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• ARRIVALS. PHILOMEL, H M. third-class, twin-screw. protected cruiser (9.55 am.), 9576 wcs. 4000 horse-power, 21 guns, Captain Ballard, from the Cook Islands and Rarotonga. KOROMIKO, s.s. (545 p.m>, 2479 tons. H. S. Whybore. from Newcastle.—Union U.S. Co.. agents. GLENELG. s.s. (6.50 p.m.). 288 tons. F. Jonas from Whangarei.—James Smith and '\>. Ltd., agents. TANIWHA, 8.8. (6 6 a.m.). 263 tons C. F. Grconberg from Pseroa.—Northern 8.5. Co.. agents. K.ANIERI. s.s. (8 45 p.m.). 203 tons. T. Meyers, from Whangarci. -Northern S.B. Co., agents. ROTOMAHANA, sj. 0131 a.m.), 188 tons, A. Stephenson, (rom Cc Northern 'DEn"pO\VELL, 8.8. (5.45 a.m.). 176 i i. H. Petersen, from Whangarei.—Nor■•kern Coal Co.. agents. CHELMSFORD, s.s.. 121 tons. F. Beach, from Marscten Point and way 1 potto.—Northem SS Co., agents. AKAROA, 0.8., 70 tons. W. Parker, from Parker-Lamb Timber Co. agents. KORORA, scow, 160 tons. R. Cajtcheon, from the Bay of Islands.—Ford Shipping. Line, agents, ISABELLA DEFRAINB. auxiliary schooner. 'A tons, 8. Hakannson, from Hokianga Kopu.— H. Fnrneas and Co.. Ltd., agents. THREE CHEERS, scow, 98 tons. J. Rogers, fro.n Whangarei.—J. J Craig, Ltd, agents. DEPARTURES. ENNERDALE; ss. (1.40, pjn.). 1148 tons, J. Robinson, for Greymoutli and Sydney. MANAIA. s.s. (10.5 p.m.). 1159 tons. F. A Macindoe. for WhangareL WAIOTAHI. s.s. (7.10 p.m.). 278 tons. C. Hopkins, for Mercury Bay and Tairua, DAPHNE, s.s (9.25 a.m.), 192 tons, E. H. Goerte. for Oh'wa, ROTOMAHANA. s s. (1.45 p.m.). 183 tons, A. Stephenson, for CoromandcL jus* 27. TANIWHA. ss. (0.15 a.m.). 253 tons. 0. P. Gri-cnberg, for Pacroa. VESSELS DUE TO-DAY. Squall, from Gisborno and East Coast To Arena, auxiliary scow, from TokomKtt Bay. Manaio, from Whangarei. Ngapuhi. from Tauranga. _ Clansman, from North Coast ports. XfktliCWa. from Taurine* and OpotiJu. Rotomabana. from Coromaadel. Aupouri. from North Coast ports. VESSELS SAILING TO-DAY. Warrimoo, for Southern ports, at Men. Apanui. for Awanui, from Northern Wharf, Greyhound, auxiliary schooner, for Hobanga. . .«,,.'. Isabella Defraino, schooner, for Hofatte*. VESSELS DUE TO-MORROW. tiinnka. from Sydney direct. Berths east side Queen's Wharf. Monowai. from Southern ports. Berths at Northern Whsrf. , . . , ' Northern, from Liverpool, via Sydney. Berths at King's Wharf. Waiotehi, from Mercury Bay and Tairiia. Taniwha, from Paoro*. Daphne, from Ohiwa. ' . Weka. from Whskatene. Rosamond, from Gisborne. via White Island.

