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■ I 111., i , • ■■■-■..'■'-; j •.-.■•■.'■■■■. •.. •.•;; ; r i Houses and Land for sale* ■ ; T y£DEN~" SPIERS^ *";/ V (Pronounced TiWen-Spe»rs). ," ; , FABMERSI /■. We have toe LARGEST Wat of Fansa fens' ■ Gale in the Dominion.Wo wlU;t(ike;fM free 'of charge in on* of our MOTOR' CARS (roads permitting) : over any of-: the undermentioned and. many, ethers. NO_;HAEIa DONE IF WE CANNOT SUIT YOU. You will 1 receive similar treatment if yets Hiquire at cur . brancheß--Pakekone or J?ap!«j Sura. Send for our Hot. We are acquainted with : every inch, of the country, &«<! oa*» arrange"' y3ur finanoe. -,■"•■■;?;.■ 40 TO 1200-ACRE ■;';,:; ; FARMS. TO[rHANOAEA'rA-6S Acres, freehold, &i> ?V most adjoining station, in riott pa* 'tare. Splendid House, six rooms, and " building* , Price, £1600. JBwj iW :8r TTSJrHITFOBD-fil Acres, freehold, partly YV fenced and grassed. Good metalled iroad to city. Small House. Price for .the lot, £6&. Terms. s (45) 647 AIPU~7&3 Acres, freehold, handy ■ two. ¥?,, sheep farm, partly ploughablo. Spleiir did boating and flshlnjt within 6min». About 30.000 ft valuable timber, (small Mouse and buildings. Price, jfc-2 2* per _ acre. Easy terms. (193) llr4 Macro. Easy (five miles)--115 • (193) Hr 4 ANURBWA (five railes>-115 Acres, free,4xß. hold, partly Improved .dairy, farm. AJ.uourt pood milling timber, also Quarry, which brings in, £50 per •..Jlnf • home five. rooms; cowshed, etc. Fric<*, ,_£& 15s per acre. Terms. imifflk HPE KAUWHAI'A-100 Aorca. freehold, .new x station and ; oreiimery. fiyory l", ....':• lolousrhablo and ready for plougu. ■_All Hat end fenced, well watered. Prion, P£sofl. Easy terms , «17» 10?/ OKENO-65 Acres, freehold. blgaly ,i"S* proved dairy farm, in. rioh Enßli&ft pasture. Close oreamsry. sohool. and ,:. station. Carrying 20 cows, besides horses and young stock. Good Housa. and. Outbuildings complete. Price, mm). J £400 deposit <205> 15:23 J'AST TAMAKI-42 Aorea; freehold, in to . tile English grasses, five acres beauty ful native bush. Land practically Close school and creamery, only 14 Jttilea city, Positively cheapest and finest little dairy farm in whole of Tamakit •■milking 20 cows. Price for urgent salm.P&7SOQ.. Easy term* (61) 734 APATCKBTOE' (four and a-haH railenU' Valuable ■ Sheep or Dairy. Farm. 36/ aorea. freehold. Only £16.103 per acre. AH in good grasses except 17 acres buaii» Lovely Homo, seven rooms. Sheepyard*. dips, etc. Carrying at present 600 »hee]> and 40 to 60 head cattle, E *?.? J^*' nfUUPIRI— Aorea. freehold, cheapest A. block of unimproved land south of Auckland, bain? mostly rich . awamp. with good fall. Owner must, have ut« sent sale. Price only £4 10? per acre-' worth nearly double. ■ (183) 1139 Our Report: Whole of these farms headed 40 TO 1200 ACRES are highly recommended by us. It is our ambition to give the pub. lie a. crood selection, therefore we can only print a few particular!*. Fullest oetaila can ho had on application to TYLDEN AND SPIERS.93, Queen-«tr*ati .•■/;.'" .•.:'■-■_. Auckland. 