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High WV»'r at Auckland-?.** M».; ' •~ v . •Ma*!ak^^Ms*fcm^-t^.*.fV.^ , ,i v i tfe-Jtoetf «,« aft? seta,'MS pan, - ' ' >:.:, «e«o—New* 1, : 5.18 M*/ , •V; ; I ' weather: bepobx '■' Mr. D. 0. Bale* ; «^plwl^ following ««**»« V ' wpert **Ipja/yesterday*£ ,: - wetter. Wind. -■■ Bar., ■ Taer., ..-weautw. -•-"'' ni iaS«U'" .i. &8., fresh K>H r.J» , *{"" = ; :: iSSSUa" sought -( »». «; Jg? .; ■ - Auckland.; ... 3. W., light 30.2b » J™, r BBS •:::' St" II 1 sssr = ttsr || I ar. . Port Ahutflrt- flight: 30.34;..-68. Cloudy ■ Oaetlepoint.,. .N. 8., light ;. .-..3030,. « ,™lf ; Weatagtflt. :.. . N.W., light 3023 « I" 50 - ..- » Plymouth.. S . n to .ffi ! ■.-.?- ;Cape*EgmontS.. light V 3030 'TO _, Fine ;■-•■ Winf»7nl .i.; ; B.,««ht, i: 30.30 ~,65-4 , J*g ..,, -.-■ Farewell Spit I .W.,light ■-., &•:-•' - ■ C JTealwiiid... • S.W., fresh : »* « I* ! Westpbrt •W.,btw»: 30-M «5m - v> ,-.«nSai.|ft... N.. light-,'.: . J? S- ' P, palmers... NI.W M.W » {f -' Bluff ......,... N., light...", ?° ; OS F"*^-. The barometer- "rose' *rvery wß*re -Sa^Sw * - • and Sunday;,^jt»nr^«^mfS . ,*ho.wer*. iM-rtMw-w^.:*^™.^ :- '• talkdi y*iiterday.< with variable wlnda.,- .-. ■-•. I'- $ * ' ' '.;■, .V ■ . :' Present,' indication* «r«> ; tor^nwdersije «a««^ : -' breese* northward of .««*: SS^^taSSw^ 1 and moderate to Btrongjiorth^liMjd«wner<.. > Fair wither- la probable KMSg&JSS *^ '■*■ uasettlco in the southernmost district*., ...^ '•' -"The t£»m*te£i»»f.A MUrtf^den^n^ - South, foira squall area is probably; pasting soma. . Ward oftifae Dominion. ;' '■■ .'■ :;, : ';.._ ; '...■'.. PORT OF AUCKLAND. > ;'-"..; ' ■- ARRIVALS. ;...:.. . pr>q*Mf»v» ii (6.35 ixm.)t 721 ■IDty-. diffwS OUborae, ( vtoi.toe&aoe Ulaud-TJuion • Prt-ma,: lraa» wUn«»:xt—Sotttem Coal Co., I)EPAB.r?JMiS. tszrzst ass: *«s&s: ««gg. ? Si Fteoipfi. ¥«m, »6lben »*fi« Gi«iMi, *»p*im«i, jssh»<2S: J?l»Br. parrJaMt. Krt;lß*a.. ttlU. :L«un» v Batw. - ■ ' Mfc' aSSaw3£t,,<S»A!i" ! Hriatten.':aadd. WlSlwnv-•-:-TNpiM.-raMlLi' FtMWWii.'^MonitPhtWpa^Vj^M^:: ?-..-. m, OmniiurhMD. Partlnaon,. BlchardMn, Fleat- j *t, (2), HatchU,»c«, Pr. Ifcornp--7:; --' (10.5 pja-X U» too*,. E. Siephetir- •' . «Mk>*arA^«t*rtL : v '''i':-^ r ■■.•:■:'''■ '.:;,"'■ «■• ~; . .. : |j, e^j»ij ll x pjn.)^ mi fossa, T. Bat* J .-■■.■|rf»illiß«Mßf«pL------.:''•'/■' ■•.•:■•-■•••■ ",• - •■-.'?•■ i - £m<, cbdlOpm. ' • mMr&m,-*'*. zib ionaj-.d.!»&•, k|sa, Ditr liiifCttty Bay and Kj»&toaa,. ?; -h r .; AFAJSUI, wKMJ, \2O-tpnvJ.:WU«jt>n, to • 4.»»Eal!, Whiiusgawa, «rtii Itaugvsnu v ol:-;;l>*«K^ | - 1 .-. ■ 3Sm»,. |p,.F^^ ,-.„..- ,'■.*.". j ,^^,:..i;;- ; .;,, : ; T - j ■ JDM**MS; iii. &15 > Bti » tos*, E. Olien» for *. JfjtafjqMzL",. . ;..\ ■ ■■■'.•-. .-v ~. - - ';'.'A'r: :" ! .' '' ;■ • ; ; - :ii^liv.wt;/.<^/ajiu),'s.fl6^t<^i V I for-Ownww«i«{«L- ' ~ ■ ~.<„, ..:: J-.-^»*»'■**" Jte»*ci p^irt,«»(| / **r port*.' > .