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■ ■ v : »;■: ; i ROMANCE OF FORT LU r ; " ? ** '• CERNE. * ' ''' " , •V.:.-'.«>' •■ v*• .1 {;c<^v\^-y< . • *. . ~ '•■' Vl|lfl"«JI* *• §&■';•.. BY V, E. ROE, /. • • ' alKji <4 «The M*id of. the Wiijpei. ; '% Hills," " file Heart <?{ pigfct 7i . .'• ■ Wind." COPYRIGHT. !

p-i CHAPTER JCXL—(Continued)j/' The factor with an oaih sprang down, || caught up a block and threw it upon the barrel head, snatched a rifle and, leap|i ing to this vantage point, fired down W upon the mass without the gate from the f ■ top of the wall. . His bore head, sandy and leonine, K flamed like firo in tho morning sun. ¥ lie light shifting upon it caught the | «yes of Lois Lp Moyne on the step of » Marcel's cabin, Thojt dilated and clung a moment to that spot of light as if with some power beyond the girl's control. As the man leaped' down a flight of bullets i chipped tlio top of the stocKade where he had appeared. |; But the heavy gate had held and four f Indians lay in vinous attitudes before it, while more were crawling away into the i undergrowth. Tilligomol: drew back his j. warriors. Throughout {lie day they tried ! various ruses, keoping up a constant f menace that the men at the portholes {'. might get no rest, making sham sorties to draw their lire, vainly seeking to get , in against the stockade beneath the lino I of the rifles which protected it. j: This, McCkmnei noticed with a scowl. ]■ Two young flicks had deliberately sacri- }:" ficed themselves in'the s*tt«mpt an he began to see that they would stop at nof. thing in their fauatic zeal to ooey the I Great Spirit 35 interpreted by Mishwa. A'fbifo sacrifi.go was needed to remove' ! the bill) and a white sacrifice they would i have at plj cost. r Ap4 the fate of that sacrifice! iSy.ory man in the post, assailed by that thought,' shuddoredThe . sun turned its -accustomed round of the brassy heavens, heating torn, on the little band pi defenders, which npmbflre'd scarce" more than enough to map . the' wall, without prey. In the cabins • thosg of tho womep able to cpntrel tnen»I; -stives prepared : food and sent it out from man to man, and she who directed, Wf'ked, and at last took pail and basket V • and 'went the' rounds was Low & Le Moyne, whoso fingers .itched lor ft v rifle. ' ' ■ _ ("•i 1 And it was due to that stern tlupg within which her, what, she vvas that when, in the course of hpr laying frojji ?'i • the jjje^ed, wjter and ■ tie reviving food, ; £ the cam'o to that sfoijd fev, the® ; | wh?re\ilcGon?iel, .dust-crimed,, gating, ; i his shirt thrown o'pep Trom his m?ssh;e ) t throat, his seamed facq dark with powder i | smoke, hi? b|i}ilt ; fingers light g? .a lady « M : op trjraj&r and. shell, firing wtti i t§ dogged regularity, she / halted, white- ; f- imd silent, 1 and held up to him' 015 ;

it. portion sif to , ~, , «?; He _ turtied'. Mm the .waJI ana looked down at tor .OT'd'iUii.s.tfii®ps?S of battle fe v was "still id' his eyes. ; I? _ Without * a word 'ho'took" the offered :s•' ' cup'|' totfiog off, a cfreq-t ' draught, picked ,C an ash ;c4ft from the basket, end turned $. back lb his grim' ivort. fhfl girl talked r; on. but the old tumult w raging m per % : the oldVfircT strovo "wHii a fier^ ir. • ■' : .'• '?* •• V . ••■'-?' 1 . ? ;('^6"^ußk- ! fell and' tiight few on , Ik:. | Bonnet sept for Balo'Le Jioc,' busy at tie sfv" far" side of the ' settlement. ■■ r- . La": Roc," ho said calmly, " they're &L . tryit>''. ia get in under M -fire •?o .w» •• base of the'wall. If they ever 3q, they'll Ui ■>• fire it. It is theft only chance,, and $? &;/ '.■ TVOTSt peril.' vl'|ie v whole post is dry .'M ' tinder.' We must' ; kee)a them out;, -Take i;, .. what: of ths. menjbucan' from 'the wsOl, ~1":' . Tei - leave' at < every ■ stood, 'and make fe:. torches. ■;, Sot. thara; on the palisade , and light them. We /must y?atch all night. ; |l- .. >H«re a|amlh6 .d«ft hands 6f Lois camo ft-V m : ; iliW^^k^^Kos^ftm^plo: jflentitudtt fe ! resource into ■= which;' she ' 'k'\ Wtfcge3 at : the" lKginning wifii A : Pit? p ■" Jaques's death 'and wW unceasing ay hfd'£ej>tlteady'pw shaking within ■ hit. " " ' ■ '*■: ,/ '■ ■ W*' • ' w(mt W® to the • -tfey where were- tfie cms of ""oil kept ■ for just ii. S&' : 'sfe : ■'' ■■ fignra the shots Rtill BMod from J|e wlisaae : ; and the ]i|fc yps , •V fi])e . and ta9 -I 1 1? ] k'rehes wHich 'lams; Me ...rf. | s. idlsaslfir/atfaßiKi"; She darkness at intervals ■

