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I Move with the Times— I Get an "Overland"! 8 \ That's what hundreds of Farmers and Pastoralists are c, doing, and a new life is opening up for them. No £, more long, dreary, numbing journeys. No waiting ? (or tired horses. No hitching up in the dark. No ? expenses when horses are idle. j s j| is ready to start the moment you want to. It covers 3 as many miles in an hour as your horse could trot in j a day. Shelters you from storms. Carries you to Si your destination on time. i 3 Test the " Overland " yourself— not next month—but } NOW. Arrange with the nearest Agent for a 3 demonstration run. Listen to its purring engine on i, the open road. Learn how it softens the bumps \ and thumps of rutty roads. Note the perfection of i its equipment. There's nothing lacking. It is even 3 better appointed than many Cars costing fully 25% 5 more. 3 Write to-day for Illustrated Catalogue, \ giving full details of this moderately-priced, high--5 grade Car. ; Chief Agents for North Island : j A. HATRICK & CO., LTD. I WANGANUI ; Overland Local Agents: R. B. A SPINKS AND CO., Auckland J. POMEROY AND CO., Ltd., Hamilton. J _ I- e.H-«-4» 4 u L . ( I COPY No. 23 :! The Magnatic Girl. 1 » How She Compels Others to Obey Hep Will. 1[ Simple Method that enables anyone to control thoughts and acta j, of others, cure diseases and habits without drugs, win the love and ] » friendship of others and read the secret thoughts and desires of [ people though thousands of miles away. ! . "TO UPLIFT AND BENEFIT MANKIND," says ' THE REV. JAMES STANLEY WENTZ. | WONDERFUL BOOK DESCRIBING THIS STRANGE FORCE i AND A CHARACTER DELINEATION POST FREE TO ALL | WHO WRITE AT ONCE. [ ' The National Institute of Sciences of Lon- The Rev. James Stajjlet Wesw says:— > don, England, has appropnatea £5000 towards "N 0 o no can give th« system a careful , a fund for the free distribution of Prof. perusal without becoming satisfied that in . Knowles new book. The Key to the De- giving this knowledge to the world Prof. yelopmeni of tho Inner borces. The book Knowles is actuated by the earnest desiro to > lays bare many astounding facts concerning uplift and benefit mankind. I heartily reI the practices of Eastern Yogis, and explains commend this course to all who desiro to deI a wonderfully simple system for tho develop- velop and cultivate their inner forces" , ment of Personal Magnetism, Hypnotic and , T _ „ , „ _ » Telepathic Powers, and the curing of diseases tA L ** BIH « & 0m P s t .?S an * P- K - N - I and habits without drugs. Tho subject of Pickering, M.R.C.S.. L.R.C.P., L.8.A., in a I practical character reading is also extensively ,etWr to , " 0 I; Snowies, says:—'l consider . dealt with, and the author describes a simplo 7° ur system the most complete and accurate ' method of accurately reading the secret i ltol ? tur , l , upon the subject. You nave I thoughts and desires of others though treated tho science with much ability." I thousands of miles away. Tho almost end- A Prominent American Physician, A \V. > less stream of letters requesting copies of the Fisher, M.D.. Ph.D.. M.E., Principal of the . book and character delineations indicate Douglas Institute, writes:—"Your system is ' clearly the- universal in- very useful to mo in my I terest in Psychological ■ ■ ~„ , ~_ r^ practice." > and Occult Sciences. " """ " Rich and poor alike | That _ Prof. Knowles . benefit by the teachings of r system is exciting the in- this new system," says | tereat of the brightest in- .dSSSIPSfIiIks. * >rof - Snowies, •' and the » tellect of the present day /* 07 person who wishes to \ is clearly 6hown by tho /gSSlir ,Mms&. achieve greater Buccess 5, scores of recommends- J§Mbsmß& has ' 3U * to apply the * tions, smong which the d&lMisß&r simplo rules laid down ' _ following, from represen- 'i'bat many wealthy and' ta-tive British publica- ffijSctVij. '~ prominent people owe tions. the clergy and tho : their success to the power modical profession, are msjj, | * ' wMMmSiSSBb. of Personal Influence striking examples. WlMi-?m§f£ % -' m 1 ) v v'..<fl& there is not the slightest The Christian An*.