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The Company will advance by the RIGHT (or not at all). mmmmmammm GOOD BUSH RUGS, 6/11. GREY BLANKETS (Good), 14/11 pair. SOX, N.Z., All Wool, Mid. UNDERPANTS, NX All Wool, 3/41 pair. FUNNEL UNDERSHIRTS, N.Z. All Wool, 2/11 each. CRIMEAN SHIRTS, All Wool, 4/101 each. MILITARY HAIR BRUSHES, 1/6 and 1/11 each, j KARANGAHAPE ROAD. \ .inn'Hi'iiMi '" —■ 1.-U1M....,-— iiiwhhi mini win ... 1.,.. 1.1 .!.....< .!»■.«. MM.*—.■IM«MIU... IMI IIM.MII. ..~~-«,.-.......-,.■,,..~ ■....., ~^«„.«t—«.-.■,—,—_-. i l^«^^)^iM.?J «T^rii.MiMii>MMHa^ffljit^^ ■-~.,. «■ IL JU. WIIHWHMJU! III»I.HIUMI.»IHmM'.». J*

Dress and Fashion. — • 1 '...'■■ <_§M-C i «i»m»/»3 won't mint- ' I ■:.;-.. ' c *cShL **_■ «p«i/i«* so nict" "/ 11 Just Beceived: 15,000 Yards of |[ British |j .7' J Self-WhiieColours & PriniedDesigns] u You have only to see and handle "Tobralco" to know that it is an exceptionally sound wash-fabric; that it is eminently ~ suitable for Sports Frocks, Morning Gowns, • Blouses, and Children's Wear. No starch is necessary when laundering ! "Tobralco.' 1 "Tobralco" is guaranteed not to fade. A wonderful range of latest designs and colourings. We advise ' :: early inspection. Direct from the Manufacturers. :: I Per Yard i/ m Per Yard l ' Patterns* Free on Application. _ —— OBTAINABLE FROM Queen Street, Auckland. { ■a—— ' • mm ... ----- ' 'i. i. ii t ii —i— —— im -Busim*w Notices _______ ■ ——. "__'___ mnmmmmmmmamKmuKßmam^ Itflß _■_«* iiiiiaiipa __JE i "' '* -Sa—l tkmmKmmmtemmmmmemtMUKimitKiakHEIRVJOOHES, |© :> ttQISTERED M pArENT agents. j| /~ s &j£z}£& K ft %^^M^^^m a dCJa. in all countries wS_J P K_„'„,*'*!-_■ 1 \l-_mm__iv __„. iii______i '•.. r "Advke to inventors- Uiiiflilllmlii 1 li)lumlmrrmTTTrnTnimirin^) frce on application. t M ___>_f*^!_^MHt-WH/^-'' ; * sn; " R/^tvTr '■•• -''.' Clients advised and asiiiated «_ww«»n—jray«r— ™_-iir»» . i Ull i. to disposing of their inventions. ' "»"I Office; Exchange Lane. Queen St. &- x - ~ . - , IT , • W^lp £• bhooke-smith. Managor. # The Second Lesson in Successful Tea-making. W Job plectric cioNs. / Measure the Tea with care — a t£ i small teaspoonful for every person, \ Installation and pOWEB 8 not more, or \ , : — • / BUTTERFLY TEA \ ; RAINE & IRWIN, I if made care fully, contains double I ■. electrical engineers and | fa strength of ordinary Ceylon i ■■..•"■ contractors. 1 Teas. And what a fragrant, delight- I C TTIGE CTREET. \ CU P Tea m &kts\ A I , - "» no ' 1 wholesome flavour peculiar to itself, \jj -•'■<_<• ■~~ \ and full of invigoration. Just try it. /