owui«r • , j jjT- 7 ; ;• •*Eajs- Her, capafele cjQeo' Oorlierj spolding and ant doing both, pug $?/ the men , wme ; and went, bpwpg -, / fcurat-out stick?: to be rewound, takwg the fresh supply. . • ' •'" • : | • ! 'At;n:i3ni(;ht £oi& } looking upwith bhft i strange feeling "of eyes' ppoa'pn&'s face, j Wi* beheld' iu the.doorway tifc-pate im' of ? r ' if • ' "'j^rdeH' 1 she $«?»" "why -did you fv. 7 -;' i""' ."" •" V "*l don't know, Lois,',' said her friend, &st+ • fp l/jiff tin' c#. ? ' ■•*.** ' **' *'*!&*; §&*. Tne girl gbf arpnce, took Marcel If by' £Ko sTipflHer*' arul §«ctie§' lief' patk iy:. .to the r; «ljin7 ? "* ,"'''"''" '" . '\'] '' '*•/■ f "Yon stay , within," she said Amity," &-•- liS j*® wSiM few t, 1 . is;; : (J»e. I'',s"* jj?®s {0 yjiu.'!.'' ",. I ''' ' ■'■ 'V" "' ' ' ''*"' '* ' ■ y '. H :M %cel jegg ft* ?jnepia§. * iji % ' v -••■ " ?<• 'i. . y

"t She J>ow<jd' hex head $ ipQiflegt j?i,s|sl 5 gufs^|iper 5 ,^' * '!'.*■ ' ' . '.',QJb, pajd ring SPWj n m'M misw>s.: '|1# mv gff ;! , . sijscfenfc jjo : (s«s a wwplfie \?j- change, Iftirwßrgr .they: stitoik in shijra $ "s:■ - thirds, .relieving,■' onis-jimf, ' every - 'thnee :-';. hojirsrfoi: r#t and jl^p. '< .. >r , if '■ Outside the'lndians' were in .savage ■>' fettle.' Theykiew ma' nicety : Jio;v . long vj ifc -wrould take them to wear out that hand* |,v fur i of 'defender}/ and- yet thoy werevin f; to'' cet?HhiAt* white-sacrifice and ap* peaSft that ' ; "goq.'" '*>** •**"•*>' >» • & £<' j-. they did not intend to waste i" ■ this 'tliejf sia fristftfl the ww '",. fore. ->- ■' ""' *!*■' '*"""'""' —' "■"' •_:' 4P night .they had .tried .to crawl in ' to 'tiio'base of''fno ©fisatfe/aiid $Tnig|t ; . ' b r\4.^™ wpchers'iiisiSe, r 'mo r 'sld not sleep a6i W B -r ;S "'' . cooked a pin fe'gs|j^vjMafo %$* wfe bad Ji'ot' Ijer eyes 'fchrbj# the pjgMi' ftyf op) S?»jj| tiio 'rts the wail, tbia'iime with paus p£ a timing . co|e?/" J " :•'' '"'' The glowing jfjpjpiog y?3fl as peajl $ beauty-draped'in tlift rose 1 and- ' lap' of infinity-. It wM jgi ioo early, for the 'sporcfiiiig heat. A cool' flhadtfw lay behind t!te 'chufcii, and 'toi? jh passing cast 's swift glance at-tjte 'pipeful-aiopd whicß oOfersd pi! ol her blood" she" had ever teOwji- ' -* - ■ y-- . - -^.

