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J Till? TO I jiiftj flnpiyrni ill success in life! \ M »DIED Tad BA Large ShilOmfiyit. nf IV.A T.afpQt 1 i 1 ttL *tP*li The business -lib Firm. 5 ,-« j ° •wiixpixinUU Ul lilt? AJdliObb 1 J 48 I* 4| "'J** " <f You'll never regret it. J Jg I XiOlldoil *Pvnrlnrtt"i/>v»« ■!** I V Dining Suites as shown, 7-pieces, Upholstered in Leather, £3 ss. 5 J&T _. ' w A IVAUiI J. IUUUUIIOnS 111 ft % Dining Suites as shown, 7 pieces, Upholstered in Saddlebags & Velvet, £11 ss. J ___^C^ r-~J3P?i .^^'f^^&K^mt 8 i Uf lAM DON DM C Complete House Furnisher, ? f/ < BPf^ ' I 1* I s* IS "■ LH 111 DUU nil Lj THREE LAMPS, PONSONBY, J. £11%,,,,,,,, Q 1 f Wjjgß^L I Ladies Costomes 1 > The store that Saves You Money -5 I \) I f^g^fv I HtHIPO 1 our P oß^on < tastc » and culture demand that yon should IhhijMA I y\fi f\f ft/I a»U E3/'\.f\ > fc* se,ect the position, taste, and culture demand Club tested should & Ull a I V\fi f\f [\/l !-s*♦*%/\4"C* select the Britisllibuilt and Ro >' a! Automobile Club tested 20-h.p. I 1 E3 i 9 SIC! Ul IYI "lib DvU Ife Extra Strong Colonial Napier, which is universally recognised by p f** « m _ m I — unprejudiced experts to be by far the finest 20-h.p. car ever built. | VJentiemeil S SllltS I Just opened at Mmer,S " 26 CaSeS ~ Ever y pair guaranteed The 2(Ml ,p. Napier represents the crystallised and perfected I 1. MEN'S BLACK GLACE DERBY 8. ANSONIA WATCHES, tho A production of over 104 years of engineering experience, and manuSI 1. BOOTS. BLACK GLACE DERBY 8. Grade.—Usual Price, 7/6. (March production of over years British motoring. and mannI BOOTS. — Usual Price, 19/6. Grade.-Usual Price, 7/6. (March factured by the pioneers of British motoring. anrl I I (March Price, 16/6 pair.) Price, 5/6 each.) I ana UVeiTCOSItS i2. MEN'S black GLACE bals.- ' j & Usual Price, 18/6. (March Price, g AURM CLO CKS, 2,6, 2/11, 3/6, THE SUNDAY TIMES (January 24th, 1915) says:3 8 o 'Ittc hay taip nFDBV 3/11, 4 /* (and the Ansonia, 5/6, \ \ mi , 13, MENS BOX , CAU ÜbUBY Post Tree! " Nothing can give to those who copy a finished article the I TlieSe gOOdS mUSt qpll at 1 ?? OT «7 «,,, , ? Pliable experience of the creators, and in the construction of , gUUUb milbb SGU at I (March Price, 16/« pair.) ncDnv British-built motor-cars the long experience of the Napier firm as I T A TSTTVdT. nAorn I - MEN ' S BOX CALF DERBY 10 - CHRIS ' JOHNSON AND CO.'S pioneers IjAJNDED COST I BOOTS- Usual Price, 25/ ENGLISH razors, 2/6, 3/6, 5/, can never be equalled." B (March Price, 20/' pair.) 6/6 7/6 . *»**" '""■' MC «v|m«mww. i to realize the monpv wp rpnnirp I 5 - MEN ' S BOX CALF DERBY iOftUflo uuc -uiuuey we require. i BOOTB heavy i te d soies- _ M. _ _ ... _ ~ x . I * 1 Usual Price, 27/6 (March Price, 11. SAFETY RAZORS (Gillette pat [)() NOt BIIV a CODV Wltll COltlDllCatlOalS. i ,„#„ , t t t .. . ,_..., i 22/6 pair.) tern), each with extra blade, 9 T9 r ! .