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High Water at Auckland 6.63 a.m.; 7.31 p.m. High Water nt Manukau—B.s2 a.m.; 9.30 p.m. Sun—Kite*. 4.32 a.m.; wis, 6.40 p.m. Moon— Sew. today, a 32 a.m.


Tho Meteorological Department supplied the followins wcullu-r report at 4 m. yea tonlav — Wind Bar Ther Weather Wind Bar Ther Wanther Cape Mai 'a W., litflit 30.00 67 Fine Kiiß.'oll . . w., light !>» 95 68 tine JJanulcaii H hi \V., breeze 119 06 64 Fair Auckland W., breczo 29 93 65 Fine Tauranua N. breeze '29 87 70 Fair Kaflt C»ix> • W , fresh 29 85 64 Cloudy CiiaboTtii 1 W • fresh -9 7 64 Fine }'t. Ahiiriii- N.W., light 29.68 75 Fair Oitlejx'int N W., in. g. 29 68 60 Cloudy Welling'"'' N.W .m. e. 29 68 57 Overcast j}. I'lyii!'-ntii \V , lii.'h' 29.92 60 Overcast C Kt/rnonl N , fresh 29.92 62 Overcast Wannan W. frr.«h 29 79 60 Fair Farewtdl Pr> W, ynlo '.'9 72 57 Gloomy ( . l-\>ui« nil N . 1 1 :ii' 29.82 53 Overcast (;revm- ' N . frcli '.'9 75 56 Overcast S;c; in i. I" W . li. u:i 1 p 29 70 54 Cloudy ( f,-, • , «' ll N W . h!runs '"•53 57 Fine Ka.k«"..i» .W . bull! 29 3S 68 Cloudy Akiiro" 5.:h* W . fresh 29 31 (IS Overcast i»t Chalmers Culm 29 23 61 Overcast NutiV' W. fre.h 29.26 57 Ha ill I r!h(I . •• N \V., !»irht '29.20 55 Overcast The tinrr ircu-r linn l.iilcn fast in the South »n<l n.MtWjr and westerly winds have prevjii<'(i ur.d iiavo uk r<-a<ed from Htrontf to a pjjo l.wliv Tim w.-ii'lier linn been cloudy *«ner»i!v anil rain t;u«* (alien in the West ('nni' d Mou'.hcrnnKul districts of tho Houth la aid In.DAY'S FOKF.^APT. I'wwlit in-'x nt iith ii.i' tor s'ormy «cntli<r, i"l''r:»!i.v in mid s. mhward i.l Cook Sim - !. Mid h:n nr.'rr'y r.«U, i haniritij; to pouth"' v. a!'.»r fi.-iii 16 to 21 hours Rain :•» i r.<• M' - ru! Iv. and Ix-.ivy rain, wi:h ine r :vol ft U'd m Weatlnnd, unovr on tho !«"■•;< and inM. r weather following. Tb'' Mn-'er is lik.-* > in rise in the South i in n!»<- • 10 hours, but will fall further in I tiie Nor'/.. I


All Hi \ ALS. NAN MA. * " i'T f> r m. A, 1159 tons. Capfa: Nm 'rirv, trorn W'hniu'arci Pnsm-ngcra : Mfsda'i" 4 It I":* :s';. l'v«\ S-'-« -icy, Bio'nfield, J-Wtv, Slvtloid, !! Anr.njrftn, Applcj.;r:ini. Jark, M!*!*■* M «f<i\ t IV'an«. I'v. • ss, Wyllio, \Vnnu <»if. :'. A ti'ii • n. Clark, St;c ° M:».■'nero* r.!i r n«, Cooko. J«Tnos, Ornirtiulv. 1 iirnU-r*. Drumniond. Cornwailis, y^ii»i »' Wo -.U-.vr.rM:. lv«'l. I-Vr«di« k,'n Thoinr'sor. Dale, Hove Foot. WiVox J»»hnand 10 h'.eorase - Northern SS. Co Hxrr.ti B.\K \NO A. ks '10 15 pm\ 2216 tons. Cant.i'!i 1.'.: x ton, from WcHiport- —Union BS <V. nvmm W MOTMiI b i 'D 1." p m.l 97R tons. ( i\ u\ n Ho'.K:n«. frotn Mercury Bay and K !H« N'"'!tie!n SS Co, agents. \V.\K \TFi:K. p " «10 -0 pm\ 411 'on». Cm Mt\ S-iiiivftn, from Thames. —Northern S S < «., .l r '« ■;i F\l'l/'. , A h 711 r» m V '2W ton*. < a• • 1 ' .1. t .j.-*, •:,»!•; Wuangarei.—Jas. Sr ' - < Co . }jU\ . agents I > I'll ?•' !■'. q -12 :t."« pm \ I^*2 tons. C»,'.i:i SiM»h/»n?on. ! r oni Coromandel. — v, ,'V.rn SS (*«> . ai-en's UOA. w. 09 tons. Captain Mackenzie, from Ta-'.iranga.—Mas'.or, ayent.

