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laiwii. miimi..■ hil'irniirrrrini. »..i<i i II ■ mi ' .■■m ■■■■ " .mwiwr. ' ; Hoy#3-: gad ; :ye|ilg|eß fw Sufe, •■;_ .: iITTOBSE.v Cart;' : paraeso, for Sal©;,' ia. first" class condition; £18 10s. & b&rgain.~ \- -Sellar, P. 0.. Ptahuhn. ': \- ■ , ~->■%■;.:, M' T»ap, &M ; Barntiss, : in .'fobd> ,oidoi-. for Sale; quiet an<.' reliable.- . price,, -MS the ",lot^—A, :- Ltimont;;. Gleni«dd,, > Birkenhead. '.' '_ _ "> M'O'fiLEY'S Sale-" aiitd Exchapapv Darha— '■; StMet, West.—Waggon Bu^fHon^ : 00:' axles,; polei; brakei,.new -and lisw**''«i6'. . ilOs; Low-aet Dog-Cart, seats_4_ oak body* ! £ls;' Balli Boadster; (teats 4, £20;f New and : -'--Light-; Cart, taxi £20 (seats 4):. .Phueton Buggy, seats 4, 8-locs, good, aouad, order, £31 m. by vC. and Av; Comfojftablo Gig* seats ii C Epshsgs, oil axle, Thorhe', ;Boadster, by Conaias. aetata 4, £20; Pair ' Shetland Monies,black, Syjrs.geKUaga, both 1 very quiet, £30; Smart Turnout, Shetland Pony, very fast* 4yrsj : new low- Bubber-Tyred J Gig and Harness, £50; Good Cobby, Pony,.j 13$ hands; very strong, 6 years old* broken tumble and single harness (rare wrt), £15; B.P. Gig, scats \ £15. good order: Harness, £4 10s, up £14; new, £15, £16 10s, ■$&}. ___ ■-. PONY. Shetland (foal by Eaikiora). for : Sale cheap;, also, Pony marS, rising 4yrs.—A. D. Lawrence, Abattoirs,; , Paeroa. : PONY Phssfcon,. in good order, £22 10a; Boomy Gig, £13 103; Shetllaad Pony Gig, £16; Light Cart, £10; Single-seated. Baggy. . £17; Milk Float. £14; Gig, (rait 13hand pony. JSI6; Qaiet "Eeliable Koree. £8; Set Milk' Cat* Harney, new, £T_10»; Giir Harness, £4.— Buckley, 42, Wyndhani Street (next Dnrbin's). ;-'-.'; PHOTON (Pony), rubber-tyred, and Ponies ; for- Sale;' a stylish turnont..—•Harrison and "Gash; Carnage and Motor Works, New* market-'-:;. : •■■ • ROAN ; Gelding, 13$ hands. 7yre, for Sale; -:. absolutely; staunch, saddle or harness ;' £4 ICd, to gooti home only.—Bpeacer, Smee* ton's Buildings. ■yEHICLES OP EVERY DESCRIPTION J?OB SALS AND MADE TO OEDEIJ ON THE SHOBTBST NOTICE. _.' .:^. GILMOUB, JOLT*- AND : WSMMm, ■■ OOAOHBUILDEBS, Newton Bead, hea? top Symoailarstreet _____ J __ ;^.^hoa-a,;-.216& : ;;;..' ~; ;. ;. .'■;-:.;. _ -'■ .. ; ; ; . :: "' Dogs for Sale. ;'■ \ , PUGS, two pure-bred Japanese (dog and slut), both young; owner leaving ! Auckland.— Thompson, 18, St. Paul Street, City. ' live Stock lor Sale _^ BULLOCKS, working, 10 to 12, -and ■Oeaar, for Sale: in good oonditionv—Oß. C. Proflt Waimaaka. ■. '■■-.•:-y:~ ■ -:.-':'.': : ' '__ - ' : *'■ ■! "■ 'i., ' " "j 1 .'" "; ' ..' ""•'.' ""■'. . '.V ' ""* Poultry, Pigeons, Canaries, etc POULTRY— Young Dtickfl,....-Boosters, and Hens, for Sale.—MoJannet, Papatoetoe. IfiVINE WHITE LEGHOBNa .— Irvine Strain. Eggs High in Priced To get more eggs when high in pricey 'try a few Irvine Strain Pullets; they lay all the year. They can't help it,'they're bred to lay. Two thousand Cfioioe Paueti for Sale. We havo just landed some of the faniOita meat meal, the egg-producer; order early; . Poultry can't: lay without •••'proper meat food. Write- 40-page-^tatogii<i.