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g.' ARRIVALS. '"■'.' Ukicii 7 " MANAIA. s.s. l 7 .i i> m.l, 1159 tons, E. Step- ■ henson tniru Whangarei. Passengers; Mo? uu4i.c/ Johnstone, oevins, iiacKy, Lyons, lieni, tra«r, Jctinsou, Courtney and child, ( ,e Lee, \au'«, Uouoc. tjianiuara, Curtain, Urown. 'M. itao. liroset, Lamb, Oaipm. Eni«ht. Skinnor. Met unlock, Jurby and -i cbt.uren. >'.ivo. 'I hompton, llooy, McCul iuiigii Iviv. Misses Jounsionc, Pcicrß, Las sidy. 'Carpenter, l.eo, oils, Caasirty, Moraintra, Granam, i iiman, rainier, Williams, Bewick, tsix.ii. I onynlinn, Carter, Lcvonport, Mi'l'lir.tiick Stanley, Uevonport, Moore. lok.. \Nolu-y, Leu., VViikins. i.oki. Wooi.ey. htiio*. Messrs. itevins. Durham, Urnuhsi: iu-.s»o«d, Weir, Shereold, Astiey. jtl&ch. C>kii*.. Muilane, Montgomery. Carter. Courtney. Kin*, 'lu«liui. Dyer. Hoimcs. Nelson, I'eirm, I'hompwin, Peacock, Moyshon, Cutfotth, lu'e, Henry. Arms.long. Atkinson, pons, Or. in..ii, Urine. Brown, Bishop, jjwansfm. Holder, Sinner, I'aape, Littii*. 1." ni>. i.: nc. Smith, Bainbridgo. Little. I'hili'i'-'. L-tnilj. Allen. West. Olive,. Evans. l'l:i 'i" i\ m < -ini. Skinner. Wilson. Pickering. ('nil*'', hi IV. Ld»Brds. Boothhy, Wolley, Saunders. Johnstone, and 22 Steerage.—Northern S S C- . agents. , NOAITHI » « 730 a m.l, 091 tons, M pierotli. Iro: . Ta-.iranga. I'ussengors. Misses Clisio;. >,"■ i... Crapes, Walker, lhom, Cray, JiiGuiro, Me- i,. iics Rutherford, Davie. Wood lord. 1 Vter*. wound!, Tanner, liearns, Wrigley. Bienuan Mo<srs. Scott. Mallabond, lis. kriii iir>-iii«i ml, Blylh. Cameron. Ucaly, C inue, Wnikin*, Tappin, Rutherford (21, l'iri. I. i '■■■■■ i* Douglas, Harris Buchanan Ch.iier. "i .i- in. Rutherford, Searlc, Tanner— S'oi'rH in SS Co., agents. CLANSMAN, »s. 17 a.m ), 835 tons. E. Me Lrod, frmii V hn;:or.ui, WhanKnroa. and Rus t( . ; fw^iwe™: itissos L. renny, Boo:h, 'fihophi-xt. A ixdorf, Nurse Spurting. Mes(lsines Mhh.lp;. Kounlree, Jones. Clemen. Jili'isr? 1 r.nuiell. E. Edwards, Heancy, C. A. Shepherd. l-'.nd A D Jones. Gray, Branson v.. Ku.vii ■. Toiminson, Dickenson VI), Armetrcna. bieinr:, Armilage, Mitchell, Honey bono. Ltieey, .'.dams, W. R. Mc Sonr.iv B.u.Hi Grim.lis, Captain .iK.onnan. air. ami Mrs Mc.N'ah, Mr and Mrs Mudford. Mr ami Mrs J M Mudiord— Northern S3. Co-, agents. SgUAI.!,. D.i ill p.m.), 369 tons. S. Jones, from Gisborne and East Coast bays.— Richardson and Co.. Ltd.. agents. TAMWHA, as 11.10 pnl, 263 tons, W. Bottia. from I'aeroj.—Northern S.S. Co., at' l " l is ROTOMAUAN'A. s.s. (1115 a.m ), 183 tons. A. Stephenson, trom Coromandel.—Northern 8.3. Co .. agents. AKAKOa. is., 70 tons, H. Campbell, from .ho Coo-jt.— i'aiKer-Lamb limber Co., Ltd., i„enis. ALMA. scow. 56 tons, Scares, from Tau .'»ni.i — it. S. Reynolds, agent. C.N ULA VOL ri. auxiliary kolch. 84 tons, .Mm. trom \S hangorvi.—iNew Zealand l'ort aim Ccmeir. Co., aijeais. Miiw'K 8. MONUWAI. s.s. 111.15 a.m.). 3133 tons, B Wniie-l'uisoiid, from Southern and - East lyvsot pons, I'asseiiijers. Alisses Image, ,icwion. ttiiuertielQ, (.rawiord. Lurch. I'aler»n. v bricn, tauiing. White, Jt>cil, I'otls, .\:c ilis ii, Loyiaiui, Lopdeil, Busby fit, Jesuumej Ford. t uiiuning. Leay, Ciocdwin, vrawiord, tiiabaian, inornley. Eilery, bial.