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I I SOME PARTICULARS OF THE NEW MATERIALS THE | WE ARE PROUD OF OUR I THE SCARCITY OF SOME OF THE HOST FASHIONABLE ITCPPIII TWFFD I SERGE COLLECTION fabrics necessitates OF THE FASHIONABLE fcVbK=U£>fcruL TWFFD SERGE COLLECTION fabrics necessitates early selection bvtK=UM:ruL. iwccu | ■ So nutter what particular material is fashionable, j IRERGES, eapcciallv in Nnvv. are greatlv in demand, the USEFUL TWEED will always be required. Whether it and it would be indeed difficult to conceive of a material SAMPLES OF THE NEW MATERIALS be for a Dress, Costume, Sport Skirt, or a I >ef..l .a,mont for the vouii" people, there is nothing to equal | that makes such a general appeal. For a useful frock or Tnwe w \}\ Be forwarded POST FREE to our Mailing we ll-chosen Tweed'ior utility. An assortment of prices § an exclusive tailored style a Navy Serge is always in Order Customers, upon receipt of a request. awc endnir at , /6JI . v ard, " ?urely is a width of choice 1 commencing at I'o* pel \arn, .hum ~ a keeping. Thanks to the unceasing efforts put forth, our . The demand, especially at the beginning of the Season, that will satisfactorily meet all requirements. j j collection for this season is the finest that we have vet Th * buS X statc ° f OUr Pabric DeartmCtltS eVety My » always so great that 'it is necessary to treat all »p- 1 submitted, embracing as it does qualities that range from shews that many ladies realise the importance this plications strictly in the order of their receipt. TWREDS.-A good hard-wearing material, useful for house we*r. I 11/6J to 13/6 per yard. .The fine French and West of Season of making their dreSS selections Without delay. MAIL YOUR APPLICATION TO-DAY. j,„ Dark Co!oUring9) Grey. Dk. Grey. Blue Grey, Brown. 42,0-1/,!. ; England Coating Twills, in particular, are selling very —"' . MELTON CLOTHS -A Cloth with a very ni>'e rinirdi. giving excellent wear, j rapidly. Notwithstanding the difficulties experienced, a 'J jn plajn Colour!!i j; a xe, Kl , ctri c. Tan, Navy, Red. Brown, 42in-l b;. j most comprehensive range of Cloths, Tweeds, Coverts, CHEVIOT TWEEDS.-A strong Tweed, with diagonal effect, splendid [ CABLE SERGE.- very strongly-made Serge, yet loosely woven, with Serges, Silks, Velvets, Velveteens, etc., awaits the CLOTHS ARE quality, good wearing, Dark Colouring*, <-rey, Saxe, Reseda, Brown, pronounced diagonal rib, in Plain Colours, exceptionally smart for inspection of M. &C. patrons. From to-day's announce- FASHIONABLE AND SCARCE Electric, Navy, Olive. Dk. Grey, 42in-l/IU. \ Sports Coat* and Skirl*, in Purple. Cherry, Saie, Tan, Lt. Saxe. Tango, ment One may judge of the variety offering, not only " FLICKED CHEVIOT TWEED.-A pretty Tweed, in Dark Colourings, with j Beetroot. Navy, and Red, 42in-3'6. . ~ IHM . (fc , _.. hut also in the price Here again we are enabled to offer, in all the newest coloured flick, strong and useful, in Crey, Brown. Navy. Tan, Dk. Navy, I || ID the nature of the goods, but also in the price fad es. and at prices varying from 3/11 to 9/11 per yard, 42in-l/IIJ. CHEVIOT SERGE.