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New Plymouth, Thursday. On a dry ground and in brilliant spring weather the meeting of the old rivals, Auckland »nd Taranaki, took place on the Sports

Ground this afternoon, before a record crowd

tor the season, there being fully a thousand more spectators than were present at the Australian match tho previous weeks The anticipiituns of ?, keonly-fought-out game were

not disappointed, for the match was one of

tho most 4nbbornly contested seer, in New Plymouth this season, and one of the beat of the long series of matches which have been played between tho two unions. It was played in a spirit of the friendliest rivalry, and although there were many minor casualties which caused the play to bo prolonged into the semi-dusk, the play did not at any period degenorato into roughness. Tho Auckland team was identical with the ono which defeated Wellington on Saturday, excepting that Moflatt replaced Lambert at fullback. Tara*iaki*s backs were a complotoly rearranged combination from that which helped to secure tho Eanfurly Shield from Auckland last month. The absence of Stohr and Loveridgo was koenly folt, while S.

Cameron was also an onlooker through injuries received on Saturday. George took Hill's place at fullback, the latter playing ccntre-threwvuaiter, while and Tockcr, two B men, had to be played. The only alteration in the pack was Pini replacing Ward. Auckland showed great superiority in the back division, and it vat, to this department that they owed their victory. In the forwards Taranaki proved their equals, and in the loose rushes were much superior to tho viiitors. Up to half-time Auckland led by a penalty goal to nil, but just before the whistle went, McGregor put the finishing touch to a fine back movement, by scoring a try, which, however, was not converted. For ' a quarter of an hour of the second spell laranaki had all the better of tho play, but the Auckland backs again prorod too sound. Then the vanguard camo with a great rush, and Hall was enabled to put on a second try for his side, which O'Leary converted with a magnificent kick from the touch-lino. A quarter of an hour from co-side, Roberts, who had walked 10 miles in the morning in order to be present, by smart following * P, WBB "»ble to touch down, and George kicked a fine goal. For Auckland, Moffott played a good gamo at fullback and Weston, O'Leary, Stew-art. and McGregor combined well in the back, the latter snowing great pace and accuracy in handling. Hall played a good wing game, but was somewhat outmatched by the brilliant Taylor. Cunningham, Hall, W yue, and Downing were the best of the pack, for Taranaki, Georgo played a solid though not bnlhant game at fullback, improving greatly in his line-kicking in tho second spell. Roberta was a host in him--66 j" w t **.* S 61 supported by Hill, Brown, and McLeed. Taylor played a brilliant game on the wing, and Hawkins, Dowar, Cain, and the two Maoris Tamu and Pini were the pick of the forwards. Mr. W. J. Meredith, of Wellington, refereed to the satisfaction of both sides. Taranaki kicked off, and Auckland were soon on the aggressive, but George saved. Hawkins, Tamu, Pint and Prouse set up a pretty passnur rush/ which, however, was spoilt by off-side work when a try seemed certain. Code misjudged the return, and tho ball went into touch in Tafanaki's territory. Stewart got away, and passed low to Hall, but the latter failed to take. After some mid-field play Auckland were awarded a penalty, and O Leary had a shot afc goal, • but tho kick fell short. Auckland backs •wore making things lively, and made several vigorous onslaughts. In a scramble during one of the:* Roberts got off-side, but a second attempt by O'Leary also fell short. pe Auckland pack, following fast, charged down on George before he could got the pall away, and Stewart kicked over the line, put McLeort trot there first and forced. Returning to the attack, the northerners were awarded a penally through Roberts hanging on to the ball after claiming a mark, which was disallowed. O'Leary this time had no difficulty •in opening the scoring for his Side:—