VEBSELB SAILING TO-MORROW. Kanieri. for Whangarei, at soon, from Northern Wharf. Waimarie, for Paeroa. at 3 p.m., from Northern Wharf. VESSELS DUE AT ONEHUNGA. TO-DIT. Ksrawa, from New Plymouth. To-jjobbow. Corinni, from Dunedin, "Via way ports. SAILINGS TO-DAY FROM ONEHUNGA. Claymore, for Waitara and Kawhia, at 6 a.m. W&imea. for Wellington and West Coast ports, at noon. Bimu, for Hokianga, at 2 p.m. VESSELS EXPECTED AT AUCKLAND. COASTAL AND INTERCOLONIAL.' appro* VeswL From . date Kama South Sea 15.... Jane 30 W&naVa Southern ports June 30 Kurosr... Westport •■• July 1 Joan Craig ... - Newcastle ... July 2 Tirawra Soutaern ports July 2 Rosamond ... ... Gisborno ... July 8 Niagara, R.M.S. ... Sydney Jit y 3 Kent Sydney ... ... Jubr ft Victoria Southern ports July 6 Riverin* Sydney July r, Fiona Fin ..- - ?« * 6 Karori Newcastle ... Ju y 6 Wtrrimoo Southern ports July 9 Manuka ... -WW - ••• July 12 Ur.Voia Southern ports July 12 Itekanoa Fiji ■«• -i" V 1 yJ* Talune - Eastern Pacific July 23 Mrsari ... - Whangarei ... July 11 Southern Cross ... Norfolk Island July 31 Sussex .. .- ... Sydney Aug. 3

OVERSEA. Appruj Vessel. Sailed. From date. Makerini ... Max 5 London ... June 29 Marama, R.M.S. June 10 Vancouver June 30 Linden ••• Apr. 80 Antwerp ... July 2 Star of England May 16 London ... July 6 Franklyn ... Apr.-28 New York... July b Marerc .. - May 18 New York... July 15 Waimana June 5 London - ... July 20 Invertay May 23 Liverpool... Julv 20 Star of India ■■ May 31 London ... July 27 Makura. R.M.S. To sail Vancouver... July -28 Stelzenfela - ay 30 New York... Aug. 10 Southern May 22 St. John »• Aug. 10 Htwke'sßay ... Juno 18 London ... Aug. 16 Verdala June 13 New York— Aug. 16 Nairnshire - June 20 Livorpool ... Aug 16 Wismar ... •• June 25 Hamburg ... Aug. 22 Earamea... - June 4 Montreal ... Aug. 23 Anglo-Egyptian June 20 Montreal ... Sep. 8

Venal- Pro, 8»0*' Rurasia, It*!- «Wp .. Marseilles ... Apr. 2 Chateau D'if. bci. ... Hamburg ... Apr. 28 Oberon, barquentine Busselton ... Jui)o 2 Kercru, ketch ... Niue ... ... June 14 Pram, bq. Seychelles 15.... To sail. Jlona. barque ... Newcastle ... To gall. Phyllis, barque ... Buß&elton ... To sail. Louisa Craig, bq. ... Edithburg ... To sail. VESSELS TO BAIL FUOM AUCKLAND Appro* Vessel Destination. date. Yeabel. brgnt. ...Friendly Is. ... Juno M Rosamond Qisbomo ... Juno*} Manuka Sydney -._ Jnn«» Tc Aroha Wairoa (H. 8.) June 30 Bnuall Gjsbome - June 0 Minowai Southern pi/rts June 3) Talune .- ... Eastern I acifio June 30 Martina, BUS. ... Sydney ... ... Juno3o | Delphic Southern ports July 1 Niagara, R.M.B. ... Vancouver ... July 3 K-irow Flu, .» .•• Jufar i Tarawera ... - Southern ports July 1 Ouki . ... ••• Wellington ... Jmy i Joan Craig Gisborne ... July 1 Northern - - Southern porta July i Kent ... ... ... Wellington ... July 4 Kiverina - >■■ Bydno7 ... - July $ Victoria Southern ports July 7 Kavua South Seals.... July 8 Samoa, schooner ... Samoa : July 11 Vfarrimoa ... - Southern ports July 11 Msinari London ... • July Makura. 8.M.8. ...Sydney. July 38 fiaseei..' Wellington ... Aug. 6 SHIPPING IN POET. i /Moura. 9.8.. in stream. Waitomo.,B.s., in stream. (■ GtaSi, S.S.. at King's Wharf. .Koromiko. 5.»., at No. 2 Jetty. :j Talune. s.s.. at Queen's Wharf. Philomel. 1iH.8.. at No. a Jetty. ;.V Delphic, 8.8., »V Queen's Wharf. Warrimoo. a.a.. *t nobjwn-Wharf. » Samoa, schooner, rat' Albert ,«•«»«. . Y«bel. barquontino. »t ; Hobspa Wharf. .; r-l Joseph Craig, barque;-in Calliope DookJ- . K Orate.' auxiliary schooner, at ~ Albert Wharf. Kaw, auxiliary schooner, et Albert Wharf. • GHiyheuni saxihsry MWMT, *t Northern

