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MAKARINI. s.s. (4.20 p.m.). 10,624 tons, H t Holm, from London, via Capetown, Melbourne, and Sydney.—Heather, Koberton, I.'d.. a«ent!. WAITAXGI. ss., 171 tons, I. Corbett, hem Tamia.—Kauri Timber Co.. Ltd. tyeots. WAIMABIE. s.s. (7.45 p.m.). 215 tens, J. Freeman, from Paeroa.—Nortnern 8,8. Co., tgenti KANIERI. sj. (9.5 pm.), 203 tons, T. Meyers, from Whangaroi,— 8.8. Co.. scents. AEAROA. s.s., 70 tens. H. Campbell, from the Coast.— Parker-Lamb Timber Co., acentf. MOOXAH. ketch, 84 tons. W. Champion. from Vi hsngarei.—Northorn Coal Co., agents DEPARTURES. WAITOMO. s.s. (2.40 p.m.), 4214 tons, E. Hems, for Westport. TUr.INEKAI, Government s.s. (4 15 p.m.), f-11 tons, C. F. Post, for the Kermadec islands. MANUKA, s.s. (8.40 p.m.). 4534 tens, C. Gift, for Sydney o'ireot. Passengers M:s*'s Molntyrc, Kelly, Wakefield, Possenneskie, Webster, Burton, Dent, Wathes, Wheeler, Ferguson (2). Mac Donald, Sisters Hayes and Gertrude, Nurse Bluett, Mesdamea Laurence. Gooten, Kelly, Hand, Bering, Taylor, White, Sutoliflc. Bent. AahwelC Civiconch, Wathes, Wheokr, Watson, Messrs Pooley, Telford, Clarke, Moses, Bluett Kelly. Hand. Hering, Stubbs (2), Black, Beakes, Granger, Rickelts, Carling, Dowler, Duncan, BarnbaU. Foster, Nurse, Mossm&n, Smith. Moore, Smith. Abertsen. Lazzard, Stewart. White, Snicliffe. Dent, Aahwell. Civaoovich. Watbcs, Revs. Taylor, O'Rogan. and 125 steerage. ROSAMOND, s.«. (B.SO p.m.). 721 tons, H. Dryden, for Tolago Bay and Gisborne. „MANAU. s.s. (10.5 p.m.), 1169 tons. P. A. Macindoo. for Whasgarei. GLENELG s.s. (8.10 p.m.). 283 tens, F. Jonas, for Whangarei. NGAPUHI. as. (7.10 p.m.). 691 tens, T. Haultain. for Tauranga. CLANSMAN, s s. (6.15 p.m.). 635 tens, E. McLeoi. for Russell and Opua. ADPCTJBI. s.a. (4.10 p.m.). 463 tens, J. Wilson, for North Coast ports. WAIOTAHI. o.s. (7.10 p.m.). 278 tons, 0 Hopkins, for Mercury Bay and Kuiotuna. TANIWHA, a.*. (4.5 p.m.). 283 tons. C. F. Greenberg, for Paeroa. DAPHNE, g.s. (7.40 a.m.), 192 tens, E. H. Goerti. for Coromandel. CHELMSFORD, s.s. (6.15 p.m.), 121 tons. F. Beach, for Marsden Point and way ports.

VESSELS DUE TO-DAY. Marama, R.M.S., from Vancouver, via ports. Berths east side Queen's Wharf. Mania, from Whangarei Waiotahi. from Mercury Bay and Kuao tnnn. Daphne, (rem Coromandel. Tiniwhx, irom Paeroa. Chelmsford, from Marsden Point and way ports.

VESSELS BAILING TO-DAY. Hjrama, H U.S.. for Sydney direct. at 5 p.m.. from east side Queen's Whan", islnne. for Ccok and Society Islands, at 10 a.m . from Hobson Wharf. Ngatiawa. for Tauranga and Opotiki. from Northern Wharf. W3irnarie. for Paeroa, from Northern Wharf. Kanieri, for Whangarei, from Northern Wharf. Tasman, for Whakatano, from Northern Wharf. Yr-abel. barquentine, for the Friendly Islands.

VESSELS DDE TO-DAY AT ONEHUNGA. Rimu. from Hokianga. Claymore, from Waitara and Kawhia.