Auckland ~, ... ... ... 3 Taranaki 0 Play travelled up and down for a while, and then Roberts found the line with a long, kick, and Hawkins, from the Jine-ouf, carried the ball into the visitors' twentyfive. The home forwards, however, lost a good opportunity by a knock-on, and Boss, I receiving from the scrum, relieved the pressure. O'Leary picked up smartly in the Jooro, and a high centre was well taken by Weston, who passed to .McGregor, who raced for the Line and 'ooked dangerous, but was well taken by George, and after a fierce struggle Taranaki 'forced. litter. Downing was unmarked on the line-out, and transferred to Taraniki quarters, where alter- some effective passing, O'ljeary speculated towards the corner. The Taranaki backs got going and made several determined efforts to get through, but the Auckland defence remained sound. Cunningham, Hall, . and G. Sellarß got away, but their work was ultimately spoilt by a pass forward. From the scrum the ball came 'out to Hall, who transferred to Hobs. and. Ross sent it on to McGregor, arid the latter cleverly evaded two opponents and got over close to the corner. just ■ as he was collared. O'Leary just failed to convert, end half-time came with the score:— Auckland ... ... ... 6 Taranaki ... ... ... 0 , On resuming, the visitors soon assumed the aggressive, and Wylie and Downing initiated a passing rush in which O'Leary, ' O'Brien and Weaton were also prominent, but a pass forward again checked. The amber and blacks began to infuse more life into 'their play, and strongly attacked, but without result. Then for a brief spell the home team wen- kept on the defensive. Tocker and Pini broke away, and as tho result of the rush Auckland was penalised for hanging on to the ball, and George goalcd with a good kick: Auckland ... ... ... 6 ' Taranaki ... ... ... 3 Matters livened' up considerably, and Taranaki made strenuous efforts to get .on terms. They kept the visitors hard pressed for a while. ' McLeod had to retire temporarily, R. Sellars being warned. . There were .numerous other knock-outs. Auckland broke away, and transferred play to the other end. where Hall got over after receiving from Wylie. O'Ltary, with a beautiful kick, converted from close to the line:— Auckland ... ... ... 11 Taranaki ... ... ... 3 Piny was fast and exciting, and after several vigorous attacks Roberts finished some smart work in which Brown, Tocker, McLeod, and Cade, were concerned, by kicking over the line. Racing Moffat for the ball, he scored a good try. George easily converted: -- Auckland ... ... ... 11 Taranaki ... ... ... 8 Tho (tamo was very willing right up to time, but no further scoring took place. UNDER LEAGUE RULES. NEW SOUTH WALES TEAM. *—~ — 'WAIKATO DEFEATED. CLOSE GAME IN SECOND SPELL. [BY telecrajpii.—own CORRESPONDENT.] Hamilton, Thursday. The New South Wales League footballers arrived from Rotorua at 1.20 p.m., and previous to meeting tho Waikato team were tendered a civic recoption by the Mayor, who welcomed Ihem to tho town. After a short motor drive they met the Waikato representatives at Claudclands, in glorious weather and on a good ground. There. was a good attondnnce, notwithstanding that the day was not observed a:> a holiday. The visitors were all at sea in the early stages, and their play Boomed to lack that combination expected in a team with their reputation. The local players also appeared to bo , rather overawed by the reputation of their opponents. It was only on occasions that anything like brilliancy was shown, and frequently, when the visitors looked like scorini., the chance was thrown away. However, tie visitors prevailed, and in the first spell pit on 18 points by tries scored by Deanc. Cinn, Naylor, McCue, Cullon, and Hacket, none of which wore converted, although somo were from easy positions. Tho local men put on four points for two fine penalty goals kicked by nifty. With the opening- of the second half, a change came over the scene. The local men, with the sun behind them, played with increasing confidence, and _ the, visitors were unable to get their combination going. Tho collaring of their opponents was deadly, and thoir passing runs were.'aippod in the bud. while the Waikato men opened up the game m a manner not .attempted in, the first spell. The only score which the visitors secured in ■this spell was from' a potted goal by Challis, bringinß their ? total to '20,' They did not

cross the locab line, although, on a couple of occasions they got into touch in goal. Dufty opened up the local scoring by kicking a penalty goal, and' Packham followed up with a try. Bookham scored another try, which Dufty converted, making the local team 14. Waikato had the hardest luck in failing to score, on another occasion, the ball going through three of their side's hands without being touched down. The game was most exciting in the latter stages, and the fine display made by the local players, who put up 10 points to their opponents' two in the second spell, was a most creditable performance. Both teams were entertained this evening. As a curtain-raiser to the big match. Lower Waikato defeated Hamilton by 17 points to 2. TOMORROW'S BIG MATCH.

CLOSE GAME ANTICIPATED. Groat interest is being evinced generally in the meeting between New Zealand and New South Wales, at the Domain, to-morrow. The New Zealand team, practically all the members of which have been together since Wednesday, has made the best use of its time in Auckland, and several good practices have been held. Manning, the captain, has spared no efforts in instructing the backs, and C. Pearce has done good work with the forwards. The result is that the team is now working well togother, and should give a very goot s account of itself. With two exceptions, the New South Walts team is tho same as that which played Auckland on Saturday last. Thompson, the threequartcr who was injured last week, will be replaced by Horder, the speediest man in the team, and Craig will play instead of Murray, in the pack. McCue, the captain, is still incapacitated owing to the injury he received in the match against Taranaki. Tito teams will bo as follows: —

NEW SOUTH WALES. Fullback : Hallctt. Thrcequarters: Frawley, S. Deane, Horder, Algie. Halves: Coyne, Cubitt. Forwards: Courtney, Haddock, O'Malley, Sullivan, Cann, Craig. NEW ZEALAND. Fullback : House. Threequarters : Cooke, Kelly. Siddells. Five-eighths: Manning, Ifwerson. Half: Webb. Forwards : Mitchell, Walters, H. Haywprd, Pearce, King and Savoury.