—Liafleld Poultry _arni; Ltd.; White 3j*an • Boad. Mount Boskill. Albert Wv-Jrvto, - Manager.;. 'Pbo>:e ,1557. .'.."- «■-•»■■-—-•r-rr— r .■..-.;------».-=« $ ■>.'■••'.r : , : : 'Easinesses -'Eof : .' BOOT Bepalr Shop, for ißalet will accept offers, nothing reasonable refused.—227. Hobson Street dABDINGHauSE; 11 rooms rant, 154» €d; ■' close Supreme Court; 12 pormaaeatß, ; at 30a; splendidly : '-iui^sh«d.:^Chsa^'^7O' terms.—Spain ana Co., 103, Symonds Street. '■' ' ' 1 ,;, „ .-.'.... , ■'■ ' 't. r 1 'i"i <i 'i'-' '"'■■■— BOABDINGHOOSE. superior, Grafton dis. triot 14 rooms; hotrwaWr 1 samoe, well famished; doing, a good business. Pries; 4§3GC. ' 7,.- . ■ ;.--■..'. GT. ;NOBTHEBN : AGENCY, 5. ;"HjiL : Arcade;; ■ CONjraOTIONEBY. Pniit Etc.,, Main Boad. ?-flhop. 7 rooms, rent 33ss ilowfo.'Sht years; trade, £14 weekly'; eacrmee, ./ £60.— Spain and Co., 103, Symonds Str&at. V COUNTBY ■ / 'N6WSp&por,U;::^!^Bflb, 30 : years, in thriving farmiag. district? raro opportunity for l energetic JoaKaalwt or '> printer to acaaira soaad bawaesili with Bpooial advantages and ©xcellent proapecM. ■'■*■•Particulars on application to Provincial, :-696,:H88A12> t >- - ~: ; ; . ~'■' \,. -;_■_ I7«BUIT and: CotfectionerW s 'Msi-- firtings. , . ; ; good living. accdaaaodKtioa, busiest . part Auckland; fall- stock; soma: concern, £30.-173. ■ K^raa'gahape,;Boad. j : , _______ POICT . Butcher; good bnaihess, central; . . fin© opportunity;. :,reaso__'i'!>r selling ; .. •■■ '■; ■.■•• -j •; ..- M .' ... ' ''. j'.'- ...j 'i' _' -1 ■'. - '. ; ■■ '' ' I|_k)EK. Butcher, goodfbusmass, central, for JT sale; fine opportunity; reaaon: for jWiling; iB-hoaith.rrr-Pork Bntcherii 4, jHsaAlifti : ■o,'u s'i'N'E 88' B A BG.iA IN. ■■'■yp'ortifi- — ciTr^n^MPAOTj'' i®mte ] X>£W BOABDINGHOUSE. appeareooej'good water view: : i:.oVeryihiin|'' np-tOf 'datfij 3?nrnitur© iasared, £275. ' . :: "- : ' ; .. ; B. J. gsraioAir, ■:>■ _ . 12, Commfiroo Street opfebs AM beouertbd poe the ■'■ '■>!--' freehold OP an OLD-ESTABLISHED BOABD3NG* - ,-.-'.- -■"'■-■ -:■"• '--'HOUSE,;-':-, ■ ' ■' '■;,:' ■ Very ceatral ahdi popalar, andt' Bituated «a large section; 65 by ISO, close to- Qaeen, St Splendid view; overlooking hsa«)Q:ar.; ' ;-i Good chance; for apocalators to build up--1 to-date iflats. ■■.-''■-'■■■'-■•■■: ; ""-'''-. ! ■.'-'■'.-■•■■ /;■ ;: Par address, apply . J '..■;■:. ___ ' .' •:.;■ ;■:; ..'..■■-.■ _ " '.■•..•■■■'.■: IHgßjJM>_;-■. .» ; TUB E:.: : -..n>:T' : H'E : YCT B;E. ' v THE ; INVESTMENT OP THE DAY. \ ; Splendid Beturhis for Small .Outlay. TBICE, SUM;- GOING CONCEBN ~ (Terms Arranged). Apply, .-.■-.'■■'•■'-!■.■-'■■'::■.■'■-■*■. _■'■;-? TAYLOB AND : EMERSON, Licensed ' Agents; Broadway; Newmarket ;:».,'• ~:;..-.-: , -. _ 'Phono 3317. | _ > ___ ■■ , v £650 WILL PUT YOU INTO THIS , : 150AKDINGHOUSE 'gUSI.NESS. On the way to Exhibition Grounds (near Id section). 