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'■■■'-■<■<»':: ■ W J Direction,:George.Stephenson -~.i &li -t-,, ,'" 4? : A,;- '-•- ".:/ : "\ r ~--"~ l r-;.ft'J; '' % -A BOOM ASSURED H .. :, ,' ' .A BOOM ASSURED]' B .• MATINEE.'I TO-BAY,.at 2.30 ! Ma-iiv*,: 8 MATINEE.- j-TO-DAY, at 2.30 i filfe " ! ft MATINEE.. I.TO-DAY, at 2.30 | Sll||, -'■> ; v PrjcsS'for Children, 2s, Is, M H ft TONIGHT, at 8. OLD , < ..,.'' S TO-NIGHT, at 8. ■ • MOTHER - «-» TO-NIGHT, at £. f" »_ -~ Universally Acknowledged - : = II THE FUNNIEST PANTOMIME SEEK ~. - • : NEW ZEALAND FOB YEARS IS - 3 ' • "v :-■ .t" .' ' ■•■ ,". » « ! Presented last- evening for the first tim« ,-„ .1 ill , Auckland, and received with a series if „ ift; 4'--restrained* ovations that at once stamt^«**lll ' Production sin unmistakable success. '■ - "■*• v •';■■•; '■■■■; NEVER BEFOEE ' f Was .such a Scene of Enthusiasm SSBj3 , ', % • in any, Theatre in the Dominion, ■ 'OLD MOTHER HUBBARD. .-<<*• -A' Great, Uig Success. ' I-> *4 ■ . ..:•... -..- . . >.t -- rjf* THE SENSATIONAL RAGTIME EEVBE. A Real Eye-opener. Don't Miss I{_ ' Thirteen 'Fascinating Scenes :'\ i v '. .::■•-''•. , • • ■ .• - . Haunting Music. Lovely Girls. . Specialities that .Please and Delijn* ■ "' LAST. 2,NIGHTS. LAST 2 MlGflSs, Season Positively Closes Monday li [ "* '■ . ' ' POPULAR PRICES. * • , D.C.'and 0.5., 4a; Stalls, 3s; Gallery "&-" if TTIS MAJESTY'S THEATRE. Direction,- - •J. C. Williamson, Ltl ; C •*--■•'- - ■ ■ _ , jV^I * ; ' -':'..,' .Commencing „ ' 2 NEXT WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY i ' NE&T' ■WEDAi-»i>Ai, FiitsnUAaX £ I ..'. ■ J The Record' Breaking Play, f \~-u S ■ ; WITHIN THE LAW. I within 'the LAW. ""' o¥: '5 • ''' WIT it IN -THE- LAW. u- 1 .The: Greatest •Dramatic Success of ihi«s ' : 8 ;- ; •'■..'.• „ Generation. ; "^«-SiwiS .:..,,„....,..-„ iV v.- ■■ ''..' . , .. "-.-^l-'w ' ■':-" ' SOME OF ITS RECORDS. I NEW.YORK.—I 6 Months' Continuous Sua. 1 -. , :-.-^rSesn.fay more than- three-quarters I . ; ?» million theatregoers. Wtfi¥|3Efi v WoddrowtWiisori, President of the Dniti '-i'i .:... States, .wrote to the author; "I v.-, * ' - " t '_- never more'.thrilled and interested."' i-~ ft \ LONDON*-— 1 Months' Continuous Run at r . ■.: the ..Haymarket. ; Theatre, , under *fc ¥>■■ .';. direction ot Sir Herbert Tree.—Ota I - :-45p,(KM) people paid lor admission. '^Vli At'the conclusion of the Royal Comaiaati F .. ~.. .i performance j/ before . Their ilajes.'** m .. King George and Queen Mary, fair ,. %'. - fe" i"'. 'Bert Tree was > personally coagratuliilj" M r -•-*'*' by King George,.'who" said 'that the pi.j n ' had-deeply impressed him. " i: MELBOURNE AND . SYDNEY. — Tax® : 1 , — % Months .in, ■ each ci'.y.