BAILINGS TO-DAY FROM ONEHUNGA. Rimn. for Wanganui and Opunake, at 10 a.m. Claymore, for Kawhia and Raglan, at 3 p.m. .VESSELS EXPECTED AT AUCKLAND. COASTAL AND INTERCOLONIAL. IpPMI Vessel. From date. WanaKo ... — Southern porta July I Squall Gisborno ... July 1 N&rua -. South .Sea 15.... July 1 TeAroha Tokomaru Bay July 1 Euro*"!.. West-port ... July 2 Niagara, R.M.S. - Sydney July 2 Tarawera Southern ports July 2 Waipori Newcastle ... July 3 Rosamond Gisborne ... July 3 Kent ...Sydney. July 3 Jean Cra-.g ... "... Newcastle ... July 4 Tutaneks: Kermadec 15.... July 5 Victoria Southern pcrts July 5 Rivorina Sydney July B Fiona Fiji July 6 Karori Newcastle ... July 6 WarHmoo Southern ports July 9 Manuka ... - Sydney July 12 Mnitai Southern ports July 13 Rakanoa Fiji , ... ••• July 14 Turakina Southern ports Ju y 20 Talune •■• Eastern Pacific July 23 Mamari ... ...Whangarei ... July 23 Marama. R M.S. ... Sydney ... ... only 30 Southern Crosi; ... Norfolk Wand July 31 Sussex Sydney Aug. 3 OVERSEA. Approi Vessel. Sailed. Prom date. Linden .. - Apr. 30 Antwerp ... July 9 FraoVlyn " ... Apr. 28 New York... July b Bur ot England May 18 London ... Ju y 8 u " r „ c ... May 18 New York... July 15 .June 5 London ... Jo y2O lr.vori.av.. . May 23 Liverpool... Julv 20 Btaroffndm ... May 31 London ...July 27 Makuraß.M.S. To soil Vancouvoi... July 28, BtoSenfels ■■ May 80 New York... Aug. 10 Ben ... May 23 St. John ... Aug. 10 Rawke's Bay ... Juno 18 London ... Aug. 15 Verdala.- ... June 13 New York... Aug. 6 Nairnshire - June 20 Liverpool ... Aug. it. Star of Australia Jnne 18 New York... Aug. .9 Nairnshire ... June 20 Liverpool ... Aug. 20 Wiamtr ... June 25 Hamburg ... Aug. 32 Rsraraea" - Juno 4 Montreal ... Aug. 23 Angle-Egyptian June 20 Montreal ... Sep. 8 SAIL. v,.„.i From Sailed B«2E.'lUl.«hip... Marseilles ... Apr. 2 Chateau D'if. bq. ... Hamburg ... Apr. 28 Oberon, barquentine Buasolton ... June 2 Kereru. ketch ... &"»..,- .. •- iF»V p« m bo Seychelles 15.... To sail. Rone."barque ... Newcastle ... To M| 1. Phyllis, barque ... Basselton ... To sail. Louiia Craig, bq. ._Elithburg ... To sail. SHIPPING IN PORT. Mourn, s.s.. in stream. Otaki, s.b.. at King's Wharf. Koromiko, s.s., st No, 2 Jetty. Northern, b.s.. at King a Wharf. Talune, s.s., at Hobsot Wharf. Makanni. b.s . at Queen s Wharf. Philomel. M.S., at No. 2 Jetty Monowai, 8.8., at Northern Wharf. Delphic, 8.5.. at Queens Whorl. Samoa, schooner, at Albert wharf. Ysabel. barquentinc, at, Hobson Wharf. Joseph Craig, barque, in Calliope Dock. Ore*, auxiliary schooner, at Albert Wharf. Koco auxiliary schooner, at Albert Wharf.

