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"THE QOSSARD" "BEAUTY'S CONTOUR V | ' The Original Front Lacing Corset. £J| I | $11* a 1 1/1111*0 mw lower-irSTmSbSj ' ■ i n t r^tTv\Twß = 9 s «s r8 th';::: dßksi " " " V . V a||Ui V rf u mos £ of "the '■S —iJ H Introduced onlv a few seasons itgo thev were , . „t> j. , i .. • *. t i racxjerreceived by many ladies entirely as a noveltv, fplSll complete Beauty's Contour" range is com- atdy long over hip,. fi ' but they rapidly came into general use. We f#J3fs*\ JwßfflisElagk A 117. rr«. prised of fourteen shapes, including some very ™"* in ™« Whit* wore so convinced of the correctness of the *$%* % " fit - ;sslllfflSl A WISS TllTie ffb fa ' ' I suitable models for young ladies. * "'. _ lltted "*» S front-lacing idea that wo had no hesitation in *$j( „ /A /tfgf 1 jBlfiEL ' JilfliC LU OCICCL. BRASSIERES four strong SUSpenders - % I'.'/ accepting the sole agency for Auckland, and / -TA \ /*3s I uivrtooiuivu . «t.v_f-j -fnce, s/11. I ... to-day a"re pleased to state that our judgment / itC\ \S T ' Every well-dressed lady now recog- Made by - one of the most celebrated BEAUTY'S CONTOUE. « has been confirmed. The Gossard is being / / J tees the -necessity of these articles. manufacturers of the Homeland and imported 440. Represents a ligh>. - j 0§ sold in practically all the principal fashion I I il./V*Br jy£ Tlip <?I<»riilAt- £«•« 4-1 A' C They not onlv improve the appear- direct, Beauty's Contour represents just as Summer Corset, suit- f|g centres, and is used by many designers upon I /T 'V\ rentier HgUTe tlie meaium figure ance> afford a considerable de- good corset value as it is possible to obtain. able for e slen< Jer fig- fig their demonstrating models. They, in addition, <#f \*_ ' ,*d& E/ «&' A the figure of mature proportions are fltllv ree of conrfort to * he wearer. A urc - Jt is Ter low in |§| have the endorsement of the medical faculty J | f'&i jW\ I nm „;j a j f«, ■„, <-T, l__._n.--i, nice ejection is now shewing in Even the lowest price numbers, and we *? e £? st an * l on S over from health point of view. The greatest ,' \|J|Hfll| 1 provided lor in the assortments offered tO OUr Nainsook and Net, with lace and em- stock them at 4/11 per pair, are characterised theJnps. Made in flaa '|-: compliment of »>1 that the Oossard makers f I ill I^AU k -"?-)l 1 Patrons broidery trimmings. stock them at yn per pair, are characterised white material and fithave received is the fact that to-day many I I /|V]|flH //J 1 "i/' V.V A [ F The prices range from 1/11, 2/3, by a cut and finish that is unsurpassed. . ted with four suspen- M other makers, who in the first place decried a j /1] ffw |ft !bffl(?.ff=ss4-c3 I I 2/11 to 16/6 each. ' ' *"' Pr ' cfi ' 9//11 - i S e - ft S«S d haV ° " adoptcd " f ° r ill! HI yHnW't 1 The cboice of makes too, is not limited at I j PricßS ' 4/n *° 29/6 per pair ' jiHk f T &apes > '. specially featured i„ 1 / I I /M \\\ // \\ M. &C.'s. The ORIGINAL LACE-IN-FRONT pfl§ I Gossards are being specially featured In lit I IKB If / / IwK ill 11 \ \ r\ cm-\ wiviuiiuiw wnviriii a xx.