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"""n*—tmflr*nm iff*"*" 1 ! trTwriwroMitwiißiiaiiwtn^ -.'■■' Situations Wanted. AN old Lady, 62, very fair health, would give service •to i look after suite, or , attend house;; very small salary;; more for _ home; good reference.—6s.L., Symond Stiteet '■ ■ p '°-' : ■'■' '■-■■' '-■■■■' '■'■■:•'' '"''y : -'■"'•■ ■■■•" "-•••.-.:. ; TSABMALD (llicensod). thoroughly■ reliable, ; XS desirowi, position good liotel.—Apply. first instance to Barmaid. 80, HERAIiP. CABPENTESiS; Joiners (two, experienced, want work, town.' conn- : *.- try, any labouring work; willing anxious. '■•; —Central Begiatry. 167, Queen Street. [■ • OHAUFFEUir wants 'position,' taxi or pri- . V ... vate car; Home and colonial experience; •: reliable, -steady;' references.— ;■ din, HERAIiP. ■'-■■; __ "■' . ____■ " _•• CINEMATOGRAPH . 3»roprietor3. — First- , : class • Operator wants situation -~ good. S references.— Focus, GP.O.. Auckland. CLEBK-—We:il-educated Young' Man wants position: highest references as to cliar- )____-__; '.■HBBALP..' ■■-. ______ . j '.■■■Washing,..' or '■■'■ Ironing.— L ISJ .Bespeota'ble Person wants work by the ,'day.—Andrews's Registry, 255, Ponsonby - i Road.--- ■ ■■ ■'■-; - .■< experienced, wants position; club , i.XJ ■ or hotel,preferred; would take socond. .;;■,;•______ BeSAliP: ■_ __ ' -." .-. ■' , COOK; '/fomalev seeks re-engagement in city, 'v..commercial bouse; or flret-class private .d;'h9%l;,i?;<>bun'tty, - „ ■ suitable ,wages.— i : v'siv";H-M&&v^;::.:":-. ■■ ~.: ~.•, ■■".' __ _ ...■'■. ' • j ( COMPANION - Help -'. wants pbsition.I; . V/ Capable, 60, HERALD. _. _ f a t,. a;j :^»w , '-«sperf«!(iseS;': ; J^^antfi' Bit|aiio.M-.~AiipJ;H. *t««|f^ ■■ ."■< *r;- .■,— ■■'!>■■■■.>* »> ; fiTOrtSSWAKSfe ltU-«la|4>oite i %orfe i kf ■ ■ : \jjrmy t ■ town; or : coM^ry.-MefteJttrne, 1 -; 32+ ; .gjmp. . ./ ... ':,"',■-./ :... i '. kUo ' »Jt/' fpff; neat and ; -styUlsJi:;worlc.^lß2,-- Vic- ' 4«^fe'.'Street West. '■ : t \, -■•; - ■ f . <'■*' ; jIpHGINEDBIVER, locomotive or traction, 1 JBUU. v '"wanf3., employment >at above, '-for >' 'Stationary.—Loco.,-42, HIgBAItD. ■ = " FABMEBi 38, steady, 'wants position with * v 'produce . or auctiilihesrrog 1 . firm.r-'Hj,. '' ;72, : HERALD. '-,■;■: ■'.; ■','-'■.' '■•■ ■• ■k: ! tv I|A%Mjt l , Hand.—Man; i ' young,-/, married^ ■j. •, -thoroughly - - experiisnced^.deis'BpißS/'.jltax-v i"-|j^iiil||»eht , igeneral;farm / :■ __________ Kaiwaka. ■■ ;/-"' . X-X'y.x-y I *|^AsD_Nl_i, -.roguires isituatio'n,;'..pefffiah*' • xT' cnt; .experienced in ttowera, ;inut u v«rgei. greenhonse weirk^-AppiyPmJJß; , English Lady,' 'ret' .•.'".Si* fined: C.C.P. Eng.-, desires ; position; to' '.'■. yottng ■ children highest. English and local" : , referenced—Efficient. 17.! : HB&AtP.'.-;.-; ■ .''-■■■■■>.-,■'■ HOUSEKEEPERi. reflhedi seeks . . ,above/or; Lady Help, in or.;ine^,;;_ftuhil- ' 1 -ton.—Capable, P. 0., Rotorna. ."•■-■•■'•. | :|lirAßDWAßßfeSituatipli,:,-,. wanted, either : * : ,;ja.-;-,:'as';>r?jiie^man ; .or '.mAwiied- ■". ;tttum-.(lateiy-^.tom.B>)mQ J ' 'ence ,*iiS-' ■An*...'braneh^<;-;'."'-hardW£,re?V"itx]w.. crookery.