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I Booksellers and Stationers.' iT HE gOOK "gXCHAKGE. 12 AND 14, VICTORIA ST. E. THE FAMOUS HOUSE FOR CHEAP bCHOOL BOOKS. §£23. f % oys ' , and Girlß ' Grammar Schools Technical College, Etc., At Greatly Reduced Prices. School and College Text Books Bought. N ° W gUDV. THE BOOK OF THE HOUR. SCOTT'S LAST EXPEDITION. l nI?/ ofTm0 fT m ? 3, bo V? d iD , cloth - arranged by R v Huxley, preface by Sir Clements K. Markham, with illustrations and mays. pmcE, tjs. pOPTED, rrs. £D ORDER THIS WORK OF ENTHRALLING INTEREST AT ONCE. CHAMPTALOUP & MISTQH, BOOKSELLERS. STATIONERS. AND NEWS AGENTS. 138. QUEEN STREET. ' " allu " Hui " lams—bsb—sb—sm THE BEST NEW FICTION.! |S^4^ffiS_5 oto EcEan | IJv U - S-tJ 1 *" Rocka o'' Valpre I | Uiver Maud-The Judgment of the] n Sword. E c&s\%' 4- C°° -J,-Th© Poison Belt. faould. Nat—A- Fortune at Stake. Hardy.. T.-A Charmed Man. Htrhens. ■ V T I: c Way Of Ambition. Johnston, _.— Hagar Mackenzie Comiifon-Siniflter Street. ' Maxwell. W B _Tb» Devil's Garden Oxonhj-ro J _R<.d Wrath. vjaruen ' Page G. -Where Strange Roflds Go Down I lw, e3 ' ?• E n>r H01 : Courageous. | W.Ja' «~ TC dg,> Builders. 1 w n d> M V H ™ Th,> Cordon Family. | Wells. H. G.-The Passionate Friends! SWells. H. G.-The Passionate Friends! I 33 s^ d o Pcr , colly - Postage extra 1 vol I sd. 2 vols. 6d. 3 ,ols Bd, 4 vols 9d Full List on Application. [ UPTON AND CO.. 1 BOOKSFI.LERS AND STATIONERS I Queen Street Auckland. g & , £5 for the Best | oW< ** Limerick about the famous ■. SWIFT Polishes er #° dy ows , r hat a "Limerick" is, 1 - . thousands of housewives know how | __i _ etter and Reaper "SWIFT" fi m£h „£• a / & N ,° ot *> er Poshes offer I uuen extraordinary big value. 6 31 CASH PRIZES. I First prize, £5 ; Second, £2 ; Third, £1 • I 4th, 10/- ; Fifth, 5/- ; and 26 prizes of 2/6 each. Send as many verses in 5-line Limerick form as you wish, but each verse must b*» accompanied with a lid or empty tin »f Swift I Polish, and your name and address. "Swift " Lino and Floor Polish— -4d, 6d, and 1/- tins Boat Polishes—2d and 4d tin i Liquid Metal Polish— tins 6d. (Why pay 9d ?). Pint tins, 1/Competition closes March 3lst, 1914. Results published on 9th April. Judge's decision must be accepted as Anal. Send in vour attempts as early as possible, direct to ALBERT NEWCOMB & CO. (Dept. A.) Ormiston Building?, f ALBERT STREKT, AUCKLAND. Sole Agents for Swift Polishes.