■'■:. The Northern, Company advises .that the coastal jStesmerAupoud is dee at Auckland •bout 6 wn,'to-day from North Coast ports.. .". The Maoriland tympany's steamer-Enner-dale sailed yesterday afternoon for Greymouth with, a, quantity of general cargo. The ' vessel will subsequently load a- cargo of timber., at" Greymouth for.Sydney, .The auxiliary .'ichooasr "Greyhound is timed to sail at 6'p.m. to-day for HoWanga with Beneral CMfio; ~".'■•,, •->."" The auxiliary schooner Isabella Define is loading general bared for Hokiania. She will probably sail this eveninff. " The Anchor. Line's steamer Waimea ar rived at Onehunsa yesterday morning from Nelson with a cargo of, cement. She satis at noon to-day with general cargo for. Wellington, Nelson, and West Coast ports. The' Comma was to havo left Nelson yoatjrday afternoon for New Plymouth and OftohuDfra. She is due at the latter port to-morrow morning, and sails on Monday for Dunedia, via way ports. The Union Coinpany's steamer Monowai is timed 'o leave Gisborne at 11 a.m. to-day for Tokomaru Bay and Auckland. She is duo here to-morrow morning, and will sail on tho return voyage on Tuesday afternoon next. The Tarawaa loft Duncdin yesterday after noon for East Coast ports and Auckland. She is due hero on Thursday morning. July 2, Tho Rosamond, which was, delayed at Tolago Bay on Thursday by bad' weather, arrived at Gtßborne at 6 a.m. yostorday. She sailed ycjtorday afternoon for auck land., via whito Island, and should amvo hero to-morrow morning. The Rosamond sails on Monday afternoon for Tolago Bay and Gisborno. The Whito Star liner Covio was despatched from Liverpool on June 15 for Australian ports. Tho ferry steamer Kestrel, which has just completed an extensive overhaul, was re commissioned for th« Auckland-Devonport service last evening. Tho four-masted barquentine ' Titania loft Navjia (Fiji) on Thursday for Surprise Island. She loads a cargo of guano at the island foi Lyltellon and Duncdin. The barquentino Yeabol will probably sail on Monday tor tho Friendly Islands. The barque Ha&sl Craig is at present loading a cargo of timber at Opua (Bay of Islands) for warrnombool. Mr. R. Slovens, late of tho Tropic, is now second officer of tho Delphic, in place ot Mr. Irving, who remained at Homo this trip on sick leave Mr. W. Evans, late of tho Gothio (now Gothland), joined the Dolphio at Liverpool this trip as chief officer, relieving Mr. II Woods, who has joined tho Curio as chief officer. • _ NORTHERN DDE TO-MORROW. The Federal-! hire Line's chartered stea- i mer Northern is expected to arrive at Auckland to-morrow evening from Liverpool, via Sydney. The vessel will berth at the King's Wharf on arrival to discharge 2700 tons of trenoral merchandise. MANUKA'S EXPECTED ARRIVAL. A wireless message received last night from tho captain of tht Union Company's steamer Manuka stated that tho vessel will arrive at Auckland about 6 p.m. to-morrow from Sydney. The Manuka is bringing 140 salocn and 107 steers'"* passengers and a full general cargo for New Zealand. JOSEPH CRAIG DOCKED. The barque Joseph Craig was towed across tho harbour yesterday morning and floated into Calliope Dock. During tho afternoon an examination was made of the vessel'hull by Captain C. C. Plunkott, Lloyd's surveyor, to ascertain tho damage done through the sailer striking on Rough Rock, in Rangitoto Channel, on the morning of Sunday. Juno 31. RUAHINE AT MONTE VIDEO. Cable