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phSXSBD. WALLACE, QABBYS jjhildihgs, ■j| OWM QOTBEH gTREET,A UCKLAND, AND A GSKT. ; yiiiTJUB, ■ ■ Tit 7» ■ gTOOK AND /JEEEBAL QOMMJBSION AGENT, ■' P.& box m . . rasa tto.' *«3I«ICTEB-^:. : . '•': %£(4 $£&? ''■''■■.;'':.'.■■■' v.Aldinwitt and Williamson, Ltd., Brdaey. ,■.,;:.,;. • MMtfefc- '-'and'do.,,:' Ltd*. Land watt Estate Department. ■.: ■'■ . Automatic t&inbinatien Tools, 35a each. Every farmer should have, on©. ;: Harness ilAveter. '3s M *»**> lnclQd * ; ■ imp rivets ■ Sn to«ed.-- Mid subdivided, "Stored wad sheltered.- v Cowshed, eIS!T no House. Threonines s ation, creamery, etc \, £18 km» aero. Owner hw. disposed of his ©thsr ilntoxesta to the distriot, Sun » anxious to sell, ; otherwise the niionerty would not m:■: oil inn market. ."Witt Exchange. tor rentproducing property.: W -ELLINGTON FaEEH6tai.~Por Sale al- , most in the. heart ol city—Good thro - ' storey »** Building., with, .good shop frontages: rental, £1255 pep annum. PRICE, : £25,000. Owner would exchange for land in • the Auckland province. .Eauity, £11,000. o-if A ACRES, B*>i>d, level teoun- ' iOJLiJ try, all plougbabl© and to - grass,: f word - and, subdivideiiiiitin*.l4 padclocks: Weill watered;, carrying 100 cows, 60 calvedand : lti horses, flood DireUlng, 9 rooms, ..recently ' built, roimiaandiiiiir niea vi«?vr o£. surrounding country; „ firat-clstjfa : cowshed (13 bails}, ©ogllneshed. implement-shad,' barn, storejioom. piggeries, etc. Two miles from station. - Tbia Farm is for Sale at per acre, £3ZOQ each; ' : eras a goiiog concern, £30 per acta £1130 cash, which includes cows, (0 callvea, 2 H olsteio bolls, • c ~: heavy draught hots^"pig«/^fowls, due**;;geeeii;' ateo^;l*.K.oi milking plant and raotorengJh©, (5. b.p.}. ??- -gallon .■«eßaJL , ator, ,v ':'diso?-: drill,; CJam-. bridge volte tin© haxrowa*; &&& harrows, double and single furrow ploughs, dray and harness ; also, all oiina harnoiis. The money which"re-";. . matins on mortgage, will be t art-** per cent. OB WOULD EXCHANGE. :?:> fSQW DAISY &AS& : 14sMtLES^'^M IX CITS'.—« 7 ■:ACRE6, ; V::a'eeh*3?d *H la grass, exoepit 11 acres fallow, 8 acresEisis*, sorghum and turnips; level to undulating country, all .plough-; able; : well watered and' sheltered;; fenced and subdivided;; good road frontage. Well-built House of ? rooms and outbuildings, < all in good ■•.'.order.: Ownosr'is:: milldng:a&d supply* inar *own:.--aon.tra<it. ; -.. : ;.v-'WII«Ii :i: . : EX./::OHAHGE v ,.»E-i^aoßß--'PABM.I]K' ■-: ;^.v,:>IWIIKASO.>;;;-' DAIBTfIWG AND J? • CHOPPING J?ABM; ,splendid river ■■455 vApBES- -,:-.- -^»heMiii<» i: acres in grass, S3 acres ■• fctobble, £0 , acres - drained ' swamp; 'soil of splendid qmality; all plough- ■ able, praotii»Uy level;. ;n»V: weedst ! ti'«es;. wintered: 65. cattle j ■ v :■: and tboieeiiU Now House, 6 rooms,! 'well nniahed;; cowshed,, dairy,;:wash- i ■ bonse, old uottage. ; ■ Waia !