- 0» '-^*WW- MfeSr&i'rV doubt, hut the great mass Prof. Knowles System ||g|||ifc '-* '««!»» of Peoplo have remained has cured disease, cor- fßSg&iyt , M'"'-' '" : ;-'S-'i-\ in ignorance ot rocted bad habits, these phenomena. Th» strengthened memory, and -National Institute ot proved highly beneficial /-'T v . ' y 5 Sciences has therefore unm fhp cultivation of per- dertaken tho somewhat t) and Personal In- |§|§|$l|§gy arduous task of distributu nonce. : in ß broadcast, without ret-« "°p DO t J 7 ****! sard for class or creed. Times-" Prof. Elmer E. >fWl%<l§ tho information hereto! Knowles Complete Sys- &flHgßHpv~ ', &*s& *?&$ foro'possessed by the few. torn of Personal Influence * QSuI M In addition to supplying and Healing provides the pgMP . the books free, each perembryo enthusiast with l»"~lMMr "■ """rrSI son who writes at once jUS M S K h kn ° w i edeo u as "f" ?"f?"p l '!" ? f T "'"" -* 1 wil » al «> receive a a oha°ra'c 9 . could bo adapted to his Mines Mat Pre/. Knrxlts luu dismvtr.d *„'». i pr delineation «l f«™ own personal circum- "#" «**J*. '■/ «»**>"«"> -*<***. ■will „£/«. 1™ ♦„ Km ™rfl. l~ stances and inclinations." ««<" * '"""«' >>■*« «*< *—- ««. p™ M i da g«. i The London Mail.—" Professor Knowles' If you wish a copy of Prof. Knowles' nook System embraces a great deal of erudition in and a Character Delineation, simply copy a form which can bo readily grasped by all .the following verso in you? own handwritwho have the ability to read and understand ms: — simple prose. No better hojp towards sue- « j want f [d cess in life could be desired. For™ <inrl ■<«n»4h ii, «,- i 1. Modern Societt.-" No modern fif"?. a °f- ™ a „ l ° m / looktor along psychological linos has received so And !enS ™f l^,,*!^" large an amount of prr.ise as that accorded , Antl scnd me your book " I to Prof. Elmer E. Knowles for his marvellous Also send your full name and address (state System of Personal Influence and Healing, whether Mr., Mrs., or Miss), write plainly Here at last is a man who is at one* a great and address your letter to: — " scholar, a born teacher nnd a practical helper National Institute of Sciences, Dept. 511 p —for the instruction papers reveal a nature £<>■ 258, Westminster Bridge Road, London' which is sympathetic and of good fellowship S.E., England. If you wish you may enter an ambitious, yet largely misguided, 'lose 6d (stamps of your own country) to Dav population." postage, etc. * fr , i I PIANOS N0 deposit. I Stevens' rl/niW-'O 28, hiqhst Rose Centifolia PiMoS~^^ljC 9 PERFUME ' *~™ ' "'"" or. I> You have not known the delight of the . PIANOS N R DEPOSIT i exquisite in Perfume if you haven't. £ LJL£IIL-ILM S 28 ' HIQH ST. & used .•■'tevens' Hose Cemifolin. All 1 P%l A ft. i S*i r* ft/. A \KIECIS "" 4 the delicious fragraneo of the mo«s W rIAIVI m °' A WttK. 1 rnKP. yet subtle, nnohtruiive. refined- i, » •** ' ™ W* 28, HIGH ST. m that's Bieven»' Kose (.'entifolln. Its HI ■«■ .> > "ZZ a K»r\ r\c? ns<r>i-r? i delicate bouquet will surely fascinate % PSaNOQ NO DEPOSIT, you. Ask your chemist for it or smid ' 8 I F~\ I>i\y »J SB, HIQH ST. S 5/B to R. F. Stevens., nnd m , a - . —. =7/ —« — r-\* I a bottle will be posted to you. PI A IS! OS 7/- A WEEK. The Perfume of Delight! DgAMnQ SS. HIGH ST. The Perfume of Delight! piAMHQ NO DEPOSIT. rl nninyo 28, high ST. I w~m* PIAMAQ 8/- A WEEK. 5 Wholesale Agents: The Auckland Drug Co. I irMIJVJ'O 23, HIQH ST. j PIANOS NO DEPOSIT. I 28. HIQH ST. I ASTHMA. PIANOS " TO GET PROMPT RELIEF, COMMUNICATE RJANOS N SsPh/QH^T.' IH. O. WILES, m.p.s., Dj A WHCr 10/- A WEEK. c/o SPEUDINO, LTD, nrlfXWO £8. HIQH ST. 14, COMMERCE STREET. AUCKLAND, N.Z. AGENTS FOR ■ —' < ; ~ ■ „.- DR. TUCKER'S N OTICE T0 J™ Es 0B "»« ASfHMA SPECIFIC — 1 Pfi. ° nI L P ? Ted 5.". ces l fu, „ 1 - 8 *"? ~/<» Please send Samples and quote Prices r« ' I Asthma, Hay Fever, Catarrh, Bronchitis, which ouired for best cL< rv « J 1 Claim can be substantiated bv Hundreds of % \ ? n r best 0 , Uatcn , Sheaf Chaff and I N.Z. Users and Thousands in Knglana, Europe Haled Ha y and otraw. delivered in trucks 8 and America.. in either large or small quantities at Green 1 FULL STOCKS OF FLUID AND PARTS Lane Station. I OX HAND, J. PEACH AND SONS, - Green Laao,

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LI, Issue 15748, 24 October 1914, Page 6 (Supplement)

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Page 6 Advertisements Column 2 New Zealand Herald, Volume LI, Issue 15748, 24 October 1914, Page 6 (Supplement)

Page 6 Advertisements Column 2 New Zealand Herald, Volume LI, Issue 15748, 24 October 1914, Page 6 (Supplement)