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|jg -fife An Attractive Display of UE mr* e Store. IB 1 lIS WARM DRESSING GOWNS AND A NICE SELECTION B 1 If lACKETS 0F BLOUSESi I ill SMART CREAM TAFFETA SHIRT H ill LADIES' FLANNEL DRESSING GOWNS, in shade* "f Scarlet. BLOUSES, with turned-down collar, I Mil iff \i.„ , Old !!"■* lirv Navv. Nattier, and Copenhagen full lnicili Jeeves set in. and mado to I mil J Blue. nicely doi-i-mil anil tl " ltlu '' l uilh Floral ('rope hilars: fa,tt,n down ''"" t with coloured but 1 ffiJV SMART FLANNEL DRESSING GOWNS, finished at neck ami DRESSY BLOUSES IN CREAM TAF--1 m sleeve, with 8..1« ana.. mmn.m,. in iSroy. Nattier. Electric FETA, with nicely V'^V'UtV.'^oA" 1 • i W Navv., and Man,,,,, 19/6, 21/-, 25,6. tucked .-"liar: ■-I K si. /s 1 ■ LADIES-DRESSING GOWNS, attractively designed in the set „,. hnisl-l tmk.d .ft 7/11. H J§S latest stvlo and smart!v trimmed with Silk trimming, m A VERY SERVICEABLE LINE OF 1 Navv '.Save' .Man.,',,,. and H.«e- 29/6, 37/6. 39 6. BLOUSES FOR WINTER WEAR | WARM AND STYLISH DRESSING GOWNS IN PYRENEES in All w„". «'th fu | W FLANNELin iZ and Ma, made in the new shape. sleeves set „■: Intf.-httn-.K collar, and " I V and trimmed with Silk Strapping to match. good quality - in l.out-7 11. ■ • * 37/6, 39 6, 42/-, 45/-. DAINTY CREAM TAFFETA BLOUSES, ! TAmpq' PTBBPD SILK AND WOOL PYRENEES DRESSING GOWNS, in llnse. -Man.m. and Navy with tinned down collar uicclv "■SStSafS A »■*■■ »;f —'-■» $■ «'" '"*" ••"""• " d ■""""" ftMi ~;S! St "Si! ? li.iii with [Whet voke, no sleeves, with Silk to mau'li -iijo. , , ff "■„ . ;„»„,, nice' fine quality ; lar.e si,cs-12/6. VERy PRETT y PYRENEES DRESSING JACKETS in Nat- Kb ml," v-T/ll I™__ Jpf li,.r Navv and sinaitlv trimmed well Silk finished A VERY SERVICEABLE LINE OF jßi !\ ,vv Saxc' Maroon and 29/6, 37/6, 39 6. BLOUSES FOR WINTER WEAR, WARM AND STYLISH DRESSING GOWNS IN PYRENEES in All wool full length If FLANNEL, in Hose and Mamm,. made ~, the new shape. sleeves set in; I. K h_h it..,. < .Ilai, ami " ami trimmed with .Silk Strapping* tu match. ».«kI quality fa-tenini; in fiout r U. 37/6, 39 6, 42/-, 45/-. DAINTY CREAM TAFFETA BLOUSES, TAmvQ' urRRFT) SILK AND WOOL PYRENEES DRESSING GOWNS, in time. Maroon, and Navy, with turned-down '.'liar ""' ol y LA^ M BSTmNS Sl "!n,,S ftm. nicely made in new ty,e with Ra,Un Jeeves, and fimshed £ = - p nun with Crochet voke. no sleeves, with Silk to match -42/6. ,ial u,llh i V n,ltn f-sten nice'fine qualit* ; lar«e sizcs-12/6. VERy PRE TTY PYRENEES DRESSING JACKETS, in Nat '|«™ w «' " ' '*; ™{ u ,aSU iiei Vavv Mulberrv and .Maroon, well made, and finished """" "'" K • " RO ' '- TO . with Silk collar «..d'l».tt««. to match-27/6. *" A B i OU ?? innt^BERNINO LADIES' JASON COMBINATIONS in SPLENDID LINE OF PYRENEES DRESSING GOWNS, in CREAM ALL-WOOL BERNINO, Pure W....1. White or Natural shade, A ™X, Navy, and Ma, verv good quality and fasten.,., down front fancy hut short sleeves and hi.;!, neck. A me. slv lc. Ueat.tifnllv trimmed with Silk Braid", and finished with tj'" polo collar * J "u ' absolutely reliable for wear and dur- oirdle to mat. li'-52 6. * IePVM * pl '" ; 1 ,1e,,d,d value-H/6. ability, and unshrinkable- _. Woo _ BED JACKETS , fi lle lv knitted in White. . ; Women's sizes, 8/11 and 9/11. aild . |[m| m white finished with Pale Blue and Pink Silk, O.S. Wome.i's-9/6, 10 6, and 136. mv dainty and cosy 12/6,15/6,17/6. SMART NEW COATS. ~ ... , vnc FRENCH FLANNEL DRESSING JACKETS, in Pale Blue, Also, with Inn- sleeves - (Vc . m> H.,. 5 0, and Klf .. trio Blue, finished with Galon _ M Women's- 9/6 and 10/6. trimming; excellent value-7/6. f__ /r^-h^ m O.S. Women's 9/11, 11 6, and 14/6 Jfellk /lli\\ I LADIES' HYGEIA COMBINATIONS, IMPORTANT ! W£ 'H in White or Natural shade, unshnnk JJ le J.C.L. Store will be Opetl A\ lj|g&. » l^ :^h^n,^ «»<""s h TO-DAY TILL 1 P.M. lS^^^ Ai.o'wthil'.^tve]-^ 6 ' Sample Overcoats for Men & Boys I^^Bw Women's 7/6 and 8/6. /P^Ss* os.- 8/6 and 8 ii. Last Days of SPECIAL SALE HANDSOME FUR SETS. 25-(5/-in the £)reduction lI^K II SABLE FITCH SET, in Brown shade, small straight Stole, A t sav j ng opportunity. ft &3 g»E3| /ft\ limshed with head and tails; fold over muff to match- 49/6. * * t&A lgg|2gl / f SMART SEALETTE SETS, Brown marked with White, straight Do not fail to secure one. $ all fas! '^44 HANDSOME GOAT SET, Plan. Stole and pillow muff; excellent INtcrk , 7 I§S M [i vaiue-59/6. bTYLISH MILLINERY. l GREY AMERICAN OPOSSUM SET, lone Sample Overcoats for Men & Boys I^liMS o.iT-o/e and B°n. ' Last Days of SPECIAL SALE §^^^l^^_v HANDSOME FUR SETS. 25;, (5/= in the £)reduction llf^lf SABLE FITCH SET, in Brown shade, small straight Stole, A reflt sav j ng opportunity. M&? {f"fok limshed w,th head and tails; fold over mufl to match - 49:6. 2 j& ' SMART SEALETTE SETS, Brown marked with White, straight Do not fail to secure one. g ;*|j j|pqH_ffl [IW HANDSOME GOAT SET, Plain Stole and pillow muff: excellent 1 &* Til value 59/6. STYLISH MILLINERY. l GREY AMERICAN OPOSSUM SET, long straight Stole with g&BWBfll strands between, and nu.ff to match -79/8. A VERY ATTRACTIVE READY-TO- SKS GRFY KILT FOX SET Cine Stole with new shape tails down WEAR HAT, similar to model 4300, W&& $Sffi«aiSS2ffl hack heads and tails in front, full skin muff to match; very with plain crown straight brim, 9» iSEH h a,„.eara.H-e £4/10/6. t["""'«l with Black or White Peter- gJtfg fe^P VU|l a,,| ' e r„ mm ■„, ii „. ..;.i r,™ Stol, sham bands and bow in front—7/11. *USS ffiaSSr*^ BROWN MINK SET. rh„ tt « handsome with Cape Stnle, AoR _ EL „ ET READY-TO-WEAR nffiPlT tnmmPd with heads and tails, muff trimmed to maUn HATS, tight-fitting, soft crown, finish- | || [J I 6/19/0. „ „,. x . ~ . ... L-i , ed with Gold braid, smart military 'IB «\ ill BROWN KOLINSKI SET, small Strip Necklet with tails and appearance—s/11. Xl_ I muff to match; beautiful quality -£6 19/6. ANOTHER SMART AND USEFUL _yT HANDSOME BLACK SIBERIAN DOG SET, long Stole with READY-TO-WEAR is in BLACK \ heads at back and long ends with tails; latest shaped muff SILK VELVET, with small brim. Ul trimmed with heads and tails- £7/7,'-. deep fitting head, finished in front BLACK MARMOT SET, nice rich appearance and Rood value; with pleatings of Velvet—7/11. Stole with heads and tails, pillow shaped muff— guineas. THE NEW MILITARY SAILOR BLACK PONY CLOTH COATS, VERY DAINTY SET IN BLACK FOX FUR, Tape effect with READY-TO-WEAR, edge bound with with high military collar, self rever tails down hack, and heads and tails in front; full skin to Black Silk Braid, and trimmings to and cuffs, and military belt, finished r - ' match—lo guineas. match—l 2/6. with large buttons at back/ as illus—39/6. ___ _ _ _ _ —. _ - — *-_- — »-_- ---. LADIES' PILOT v CLOTH COATS, in ¥#V 1 lIV T i* M\ I 111 r i I "I" ¥ A Nav . v - with Magyar sleeves, self collar 111 X. I ill YJ I I ill and revere, and wide military belt J \J\ 111 WUl\l 9 —* 1 !-/•• ™t!-<«^«*i" »8..c k ' ' SMART NAVY PILOT CLOTH COATS, Al T r-<i-«ik.T r*m made witll Mapvar sleeves and wide QUEEN STREET. is Sa) 6 T }, * m >**