•„ru nn<l inlant, hlii3on. Uenry, Cattin, Jol, . w eK. i.ack. rJusby. Edwards, Messrs. hhaw, justiille, Uison, Alu.cay. Ware, Bed, Mackie, iiobson. Siiioridu, Warren, Taylor, Levey, Adiii. Linage. Hemp, ford, Green, lira- ! uai-cin. laiey. Warnock. Ho.mes. Kearsley, Jfsilliner, btcpheiieon, Ormond. Dunlop. Loilby,, Ellery. Hargrcavcs i2). Lord. Watt, Hurtncil. McCluskey. McKentie, El.(son Brown, Tayior. Joll, Sharplin. a,;argo. Stewart, Simpson, Crawford. Cook. hotter, Graham. Uaaso, Edson. Lord. Nio Mirier. Wyllie Young. Motcalt, Dingley. Busby, Edwards, Captain Ruxion, -M members Willbughby Dramatic Company, and 45 jteen.go.—Union S.S. Co.. agents. MAHENO, ss. (3 35 p m.l. 5282 tons, J McLean, from Sydney . direct. Passengers: Mesdanies Kossi'.cr, Sherris and infant.-iier-bert. Waterhouic, Kenney, Phillip. Jones, Speight and 3 children, Sharwood and coy, iiolonion. Carey and infant, Hardie, Hicks, Ileum and child. Stannfoith. Jones, rlannon. Yeldon. Craggs and infant. Parr, Bodansky, Whircat, McMahon, Herdman, Dearsley, Levict, Cochrane, Hogan, Brazier, Warren, i Wilson. Young, Misses Myers, Foote, Arnold Kountree, Hayson, Bradbury Allen, Ryan. Downey, Pt.lnier, Cochrane. Young, White. Dodds, Messrs. Lovcll, Smith, Dansey, Ross, Phillip, Siczbt Sharwood, Brunswick, Aimo. Madia, Mitchell, Leightcr. Hayes, Cunningham, Boss, Johnston, Steele, Bolloway, Nelsou. Solomon. Peanes, Jones, Allen, Bennett, -. Warren. Taylor, Harneman. Hicks, llcarn. ;. Aucru. Joni-«. Staniforth, Quinn, Geldon, ■.'. Holland, Whircal, . McMahon, Dearslejr. Rut•"hivt. K.o!rm,n, Ward, Mitchell, Cochrane, , ''Kogan. Br,u:ier. Carr, Roche, Watson, Fraser. [ Young. Sir H Moore, Rev Hallistor, and 126 '"', sfeorage.—C S.S. Co., agents. ' WAIOTAHI. s.s. (9 5 am.). 278 tons. E. Ki-atley. from Mercury Boy and Tainta — Passengers: Mi. B sea Hamilton and Pcndergast, Mrs Hamilton, Messrs. De Montalk. Choisy. Hatrick. Frankhurst. Marsick. Knl-pi-h, Pulhara. and Master Hamilton.—Northern S ft. Co.. agents. KOUTTJNtn. s.s. (6.20 p.m.), 171 'tons, E. Pray, from Tokomaru Bay.Richardson and Co , Ltd . agents. PAEROA, s.s. (0.40 a.m.), 91 tons, J. Taw. from Whanga-rei.—Northern S.S. Co., agents. DEPARTURES. Mabch 7. FIONA, s.s (1i.45 p.m.), 4471 tons. G. - Barnes, for Newcastle and Sydney. WESTRALIA. s.s. (2.45 p.m.), 2884 tons, G. B. Bates, for East Coast and Southern ports. Pasiiengera: For Gisborne—Misses -Perger, Wilson, Chrisp, Lee. McLaughlin, Haven, Dawes. Saul, MaHis. McCntcneon. Black (2). Mesdamcs Hatche, Stephenson, Brown, Black, Hornblow, Wallis, Napier, Rogers, Cogan, King, Humphries, Chrisp Messrs. Penyer, Clarke, Dunne, Lloyd. Busn nell, Guthrie, Diilen. Wood. Davis. Schwabe. Pearcy, Byrne, Robinson, Lewis, luyre. summing, Gates (21, Morse, Sharr de Montalk, Martin, Morse, King. For Napier—Mr. J. P. Smith. For Wellington Collie. , Stewart. Mi (nee, Mesdamos Jackson, Jeffries. Collie, Crab tree, Stewart.' For Lyttelton— Miss Rnahwick For Dunedin— Quirke. Mesdamcs Penman. Hornbloro, Messrs. Miller, Penman, and 15 steerage for all ports. ROSAMOND, s.s. (12 46 p.m.). <-zl tons. H. Dryden, for Tolago Bay and Gisborne.

