crest, 9.0 140 1909—Mr E. J Watt's Aborigine, 713... 1 404-5 1910—XL". To Hlkaka's Walari, 7.13 ... 140 1911—Mr. lv W. Arnold's Antoinette, V.13 14i 1912—Mr. D. Mcleod's Kakama. 7.6 ... 130 1913—Mr. E. Langton's Jack Delaval, 7.11 140 1914—Mr. E. J. Watt's Ventura, 8.13 139 4-5 1915 Mr. F. Hall's Merry Roe ... 143 2-5 ONSLOW STAKES of 200sovs; second horso 40sov8, third horse Msovs. For two-year-olds. Five furlongs. Hon. J. D- Ormond's b g Hyginas, by Hymcttusl J aen, 7st 81b (Buchanan) 1 Mr. E. A. Price's Hicro, 6st 9lb (Robinson) ... ... , .— ••• - Mr. T. H. Lowry's b c Carlysian, ist (Rcid) 8 Also started: Lightning, Bst 31b (P. Brady); Pacifio Slope, Bst 31b (Price); Glissando, 7sl 21b (Conquest); King Courier, 7st 21b (C. Brown); Taj Mahal 7st (LBrown): Colonnade, Cat 12lb (Thompson); Te Papapa, 6st 121"b (Goldfinch) . Causeway, 6st 9lb (Kelly); Delunbre, 6st 9lb (Sinclair; Harleatone, 6at 91b (Chaplin).

Hyginas was favourite. Although King's Courier hopped oft smartly, he was soon displaced by Carlysian, Harlestone, and Lightning, who mado most play until tho turn for home, when llyginas raced through, and won in the straight in easy fashion by two and a-half lengths from Hiero. who finished strongly a length ai d a-balf ■in front of Carlysian, Taj. Mahal fourth, and Pacific Slope fifth. Time, lm 4 2-ss.

NELSON HANDICAP of 200sovs; second horse 40sovs, and third horse 20sovs. One mile.

Mrs. G. S Doleman's bjk g Gold Fran j 3yrs,. by San Fran-Fairy Gold, 7st fllb | ch'g Monathoi, fiyrs, i Mr. M. Bnckland's ch g Monathol, fiyrs. 7st slb (Chaplin) ». ••• -- - Mr- B. Goldwater's ch f Loloma, 7st 121b j (C. Browne) Also started: Calais. Sat 101b (L. WilI son); Makura, Bst 31b (Buchanan)Kaween, Bst lib, carried Set 3lb (Gilchrist); Lady Elgiva. 7st 12lb (Morris); Vallambrosa, 7at 01b (Robinson); Hadj, 7at 81b (Rjceli Ovation. 7st 51b (Reid); Signo, Tot 4lb 'Goldfinch); Kaimanuka. 7s 2lb (Kelly); Tararu Jack, 7st 21b. carried 7st 4lb (Conquest); Hopyo. 6st 71b. carried 7st; Matakana, Gst 10lb. carried 7st slb (Manson); Ulster, fist 101b (Turner); Romanui, 6st 101b lb. ! Brown): Stermipaul, Gst 10lb (Row®'; . Lonomoor, 6st- 101b, carried »st 6lb (Sinclair). Gold Fran was favourite. When the field tied down. Calais was showing the way to a bunched field, and came into tho straight in the lead. At ■ the distance, Monathol, Gold Fran, and Loloma all put in their claim?, and a great struggle to the post ended in Gold fc ran gaining the verdict by a head, Loloma being third, a head away from Monathol. Tararu Jack and Calais were lust behind the placed horses. Hadj find Matakana fell entering the straight. Time, lm 455. EDEN HANDICAP of 350sovs. Second horso 70sovs, third horse 305078. Seven furlongs. Hon. J. D. Ormond's b f Hoy. Syrs, by BirkenheadLinks, 7st 51b, carried vst 10lb (Buchanan) ... ... ••• •••: 1 Messrs. Collis and Casev s br g Colonel Soult, Syrs. Bst 4lb (C. Browne) - 2 Mrs. Lennard and G. Absolum s blk m Christmas Rose, 6st 131b (Reid) ... .-• 3 Also started: Ventura, 9st Blb (Wilson); Bon Revo. Bst 10lb (Manson); Astor, 7st 9lb (W. Price): Cheddar, 7at slb. earned Bst lib (P. Brady): Soultane, 7st 2lb (Chaplin); Worcester. 7st lib, carried 7st 4lb, (Conquest); Tripoli. 7st (Sinclair); Mauinina. Gst 9lb (Kelly); Gallupin, 6st 7lb (Robinson); Rosea, 6st 7lb (Stockloy).

