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I Cotton Frocks (Ladies') 9/11 etc., 3/lof each. I Fancy Silk & Net Lace & Insertion 3/6 etc., I/- doz. yards. I Camisoles, Good, I/- each. Ladies' Linen Collars, all Fresh Clean Goods, 21 and I Black Lisle Stockings, Cashmere Feet, 1/9 etc., II Jd pair. 2\ inches deep, sizes, 12|, 13, 13 J, 14 inches, I Black Embroidered and Plain Pure Wool Cashmere Id. each IOJd the box of 12. J Stockings 2/6 etc., 1/8 pair. I And hundreds of other lots. j | (PUT - ALL SALE LINES MUST GO AT SOME PRICE. HHH I KARAW€S-A.KIJ§I!*E ROAD.

Boots and Shoes, Etc. Economists should take advantage of the Clearing Lines, many of which are under Half Price for the next 21 days. ■. —i ■ —,—■—■ i ■ i■ r ,i, , 1. 286 PAIRS AMERICAN HIGH- 12. LADIES' STYLISH GLACE KID 22. MEN'S, SNOW'S. AMERICAN TAN CLASS PUMP SOLE SHOES, very ENGLISH DERBY SHOES, sewn, BOOT pointed toes; usual price, 255; best Glace Kid, in perfect condition, 8s 6d pair. Wide Toe. clearing at 10s 6d pair. narrow toes, lace and button; usual 13 LADIES' EVENING SHOES, 3s lid, Postage, 4id pair 011 women's boots or price, 18s 6d pair; clearing at 7s lid. 4 S y 4 S 11( j and 5s 11( pair ' ' shoes; 9d pair on men's. 2. 117 PAIRS VERY BEST QUALITY 14. LADIES' WHITE KID 1-BAR GLACE KID. PUMP SOLE BOOTS EVENING SHOES, 6s lid and7s FANCY GOODS. ETC. lace and button, narrow toes; usual nd pa i r . ' 1 niiw 1 wwvuvj ■> Iv. price, 255; clearing at 10s 6d pair. 15 LADIES' TWINE SOLE SLIPPERS SISSLEY'S STAIN AND GREASE 3. 49 PAIRS AMERICAN BOOTS, 3's all sizes, Is pair, or three pairs for 2s ERADICATOR, Is bottles; each. and 4's, only; usual price, 15s 6d; fid. MUSIC at Bankrupt. Price. clearing at 6s lid pair. A Packet, containing 2ls worth of Music, 4. LADIES' GLACE KID ENGLISH ..-...«. nMAVA for ls 6d - _ T , r , VT „.„ AND AMERICAN SHOES, all size MENS BOOTS. HEMY'S TUTORS, lOd > CZERNYS 3; usual price, 12s lid; clearing at EXERCISES. 9d. -~„,,* 4s lid pair LARGE STRONGLY - BOUND 5. GIRLS' WHITE CANVAS 1-BAR 16 ' **"'* oFff/l!?™ 0 CHROME fi . r V n OW ES OF MUSIC !Is 9d. t 1. SHOES, sewn soles, size 11 to 1; 3s „ BALS. EASY-EIT- " COPIES °* MLSIC. cleanng at Id , LAKES' . CANVAS SHOES, Black ™J™ GLACE KID BALS., ANSON,a WATCHES. ?M , AN or.Tan, Sl2e 3s and 4.; only 3s 6* „, TRE 3QOT mmx good NICKEL WATCHES, 2s, 6d 7. LADIES' SEWN DERBY SHOES, CA ,, 9 R GLACE KID - sewn, „.«!!"*%,, PATV , - . ... Ur „^\ B 6s lid pair welted soles, easy fitting, 15s 6d pair. \VRHINU PAI)b, 7 for ls; large ls 8. LADIES'. I-BAR CHROME SHOES, M- MEN'S 18s 6d SEWN ENGLISH oooDcSSIMHaCIAIT ENVELOPES. 7 i n *1"8»*L m .„„ »™ „ K' ' ' ' * P«ketß for 6d; Superior 2d Envelopes. : 9. LADIES' 21s TAN GLACE SHOES, 6d P"'- 10 packet, for Is i 10s 6d pair. 20. MEN'S STRONG NAILED SPECTACLES TO SUIT ALL SIGHTS I 10. LADIES' CHROME BALS.. 8s 6d SHOOTERS, 8s lid pair; solid kip. i s *, 6 ~j pai V ■ C r vstal2s 6d pair P^ l- - do.. 12s 9d. Real Pebbles 3s 9rt ' ' 11. LADIES; WHITE TENNIS SHOES, 21. MEN'S EVENING SHOES, 4s lid, COLOURED SPECTACLES, for Sun and -is tid pair. 5 3 nd, and 7s 6d pair. Dust, ls and ls 6d pair. At MILL ER S Fancy Repository g Boot Palace, 100, 102, and 104 VICTORIA STREET, AUCKLAND. ,

