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'{■'•'■ ; \l-:<'.' By Telegraph.—Press Association.—Copyright. c ' ' M " ■■'"'■ :'.■.''- (I >\o_ London, May 21.' WHEAT. Southampton official quotations: : New South Wales and Victorian — Prompt, '.'"! 37s 9d; on passage, 38s 6d per 4601b. • - Liverpool— 7s 7£d; July, 7s 4Jd per ■"■■.■s£;,' cental. PRICES OF METALS. t Copper, £68 7s 6d. ;. 1 V ' Tin:On spot, £218 10s; at three months, "-: £213 15s. The weakness is due to a general pressure to sell. W§s:\ Lead, £19 ss. ■■ SYDNEY WOOL MARKET. GOOD PRICES REALISED. . By Telegraph.— Association.—Copyright. (Received May 21, 9.30 p.m.) ';-- ■•-* Sydney, May 21. : The wool market is strong and there is an active demand. Scoured brought 25§d to-day. -, v .■'■■;:; ...

FARMERS' UNION TRADING , ASSOCIATION. \ INCREASED ANNUAL TURNOVER. >\- The annual meeting of the Auckland : Provincial Farmers' Union Trading and Indenting Association was held at the Chamber of Commerce yesterday afternoon, the chairman" {Major Lusk) presid- • ing. Upwards of 50 shareholders were :^:.: : _-'" present. The directors' report and balance-sheet, which were adopted, showed that the turnover of the Association had increased from £33,870 in 1912 to £60,000 in 1913, and that the membership hail grown in the same period (to the end of March last) from 494 to 891, being kat the l present time 954. After allowing for full ; depreciation for office furniture there was : ; a satisfactory balance of £1278 4s 4d to the credit of the association. The busi- - ' ness staff had had to be increased to 10, ;;;|s- and again to 12, and was still barely able .- to cope with the work. The directors had purchased t-ho Albert, Street pro-. \K perty, and were now in occupation of •})' same, the premises giving much-needed and more commodious accommodation. -■ , The retiring directors, Messrs. R.D. Duxfield, A. Ross, and Jno. Ambury, were re-elected, and the auditor (Mr. V. Macky) was re-appointed. Several shareholders spoke in laudatory terms of the manner in which the affairs ■ • of the association had been conducted during : the year., and ; votes of thanks to the directors, the secretary (Mr. .A. - Schmitt), and the staff were carried. '■• '■ ' ' - .■■■:'■'■■ '"■


V" "'■"'• . MtP:' ■■■ . AUCKLAND. Messrs- Alfred Buckland and Sons reHaymarketun Fridayjast we had a' full yarding of ■- horses. -. Aged draughts - sold at from£l6 103 to £30. express and ,•.? lorrv. sorts £21 1» to ; HoVto - l broken three to four year olds £17 10s to £24. buggv horses and, fraeks £13 10s to Hi 10s.- ponies and ordinary riding sorts " : '■''' £3 5s to £9 10s. '■''/..„ . 'i c ~„;„ At Westfield on Thursday, May 15, dairy cots and heifers at Profit; were in teen r■ K demand at from £11-Us to f W Js 6d for ;*' • ■ best: others. £8 to £10; small heifers, £5 to £6 10s- Backward cows and store stocK f' -were dull of sale. • " *«V« ««-* '« We had a fair yarding of cattle an* a full entry of sheep: at Clevedon oaJSat'": day, May 17- Springers brought ftorn £& I to £7; empty cows. £2 5s to £3lift: forward cows. £4 ss; calves. £1 Is to £1 14s; , fat wethers. 15s to 17s^6d; store wethers, i ■ lis to 14s; fat ewes, lis- to 13s M; store ewes. id to 10s 6d; fat lambs, 1«; stores, ■7s ScL . , . ' We .held our usual monthly , sales at ■ Pokeno on Monday, May 19. and.-at. Runci- .* ■ -man on Tuesday; May 20. As at other sales, I; store cattle were hard to quit, but dairy f cows and heifers, freshly calved .or «ght I at it. sold at high values. Dairy ; cows I brought from £6 10a to. £12 6d. according I ' . to " age and quality; backward cows. £4 10s hi to £6 10a; - fat cows, £4 10s to £9 7s 6d; ; . empty cows. £2 2s to £3 15s; 18-month, in calf, heifers,: £4 ■>to £5 £s;; forward tore© ' y:' to three and a-half year old steers, £5 10s to i £6 lis; 18-month to two-year-old .• steers £•> 10s to £4 4s: calves, £1 6s to £1 13s; smaller. At our 'weekly Westfield -fat stock *;■'.. market on. Wednesday, 1 May 21. we penned -■ - - fat cattle to the number of 578 head (which is about a record yarding), including several lines of extra heavy prime bullocks. Competition was steady throughout, and taking the sale oh the whole values firmed by fully 10a head. Choice ox sold to £1 9s 6d; " prime, £1 6s to £1 7s 6d; cows and heifers, 15s to £1 4s. Steers ranged in price from. £6 IDs to £16 12s 6d, cows and heifers £3 10s to £8 ss. A draft of 21 extra heavy bul- ' * locks averaged £14 15s 6d. and another draft ' « of 35 • averaged £12 17s 6d. The 83 calves were chiefly heavy' suckers, and prices for these were easier.* Choice medium suckers brought last week's: values. Runners, £3 5a to £4 : 3s; ' heavy suckers, £2 5s to £2 15s; choice medium suckers. £1 10b to £2 48; light. 19s to £1 8a; small and fresh dropped • 183. ' There was a heavy entry of mutton, which, sold steadily at , last week's . figures. .Really prime sheep were inclined to be ; firmer. Prime heavy wethers, £1 39 • ."" to £1 4 8 9d (no extra, heavy Offered); medium - -- to heavy. IBs 6d to £1 2s;. light and un- , , finished. 14s to 17s 6d; best heavy ewes, 189 6d to £1 Os 9d; good, 15s to 18s; others, 10s to 14a (2445 sold). Fat lambs, best, 15s to 18s; smaller. 12s to 14s; stores. 6s to .■";•' . 10s 6d (222 sold). The 141 fat pigs which came forward were insufficient for requirements, and advanced' in price. (No choppers • i penned); heavy baeoners, £3 15a to £4 lis •■".'s - lighter, £3 Is to £3 14s; large porkers, £2 &j to £2 183; lighter, £1 16s to £2 7s; small, :; " £1 33 to £1 14s; medium stores, 14s to 19s; - . weaners, 8a to lis,