-An inexpensive material, strongly woven, excellent for ranees, which permit of every side being Studied. one of the scarcest fabrics of the Season. These par . ~ . , ] o • ' ■ ii i iinvir U TU'FVn — This i« a wearing iweea, »nn nic .mi_m * good hard-wearing Costume, in Plain Colours, Saxe, Wine, Lt. Navy, N was an earvcho i more imperative, for feular makes of cloths come to us direct from Rouban. DONEGA *" "'" , Knk> , k . a bout Co.tumr. in Fawn. Reseda, Black Lt Grev Mole Mid-Saxe Tan Mid-Navv 44in-> 0 ~.",,- • „„„ in France, and the latest intimation is to the fleet that surface, splendid tor tnc ivuj woo . . ta Lt Grey. Mole, JLd-baxe, Jan, MM Navy, .6. rf co , ounDgs now on view are wjl] nnobtamab|e fo ,. iQm tJme . and White, Olive, Electric. Brown, 43..--1. ll*. | DIAGONAL CHEVIOT SERGE.-A nice -arm woolly material, very soft so scarce that wh en once sold tbey will be most pmptional CHECK FRIEZK TWEED.-This *an exceptionally effective TweH in j finish, with diagonal stripe, making a very smart Coat and Skirt, in djfficult of replacing . wu - ' { £«,, -, Plain Colours, Purple. Sand, Tan , Brown, two tone checks and pretty colouring Brown and Green, Tan and j Plain Colours. Lt. Stxe. Brown, Purple, Tan, Mid-Saxe, Navy, 50in-5/6. Olive, Myrtle, Red, Saxe, Lt. Navy, and Navy, 46in-4/6. Brown, Cardinal and Grey. Fawn and Bro»n, tango and «-rey. i.rov.u Next week's Departmental Displays will afford 'cAmu.-'-A Plain Cloth, all wool, and French dyed, making ft and Tan. 42in " 3 ' ■ . . °. an excellent opportunity-especially to visitors to tat ' vprv droaßV> inespeMive Costume; Colours, Red, Saxe, Dark Navy, MIXED WEAVE TWKKIK-Thesr we are shewing in a variety « colourNAVY SPRfIFS . . . ... t . T 4-;„ '•11 ' inm, both dark and li ? ht, mak-n 2 an exceedingly smart (ostuiue. in I NAVY 3CKUW C _ o viewing our splendid assortments. Tin, 4o>n~v*ll. Dk. Greys, Purple. Olive. Navy, Tans, Fawns, Reseda, \ , _ , , , VENETIAN' CLOTH.— Superior Make of Cloth, having a very fine finish, 44i n -->-'6 I Fot Costume Wear are much m demand. Tiros* we stock are produced bv . . r . . ~ . U! . f , v] B ~tnn Opv It " ' i 1 ~ . , . , " French manufacture, in Plain Colours, Mid-Grey, Weeinc, urey, hi. , , . , 1 it the best makers, and we are confident in farms; that no better Serges „ _, v . .„. ~, ni-WtOND CHECK TWEED.—A Tweed with a plain gTound and woven i ' Brown, Dk. Navy, .iOin— m.iJn«i' '•"" . , r i are procurable. " Diamond Check, having a very effective and dressy appearance, in , j _ . PEA I'-DE-CANT CLOTH.-This is a very hi?h-grade quality (loth, made pawn ftnd RroWf) Grpv an(l R]aok an and Bac i i) Qreen and Black, I Efltamene .verges. Cheviot*. Coatings. Ro{Mh Francr from thp finPst meTino wool) a „d French dyed, FaWT) and o]jvo 44in J. VI i | 11,!t04 ' 1/IUtoD/11. I,ll* to 13/6. p\]f.l IQH CI AMNJPI Q making a very atvlifih Costume, in Saxe, Tan, Brown, Vieux Rose, ' | C IMJ L I 511 rL,AIX 1> C f)|ivp Re . (lda \.. Brown IVar , (}rpTi Mo , 6i Silvpri ~u rp, e i Cherry, HOPSACK TWEEDS.-A very strongly made Tweed, with Hopsack effect. Bronze, Golden Brown, Wine. Lt. Navy! Mid-Navy, Dark Navy, 52in- with mixed colourings, in Olive. Fawn, Tan, Blue, and Blue Grey, 42m | A word or two here concerning our splendid assortment -~, —2/11. j , " ™ , _ °i S Ino M 7 ■ 1^I , 1I S; Md 1 * " ' YKLLA - '"f' BROVDCT.OTH.-Thi, i, without doubt one of the highest grade quality PLAID TWEEDS.