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1 mfljfct&reY-ißo'jmil-, „-«ro. large, anfur. :M:!! : . ,-*ha of':©inivenknces; business £jo children taken.—AdI*-;. -'■ ■ ,_ < .~.,^——--——-■■ ■. - ——» -- —-—- —-— - I »«-t»*><mt«: comf<*rta\jJ.e bono, bato. pjano. ! ?b 00313,W0, n-fuinfahed; :fi*Bplace<f. £°_* ■|-" 'iuwrtdy I»vtoiisptfvA*»^*iuniJy^^ j ..Hl&AIiB. ■ ' , dtv e!ow iMll .'poaltion,, quiet We;-elderly :f--.- --toixZjMufrtfi+too :rotiiig;«on?Hi3 i --3p,, Col- • -•'■■ ligfrwood Sfcneet, PonEonby. -, -~ f ' [ ii.,;.„•.,.;. i—u.n..- r -r:..-..,;-,. ■,. i ■ .;.*;■- ——J I Caweefc; we smoke f : 1- ;Utf»i;and ;«ili;ting roijuno.Piano, *^ _£d fc • -■£**"• and slower; J niiaatea Qaaen-gtree*- * '•> ■"'• '■■ <>■ -girtibaii.;*»»*»•-Oifa*-^':-■■'-.-''•"• ''■ '■ : "'-; : -■ ■- --- & 5 £>W Boosed; Para/sll; telephone,,all conr '- n)&, lliandy ' to town—Address at t ':« rn"JtOANodi9; »©rn^^ r J V home, : :-i|wenr convenience:, Id^seott on*- ) Si, ; Gladstone Street, near. St, Benedict I *, *- ; ,; -J««irtoß. - ''^^'':'^■!,;^ : '^v : ■^':v^■ : ; -^ V ; V > Bowdliiißhoase; ncwasmodatioa , 0* i - visitors and - permanent boarders; Id eae* j- -:-•;: '-l'■■■ ->■■■' ■ ■■■ -.";"- ■' iJ I at)EEiam> 4l ; ]i2 GEAFTON ; BOAD. |;-' ■£} - ■- '■ Wear Cloral HaJi. •.■.■:'.' I B imwrkir suijeonimofiatlon for tourists and I .' • Hpttxaaaent boarders. •'";•• _'■".'' - «-„»,- --, I ■ ■"-: 4S' xnodeni-, conveniences.•Phon©'Jg»-; I '"'-' . ?,'■- ,*■ -: - ,-'i,/:- ] ''■ -■ V • j2g^l^sS. C :' ■_■'• '■'■■ 5» '■ b'" ; : -■■ , .<J. : .'H-,:I-:--:*- »;■':'& • fXi , iff. gyiaoa(Js} Street , 1 V«e«icli» tor Permanent and • Toxirists. I';: '■■■■ ■' > mmftf lj;4fr : - : 3-B& JtA]^?lN;--groprU.tTOßa.; S mS .WiBEY. PEIVATE HOTEL, i :'-.;■ [X J6l,- Qi»i!tt Btweli {near Town. HflU> L'. V-*.': ••'L:-:.^:>:^ ii '- ;; -V.-=-'. VMS. J. O. 'DPITK , . i • '■''"'•'•'■^'^ : '^ > '. J .."''" : '' :U —>'■■'■ ■ ' :^-[ - : - : f .■■ ■' awwuiiiiiUMiiiMUMM.''"*'".' l '"!'' l ;,""" ■'W"* i r""T , y' l * % "' l '*T.""" l '_J'^'■-•■ ,'"'*■>■ -'■'■■'■■■•!' ]]'■■■ I {A. imnttne awWMl,4h« townv-A CallM^SU I .. -Jart^witetJ--.jirou;^reqiodr&'v.. W» ;■ haw.--aa f. fliiwwiii of Diiint on -imajr boola free to; yoni k ebiS* your litaefiage ;or foraitar©. All I ;-. J>cA»a^»jid ? .trains, mai'. „„„ . ; >: /'. ■- 1<1«'*(I. and i,««:ry,ift&d«m oonTenieiteo tn« I"; ';^i©»d : ,*o"i l '0»l«:, oiwtefai and:..fiTJitrclasa f l Trno* J , 'Jliono «f. t ". I s ' MSB. WBIB, - i : i .'V '...- ff.ato of Qariatcaqrch)- > ''.: |^s====S==-:===s==s=:—-..