4 ■ TO-: 35-ACSE FARMS. . . WAIUXU-Magnlttoent Little Level Dairy ,Y IT/Farm, all grassed; 23 aore* freehold,, Up-to-date six-roomed House, and build' inga. Selling account death. £925. Terms. : (220 27a •PUKKKOHE EAST-18 Acres, freehold, well X; watered, fenced, :" Metal road front and back. Closo creamery. Price, £360. - (125) 955 MANUREWA— 104 Acres, perfectly level and cut into seotlono. with beautiful, . rural Residence. Finest, property in district. . cloao railway ataflon. • Pries, £1387. Temw. , ©7)829 SWAN SON—4O Acres, freehold, partly inv piroved. plenty water, native buah. Neat ■■ wittway station. Price, £600. £200 cauls. ■ (16) 4SO BEGET— Acres, freehold, four acrsf leasehold, all fiat and -in good firasa Now House, and np-to-dato out« uildlnga. - Carry ,10 cows. Prioe. £I^3. HOWICS* few minutea from, sandy beach and eohool—Eight Acres, level freehold ."■•■■.■ land, and a fine six-roomed . House. 'Price. £850; £150 deposit. • •' .(221) tm Also. 19 Acres, freehold land, close by. Prioe,£loso; £250 deposit. Would cut np V to good profit, or make model littla .suburban, farm. v■■.■.-■■• ].:■ .-.■■. (221) 1273 |3>ENEOSE--iIS Acre* freahold, 6mina. from JT railway station, ready, or.onbdivision. £iJ2M. £600 cash. , .1189) I&s ° .^IXBJSDEBSON— Acres, freehold, peraanJO. «tntly watered, mate© grand fnuir farm. Must eeU urgent. Prion, £500- • Easy ■■;•:••• -tarma.- : -...-.■••• ■■ (135) 9SO . ■ A VONDALE-15 Acres. freehold; ■twoaorea ii. orchard, balance grass. -Now flv» . roomed House, Price,■■£»&?,.,. ,Termo at*. .•-■-■,',-■;■;•.■,.'■•• -^'■■ t .. : '-' 1 1 ' ■ Our Report: W»: hare -iiaaa* • epe«tal--a»>|! , v tto , ptoour©■■:■* perfect list of email fruit and dairy arma. Above are all •splendid value.r and ara the picfc of each district,. We can-giyo you a fine selection. TYL»EN AND OPIERS. S5, Qucea-BWT«BS, Auckland. ■■'■;•■ P'APAKUEA DIS T Acrea. -freehold, rich loam . moil, perfectly lovol,, well fenced, loam noil. B®rfsotly lovol, wall fenced, and improved, grand position. Stately Beak dene©, and outbuilding?. Best spec, to district. £1250. Easy terms. '*; <54) 695 A EiLEIMU-11l Acres, ■ freehold, flcmfia. ■ improved farm, nearly all in graoß. Sht-roomed House; cpwehed, eta y#i £Bjp«e aer®.. £400caah. ©5) 710 PA¥AKTJRA--Rich Suburban Dairy Farm. 94 acres, freehold; abundastly • watered: 10 acres oats, three acres hay, flno orchard, haH-acr*i, garden. Five* roomed House, and Of<fcbuildings. Selling account health. Owner wishes prioa net to bo mentioned. Rich loam and ' voltoanio soil. Will cut up to suit cllenta. • Great bargain, ■, • (223) im, .; PAPAKCEA .■■ (three miles «tation)~63 Am& freehold, partly. improved dairy .• - ■ aim. fenced and divided nine paddocks. '.' House and outbufltflosa. JPrico only M , per aero. Terms. • :;.. (90) 833 "OAPAKUBA---oreaiseßt .bargain In , dl* , IT t riot. Call at our office at Papaiura and Rtsi farther particulars— Acres, freehold, all flat and rich loam ©oil, in '. splendid English grasses.■divided into ffire paddocks. Butcher and baker, etc., call daily. Magnlileent,now Rfsldenoa. ■ seven rooms, plaster : ceilings, hot ants cold water laid oiL,patent w.e. JHoosa : cojit £100 CV about). Terms uryanged. , Qm 1155 PAPAKTJEA— Acres, freehold, handy . . little dairy or cropping farm, Six- ' ro<nned House, etc. Small orchard* f Price only £700. Toms. ,_, (82) 814 £ ETJNCIIIAN— 67 Acres, freehold ; magnifi- , cent, highly -improved, and perfectly j flat dairy farm, on Main South Road. Seven paddookß. sheep-proof fences. ! About 12 acres oats, balance splendid \ • sol English graeaea. Now House, and _ outbulldinsß. Garden beautifully laid out in shrubs and large lawns. Price, ' £2394. Easy terms. - Equal to