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Bish Wafer, Auckland—ll.l3 a.m.! 11.43 p.m. Son—Rises 'fiP'i p -»- TV nis9g, Mm| Botg, 4.11 p.m. " > 4908->gtr»t ■gtt&stor.- fab l, 55 -6.p1. . .i'.tAtvv* . v • <V ;w PORT OF AUCKLAND. ARRIVALS. Jl'si 27. TUTANEKAI, Government s.s. (6.50 a.m.), fill tons, QH?r. Post, ifom -tin). Cools'Jslapds, fiiuo, and Tongau ports. Passengers? -aft; Poraart; NdftHferdft, >Jl«kire. Poison, Tyigg, Qi))ine. . Niwn, Robuon. Gould, Hon. Dt. Po'mare.—Colledwr "ci Customs. agent. • "W* ■;'•'•? •«»•» MANAIA, s.s. (6.35 p.m.), 1159 tons, F. A. .lUcinfioc, from Whimgawi. PiwMpgerß: Mcsdaines Carter. 'Main.' Blacklotk. l'ago, Salman and two children. -»Biaoklook. Bold. Johnson, War ton, McLean 'IS. children, Parker and 'ohild "SisWts 1 Bt. tfowph~>2), Misses Lindsay. Ball. Packard, SWfc Btfr w■ f H 1 , lrp r y ' Writ kins, Price, Woods, Parte*. mmn, "Rigibf, White, K*y. Goodire, Glucetio. KKnao, Woodley. RenHaywood M6Heady, ilcMilMi L6n«, -Wtw<jaie, Noble, -Howard,-. Stpwy, Kong Mop. floswcll Luyzcll, -flaftth snts fcbn; Vnilte, Heid, Carrynr,• -FoynLOTchi-ilißgmß, Millar, IBS- , VSssi&*Jß*ti 'tSa BW- ife'u° 0 '& S'TEJR Northern B I ST*-Oo.', "agents v *» *• NGAJ'Qm. 3.1 «gp a.m.), 691 tons, J. naoltain, Irom Tauransa. Passengers: Misses Rice, Wilson," flotJbs, Clirk, 'LijSisey, , Itasftn,--piftjj, M (miner, Matter, - WJhamsi' • Rmvlos; WrattpiKi, .Rove, .O.'Mootc; ■«, .Sherlock. Kelly, McDonald, €neyno, Maud, $temlajt<>,' Watt, Bussed, .W.Heonj ■Spitrrow/» ; Ward, Tipler, M*ltcc. Justice •TplleniMJl, ,Pig]os«or ounce, ana three' slccrigd.-i-NcittWnl-' SiS. Co.. agents. - -» >-■• •%»..»•>, ,v -- CLANSMAN, s.s. (6.10 a.m.), 135 tons, E. Mcleod, from Mangonui. Wnanfi&rda, afl(d ?, u j I; f««enß«wr ■ifisses'ilaeras; WWU do*. Md&jW Boa», Itesdjnnea- WKtts, > oilva. Lord, Mooro, Mad,dax, Fowler, Murphy, Reynolds. Bam, Mu'dgwsiy,' fekrlr, Blctii&« field. Messrs. Watte, Davics, Campbell, Romnrgftr Jq,a«»r .Irflrd, Thompson. Moore •2;. Campbell', Solver, MudcWy l , Clouston, Walker, •jWojulioMrij" BcniiptfrJßHrlmg.'-'Sd-Trards, Harper, JOllO5, $agley. Bull," AnaorJ?li Bindow,' Herttel. id sou; ffloorafielfi. Millet, ff lery.*nd Rjpd.v-NorthvniT >8,8. Co. agenjs. " ." AUPOpitI, e.s*' (5.5 a.m.), 163" tons, J. Wilson, from nouliwn and W*iharanK > t- P*e«ngers: Misses Kensington, Dariow, Shine, Cnefeett, Jaaßc,-' Mtfi'dsmea Ta&ffe, Mb, S°i" n »' l M<wru.'-Mcl/o»b, 3Mm»« Robortshaxv, 'Nelson, Boyoa, Bator, McGrath, Brualey, CblHs, -Jjohniton'. xVJm's, Klcwior, Graves (2),. \V4ff£n<ir.''i3iobw]{i-inti-jar —hortlierrt' giß; (!S., age&ts." KGATUWA. s.'fl (6.45 ®ffiVl63 tons, V?. B»rk. from-Tjuianoa -and Opotiki. . P&aeencers: MiSSes Butt, Taitori, Mesdpmes Steele, Manrpo, Clark;. •Butt," Messrs: Br'iib, • Jenkins !2L Muir, • Clark, rcnlice. Bavioa. Martinson, • Jonai)9en, ' Tnyjdr; 1 PaUtJfstfrt, Billmgion, 8.3:" Co., iientJ. • ■. .