Business Notices. l Jus! a dash of g Mellor's Sauce | I makes all the difference I to a cold-meat meal! I AN OLD-FASHIONED ENGLISH SAUCE OF UNRIVALLED PIQUANCY. Its inimitable flavour gives Sa zest to appetite that enhances the enjoyment | of eating. | GROCERS AND STORES. *@&tfEineQ.fIGBBEBSIBSJBHVSBHnuQejSBBjejBBBHBBBHB 1 SA.NFC'U). LTD. (A Sanlord. Managing O Directori. FISH. RABBIT and OYSTER MERCHANTS. AUCKLAND Brunches: Thames and Taurine*. Begi.tered £ S^ l 'I"" 18 M " k Rabbits. Freeh and Smoked Fish of Best Oua.iiT Lowent Price*, at Saniord't Market, ■ ~:•!.iv Cuttomhoaie. Retail Telephone, He 6RB Cash Buyer, of Dried Rahhit Sltitie &. W. basley l lECISTEUD MTMT ABEMT. I.Z. Patents. Dmlum. Trade Marks. . vt£&^ and CopyrlnhU obtained _ and .»«i»t«irod In all r tar O T*^ y i& TT.LEPHOSM: W' V^da^' (""a*' I 07: Hott, »" ««. < » fc Drawing, made by luUy eipnriea >f%v' cod dranehtiiman. Foil and reliable < Information obtainable (tee at the— UNIVERSAL PATENTS ACENCY(o^) SWANSOn STREET (Next queen Btj AUCKLAND

Merchandise. "MephistcF Copying Pencils are made by L. & C. Hardtmuth, which is the strongest guarantee of pencil excellence that can be offered. The " Mephisto " writes smoothly, yet gives a really sharp impression. For manifolding purposes no other pencil is nearly so good. HARbTMUTH'S RUBBER is the best for all erasive purposes. Artists should use the Grey, but for offices, &c, the Pink is recommended. "KOH-I-NOOR" RUBBER BANDS Strongest—Most Economical. From Stitiooers. Ate, tßronghout the World j , L & C HARDTMUTH, Ltd, I » Koh-i-noor House, London. England. J ipiOpKrl P" ,5T 2P'p7^ESf I Farmers to H.M. the King. I Bt ArPOrNTMSWT. I

Dress and Fashion. QPFPIAi PIIRPIJACC OF AN ENGLISH drTUml rUnUilndL manufacturer's samples LADIES' and MAIDS' Tweed & Blanket Tweed Coats NEWEST SHADES AND STYLES FOR THE COMING SEASON, 9/6, 10/6, 11/9, 13/6, 15/11, 18/6, 21/-, 25/6, to 38/6 CHOICE GOODS AND EXCEPTIONAL VALUE Marked very low TO CLEAR during SA Y IS" All Mackintoshes and Raincoats at Reduced Prices. GENUINE BARGAINS. Orders with Cash sent Carriage Paid. Goods not approved of may be returned. BRIDGMAN & BRIDGMAN OPPOSITE TOWN HALL, QUEEN STREET, AUCKLAND.

Lite Assurance. 1 Australian Mutual 1 1 Provident Society. 1 I Established 1849. * J| The Largest Mutual Life Office in the British Empire and the |J 5 Best Bonus-Paying Office in the World! * * 15 $ ft ft Funds over - - - £30,000,000 .ft ■s 1 Annual Income nearly - - £4,000,000 ft * ft ft ft ft Bonuses Divided Yearly! g ft ft ft The CASH BONUSES divided among Policy-Holders for the ONE YEAR *. k f 1912 amounted to £936,971, producing Reversionary Additions of & ft £1,640,000. ft T ft i|l Low Premiums. Liberal Conditions. Unequalled Results. jj fy " fk ft DIRECTORS OF THE NEW ZEALAND BRANCH : fU ft ft ifl The Finn. C. .7. Johnston, M.L.C., Chairman ; B. Brandon, Esq., Deputy- p& ■ft Chairman ; John Duncan, Esq., Joseph Joseph, Esq., and H. Beaneharnp, Esq. A ft Edward W. Lowe, Resident Secretary. ft ft New Zealand Branch - CUSTOMHOUSE QUAY, WELLINGTON. I ft wt $ AnckUml District Office: BANK OF N.Z. BUILDINGS, Swanson Street « ib (Temporary Offices), ft g! W. H. DERRY, District Secretary. * ftftftftftftftftftfttfftftftftftftftftftftftftftftft RAPID! BRILLIANT! ! LASTING (II "■ V