—Reliable; 'UKfolftfr ' _ .:___: JEWELLEE:' — Firßt?feljiiss>; ■'' MaiuMturinff,; ■■ Jeweller (ring-maker iwd i engasfement•;' in >Nbrth j , ; G;P;Oy;(ari9tehhrch.V'--\^;;.-■■■■"•■■•;^'- : ;;'^;| LADY, 'young, seekS -position - Help 'or ' Companion.—BefihecbHUßAiH., '/ •,C ; LADY, requires posMoia as Companion, to ■ , lady travolling.--.G,„ 78, m&JMD. ;>;•;;.': y L ADYi';' competent ..Law' waatg| I -■: situation ;r : '5-■years'/:(isperien.ce:™-J;B>Wii;.: ;• 77, HBEAI.D. .. .;; . _-'.•. ..:.'■ ..:■:. LADY, young, wishes position a:. Goirernesa; begin' duUfle in May, young' '. "children preferred; eeviarat- years espßri- ; *JE^"' 3 *2H!SSdM^ -"Hg&Alffi., ir(i ,, ; ,',,. ( ~'•:....; ■' . Employment. Ranted; .moderate'J '" '- ,\^iaryj':to-vaappleh>ent.■•.smftllvmcotaß^, : >rjLilng.' , S9r'HEjUliliJ. • ' ..: ]'. t .'- ■.> ...; .<Iti?IJ£Bn3SQ- Couple waiits" portion';'wjirk* ■. 4?pl||___g_e||___|_____^^ ,y^fo,%QUßek#per> ,^MaT^t}er,'.4BS.'j^H^ : M Al*. young,-would ' "like '.situation as.-. 'I life pwrfer, : ' ; 'or' ; other -and; ' serous-— 70, HmA3a>._ '"'■".- ' ..'.: ' "-iaWAN wants horse woirk on a, farm ~'&_( S'-aJoL plough; ■• had littltf experieno* with : ::horßesr.- : e«^ .:,6tate*wa«es- " r*WflJlffifcMßi HSBAW., „■ $■■ ''■■'■-y?---^ - arrival)-, wa&ts-:V.'pttsition''-teftrHer'- , oa;farm; ; vriltoffporkerfflsfcellentref.erenijss. - ; r Bbgiatry,. 167, Queen. Street. . . . MAN/ ;young; 12 years' legal \ experience, London, seeks - position.- commercial; book-keeping - excellent references;. w»mporary 'or permanent.— \ 25, HERAIit).- ____________ ... V-•''-••""--■'•••'■ -__.■' : IJTAEEIED- Couple, ohild. want p<)sii.VJL tionr;. barman.' pc»;rter, coqkj_ wife waitress; experienced, deferences.— ' Begistry; 167; Queen. ■ .. M ARMED - Couple. feisiKsctable, want-posi-;tion ; farm; private place; both milkers; man- all-round, wife cook; reference».— <________________■_ ______________ Street. ■ PHOTOGBAPHER, riehced, ':>■: all-round, _ wants ,sltnationvr-_tl>.;; 85, 8E8A1.D. ./., ■ SECRETARIAL, or position of trust, by ; ; Englishman, 30; would drive trap or motor; ? shorthand tyjiilst; ■ experienced; urgent.— 74, HEi.A-iP.' ■ ___. STOEEKBEPEB seeks situation, or any ,;-. position of trust; our 'years'. expertence; good references.-!'W.G.C., ,P.O. OBe- •"■ bunga. ..;.■ -•.;. ■ , '^..: ; -'-::' , ;s;.-'''' -■■ : ;-----:- "'■■■■-. x:■■:':'. TRASHING-or Cleaning wanted by res- . Yor woman.-J.M., 87, BESAtiP;, ; v OMAN, i young.-v- strong, and.obiigiog,: , wants work by ;th«k; .—Willing, 41, _■;■ Angleaea Street. Poneonby. ; ' WOMAN, married, refined, /boy-; five,. wants domestic work - or cookiPg,; ■ while husband away, six months; w&ges no object-. Urgert.—Address '_______________:; ' SPECIALITY, 'SALESMAN.' • .i - ; - YOUNG MAN. ' - ■■<:.,:'. GOOD PEEsOisrALm", „,__,^^ * INITIATIVE AND AGGRESSIVE METHODS. I want M handle high-grade Specialittea. Know Advertising. , ~ [ ,' ' INTEGBITY, : , .;-'■-. -.-:..',.;.. _____ -B-BAJ-lPfe.. NIOHOLL'S Begistry,-:; .' Street. — Bespeotable i • Middle - ajgied Woman wants position as General, small family; suburbs preferred. _-,__—, Houses and Laid Wanted. COTTAGE, small, furnished,' in Devohpsrt, , from May 1, for six months or. longer. Careful 'tenants.