- ... I | -■ MltciiUaneoßis Wanteds. : "'■ : -' 'W^dsnPSJyOTJ} ? to ; aori>.i'oiL coal-or watery ! .\/ pmaps «re^cd.-0» \ : ft. €ro«fe Qartaara and Ilamilton P.O. .-..:- I ■•" / f^ATTHOEiIM-. pftrposw, about '■- •; ffg*jg^'/...'•'•""■ ' r ——-•;-?- !rV- ': " ''.'*•':'■ ■■'. . JU [ pLT, stutia*■■■*!*(!*, eto... «, -v' *si*aaSl3 - Peaos ftmijuwrt at lab. TetJcb - ' -uratah luui• jiraTMitod".Siißperr rooTomeEt*. s- ' ••- awl I*oa i-rt Staias all eiaa. AU : n % mmwEt. Mi.Mk * < * . '•.;• , .w*,**--,, ™- ■■■•■■'■ -'■■'■ "~~~"' ; VOP «tt to* Bsrt 60s Ileady-to-Wear Snlte •Xf »rafc«wST*l 53WW, James, aad C 0.,Si :ftUc*dayv Jiaßrpast tmti, r sl»v£iT.. JMaobdeno • kj,||.^., i r.,.|,,ii|^.,v.fc T> A;i,i 1 ,.,';,,,;i.,. l . —~—;■ W'AJTTBp'Wtoy «msior labo'ttr whan' rou I. - • :•*—'i".n . ■!» --~—"»~— 1 -r rl- - for "Ctiai!»'JH»ES" 'iMMkia&" Kwaoew l tTram • 'CertrJaaß. Wednesday, tar?» prcDAJ'cd. tralUatfin'c booka bal* 31.. ajjortiaad Bm>gt. Coufl-UnSu-•Ri9l£ra. to more ,«|'^iri3Bl>j- ; Wby«ißp]or labom wsn roa "rtrijrOßD. p- -OaWxi«tiafilter«L j .PictaTCj ¥>' JFr»in*J«.'?oliAlMr.i, and,the General [«!ijijtW'»lMttl^-yv».'Atii.ini.tie kw"flopr : ■ or. * »".» Rod llr«nm .*fii" [f?1, *tri)» If yea■ reflate to tua-Idnoanaisit'' 'lw w«a;- and Leba :«!9jrt Btole* for wood* ; , - , . - / - ■. < —~?'"T~- .■■ ■ —■ —-——-■—a———— ; Vtint «r* »>tpar<*i ,to uwdartate Outfaci of ..,.,, o(>ala;;aad v Ikavu «9*w ?'!>jraar<)f *»ccoa« ■ limtt* ■&*&+* £. Tsi*«ejr. Ltd. Ooal Mer- . fbaaita^rraiw/etc,pßtom» Street Winfc *J? All: yewaaaiket. 'paone. <S7. -F/ANOaV'.Bold since 1825-~a "■■■ :; ; !ffi^fflfe^*^i (l ; ; ; r ftQKl*i%K. n or Vlidc Corn Core, eole. ;• ,"%,/£">, tejnltHC'-cftdtiiteau J?rie«.jJ».—-A. & ' M iWli'r.!<UlVopeiWdrbniinw* in King's : fcafcrjiiadd -toi« Plaf.^"curi ß . and all kind*. . ' (Bflltaiiylbiif york.-;vAll -work jpaaranteßdV; i-*w *fl*w¥J§w*' , ** < • ■ and : Astrology. - ,: 'A ' X>fOOOJRe horo9Co)?e la , profitable in- •<--... <roefsJßß«nt iter .v;tnoi»e': wbc> mfc to be ">wiea-' — and addressed envelope for ~/4NMb# "BolTCdejre/' Box 982. finil- . horo»i»ge» out oil the quegtdoa. aatb'a. Chocolate ". : .;. A foro li.S" box-Lamb, i ; ' ; ; FTiJBiUIJDB; VtiAtßMßMiti your Eacqueta -,X. MNi»*ii«MlMor;."xepaii!ed> by *n^«»Beß6{- , : «tou(g«»'niodt!irate;v-b«et^gat naed P&oiita;^ -"^ g «' ,w ' A ' ~ B;rßcw-:'Wl AjbeirHV; -'' -; ■ ■!^.^,|jlAliß'Bi ; ; r and L Tonlo nnriohei tha v ■ ilj Blood J*a*rilu^fflB v -- ; tae : -.:' , Ap|jettt* i ;' ';.-:;' fiL: jr. ;lattttb.>Cli^^^wrtQn J , -' ¥: :?