NGATIAWA, s.s. (12.50 p.m.). 463 tons, W. Bach, for Tauranga, Ohiwa. and Opotiki.

DAPHNE, s s. (3.50 p.m.). 192 tons, E. H Goertz, for Awanui.

KORORA, scow, 160 tons, R. Caitcheon, for Russell.

March 8. | WATMARIE. s.s. (7.40 p.m.). 245 tons, J. Freeman, for Paoroa. AKAROA, b.% (5 20 p.m.). 70 tons, H. Campbell, for the Coast. KANIERI, s.s. (4.10 p.m.), 203 tons, J. Tcixeiri. for Whangarei. ALBATROSS, auxiliary ketch. 61 tons, A. Clarke, for Whangarei.

VESSELS DUE TO-DAY. Narua. from Tonga, Samoa, and Fiji ports. Berths at Northern Wharf. Caimross, from Montreal, via Durban and Australian ports.

VESSELS SAILING TO-DAY. Maheno, for Sydney direct, at 7 p.m., from Hobaon Wharf. Terrier, for Newcastle. Manaia. for Whangarei, from Northern Wharf. Ngapuhi, for Tauranga. from No. 3 Jetty. Clansman, for Russell and Opua, from No. 3 Jetty Aupouri, for North Coast ports, from Norv them Wharf Waio'ahi for Mercury Bay and Kuaotunu, from Northern Wharf. Taniwha, for Paeroa, from Northern Wharf. Rotomahana, for Coromandel, from No. 3 Jetty. Tasnian, for Whakatane, from No. 3 Jetty. Wakatcre. for Thames, from No. 3 Jetty. Chelmsford, for Marsden Point an£ tray ports. Paeroa, for Whangarei.