■; property ; 'Immi jgood riuad frontage, and well; '■~ > sriOMti. for - cutting ?up into tore© i ; ; farms;' : :TSill«itroni!,toiwn^Pi\ ; i ■.■} ..ti«9,:u:Bcfiou!l^:«nu««b. ; ;-; store, and ! ■ -: .'■creamery«-'' ]l^<e, v 'i»*,---p«r;,aere,:.;: : "or j would 3Excb*iage or a good mortgage. ; t2fiW> IIAXBZ yJBK IN Tffiß WAXKATC'. XX*-. all in «»«^^'%|a«? d ; . and , subdiTided into 7 paddocks; • /well watered and aheliwred* ** s 1 ] ..■'•;tstsd.-oat:.g»w»\.Bdou©i-;:^cowf. i buli,. anil 3 hones,, but ia capable of; doing 45 to 50 cows easily- Ifouse, 6 rooms, :'> cowshed ■ (e^li^»)i>-^«arin*woai-sepiurator-rofiim;: and dairy *. any^" 1 * creitcd; slabbed yard; 3-eow nriHong " r " ■••' ,; ' maßbine pliaV ; ' S::'KP>',' engine,,^^ '.-- gallon separiMw and^terbea^r, Priee, JB3O W« •*«»; JSS6O casbj will •.- iSKchange for «ii small holding aeayer :? %am^h- : - : -:::-'■€:<'■■ ■•'■:.':-: > ; <^: : :..-•;; .r^-^^^i^afi^ymaii*?^^ log country; well watered and enel» - sarfl^'i:'ien«»l. ; and .V.;»ub-, - / dlTiideA into 7 paddookfl. Horn 4 ■ -■ : '"'i^ : ■•roffllß^^dai^^•A«cw^ae»i-^^^v<9^.batol;^ .-■• : • ? : < s-stalrtel-'andyciisitsbpdi::iowtißhip,,-;St*j» tten, >hool, store. : tacwswg, h milesir saleyards, 8> allies. Prb», ■'■.■-. M s»\per - acre; BMJrtgJiye, ■■'<'*&'>,- OwiaerlwlU fisohanse for ismaUcr Farm tear town. : \; : > ; ; ;;;"'v y.. ■ .;/:;'■ K Wra-BIJTLiIHE&T BD«l77ii3S-170 ** . Xerss, freebcilid;. 13 acres fallow. 15 . •...■^-v-Vr^^Wrr l '-.-'teaitreiw; ■:.. •: remainder '■■■':■"■:•'- c gooi abaatm»;.^.--ino»Uf;^ , jimMtone ! plougbiftle; 'w»U sbel--1 tM&vtoik. fenced, snabdiridsd 18 oat; BtSle, nine stalls; cowshed, six balLJifiepjiiratOWfooM, large shed, ' tfesw©.pirterbi*; n*w slaughterbouse, -j ./iMbßbsgrSl shijp, : --.itna ; boiling^otra ' woi2ss; p|op«iirty adJoiiaß townships ,■ - ittaik&Mir; 4n«annicateonji and launch -' '■■-' ■;:to^^-'a»--'*itila«-s^'Btatlon-*i*; : mues. Ibodlea-and & sheep, besidaa pigsf MiWy). £2200, i *SEJK!* - ' -Thin placwts "well wortte' inspecting, "■■'■: ■ bcdllf ;te;.j\«oo4-'djgtrtot...v;; , i'.; .-, SO.■■■■! boldt fontlniics from '«m^^^ ..-.' officel in.onsjiol the most important u; towns in; tl» and a, few 1 minutes froaVtramt tanainne- As a fasinJmg pricijeltion. this Place baa oasiriedTSOHftieepf hilly oojajstry, well fewsd and .-•mmAii good Hwnestead, 10 rooms, wife; modern con^eoienoea. «Hi»4at*"lv4Hh«A; and irards., shearJug machine and o»l^emgine^aJ^> ; ■: .vnwerjO.-;;vedUiees' ..the •■ ■,»MP*fH; .' -1; Thau*.} ara; fui tre ■ :ipoßßibJ]lit}ea:,baitbM plana a»aak with good.foad fron- .- tass. ar© i«dlal>lo for Imilding --»a» : ; ■■■' ■, ito«a,v--and'-"-:lHlS«-;«J?59--J*"**^-* 8 fataM'iwm.; -^«g^'^v^ottb^M ''''■'''•■' maob :: as- v w'aotrv- ,: -aw(tt;'-'tov,:.