M. & C.'s SALE. The Remainder of our Exclusive Boxed Robes AviilJlTV OllAvil I\UI/Co HEAVILY REDUCED. After a most successful season in Bnd Rubes, we have decided to make a special offering of the few very Exclusive Styles that now remain. They are delightful goods in Satin Directoire, Crepe flle Chene, Ninon,' Voile, and Crepe, all beautifully embroidered in silk, and®the present sta.'' of the prices will necessitate a very early selection to avoid disappointment. They are now on view in the Window, and we give here a few brief descriptions: — ROBE IN WHITE MARQUISETTE VOILE, with Sax Cl and White Guipure Border. Usual Price, 69/6. Now, 50/-. BISCUIT-COLOUR VOILE ROBE, Silk Embroidered, it. combination floral and spot design. Usual Price, 60/. 'Now, 42/-. OBEY NINON ROBE, handsomely embroidered in flora! design, self-tcncs. Usual Price, 5 guineas. Now, 80/-. BLACK NINON ROBE, Silk Embroidered in Grev and Gold, very effective Usual Price, £6/10/- Now, 90/-. BLACK SILK AND WOOL CREPELINE ROBE, embroidered with Black Silk and Beads. Usual Price, £4/15-. Now, 77,6. GREY SILK AND WOOL VOILE ROBE, beautifully embroidered in Pink, Grey, and Green. Usual Price, £7/15/-. Now,'£s/15/6. CAXE NINON ROBE, embroidered in White and Black. Usual Price, 69/6. , Now, 49/6. AMETHYST CREPE DE CHENE ROBE, handsomely embroidered in Green, Gold, and Blue. Usual Price, 5 guineas. Now, 70/-. SAXE LINEN ROBE, embroidered in Dark Saxe and White. Usual Price, 49/6. Now, 35/6. SAXE CREPE DE SOIE ROBE, embroidered in Biscuit Shade. Usually 5 guineas. Now, 70/-. PINK ALL-WOOL TAFFETA ROBE, with Biscuit Bretonne Net Border. Usual Price, 65/-. Now, 45/-. LIGHT SAXE POPLIN DE SOIE ROBE, embroidered in Biscuit and Blue.' Usually £7/15/-. Now r 5 guineas. GREY OREPOLINE DE SOIE ROBE, effective border of Paris Lace, and Grey Silk Embroidery. Usual Price, £5/19/6- Now, 60/-. BLACK SILK AND WOOL CREPE DE SOIE ROBE, with wide Black Velvet Border and Embroidered with Black Silk. Usual Price £5/10/Now, 60s. , > ' ' * AMETHYST SATIN DIRECTOIRE ROBE, with Moonlight Beads and SelfSilk Embroidery. Usual Price, £7/15/-. Now, £5/15/6. MILNE & CHOYCE'S SALE, QUEEN "STREET. ".