-We are shewing a very extensive range of these [ DOCTOR, and KREMLAINK w,!l not be am.M. Iheae I|B d _ pX(>p|lpnt for (np Tai | ormade Costume, beautifully Tweeds, both in Plaid and Checks, all in mixed weave, and colouring., ( even and fine .-.oaves make delightful wear, and -rive every finished, and lovely colourings, in Silver. Reseda. Mole, Wine. Nigger suitable for Coats and Costumes and Skirt/5, in Blue, Grey, Tango, j BLACK DRE4S4S GOODS satisfaction, their washing properties being famous Brown.' Mid-Grey." Golden Brown. Mid-Brown. Lt. Sue. Mid-Saie, Brown, Olive, 54in—4/6. Ilhrouchout the world, shewing in Plains and Stripe*, in (ijjvf, Blnck. 52in—0/11. VELOUR CHECK TWEEDS.—An exceptionally nice soft woolly Tweed, | various widths and Dricea. suitable for warm, comfortable Coat or Costume, light weight and j Our Black Drew Department is replete with all the best productions of prpUy eo i our j ngS) j n Brown and Tan, Electric and Green, Tango and BLACK DRESS MATERIALS, comprising Poplins. Tricot, San Remo Cords, I/"l lVTr* C Brown, Olive and Blue, Cherry and Brown, Blue and Brown, 54in-4/6. j Strasburg Molaines. Cotelo. Reseldas, Cashmeres. Crepes, Cripoline, etc., CLUAKIINUfc FRIEZE-', stronglv woven material, having a rough surface, I AT PRICES WITHIN THE REACH OF ALL. nOrTOD PI AMMPI C The demand for CLOAKLKGS, dictated no dpubt by a warm, oomforUble, and smart making;a «, u , | VVL IUK r LAIN IN tLS thp millUrv jnfluenw „ pOII IMWo n, M been anticipated Coat and Start, m Red, Saxe, Brown, and Purple, 50,n-4/& in our Drew Section. Here are to be seen Blanket j ' Dependable and thoroughly shrunk, in White, Pink, Grey. Natural, Scnritt Weaves, both Plain and Fancy Jungle Qotfu, Sealettej, _____^^____^__ — 1/s}, 1/7}, 1/B}, 1/9}, and 1/11}. ■ Broad Tail, Ripple Cloths, and many othere—all marked at »---■■—«———- „„._„ . ~, .„. . ~„ ,<„ most reasonable prices. j ELLA. Stripes and Plains—2/6, 2 9. TLATD FRIEZE CLOAKINGf, Tango and Green, Tango and Black, Tang* HODC A rvrCZ ASTRA FLANm ~ I/W, 1/11}. L Grey, us. 7 'ft and 8,6. j • HHDCAri/C and Grey, o4in-7/6 and 8/6. I KREMLAINE, double width-2/11. vBT-OfR FRIEZE CLOAKINGS. Tango and Black, Mustard and Green, THE POPULAR I Royal and Black, Brown and Black, 54in-5/11, t< D HI AMT A n BOUCLE HOPSACK.—A very line woven material, with Hopsack effect, all BLANKET CLOAKINGS, Cream, 54in—5/11, 7/11. ] wool, light in weight, making a very dressy Costume, in Plain Colour.. ! —I STRIpK RLAXK ET CLOAKING, Cream and Grey, Blue and Purple, 54in fßTOurite ig obtainable in Cream in five different qualities Red, Olive, Saxe. Brown, Lt. Navy, ;)4in— ••»— _ aM _ % ______ __ __ m, —8/11 ° 111 I Ell? C) M'll/lmf/f'l? Y.I Havin" all the appearance of a good Delaine, the excellent washing pro-HOPSACKS.-All wool. Plain Colours, very smart and useful for Costume* MII Nm* ft I Bl 91 I I V I 111 Fl( l < I.OAKINCS. Cream. Beavcr-Ponyeloth, 48in. 12/6; Caracul, 48in, ° »VV » | and Skirts, in Vieux Rose, Purple. Tan, Saxe, Cardinal, Tango, Wine. lflllvlll/ V VllvlVl/ LIU* 10/fi: Sealettes. 12/6, 17/6, 22/6; Broadtail, 22/6; Astrachan, 9/6 and pertiefi of Radianta make it especially suitable for Children* Wear, | Navy, 52in-4/6. 13' 6. . . 40i „ ) 1/11 J. 42in, 2/3. 42in, 2/6. 44in, 2/11, 44in, 3/«. j A'UCKLAN D FRIEZE CLOAKING?, in Plain Colours, Cerise, Royal, Tango, Rtxt, g ■ ■ | Copper, 56in—5/11.