— ~ ' ' ...i...x... a 6. MEN'S BLACK GLACE DERBY (March Price, 2/6.) We invite to have a trial run on the N . the WORLD>B I BOOTS, heavy soles.-Usual PROVED BEST CAR. • 111-- I Price \ 2s/ - MarCh PriCC ' 20/ ' Pr,) 12. MILLER'S FAMOUS SPEC- PROVED BEST CAE. I in Oil nOnOftmfinfe I 1 'nffiJiv Jaat« WlL w°7 ALF TACLES-Crystals, 6d, !/■; Best' Speed, appearance, easy control, luxurious, travel-all embodies Baigains in an ueparunenis! i s^ ?**"jz> » Gold htb..*,..-™.^*^ [ M nnic n air \ specs, o/y, i eDoieSf j/h pair , I a urn pair.; Gold Filled Extension Franje I 1 Postage on above 6d per pair extra. Pince-nez or Spectacles, 7/6 nair. A great opportunity for Town I SPECIAL mens mokth COjiK £ Mil ICD I tfl and Country folk to secure 8 — B&AIS I gfEj'g, Fancy Repository *** " "* w IflSLLLilj LIU. HIGH-CLASS GOODS at AT WIILLtIt 9 and Boot Store Sole New Zealand Agents, | SACRIFICE PRICES. i ,00, VMcHa 5 Custonls » East, WW. | 18 K Always Pays I i Hnrco nnntnring I >»™ *****. I O^L M a!J a^AU i Dkaa I ° USE -.11 edson'S I DOCTOR'S I PIANOS N 2 ° 3 deposit. i Scnneideman Bros., ! idunloN i chem,^o^ 5 "" china »"-fcR I Hi i M UimtnuiliiHw»ts l ßimuln9.Bi)lliittKlM. I NO DEPOSIT" mm _. 1 T\/?%CeS i I fcK'"T«*-fe'« I KON-immiom TO THE BERVEB. rIAINUb se . H,OH St'. ISLAND CORNER STORE. 11 TYRES 1 I«***«"' ADtioMß^, n , lß^.. lk pianos m&. c RVMIIlltf VVlllllill VlVllb m s? i IR« »eHon la mUd, but *t the hum ttae 3 « small ftdmixture of Choicest British-grown ki.iiaa NO DEPOSIT I I i TPI.«*--».««-|,l.*«J«..«1!i.. 1 ■ r«. rra * ntnt In It. effect. » d «> M m* ■ Toa. which prodacoß a most stimulating HIANIjS ¥ a uiTaL ?t I I I heir Strength and qUalltV 1 a N«*u»lrßnd«annotbl.mlia,fce*. fig WeVase. »nd ben* .free from excessive I 23. HIGH *T. I * - ****** ii AIM. 16 i. .1 B ■ ««often epplM. H Tannin, is not injurious to the Nervous QIAMrSc 7/- A WtEK. AUCKLAND. 1 I ensure a big mileage, J | |pß<tl , sat 2/ 3/6 & .....J **U— H "- »!' *— PIANOS 'Jl^. I I 1 arKPrtr? nf frnilhlp anH 1 I ''' WCn I Clerk. Physician to ike Queen, »Uo by the qiamac NO DEPOSIT* jMt—B ■ miiiMjiLLUMaM ___„ ■aw ■■aMiwinaaii I I aDSeilCe 0I tr ° UWe ana i llWJWMrpartofth.DomlnJonfo, I ""fiXnIdSMS/ 0 PIANOS *3, hiqhrsT. : ■^—"■- ■—■ ---^-^ , iJ»— J * H^ j , every satisfaction. ,j I,M jM dalonkccpen. chmk 1 tbow sn r fromecßt,o,l ncrvcß - PIANOS 8/- a week. '.• ■■ ;, ■ . "■■ ,■ 1»i ■ % «A : B I■■ . nAIW am ■■> a ...1 'obtainabU in pound »nd half-pound tins. ■»^' > 'vJO 28, HIQH ST. fining Picnicking T A " ' & T*- "» I Always specify:: ::| HAROLD SCHMIDTI ' fcl ,|» PIANOS %^1?.-■ yuiiigrt(viiJiUiHig. — § Dunlops and have § I »«.■*-•—a*mm g — diamac a- a week. k i.i i J id i ft. I Chemist Auckland. H ron nn?qATP aopntq. gs, high st, *?