; . Boots and Shoes. - v ; 12/9=SHOE BARGAINS=I2/9 " Patent and Kid Derby Shoes, 18/6 - - - Sale Price, 12/9 T* '■" '~~ • —'"' *• ■'] The LaSt Bargains Patent and Snede 3-Button Shoes, 18/6 - - - Sale Price, 12/9 EVERY PAIR A BARGAIN * J Glace and Suede 3-Button Shoes, 18/6 - - - Sale Price, 12/9 Of the Safe. Champagne Kid Shoes, 21/- .... Sale Price, 10/6 Seethe WIBdOWS - _ -__ Grey Kid Shoes, 21/ Sale Price, 10/6 ' ' . - ■?*'-? ■- ...-» JAMES ADAMS & CO., w-_____ffl_& K „ ST 1 i ' 'ii 1 ■■",-{ _____ _-__- ( \ . : Medical. + m ■ .. gP 0 , ■— s A Com is Not Anaemia A Deep-rooted Growth : 4ifi-3i_f onr Wood is composed' Of red an- 3 whit* ,-, ««•■ i«»Mfaa l of your »w» tee will Aoj. youwh.t«b tte n « Me th« £»iffiSss& i .i «-" "i icu au. WDiie if. There no t room for a root . The com is nothing bat * Juan of calleni -~,..,< 'J^^a C I rPUSCIe c S StT th e red to nourish the body, the by.lriction with the hoe. The pain » due to preasare on VmSSSShSk. m*g%-**- vrtiite to fight disease. In Anaemia the r»rl _r m . n _ •_, , S» COrnuscles ar« mnr* r,r Wc^_A ™ I tl A J Nrtur-uy. the sensible way to Mop tie pain is to remove the prwsure of the lamp, _# '«_» llr T j mofe °, I6SS deficient - Thus And th. way to do that is certainly not by "platters" made of powerful clenucalTirl; Sly •*% Jr me Diood cannot properly sustain and nourish tended to " Mt °- the de * d tissue, and which are quite as likely to cause blood-poisoning ■ i_Sf the - body ' The eyes become dull, the face by eating into live tiMUS j- : |vv jml white, and a. feeling of intense weariness ?" e down your corn wja » ANTICOR, the Perfect Safety Cora ' * F I pervades the whole system. There is nothing , Shaver le "' fkoM little instrument which cannot cut you, if -1 '■ so effecti ™ in AlssEmia as 'Wincarnis? /ZmT c^^™oi^™^^^im ° ak^'^____si\ Because ' Wincarnis ' floods the body with 4 TWT r T , l_o_f\l"_k _____M_V Mew n ' c; ». rcrf 6/ooi, which gives a sparkle AIV I II lIK Hp' \ to the eyes, brings the roses into the cheeks, *»* 1 * A^i*fSaF>K% HBHmS \ \ and gives new vigour, new vitality and new THE PERFECT SAFETY CORN SHAVER WBSm A \ life to the whole body. Will you try it ? BB mm Begin to get wen to-day Sale Time Price. 1/11 » JB To -day is the best day to to get well. Buy Postage Id. Extra H ■_ 'JBk a bottle of ' Wincarnis' from your Wine Merchant . T^^^ or licensed Chemists or Grocer, and take advantage c 1 tv .-_ .- I v of the new life ' Wincarnis ' offers you. But be bole Distributing Agents— I sure you get 'Wincarnis'—don't waste your money WoF Ifarf Dffflf> ■«. « V and risk your health by accepting a substitute ildl I DIUO., * Tfie HaZaar," I J. '/ftlH*J*Ji/iSm I ThC Sanitarium Health Food CoTs r» The Wta« at Uto s«^a~sslpr " i eefeeshmeots fmmb Si to 7 C^i?' by oyer] 10,000 Doctors J Floor, STRAND ARCADE, take the lift "Ml tuun mm m H — , ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦^♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦^^♦♦♦♦^ (B lIImI^TT_r_B-Sill NOT ' * fc J nig ft I]PJiI KB k M bRJ| Hi Vd& V V Btpg In consequence ▼ ♦ Jl=!li ls^S«MsW---S»S«^JsMj-»»^-S^-Hiifc- M i-L--Jai-ii __SM----Bl of nuraerons >""• ♦ if P I * ■ X r~b\ ■"■■■ m , »™ ■■■ ■ -'ss ♦ Upportumty ♦ |-mO Safest and most « btbtt bottle ♦ — -___—£L a * Sy. Gentle Medicine for ■ aai - »nd label. A _ ♦ ■__h 2J Gentle Medicine for T ♦ 2 Infanta, Children, B*^^ t O- '"I"* * ♦ 1 q at as- iMn i? 8 afei F*f ? terminates on ♦ LIJ O of Pregnancy. a "~ " " & ™* ■ ■ % I ' The Universal «me3y for Aoidity of the Stomach, Headache. { ♦ Oil ♦ V__ Heartburn, Indigestion, Sour Eructations, Bilious Affeotions. ♦ Jsfl, V Tls^vl 1 ♦ I v ■-—————_———_—_—____ ________sL—_—_—_—__,——_—______ ♦ I ANDREWS & CLARK'S | '_i< ♦~ GREAT clearance SALE. : Brings to your lips the juice^^} __!/j< i 1 ♦ Jj of the lime fruit. ♦ QUEEN STREET, f ■" " a nt tn at "always coolinganclrefreshinß IPC_Pr4^4_ -A " ♦ A ■ •■> VTKe children love it. Order a bottles to-day. 7 ♦♦*♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ supplies have been lately shipped ' ' a * gagßßgaig!gg^ - : >!;r' --- - — ,„ .E x fS^.%^ I E A, StnT JEMssussTaUk" ; - * l mmmmm -J. ' . ----fIL D Tii Sc\rf6 lfimßb 3USt llke .|_^ d - PiHW ~w- »■ «*At -

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LI, Issue 15549, 5 March 1914, Page 11

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Page 11 Advertisements Column 3 New Zealand Herald, Volume LI, Issue 15549, 5 March 1914, Page 11

Page 11 Advertisements Column 3 New Zealand Herald, Volume LI, Issue 15549, 5 March 1914, Page 11