DITAIUVRES. | MO KOI. r.s. '2.5 p.nt 1. 3502 tons, Cap- ] tain M l.(>an. for Kail <'oa«t ami Southern 1 pc.r'i I'a.-nengers . — For Gtsborne: Misses. Smith, Ilnpk.ns. Mi sdsnie Murphy, Gordon, I Smyth, lU'wi'M and < hi'd. Clarksnn, Messrs. j n»rk»>!i. Prober!. Floyd, Montgomery, • ('. hi r * it*- v. T'licvitFe. C!ark»on. For Nil- ) !.• Mm Steels, Mr and Mrs. Kings-land. ; For Weliing'on : Mrs Kibben, Mr Camp1...;', For l.y'.'eUnn Mrs Orossman, Mr. fifer For Dun.din : Misses Morgan, Birch. Messrs. Taylor 12). and 25 steerage l-<r all ports. NO ATI A\\V\, m. '2?.') ptti.l 4fi3 tons, Car lain Dnr*lng, for Tauranga and Opotiki. WAKATF.HK. pi (12 3". pin.), 4-11 tons, C»i!a:r. Sullivan. for Thames AIM A 111 K. v.B (10 45 pm l, 245 tons, Captain Freeman, for I'aeroa. KAM Kill, ss (6 40 pm ). 203 tons, Captain Meyers, for Whangarei November 18 DAPHNE, h. '0 Id a.m.). 192 tons. Captain Stephenson, for Coroinandol. VESSELS DUE TO-DAY. Septa!!, from inborn*, via ports. Nitaii'ihi. from Taurauga. C!aii«man, from Russell and Opua. Tauiwha. from Faeroa,. AliirU!, mm Awaniii. !>n t\ from ("«io:-iandel. in it i/tim, schooner. from Opotiki Ta.-iuau. from Whakatune. VESSELS SAILING TO-DAY. Manna, for Whangarei, from Northern Wharf. Clansman, for North Coast ports, from No. :t Jetty. Waiotiihi. (or the Great Barrier, from No. :) Jetty. T.inivFa, tor l'aeroa, from Northern Wharf. \Vaf»t«re, lor Thames, from No. 3 Jetty. A pan for Cabbage bay, from No. 8 Jetty. Chelmsford, for Marsden Point and way ports. Paeroa, for Whangarei-

VESSELS DOE TO-DAY AT ONEHUNGA. Knmwa, from New Plymouth. ilimu, from Kawhin and KaK»n. Arai>owa, from Wailara. and Kawhia.

VESSELS EXPECTED A AUCKLAND COASTAL AND INTERCOLONIAL. Appro*. Vessel. From dat«, Mancno Sydney ... indei. Tarawera ... ••• Southern ports Nov. 19 ... ... Newcastle ... Nov. 19 Wanakil Southern ports Nov. 19 Kaituna. ... Newtaalle ... Nov. 20 H'lfnhiro ... ... H«bart ... Nov. 20 TVknmaru ... ... Wnungarei ... Nov. 20 Kakaia ... Soul hern ports Nov. 22 Tnrul Sydney ... Nov. 23 HiT«riti<i ... ••• Sydney ..• Nov. 23 Victoria Southern ports Nov. 22 Kaini.oi .. West port ... Nov. 23 ('»pe Ortegal Sydney ... Nov. 23 Belial! Cisbotn« ... Nov. 2-1 Hiiia. xhooner . . Lyttelton ... Nov. 25 Indrabarak Sydney . .. Nov. 24 ]„ni<' ... .. Whangarei ... Nov. 2.1 Wpurniia • Southern ports N ov 26 wiinVii'ni .. ... Sydney Nov. jfl Wnwfii ... ... Sydney ... Nov. 28 \Ji,Vim Southern ports Nov. 29 Niagara. II M 3 Sydney ... Nov. 30 Star of Now Zealand Adelaide -. Doc. a Tnngnr ro ... Southern ports Dec. 6 indnMi.-n Sydney ... Dec. 9 Bnt*«hire Southern ports Dee. 18 WhaU'ano . . Ilr.bnrt ... Dec 16 KiaOra .. Sydney Dec. 22 Min-an . . SMi'hern ports Dec. 24 Anß ... Sydney ... Dec. 25 F.' f'nrdnbes ll(.•hurt ... Dec. :-.0 Wirral ■■ Sydney _. Jan. 13 SAILING VESSELS EXPECTED. Veswl Emm Sailed Louisa Crate ... Kdi'iibure ... Nov. 4