I Astor was favourite. . I From the rising of the barrier. Hoy [rushed to the front, and was never headed. 'winning comfortably by four lengths from ; Colonel Soult, who. was threo lengths ahead ' of Christmas Rose, with Astor fourth. Time, |lm 30». v N

NOTES ON THE RACING. When backers set out to solve the problem attaching to the Tradesmen's Handicap, it was at once made pretty clear that the Aub-traiiaa-bred Hod Book would count suflicient admirers to send him out favourite, i Royal Irish was the next most fancied, with El Gallo, Lady Penury, and Achilledes backed in that order. '.The favourite, who I was one of the Quickest to commence, worked ihis tray into: the lead at the end of a fur- ' long, but ho was steadied at the seven furlong post, and Lady Penury was found acting the role of pacemaker right round to the straight. Approaching the distance Lady Penury began to weary of the struggle, and Tangiwai and .Red Book each looked to have winning chances. When Lady Penury faded away it seemed as though either of the two latter would supply the winner, but Royal Irish cam© along with a great run, and the Soult gelding, joining issue with the loaders, a magnificent finish ensued, the trio finishing almost in line. Royal Irish got the verdict, and he well deserved his victory, for at the five furlong post he was running last but one, and was separated by a wide gap from the leaders. In a field of eight saddled up to, contest tho Brighton Hurdle Race, Spalperion was made a slightly better favourite than Black Northern, with Tragedy King and Admiral Soult next in demand. Dandy, Breeze was out with a commanding lead in the early Glares, and ho looked like taking a hand in the finish until ho ran off just as the second mile loomed up., Spalperion flattered the hopes of his admirers over the middle stage, but Tragedy King had the favourite beaten directly he got. to his chestnut rival at tho top stretch, and though there was evidence of tho So'.lit gelding wearying of his task at the last hurdle, the whole of his opponents were in a similar plight. Black Northern ran unkindly in the early stage, but tho erratic sou of Salvadan finished up his task gamely enough. Spalperion tired greatly in the run home, and the best he could do was to finish fourth. ... • The President's Handicap brought out ft field of 17. Colonel Soult was made favourite, the others most strongly backed being Waiorewa. Kitty Bellairs, Kauri King, and Grattan. Goldfiro was quickest on his legs, and tho son of Wairikl, carrying the field along at a slashing pace, withstood all challenges until Centre came on tho scene at the half distance. The three-year-old son of Hymottus stretched out to his task very gamely, and wearing down Goldfiro wod amidst much excitement by half a length. Colonel Soult managed to get up into third place, but he never looked like catching tho leaders from the half distance The succeeding event was the Great Nor them Champagne Stakes, the field for which was reduced to a quintette. Desert. Gold, who successfully invaded 'Ellerslie in the summer, was the one most eagerly scanned ■when the youngsters came into the birdcage, for rumours were current that she had contracted influenza. The nay filly did not move attractively in her preliminary, but this did not stand in the way of her being made a staunch favourite, and she earned nearly twic© as much money as Arran, who ruled second in demand. Arran looked bright in his coat, but the same furnishing deficiency noticeable when he raced in the spring and summer was still apparent. The two fancied ones were found running strido for stride across, the top stretch, Desert Gold seemingly having a little tho bettor of her rival. Before they reached the distance it was made quite clear that Arran held the favourite safely, and the Bon of Marble Arch won in good stylo by threequarters of a length. Mr. J. McNicol, who bred Arran, was present to see the bay colt score his victory, and the Waikato sportsman, was warmly congratulated on the success 01 his colours in the most important two-year-old event of tho autumn season at Ellerslie. As the owner of Marble Arch, Mr. W. Walters was not overlooked in tho congratulations which followed Arrrn's victory. When the numbers went up for the taster Handicap it was found that tho field had been reduced to 14 by the respective withdrawals of Tete-a-tete, Astor, Red Book, and Munster. The first-rained having held a place with the most fancied division, her withdrawal came as a surprise to a good few who had placed ft tick opposite her namo. Tete-a-tete s defection vraii, it transpired, due to her having contracted influenza. From the outset of speculation it was always certain that Downham would rule favourite, and when the bells ceased ringing the three-year-old son of Downshire was found carrying a sum well in advonco of that opposite Mr. F. Hall's bracketed pair Merry Roo and Castalia, which combination ruled second in domand. Bedford, Beldame. Mullingar. Belasco, King Lupin, Tact, Jack Delivai, Goldsizo, Prince Soult. .Selection,, and Salvia was the order in which tho remainder of the field was backed. Mr. O'Connor did not keep them long at the post, and the 14 moved away in good lino when tho barrier went up. At the end of a furlong King Lupin was in front, and Tact, working her way up next the ' nils, was running level in the lead with the Waikato gelding at the cutting. Tact fell away across the top stretch, and with King Lupin bowling along by himself at the head of the straight, those who had been sinking tho praises of the Lupin gelding in an enthusiastic key seemed to lie in a good wav to handlo a dividend. When thev reached the distance, however. King Limin commenced to tiro perceptibly, while Merry Roe, who had kept up a well-sustained. run from the half-mile post, dashed up with ii strong, challenge. It was all over with Ring Lupin diroctly Merry Roe got fairly to him, and though Goldsizo dashed up at the half distance. Merrv Roe was not seriously threatened, and the brown mare scored a victory by three parts of a length over the Gluten geloing. Viewed from every standpoint, Merry Itoe's performance is entitled to be ranged up with the most noteworthy associated with