The Union Company's cargo steamer Waitonio 6s:lod from tho stream yesterday afternoon for Westport. The vessel will loudi a cut* of Admiralty coal at tho West toast port tor a Queensland port. The Tarawera, en route from Southern ports, left Wellington last evening for Napier Gisborne, Tokomaru Bay, ami Aucklari<f The vnsel is duo hero on Thursday

morning. Mr. T. 0. Uocke. secretary to the Ford Shipping Line, returned to Auckland on Sunday after an extended tour of Australia end Tasmania. The auxiliary schooner Kaeo is expected to sail about Thursday for East Coast bays and Gisbocnc. The coastal steamer Claymore arrived at Waitara at 10 a.m. on Sunday from One- • hum. and sailed on .the return trip at I ■ p.m. yesterday. She is due at Onehunga this morning, and sail* this afternoon for Kawhia and Raglan. , The auxiliary schooner Hula left Gisborne -r: yesterday morning for Wellington. Dunedln. and Lyttellon, She mil discharge; a cargo S of explosive* at the porta named, after which mite load* produce afl/yttelton for Auckland. M- A new tooaail ifl beiaß prepared, tor iie buatto MwmanJ at »«»&< _ .

The Korow is expected to leavo Westport «Hi»y 'or Auckland, with a cargo of coal. aH? r . discharge here, the vessel goes to cm to load raw sugar {or tho Chelsea works. The coastal steamer Aupouri. which sailed yesterday afternoon for North Coast ports, will make- a call at Parongarenga this trip, i no vessel is due back here on Friday ovening next.

[ Tho Corinna left Onehunga yesterday afternoon for New Plymouth, Wellington, ana Dunedin. _ The collier Waipori left Newcastle at 2 p.m. on Saturday last for Auckland. Sho . duo Here on Friday, and after discharging a part cargo of coal, proceeds to Tokomaru mi and Napier to put out the balance, uj ° K l Di waa t0 liav6 'oft Groymonth yes tetany afternoon, coal laden, for Onehunga a.! " a M. left Timaru at 4 p.m. on Saturday for Napier and Auckland, with a nil. cargo of produce. She is due at this port on Thursday morning, and on corapleon_of discharge proceeds to Oaraaru: the fid Timaru to load again for Auck Captain W. Collins, who Drought the Manuka from Sydney to Auckland this trip, ten for Wellington by last night's express to rejoin the Moeraki. The barque Haael Craig cleared Opua imy of Islands) on Sunday afternoon with a cargo of 350,000 ft of timber for Warrnam- ., The New Zealand Shipping Company's 'met RotoruJ is sohcdulot'. to letfro Wellingj?n Thursday afternoon for way ports and London.

o Captain „ C Cbft, who arrived from the south by the Monowai on Sunday, took com mand of the Mar.uka at Auckland yesterday. When the Government steamor Tutanekai arrive! at IS me on June 14. it was learned that the ketch Kerera had sailed the previM day for Auckland The little vessel snould put in an appearance at any time

Captain J. H. Skinner, having relinquished command of tho auxiliary schooner Kaeo, will in future act as ship's husband on the trips up and down the coast between Auck land and Gisbcrno. Captain T. Lane, of the urote, will take command of the Kaeo, and captain W. Barnes, of ihe schooner Elsio alary, will bo appointed to the Orete. The Federal-Shire liner Ayrshire was despatched from Liverpool on June 20 for Australian ports only, via Capetown. Tho White Star training-ship Mersey arrived at Liverpool on the morning or Fn day Juno 19. from Sydney, all well. The Blue Funnel liner Nestor, en route to London and Liverpool from Australia, arrived at Durban on Juno 21. The Union Company's steamer Manuka sailed last evening for Sydney direct, having on board oyer 180 first and second-class pas sengers. The vessel is duo back at Auckland on Sunday, July 12. . H.MS. Psyche, which returnod to Wellington on Friday last from a oruise in searcn of tlio missing fishing boat Andrew, will remain at the Southern port until the middlo of July.

, Tho Rimu arrived sjt Waitara yesterday trom Wellington to continue her loading for West of England porta. After being detained at Greymouth for several days by bad weather, tho Kaitangata loft that port yesterday for Sydnoy. On completion of discharge of hor Newcastle coal cargo, the turret-deck steamer aoromiko will proceed to Wesfport. Thei Waimato, of the New Zealand bhip ping Company's line, arrived at Teneriffo on lucsdny June 23, and sailed again the following day for London, in continuation of nor voyage from Wellington. It ,i? expected that the White star liner Delphic will complete the 'discharge of her Auckland cargo from Liverpool in time to jail to-morrow morning for Wellington. Lyttelton, and Duncdin to out out the balance. The New Zealand Shipping Company's steamer Kaipara, which is at present completrmr her Homeward loading at Wellington, will probsbly leave the Southern port tomorrow for . mdon. -.The Italian ship Combormere arrived at rot Chalmors yesterday morning from Marseilles, after a passage of 185 days. The vessel brought a cargo of tiles for Dunedin and Lyttelton