—! s hous=r • m : nightly; over 150,000 patrons. * ,-:- ; p, ; FIRST -APPEARANCE IN AUCKLAND $&: 1 ' , ""■ :.<■'*■ ;:'. ': r«. tie •" ( GREAT 7 AMERICAN ACTRESS, ! ;' :,'\. JURIEL '.STARE. V "'/: ' , -■. .-"- M RLE L - 8 ARE. -- § ,•■■■ MURiSL" STARR. " -"1 ' "'- " 1 i '• ~,, 1 V •'"The! finest actress seep : in Australia 'ki 1 -^ I- • i many $itre."— Duly .Telegraph Sydney,. ," « .-i, .. -MTTBIEL . ' STARR. ,}-. ] -, MURIEL - STARR. r, i - MURIEL STARR. ,_--'- 'ft : '' Muriel Starr :is .a blend of those gifted '- I '.. ; agists Ethel.. Irving, Margaret- ■ Anpl'jj," «2d-v ; | Katherine Grey."— Melbourne, , ;•;»C $ " A POWERFUL CAST, • r ';l :i ' .:' .Including ;.- . - ;; ! i. MISS,MARY WORTH, - .. | , ; ■;";•■■■ . MB. LINCOLN PLUMBS* and *&| ■'•\;-;:' ■/;'./,; ■ME,E:-W.'MOBBI80i : 1 , ; .. From;the Leading New York Theatres.'' -. :'• | : ..The Play Produced; by E. W. Morrison. ■.•(•,;.■-,■ • Prices.: 6s.- Ss, and- Is. , : ':;, ] < i Bos Plana at Wildmaii andArey's. ";f t ifeE^ 4 ? TANGO " .ditncea at the Lyriß O\J \ Theatre fell aert weak. - '.* ,:Yiii^: 1 —— , „.^ ■■■' Swimmffljj.' '-^'iiiz ' ■ -'- i —= GBA.ND, , SWIMMING , . OALu:Sj VJ ALBERT-ST.rBATHS, AUCKLAND, •v' v; 1 KEX'T 'WEDNESDAY' EVENING. =. - ■'•■ - { By the -"- - l \ :; . : ONEHUNGABWIMMING:CLUB.- • n ?'.'.; -':,, v,- Band in Attendance.- :'.-..-'' . Admission, One Shilling. Children, 6*?. -t, * '.-■•: , r _WM. MORTON, -"'-,. ■ ; "•';■'■ ' ' "■'■ Hofli. BecretsTyr : i I' 1 .'" '■*"■ ■!■■■» ■>'■ »—«■ MiM.i-Uil»a«lMMMgy*)|l»^feig.S-. ;•* '•' : 'MiF-:eilaneous. -/,'"-ti; l^ 1 A" LINOLEUM lasts longer 1 after' "L:t:a> X3L arnish'." because ysiu must wear off -thai. ' hard, iionJA* polish < first. ; -Thafa'.wamba-'tfvj sense.:-All grocers, Is 6d. . •;, . .S3- 1 -,' : ' P' ice:'your PIANOS, : pleasei'-■'; t ' ."' -No Deposit. -No Interest—Everytfcmg. , -private at 28, High St.' f2.ENT"s *nngij s _ 'Boi Calt' Welted Boob. ', J.V3T : :,-worth 19s W,"-to clear 13s-6d;-Briglua Glaca Welted., va3rth...lSs 6d, clear lfcsfidfWfe " °^ ol6i 240, H o^3o " St. ' ' '" r ::^; : - ~i : —■ : ■ — '* ?~:':y; t TjIARMERS •and, Others.. .-Horace Tingr.rc t ;•* JJ- •:. Water Diviner.—lf about to sink, dropC ■ i shim a post 'card;''it will pay CanWHi 1 Boad/-Taurahga. '•■■•■' : - - ,: .• , -• ' '.•■"■" —- "— ;= "'' : "' ■ LADIEB.' Tate' Note.—Send Is for Faciei Hi - of B f ßsiok Nets.. . State cobur.—E. 3. >J ; I . Green:: Draper, : Eden Terrace. 1 '--DUBNETT'S Matrimonial Agency.-Msas ; ri;,-'-r'jdQ &„ Clients!' all .-classes:—Write vmkt *Wii ', Karaagjthape . Rd. 'Phone* a 421. 1 > i ,"- I HALL'S Neb'uiiser ' Treatment cares .:;t'-XJ. Asthma, Hay Fever,' etc. Price £3 J*v"-i! . CaU'- Write ' for' partrcuiars^—Claude --E. : ' Wo*o»nssi ; Chemist,---3,---Kara;ng&hape Efti--.