the big mile race of the autumn season. With 9st Soult's daughter was called upon to carry 3lb over weifjht-for-age, and tho manner in which sho disposed of tho opposition at the business end of tho trip showed hor up in very attractive colours. E. J. Rae, the trainer of Merry Roe, well deserved the congratulations that came to him as a result of Merry Roe's succoss, for ho sent the brown mare to tho post in the pink of condition- Tbu favourite, Downham, was running well up at the two furlong post, but ho was never dangerous in the run down tho straight, and the fact that ho. was tho last of tho field to reach the judge caused Mr. E. J. Watt's gelding to be viewed as a great disappointment. Thirteen youngsters wero saddled up to contest tho Onslow Stakes. Hyginas was mado favourite, Carlysian and Ghssando boinp best backed of tho others. The summing up in favour of Hyginas proved to be in every way justified, for the son of flyraottus came on tho sceno with a fino run at tho distance, and ho won his raco in good stylo from Hioro, who ousted Carlysian from sccond position a few strides from tho post. The Nelson Handicap found a strong field of 21 at tho post. Gold Fran was the chief choice of hackers, with Monathol and Loloma next in demand. Tho field had not travelled far before thore was a very pronounced tail. When tho final stage came to bo undertaken Gold Fran, Monathol. and Loloma wore found waging a stiff battle for supremacy. Gold Fran got the best of Monathol in tho last few strides, and won : by a head, and as that distance only separI ated Loloma from Monathol, the finish was of the sensational order. Tho Edon Handicap brought out a field of 12. Astor was made favourite, with Colonol Soult, Ventura, and Hoy next in demand. Tho contestants had tiol Bono far ore Hoy was in command, and the daughter of Birkenhead, streaking right away, romped home an easy winner. Colonel Soult was doing his very best all tho way up the straight, but ho was four lengths away from the winner when the post was reached. Ventura jumped off well, but she seemed to get into difficulties at an early stage, and eventually whipped in the field. Just as the home turn was reached Hadj slipped and fell and Mataknna, who wan running immediately in his wake, collided and was brought down. Fortunately the respective riders escaped with a shaking, while the horses were unhurt.