VESSKI TO SAIL FKOM AUCKLAND Appro* V«*ml For date. WahMi.. . ... S,-i!i.ny ... 3tic/. Bfj'ull ... f;i«'r>#irno ... Nov. 10 Tokoniaru ... • Wellington ... Nov. 21 Taraw»"a ... ... Southern ports Nov. 21 Hii!i'>li!ro ... . Southern ports Nov. 23 Hivpr.ra ... Sydney ... Nov. 24 Vi'to"i . . S. uiK«rn ports .Nov 24 M'friiii«»ol NeivmMl© ... Nov 25 'it'll ...... N:»p;.-r ... Nov. 2.') } 1 uka)h .. ... Wellington ... Nov 28 (i r'*yln ■ md. si:h. ... M"kiiink'U ... Nov . S In«lralji»ruh . ... Ni»p;er ... .. Nov. 27 Ventral a ... ... S- n'he-n ports Nov. 28 lonic . ... Wellington .. Nov. 2£ M'-koin Snn'hprii ports Dec. 1 M ill nr.i U MS. . Sydney ... Dec. 14 Mau'a:i . Wellington ... bee. 27 Xsnii'l'lNO IN port Manimu.. Vs» ■i 1 . at Kitm h Wharf. Or*»vh« • itlll. v. iMLiwr. at N'or'hcrri Wharf Sam) Fii)n'o>. « ■» , ill (IrminK Dock. Hnnor.'a. barqupfitme. in stream. Hi lino,lie, iv. N. 2 Jetty. Mourn., n .it s' ream Tnlunr, •« . in renin Kurann, Italian ship, at No. 2 Jetty. TV 'i'urawpra is timed to U»avo (lisborne •t 11 n r;l. '...'lay fur Tokumnru Bay and Am :- v is due here about noon tomorrow The llrdd.-irl purl.-pr steamer Victoria left JJtincdjn y«»«»<-rdav afternoon for East Coast Ports and Am bland The vessel is due h"ro on Sunday iiiori'.inu The i.w W»iikon*m m loading a quantify { f Milding mateiial for the new cement *'< rks V Wl a are I Mjp I! . hnrd-win steamer Squall is now exI*.< u-d •<> at iivv at Am kland tins morning from (iinhorriA and way ports She is timed t<» Had at midnight to morrow for East l rmm hiv ,» .I i .t.'-Ki'-nc, with general cariv*

- .ii.u •. i in:. M'-uiiiu rargo. ( 111" \\nnnk:i loft Napier last night for Amklnnil il.rnct She is bringing a. cargo '*■ I'i'i'hro (imp i Southern polls, and is duo I" morrow morning. The vessel Bails on Saturday for Oamaru. tin; Bluff, and Timaru to lout] .1 irui lor Napier and Auckland. The Kiirntnu was expected to leave Greymouth lint ruth', coal laden. for Onehttnga. the White Star liner Zealandic is at present I'.ailini: Homeward cargo at Napier, "ho altiTWHi(l» proceeds to Wellington to complete her loading The Wiiruna is at proscnt discharging timber at Sydney Sho leaves on Saturday Beit for Nuwcaslls to loud a cargo of coal ■or Lytlelton. The Union Company collier Kaloa arrived *' Napier at. 8 m. on Monday from Newcastle. Th« Maoriland Company's steamer Enneraalo arrived at Brisbane on Friday afternoon last f r- .in Taialiope, via VVestport. Alter discharging her cargo of cement the Mnordale will probably procecd to Newcastlo or Sydney. , Tho coastal steamer Dnphno brought 87 oaten of wool from Coromandol and Waioelsa yesterday aftornoon.