Merchandise. ,■■■■ ■■■ -i - - - - , a — PIANOS N *° 8 . K? ; : pianos &/-AWEEK i rinl>i\JO 28. HIQH ST. I PIANOS N JS, E a p^ T I PIANOS 6/-A WEEK. 1 riniNV/O 28. high st. I PIANOS & 1 PIANOS 7^ EK sr. I pianos & g^y-1 PIANOS gg; PIANOS N &, BOT- I PIANOS M 1&. 1 ; PIANOS N ia D , p^ ' PIANOS ,a 'i 8 A ». I I f§|lFor.„ | ■ ...\a Influenza i fffcl Colds I |?r H TAKE 1 V HOt with Lemoa I 1 ■ ''■•'•'II At. Bedtime. ... J I ■una—■ata—ao—now—n— ■—■ " .ninn* |' ' j There j j | and Wear in.., flpiilj 1 IrubdcrHi 1 HEELS *«M I They not only »» I | absorb all jarring, |||||]M I | but will outwear 188 I ■ | several pairs of if Iff' I \ leather Heels. fill 1 1 TRY A PAIR! lI|W = < STOCKED IN VARIOUS STYLES |KjM | ALL LEADING BOOT SHOPS. IBM | ACCEPT NO SUBSTITUTES. § fill IBSS ill 5 Wtl *%£, 11 111 1 ' iMßßHutafll " . 1 Undcirtakftfs. JAMES WEIR, FUNERAL DIRECTOR & UNDERTAKER I 70PONSONBY ROAD J. (Opposite Western Park). 'Phono 1839. I Choice Selection of Wreaths. c UNDERTAKING AND CMBALMINGI | Entrusted to us is performed with do- ' a corum and economy. Our Molvo- j Internal Process of Embalming last-. I mgly preserves without disfigurement. | T.J. iWQR AND SONS, c 198, KARANGAHAPB ROAD, AUCKLAND. 8 , . ■ , ~, Telephone 698., .!- i\ I ij* "" " I \< ...