THE TUTANEKAI. The Government steamer Tutanekai sailed yesterday afternoon for the Kermadec Islands to embark a party of settlers who are desirous of returning to New Zealand. On tho way back the Tutanekai will make another search ior the missing fishing boat Andrew She is expected to return to AuckI land on Sunday morning next. VICTORIA'S RUNNING. The local office of the Huddart-Parkcr Company advise that the steamor Victoria, which leaves Dunedin this afternoon for East Coast ports and Auckland, will be detained at Gisborne until 7 p.m. on Saturday next in order to allow visitors attending tho races to return to Auckland on that day. The Victoria should arrive here on Sunday evening. THE STAB OF ENGLAND. Messrs. Heather, Roberton. Ltd., local agents for the Commonwealth and Dominion Line, advise that the new steamor Star of England is expected to arrive at Auckland abont Ju'y 8 from London and Australian port* The vessel has 1951 tons of cargo on board for this port. NIAGARA LEAVES SYDNEY. The Union Company advise that the R.M S. Niaenra left Sydney at noon yesterday for Auckland direct, under the command of Captain D. McLean. The liner is due here on Thursday afternoon, and is timed to sail at 3 p.m on Friday for Suva, Honolulu, aivl Vancouver.

STAR OF INDIA REPORTED. The Commonwealth and Dominion liner Stat of India, which left London on May 81 for Auckland, Napier, and Wellington, via Melbourne and Sydney, paused the Cape of Good Hope on June 20. The vessel is due here about July 27.

TO TOW THE CAIRNHILL. Arrangements have now been completed for the Brisbane tug Cortnga to proceed to Namatani and tow the disabled steamer Cairnhill to Sydney, where the necessary repairs will be effected. MONOWAI POSTPONED. In consequence of the Navua being delayed on the trip from South Sea to Auckland, and as the vessel will not proceed to Wellington as is usual, tho departure of the Monowai for East Coast and Southern potts has been postponed until 3 p.m. to morrow. Thf- Navua is bringing a large Quantity of, frail for Southern, ports, and tho Monowai is being, detained in order that the Southern transhipments may be forwarded by the vessel. LATEST CHARTERS. Amongst the latest charters announced is that of tho barque Louisa Craig. 685 tons, which las been fixed to load a cargo of salt and bark at Edithburg (South Australia) for Auckland. The four-masted American schooner Cecilia Sudden, 545 tens, has been chartered to load a cargo of hardwood at Port Huon (Tasmania) for Wellington and Napier. NAIRNSHIRE LEAVES LIVERPOOL. A cablegram has been received to the effect that the Federal-Shire liner Nairnshire was despatched from Liverpool on Juno 20 for Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton. and Dunedin, via Durban and Honart. The vessel is expected to arrive here about August 20. TURAKINA AT WELLINGTON. The New Zealand Shinning Company's liner Turakina arrived at Wellington yesterday afternoon from London, via Tcncriffe, Capetown, and Hobart—one day ahead of time. The vessel brought a largo numuer of first and third-class passengers for flew Zea land, and the majority of those booked for Auckland will probably arrive here by the second express to-day. The Turakina will afterwords go to Lyttelton to complete her discharge and will then visit Auckland about July 20 to load foT London. THE NEW YORK STEAMERS. Cable advice received stales that tho Commonwealth end Dominion Line's steamer Star of Austialia sailed from New York on June 18 for Melbourne, Sydney, Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton, and Duncdin. Tbg vessel is due here about August 19. The next steamer to leavo New York for /.ustrnlian and New Zealand ports will oe the of Scotland, wnich is fixed to sail hom the American port on August 16.