• . . ,'r .v WAIMARIB, b.9 (5.59 a m). 245 ions. J. Freeman/ (torn iPaeroai.—NSrtJienT B.S'. C<J., agents EOTOMAHANA, B.s. (1.50 p.m.), 183 tens, A'• tophinSort. l ftonk -Coiotaaniii)l.:Northeiii S-Ss. Co.. agents. .... FAIRBURN, auxiliary schooner, 95 .tons, C. Ttiomsen. from Whakatane,— Hartison-Sir.itij,-Agent:-'"•*' •** •> «•* _ MOA, boow, 09 tons, G. Sorer.Ben, from—Ford Shipping line, agents. " " • •" "•' Juke"®. '' n%i " MANUKA, s.B. wTjo p.-ii.), 4534 tons. W. Collina, -from •> Sydney 4ireci. Pas*engeifl: SalQjii—Mesdamea' McDonald, Crump v 3), Ktrich, Thorrtpadti 05fn#a# r , IJughoV.-'Elirteil, Billing's, .Wifeon, pMbett,- Oldpjan. Hawkins, Batttfij; 'Hailna, Perry, Harvreod, } alt, J npino, Biernas, &d«."flrato,iiWWtfield, Brett, Albert, Kicol,' Manning, Williamsop Mifjes Burrow Watson, Tranter, Goricb, Powell, CuJlen, son. d iffp^d! r man, . V. ateott, 't'Doiaglas; £r\te. 4 ar' E S4 Pattejtoa, CsJaor. Briy Murphy, >£>«:. Birei'vO'Gady, Uickmaffli. Crane. Bradky,.JagiiSrtn, Russell,. Wilson. Barber, Gill, MefSrsr- Contfy, Momoe, Ciiifnp, Earn. ilOugW;. ;WarkiPrt Coawayi Hughes Prior, '.Lnpinc, s^itiojie.'i.'filMfljdOv Farrell. Imoe, Bridson, .Hanna. Pehy, Bourne, GoodmarfJ- O'Neill. -Ph'nir, i rrenchr A HkjS C«wp,»Grt|[«r'- WjlitMi' W^te^,<Wwl|. bhersrood, Mickelson, Barry, Turner, White, AlkolWodd, -'■B?£li-, y Alb« l rb, ®6w6rs; ?W*» **Uumme,* ;OM9mond, Sampson*. Hntty. Manning, rßev. Arjfa'deaifon' ; '- Captain- OznAer, "arid IM 6te«i»ge.— (L§. Co., -scents. w-, „MONOWaj. 9.9.J11.45 -p.m.), mtm. A M; Edvm, • from- Southern and JEasf Ooiit faria.- ►pawpgcru"; rg (tfoom-j^lissc3. 'BWtris. PattergoDj Jhompfion, Iyey, Ki«'.|2), Blanchard. Mesdames -Spencer .ana throe children. Porter, Reid. >jid. infant,'-McDonald (2j. GUI. Jeijep. Messrs. Slienaan, Liddlo. Ijeslie, Barry,- Le Wargfird, Vniceiiti Speirtti. iitubbs. Black, Bussell, Bpence. Symea, Porter, SueitoiL te ! a v aa Bailey. Deskfn-, Costello, 'Noble, McDonald (it- and"3s rteertadAUnion.l 3 fc .Jiffftpiae. . t . -. DAPHNE, s.s. (4:^5..p.m.), 192 tons. E. H. G6trli." 'fifodi* Ohtv:i.-^-Northern 6.8. !: Cb., Sfexiti. ■ .... ROSAMOND, sin. (2,20 a.m.). 721 toes, H. Dryden'.'trtfm Gisbow^,'- vitf' Wilife lßl(ffid.~ ITniem S 8...CV (vg«pte, T'» *../» A- »»r r.... WilpTAHl, KB, QO.g a.m.), 278 tons, {!• Hopkins, • from Mcremr Cay" and Tairna. Passej?aers: -Mr*.;, Gp%,rM)e»aßttker, Jack. Joyce, Usipilton .(2). Bond, Messrs. HisTitiali, & SviHiva^-DeAtt, BoWnsr«ls' ; *Gtiji wn#Jw»B, -p^^vßjd4e[.