BAILINGS TO-DAY FROM ONEHUNGA. Raraws., (or New Plymouth, at 3 p.m. Claymore, for Raglan and Kawhia, at 2 p.m. VESSELS EXPECTED AT AUCKLAND OVERSEA Approx Vessel Sailed From date pjagfira, Feb 19 Vancouver... Mar 10 Argeniels . Dec 12 New York.. Mar. 19 Star of Scotland Jan. 6 London .. Mar. 14 lUngatira ... Jan. 8 London ... Mar. 16 Marie . Jan. 4 St. John ... Mar. 22 Buteshire ... Jan. 17 Liverpool ... Mar OS Pakeua Feb. 12 London ... Mar' :S» pUr of Victoria Feb 3 London ... Mar 30 Inverkip Dec. 31 New York ... Mar. 81 Muvama. R.M.S To sail Vancouver... Apr. 7

VESSELS IN HAKfIOOR Pyramua, H.M.8., at Admiralty Wharf, lorrior, s.s.. in Calliope Dock. Jioura, as. in stioam. pauroto, a.s id stream «ereni. ketch, in stream. gOook, a.s., at King's Wharf. MUill. r.b., nt King's Wharf. koronation. Welch, in stream. Mahcno. br, at Hobson Wharf. Wonowai, a., at Queen's Wharf, I ftoutunin, •■».. at King's Wharf. »wo«i. oarquenline in atrean. 'J "outhern Croat., 8.3., in stream. f.Muoe. b.b.. at Hobson Whnrf. a flM«l Craig, barque, at King's Wharf. § IMB of Ewnio. it., at No. 2 Jetty. 1,.., *"*. cable steamer, at mooring* m IMPORTS. gp<j Per Monowai, from Southern puns. 1500 m'- : a ? General merchandise, including 1524 Ity IK?, ? oats. 3932 backs wheat. 250 sacks flour, ■ ■ m lop's flour, 800 50's flour, 78 sackß bran, ■ V V sacks oatmeal, 125 cases matches, 489 cases | ,™al», 49 empty returned casks, 268 ' {'Was etraw, 312 packages tea, 46 w|SJ*f* canned fish, 176 boxes canned IglffUlt, 6 sucks whcatraeal, 1162 sacks