you drive a car W\ \\J / if without tires? mJm \m \Mm It isn't much worse than I &f MM going without rubber heels. %lta«ar Some people like noise, rattle, Mi"'^^^ bang—it sounds busy. But the automobile goes faster, lasts longer, and runs easier with tires. Man lives longer and enjoys life better when he wears BHuttwanb nrnc of New lILa Live Rubber Make every step an easy one! Put a cushion of new live rubber under your heel. At any shoemaker's. WALL QMNGER AUCKLAND. Owing to war troubles, prico has increased oy is. H HBBBBBBBBBaBBfIiBBgBaa 1£& Wool from Australasia, plus British Labour." 1 S|\\ /' I ™ V for Men, Women and Children. _ J! That is the. combination that constitutes the world's best value in Stock. ngs and Sock,. J The material, are "pertly woven by skilled British worker, S I a "t^! u, ' ,u "y fin 'j h s d w, , th ,he so,t "Iky feel " exclusively -JatonV own and m ■£& » branded with an hone,. British mark that signifies the makS I Bj confidence in the goods. ■ I h h!l;l'»" , i Pro, | C " ,o ", ° m 'I ch .T Unnamed G«rm.n-m a d. hosiery that l.clci fi„i,h md Your Dr.per or Outfitter wilt if you insist upon having only "tanm.\ lupp | y you $ ' KM* A/ '""'/' ure "- Th « Jason Hosiery Co., Leicester. England. (9 ■ ■'■■■■■■■■■■■-__- ' * J ■■■■■■■■IBIBBBIBRIIBIQII