Two curtain raisers to the test match will be played. Too first, between the Ponsonby third-grade team, champions of their grade for the season, and a combined third-grade team, will commence at 12.30 p.m. Following are the tsams: —

_ Combined Team: Fullback, McPike (Manukau): .hreequartors, O'Connell (Otahuhu), McSweeney (Eden), King (Manukau); five-eighths, Fraser (North Shore B), Morgan (North Shore A); halfback, Wrack (Manukau); forwards. Clark (Otahuhu), Carrol (City), Purdy (City) Batten (North Shore A), Brown (Otahuhu), Tole (Manukau). Emergencies: Backs, Scott (Manukau), Fox ! (Norm ,Shore), Farrelly (Otahuhu); forwards, Fuller (Manukau), Doble (Manukau B), Lowe (North Shore). Ponsonby Team: McWhirter, Cook, Conlam, Settle, Hagan, Bull, Edwards, Morgan, iiernan, Tickner, Adams, Ellis, Davison, Arneil. The other game will be between the Ponsonby, second-grade team, also champions of their grade, and a combined second-grade team. Play will commence at 1.45 p.m. Following are the teams: — Combined Team: Fullback. Johnston (North Shore); threeQiiarters, Thomas (Newten), Brown (Otahuhu), Harris (Otahuhu): five-eighths, Thorburn (Northcote), H. Seagar (North Shore)- halfback, Peate (Northcote); forwards, Gillard (Northcote), McCullough (City), Schofield (Newton), Knox (Newton), Mann (North Shore), Shaw (Otahuhu). Emergencies: Backs, . Allanbranch (Newton), Quane (North Shore), and Patene PWi ,J or ?£, Wrightson (Northcote), Gnibb (North Shore), Falls (City). Ponsonby Team: . Fullback, Liversidge; threequarters, Bater, Schofield, Mincham; five-eighths, Beechem, Cross; half, Walsh; forwards, Davis, Stannaway, Warner, Edwards, Ninkie, Longbottom. Emergencies: Ramsay, Howe, Sheehan. Players, to be on the ground not later than 1.30 p.m. NEW ZEALAND COUNCIL.

AUCKLAND TEAM'S SOUTHERN TOUR. The Council of Management of the New Zealand Rugby League met last night. Present: Messrs. D. W. .McLean (chairman), A. Powell. P. S. Ussher, J. BT Morton, E. W. Watts. N. B. Lcvien, F. Gladding, and H. C. Oakley (secretary). The Mayor (Mr. C. J. Parr) wrote stating that he was much indebted to the council for its prompt attention to the matter of keeping the spectators at the test match at the Domain to-morrow in order, and -that he would recommend the City Council to take no further action in the matter. The letter was received. The Auckland League, in response to a request from the council, firwardod a copy of the minute suspending C. Savoury, and removing his same from the Hague's register. At the previous mewling of the council the question of granting permission to 'the Auckland t*am to travel South was deferred until such information was forthcoming: On the motion of Mr. Watts, it was decided to grant the Auckland team the necessary permission, and consideration of the Auckland Leaguo's letter was deferred for a fortnight. ' It was decided that thfe officials to take charge of the crowd at to-morrow's match should assemble at the Domain at 1.30 p.m. THE SYDENHAM TEAM. [BY TELEGBAPH. —PRESS ASSOCIATION.] Chejstchtjiich, Thursday. The following will represent Sydenham againnt North Shore on Saturday:—Caisson, Smythe, Freeman, Brunsden, Smith, McPhail, Matthews, Auld, Lyes, Kerton, Campbell, Eaton, King. THE ASSOCIATION GAME. TO-MORROW'S FIXTURES. The A and B trials, and the Thistle v. Brotherhood matches will be played at Bayswater to-morrow. The A team will play in white jerpeys, and the B team in Everton's colours. A " curtain-raiser " will be played between City, champions of the fourth division, and a representative team from the fifth division.

THISTLE CLUB. . A. Neil, H. Lithgow. W. Walker, I. McGorum, A. Eursman. D. McLaren, A. Baker, E. Roper, A. Callander. J. Rowott, J. Byeremergencies, J. Clark. I. Marsh, H. McLaren. FIFTH DIVISION REPRESENTATIVES. Goal, A. Wyllie (Richmond): fullbacks, B Robinson (Richmond), J. D. Fairgray (Pres* byterian); halfbacks, Freeman (Y.M.C.A.), Cadness (Northcote), Nicklin (Tabernaclo) ■ forwards, (right-wing) Elliffe (Tabernacle), Courtenay (Richmond), (centre) A. Andrews (Tabernacle), (left wing) Ekman (Richmond), D. Hay (Presbyterian). Emergencies: Wheeler (Presbyterian), Wilson (Presbyterian). CANTERBURY REPRESENTATIVES. [BY TELEGRAPH. —PKES3 ASSOCIATION.] fCHRiSTCHCRCH, Thursday. The following will represent Canterbury against Manawatu for the Brown Shield match on Saturday:— Tupe, Cornish, McFarlane, Clay, Fullerton, Baxter, Ward, Bissett, Nori man, Taylor. Tanner.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume L, Issue 15398, 5 September 1913, Page 4

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FOOTBALL. New Zealand Herald, Volume L, Issue 15398, 5 September 1913, Page 4

FOOTBALL. New Zealand Herald, Volume L, Issue 15398, 5 September 1913, Page 4