Dress and Fashion. • J. H. PORTER & Co. Great Drapery Bargain Days THIS DAY (Saturday), till 9 p.m. And All Next Week. FINAL CLEARANCE of EDWARDS' ASSIGNED STOCK i i A JOB PURCHASE of AUTUMN DRESS TWEEDS. TRAVELLER'S SAMPLE LOTS Men's. Women's and Children's UNDERWEAR. HOSIERY, Etc. COTTON DRESS GOODS at Previously Unheard of Prices FOR ABSOLUTE CLEARANCE. DRESS DEPARTMENT bargain lots of long lace cur- .*...*..•..« TAINS, White and Cream—At 1.6,, I BARGAINS. MM, 2 It pair; svd? lone and wide, at A DRESS LENGTH (5 YARDS) OF $*!,&? h'?,m/« ""' ' '"' '"" "' NURSE CLOTHI OR JAP. CREPE (or BLANKETS! BLANKETS! ALL PURE 1... Severa 'I 0,!!!, iw L \\ NEW ZEALAND WOOL BLANKETSate the only colours left. Intw, od bi „, B( , ( , „,,. , )oub)o Bcd ? , 6; _. .... «*-...,..... - j . . c " ,ra lar K e . 29 8 - The best wearing PLAIN CAMBRIC-5 yards for 1 6. blankets on the market. MIXED COTTON GOOOS-5 for 111 and BEDDING! BEDDING! Single size Kapok 2/6. Beds. 10 11: full size, 218 FLORAL CREPES-6 for 2 11. A SPLENDID EXTRA WEIGHT BED. Ift See. these Clearing Lots It if impossible ''-in- Loose, 28 11; Tufted. 32' S. Better to describe them in a newspaoer mlvcrtinc- value for the nione; cannot be promont. but they are all half usual price-: no cured. , !K"«™«1 "<>W WR YOUR D T'O T N S OF H R E THR aWROO M UC ' AUTUMN DRESS OR COSTUME OR|EHTAI ,„,„ opE „ A „„„ Blj Having Purchased a Huge Lot at a Cutting with I'ink Lining-£3 10-. Now, 29 6. Price we arc offering DARK TWEEDS, JAP. CREPE DRESSING GOWNS, Floral double-width—s yards for 4/11. Designs— Were. '.'ll. Now, 3 11. Finer ANOTHER LOT-5 yards for 611. All UA ,?i li,!, A >'.- , * l L c, i ,ur *r 4 .-.U; colours NAVY AND SAXE CAMBRIC "MORN- , LIGHT MIXED TWEEDS-5 for 5 11. "NC GLORY" GOWNS-7 11. Now, DONEGAL, HARRIS. AND YORKSHIRE *"■ _„„„„ „ ~„„„.„ TWEEDS-5 for 8 11; were lit;. CREPE DRESSING JACKETS -' JI. HEAVY DIAGONAL CLOTH, Dark Colour? „i 1;! „„..„„,„ *„,,«,„ ~, _5 for 12 6 STRIPED CAMBRIC DRESSES— I NAVY AND BLACK SERGES-At 1111. _ J } I. The few I left now 11. 2 6. 2/11. and 3 6 a yard. WHITE MUSLIN EMBROIDERY BLACK CASHMERE-1 11i. 2/6, 2 11. and DRESSES—Us 11 19 11, 22 H. to 37/ ii. 36 yard Ml special value Now - 4 '■• 611 - 9/11. ■ In Great Demand,' Navy with White Stripe WH ' 7 j E P,UE ESSES- 19,1 1. Now, - 3 ' 6 ' V Write^for'Patterns. COLOURED PIOUE DRESSES -13 11. Now, 6 11, MEN'S AND BOYS'DEPARTMENT coloured poplin two piece EAS , T NG R WHJVW!feff WtW&,, A Now, I IO,Tl O ,Tv U «m-?<^i mL JMftowtt COLOURED . CAMBRIC COATEES AND SITY SUITS that were Hll to lit. but SKIRTS- IS 11. NOW. 6/11. S^RlwvS" M »WT^: d ttK , i,T TI and MEN-S RF SHVR K FOR fr THE MU.. BR R»»P *$*%/«» Fl " r " C ™ , c»MoYi:t ? nr S MPM.VlmnppwcViJ ,H COLOURED CREPE BLOUSES-. 11. * SAMPLES OF MEN'S UNDERWEAR, all H OW size*, all weights- From 1- to 0/11. and UGHT ' CAMBRIC SHIRT BLOUSESeverv one a bargain. .-> , i m ou , , ..i TW ?d^ml?