\_»at j. ij __<3a& '^ tin Corset section next week, and the new J I j M«|/ IS It/ \ \ "GOSSARD" CORSET IS the recognised JSlia JSSgk J£$PW ■%?' X I models just received enable us to offe.- a 0 I J|sßß Jl f If if || /1 ) leader of its kind in America. The "LA '" «i§liPL ■ I-^ itey wy in price from 17/6 to 5gM. fill \\W Vj IHi W with a W-wide reputation. The English jr %~ X . JLl* jfi 1 1 '"^ CORSET FITTING. l\f// I fVi gem, both from a " line" or value view point, J%-~%:. V\ IfT ft fit Ufon the correct fit of the corset Ivif 111 M , whilst the " P.D." make is practically a M / /CklSn r i coreeto for Patrons, and for this ser- 318— number has a medium v '/ I With a choice of matp? <;nrh as t"hi« anrl /Si I ULiy Mll ik /S 11 1 tin I" 1 -• vice no charge whatever is made. A m g Q bust aad is fashionably I • *"«».«-*' owv.u «j iu»] «"" •» « « mmrx \l\«Vl\\ /i\ /A r I ll€ I m 1 I«U 1 ' little trouble taken in this direction straight in outline, with long 304 __\ "GOSSARD" TTOR a P TICe assor tment to Suit all tastes, We have if I IMfK MM 'lIMIIWk HHI i HBft 1 ' Splendid displays ha been arranged for TWI ffll ■ 1 U^W th. met JE l?ir p t^ le ,Sn next week in order that ladies may view the 8 Vflf ' fPf T*" If : H Price. Sfl/R w over the diaphragm. Made in . - . . , . / !■>«»» T l ifllvl*'. ' 14$ ■ special sterling Everiast latest models, simultaneously with the choosing - beauty's contour 130. beauty's contour 245. beauty's contour 217. 224-^A beauty's con- iH Cloth,'which wears wonder- of 4-t.p nfkw spnQnn'c crnwne A c 0 1 "8 6* of modem pat- This excellent number is Cut low .in the bust and TOUR Model that is cap- Itl |*Kpfgsk fully welL Price, 17/6. vl tilc ucvv SC «* BUU & g"WUb. tern, cut low fa the bust raited for medium figures, extending well over tie able of fitting almost any |j§ r jrn,. " ending well over giving the desired straight 8 * *bis number gives to figure of medium proper- SV; ki&i!mMgW Tust another and vervimuortant reaqon whv the hips. Made in White effect. It is very long over tire wearer a graceful out- tions! It is mode of 1 1 W®VV jBBSMb , J USLd "" l ? CraUa Very imporiani reaSOll Wily Coutilf trimmed with Em- the hips and back, but line and the greatest com- strong White Coutil and W JT A f MiU the Corset Choice Should be made now— goods broidery and fitted with fairly tow in the bust. fort - It is made in White filled Trith non-rusting Hj|g JT ?SSH "ifiSij' -Xf W prp cliinnprl nt- nn tV.