1 • I ~|, ~„ : Australian Mutual j Provident Society 1 ESTABLISHED 1849. *"* , The Largest Mutual Life Office in the British Empire j and the Best Bonus-Paying Office in the World! Funds oven - - ,880,000 | Annual Income nearly £4,250,000 ~~~ ———— ——————____ ___ ! BONUSES DIVIDED YEARLY » The CASH BONUSES divided among Policy-Holders for the ONE | YEAR. 1913, amounted to £975,881. producing Reversionary Additions of £1,730,000. LOW PREMIUMS LIBERAL CONDITIONS UNEQUALLED RESULTS DIRECTORS OF THE NEW ZEALAND BRANCH: ' The Hon. C. J. Johnston. M.L.C., Chairman • A dc R RranHnn F„„ r> Chairman; John Duncan, Esq.;' Joseph Joseph. S! nnd &uclam p ep g; Edward XV, Lowe, Resident Secretary. I New Zealand Branch, CUSTOMHOUSE QUAY, WELLINGTON. j ' Auckland District Office, CORNER QUEEN & VICTORIA STs! W. H. Dekry, District Secretary i ■ —

["" " - — A Natural Remedy I Time was when disease was thought to be due f to the direct influence of evil spirits, and exorcism 1 and magic were invoked to cast it out. \ * Science has taught us wisdom. The evil spirits ( exist still. We call them " Disease • Crerms," _ and they also must be cast out. Once I lodged in the stomach or intestines, fever with ' its hallucinations, or biliousness with its aches and pains, is the result. w , is the approved remedv for driving out disease < germs. Its action is quick and thorough It 1 clears the intestines, rouses the torpid livedo new I life, stimulates the mucous membrane to a healthy ' action, and cleanses and invigorates the whole i digestive tract. ' or old my he Safdy taken at any time by youn 3 I // is very effective in the early stage of Diarrhea I by removing the irritating cause. uia ™<** | a J&w&r^ by always keying I a bottle in ths house. wuy Prepared only by J. C. ENO Ltd./ Fruit Salt' Works, London, England 1 » SOLD BY CHEMISTS AND STORES EVERYWHERE. I

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LII, Issue 15884, 3 April 1915, Page 8 (Supplement)

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Page 8 Advertisements Column 3 New Zealand Herald, Volume LII, Issue 15884, 3 April 1915, Page 8 (Supplement)

Page 8 Advertisements Column 3 New Zealand Herald, Volume LII, Issue 15884, 3 April 1915, Page 8 (Supplement)