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arrivals RAKAIA. s i. 18.40 a.m.). 1628 ions. K. C. ,r.-n- Sydney.—New Zealand Shipping C ir.iipan>. Lie., agents. . si "^' SET MAKU. m. i2 30 p.m.), 1191 to,.* .'fi"" 1 : Hunbury. via Port Chali'"l', Miliar \\<e: Aust alian H a rdrrtod v u . I. M., agents MA.X.UA, i.s. ' 7 30 p.m.i. 1159 tODS - E. iuL"U]*° n u " ~ni W l- n f:aiei. Passengers . Mesd.imeii Henning. Davis and party, Scissons Stevens. Irving. Hutchinson, Handfrith- I illness. Smith. Steele and three children. Howe.and child Max ted. Whitehoufe. Every. McConnc!l. Waiters <■»). Lawrence, ilarr.s. Mil.or, ( arable, Henderson. L.angrisli and two children. Misses Crawford, ?hri£ "A U)P9, Uowntree. Every. Hawkc#. hhetlan, Messrs. Ilennmg. II >ldgvavich, M-'n u v aUC; G , a , lhcrco i«- Smith. Jones. M' Donald. Nosoit, hkeuts, Bon;:ard. Cio<iKes, Douglas Stewart Btomfield. McArthur. I: ornes, Johnston. lrvi tlg . Medlind, Auckland Ltosc.c. Heape Gonis. Murray. Weaver.' , hompson. Horland, Stevens. Wayward Woods, ambers, Mitchell, Law. Howson! bclijihi \\ he house, Jeavons. Williams, lope, tlarrop, Barnard. Chivers, buahell v"LV.' r Antfc-rson. , Campbell. Walters', l aKara. Lawretace McCready. Cambie, King, Harratt. Harp, Watson. Rowntroe, Shepherd, Aichinnon. jßooth, Watts. James. Rufman, larr. Babe Ifcivis. Lansnsh. Father Wientres. and It Kecrase.—Northern s.S Co acents. . ROTOMAHANA, s.s. '3.10 p.m.). 183 ton.. A Stephenson, from Coromandel.—Northern oh. to., agerrls. TASMAN. b.s "9 5 p.m.). 171 tons. c fan kner. from Whakatane and Tauranga.— Northern S.S. Co., agents. DEPARTURES. RANGATIRA. a.'s. 12.30 p.m.), 10,118 tons Loudon Lowden. for. Wellington, en route to Ix)tidon.

m M 9j C,WA I, 3.8. 14.30 m) > 343 tons, A. M. Edwin. tor East Coast and Southern Vv r n 9 ' P " Ben^ r8: For Gisborne-Misses Uil) , *naß (2) GarraU J? 1 - Cameron, Reid. Barker U). Williams, Ormond (2) Morrell, Jw-Mdames Robin eon. Bentley, Napier. Smith and two clten Hall, Coughlin. Williams, Wat kins, Johnson, Beckman. Barker, Gumming Adair. Ormond. Messrs. Cartwright, Benlcy, Garratt, Coughlin. Hall. Fraser Uv.or, Hargreaves (2). Milne. Hawell, Muir! Bobson, Rawnsley. Morgan. Cox, Oliver V. r. Garratt. Smith. Napier. For Napier— Misses Aitken. Robertson. Mesdames Kern, Ooddard Messrs. Potter. Wallace. C^ddard. For Wellington-Miss McDonald. Mesdames lJaniel. Rundell, Messrs. Backs-Daly. Smith, Jastron. FV>r Dunedin— Darling. Al T' Mesdames Cutten. Bain, Messrs. Kushbrook. Stuart. Morron. McGhie, and 60 steerage for all ports. NGATIAWA. s.s. (3.30 p.m.). 463 tons. W. Hark, for Tauranga, Ohiwa, and Opotiii. AIM ABIE s.s. (10.15 p.m.). 245 tons, J. £ rssiman, for Paoroa. KANIERI, '8 % (8.15 p.m.). 203 (.was, J. leijeira, for Whlngarei.