^ T otihe« tgeaif. • . , , .. 'I'ANTWHA. s.s. '6.30 a.m.). 563 tons. C. F. Greenberg; :&Si Cfl., agenU- • • , .• , WERA, s.s. (840 a.m.), 127 torn. E. EeatU.y. item Whatatanc.'-via sjotifi .lahsnd.and Tavranga -.P^ssenffers: . Miss .%rnell,. flnmes ' Waran, Ski an, "Colwell. o; Dnws<jfi, ¥®, su ?:' Horn. JfoMaoni^Hßkp, .jWwop, Colwelj, Northern 8.8. Co., agents. ' • iftftiß &. 3T: ' "v H NORTHERN, .V a." "52.15 a.m.). 4731 tons, Poberis, ,ftom„ Liverpool, m Lai' Raima?, Durban, aou fiydpej.— A. H." Nathan, Ltd,, agents. ' ;; V.-.- .y.< DEPARTURES. " JIISE 31.' WARRIMOO.' p.m.), 3539 tons, J. M- Drftrutta,. (or .East-Coast and.Soutnern r,orU' Paß»«Bs«rs':' For -• Oosjull. Nash, Greerrfs." Forgnson,. Mirapa. SUsrriff, Dl'er, lfps<lape» Toman, Jackson. Shearer. Morrow,' Tones an'd T fWM. Sedfffffi'd rhltd,"' Ejdeo; '_Bh«rrifi. Falconer, •Messn. Cur. Johnson. Hodeeg, STinw. Tonos. Bower. RUir. Kelly. McFlwu. MfCotinell, Btta»t. Miller. HodifMW.'v GslniiJ,.. Windsor, L'isher. .VtiUeM. MpGlnsliaa, Campbell. Tye. France, L-. tiiii- Fof •N<Bi<tf-Mrl>'(?fl \xrif ■ Fof- Wellington—Mydames- Kelly, Faiu.cer. Messrs. Cholniofideßy, Falconer, fulfil 11. Yanahrn. For Dft'liedtnAMfssss Per ■rotor). Hwkty «nd SO etctrage.for aR .portsAPAK'DI, B.t. (11-49 pjnJ. W3 tons,' J. Teireira, (or Awanui. CI.TO tbp'sail' ! fchooncr, 81 tons, W. Polley tor V/hani?aici. •».... GREYfJOIJNp. auxiliary schooner (6.10 p.m l, 108 tons,* J. Hoffey, for Hokiatfga. •' • J9HIC-28. ■ - KANIERI. ss. (12 JO p.m.), 203 tons. T. Meyers, for Whangaroi. p.m.). 245 tons. J. FwOTira; for Pa«ro>» " > -•* •'•>• KOEoßA,.softff (11 JO am.), m tons, R. Caltch'eon. lor Russell. fSABELEA ' DEFRAINE. auxiliary schooner llpjto a.m.), 93 tons, -8. Hakaonwn (or Hokiang*. VESSELS DUE TO-DAY, Mikarini, from' London, ria Australian ports. "Berth* aVfiueen'a Wharf. Waun&rie, from loeroa. ffanieri. from Whanjarei. To Aroha, auijljary <coir. from Tokomarn • Ba,v. VESSELS SAILING TO-DAY. Manuka, for Sydney direct, at'T.3o p.m., . from feast side' Queen's Wl iar ' > . Tutsrrekai, GoTernniont Bteamer, lot the Kcrmadec Islands, at. noon,'- from King's Wharf. W<wwm<t. tot WeHport direct. Rosamond, for To Ia so Bay' and "isbornc Maaiis: for - Whangareit-. from Northern . WbarL ' • , Ncanuhi, tor Tanranun. from No. 3 Jetty Clwmap, Russell n sd- Opua, from 3 Jfltly , Aupouri, for North Coast ports, 'from Nor♦kerfl Wharf,-' •• •* - - Wfcintahi. for Mercurv Bay and Kuaotunu. frew Northern Wharf.