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1 •■ • " TO CORRESPONDENTS. •;"G.H.F.". and .'• ••>\K.K."-Thanks for report. .; .'■,-'.

."- No.' 2999: ' Also solved '' by -" C.H." ( .'Na- 3001 J-iOrt): ' Solved by " Tenei" and .-iND.-3002'(Giilitzky): .Solved. by "Tenei." '''! Amateur' 1 , .(Hawera).: In 3001 the knight on li 3 ,ia. pinned. '. •" F- S'i-' sen d? another key to No. 3001, viz.. J*-.K 3; which appears to be- nulte sound,, -

* SOLUTION OP PROBLEM No. 3001. -'•'""' ' (By J. Ort.)' 1 Q-K8..2.', - .

•SOLUTION OF PROBLEM No. 3002. '.' ', " '(By. A..W. Galitzky.) (W„ 6; 8., 6) 7b. 6RI. -Gsp, 4825. 4P2k,. 6Sp, '-•' . . 7S. 4K3. .j \Vhite'to' play and mate in three moves. chLJf/.l>-B i'B B xB (or 2 Kt-B 3 K"B?3mat? UB: 2 ' 4 ch-KtxK ; . 3 K^mat Kt6: - 2^-B6'ch-K.R4 : 3 .Other variations. .

PROBLEM No. 3005. (From the Daily .News.) . Black, 9.

'■y\ v..'. '.- " -V ; WHITB;.II.. -~.> ,!•' N '*■"• 8. -4p3. >2p1P3,.« 1pi23Q1.-ipP4E, : '-lPii . ; ' r.; ,-. 'P^SiJp2;'^B2B3.-, ;■ !■ '■;<% » ; '! White to': pl»y|a.ridyna^e i in ''two. moves. '•;••. PROBLEJI.'No.«3OO6. ■ ;•;/*- ; By "Dr. H. V.; GoTT9cijaL._From i "Solving Tournament at-tho.'Breslau Int ;;.; national .Co'nsress.) ' . '*-, '■ ;- •■ ?■ ■'-■ '*' :'*:.. .' : v ' : 10. .;> "• -- !