3YEABS' LEASE, 29 Bed rooms; 3 bath- s rooms; fine large Diningroom (will take 40 people);.,; large and i'aeautiifully-laid-out Grounds. ..- - •'■ " A SPLENDID POSITION. ;.••.-...■■•■■: Tram passes door. insured for £320. ; Kent; £7 per week. . The Price is Beduced from £800 ; to £650 . :.';.■■;.-. .; For Quick : .Sale.' ; " gYDNEY J] # lipLDllß, ' LICENSED ESTATE AGENT, 31, Shortland Street. /.■:;"■'.;':;.•■.; -■' : , 'Phone 4251. : ;;;.'-.-. :■:;-.-'':.■ :,- - •AUTHOBISED TO *, CELL. T EASES. QUEEN STBEET LEASE-S]plondidly-fltted-up Shop can be had sit a very reasonable price. Present owner going into larger premises. /T.ENEBAL jgTOBES. SEVERAL. SOUND AND PBOFITABLE BUSINESSES, situated in .th« Waikato and North I Auckland. Z*/can with confidence recommend those at. present on my list. Pull particulars on application. • -TfcBAPEBY. ESTABLISHED over 20 : , -Yews—A Drapery Business in fall owing,. No goodwill. Th© purchaser; has an , ©xoellatit oppoaiunity of obtaining: a profitable business at face value. Turnover ; £2700. Bent £3 10s per week. This includes & Dwelling of seven rooms. ~ ... ,_..■ >,-■■ ,-..;.. ':■'■... M . ; TO BUYEBB.—Smaller Busineaaea . of ©very description, particalars of which I will gladly give or forward on appiica- | tion.' -' ■ ■ ' ■-< ■ -1 A'. M. BR YD EN. BUSINESS AND 195; QUEEM- BTBEET. - 'Phoni» 1742, ;. rjPPOBTUNITIBS 1I ! . i? 1 A K A-LOOK HEEE-25 AOBESj: mate road, six miles Queeo Street; fine frontage; corner section rail in grass; subdivided; orchard. House 6 rooms; autbuildings. Great prospective value, Only £1450. . Terms. ■ :_, - ',;.:..; > ■:■■■..■-. '.. '," _ _? K A DOWN— 5 rooms; bathroom, 3iOU wash-house;: copper, tabs. h. and .0. water. Bay window, verandah. All conveniences. Dominion Bead. Bal. £550, on the easiest terms. Pine section. i?II AA PUTS you in Al Country Hotel; , good trade and low rental i?IKA BUYS Stationery Business, right ! A/XOU in the city; doing a good, steady . trade. -.Living:. rooms. /;-_; ; > ■XfVttifi BUYS a snug kittle \Couatry 3&OOU Hotel; a rare chance to get; a paying basiness-for email capitaL , : •PitlCt BUYS good Boardiaghoaso. as chtJLXfXf going concern, including SOgn. piano. Id section of trams. , ; '• i?T|<>e—PlNE • Central Bdardlinghouse, i cMJUfcn/ well furnished; always full; grand situation. '•' i?IAA-BOABDINGHOUSE. 10 rooms; dfitX\fjJ low rent®!. Good place, and'.-»-bargain. : ' , ■;-,•. : -'---i-■■..■'■■■■ , .• WHITTAKEB AND QO., 17. raOSNIS CBJIMBBBS (OPP. NEW P. 0.). .-; ''■ - :,■ ■'Phooa 5733, - .:■.,:.' ■ ; _,-■

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New Zealand Herald, Volume L, Issue 15265, 1 April 1913, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 3 New Zealand Herald, Volume L, Issue 15265, 1 April 1913, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 3 New Zealand Herald, Volume L, Issue 15265, 1 April 1913, Page 2