- ' "" • Tt®i»k»,-■foe. - Paeroiir - from Northern Wharf. Dknhttt. for Coromandel. Imm No. 3 Jetty riiftlruiford, (or Mjirsdi'.n Point and vr.y ports Orei schooner, for East Coast bay« and Qistorne. . * ... Yaibel, barquentine. for Friendly Islands. SAILINGS TO-DAY FtlOM ONEHCTNGA. Rarawa; for New Plymouth, at 3 p.m. Cin'nna, (or. New Plymouth, Wellington, and Doredln. VESSELS EXPECTED AT AUCKLAND. COASTAL AND INTERCOLONIAL.' . ftml ' From 4 J»" 1 KaVii* SoQtli Bea 15.... J line 30 Kutow • WcjlDort-, ... July "! Wtnika - Southern ports July 1 Niagara, RMS. ...Sydney". July 3 Tarawa ... ... Bqi)taexn ports July 3 Roumond Gieborno ... July' 3 Kent ... 6ydw ; July 3 Joan Craig Newcastle ... July 4 Victoria - Southern' pcrtfl July 5 giwriu* ... ... feteWr-. .. - JuJy 5 Kareri Z.« ... N<fUcitetie ... Jul? 6 In r sSffijP&i a? Mafeiltaf- ... «. Sydn»y- .'" <>•■*. cMr 12 .. &L z 2«fe.«£»i|

OVERSEA. " .' l -t i Appftfl Vessel, Sailed. From " date. M&rama, R.M.S. ihOitfM'Vimcoitvor June 30 Linden ... , ... Apr. 80 Antworp ... July a Star England Siay 1? L&fiden- ..< July ' 6 EraukJyn „ ~A pr. 28 New York... July b Marore" May 16 New fork... ffuty 16 Wftitaana rjuno- 1> Lon4on<>... July go kwtajt'- ... May 23 Liverpool... July 20 Star of India ... may 31 litadptr ... Jul 27 fiikWi.f'HjM.S. :T6' «il .Vancouver... July 28 BtolMßio|B . ... May SO New York... Autf. 10 BoutheYtt .'M'iy 32 St. Joan 1 ... Aug. 10 Hawjk«'M»y ... tone 18 .London. ... Aug. 15 Vejdalfti.o ... Jute 13 New fork... Aug. 16 Nairnshire ... June 20 Lhrarp&ol ... Aug. 16 Wißiiaaf Jwe ,25 Hamburg ... Aug. 22 Karamea Jtme 4 Montreal ... Aug. 23 AtTglo-'Bgyptian Juna 20' Montreal ...Sep. '8 VESSELS' TO SAIL FROM AUCKLAND. • :i ' A . ■* • • - Appro* Vessel. Destination. ''date.' Te'Arona Wtirob "UH.B.) Juna 30 Saußll'v Siftborno ■ - Juqo 0 Monowai SKMhoru putts Julio 3) Tatutfi'' j- ... Ettlwto licific Judo 30 Mb<wi», K.M4S. ... Sydney ... ... ,Juno.3o Northern ... ...Southern ports July 1 Rosirnpnd Gisocmnc • July -i .Delphi' ... ' ... Sout.hcrn ports July 1 Niagara, R.M.B. ... Vancouver ... July 3 Kurow Fiji <> July '4 Tarawora Southern ports July 1 Otaki' Wellipston ... Juiy 4 Joan Craig Gifiboilie ... July 4 ■Kfent ..." Wellington ... July + fEff •£&» Jul? 5 Victoria fckiutnern ports July 7 SHIFTING IN FORT. Uoura. s.p.. (O' strsam. Wivitomo, b.s!, in stream. Otafii/B.a.i 'at King's-Wharf. ■Kttomiko, *?., *Is°-. "J,® 11 ?- Talune, 8.8., at Queen 8 whiff. Mamika,"-Rs.,*ftt .vjKon's 'Wharf. WprU)i>ru,'s Wharf. PKilWc'l. ff M.S.,' at No. '-3 Jetty. fiosawoiid.'.B.'i., at ■King's Wharf. (Monow^i;. s.s-,, at, Nortfcro Wharf. I)«IlJliic; s.a.. at QuecttV Wharf. Sambtfj- aohoousv, #» -Albert.-Wharf. Y8#)t«l, barjHentme. at Hbbson Wharf. Joseph Craiff,'- batques in-' Callio)jfe' Dock. Oreto, auxiliary schooner, at Albert Wharf. Kaeo, auxiliary schooner, at Albert Wharf. 3h»tawf]w, at King's Wharf.