\a& *m>ttk S QUARE F ON T ANK 3 I the best—its chean- 1 g HH| , iin,M■ ,»j■■■;■ I ~,| " wholesale agents. da no DE p Q sif: ».\£iAiK /fiS ffß !,.,,, rfv , I KHBiSWffIWWBSBaSBBW V TILLINGHAM and qo., TTD, PIANOS 28. S©« ST. « N^ k !r^ e . hand - lest in the long run. | h-b ° L piAMnc; io/.awe^kT A I I —ALL AGENTS— § I lljn SWA II TH A . -Mfcl ~~~" ~~ ' rIMIIUJO SB. HIQH ST. WfifcW- 1 \o3jWJ f\A % DUNI - OPRUBBERCOAasTATES<!,Nz -'ltf uWfivIVMLtLU 0& n poAL. noa L. qoal. ' - . 1 BRICKB ' LIUE ' C " E^ SAND ' X (ii oal a "I « *| f . jSk aiMk M*«*gA%fi „ OSL . poiL. pojiL nig iifiunuco n,,i5..;,,.„.«t»>, .-i- J;it TimsTONB, l id - iwRsV-iW-f Coffee is c uai * v \j I nil MliraßarSi'X Now is the time to be thinking aDout it YV 1/ if W" rviirinndv liJ L WfiiBUIILU boating, driving coal merchants> carriebs _ Ere, WkWSS Refreshing, / For Builders. \ That, means a coed appetite, and you 3»Eib^H*W» *aSitfJß>; j \T7„C.«™. fflifflttH 1 «t,^t, d n r>n»f / \ irill be wanting things to satisfy it. CUSTOMS STREET. 3^^-^S : ld H £ Drink ffiHi ORDER FROM / , verßl W f L a eHa „dA BOILING THE BILLY. NELSON /WMMm/WJA | in Hot wStheT M IWwilf.J T T T^ G 'T TD ' ff severs! these nanny > , Y NELSON STREET, /SMS/A SI ■ u W V "SB IW)I T tTn /Hoists for Sale Cheap. Will\ 30ILINu TH.L BlJjliY. /i-'i3' M in Hot Weather. ill l|M\W« T T PRAIG, T ID, / hoist any heicht required. \ REW'S GOLDEN BLEND TEA is the BYMONDS STREET. / iSfPj] /fi \\Wip»l\- \U\\v\v«'fl " * J. V li / Particulars on Request \ real thing. No advance in price, 1/6 lb. Mm , VT „ m ,. t ifM'j ". Strang's Soluble Coffee is UIUVVS I. nn»wv htrwtpt / A O T n..„J. IA J \ There'll be Potted Meats, Pickles, Ham, MOUNT EDEN. I /TW/|gg£fr 4ffWJM' an appreciated change from UUMV Q° BEN BTREET ' /A.& T. BUFt, Ltfl., \ Butter, Jam, Sugar, Tea, and other little f ..-._ „._. «>e mrmotony »'>• and I\\V«?|V / "-«••■'••»»»« » \ ♦hinffi, I LARGE STOCKS ''Jr}jZ&&* made with a fraction of the I\\\\\M AND THEY WILL SUPPLY YOUR 8 Cuetomo Street West. \ Basket,, Hampers, Straps, everything * W " - ' *[° üble ' .Beß '* yOU get \\\!HS i —- r=£ ■ you need to make a successful picnic at fX OF ALL TIMBERS. ' th. genuine. ,rtfl REQUIREMENTS. W rM*i"w«^"il«^, —. . -» \J9n lIDI VV and nil Coals, also Firewood, to any ReWS StOfCS, r. THE HOME BRIGHT- Jl l\rinwJ JULUDLu m ffF - YOU ARE OUT OP COAL part of the City and . Suburbs at lowest jH»£W S >3LOrCSi ¥* T7EEP THE HOME BRIGHT- •" IV»H»< WHE.> YUU aku uua ratos.-Winstonc, Ltd-. Union Buildines, »»www w mfw -*.«, ■- BEST TERa 1\ A Brand New Iron-framed Piano from « tf\ B" jj" p ff" Cusionie Street East. Symonds Siroot. anj Queen Street and Newton. **■ . street week '~° DepoSlt PittD ° C °" 2B, Hieb l*"* " *•"- ■ WWSJ&rS order from them. Mount Edon.