*rACTSI^!K!tJkT^iaDiiW ; ■ - XIl , - Axttai«ar,i--E. ; and I?. :? Piano Agency, •■ '..'aUidU a. Coldlectt. Maaatter. - ...> ■■' : 4^ ; Hi£J^Ni>-Baa^^ . #>"!i^-.H- baa JBtomored to 11 14. Arcade, Qneec- ■ *♦. Il»te Ufa BbfcltefiQMnre'a premises). Ui-:.'i,*- ;:nuii<il|lil'l .'"I". 1 ' ".l■'■'<" H«M iiiii'Mi«i"iiil|«w*«i miihh ■ i i«ii,"i,i.. mi, ~iiof . B*~iST55St!' PIANOSJMGennaay'a BestJC>'. fiolo Aioiatfli E. aad; £'. Piano Aceacy, ~;;.,: .. j•' TS7 ; Sty ■ Wear Cheap. ' Shoddy Clothes. ' ;'..i'?-1 :v-ii^o; ; •'"re cftn-sapply you with : :.:'a' . ~r; V .'lwoiyaiadjis s JlWtt' or an unolalwed Order '-;■ : -.- Soli from £22». !s;juve also a variety: L-: of irood -«»i*Mi» fleooniSrttaud Suit*, Mactos, '>^-*'X <fe»eeoa4i«, ; Ollld Jacketit ; Vesta. -; : Trouser«,; : ; - --"' '*iC,''ia; tiiorotitgh^leacijorder,.' repair. Cloth- ■ I - .lis bowfoilt, «ioldvar. exchanged. Wo : olso. .. ; 3 . • Clean,"Prftsa. ; Alter.- BiepMr, and entirely I JE«rt«*at« any article at Lon- : I 4on Caottilng. OJearlns. Mdßepairing Co.. 1 4. 0U Korth Ed., near Ponfionby Betertoir. : OP«» tilt a; ; ii'ja.Vi/paoiw-59^.:-;;.■;-'-^-'--.: v .;;-. ! •'.■ " S~:g WING , ' ; ,■-'■'"■ MACHINES : © CALLED FOB f , C3».»JSED, AD.JT7STI2I>; GITAUANTEEJ). 1 ' - " » ' WILSON," i ■■ $5. WoUtwjiley Street W., I ■ Mark's Bnildinsg. I', ; PJiono, 3466- ', • / Vi/ ,■..•■ : '!"■'. . 'flniT-':'*' 55-;-3B; s i)' v:; - i: ; K .N > : W .N'- : f ' nfV. . PJAWOS;-'»d : -'Deposit: >■•: : PHOBrOGBAPm on easy termor I ■■ ■ - MimicAL iNsrriioDMENtfa :. . %' . - /; • POBliliTl/ftE.; on,easy, .tonaa .r,: ■:.. ■■ •■ Write: or Cull for Quotations. ' i OTT tftJPPLY OTOEES. " v . 227» Karan&iaiiape Itoad,- Newton. ;.. ■ m- A NT P., D ' KNOW N--4"" ;TSSB-OT,BI»; BKOTIW. VENETIAN . • t / ...: BlitND ttTas" Awarded « tik '■' ' GOW) MB3)AL, ... ; ' tf' Tim ?TBST OKBTIFIOWE AND ONLY .. t, AS 'J538 ATOKJjAND ■•. '■'- Hfeejr are Jpupißrb. ■ ', CheapestTCffS Best. tSMSpT KVBBV BLIND GITABANTEED. jfacforyt, POiiSBONBY: - 'Phone 914. . 'njfjSsii: oxftorrLAf ing i'LraBABY-of N#)|WtT-Bo*k9:i'Ja andoabtodly- the 3>Wlin« leiiUnff \' Library v pf ; Aaokland. :;p^ p ''B«t'kß. 'eildftfl^eacbipreelt;-,. : Books clean; &a irailU'd books' allowed tt> acoumulato. , - if* - Koojmmum. 1 v UnloE.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume L, Issue 15265, 1 April 1913, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume L, Issue 15265, 1 April 1913, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume L, Issue 15265, 1 April 1913, Page 2