IMPORTS. Per Monowai, from -Southern ports: 1500 (om genwal . merchandise,, including 600 Backs four; M- safcks ■wheat, lttß'-«aol» oM'b. Pfl ?M{ißrnn»jt, l$Q-i«aefa. bran r r3l}fr jacks potatoes, 88 boxes buttor, 810 sacks ' onions •114 lialea 'ttool,- ihd large quantity 1 sundries Mid.-tißnslupEaojUs. ■' f, « T .„. f Tor Maimka, from Sydney: WO sacks' Jour, 480' bifcs"- Pice, 368' sacks 'bonednst,'3oo saga JWjW, WP- ltyLaftdffl. >a togo' quantity of' Scenery, sundries, and toiashlpinflfcts. i •.,« >:* ,yhe Koronjiko, which arrived from Newcastle dtt'- v Prioay orenitopi'boJthad at Nt). .2 Jetty on Saturday, maromg.-fo discharge her cargo 'of Coal.' ' The auxiliary schooner Fairburn arrived from Whakatane on Saturday evening with trifull Tawga ofimweo nnd>Htub«r.r ;Sbfi Sails for yrhakalorio wjtlj ""'flio bcow arrived on Saturday nigh'. tlStbor I'4ll1' 411 * load.. <j/ 6»*(n "'"Tho.'Rosamond arrived from Gisborne and tyfitiQ Ipland-earls -jqaterdas. morning.. Sha Bails at 4' p.m. to-day for Tolago Bay and wisborne: •.*, .<> n :■ -.> •> r..-.. •>•• Tho Auxiliary schooner Greyhound sailed on Saturday evening for Hokianta with ®nmntwt£o. * Tho". auxiliary /schooner 'is*Kr yca^t^y «l?o is'timed to leave Wellington this evfflunwr . for way . ports .and Auckland. Se6 ia duo nero on TliuraQay moniyig. " A - steamer *"* 2 Rolo'hi&liaiia will annual.ftutvey .apd.ojo&haul this wfeek. The yaphne will take up tho Rotom4h«na'r.rutmijisf! in -tao Garomandel Mtvih wm.WJF. '■ - - • ..., T v.... 11. TheTitluiie will' be removed to a' berth at -'JiobKm- Whaft- thiifc- morning -to- com m«ncfl. fading,, far the,. Cook „ find -Socio Islipas.' §lio' is timed to sail at 10 a.m. tomorrow. -V.. >-i. ;• vJ •Ihe, Kittawa is due at Onchunca on Wed frdia Pfcton, with a Joad of chaff BhjMaaili> on. Thursday afWrhoonior WejtpQlt .TOU» >l WW. . v - -> , '"The' Mderjitr 'lift Sydney on Saturday aftcrnooS>for . Wclhngloa: direct, wile to she

is duo on Wednesday morning. The vessel waves Welliaffton' -on Thujas evejiinfe' for Southern ports, .Hobar't'. and Melbourpp. . !l^fi^'- -Rte tinier • Vistoria. jfeish amvfrf -#fe Dun?din -yesterday.. .from Au?klajid.and-,(5949} port?. Wila.ou.thc return 4 Voyago J to*morrtw J afternoon'. The W?°r hprq pn (3urt(J»y-morning next. , . , •Tie Union Company's steamer llokoia is BW*aivtpa r \ Bluff .this ttmniniff. freuiP9 u fP? and JJsb'art,She leases Wellington on Friday- evening for ■'Sydney yiM'ct". •■ iThei Warrimtax,v which bailed <an Saturday afernoon. Jot. East Ow?t and Southern, Mits, Will tnako-OTO T moro tcr-'Atrekland before u;t«rinf ••'the. SKlhourne-Gook.'