Ag£in" her weary mind turned to the oncojft|ue?e<J question— - This' 'u(oitiing ' psfelgg by Jhe storc-roorrejie stepped ißgidii;" pjcfcrfd jfIJS a #?> ' ,'ii.' ot J "'adcßiig^^omS amjiniinit; on, jplac<}d it wher<f'l% coSta PHP her fingers' op 'it at'a 'AomenM notice. • -'•* 4 ' ' " r *♦"" $$ji9 her heart eonjo , prescience ttat this Wjjta to boTlro'lpt of Fort pu CMp'fa#, aiicj ,?he"iyonfd be readj-ishf intj Mtoe}.and't¥e j&j}<L Slip IpjikaJ up 'kwh# %' jtgain ■whpp thps'e dug in fpr , • %tr occppante. before thi* M danger tnreafcfined, stilf pawned •ebipw. Within ■ cabms .. were 'B%'d.y ! wkiting tl^^o^p^fe ; .in t|e common peril' of those • • •'• " toward the cabin of • Marie 'Mcrcies; .'onwbpse-hearth bring, the k - r aid'' cooked- the / kettles" -of '•food - 'for the'men,''d l sadden :: .■ gorgtmiB 1 spectaclfe 'arrested'-" her 'steps. '/ t : Across ■ tire" sky" • ?■■';■ sftffiifg tail Of" flamo* -yhicJi sank 'gt&cfr; 0;: fatly dototWsrd;*lfltfdm]j firth# deep-doit jj' -.'of'the' road.-• -&eUft-lfoupre -ponce ed upon • it with a cry:'- It was an "Indian fire :/ in ' 'ite'Walft sailed *ap anbtber r "Men_ a'thircT, wlfich v .dr<Ssd' " fei:d> dropping beautifully," landed'"*)*! tie: 'tW : '*'• ' v

dry slabs pfjfto-j&e jfSfim «oof, warped By. She heat Vnfo,, fantastic -curls: 1 Tho screams ;of tho. women .broujfiit, ; running, such of the men m'we fob in actual action at the Wall. *' _ l ' ;'.'• ' to the space of a breath » swift tongue of fiaio® leaped to beam from the tinder oj: the purM&ad xpof. •,, Bui swiftor of fflqt .thw iU.otbfn, the gidiioachied first the threshold of her ftome,- With trembling toil? she IJdflg wide the 4q°?> looked alJ.JiTiowjd interior, m itjteW®? a Miek farewell), her eyes tv&vfllliiig from object to object of the familial things the bed where old Jaguos had died, the Hearth whore had hung ibs ill-Msd and beautiful deerskin 1 for .the )ieadi»s . she M jenftuftfteiJ fitrfiugejly., th« picture of the Madonna above the tinselled bo* she Jwd one? upetf as. a pbrw, to silver fox on the floor, even tlio little huokekui baj; which contained the pathetic relief of that upjaiown mother who had 6' ven her birth hanging on a pog beside tie shrine, and in that moment died some mm of too life alio could not understand.

• As the men came surging up she turned on the step, closed the door and hung the buckskin latch across .its peg. , "ft. i 8 but totste of time, m'sieus." shit spid calmly, " the cabin is detached, It will fiis naught else. Go back to tho watching of the move settled part." So passed the morning — 80 passed with the roaring flames that, slabbed tho soft morning sky the lost vestige of those homely things which bounp this girl to thp life of her kind. Her sombre eyes were wide in hor tired face as she turned away to whatever serving might fall to her hand. j Pierre Venmise was passing up from tho | main gate, grimed with fighting. Lais stopped and looked deeply into his face. A wijider smpe trembled' a moment on her lips. That deep look needed no words, and neither spoke, posing with the lift of soul .that comes from communion of kindred spirits in the moment of a great crisis.

Things had begun ,to happen within the stockade after % fashion pich brouglit a scowl between the factor's brows. From every , point those meteors leaped into the helpless eettleuipnt—with its good well shrunken to a grudging serving of human thirst alone. Here' and thefo they landed, and. in this place and that fled ,up the quick flame of their kindling, while those' raon weary of soul and worn of body, turned to face vet another foe. fighting the fire with blanket and hand", clambering from roof to roof, scouting for othera as the rain of burning arrows increased from all sides. v At last the factor, watching both ways from his vantage fay thp gate, sent forth a' stentorian command: '•'.Gather in at. headquarters!" Danger drew near with that stirring cry. j If they m.ust fight firo' as w.ell as Indian?, they would fight hi the blockhouse alone, which .stood in its open space. Immediately they began to come in Jrom ajfthe cabins, £&!ss{! wJy» with liere and .there a man carrying his sick, bearing in their arms such of their '.family gods as they could not abandon even in such dire - —- gjfm. * - —- Palo Le Roc left his ceaseless work long lengugh . to. Mch on ft naktily ■ improviseg stretcher ? with Henri's Help, his wife Tessa and the tiny babe crying on her breast '