PASSING OF THE SAILER. Probably with the intention of converting her into a hulk, an Australian firm no* purchased the Norwegian ship Colonna from the Actios Jernskib Colonna 'Mr. J. A. rienshcien Tillesand). The Colonna has been, rather a frequent visitor to Australia, and when built by Messrs. Richardson, Duck. snd Company at Stocktan in 1878 was .snown as the Sierra Colt una. The Norwegian barque Maranda, 1382 tons register, which was formerly known as the British ship Lord Canning, has also been sold to colonial buyers, and will probably De used (or a hulk.

MARAMA DUE AT 7 A.M. TO-DAY. A later wireless message received last night from the captain of the Union Com pany's mail steamer Mar&ma stated that the vessel will arrive at Auckland about 7 a m. to-day from Vancouver and way ports. The Marama will berth at the Queen's Wharf to discharge 450 tons of cargo. She is timed .o sail at 5 p.m. to-day for Sydney direct. THE NORTHERN. The Federal-Shire Line's chartered steamer Northern, which arrived in the stream at Auckland at 2 30 a.m. yesterday from Liverpool, via Durban and Sydney, wo* berlhod at the King's Wharf at daybreak to discharge 2700 tons of general merchandise The Northern left the Home port on April 18, arid had an uneventful voyage. She sails on Friday for Wellington, Lyttelton, and Dunedin to put oat the balance of her cargo. KATOOMBA FOR 'FRISCO SERVICE. It is understood that tho Mcllwraith-Mc-Eacharn 'iner Katoomba. which is to come to New Zealand under an arrangement, it is considered probable, with the Union Company, will make one trip between Sydney and Wellington prior to taking the Moano's place in the Sydney-San Francisco service in November. The latter vessel will probably be placed on the Wellington-Bluff-Melbourne run. The Moana has proved to be too small and , too slow for the 'Frisco service, and under the new mail contract she has to be replaced by a faster vessel. Tie Katoornba ia a steel, t&WacrW, four-masted eteiawr, of 6900

gross tons. Sne is quite a new vessel.having Been built last year at Belfast by Harland and Wolff, Ltd. She is 450 ft long, 60ft wide, and 81ft deep, and is driven by turbine engines of the latest pattern.

ANGLO-BRAZILIAN CHARTERED. It is reported that tho steamer AngloBrazilian lias been chartered by tho New Zealand Shipping Company to load at Montreal for the usual Australian and New Zea land ports. Tho vessel is fixed to sail snout August 25.

THE NAVUA. The Union Company advise that the steamer ijsvua left Suva at 10 p.m. on Fridav last for Auckland, in continuation of her voyage from South Sea Island ports. Sho is bringing 19 paloon and 13 steerage passengers and the usual quantity of fruit for New Zealand. A wireless message states that the vessel will arrive at 8 a.m. on Wednesday The Navua will not proceed to Wellington this trip, her fruit cargo for Southorn ports being forwarded by the Monowai. BARQUE JOSEPH CRAIG. The tender of the Senior Foundry Company has been accepted for the repairs to ' tho barque Joseph Craig in Calliope Dock. It. is expected that tho barque will bo ready to leave the dock on Friday afternoon, and after loading a part cargo of timber at this port for Melbourne, will proceed to Hokianga to complete her loading. The Joseph Craig will also load general cargo at Auckland for Hokianga. On completion of discharge at Melbourne, the vessel will load a cargo of produce there for Auckland.

ARRIVAL OF THE MAKARINI. An arrival at Auckland yesterday afternoon was Ihe steamer Makarim, of tho Common wealth and Dominion Line, from London and Australian ports. Tho vessel was berthed on the wost side of tho Queen's Wharf, where she will discharge 8311 tons of genoral merchandise. The Makarini left London on Mav 5, and made a call at Capetown on May 25. where she coaled and resumed her voyage tho following day. Melbourne was reached on the morning of June 13, after an uneventful and fine weather passage of 37 days (our hours from London. After discharging at Melbourne, tho liner proceeded to Sydnoy, and loft tho latter port at 2 m. on Thursday last for Auckland. She sails on Friday for Gisborne, Napier, and Wellington to discharge the remainder of hor cargo.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LII, Issue 156, 30 June 1914, Page 5

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PORT OF AUCKLAND. New Zealand Herald, Volume LII, Issue 156, 30 June 1914, Page 5

PORT OF AUCKLAND. New Zealand Herald, Volume LII, Issue 156, 30 June 1914, Page 5