.StraiiiSjdßßy BerT|oe. ' tlr . \ „ „ ~, 4 , ,/i ... "The* Kaiapoi is expected to leave Welling tonewtorfatt'.ior i(3ttymonth- to; load timber W Adeffude and Melj^wpe... — l ' Thfe auxiliary' gcnoonef'.Hnia arrived at Gisbornettfn-ißaturday aftertioon horn WliawMrJiiissmsst^ ferpiosim it the Poverty-Bay port, the Hui'a proceeds;to Wellington;- then Dunfedia'ind .to put, «»jt t|» telatM. v — ..M r - W, % Swales Ajreg, chief officer of th»7 Manuka, :wonti aphtfre at Sydney dust lcavft;.,Mr, J..%a D , late of .the Willocnra, ib now Chief officer of the itlinaka.!;;?":-;.";. -i v." iJ. r ••• r >- : . •'• MARAMA DUE AT 8 A.M. TO-MORROW. -A cablegram received 4>^tho :: Uiilon ;rttompany, states that the R.JI S. Marama left fittva afß>,Tun:r<ra?Kriaxyr.EHr Auakfcwd.Vn mtrowt'oo jol h«r ytrfisgo .from ,V.apM«vor. A* fetalis mftaisge reoolved" from" Captain RoIIh'»&t night>»tated that- the.vessel- -»iil «m?o ..hwPjr.ahaut;..#. a.m.. to-mpnow,., The Marsma far timed "to sail at 1! p.m. to-morrow for' Sydney dttectw' : m .♦« v.--; •• -

STJIAiTER LINDgN DELAYED. . Messrs; Russell and SomeA, lo<ftl;~agonts &© afe^er'^ien'^^en wWfirtha* SB? steamer Linden liaa wen delayed m.the uischar'/aof her'cargo flf' Lylt&toE By heftVy W®* ',9 -'AQF, .ojpccted >to We port this'aftenioon for Aucklanti,'ana"_6i)ould ' arrive -her©-' on Thursday jyeninp*-' She 0 ,-1500 ton#, of -phosphates and general cargo from Hamburg ana Antwerp' to discharge ait -thi«"'port. .■*.-» ' AfAfilMA £T SINGAPOREThe Union Company's '' training-steamer Aplarima fttrlvod at Singapore' on- Sunday, JiW 21. -iNoivcastla,. After completing flischarge net cOal cargo, sb&will proceed to- Calculttf- to taka. the -July loading berth for-the tunal.New Zealand ports. .» SOUTHERN REPORTED. The Nfflr USeaiaHd Shipping Company's chartered.stealer Southern, en route from St. ' John' (Canada) *to Australian and New ZealandrpoEtr,-ißft Capetown in continuation oi her .TOW 6 on Monday,. June ?2: The Wsser is- due'at Auckland about August 10. RM.S NIAGARA. The Canadian-Australasian mail liner Niagara is -timed to i'eavo Sydney at nfion toiiday for Auckland direct..-' -The' vessel is <SRBCted to., reach -port fin Thursday after noon; and will- berth at the Queen's Wharf tp"load-iQO"UJUSh Hnes-'of New.Zealand products.(or Canada. The Niagara is scnedutod Jo- sail at' S't mi- on "Friday lot Suva; Honotofl, -and -Mwtouyer,;-Captain D, McLean, late of .the Manuka, will pilot (lie Niagara /torn Sydney -to Auckland, in place of-.Cap-tain H. A. Morrisby, who is ashore at Sydney on sick leave. TUTANEKAI IN PORT. The Government steamer Tutanokai, Captain ?ost, returned to Auckland on Saturday morning fromcruise to "the Cook Islands. N-jae, Tonga,-and ijunday Island- The voml a urine: the voyage from