As they, passed beyond the church, the lotfelji hut "rIT pimple. $j»j, in the listening a his gre# hesis caught. p moaipft ay? " * \"~ When he had estgbljshed Tessa pji a Jjiigg: pile of'M's .in"a corner of .the lug room. where the gentle the ,y?pjwen took - her'ln chirM,. hg",|iuiTj^. b.a.clf' W thai '^theticlbi«e'where bq Lving feeing' cared for its helpless inmate. From the bed itf the corner the blank eyes of the idiot stared Jj§ps,essly at hica. Cled "ha? 1 fed " anH"' 'jvatched him from time -time, Jtutlhe was very near to the .jj»i3ow. ""With' a.a&ange "inim of the -Terror, which: did alike twice, that vague thing which stood for reason in the plouded . niind had come hack at the last to fight for its table throne. ; *'' . "The wind is in the) he whiaffith 'Yjjrae trouble a3 the man apprpacjied and, Aim hiVarma beneath ; tlie'siehda fij'u'te, lilted "Simple "John Ifor Uj}© wind,is h?4vy in |Sa trees." 'The weak head fell back, but righted itself iivith a'jerk as Pal(>made for iJprdoor.:'" '•®ie "idiot 'flung'' o'uVlift' arid caught, the, lintel. " The blank' startled.', - -jj ■ - "• ■- -v' "The chest," he cried strongly, "the little chest!". " Palo stroye to pull his hold away from the door, biitJhe flung madly. . , " The cheit,'.' ie whimpexed pathetically, "the phesj bpg^th Sd" Palo/ gieat, 'kindlyman, lay down hij burdgg and gropfeig jjpder the wretdied. bed brought forth a box with l)in|« ,a| made smooth and fihiniDff dv IhA'fniinJi nf ..'rnanw . lioiulb .

aua .Bftuwa ay, lae-wucfl -ot many tiands. - fir gathered mighty anns these fwo. wUo would jip^' jje'"Separated, and rant cot in the sunlight and- down -to th" blocfcfyanw. limns, Jq ihe-ffci 'km tw . M m fiWJCWfi jQ the skies fom im Cttbi and shouts and -cries resounded ii lips of the meu ifenrgrim 1 The Vfl'msh <vept ' for "the "most ; i>aiv ye] here and there a stouter heart faced fti triumph sounded in even gawigiyell.. • ••• *->•« , Of a sudden there rose, flickering abort .« sm .',«J Jjs« flames dancing along it? lop at a poinl a little : soutfi t)f -thq tpair}" gate: In f'W to JPMQ??!} the danger with!*) we post too many ra?n liad left the wail. ! Psp' jfo'rth'olg 'Kafl- Jfees Jefj; fyf a''momeM ; W4?54?.& "«p| " tb§ Tjily foes djipe their yorfe. It seemed at last as if the end pad comer With' the nitißide goW/thett , yvpns'jgjjnauT bnl 'tto •• ! MsPfisnel, pver «j® mfat, liking for ' the beat, drew at once every mAn {torn the ' wall TJtftff'Vgl •tUbilbtoSi 'L&fe- jafuiilUS'.

■my w Wty %esc 'to $&) th| b/eaeft. These he tyfeji -to an aavaft!;P e X P&S#W to the. open place the door, a crowd of Iwggard'seh fesfr "fe? 1 * Pa^,SSo e felw or fight, aiid they Purged around their [actor, waiting forftoHpftf word, ■' It boro a etrdnge" resemblance, that ? a ™£p?gr to another nfa far'lKick"in fho history of.Jfart Lu Cerfl.e,, when they stood on the same spot to hear this man c&rout fioftf tEemTfobWor Es'matf hood's honour,"" no one thought of that time, oavo Angus McConnel alone and■ ft.jap.irilh a grim gladness that he followed it now with an-otte-thmight to'ntMV Anjife'. greatness the soul of'tlte 'man ufiowefl ftfrtK'' 7 •" "Lo Rrfc, I ''' he'? fcald'Tin'" tE#' moment's hush that fell iaWfor Mo, crackling of flames and .the Jfflag oifafig'meiy. thing is arranged ,iii the storeroom for're. plane?. 1 If need shou|3 be, yon canTiold put a considerable - rima; """Thfe hogsheads frere' filled with water laajb night, ,th§rp (ire rifled and ftMfflimitiop forbore than tan , handle theft:"jhere 'should'bo an ittacJcT figjij from the %ide for fire in the rbof. ' The big bo#c on the desk keep top the next ■ factofjT' It -is : -tie • 'Weraojy, copy." 1 Ji! (lie 'Vripnal* should"' ever' be ' found, send it wi.!&#ro.tijery> Henriotte lor justification." ... '• ! Without another word ho handed to Palo the rifle'her-'cirrfeJ'— Was crimed md aU"f)tis' fe&sls iwA~dvermSeS few-

" liVi uuu u^'w a AIWU vvßimuuu ZUZJIg— : find turning, walkeiußaMcd tflward tho : gate:- w « -.KTI *» • >f, .*% . 4 fflo be coplinued daily.)

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New Zealand Herald, 29 June 1914, Page 4

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THE PRIMAL LURE New Zealand Herald, 29 June 1914, Page 4

THE PRIMAL LURE New Zealand Herald, 29 June 1914, Page 4