VESSELS DUE TO-DAY. Star of Victoria, from London, via Australian ports. Buteshire, from Liverpool, via Australian ports. Wairuna. Rom Newcastle. Clansman, from Buaiell and Opua. Agapaai. from Tauranga. Daphne, from Awanui. Gael, from Mercury Bay and Kuaotunu. VESSELS SAILING TO-DAY. Southern Cross, for Norfolk Island, New Hebrides, and Solomon Islands., at noon, from No. 2 Jetty. for London, via Teneriffe. Aamona, for Kaipara and Sydney. Clan Matheson for Wellington. itanaia, for Whangarei. from Northern Wharf. Clansman, for North Coast ports. from No 3 Jettt?. V/aiotnhi. for the Great Barrier, from Wo. 3 Jetty. Taniwha. for Faeroa, from Northern Wharf. notomahiina, for Coromandol, from No. 3 Jetty.' Chelmsford, for Marsden Point and way ports. Pneroa. lor Whangarei Town Wharf. ■VESSELS (DUE AT ONEHUNGA TO-DAY. Barawa.from New Plymouth. Rirau, fcom Raglan and Kawhia. VESSELS! EXPECTED AT AUCKLAND COASIAL AND INTERCOLONIAL.

SHIPPING IN PORT. Mourt. sj.. in Btieam. Hauroto. ».s., in stream. Jiamona, s., at, Chelsea.. I Kakaia, i.,., at Kind's Wharf. ''reyhound. schooner, iD stream. Kereru, ketch, at Albert Wharf. I'ancholra, b.s., at Queen's Wharf roathsrn Cross, u.s., at No. 'J Jetty. Isabel, barqumitine. at No. '2 Jetty. jjjnnsei, «.s., at Kind's Wharf. i lan Mathesnn, a.s., at King's Wharf. ln». cable stenjaer. at moorinsb. IMPORTS. ' Vr Shinsei Mara. from Bunbuiy: 46,000 railway sicepexs. , The Shaw. Savill, and Albion (Company's chartered steamer Langholm is timed to leave 'VUfklaiKl hi fl ft.m. to-day for London, via J enoriffe. Hie Kamcna is now timed to sail at uoon }. «t«y /»!' Kaapara, where she loads timber »cr Sydney ami Newcastle, i "'"'' o -!^ a '\ la l steamer Tasman. which arrived rom Whakatano and Tauranga. last evening, >» now filed to sail again for Ihoto ports at a a.ra. to-morrow,

Advtco ? CTed by the Northern Company laved if coaa l al steamer Gael is deShonlrf v, ° cu !l Bay - by bad weather, onqulrt the conditions improve, she should I,' 0 buck at Auckland this morning. aft P rlL™ S t' titn T?' l" c A sailed yesterday bark ,? a fO ,, B s y °f Plenty ports, is due back at Auckland on Friday afternoon. 11 am * a^i a * '? *° l° av Giaborne at land rfT y for , Tokomaru Bay and \uck morning teasel is dtio here to-morrow

l ® l; ? udd ? rt -/ Mker Biea mer Victoria left doh! Jli yo A ter^ y afternoon for East Coast itinrtßv Auckland. She is due here on vnvflio morning, and , will » i] 011 the return voyage on Tuesday afternoon. March 31. wilk „ K ' ni 18 l P ' oav ® Westport this evening Onchunga ° C °* ew Plymouth and coa.nta.l , steamer Chelmsford, mailing this evening 4 f or Marsden Point ami way with„ w,u rct " rn ear on Friday mommg. i. l ° ?• of cement (or transhipment to the barquentin» Ysabel for the Islands. The Friday 8 Ohiwa" '° BIU ' " 9 on