Nukualofa (o AiickIMid kept' a lookout for'the missing fishing £S t ,toP s A!)4rew,.bttt nothing .wap.eeeij of her. The TutaneHal encountered very 1 stormy weather-on the return voyage, Vhich- considerably delayed tor progress. She sails at noon; to-day to mate a further' search for the mining 'outter. •,itt-4he -course of -which- she Will visit the Kormadec Islands and embark 6 number'of the settlers' thtro who ate do of returning to, Now Zealand. ■ MAKARINI DUE TO-DAY. The Commonwealth and Dominion Lino's steamor- Makarini is due at Auckland thi» afternoon from London, via Melbourne and Sydney.' Tho veSsel'jias 3311 tans of cargo to owchajge at this Mil, on completion of which she visits Glsborre, Napier, ana Wei-Ijuiftor-to put "out the balance.- - MANUKA FROM SYDNEY. At 7.'50 'o'.aock last ' oWiihg ' tho Union Cow>ftnyV-,Bteam«r- Munaka, Captain W. Collins, arrived .at Auckland ffom Sydney dire<it. after a 'slow' passage of four days two hours'M>ta»l-»Wa.mii)ff.,time. The vessel was berthed at the Queen's Whart, where the cust<staary' medical tfnd' Customs inspection was carried ,put, and pratiauo granted at 8,15 p.m. The vessel 'brought over 1000 tons of, cargo, whioh includes transhipments from 'die "'follo*tnß' steamers ;.*-Osterley, ->Nikko Maru,. Narva, Wyrcena, Katoomba, Cooma, Niagara," Fnebtirg, -"Tasmania, Montoro, K-anowoa, Rfifiinlond, and-Empire. • Tlio Man IS timed to sail at 5.30, p.m. to-day for Sydney direct.' , THE monowai, The Union Company's steamer Mcnowai arrived at 2 p.m. yesterday from Southern Mil "East .- Const -ports,- fling at the Northern wharf to discharge 1600 tons of cargo. The' Mondwai' sails 'on ■ I lie "return trip • torpofrow afternoon, and on arrival'at Dimcdni on July 6 J will withdraw to undergo her annual l survey and overhaul. The Moijai will relievo the Monowai in t)ie Dunedin East Coast-Aucklahd service during (he time the Monowai ir laid up', leaving Dunoain on Wednesday, July 8, one day later than usual, and arriving - hare on Monday, July 13. XHE RICHARDSON LINE. The local office of the Richardson Line advise that tho steamer Squall 'has been doluyed aV'Tokomarii Bay by bad weathor. The vessel has returned to Gisborno, and is now expected to Icavo Tokomaru Bay this evening,for Auckland,, via ports., gjj 0 should arrive hero on Wednesday morning, 'and will probably sail tile jama- evening (or Best Coast bay a and Gisborno. •i:©m auxiliary,wow Te Aroha, which was , ftt Ancklß# on Saturday, ha; alto ■ beep - delayed 'at Tokomaru • Bay, She -e Mjftoted'W leave there; to-night 'for -Aucktodh' «id should »rrjve .on, 'Wednesday morning." The To Aroha will lo«d general urso for Wftiroa (Sawke's Bay;) ' " .