advice received by tho New Zealand Shipping Company-states that tho liner Ruahine, which left Wellington on June 4 for London, arrived at Monte Video' on Wednesday last. Ruahino is due at the Home port on July 16. MAKARINI DUE ON MONDAY. A cablegram received by Messrs. Heather. Roberton. Ltd, local agents for tho tornmonwealth and Dominion Line, states that the steamer Makarini left Sydney at 2 p.m. on Thursday for Auckland, in continuation of her voyage from London. The vessel is duo here on Monday afternoon, and has 3311 tons ct general cargo to land. The Makarini will subsequently visit Gisborne, Napier, and Wellington to complete her discharge. THE STAR OF SCOTLAND. According to advices received, tho Com raonwealth and Dominion liner Star tt Scotland, which-arrived at London on June 15 from Australian potts, has been fixed to load at Now York for Melbourne, Sydney, Anckltnd, Wellington, Lyttelton. and Dunedin. She is expected to leave tho Amen can port on August 16. IRIS AT SUVA. The Pacific Cable Board's steamer Iris arrived at Suva yesterday from Auckland and Norfolk Island. The Iris left' this port on, Friday evening, Juno 19, and from Suva will proceed to Fanning Island, and then to Honolulu and Vancouver. ' Bho is. expected back at Auckland about the middle of oop- : tember. / TUTANEKAI DUE THIS MORNING. A wireless message received last night from the oaptain of the Government steamer Tutanekai stated that the vessel would arrive at Auckland early this morning from the Cook Islands and Rarotonga. Tho Tutanekai will berth on ">e west side of tho King's Wharf on arrival. H.M.sT~PHILOMEL RETURNS. The third-class cruiser Philomel returned to Auckland, yesterday morning , from an extended cruise in the Cook Islands and Rarc-tonga, and was berthed at No. 2 Jetty. ' V Philomel left Auckland on May 18, and accompanied tho Government steainei Tntanekai on the cruise amongst the Pacific Islands. Soon after tho warship left this port she ran into a hurricane, and for tho next four dayß was battling with a southerly gale and mountainous seas. The cruiser was engaged for several days this week in tho search for tho missing fishing boat Andrew, but no signs of. tho craft wore seen. The Philonul will probably leave Auckland on Tuesday next for Wellington. NAVUA DELAYED AT SAMOA. The local office of the Union Company has been advised that the steamer Navua was delayed 'at Apia (Samoa) during the week on her way from Island ports to Auckland. She sailed from Suva last night for Auckland; and • will not, therefore, be due here until Tuesday evening or early on Wednesday morning next. Tho Navua will not proceed to Wellington this trip, and her fruit for the South will bo transhipped. The vessel is timed to sail it 9 a.m. on Wednesday, July 8, for Fiji, Samoa, and Tongan ports. TEE MANUKAU BAR. Reports received yesterday- from the signalman at the Manukau Heads stated that the bar was still impassable for small out- ! ward bound steamers. The Rarawa crossed outwards at 11 r> m. on Thursday, and I arrived at New. Plymouth shortly after 11 ft.m yesterday. She left on tho return trio last evening, and is due at Onohunga this morning.. The Anchor Line's sieatner Waimea crossed the bar inward bound from Nslbou yesterday morning. In view of ths rough state of the weather and the heavy sea running on tho West Coast, the Northern Comnany decided to postpone the denarluro of the Claymore for Waitara and Kawhia until 8 am., and the Rimu for Hokianga i until 2 p.m. to-day. TUG BULLI FOR