AiH? P '"' n Wil«>n, of the coastal steamer Aupmt", met with a painful accident at »litrsj nUl early last week - Captain Wilson nil.. °j or a c ? nc rete parapet in the darkness, an " sustained severe injuries to his /..I T. C nose, but after receiving medial attention was able to proceed on with tus vessel. The Corinna was to have left Wellington las, night i for Picton, N'eleon, New Plymouth. and Onehunsa. She is due at the laitor port on Friday morning. T:,O liurow is expected to leave Westport oil Friday for Auckland with a full cargo of coal. Mr. ?.■ Crowe is to rejoin the Rosamond at. Auckland to-morrow as chief officer, reiieving Mr. S. A. Chatfield, who comes ashore tor orders. The New Zealand Shipping Company's Steamer I aparoa left London on March 10 ■or (Jueensland ports. The Shaw. Savill and Albion liner At lien ic is due at Wellington this evening trom London, via Plymouth. Teneriffp. Capetown, and Hobart. The Huddart-Parkor liner Riverina is timed to leave Sydney at noon to-day *or Anciland direct. The vessel is due here on Sunday next. The New Zealand Shipping Company's steamer Otaki, which left Wellington on February 21 for London, arrived at Monto » ldeo on Saturday, March 14, and resumed tier voyage the following day. rho Tyser liner Star of Scotland is due at Wellington on Saturday from Napier. On completion of discharge cf her London cargo, tno vessel proceeds to Australia to load for Homo. According: to a Press Association caolegram received from New York it was stated that v steamer Ventura had left that port for Aew Zealand. Latest advices received by tile \ acuum Oil Company were to the effect that a steamer named the Veturia. 5554 ona, pap ain Brown, was loading case oil at New loi k for New Zealand ports. It is presumed thai this is the vossel which is reported 10 haft saiJod. A reduction in freight, amounting to 20s per ton. on tow t hemp and stripper slips, is announced. The new scale will come into operation °n May 1 and will remain in force till October 31. This reduction will mean that hemp will be carried at the rate of 65a per ton, plus 10 per cent, primage; tow (covered). 80s per ton, plus 10 per cent. Pnn.age ; tow and stripper slips (uncovered), 110s per ton. plus 10 per cent, primage. The Shaw, Savill, and Albion liner Matatua is due at Wellington to-day from Picton to complete her Homeward loading. She is expected to leave Wellington on Saturday tor London. , The Tyser liner Hawke's Bay is due at Wellington to-morrow from LytteUon. Homeward loading will be completed at Wellington. and departure taken for London on ounday next. Captain Holm'l four-masted barquentine litania arrived at Lyttelton yesterday mornxng trom Aewcaatle, after a lengthy passage of 31 days. The Government training-ship Amokura lett the Bluff on Monday morning for the Campbell Islands and other outlying Southern islands. She is due back at a New Zealand port about April 10.

The ferry service between Napier and Gisborne (now maintained by the Takapuna) will be discontinued after the Easter holidays. On arrival at Gisborne on Saturday, April 18, the Takapuna will leave that port tor Wellington direct, and will be laid up there during the winter months. THE SHINSEI MARU. The Japanese steamer Shinsei Maru arrived at Auckland yesterday afternoon from Bunbury, via Port Chalmors, with a part cargo of hardwood sleepers for the Railway Department. The vessel berthed at the King s Wharf in the evening to discharge. WANAKA LOADING DATES. The Union Company's steamer Wanaka, which is due at Napier to-day from Auckland to load sheep for Lyttelton, has been ; wed to load produce at Oamaru on starch 88, the Bluff on Mferch 31, and Timaru on April 1 for this pprt. She is due back at Auckland about April 5. THE JESERIC. The New Zealand Shipping Company's chartered steamer Jeseric is expected to leave Sydney to-day for Auckland, in continuation of her voyage from St. John (Canada); The vessel is due here about Monday next, and after discharging about 700 tons of Canadian merchandise, proceeds to Wellington. Lyttelton, and Dunedin to put out the remainder. RAKAIA FOR HOMEWARD LOADING. .The New Zealand Shipping Company's steamer Rakaia arrived yesterday morning from Sydney. The vessel, which is the stea per chosen to inaugurate the cargo service between New Zealand ports and Hull berthed at the King's Wharf to conuncoce loading dairy produce and general cargo for London and Hull. The Ra'wia saUs on Saturday for Tokomaru Bay. Napier. Wellington, and Lyttelton. She will take her final departure from Lyttelton about April RANGATIRA FOR LONDON. . The Shaw, Savill, and Albion liner Ransalra sailed shortly after 2 p.m. yesterday for Wellington. During the vessel's stay in port she loaded over 11.000 boxes of butter, and large lines of frozen meat, kauri gi*m. hides, cheese and other products for London. She will complete her loading at Wellington, and is timed to leave that port at 8 p.m. on Saturday for London, via Monte Vid.*>, Rio de Janeiro. Teneriffe. and Plymouth. The Rangatira is due at the Home port on May 10. . —. NOTICE JO MARINERS. The Otago Harbour Board have notified that the bearing of the entrance leading lights to Otago Harbour have been altered to 180<teg. I IS. 18deg. E. magnetic), and the rear white light beacon erected on the Otago Peninsula moved 330 ft, 8-ldeg. (N. 65deg. I E. magnetic), to a new position. Vessels entering the tjirboar will now do so on a line westwards of the present line. Charts, etc., affected" Admiralty Charts Nos. 2411 and 2532. " Nfew Zealand Pilot," eighth edition, 1908, chapter vin, page 253; "New Zealand Nautical Almanac," 1014, page 311, and plan facing pago 342. BUTESHIRE DUE TO-DAY. *