« m ,. k Q f/x« 4.1. „,». foUT suspenders. i?rice. Made in White Coutil and Coutil, trimmed with Lace, supports. It is fitted with I J ff\ yCJJ Were Shipped or On the water before the war /11. fitted with four suspen- and fitted with four m* four suspenders, trimmed ||§ f5 j«?S \ X • declaration, and have consequently escaped the dera Price, 18/6. pendera. Price, 8/11. with lace, and obtainable lift tfW-ft*' % \ jj ■ • . r • 1 . -1 - , for the moderate price of ■gJS I* /i%\ V /; M V ex a freight an " insurance charges, 4/11. | M ' &C. CORSET PRICES ARE THE "C.P. LA SIRENE" Real Parisian Corsets. |I WW SAME USUAL * WoS B^ IY "? b !f a !S MEMPHIS-A mpdel spedaily de- |" iiffl I I lltw] » It I proper foundations +« wo,lc upon. fort'and S. a S graceful most comfort, it is ctted with tie fMI ]rH / / VltS U F foundations to work upon. fort and giving a meet graceful "Omega" busk, which is slightly Mil I/hi H \ r^^^^^ M *" im '' 1 " wwl '^ appearance the wearer. It is aped to the figure, carefully sup- fg ftJHBl' M / / Ah«M 1 I aam fitM _ Bi >^ M «. - « I" Some of tte most famous Firms f*? f **?? m S* €,a ' tnln^f! i porting the body yet not adding { ' ffiOlfPl if W&Vm I § Mil ftip Y filAyiriS 14 J 1 8"° their endorsement to OP. la tastefully wfjfc Embroidery, Silii size to the appearance It is made 1 -'": KffillS' // Ml 1 1 ill 111 Af 1 nllYl I ill I Sirene - GoxAd one fOT a **\tos Stitdaa & and Silk Suspenders. ■ in two qualities of doth, neatly ?. \i fmlfrlftl --*/ flßfi I I B HBa<fl ' l , ,a-l fc& \.al\ir 9 ViLa § recommendation? ■ " Ce8 ~ " ' trimmed with Lace and White . 1 KmII M %£<+ "88 It I 1 § ' t White Coutaie, 17/9 ' ' B»tift Ribbon, carrying four snspen- fij Ml 1 Q ueen street, Auckland. 1 *» *« future of the New S B, 1 T. a fl! rf TnJ j / ■ § Models » the Improved "lagn® Nor- *««7 »■«»», *>/«>. Prices— I.^ \\ ~ jflllll I maL" LOIiLA-A model of Jong slender In Fancy White Cotton, 31/6. || \\ \ v Ifi wL*4 ..... „...., *■ uhm wwhutch lmea, showings slight tendency to In Plain Coutilie, 33/6.' #1 «07--Though a true comfort V L/-V SuL M As the namo impliea, *he natural or ifc lS > a SS J"*'- °L MS-A dainty corset, eut low at 1 S model, it does not sacrifice \M, I IFT M "P H fnDQPTC" noJWai «?"« line is followed; an «■ Sff.ll^is^ 8 tk- ££?? ffie hmt ■"* ™7.*»«P..««r the 1 , any detail of style. It is «\K l^,jL ' , 1 O • seirtial factor of the praUnt-day IS:, 1 1 farps, inade in White CoutiHe, trim- 1 % very low in tho bust, and has '/ ?J \ \\4\ . modes. P 7 finished and temmed m the perfect nred .with Lace and'ifibbon. It -KJ ample fullness above the waist 2fiS—.TN+«. m « — \. •_ *- \X \ ft «• iu * j i > .. way characteratic of this make. carries Four Silk Suspenders. " •- R : lineT Three elasfio eiLrtwM a«—-Brttema, perhaps, but very *1 \ 1 This celebrated make needs no special recommendation. Prices— Price 31/8 g | in the medium length skirt line and ulSf ilj.wt mo t • *uu- „, . Their wearing qualities are well and favourably known. The The most inexperienced person can In "White Coutilie, 19/9. LUCTENWE-A corset suited''to *. "I H gtojr perfect eaaeXypos, % D K & an "£5 -west sbapea have just been rCCeiTOd ' Md th e coUeetion **•* • -f-j of ?:* In mite Sateen, 22/6. I StcTeSr ol ? 