- •. Auckland:'- - -, .■ ; ■ •-' -; .•>;:-: . TAIIiaXG t nee-Gents ' -Giice Boovs. i| . ._., leather, any-shape, for 13s 5d.~ is rj Sale. Hobson St. ' f , C" UT v Flower'sMor:- Sale :in -any .■ quantitj'; ■ ■ , f-.Wedding Bouquets a specialty; FaK- . I ral Ernblenis" on 'shortest -notice.—Misa'l*?'rj ! n< jy» 42 ». Karangahape Rd. - 'Phone 2943- J DIiUGLESS Healing. — Whatever »* ' " * , - .-t*eabie-oonsuJt-the- Rangatira Healts , institute,, corner Symonds St. and -Ka|»s|lll « Piss Stieddert's). ' r ? PALMISTRY.-Mrs. ' Cole, .the <*~i\-!zrn ) >.A; -' :P^lniist''cali be' consulted; last .* | .'.; weeks'.—l 4, "East St., off Karasgahaps Ha- . | j — : r*. -•->-,', ' B;VON.'STURMER ( Eyesight Specially, , I sOpen "Friday -Evenings till .Q- 1 P&r~?.fJi '• Roomsi :over. ■'Fehtohv-'Chemist, - next ReO" :-rj 1 : d ** •' Karangahape ■- Rd. •' - __ "i >'l WING' BING,'; Expert Laundry, -71, ~~\ ■i\ WING 5 HINGj, Expert Laundry, 71, Hot . U son St., 'near'.Victoria' St.—Best vari f j . Baartfnteed'-orders' executed promptly 3S t? j cHeaplr..'.;:.■. -■..-,!■. - s .-; ' -**_L' r j • • .""'-?- —— r=si ■ jM-'E'W ~- ySil/AKD IJEBAL»;L'--| i>.,-., /i ~- ._-•.-■ :Ja ,'.:..: r -| ' . BTOSCBiPiiOKB-5d- per -week, delivered -'* j ,' ioWn-;jan4 jSub-or.bsM or, 10s -per quarter _ fe,' J v »dv»'nce. •posted to any part of the Dominioti'- !.■ 5 ApTCaTisiiio!sTffi under the following'' ', -iWijKffirir Sale, Lb^p^^H •. FGt^.*-« : PBBSDtfAL? BOiiß AKD EISIDESSSr - -.s :, are inserted at'-.the : rate of 18 words' for »■ thje : y''<J<i'itiecuti'vf"* insertions for 2s : Cd_»&?-* 1 ;.. 'caph.paid in advance.. ..' • , -t "• [■" s ~BrETBs. MABBI4GBS, akd Deaths, Sls.&i; ; I eacl^'insertion'; FmrsßAii • Notices,' Is i 1 1: {-■ must be signed h? -' J; advertiser,,,-..', ";' ';; ' ", J fi ]RepLiissv, ; tß.. will bar Z ?*tjf^ i "p»?ofithißißtiß_l.B free ot charge. . ,- -j , ' 'Insiructions.'as to the insertion or ws[-.; dxawal-of advertisements in the DWA^ I j must he'in writing. --. ... ; >r '"^:_l ''■ ' ?.£r°prietbrS' '^o : not hold resßorisible '/for'; riori-ihsertion of advt'tis." meatß-'itilro'Ushaopident or from other c:s£f* . 3 or for error in' the publication of My/MJjliii ':•: tisataent. '■------:;•-':■. . ; ' ' Vr: '?Siilfli . lelephoncs:— Advertising and Coratterci»3 - f- -S^ e J§S 178-,. Jbb ! Printing Order OS* <;; >, ,Publishing.-M; Editorial 339 '':-;^-l )

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LI, Issue 15521, 31 January 1914, Page 16

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Page 16 Advertisements Column 8 New Zealand Herald, Volume LI, Issue 15521, 31 January 1914, Page 16

Page 16 Advertisements Column 8 New Zealand Herald, Volume LI, Issue 15521, 31 January 1914, Page 16