anything la province. (97) 863 Our Report.' Farther. particulara of these J farms headed PAPAKOEA DISTRICT may be obtained at our branch, offices in Papa. kura, where our manager (Mr. F. L. Ward) te aivrays available, and will .drive you over the whole district (free of charges) and . show" you every farm for eale you wish to f see. ; No harm done if we cannot suit you, x Particulars may also bo obtained at our head offleffli.. TYLDBN AND. SPIERS, 9& Queen-street & • Auckland. \ FARMS EXCHANGE. We never acoept particulars of properties for exchange at exaggerated prices. Proa» neotive clieate may ,rely upon what wa offer is at ft fair valuation, and • wa will ; cheer tally supply fullest information. NORTH ■>OF AOO!OjANI)-360 acres, free, hold, 200 aorea graesed, balance buah. Carry ins 20 cows, . 400 sheep, , six horses, I M, : Seten-roomed House, outbuildings; Price, £6 10» Par ac »- Will Exchange for t town' property, or email farm** new 1 AucSlaud. k ;:........ -..;-••,-- , (145) 1009 * MANOREWA-05 Acres, freehold; aevea improved. New House, oto. „ £2750. Eauity, £800. Wilt E» 1 otoago for 100 acrea. (44) 644 C*WA^iSO»--40 r Acres L.1.P., 10 paiaoekfl, a S^aH-ac ys , «ohatu7; House anpt - ings. Glorious water views., Prfoi, Eauity. £475. AWm.piW:, little casK atm Will jEaohanso for farm carry about 30 TOASTTAIto-^* Acres, freehold; highly JJi improved and. flourishing dairy farm. 10 paddooke, almost flat, all in grass. Eigtit-roomed,House, and buildings. ■ £50 per acre. : Will Exchange for Ave acraa ncair city, or house at Bemuera. >, ;> ■'■.' (152) 1030 C.AH3BRIDGE— 3&1 Acres, freehold, thorr oughly improved, all ploughable, 18 paddocks,, near creamery and school, carrying 70 milch eowa Grand Realdence seven rooms, hot and cold water, Larne cowshed, milking machine, y £29 g per acre. Equity. £377?. Will Exchange * Tor property Auckland or . feanurewa, . i] U74) 1104 NEAR - PAPATOETCfc-lZOAcro. Freehold -S farm. House, with hot and water. T. and buildings. - Highly'improved rich J* land, all in pasture, been heavy bush S land. Wintered four sheep to acre, be» !i eidesi milking cows. Price. per acre. *A This farm is. almost .flat,, and Is situ- f, atedta the midst of what is termed the cvgrthmhuk( garden,?! Auckland. Only 14 miles from eitv. Wilt Exchange for 300 acres near Feilding. Hamilton. Cambridge, or East Coast. ■■ ' v, '■•■:.'—. ■JSO)-".1130-Further 'InlormgSSP*'"*?, TTLDEN Aim * .-■..,-. ■:■■:: SPIERS. Auckland. .■ ~i *S7f ate experts at selling and fihanein's YV farms. No sale, no charge. ,We do not mind how many agents already have 1 it for; sale; send us particulars and give us J. a chance to gain your confidence. « you p< to i exchange we can send you a long gt list of profitable things for your conoidera" St tiOUC . .- \- •■■'• ~ .'.■-; ■/; ■£! TTIiDEN *» SPIERS, I 95, a*™"* 88 ** « Brahc'aes at PtIKSKCIHH. and PAPAETJEA, ( " Aironta Throughput-Australasia' -,• ■ T. EeferencC: i HAiS&~ ; . .mat w ; ".;«wwm, m AUA l A A«|dM3aß atolfisrffium„" Tylspl, AuoJUaad,'s r~- « .'-. w "Tylapi, .

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New Zealand Herald, Volume L, Issue 15265, 1 April 1913, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 New Zealand Herald, Volume L, Issue 15265, 1 April 1913, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 New Zealand Herald, Volume L, Issue 15265, 1 April 1913, Page 3