■. _ ; '.-. : >•' WHITB. 7.,".-,-' ' -1; I.' Isßs2. i rlp2plp. IppikßXP. 1S4B1. ; 8;" ... ■, .-25Qp2K,)8,f,8, x :..-.-...* . ' White to -play. and mate' in;three'! moves.' Anottter*- game .5. from -i the .'- Scheveningen Tournament:—' l '--v.-. ■ ~-.-;-, - • - ■>: QCEBH'B Gambit Dbcmkkd. 1 ' • " >.' ■> White, Black, Breyer. 1 ■ • 1 ; &9£--s&li ■ ' ■■. ■■ 14 tiit-itt-y' 3 •' .■'.'•! 2 &S? 4-3P.QB 3 , •- 15 Castles Jift-KtxKt 3.KM48 ,16 - fTv 4 P-KS-KPxP ' 17E-83-P-i£t3 S;KPxP-Kt-B8 - 18.QK-KB-'-iB-X3 - : 6 Kt-B.S-B-QKt 5 19Q-82-QB-Qi •• i 20..P T Q83-M.3; . 8 B-K'.3-Gastlea ' 21 B-K2-Qx¥V ■' , -, 22 B-B6—P-KtS ■•- - : 10 ,BxP-P-QKfr4, > 23-PxP-QxP <ch) ■ n>i 11 4 A: 24 QB-B 2-~R-Q 7, • 12. KtK.6—BsKf(ch) 25 JSI-a4ixS' tch) 13'PxB—KtrB •'■ •'• .. . '■-'-'. ■• - ■'•"->.,•'-'-■• -..<'.' ' ••• ; ,- / ■' ... '.'•',,■ • Wirjte resigns? ;';..; ,; : ''•'£•? •A- special aneetingv of- the council. M~'th& Chess. Association., was held; on ,January; 26 to 'consider /"the"; question\". of' publishing'!*" book the Auckland-.- Congress. Ifiirahs- ; pired i that promises- of ■. financial ■ -support vto the..extent > of £17- had been ■ received, but of these, nearly, half -were .conditional, on thebook. being edited by Mr. H. L. James. " K& Mr. James ;<waß»;n.o't » present "it'.was decided to. adjourn .the-meeting-till the .following Saturday,,, % J '■<■••.-."■■•_ --- . ; . ~.-'■.-.J;--j .'"Modern'as 'Adam was compared' with, for instance, the- fossil "human -skull-lately •'found in .Sussex, he {, yet .lived before- ' chess ? was invented. 5 We 5 always 'feel sorry' for iim when we think"-of it."-illlustrated '< Weekly News.- ;..,' - *?•*-?■.£ -,-; - ■'.' •'■"■« . .'•'..', >■• Middlesex, has Wtt; the .English . county championship . for the fourth time in six years.-; Staffordshire'was:-up.,' ''■ ;'■ "" .SUDDEN- DEATH. ; Some months ago' the 'Birmingham .Post gave- the •following interesting .."item.:?—"A curious little game in 'the lightning tourney (ten, seconds •■'• a. move) at-the Scottish' 'C.-A meeting; went as; follows.:—It! was played -at the odds of pawn and move c (remove Black's EBP). 1: P-K4—P-QB 4; 2 - Q-R', 5 v ch-i-P-.K£t'3 : - t aß-K. a-PxQr.fand - this-from . the -giver; of , the odds); -A. BxP mate." The Australasian quoted this,- and capped it witb. ft i stiU shorter game that occurred at skittles ? t- we-Melbourne Chess"' Club: last winter ,1 F-KB .3--P.K i- ; 2. P-KKt 4-<J-R .5; mate' " This, is "to 0; found in"-the books under the title;of "Fool's■ Mate," and easily nolds the. record-;,for'ibrevify.-" '■•: - ;>• .■'--.* .. Perusal,"of-'the.;, above ..moved' a; cor respondent .. of ; -tho last-named . journal.* who hid his;--' identity ;. behind the sobriquet j Jim, to 'contribute a- couple :of ."short . games that occurred some years ago between Players ;in <the' lower classes •in a•> handicap • tourney -at ■ the': Wellington, Workiagmen's : Clul).. Both games, were- played at the'' odds „'£ aw, l and two i moves , (remove •• Black's KBP). iln the .first,, "Jim" says, both players were evidently .unaware 'of the' rnle that,-White, must ":■ not ' cross his ; half of ihe board jbefore Black moves, and the play proceeded: —1 1 P-K' 4: 2 Q-B & ch—P»Kt 3 ; 3 B-K.2-i-PxQf; 4BxP. mate. In the other the "moves we*e:— P-K* 4;' 2 P-Q, 4—Kt--5R 3 (Sometimes-adopted in ■ pawn - and move);- 3 Pxß;.4 0 mates. '■/-*-. : The foregoing 'experiences '. brought 'to ■ our ' recollection on incident' which- Was' recorded 1 by: the BirmiEjhftm Poat-as-hs-ving ocinn'ed I si a.meeting of ,',the ,Scottish'- Chess Assoeiaj M;n some. ye«r* aeis. W& "have" dug it; out , 0! o'T, scripbcak. It is amusing, but it has ! its' »a(? side, in ii>*l it; shows .how -.cruel : t'si- ia»:*s-K illosal'moyes .may sometimes , hi. In c- ita.T>a between the president ami I uroiher > layfc' the Inttet"defended with lb* i mi's c: a-imbit. • After. 1 J'-K4— i V*o 4-. 3 Px."—o»P..the nresidnnt i-atende.f I to the M-'xial.S Et-OB 3. but rnadver- ! teiit'- ->t<v»e' Kt 3n-QEt'3. This being <in il'p'jal hum, \n .-»is.c..;ipoUed-tc- .replace his It. 'on .:!'• own . sqaa.