1 ton. A wry popular corset lady.. An'elastic secti™ nwdel for rSher tell and embraces a ver ***» Biie Md range, «£ beaufafnl-quality ° these new EH-A very handsome cowet, in in theV-tart and having exteeme i>l for danemg and evening wear. the back holds the skirt «£w,t L,~f t* s. - j styles, whilst for real, corset comfort White Saffcin Brocade, to suit foil, " leiwth over bins and bale It is" S K-SEaWSrSS' trimly. MadT -StrtpS SS In Grey, White, Broche, and Blade . and «rt^ap^arancej. recommend iong-waisted figures; richly trin.ned S Z bSomt i m -II Cool and daint. Puce, 33/6. Coutil Price, 53/6. *" Price, 36/6. Prices. 6/8 te 27/B a - SL£i ** A feW "* with ***** Lace, fitted with Four Brodl « and»fitted ** Four Silk 18 , .. , . ■ rrtMß ' mto 27/6 a ****• described. Silk Suspendere. Price, 63/-. Elastic Suspenders. Price, 55/-. I 1

Dress and Fashion. J.H.PORTERffCO.'s Sale of Assigned and Surplus Stocks. FURTHER FINAL GREAT REDUCTIONS For One Week Only. LADIES' WEAR. COLOURED COTTON FRINGES, for Cur- . terns. 2{d. CREAM KNITTED NORFOLK 'JACKETS. MAB MUSLIN. Tassclled Sicks. 10K. All Wool, were 12s lid; Sale Price, 8b -_*?&Js 3d. lid; Now 5s lid. Better Quality, 17s WINDOW BLINDS, in Green or Cream, . Gd; Sale Price. 10 8 lid; Now. 83 lid. Holler and Fittings, ready for putting JKNITTED WOOL COATS. Heather, baxe. OT 'P+,36-inch, Is UR 40-inch'2s 6d. Grey. Cream, were 32s 6d; Sale Price. FLOOR OILCLOTHS AND LINOLEUMS. 19s lid: Now. 16s lid. New Patterns, well seasoned. 2yds wide. NAVY CLOTH COATS. Full Length, 17s „2s6d; Linoleum. 3s 6d. 3s lid. M lid: Sale Price. 12s 6d: Now, tig Hi 97;^J?IL CA BPET RUNNER. Is Hid. COLOURED BLANKET COATfct. 19s lid; CARPET SQUARES. Bargain Prices. 2} by . Snlo Price. 14s lid: Now, 9a lid. 3 - 25s 6d. were 85s: 3by 3. 32s 6d, were NAVY SERGE AND CLOTH SKIRTB. _, T 3?s6d : 3by 3}. 42s 6d. were 50s. wide. 13a lid; Sale Price. 12s lid; Now BLANKETS, BLANKETS....We are still _ 8s lid. jelling: oar N.Z. All-wool - Double Bed TWEED SKIRTS, wide. 12s 6d; Sale Price, _ Blankets at 19s lid pair, were 23s 6d _ 8s lid; Now 6s lid. BARGAINS IN UNION AND SLIGHTLY TWEED COSTUMES. Us lid; Sale Price, ..SOILED BLANKETS. _ 12s 6d; Now 6s lid. ALL-WOOL FRINGED RUGS. 9s lid to 45s TWEED COSTUMES, Silk Lined, 33s 6d; BUSH AND CAMP RUGS. 4s lid. 6a lid Ss Sale Price., 19s lldj Now 12s lid. ,„„ m <. Ms lid each. ALL OUR BETTER TWEED COSTUMES WHITE HONEYCOMB QUILTS. Sincle 35a to 455; Sale Pric», 29s 6d; Now 19s Be*- 2s lid. 3s Ud. to 8s lid; ThreeId. quarter Bed. 4s lid. 5s lid. 6s lid to NAVY SPOT VELOUR BLOUSES. 4 8 lid; JOb lld; Extra Large Size. 6s lid, 6s lid _ Sale Price. 2s lid; Now Is Hid. a „JIO l J- to 12 « lid. GREEN LINENE MAGYAR BLOUSES, BA MS£E LOT OF FULL-SIZE MAR- „ 8a lid; Sale Pric«, 2s lid; Now Is 6d. xSVM,, AND SATIN-FINISHED CHECK MACS.. Slightly Soiled. 32s 6d; Sale QDILTS. at 12s lid. 14s lid. 16s lid. 19s Price. 19s lid; Nov/ 12s lid. „. "d. to 32s 6d. *' BLACK OILSKItf COAT, was 28s 6d; Sale BARGAINS IN PILLOWSLIPS .