Dress and Fashion, _______ «■■ ' ' ■ UE "Always Busy/* fee 8 I — — :______r______=== | at COLOSSAL SALE PRICES now offering at the J.C.L STORE, | | All the undermentioned items are smart and up-to-date goods which must be cleared. These are only a few of 1 1 the many geuuine bargains now offering in every section of our establishment. 1 Bargains in Boy ' Wear. Big Reductions in Ribbons. Smart and Stylish Coats. f YOUTHS' LONG TROUSERS, in good SHOT AND REVERSIBLE RIBBON LADIES' CARACUL AND STAMPED 9 2 strong Tweed— VELVETS, in all shades, 3 inches wide SMLETTE COATS, all this season's § | Usually 4/11 to 8/11. Usually l/ 0£ yard. goods, made in the latest styles, and « 4 Now reduced to 3/11 pair. flow reduced to 3Jd yard. splendid value— | I YOUTHS' LONG TROUSERS-• putv urannw vptvct 9 snri,». «M« Usual Prices 65/- 75/-sgns. | Usually 9/6 to 13/6. GRE T ? ? B S?. VEL , VET » 2 inches Wlde Now rsducsd to 29/6 49/6 69/6 I ' A Now reduced to 5/11 pair. Uanidly M „ yard. , Usual Prices 6gns. 8 pis. j 1 I YOUTHS' TWEED SAG SUITS, with Now ;reduced t0 x * d yard> Now red " cc a" to • 79/6 89/6 Kj I long trousers, good value- COLOURED GLACE AND SATIN RIB- VERY SMART SEALETTE COATS, | - I Usually 27/6 to 31/6. BON, { inch wide— ' with Magyar, sleeves, and deep yoke j| I Now reduced to 14/11. ■ Usually 2/- piece. 0 effect in front, suitable for young ladies' & I YOUTHS'TWE£D OVERCOATS, a good Now 6d piece of 18yds. "no" adft*! P «SI I I TS^ririm^ 168 " "?? '*¥&* J?W- T Fe M y 'STYLISH S£ALETTE COATS, suitable i I Usually to fi/il sh ? deS of Blue and Pink, inches wide for matrons and elderly ladies- | 1 Bnv N °nitr o d A 6/1L „ , I Us, ' Price, 1/11 yard dually 'l" 90/. 95/- 51gns. 1 |j BOYS' OVERCOATS, some really smart Now reduced to 1/3 yard( N(J _ 49/6 59/6 6g ' /6 6 „ /6 | & nt?,X ~ IVfi 10/fi LIGHT FLORAL RIBBONS, 6in wide- LADIES' CREME AND COLOURED I I "/educed to 7/(5 9/(l • Usually 1/6 and 1/11 yard. COATS, "** made " . I I SMALL BOYS' TWEED OVERCOATS, N °" < educed to B * d y» d - r Usual™ 29/6 49/6 59/6 65/- I f, nicely made, and a good selection— PRETTY FLORAL RIBBONS, 3in wide, Now reduced to 15/6 25/- 29/6 39/6 . 1 I Usually 10/6 and 11/6 12/6 ( light shaoe*- LADIES' CLOTH COATS, J length, a j • I Now reduced to 6/11 7/6 Usually lOjd and 1/-. good selection, well made and smart in I I Usually 13/6 to 14/6 . , Now 3£d yard. ' appearance— 1 I ' Now reduced to 8/6 NAVY AND BLACK SILK RIBBONS, Usually 19/6 25/- 29/6 | | BOYS' SMART MACKINTOSHES, real with White cd „ c Ii inches de _. Now reduced to 12/6 12/6 19/6 | | good quality— Usually Bid vard Usually 32/6 75/- ® I Usually 21/-to 26/6 27/6 to 32/6 ' S reduced to 3d vard Now reduced to 19/6 49/6 j I Now reduced to 14/11 19/11 Now reduced to 3d yard. LADIES' SHORT KNITTED, WOVEN, 1 I Usually 33/- to 38/- COLOURED GLACE RIBBON, 3 inches AND FLEECY SPORT COATS, in ■ i Now reduced to 25/-. wide, in all shades- ' shades of Tango, Purple, Navy, Saw, - M , 1 BOYS' BROWN JERSEYS, a warm and , Usually 9d and 1/- yard. I fam, an Emerald- [ I useful line— ■ Now reduced to 6Jd yard. Usually 12/6 15/6 21/- ■ I i Usually 4/6 4/9, 4/U. COLOURED GLACE AND SATIN, % " Now reduced to 5/11 7/11 7/11 I: ffl Now reduced to 3/6 each. v inrhes wide— z Usually , 22/6 29/6 to 37/6 « :| BOYS' BROWN AND NAVY JERSEYS Usually 6id yard' Now reduced to 9/11 15/6 to 15/6 i I SrV'Ltf 3/11 ' Now reduced »3d yard. ■ "•■ - - „ . '■ I I boys'union shirts, wool and cotton ' Ladies Underwear. . I I Usually 3/-to3/11 4/3t04/11 Akrons LADIES' SATIN UNDERSKIRTS, in I I Now reduced to 2/6 , 2/11 Akrons. Navv, Black, Sky, Pink, and Greme> | I REAL LEATHER SUIT OASES, very LADIES' WHITE -MUSLIN EMBROID- n i cc i y £ n ished with narrow pleated | § strongly made— > ERED APRONS, good quality— frills— S | Usual Prices -22/ 25/- 27/6 30/- Usual Prices, 2/6 and 3/6. Usual Prices 6/11 7/11 8/11 Q J Now reduced to 14/6 15/6 16/6 17/6 Nflw ttduced tQ gnd , n oolo6sal Sale Prices 5/6 6/6 7/6 | §■ • „,.... ••.■•.-' Usual Prices 9/11 12/6 to 15/6 S; I Millinery. ——— . OoICESSI Salo Prices 7/11 9/U to 12/6 • - | I SOFT CRUSH HATS, in Velour .Cloth, | See the Window at the « "ffi* ££!? wS*S I 1 in Brown, Nattier, Grey, Green, Lime, ° . , !, ..-* ' m I and other leading shaded- '1 .' J.CL. Store. • comfor able line- 2/11 3/6 3/11 ; I I tt„„«i k?ii 7/11 R/11 'tn 10/ a J.V.JL/I OlOrc. Now reduced to ill 311 211 . £& . S^ al iS 5i i'/ft^h' * ' Now reduced to 111 2/11 2/11 I 1 m£S3S? BlfiS VELVET ' SATIN. PRINCESS UNDERSKIRTS, in 5 j s p 3 liy^rV*' rlt '- tades' Hosb antl Handßerchefs. ; I I ~ .™, "SSV?™'.! ™»«™ »m LADIES' PANOY 00L0UEED LISLE sat dhdersKlETS, in Grey, oily, B HOSE- Drfy 1/6 .o 2,9 F i,. B *™ ™ m » .riß'l, 6 .Jl 1 VLi Kiacinu r ,f a ' in i\a\y, urey, Now reduced to 6d pair. ■ nnalitv— - W I Cream lawn,. Nattier, and Brown, a ULDIES* COLOURED CASHMERE llsuallv 9/11. Now reduced' to 5/6. .$ I smart me- Now reduced to 6d each HOSE- Usually 2/11 3/6, 3/11 pair LADIES' ' PYRENEES DRESSING I 1 UNTRIMMED BLACK STRAW Now reduced t0 l '' P alr ' JACKETS, in Navy and Red with and J I SHAPES, in Crintagel, in three distinct LADIES' COLOURED SILK ANKLE without cellars, finished with , narrow I iV styles, nice fine quality- HOSE- ■ , woollen, galon- | 1 Usual Prices, 3/11, 4/11. 5/11, to 7/11 Usually 2/9 and 211 pair. Usually 6/11 7/11 9/11 | 1 Colossal Sale Prices, 1/- 16, and 111 Now reduced to 1/- pair. Now reduced to 411 4/11 6/11 | I each. LADIES' WOOLLEN GAUNTLET Usually 10/6 to 17/6 i . 1 A Big Assortment of VELOUR PELT ■ GLOVES-Usually 3/6 pair. M , S ?,JfSIJSi with medium i g HA*S, in Navy, Black, Brown, Fawn, ■ Now reduced to 1/11 pair. 5976-LADIES' CORSETS ; mth medium | I Tan, Gold, and Nattier, in the latest rANO Y EMBROIDERED HANDKER- and m dmm pf " d JjJ' ™ , 1 1 shapes- Usual Prices, 7/11 to 12/6. CHIEFS, very dainty- of strong. Into CouUl; Suspenders at- | 1 Now reduced to 1/6 each. Usually 1/3. Now'reduced to 9d each ta 9 S, oni S«J reduced to 6/11 I b i i. i lames — i 1 • „ ~„.i tack, and slnsned fronts. D I "'u»»* V- 1/6 to 2/6 o«ally9d. How redO0«l to H not £?,,7 with nnkroidcryi made ol I 1 Hoi M each - <"00 8 White Linen; 2 sets suspenders/ I ' Sr". 1 !. 1 ' 11 ' 8 '""' 6 ' : .: V We Pay Postage. . 6 t„*°>s7 Now .m to ./u. I iohm rni idt i Tn st §