seed, 16 sacks pollard. 267 bags onions, 291 sacks malt, 18 sacks Pearl barley. 77 bags | rico, 100 bags sand, 20 eacks empty sacks, | 24 . butts ale. 485 pieces redwood, 122 bgxes raisins, 146 boxes prunes, 250 bundles shingles, 50 bundles pg. wire, 150 cases whisky, 43 boxes butter. 58 cases bacon, 100 cases lard, 100 cases milk, 127 hogsheads ale, ii Ons grease, and quantity sundries. a Por Maheno, from Sydney. 107 cases wine, 63 casks waste. -15 cylinders carbon dioxide gas. 4999 felloes, 212 naves. 180 sacks peanuts, 817 bags rice, 485 sacks flour. 17 bales paper. 176 packages tea, 200 cases sugar, 102 reels paper, 26 balos millett, 208 cases sardines. 92 chests tea. 916 sacks bono dust, 1052 pieces limber, 94 grindstones, 25 cases phonographs. 120 bags ricemeal, 600 cases soap. 40 cases sulphric acid. 10 casos mur. acid, and transhipments ex steamers Jiatooniba, Wyrceira, Indarra, Moldavia, Wakatipu. Warilda. Attla Otranto. Osterlcy. 1 nnz Stgismund, Tieten, Cannstatt, Aldenharo, Nikko Mare. The doparturo of the coastal steamer Tasmaii for Whakatanc has been postponed until 2 p.m. to-day The Colonial Sugar Company's steamer tiona sailed on Saturday evening for Newcastle. From the latter port she go*s to Sydney to lead for Fiji. * The Weitralia. which sailed on Saturday afternoon for East Coast and Southern ports, is duo back at, Auckland on Thursday, March The Talune is timed to sail from Auckland at 10 a.m. to-morrow for the Cook and Society Islands. The coastal steamer Ngatiawa, which sailed on Saturday afternoon for 't'nuranga Ohiwa. and Opotiki, is due back in port on Wednesday. She is timed to sail again for Opotiki and Ohiwa nt 4 p.m. on Thursday. The Daphne is due back from Awamii on Wednesday morning. She is timed to sail at 6 p.m. on Saturday next for Awanui and waiharara. The Huddart-Parker steamer Victoria, which arrived at Dunedin yesterday from Auckland and East Coast -oris, is timed to leave the Southern port at .; p m. to-morrow on the return trip. She is due back at Auckland on Sunday morning next. The Maitai. on her way from Dunedin and way ports to Auckland, is timed to leave Wellington this evening. The vessel is due Hers on Thursday morning. The steamer Suffolk is expected to complete the discharge of the Auckland portion of Lor London cargo in time to siil to-mor-row afternoon for Wellington and Nelson. The Monowai arrived from Southern and East Coast ports shortly before noon yesterday, after a fine weather passage. The vessel brought 1500 tons of general cargo and a largo number of passengers. She sails at 2 p.m. to-morrow on the return voyage. The Gisborne. Harbour Board's dredge Maui, at present undergoing survey and overhaul at Auckland, will probably Bail for Gisborne about the end of this week. The cargo steamer Den of Ewnio is expected to complete the discharge of her coal cargo in time to sail for Newcastle this evening or early to-morrow morning. Tho. Richardson steamer Koutunui arrived frjm Tokomaiu Bay last evening. She will probably sail to-morrow evening with general cargo for East Coast bays, as far as Tokoroaru Bay. The oilier Kaititna left Weßtport on Salur day evening for Auckland, with a full cargo of coal She is due here to-morrow night The Richardson steamer Squall arrived from Gisborne and East Coast bays late on Saturday night She will probably dock today tor survey and overhaul. The barque Har.el Craig will probably sail en Wednesday evening for Opua (Bay jt Islands), where sin loads timber for Warrr.ambool. The vessel is loading about 30,000 it of limber at Auckland. The Wanaka loft Napier at 5 p.m. on Friday last for Lyttolton, with 3500 sheep. The vessel loada produce at Oamaru, the Bluff, and this week for Auckland. Captain P C Ross, late of the Talune, has been appointed wharfinger to the Union Steamship Company at Dunedin. Repairs to tho propeller of the steamer Terrier in Calliope Dock will probably be completed in time for the vessel to sail for Newcastle this evening. Captain H. Fletcher, late chief officer of the Willochra, is i,ow in command of the Talune. The Karamu is fixed .to load a cargo of chaff at Picton to-morrow for Onehunga. Mr. C. Taylor, chief engineer of the &.aiapoi. arrived by the Monowai from Napier yesterday for orders. The Corinns was to have left Dunedin on Saturday evening for New Plymouth and Onehunga, via way ports. Mr. G. Knowles has joined the Waitomo as chief officer, in place of Mr. Martin, who has come ashore on sick leave. The barque Lobo left Dunedin last Wednesday for Oamaru, where she will complete tho discharge of her timber cargo. Captain G. M. Buxton, late of the Kaiapoi, arrived in Auckland by the Monowai yesterday on holiday leave. He leaves uy the Maheno to-day for Sydney. The Huddart-Parker liner Ulimaroa is duo • a« the Bluff this morning from Melbourne . and Hoba.rt. She leaves Wellington on Friday evening for Sydney direot. Captain H. H. Williams, late of the Moura. is now in command of the Kaiapoi, in place of Captain G. M. Ruxton. The- Shaw, Savill and Albion liner Ranga lira is expected to arrive at Auckland about tho end of this week from London, via Southern ports. She has about 1500 tons if cargo on board for this port. There was no appearance up to an early hour this morning of the steamer Cairnroßs. from Montreal and Australian porta. Thd vessel Jeft Sydney at 5 p.m. on Tuesday laist, and should put in an appearance at any time now. MAHENO FROM SYDNEY. At 3.30 p.m. yesterday the Union Company turbine steamer Maheno arrived' at Auckland from Sydney direct, after a pas sago occupying four days one hour. The vessel berthed at the Hobson Wharf, where she was medically inspected by the port health officer. The Maheno sailed from the New South Wales port at 1 p.m. on Wednesday last, and had a fins'* weather passage with strong variable winds and moderate seas Sho brought 230 saloon and steerag-i > passengers, and about 600 tons of cargo, for New Zealand. The Maheno is timed to sail i at 7 p.m. to-day for Sydney diireot.