CONCLUDING DAY'S RACKS. The mooting will be brought to a conclusion to-day. All round the acceptances are of a highly-satisfactory character and, with fino weather, a most enjoyablo day's sport should result. The loading event of tho programme is tho St. George's Handicap, in which 11 horses are engaged. Merry Roe figures at the head of tho list with 9st Bib, and tho Soult maro is followed by Jack Delaval (Bst 131b) who. it may be remarked, won the race last year under Bst 12lb. The Great Northern Oaks will probably bring out a field of half a dozen and, with the issue very open, much interest, will be centred in tho result 6f the fillies' race. The 12 horses that figured in lh«f Autumn Steeplechase at the date of the acceptances are still engaged, and that favours the idea that a good field will be found on hand to contest ho cross-country race. THE ACCEPTANCES. STEWARDS' HANDICAP, one mile.Vontura 9.5, Royal Irish 8.9, Mullingar 8.1. Beldame 7.4, Cheddar 7.2. Tangiwai 6.12, Tripoli 6.10. Lady Alicia 6.8, Lady Elgiva 8.7, Salvia 6.7. MANGERE HANDICAP, six furlongsCentre 9.5, Lady Middleton 9.4, Calais 9.0, Salvia 8.11, Iliapuna 8.9. Nicomar 8.9. Kauri King 8.9, Dancaster 8.8, Monathol 8.2, Loloma 8.2, Rlueform 7.13. Vallnmbrosa 7.12, Signo 7.7, Gold Necklet 7.6, Kaimanuka 7.6. Gallupin 7.3, Ring Lupin 7.0, Nimrod 7.0, Crescendo 7.0, Manukau 7.0, Bouvardift 7 0, Redman 7.0, Lone Moor 7.0, Brookfiold 7.0. VICTORIA HANDICAP, five furlongs.Loyal Arch 10.1, Arran 9.10. Housewife 8.9, Hyginas 8.1, Pacifio Slope 7.12, Taj Mahal 6.13. Carlysian 6.12, Hiero 6.11, Ppnroo f 9, Harles'ono 6.7. GREAT NORTHERN OAKS, one mile and a-half. — Boldstrolte 8.10. Castalia 8.10. Dclenda 8.10, Hoy 8.10, Lady Penury 8.10, Marble Star 8.10, Tete-a-Toto 8.10. ST. GEORGE'S HANDICAP, one mile and a half.—Merry Roe 9.8, Jack Delaval. 8.13, Bon Rove 8.5. Goldsize 8.6. Tinonai 8.3, Balboa 8.2, Colonel Soult 8.1, Bedford 8.0. Prince Merriwee 7.12, Phosphorus 7.7, Loultikoff 6.7. AUTUMN STEEPLECHASE HANDICAP, about three miles.—Captain Jack 11.13. lhe Chief 10.12. Vestal 10.8, Wcbfoot 10.2, Hauera 10.0, Scot's Guard 10.0, Coronade 9.13, Sportsman 9.12, Ngf.toa 9.7, Nat Lupin 9./, Barb Wire 9.7, Lady Sabretache 9.7. HUIA HANDICAP, six furlongs.-Potoa 8.7, Colonel Soult. 8.7, King Lupin 8.6, Toreador 8.5, Mullingar 8.3, Downham 8.2, Goldfire 8.0, klnestone 7.8, Belasco 7.8,. Astor 7.8, Wftiorewa 7.6, Ueto-a-Tcto <•«>» Tact 7.4, Glad Tidings 7.4, Kitty Bellairs 7.3, Grattan 7.3, Christmas Rose 7.0. AUCKLAND WELTER HANDICAP one mile.—Belasco 9.0. Prince Soult 10, Arhilledes 8.10, Cheddar 8.7, 8.5. Tangiwai 8.3, Woroestor 8.3. El Gallo 8.1, Kaween 8.0, Mom Nina 8.0, Kaimanuka 8.0, Matakana 8.0. 1 AUCKLAND .TROTTING CLUB. ACCEPTANCES FOR WEDNESDAY'S RACING. The acceptances posted on Saturday in connection with the Auckland Trotting Clubs Autumn Meeting to be inaugurated at Alexandra Park on Wednesday pro up to the most sanguine expectations, and that the racing will be of a highly interesting character seems to bo in every way assured.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LII, Issue 15885, 5 April 1915, Page 8

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I' AUTUMN RACING, New Zealand Herald, Volume LII, Issue 15885, 5 April 1915, Page 8

I' AUTUMN RACING, New Zealand Herald, Volume LII, Issue 15885, 5 April 1915, Page 8