_r_Ll_____^——^———f—»^» ■M—l II I I—— ill l—M■—j PfEjflyly 1 PIANOS The Old-fashioned Racing Game // r* 1 & ft You remember what fun it used to bo. How father, mother and everyone joined in ftv ; // |h f*f\ \7 A? and the oxoitement when the horses ran in ft dead heat at the last. Don't you I M~4&\tj v*. think you might give your kiddioß a treat to-night and take home a game from IHHPV,. « Karangahape Rd. WISEMAN'S |*$ I In time to come they'll romember it as you do now. I I A'l Y , *'„ Prices only 4/-„6/6, 12/6 to'so/JIL $ Jo* JL\9 $L JBiL«# l Ask for Catalogues. Post roe. § ■ .. J]m . . r^T,-»« 4 .t, . rn PEACOCK AND SON. Ooblhalmie Op. 117E dehver Taupiri. Westport, Newcastle. P nnVANT Coal S.^iJWt. Carrier. ' . « ~„ ~„■ v .~ . T PEACOCK AND SON, Ophthalmic Op. TKJE deliver Tropin. Westport, Newcastle, p °*§*$£l Sand, Lime. Cam*. . WJJJj n Babbit*. Freeh and Smoked Fish, ol Bait 1. ticians, 218. Queen St wear Victoria VV and all Coals, also Firewood, to any *• Covered Vans for Jyrniture removal _ Quality. Lowest Prices, at SanforcVi Marks*, fit.). Sight Tested by most improved methods, part of the City and Suburbs at Iqvnt no. d office: 6, Onion BtuWSS.^j opposite Cuitomhouaa. Batatl. TalapWwa, y P9t accurately fitted. Artificial Eyor rates.-Winstone, Ltd.. Union Building. fr\> BratichfA; J« TOUI Bead, rontons, |H ■ - i « >j « vvu «u-i : " Of all colours in stock. Nautical and 6ur- , Customs Street East, Symonds Street, asd gd,teiß» Strest WasV ' H CMkvßtfon ftl Dew liKMt Bait* ?, 'royotfl' Instruments in stock and repiuei Mount Eden, juuwa" ha

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LI, Issue 15686, 13 August 1914, Page 11

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Page 11 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume LI, Issue 15686, 13 August 1914, Page 11

Page 11 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume LI, Issue 15686, 13 August 1914, Page 11