AUCKLAND. As reported by cable, tho small tug Bulli has been purchased by the Colonial out'ar Refining Company, and will shortly com mence the voyage from Sydney to Auckland, under the escort of tne steamer Joan v-raig. The Bulli is a wooden vessel of 42 gross an! 29 net tons, and was built at Sydney in 1905 'or Mr Alex. Allan. Her length is 72ft 7in, breadth 16ft Sin. and depth 7ft Jin, I while her engines are of 24 horse-power. Tho Bulli has been employed as a tug : n Sydnoy Harbour for a number of years On arrival at Auckland; she will bo employed in towing sugar barges to and from the Chelsea works in conjunction with the Ins Makuta. KOROMIKO FROM NEWCASTLE. Shortly before six o'clock last evening tho Union Company's turret-dock steamer Koromiko arrived at Auckland from Newcastle, after a stormy passage of nearly six flays. The vessel anchored in the stream for the night, and will berth at No. 2 Jetty early this morning to discharge her cargo of coal. DANIEL AT SYDNEY. A cablegram received from Sycmcy announces tho arrival at that port yestorday of the little barque Daniel from Auckland. The sailer cleared the harbour on tho morning of Saturday, June 13, thus accomplishing the passage in the creditable time of 13 days. On completion of discharge d her limber cargo, the Daniel goes to Clarence River to load hardwood for Greymouth and Westport. WISMAR LEAVES HAMBURG. Messrs. Russell and Somers. local agents for the German-Australian Line, are in re ceipt of cable advice to the effect that the steamer Wismar, 1686 tons, Captain Schroder left Hamburg on June 25 for the Bluff, Lyttelton, Wellington, and Auckland, via Amsterdam and Antwerp. The Wi6mar will bo the second steamer of the line to visit the Dominion in connection with tho new cargo service which is now being inaugurated by the Linden, due at Auckland on Wednesday from Hamburg, via Southern ports. Tho Wismar, which is .fitted with wireless telegraphy, will be duo at Auckland about August 22. THE DELPHIC'S VOYAGE. Tho White Star liter Delphio, whion arrived flora Liverpool en Thursday evening, was berthed at the Queen's Wharf yesterday morning to discharso 2000 tons of general cargo. The vessel left the .Home port on May 2, and called at Tenenffe on May 9, Where- she coaled and 'resumed her voyage the same day. Msgqrato weather' was met with until filter passing.the Cape of Good Hope on May 27, when a .strong easterly gale ' -encountered, which prevailed for several . days. On the run through M Southern Qm tlw fMMI art ft terifit Of heavy

westerly gales., and a great deal of water. broke' on board. "This carried away the after flagpole arid smashed .in several deck-cabin doors; .., The wugtweathor v continued until after pissihg the" Tasm'aaian coast, followed by ' moderate conditions 'to* arrival. The Delphic sails on Wednesday morning for Wefliagtcn, .uytteltom and Dunottin to discharge the balance of her cargo. • THE VANCOUVER MAIL. Tho Union Company's R.M.S. Mararna, en route from Vancouver to Auckland and Sydney, loft Suva last evening in continuation of her voyage, Tho liner is due here on Tuesday morning,, and has 450 tons of Canadian merchandise to land.. She sails at 5 p.m. on Tuesday for Sydney direct.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LI, Issue 15646, 27 June 1914, Page 7

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PORT OF AUCKLAND. New Zealand Herald, Volume LI, Issue 15646, 27 June 1914, Page 7

PORT OF AUCKLAND. New Zealand Herald, Volume LI, Issue 15646, 27 June 1914, Page 7