-A Maker's -.■ price. Ud; Now 6s lid. Clearance— 94d; each; HemFAWN MACS.. 365; Sale Price. 19s lid; stitched Frilled, embroidered in each . Now 12s lid. corner. Is. Is 3d. and 1b 6d. were Is 3d VELVET COrtD HATS. -Is 6d; Sale Price, i? ? d - a . nd }* "W; Plain Slips. 55d 64d' 2s lid; Now la Cd. Extra-size Hem-stitched Slips. Is 4-M and CONEY' SE\L HATS. 15s lid; Sale Price. IX&. EMBROIDERED DUCHESS 9s lid: Now 4s lid. SETS. Is. were is lUd. SPORTS CAPS. All Colours. Is 6d; Now 2d EMBROIDERED MANTEL DRAPES, in HEAVY CREAM KNITTED GOLF CAPS Crimson and Green. 83d. 10id. Is 3d la '2n 3d; Nov.- Is ' 6d. NATURAL WOVEN NIGHTS. 4s lid- Sale HANDSOME PLUSH DRAPES. 2s lid. 3s _ Price. "1 lid; Now 3s 6d "■"• CREAM WOVEN NIGHTS.' 5s lid: Sale WHITE AND , GREY HERRINGBONE Price. Is lid; Now 3 8 lid. SHEETS. syds to the pair, for full-size & d i'iVi 4 V 1 „ 5 5 % 68 lld: Sin el« Bod. _~.„_ 3s lid. 4s 6d. 48 lid. CHILDREN'S WEAR FURTHER REDUCTIONS. BEDDING 54 ' 1 COATH W in o ?, . C .RAVENETTE RAIN- ONLY THE FINEST SAMARINE KAPOK COATS, 10s Ud; Sale Price. 6 a lid; Now Beds. Well Teased. Good Tick? N,ne KNITTED COATS r.„ m„ -n getter. Note: We do not stock Flock. Grey 22-inch werJ Pit.' *a*"Z' ■ ■*&**• Every size and quality: Single Beds 9b 11 A i'- f.5 i. •6d i. Ba '* Price, from 10s Id; 3ft. 13s lld; 4ft. 18s lld8a m | *&&&££,.«. Us 6d: Now All 6» Ud lLa to CBEA Hre^%ow/id BAN ' CAPS - ls; Sak COTTON DRESS GOODS 1 "WuFfeftfr 2S 6d: ™* *** An Exceptional Ra ne of the Smarteßt J ™£SVss' UlUi "•**»•*«■: FLo^rg^!lma fey **"■ ** FLO p a A^m 8 3R 6 PONSI Ro߀bud Md Small WINDOW FURNISHINGS, FLORAL CREPES Apricot White a CURTAINS, ETC. F pfe fe^K ' and FRENCH RATINES. Double Width All The Cheapest Lot and Best Value fa Auck- SPONGE CLOTHS in „.„ 1 land M.per cent, less than present prices. ! Double Width. 1. m,? early &veT ? Btla LONG CURTAINS, in Wu he. Ivory, and JAP■ rnrpro \,\- U , Jd '.u „ Ecru. 2iyds, Is Bid. Is 11 d. 2 8 V™ COLOURED S "cHEcV° nlfe 74 * lid ; 3vds. 2s 6n. 3s fid. 3s Ud. 4 f Ud. Os Smart Is 6'd TINES, Very 40-INCH CLOTH C °W» HECK CREPES " All Colours. ART W m\jßlln;-G% Pattern, 3 3 d and 4 5 d. JOT- SFP&. Very BORDERED CASEMENT CLOTH. 6Jd.4id. A PILEOT FAST* WASHING 8 PR d NT <, SHoSr-LIcE CURTAINS. with Extendi g»^'U d f^j l to ,& MBj '- Flo "TO Rod. is 3d each. Write for Patterns. Buy Now Buy Now! You will never again for years buy at aun h low prices. ouon Fceight Paid, except on Floofooverings and Bedding. PORTERS CORNER 67 & 69 Karaagahape Road, and 82 & 84 Pitt Street.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LI, Issue 15730, 3 October 1914, Page 8 (Supplement)

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Page 8 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume LI, Issue 15730, 3 October 1914, Page 8 (Supplement)

Page 8 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume LI, Issue 15730, 3 October 1914, Page 8 (Supplement)