The Federal-Shire liner Buteshire is expected to arrive at Auckland late to-night from Liverpool, via Melbourne and Sydney. The vessel will berth at the Queen's Wharf early to-morrow morning to discharge 1600 tons of cargo. She will subsequently visit Wellington Lyttolton, and Dunedjn, and after completing discharge at the latlier pott, will commence Homeward loading it Dunedin, subsequently visiting Bluff, Goisborne, Waitara. Wanganui roadstead, Picton, Timaru, Lyttelton, and Wellington. The Buteshire is to sail from Wellington about May 2 for Avonmoutb, via Las Palmaa. ORSOVA'S PASSENGERS. w A Press Association message received from Melbourne states thar, the Orient liner Ormv», which arrived at the Victorian port yesterday from London, via ports, brought, the following passengers for New Zealand- — Meudames Cleghorne, Dixon, Petheridge, Robinson, Wood, Dav». McKinnon. Misses Greaves, Carter, Forbes. Dixon (2),' Petheridge, Walblan, Yongo (2), McKitnnon, Messrs. Harvey. Cleghorne, Latter, Mcintosh! Bowers, Nixon <2>. Petheridge. Wood. Davy (21, and 36 third-class. THE ARRAH-NA-POGUE. There was no appearance op to an early hour this morning of Mr. Somerville's threemasted scow Arrah-Na-Pogue, now fully due at Auckland from Onehunga, in ballast. The vessel cleared the West Coast port on the morning of March 10, and is therefore iS days out to-day. STAR OF VICTORIA DDE TO-DAY. A wireless message received Hast night from Captain Beck, of the new Tyfcer liner Star of Victoria, stated '.hat the vessel will arrive at Auckland about 7 p.m. to-day from London. via Melbourne and Sydney. The Star of Victoria will berth at the Qteen's Wharf to discharge 3500 tons of general cargo. WIRELESS FROM MOANA. A wireless message received from the captain of the Union Company's R.M.S. Moana, states that the vessel will arrive ;>( Wellington to-mofrow morning from San Francisco via, Papeete and Rarotonga. The Moana has about 7f>o tons of cargo on board for New Zealand ports. She is timed to lciave Wellington on Friday evening for Sydney direct. FIRST STEAMER THROUGH PANAMA CANAL. Unknown to anybody except those directly concerned, the Panama Canal haß been navigated from the Atlantic to the Pacific for the first time by a steamer under her own power. The vessel thus honoured is the old French steamer Alexandre Lajvalley built in 1884. She is of 1200 tons, jhas a single screw, and is equipped with three big The Alexandre Lavalley started on her trip from the Atlantic entrance ea;ly in December, and after making various stops to help to clear away Bins 11 landslides, proceeded through the Pedro Miguel and Miraflores locks to the Pacific, thus making the first trans-isthmian voyage. LIVERPOOL SAILINGS. The Sussex will take the May loading berth at Liverpool for Wellington, and Avifi sail on May 9. The Nairnshire will follow her. being fixed to sail about the middle »f June. It was originally intended that the Durhaim would leave Liverpool for the four New Ztfaland main porta on April 11. The locfel agents for the Federal-Shire Line state th»t hex placc on the loading berth will be feksp

by the chartered steamer Northern, Captain Roberts, The latter vessel was in port at Wellington during the strike, and was the first vessel to move from the wharf to the stream. She also had the distinction of being the first oversea steamer to complete discharge at the Southern port and proceed cn her journey. CABLE STEAMER lr.J°. The cable-repair rteamer Iris will h? docked on .. April 27 for survey, while her nil shaft will also be drawn at. the sanaa tij,.e for inspection. The Iri.* is tj jail on ""° 'io on a visit of inspection to the P .■ , Cable Boards stations at Norfolk IsJiql iava, and v anniny Island.