« S, BE T "ir WH' T E MUSLIN EMBROIDERY ffi°flf R niir Sad u' , ?,7 , T1! Si! BLOUSES-" 1. and 1..;. Now, 16 and and 11 6 pair. Were, '.) 1] and I.»T>. j jj EXTrTVeC.AL VALUE IN MEN'S BLACK SATEEN BLOUSES-3 ... Now, " D BOYS- PYJAMA SUITS-AII one WH,TE LINEN SK,RTB ' Fashionable , price, 3 11. The buy are better quality Sha.)cs-S,ll and 9 11. NOW. 3/11. « 11. ' Bftv^ D iPPQPvViB op ~,i .-win,!, .i,, , BLACK OR CREAM LUSTRE SKIRTSBOYS JtRSEYa, IK -P. arm .'J-inch (Me-!. II | v j„ w g «,.it. R B ed, ftueornA«Jll~L!.!. ! M Ch ' COLOURED CAMBRIC AND BATISTE SAMPLE OVERCOATS, all sizes. Mens UNDERSKIRTS-; 11 Now. 1/6. and Boys at Bargain Prices. Ruv SICILIAN DUST COATS. Black and now for th" winer, and vou remember ream-Were. in 11. Now, 8 11. von gave your last winter one to the SAMPLE CORSETS, newest shapes-3'll Belfians 411. 5 11. Bargains. MANCHESTER & FURNISHING SU " R 'T "'m? N Now RS 6 TS ' * s "° n " DEPARTMENT. P.O. CORSETS, high busts, »li sizes except WHITE HONEYCOMB QUILTS, extra sue wKITe' FLANNELETTE ""o'hIMISN, — 11. NOW, 6 11, extra value and size-2 6. Small Double— s/11, 6/11. Single Bed, STRAW READY-TO-WEAR HATS- 411 to 2 11. 3 11. <| ii Now 1 11! 3On v. SATIN COVERED EIDERDOWN . u ..'.' ~,_„_ _~__.,_,. GUILTS, handsome design.- Were. 75, CHILDREN S WEAR FURTHER Now. 50 -. ncniircn FULL-SIZE WADDED OUILTS-8 11 and ntUUUCU. . 10 11 Were. Id II and I'll. ONE-PIECE ZEPHYR AND CAMBRIC EXTRA HEAVY FULL-SIZE UNBLEACH DRESSES, 33 to 49 inches long Were, ED SHEETS. Jmls l» the pair. •Jul* 'til to I'll. NOW. 2 11, 3 11. 4/11. wide—4 11 pair. WHITE MUSLIN EMBROIDERY The Full-size White Sheets we are filing I °TM B ?, B- " "' *"'lO "' N ° W ' 3 ' ll ' at 4/11 and 6.11 the pair, arc the *"* host »4™ CHAMPAGNE POPL.N COATSvalue in Auckland. 20-INCH CHAMPAGNE POPLIN COATSODD LENGTHS TABLE DAMASK, While MAIDS' BATHING DRESSES, very superand Unbleached. Jvci' to JUds and .ivds ior— ° i 1 Now 1/6 ' Snlendld'vab.V 0 "' ' ' a " d '6 m yard ' CALICO'NIGHTS.'for ages '1 to U—-2/I1 and w»m ma*aum «..r.« , , 5U - Now ' < »». Trimmed Lace or WELL-SEASONED OILCLOTH, good de- Embroider? M C ns-2vd3 wide. . 6 yard; Hard Wear- SMALL GIRLS' CREAM SILK HATSmg Line— 6 and 3/11. nil ( 0 on Now 3'll SAMPLE LOT OF HEARTH RUGS, all STRAW HATS, for Boys and Girls— to . sues and prices-From J/11 up. >\\, Now, 6d and 1/-. j INSPECT THE WINDOWS AND NOTE THE PRICES FREIGHT PAID ON ALL PARCEES. i Potter's Corner * 67 and 69 Kara «g ah apc Road, rWUW ** U1 llCr iB2 and 84 Pitt Street. i

Boots and Shoes. SHOES for EASTER LADIES-The smartest Shoe on the market is the PATENT PROMENADE SHOE. See our windows for the newest English and American Styles. Special Line of Patent Derby Shoes, just opened, 19 / 6 "^8 JAMES ADAMS & CO., east