— Box 965. Auokland. ] EABMS WANTED for Southern Buyers.— j From 50 to 5000 Acres; Dairy. Sheen and Cattle Runs, and Unimproved Country, in Auckland Province.— sand Voale, 1 Bmeeton'a Buildings, Queen Street. ; ' Tel."1911: ... j HAMILTON.— -10 Acres and Good House wanted; must be close school; very | urgent;— Rainbow and Le Oren, 29, Short- J land Street. ■' ■ . ' .-.:-.-•, ; HOUSE, 9 to 12 Booms, with all conveniences, wanted to Kent or Lease, in Ponsonby.—House, 89, H.ia_lg). _____ HOUSE, good, four or live rooms, wanted at once; convenienisee; handy trams or ferry; long term if satisfactory.—G., 68, HEBAJiP. . ;■-'-... "...-::■■■■ "'■■-': - ___ -'■ •;.,•..■ _. - HOUSE, five ■to .eeven-.'■ rooms, wanted to Buy, Grafton \or Parhell district preferred; or, Section'; to build; urgent.—Express Land Agenoy, Andrews and Clark's Euildings. 136, Queen Sti'eet.'' HOUSE and Big Section wanted, in ExXX change for Partly-improved Waikato Farm, 230 acres; good land; few minutes creamory and school, station handy; 40 miles south; can milk,-.; present state,' 25 cows. Six-roomed House, i_tc. £10 per acre. EqUitv, £1690. Or sell on terras as going concern.— Express Land Agenoy, 136, Queen ■ Street. ■■ . _ ' ■ - __________ PREMISES , wanted by . Photographer, suitable for the business, or easily altered; Auckland or country.— 86_;_HEBAIiP. •' WANTED to Lease—About 10 Acres of land, for gardener.—Apply, stating particulars, to A. J. Tapper, Land Agent, 7, Swanson Street. - WANTED for Clients— 5 rooraa and 6 rooms; '2d seotion; Mount Eden, Grey Lynn, or Ponsonby-— and Buckley, 140. Karangahape Boad. WE require immediately, for cash purchaser, a seven or eight-roomed £.«- sidence, with about an aore of ground, situated on the, Wa^d^Remuera.^ Tyrone Buildings, Customs Street East./ WANTED— ?arm in Excbango for Bfl , Acres, sui *ble lot subdivision and bendy to town. Pt.ce, £3000. eauity-£Bloo_— GTNQBTH-RN AGENCY. 6rH.M. Arcade. »"fsrANTED -to Buy.— House, with VV from 1, 5 acres. 1 Will give aa whole or part payment First-class Farm of 30 acres, in tiptop order; t S-roo*med ] Beiiidence (built under architect's supervision), lovely orchard, glasshouses, etc. Splenatg iivinff;—Express Land Agency, Andrews and Clark's buildings. 136. Queen Street. 'WE HAVE CLIENTS WAITING for ProVV perties in' Mount Albert UP to £8!i0, and handy to station: Heine.BayTerminus ■„ i (water side preferred); .up ta :fJ22*-:.S_»; Islington Street, up to _7S<r on terms. Also, inafiffi for lil parts. We, Sell Quick. ! •■''':.-,.:.';'; > A- O. v OTTO itNB'CO., - :. . : ; ;;.;■;*; '■.' " . . > , . .. land-Agents,, ..•]; -. «_. Queen Street, A^okfeffld. | -w Cx W -.Jls. ' ■-"' . -""■'■ -'*

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New Zealand Herald, Volume L, Issue 15265, 1 April 1913, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 New Zealand Herald, Volume L, Issue 15265, 1 April 1913, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 New Zealand Herald, Volume L, Issue 15265, 1 April 1913, Page 1