PASSENGERS COMING BY RIVEEINA. Advice received by the mail yesterday from our Sydney correspondent, states that the passengers booked up to March 4 by the Huddart-Parker liner Hiverin&. which leavi9 the New South Wales port on Wednesday for Auckland, include Mesdames Smatlfielrt. Kerwick. Heddcrwick, Golden. Kisses E. Ralph, Pollock, Gray, Daldy, G. Armstrong, E. Moreland, Heddcrwick, Marter, Goiden Fairweather. Bryant, Perks, Greenwood, Messrs. A. Jacobson. Smallfield, J. La-vender. C. W King. F. Willy, C Smith, E. Fowler. C. Hedderwick, H. Anderson. Dixon, Mc Laughlin. and Murphy. BY WIRELESS. The following vessels are expected to be within range of the New Zealand wireless stations to-night: — Awanui: Navua, Niagara, Weslralia, Manuka. Maheno, Makura, Maitai. Ayrshire. Maunganui. Auckland: Maheno. Westralia. Waimana, Nairnshire. Navua, Niagara. Maitai. Wellington: Maunganui. Maitai, Maori. Wahine, Ayrshire, Weatralia, Maunganui, Manuka. Chatham Islands: Kumars, Ruapenu, ana Star of India (bound from Wellington to London).

NAVUA DUE AT 9 P.M. TO-DAY. A wireless message received last night from Captain Todd, of the Union Company's steamer Navua, stated that the vessel will arrive at Auckland about 9 pjn. to-day from Tonga. Samoa, and Fiji ports The Navua will berth at the Northern Wharf to discharge her fruit cargo. She sails to-morrow afternoon for Wellington to complete her discharge. ' R.M S. MAKURA. The Canadian-Australasian mail liner Makura is timed to leave Sydney at noon today for Auckland direct. The vessel is due here on Friday morning next, and will load the usual large shipment of butter, hides, frozen meat, and other products for the Canadian port. The Makura is scheduled to sail at 10 a.m. on Saturday. March 14, for Suva, Honolulu, and Vancouver. THE TONGARIRO. A cable message which was received recently, stated that the New Zealand Shipping Company's steamer Tongariro had arrived at Capetown. This intelligence was incorrect, an the vessel left Teneriffe on February 19 for London, in continuation of her voyage from Wellington. The Tongariro is sohedi led to leave London on March 12 for Auckland and Wellington. She is expected to arrive here about the end of ipn'. NIAGARA DUE TO-MORROW. Advice received by the Union Company states that the R.M 8 Niagara, which left Vancouver early on the morning of Thursday, February 19, for Auckland and Sydney, via ports, about 20 hours behind schedul* time, arrived at Suva at 6 a.m on Saturday. Sho 'eft the Island port on Saturday evening for Auckland, and is due here to-morrow afternoon—her contract date The Niagara has over 600 ton 3 of Canadian merchandise on board for New Zealand, and is now timed to sail at 3 p.m. on Wednesday for Sydney direct. MARAMA AT VANCOUVER. Cable advice received by the Union Com pany states that the R.M.S. Marama arrived at Vancouver at 8 p.m. on Thursday last from Auckland, via Suva and Honolulu —two dnys later than schedule time. The vessel cleared this port on the evening of Saturday, February 11, several hours behind time, which was due to loading operations being considerably delayed owing to heavy rain the previous night. She was also a day late arriving at Suva from Auckland The Marama is timed to leave Vancouver on the return voyage on Wednesday, March 18, being due back at Auckland on Tuesday. April 7.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LI, Issue 15552, 9 March 1914, Page 5

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PORT OF AUCKLAND. New Zealand Herald, Volume LI, Issue 15552, 9 March 1914, Page 5

PORT OF AUCKLAND. New Zealand Herald, Volume LI, Issue 15552, 9 March 1914, Page 5