To Sleep Well Keep Warm, therefore it is desirable to have a good, reliable Down Quilt Our shipments are right here, and they are the Smartest and Best we have ever shewn. FOR THE BABY 5 11, 6/11, 8/11, 9/11, 106,12 SINGLE BED -Size 72 x 48, 19,6, 23/6, 29/6, 39/-, 49,6 DOUBLE BED-Size 72 x 60, 226, 28,6, 37/6, 47/6, 52/6, 57/6, 63/-, 75/-, 90/-, £5,7/6, £5/18/6 Andrews 81 Clark, Furnishing Specialists, Queen Street. Easter Eggs and NOVELTIES, All British made by Caley & Sons, Norwich. \l I i. OUR ANNUAL CONSIGNMENT HAS NOW LANDED. || Wholesome & Useful Presents : for Old and Young. \ Chocolate Eggs Chocolate Fish I \ Egg Cups, with Eggs Viennese Slippers j ( Binds' Nests „ Russian Cart i \ Baskets ~ Beehive Nests i \ Cruets „ Royal Stag Egg Cup ,*■ Thrush Eggs Floral Baskets ; \ Snake Eggs . Yellow Norfolk Duckling ; ——————— ; i f __ _ I Hundreds of Varieties to choose from. I THE CHILDREN'S DELIGHT at a Peppercorn Cost, || from 4d. each to 10s. j _ CALL EARLY FOR THE GRAND SELECTION. { Smeetons Ltd.] QUEEN ST. 1

— mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm\ i ■■wwitf Furniture for Family Folk. The wear and tear of family life test the quality and workmanship of all household fittings. Our Furniture passes every test with honours. J.BROWN&SONS,Ltd. 34 KARANGAHAPE ROAD. 1 AMERICAN DENTAL PARLORS. *^^Wfmp^^i! I DO YOU KNOW ' | t t,a ? m ? thod bein S nsed »t the AMERICAN DENTAL * ffi FABLOBS, whereby you can have your teeth drilled and filled with- & |J out the slightest sonsation of pain or inconvenience to you. rj ffi This method is the invention of Dr. Clark, of New York, and ii 6 | g being used by the leading Dentists of America. We Me the only f g W Dentists in possession of this wonderful apparatus, and * 1 g WE POSITIVELY GUARANTEE * I tj to fill any teeth, no matter how sensitive, without the dm of aw droi ft 1 Ijl or sleep-pruducing au-ont. ' * A B * OUE SYSTEM OP PAINLESS EXTSAOTION IS FAR IN AD # " $ VANCE OP THAT USED by any other Dent Concern in the Do- & I ft miniui:. ji, I I *■*? ARE NOT BEGINNERS, and we have treated thousands of ft ' if patients in the last ten years. OUR REPUTATION STANDS FOR ft S PAINLESS OPERATIONS AND QUALITY 07 WORK THAT WILL *" 5 STAND THE TEST OP TIME. "* J! I A M* ?ff?J B w" E = ASO * ABLE . »»d we make tbe mo,. I ' | durable an* life-like plate obtainable anywhere in the world, fro" § I THIS PLATE IS NOT AN EXPERIMENT WITH A PANOT * g NAME, IT IS MADE OP THE SAME MATERIAL THAT EVER? * 9 AMERICAN DENTIST, USES. -***«**. that EVERY A e AMERICAN DENTAL PARLORS. I J Corner Queen and Wellssley Streets, Auckland, and at Wellington 8 I DR. RAYNER Daily from 9 till 6. Saturday 0 till 1. Own Mdi SSL. S - *

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LII, Issue 15884, 3 April 1915, Page 10 (Supplement)

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Page 10 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume LII, Issue 15884, 3 April 1915, Page 10 (Supplement)

Page 10 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume LII, Issue 15884, 3 April 1915, Page 10 (Supplement)