m ——^a—a— —pimum—■ 1 | — a I 111' « v /^*^ v I ffSci 4 !s tlxc p urcliasc °* a motor car /» _« $ Each of these is in the very front rank ' " . '"-—-*» 0 its class. Each is a " 1915" mode!, BrisCOe* Cadillac* possessing the many improvements of . * i * the season, and each is worth every . „ , , ~, , ~,. c , , ... . , . ixt ' . xl * ... 1 " Briscoe, the car of wonderful value, designed in France The " Cadillac is the highest type of present day motor car; it penny of the price they cost. We suggest and made , French engineers m America _ Typically I is the " Car de Luxe." Every improvement that human brains that at j cast onc afternoon be devoted French in every detail, yet sold at the inexpensive price of can devise is found in this car. When Cadillacs were first placed inspection of these Cars. Make an £275. Graceful in design, having a perfect streamline | on the market, the manufacturers determined that they should r - niyo 117 «> ; _ _~„ k o dv The mechanical equipment has those excellences represent the greatest perfection attainable, and every year has appointment fay phone. 1178 IS Our »£*"2* eLes are rightly famous. The witnessed the Cadillac giving the lead to the world in motor lm- Telephone number. „ Briscoe » has 107-inch wheel base, sunken centre headprovernenls. In addition to constructional improvements, the jj . 1 j- 1 an( start j systemS( accessible car--1915 Model is fitted with an eight-cylineer "V type engine, _„_ ° ' bureter, electric horn, clear vision wind shield, | which imparts a power impulse to the crank u ""— % **i and very fine upholstery. All bearings are shaft every quarter of a revolution. These * 6l bronze babbits. The pension \ • j " impulses " merge into each other and the Afl Ik if tf/ *m «no _m_ «a\ system utilises long springs which makes riding flow of power is continuous and the torque # 1 ffl£%'%F W4& mW&WMWi&Ovr 1 very easy, and is also fitted with a full floating constant. How great the success and how I l t^C<<^> l»Wjft J%& 11 %JP 9/ rear axle. You have the choice of two models, j materially this improves the pleasure ot driving V JyT 9 F / either the ft ve . seater Touring Model illustrated can only be realised by personal experience. X, I TH above, or a very smart Sporting Model, seating But to enumerate all the characteristics of the — ' *** **' — V three passengers; and no matter which vou u Ct, -eta r;li St ALBERT, STREEjT, AUCKLAND, chmstchuTch. ' ,he to,al cost ' complete : isonly£273 '

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LII, Issue 15884, 3 April 1915, Page 13

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Page 13 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume LII, Issue 15884, 3 April 1915, Page 13

Page 13 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume LII, Issue 15884, 3 April 1915, Page 13