' The New Zealand Loan and Mercantile , Agency Company, Limited, report:— , , -, At Westfield Yards on Thursiay last dairy and. store cattle were yarded in good numbers, and sold at late, rates. Best dairy '-■-", cows and heifers sold at from £8 to £12 ss, - others £4 2s 6d to £7*53. empty and heifers £2 16s to £4 10s, calves 15s to £1 16s. At Albert Yards on Friday horses came ,-•■•' forward in average numbers, and sold well. Heavy draught horses fetched £28 10s to £44, medium £14 53 to £26 10s, spring cart horses £14 15s to £26 ss, hacks £7 10s to £14 108. weeds and ponies £1 23 6d to £6 7s 6d, spring cart £12 10s. | • At Waiuku Yards on Saturday there was a rood muster of stock. Best dairy cows and heifers sold from £5 10s to £10 10s, - ■ -others £4 to £5 ss, empty cows £2 8s to ; -; £4 2s, three to fonr year-old steers £4 . 17s . to £6 3s. two to three year-old steers £3 ' 10s to £4 15s, yearlings to two-year-olds , ..."-' £2 7s to £4, calves 17a to £1 19s. ' At "Westfield Yards on Wednesday beef was ; yarded in full .numbers, most being of ": : ;':fif;; good quality, for which last week's prices ■-." ruled. Inferiorly-fatted were lower. Best oxen Bold to 29s per 1001b, others 25s to | ■ 26s 6d. cows and heifers from 22s to 265. ' * steers from £7 10s to £13 17s 6d, cows and '. . heifers from £4 10s to £12 15s. A uraft of 24 steers from Cambridge averaged £13 0s '-~;•' 6d. Calves yarded in average numbers, - ■.-.•• and sold well at lower rates. Heavy vealers cold at from £2 17s to £3 123, medium- , weights £1 13s to £2 14s, others 12s 6d to £1 15s. smaller and. fresh-dropped 38 6d to ' 12s. Sheep were penned in full numbers, and competition was scarcely j.s keen, prices bein? easier. Best wethers sold at from /r %:':'c'- 19s 6d, others 9s 9d to 13s. stores 5s 6d to 9s. . heaw ewes 15s 6d to £1 Is, others 10s 9d ■- • to 14s 9d. Lambs yarded in average namv' hers. First-"valitv sold at from 15s 3d to , -: ; 19g fid. others 9s 9d to 13s. stores 5s 6d to 9s. , :g Piffs varded in full numbers, and sold at ;;;".■ elate rates. Baconers made from £3 10s to • £4 14s. large porkers £1 15s to £2 18s, ■>„ porkers £1 8s to £1 16s 6d. slips 15s 6d to "i'%<. £l 5s 6d, weaners 4s to 83 6d.