7«u«l. From Sat». Rosamond! Gisborne ... Mar. 16 lf. wta .' Southern ports Mar. 26 Rivonnn Sydney .. .. Mar. 29! Victoria Southern ports Mar. 29 I & urw , " Westport ... Mai. 31 ncstralia Southern ports Apr. 2 'ialune Eastern Pacific Apl. 2 Wanaca ... ... Southern ports Apr. 4 Monowai ... ... Southern iforts Apr. .> JMakeno ... ... Sydney ... Apr. 5 Navua ... South Scat Is.... Apr. s' Niagara. K.M.S. ... Sydney Apr. 10 Manuka ... ... Sydney Apr." 19 ariwera ... ... Southern porta Apr. 23 • OVERSEA , Vessel. Sailed. Prom *£?£* Jeacnc ... .4. Jan. 4 St. John ... Mar SO Ipvorkii-, . ... Dec. 31 Now York ... Mar". SO Pslieha ... ... reb. 12 London ... Apr 9 Muramii. R.M.S. Mar. 18 V incouver... Apr. 7 Norehana, ... Feb. 19 London ... Apr 9' Henrik Ibsen ... Jan. 26 Nnw York,.. Apr 15 Hollineton ... Jan. 29 St. John ... Apr 15 Weatmeatli ... Feb. 14 Liverpool ... Apr* 20 BouU-port ... Feb. 8 New fork... Apr. 35 Himutika ... Mar. 14 Liverpool . . <ipr 31 Tongiriro ._ Mar. 18 London . . May 1 John Hardio ... Feb. 23 New York... May 5 Makura ... ... To sail Vancouver... May "i Muntsi ... ... Mar. 13 London ... May 6 Whakarua ... Mar. 15 New York... May 18 Kia Ora Mar. 6 St. John ... May 20 SAIL. Vessel. From Bailed Andromeda, bq ... Now York ... an on Combermore, Itnl sh. Marseilles ... j an 24 Mabel Gain, Bch. ... I'uzet Sound ... Feb -J Seiiorila. bn ... Newcastle ... FpI,' or Louisa Crtis, bq. ... Edithburg ... ar 5 Joseph Craig, bq. ... Newcastle ... Mar'. 11 William Efcwden ... Columbia River To sail ft 011 *., 11 ? Melbourne ... To sail. Dan'.el, bq,. Clarence River To 3ail Oberon, b.vquentine Busselton ... To sail Bumhawa., barque . . Bussoltoo ... To sail. VESSELS TO SAIL FROM AUCKLAND. ,. Vessel. Destination. Aerer;i, kdtch ...Niue ... ... Mar. 28 S"! ta !' ■■■ • Southern ports Mar. 28 Kuteshire Southern ports Mar. 28 i/osamond ■ Gisboree ... Mar. 28 Dlar ol \ ictforia ...Napier ... ... Mar.'28 Kakaiu Southern port!, Mar. 28 Kjvcrin* ... Sydney Mar. SO Victory ... Southern porta Mar! 31 Westrul'.a . . Southern ports. Apr. 1 Isabel .. Friendly Is. ... Apr. 5 Ma ho do Sydney Apr. 6 enow 11 1 Southern port* Apr. (i Marama. li.M.S. ... Sydney ... ... Apr. 71 Jalune. . ... ... Eastern Pacifk Apr. 7 Niagara, II.M.S. ... Vancouver ... Apr. 11 vi" 7 ""' South Sea Is... Apr. 15 Manuka Sydney Apr. '20 , arawera. . . ... Southern portii Apr. 25 Iris, cable isteamtr .. Norfolk Island... May 25

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LI, Issue 15566, 25 March 1914, Page 7

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PORT OF AUCKLAND. New Zealand Herald, Volume LI, Issue 15566, 25 March 1914, Page 7

PORT OF AUCKLAND. New Zealand Herald, Volume LI, Issue 15566, 25 March 1914, Page 7