-o at>d~ move , his kins The wijy move at' his ; diT'Osalwas 3'E'K-2. Hi wh-ch"Black-'replseS-Q-K-.'5. mate. ' *•" - ■- . ,■ The Yorkshire • Weekly Post at*tes that. tbe Leeds Chess Club- brought together a strong team' of .21 -players to oppose Mr. i 1 D Yates nt the exhibition -of- simultaneous ■ plry ■on December ,4 ' The .exhibition commenced at oisht' o'clock, "and in about two hours and a-half most of the -'frames -were 'finished, leaving'only -a.'few.'to be' adjudicated upon. .In a. .few ■ instances the games- were of a very lively ' character, though in most cares gambits,- when; offered; were declined.' The final score w&s '11' ; games won. '.four drawn, and, six- lost;. . ~...; ■" ~-....- - ' The'Morrling Post says:—-"The. committee of the St. 'Petersburg International rTburnament. beginning on April 20, has sent;an inv'tatipnC:ta Mr. I. Gunsberg to take part.m the competition, • th<s. masters: already' invited being' Bernstein. BlaekbuTne,'BtmCCapa blanca. -Duras, .Janowsky. Lasker,' Maroczy, Marshall. -'Rubinstein; ' Schlefchter, Tarrasch. Teichmann, -Weiss, and Wihawer. It is -not likely that all these will -accept. Winawer, who has' now reached 'an -advanced- age, though his reappearance would have been of much interest, is not regarded. as at probable competitor, his . invitation - being no doubt mainly intended as . a compliment. Lasker. Marocfcy, Weiss, and B'ackburno are also ; considered doubtful, but Gunsber,g will probably play, With Qapablanca. and other leading, masters competing, '.there -is-. every prospect that a strong • tournament will be arranged. •If there -are -not more than 12 competitors, each .will meet .with 'every other, and the first four will afterwards play a tworound tournament, the score -in the first part of the competition-being., counted. There will be four prizes, totalling 2800 roubles, and non-prize-winners receive'2o roubles each for won •' games and 10 roubles for -draws. The committee also defrays, the expenses 0! the players. , Mr. .Gunsb.erg's,-. participation is particularly, desired by the committee on -.account of his having drawn :a match with Tchieorin and never • yet having Russia." In this connection we also hoar that .the. .St. Petersburg committee -propose to enter info communication with the -German Chess Association and-other:"similar or ganisations with a-view of- fixing .condition's on 'Which the winner of the. tournament shail rompete ;with Dr.- .Lasker for the wbrH's chanipions'hip,' and' also to establish -rules generally-, to'govern contests-.'-for the "ch'ampionehin . -. ' •'.*■• . • The. Westminster Crazette .reports on, good authority that- the chess department of the Field will be undertaken by Mr. Amos Burn, of Liverpool. '• '<■ ■•'• •• ■■■'•-. \ . F,- J. • Marshall*has pointed -out that for years- he has now been # left, in .undisputed I possession of. the American championship, and is ujxious that .'someone should 'challenge him;and so.give him an opportunity^ of fighting . for the -title. ' '•■

■'. The- Deutscbes . Wochenschacbrems .Jhp following interesting account of the leading Russian- chess club:—"The v St. Petersburg Chess: Club forms' the chess, centre-not, only for the capital; but for the Russian nation m general. There 'is/ a. .spacious dining hail; opening into-a-second room used for concerts, balls, and-the like/and it 'was here that the 1909 'international masters.- lourna ment. took place. -'-A third room •forms. %ne regular- meeting-place of. the ; club players, who gather four times a'week,.from B'p.m to 2'a.m.. and,number, the,most promising of .the younger generation of-comms.masters. Lastly there' is : the small: room allotted to the senior masters, where may be seen those members, who are well known throughout the chess world.. Punctually, at .2 .a.nijtne bell sounds; and play ceases-at once. The members; then adiourri 'to; a light supper before departing, and amid of conversation .talk over the doings. or . tne past six hours'." .'

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LI, Issue 15521, 31 January 1914, Page 4 (Supplement)

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CHESS. New Zealand Herald, Volume LI, Issue 15521, 31 January 1914, Page 4 (Supplement)

CHESS. New Zealand Herald, Volume LI, Issue 15521, 31 January 1914, Page 4 (Supplement)