'<}.'■ Messrs. Daleety and Co.. Ltd., report having held their usinl weekly fat stock sale i'at.Wesffield on Wednesday, May 21, as under: — V Beef: A largo yarding. Prices were on a | par with last week's rates, a few .pens selling at a. slight advance. Choice pens of 4 prime ox sold at from 27s to 23s per 1001b, •;■'; plain c-.-ality at 265; cow and heifer beef made 23* to 24s per 1001 b. "Veal; A large yarding. Heavy calves were .v lower than late rates, choice light suckers Iselling at late rates. Heavy runners m/«» £2 5s to £3 4s, choice suckers 283 to 4is, pothers 2s to . 18s. . - ■;,.-■.■■ '-; Mutton: A large yarding, a big proportion being unfinished. Prices were Is 6d lower all round. Prime heavy wetbers made up ■«{tb 243 06, good 18s 6d to 215, : unfinished 15s to 16s 6d; -heavy ewes 16s to 18s 9d, mediumheight 12s to "15s, unfinished 8s 6d to 10s ?dLamb: An average yarding. The quality 'Was generally poor. Heavy prime lambs piade 13s 6d to 15s 6d, medium 10s to 12s, inferior 5a to 8s 6d. ; --v- >- ■'■-■■■ ?.- ; "-' ; ■:,..'■ Pork: An average r yarding.' Prime pigs f•old : at late : rates. ,- Heavy choppers £3 8s - to' £3 15s. heavy baconera £2 8s to £3 : 4s, .Porkers 26s to 425. , , COUNTRY SALES. Messrs. Dalgoty and Company, Limited, .'•eport as; follows:— - ■ ! -■■■■■, On Priday, May > 16, we tield our. usual Monthly sale in the To Aroha yards, when we had a fair yarding of s- cattle J and "0 a sheep. ; Cow; beef . was dull of sale, but: all - ether classes cf Btook a changed bands ; at

satisfactory prices. . We quote: Fat cows, WfJL mp !? c?ws, ; £1 4s to *3 3s; • empty bav !'•*-' 133; yearling steers. £3 ss; JeriS*irSrSS calves.-,£2 ss; other calves, £1 ««J&r« 16sj springing heifers, £5 to £6 15s; «n»JS Binß ?£*?• £6 Ss.: Fat ewes, 15s to 16s; sound-mouthed ewes, in lamb, 5s Id. We also S d sundry timber lying round the Son which there was good competim?^l^ atu 7' Ma 17 we held our usual monthly stock sale at Te Awamutu M when t*m£- a ful i yarding. of sheep and cattle. n wi 1 .?% Y as £ rlsk throughout and all lines changed hands. Wo quote :-Lambs (small), °U«i A°SS et9 ' 10s : fat wethers, 18s 4d: fat ♦- 0 rjt £? 10a to £6 6 s: empty cows, £3 10s to « 13s; cows and calves, £6 15s; two to ■ii year steers, £5 6s; heifer calves, £2 2s & £ A 3s i 681 " calves, £2 2s 6d; bulls, £3 10s '»£,• : - hei , fe in calf. £5 14s to £6 2s'6d; springing heifers. £6 10s to £10 ss; springing cows, £7 to £10 15s.


At the Addington lire-stock market there was a large entry of all classes of sheep, ana fair supplies in other departments, mere was a good attendance. Except for good local ewes, the market was easier. Fat lambs -were very irregular, but averaged close up to last week's rates. Fat sheep were firm at last week's rates. Fat cattle* met with a dragging sale, but there was no change of values, and fat pigs were rather firmer. -Store Sheep: Rape lambs made 10s 6d to if Mi stores 8a 6d to 10s 3d. owe lambs j,3s 5d to 15s. young ewes 14s to 20s, soundmouth 10s 3d to 13a, failing-mouth 9s 6d to 10s 9d. wethers 13s to 17s lis. Fat Lambs: Tegs made 20s to 23s Bd, a few extra to 28s, ordinary freezers 16s 6d to J9s 6d, .and light and unfinished 133 6d to 16s.