Phonographs. Edison Wax Records at Reduced Prices | . | i This is good news for owners of Edison Phonographs news of j L [ an all round reduction in pric« on Edison Wax Records. 5 | Every number available is offered at the reduced price for its \ type and the opportunity to secure some of the very finest Edison ! Wax Records ever issued at a substantial cut on the usual rate is one you will not fail to grasp. ' I The reductions are as follows:-— jj I Wax Records Standard at a substantial cut —Reduced from is one you will not fail to grasp. The reductions are as follows:-— t Edison Wax Standard Record* (2-minute) —Reduced from 1/9 to 1/3. Edison Wax Amberol Records (4-minute)— Reduced from 2/6 to 2/-. " | Edison Wax Amberol Concert Records— from 4/6 to 3/6. Edison Wax Standard Grand Opera Records—Reduced from 4/6 to 2/6. Edison Wax Amberol Grand Opera Records (all types)— Reduced from 6/-, 8/6, and 10/6 to 4/6 each. These reductions are in force at all Edison dealers throughout 5 New Zealand, and phonograph owners should immediately select 1 desired Records as the best numbers will surely be bought I first. I j If you do not know the address of the Edison dealer m your I district, write us direct and we will tell you of it, and also send 1 complete lists of Edison Phonographs and Records. j THOMAS A. EDISON, LTD.. j (Wholesale only). 364-372 Kent Street, Sydney. D 7 GOLD IE~&~SONST [Dressmakers' ST LIMITED. Bust Models. » OCEANIC SAWMILLS. _ r~ "■"**«"»• Mr% Hi) Dressmaker, I Xsteur xi AWiC%\ BREAKWATER T>OA.D. pwlssiional, shouiJ b* witij. MBkMA Telephones: 1\) ©■» % GOOD MODEL, to fiSHSraiS 652. Head Office: 96. Order Office assist In fitting vid trimming UWtMf dresses, ißckets, etc. w9ffis7 K»uri, Totara, Rimu White Pine. Oregon «. _ _ BwsiSl Pine, Bluegum. Ironbark. Particulars and Pal OSS IS§§\ Joiner? and Mouldings always in Stock. * ILL ,BR p OSTBO rasa OS KBmßr\ . APPLICATION TO- ■•»«£% EAVESTAFF PIANOS tor exquisite sweeV We P. OGILVIE. HaS**' I ness and charm of tone.Sole Agents. _.. _. irami E. and F. Piano Agency. Lid. S. Coidicutt, 811, Qu«en $&., Auckland* Manager. -

Furnishing Goods. * 1 "' 1 '" "" "ii"" """"■ mu " ™""i """ ""n I Charming Interiors j I that appeal to the artistic sense in every I j beholder, making one realise the pinnacle J | modern craftsmanship has reached. These j I are the home interiors, which are the out- 1 that appeal to the artistic sense in every | beholder, making one realise the pinnacle I modern craftsmanship has reached. These p are the home interiors, which are the out- 1 come of furnishing with us. If you bring [1 us your ideas re furnishing we will create k| furniture in accordance with them. If 1 you have no express wishes in the matter, | choose from the superb stock in our Show- | rooms or from our Catalogues. 1 As actual Manufacturers, Furniture- I making is with us "a fine art." I Another point: We sell at factory !:] prices, which means a BIG SAVING. I ID.S.C. 8 Cousins 8 Cousins, Ltd. I Victoria Quadrant and Lome St., Auckland. I JUnsKsaa* WM] If II II >*a Health Foods. The Sanitarium Health Food Co.'s VEGETARIAN CAFE. THE BEST 1/- MEAL IN THE CITY. REFRESHMENTS VUG hi 8 A.M. TO 7 P.M. 3rd Floor, STRAND ARCADE. take the lift

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LI, Issue 15550, 6 March 1914, Page 11

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Page 11 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume LI, Issue 15550, 6 March 1914, Page 11

Page 11 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume LI, Issue 15550, 6 March 1914, Page 11