*ne ; whole propcrti PBiqß. £8 ifls »<« ■ : ; ; acra'i.easy ;ti»ms. # l>iJi!ay.iMPEOvi:i PABM-059. ACBE& frsaaold; 200 ; feie«* plough*! ; and : sown Bbgjlib graaaae, w sores ; swamp,, : m ; ej-ji and tea'tafe;;: plotiirhabier well ioaeed:: and■■"lafced, '■■<*- Souse, six rooms, iind" outbuildings; two xaiLss station, : ofeamery, store, ©to.; sevitn miles :ißal&»rds.i PEIOBj £8 per acre: ©imife, : filgKr.' Owner ; wooild exchaUigetortowa property. BAKBjrB pretty spot) IW/ ~matQd!^iittiate^.jrJ2rea;l: : x^ hoWL; gtaxini andhroppiJig land, easy : : workable BoiV<rn£divldod, watered, all plougbablsf nb«tly in • cultiTa- : tion; two mile- i& froiatag©, moely sheltered? adinlrftttr suited for sub- - ; • 4iTidtoff anil \ setoide ;roaidenc««. . Crclliard . and : iTfcetablo garden-Well-built. H<iu*ff, ffirooiaiß, cowshed, ■--..•j •*•*'!&. 5« in \%rough repair. , PRICE, £1-5 per am Ejmw distance flrtws ottjr. awl' J«4«d to road^or walßiJ auata!* aallf seictios. uWs : ;"•: tana shows Osgood MBpoctiT© ralno. '' i ".Wotdd- ,: witoritainvai exchange for . ' '-■ _ good v .ciW;:p>Werty4,: , f7V)B ' QtTKJE W^ 15 A W« *™ehold; '■ goo<lieTel,ia]»di eae^iirftable^aoil, * warm tajd; dry J ■.adi&ibte suited >■ far vegetabl© .garden, -Rowing early potatoes; *J?fcj^l!^\ y l^ t J2*?, frontage of > 26w02;|j0 minute*' walb suburbiiw; statloa and school. Instmetions B4 |awi at once. Mortgage, £4W; fbrcs | r «ars at W . ; per «wt, I \ Ooo:d : flßAim>B.:;:S»(n!n^^ ;; ■; koo3; beach; -by ; •-"- mot<«wj»r or" launch. PBIQB, «» per 'acra. <. -. : V \ EASES OO,li?l!'--lfl0 isßßs - : 13 wtddoeks, urtttt abeiterpud water in »wp vcatrota* 25 acres rnaiiw,; andean* tnrAipa; Bood toawoOd-.i; on ; <: ; .'.tlu9 iproperty; Hous©, draJ rooms;; ;»«•' stalliß), bnogy*• «b©d£j»orl£|ioi>, > and barn; |ownßh\p, and school. TBIOEf £im.i . V ACBEB.^freebold} practio ally all in grass,- and il reailyi: sub- . divided into well wateiri>d; and v > irdn© rooms. I:milt of hfW^&art.. of • ;•■-■■■■ ta BrffltHolaas orddirj[ .lawns and|sbrubIberieß surround the bosses ;%roJles from station; IJreameryi ©to^RJOB, :'r 23&00; mortgairo^^i^^f^Vyoars - "■■ •' i!.t 5 per ■ cent. ; Bxohanfle-for|6raall • irona or hoaiwi «to or Six roc***, or .:. ishop property. . i. ' '■■'r : . : v:'---"-; %■■:■■ . jR.001) t n*iET'^Ai^'-^S& , ¥^ : VT freebolil, 1 to uiidulatingi; well J] snub«ywglW .: , watered. ' At:^ ■ <k»d iiiKrae* ■:' .Jloussv «»?^iWfc i ■ ; ::-::-lfoom.' pantry, wawboußjs/vnsjfeMa ■•••:■- : lbttdw,..-conerst4i> ; :B©orte4*oW;.*P*nis. Mmplleac Hornby, .; JBag|««. Close. • to', «be«sj» w - fjacto^. .-.■;•/,.• y.m»mmy». and echool.- PEWS,' pa , -.^^ ; ? .:r:.jPrT^»^^j.vs^nity^ , . •. v<**n«tfNr^ntitlf fitter I'iwm . :,; j ABCTiD. wiMJLAcid I ft! iiil ■•« • iiii iii&

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New Zealand Herald, Volume L, Issue 15265, 1 April 1913, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume L, Issue 15265, 1 April 1913, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume L, Issue 15265, 1 April 1913, Page 3