collier Rakanoa arrived in the stream at Auckland late last night from Wostport. °ho will berth at the King's Wharf this discharge ljer cargo of coal. The Union liner Manuka arrived at Wellington at i 3 ' m ; yesterday from Sydney, one brought 83 saloon and 154 steerage pas* sengers for New Zealand, including 13 Chinese. Cargo brought by the vessel amounted to 617 tons, including a small ?it "l? y of fruit Tho Manuka learea Wellington on Friday evening for Sydney and Ilobart. The American four-masted schooner A. B. Johnson arrived at Napier on Saturday evening last from Gray's Harbour with a cargo of lumber. The passage occupied -16 days. Mr- W. D. liosie has rejoined the Monowai as purser, in place of Mr. W. McNaij opiers, who has joined the Tarawera as purser. Mr, K. R. Park, late purser of the Monowai, left that vessel at Lyttelton with uio intention of enlisting in tho expeditionary force. THE SCnOONEIt HUIA. The schooner Huia arrived at Lyttelton on Monday afternoon from the Bluff. She is now completing her loading of produce lor Auckland, and should sail from the Canterbury port at any time now. The Huia it expected to arrive hero about the middle ol next week, and on completion of discharge will load explosives for Southern ports. THE SYDNEY STEAMER. The local office of tho Huddart-Pat|:er Company advise that tho steamer Riverina will lot leave Sydney until noon on each alternate Thursday tor Auckland, instead of the usual tirno on the Wednesday, The vessel will therefore not arrive here until the Monday morning, and will sail on the return trip at noon on the Tuesday. This programme will be adhered to until further notice. MONTREAL STEAMERS. The next vessel to leave Montreal under the auspices _ol the New Zealand Shipping (.ompariy's Eastern Canadian service will be the i bartered steamer Daldorck. She is scheduled to sail on Friday for Adelaide, Melbourne. Sydney, Auckland, Wellington, LytteUon, and Dunedin. RAKAIA FOR HOMEWARD LOADING. Th» locai office of the New Zealand ShipP'"* . Company advises that the steamer Kakaia is expected to arrive at Auckland on l Sunday from Tokomaru Bav. The vessel I will load dairy produce and general cargo [ lor London until Wednesday, November 25, | when she sails for Wellington to complete Lor loading

BARQUE BA FOR BRISBANE. ' 10 Norwegian barctuo Ba, which liaS just completed discharging a cargo of Newcastle coal at Auckland, has been chartered, to carry a cargo of cement to Brisbane. The vessel has loaded about 100 tons of cement at this port, also a quantity of machinery. She will probably bo towed to Whangarei to-morrow evening, where she will complete her loading. TOKOMARn DUE ON FRIDAY. Messrs. L. D. Nathan and Co., Ltd., local agents for the Shaw, Savill and Albion Company, advise that the steamor Tokornaru is to loave Napier this evening for Auckland. The vessel is expected to arrive hero on Friday morning, and will berth at the Queen's Wharf to load frozen meat and general cargo for London. t'he Tnkomaru will sail on Saturday afternoon tor Whangarei. and after lifting a large quantity of frozen meat at the Northern port will visit Gisborne and Wellington to complete her loading. lONIC'S MOVEMENTS. The Shaw, Savill and Albion liner lonic, now at Lytteltou discharging the balance of he London cargo, is timed to leave the Canterbury port on Sunday next for Auckland direct. The vessel is expected to arrive here on Tuesday, November 24. She will 'load a large shipment of frozen meat and general cargo for London, and will be despatched on Saturday, November 28, for Wellington, where Homeward loading will be completed. Messrs. A. S Paterson and Co.. Ltd., will be the local agents for the louic.

TUG MAHUTU SOLD. Messrs. Emirali and Ford announce the sale of the tug Mahutu. The vessel has been purchased by Captain Lovell, of Napier. She will probably bo taken on the slip this week to undergo repairs anu the necessary alterations for trawling, in which, it is understood, she will be in future engaged in Hawko's Bay. The Mahutu was owned by the Colonial Sugar Refining Company, and has been engaged in towing sugar barges in Auckland Harbour for several years past. She is a serviceable and staunch little vessel, and should prove herself most suitable for trawling.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LI, Issue 15769, 18 November 1914, Page 5

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SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, Volume LI, Issue 15769, 18 November 1914, Page 5

SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, Volume LI, Issue 15769, 18 November 1914, Page 5