NORTHERN IJROM LIVERPOOL Shortly after two 'o'clock ' iliis liiorririg tho Federal-Shire Line's chartered steamer Northern arrives in* the" SffSSttTfrora Liverpool, via Las Palraaa, Durban, and Sydney. The < vessol willyborth ath.tbovfiiflgf» -Wharf about 10.30 a'.ni. 'to-day to diedh&rgo 2700 tons of .gonerab.<i(urgo., .The Northern ..will „ subsequently visit ■Wellington.' LytWfton, arid Duaedln to compete jier disohargo. , WA'ITOMO' FOR QUEENSLAND. The Union- Company's -big, oargo • steamer Waitomo, which has" teen laid up at Ailfckland' for- the "iiafetr. few 'flays , owing t« -the shprlago of coal at Newcastle in consequence of the'ttoftblo <&h Iho Maithnd field, will' royommissioned . to-day. Tho Waitomo will sail 'this 'afternoon for' Woiitport, wlieYo 'aho leads ft full, eftfSO oI cqal for a Queensland TDIvAKINA FOR AUCKLAND. Tho New Zealand Shipping Company's liner Tnrakina is due at Wellington to-mor-iV>w- from Lohdqn, via Tenerifle, Capetown, ana 1 Hopart. The vessel will' complete her discharge-at Xiyttolton, ana tor - 1 loading itomeward - cargo . sovoral. Southern; porta, will ml Auckland. Slio is okpoeted" to farriTsnhßto about July 20, and 'will load.'wool. &}>, dairy-woduM, and goneral cargo until uly 22, when she proceeds to Wellington to complete her loading; Tfeo . toad ■ to. leavo Wellington finally on July 30 (or way -ports '-and London. 1 ' '•' MOVEMENTS OF CAPTAINS. . As (Captain H. A. Morrisby, of "the 'R.M.P. Niagara, is ashore at' Sydney on sick leave, chsngcft ,in , tho .inaslcra />£. Union Comrniny's steamers ate announced. Captain v. Mclxmn/lato of tho. Manuka, will pilot from Sydney .to. Auckland. ,Op arrival lidre, Contain McLean wilt proceed to Difoecfe to t#k„e. eomnjand of 'tho Jweno, ? f will be reooinmigsioned in a few days 'Or tne SydneT-Auckland direct-sorvieer Cj-i) tnin J. T,,solJs, of. tlic-'itarajna,-will.transfer to the Niagara, and .Captain D. Todd, of the NaVua; will take command of tho Manama temqriow for ' fte. triu Jo , Sydney, captain U. H. Williams, late of tho Atua, who has i? i awaiting instructions .-at- Auckland, •m toko.,'over the command 9 l the Nayuii. while Captain O. Chft,Tate of tho Mamiea"o)' win assume c(imnißn(| of the lAfamik-a j jit Auckland to-day, relieving Captain ■ Collins-. who piloted' the Manuka from Sydney this trip. ...... i., „. ...

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New Zealand Herald, 29 June 1914, Page 5

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SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, 29 June 1914, Page 5

SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, 29 June 1914, Page 5