If at Sheep: Extra prime wethers 32s 6d, prime lot to 26s 3d. others 17s to 19s 6d. prime ewes 18s to 24s 3d, medium 15s to 17s M. aared and light lis to 14s 6d, merino ewes 10s. merino wethers 16s 9d to 24s 9d. Fat Cattle: An average number of fat steers came forward, making £6 to £11, extra to £14 ss. heifers £5 12s 6d to £9 10s, cows £4 10a to £8 ss. extra to £11 2s 6d. Store Cattle-. Fifteen to 18 months sorts made £2 6r to £3, two and a-half-year steers £5 17s 6a (passed in), two-year steers £4 10s, two-year heifers £4 ss, cows £1 5s to . £5, dnirr cows £4 10s to £12 10s. Fat Pigs: Choppers realised £3 10s to £5. i' ea yy baconers 70s to 755, lighter 55s to 65s (equal is 5Jd ;per lb), heavy porkers 453 to 48s. lighter 38s to 43a (equal to 6d per lb), store ' purs, medium 223 to 255, small sorts 16s to 21s.

BURNSIDE. [BY telegraph.— ASSOCIATION.] ' . Doned'tk, Wednesday. At Burnside to-day 190 fat cattle were yarded, consisting principally of cows andheifers of medium quality. At the commencement .of the sale prices were about 10s per head better than those ruling last week, but as the sale progressed competition became easier, and prices declined to tna level of last week. Quotations ere as follows:-Bullocks, £10 103 to £11 10s; extra, to £12 17s 6d : medium. £9 to £9 10s; inferior, £7 103 to £8 ss; best cows and heifers, £8 to £8 15s; extra > £9 10s; medium. £ 6los o to £7; inferior, £5 to £5 15s. Fat Sheep: £780 were penned, consisting principally of medium quality. iTicea for prime wethers and ewes were a shade firmer than those ruling last week, but medium ana. inferior sheep were easier. Best wethers made 24s to 2&s, extra to 295, medium 20s to 21s. inferior 18s to 193; best ewes. 22s . to 245. extra 255, medium 17s to 18s. inferior lis 6d to 13s. Fat Lambs: 2756 were penned. The majority were of medium quality, and prices were a shade easier than last week's


Messrs. Alfred .Buckland and Sons report:— . ■ On Tuesday vr,\ ousted good catalogues of hides and aJcmt. t'^o. • Hides: Ox. kvu\y to 9d, "stout 8d to Bid, others Z& to 7^d '' cow, best 7gd to Bjd, others £|d to TJd; kip. 7d to 7id stags, 5a ?? i* d SJ calf ' b6Bt lines B * d to 9Jd, others wi to 7gd. .■■:": ■ ••: -■ Tallow: In tins, £1 4s. • Skins: Best butchers' 6s to 6s 6d, others &s to 5s 9d; shorn lambs'. 2a 9d; dry and country, extra largo 8s 4d to 10a 7d, good 53 l d J to 's 5d - others 4s 7d to 5s 3d, small and damaged 6d to 3s lOd.

Messrs. Dalgety and Company. Limited, report having held their weekly sale of hides, skins.. tallow, etc., on Tuesday, May 4), when a large catalogue of all lines was offered. Hides: Market firm at last week's prices, with the exception of heavy-conditioned Unes : l . Butchers' hides, well flayed and conditioned, extra stout ox to 9d, stout BJd to 82d, medium 8d to: Bid, light 7Jd to 7*d; cow, well flayed and conditioned, 7|d; wet conditioned, 7d to 7|d; dirty, scored, or sloppy at lower rates; damaged and cut, 55d to 6Jd; stags, 42d to 53d; kip, 6Jd to 7d; calf, best lines 91d, good 7Jd to 3d, - cut, damaged and meaty 6d to 7d. .-•.; > Sheepskins: Market very firm. Good com; petition for all lines. Dry woolly skins, large 7s 6d to 9s 6d, medium 6s to 7s 6d, small 3s 6d to 5s 6d, dry pelts 9d to 3s 6d, according to length of wool; torn pelts, weevil-eaten, and weather-stained at lower rates. Salted skins, best butchers' to 6s 3d, good lines 5s to 53 6d all round, seconds 3s to 43 6d. .Lambs' pelts, 2s 6d to 3s 6d. Tallow: Market firm. Best, in' shipment casks 28s 6d, in 4cwt casks 25s 9d to 27s 6d, inferior 22s to 24s 6d; tins, 18s to 265.. according to quality. Rough fat, l§d to 2d. ::„ Cowtails, Is 8d per dozen. Horsehair: Tail, Is 6d to Is lOd; mixed, la 3d to Is sd; mane, 9d to Is. " Bones: Good dry, £5 per ton. .

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New Zealand Herald, Volume L, Issue 15308, 22 May 1913, Page 5

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COMMERCIAL. New Zealand Herald, Volume L, Issue 15308, 22 May 1913, Page 5

COMMERCIAL. New Zealand Herald, Volume L, Issue 15308, 22 May 1913, Page 5