-,' TSKKUI :SO-»AT; ~ Aiproi. • VaM*?. Prom * time., „- Cha*r»«tord , .. Oh!»a ~- ■ »»n - -taaiMß. —, - .«..-■,;,'Whakatows- 2 ; pja. ', ... ... Mtwaryß«e & p.m. ; - ; «i»**> , M m. • Sw Whaogwei ■.- ■■-.?.»,», ; , »•***» «,, ,f ~ FieriML .«P^>^, ' - «**mi -.„ iL ... Manfaca: 'lip.TD. •■ -:". KwaatiQtD... 'i„ .. NewcaaO* Bpe - talwu) ». ~ .. Bu*emr*c.a« Eue .;; •*j."oj*tfcr , « " '. fba*iwt» w .., SoMth*m.port« 3 p.nt XMMrI rtl .- ..Whauffarti ?,Sop.m. ; "B**errt*<i', « . .. GJabortu „. «:p.m. ■ B«««a|Wa«„' ,\„ . *(~ Saotfrcrapott* ■.6jP.m. Wateam' . ?Jopjn. ,— '—< - 7BMIte fj^V'***i- 4T; : ACaKuBII3R,"' ■'■ - Srrri n -. *52i tli*« iwfca «. Apr: 11 ' Matf&ki' IT lUrl'2l ' ',Z' S* t ti ; - SMMrii ' •>• pari to i><«trf}KKM May 1# ■ ■■■■/•' '■"■. ■ 'SL^aatt^aa '-■■'■ nitilii'' El'MClßL..''''" ■•'■■■'"«■ £ lot****** .chooser, at Ha 2 ««ef 'i. "" ' 'laSSfflKj?* .• . L ftt VWrntU,. for ft«ili»w? t3 $Uw **<! l^iiietut «3, fch »-&m(rt.'W ple«» Umber, «'s ' / <m«v: ssjMWti>», -: 72;v«»a«i'*>|»t <*. aadk* -f jriajtr ' ■ « «a»^ttt(6w^''2-'-**'••■'B*&i : ■»v.i»cJta.y''hi«»,::4 «*» p*i!,«[ aacta iflaaa, I tt«?tot ear, (KMT lan- - ■ »6 Atttldted ti-<t«y, tooai :■ • ?ir53,55» v«t»jp» r .c«w*: •. t: <;: -'- v ;>'-ttß'^Tyaer i at«ii^ ttu«n, *hicl! I*fJ toflftoo '' - ■:>- s»».:vMa«Js; 9 r .,la:,p»iK'ci«llng to. Melbourne and i ",.'S3F*jiey<- only. She till ,not'; cotno ,to ; ir«w.;Ze»' , -'•-" wad,, ";■»: «tM' at •ftrat':iexi»e««d; : - ; ; ■■ ';•■■ '•-,'..,'.••'; ■■'--"•,'» '= K ;\,,-ift»,.|wwJ79Mrwt! : .Albion .liiier .W«lmatt» .;-,» to fav-ft wattiegtt'kii: t*wS«y for Aucklimd. She ■ ' - t»fflj»?hei»'''«»Hfliotiiilttyv- : tod will '.Mil- nboottbo " •■■ «*<l of tij« M«k for "Vj*.-'/ ■ tkflt F«d«ria-S}iiitti ; JUM! 1 '■■NiJiii*h : |^.\*toetl." ! 'iiiffc .. wp««H<rii 'February 2 for Avonmouth, arrived ' . » ;■;,:..^v^- v *-? ; •' : -'i.'H»., ! TJ*er ?i --aw':'«tar orireland ■'.!• to 1«»tb ' >..,:.WeiJi(ngtq|9t":td^la^; for Tendon, vi» Laa Pataa*... * :' • ''Tflfe Indralem* ':-hi: completing her : Hotneward • ; feadtef-ii*': V^Uajttict,•'.;whl«U port- she leaver to- : tit tKraoon fm London, Tim La« Fttaiw. »Uww» Tyrone""!■''do« ■•»« WeHinj[ton fjwm ;. fcytlieltoß" to-morrow for ooaling, preparatory ;to - - »»llimjt'S«* A*oitmotith. ■;, ;..,.-',''',.■ .''."■ - Mr. O, : Btynolda, *, ai»lßUnt-wirele»g operator ••;- Jan : li*ai(tert*4 fron;i the, Tahiti to;tbo ilorangL : : The Oiai* *teanwi'lngft.w«w<luQ'at Wangauul , F«»liWday fpMn-noklittga to complete hue loadlnir - ,■■ M: lJajb«i ■hi Sydney.. .?:•.-: •;.. " This, Banla ateaaier . Barenfela will probably ; ;;i«dl:%>.di»y,:ifor.Boalthern porta to dl«e.'lMirge th« . .-• -gtrnmadtt'.o her Sew York cargo. .; "' "■ "til*rXew- 'Zealand Bhlpplng Company's ateainer '■: -i *mifej»i». is :*,»;.leave 'Wellington, on Thur«» ■ :■-. ;4»y Bnd;liociilon, .. •:.: '}■:■ .Captain ;3-,. '>C« ft'oberti': baa 'rejoined the «ax. ■' rlwtiflr ■ Vlistoiyj teltelteg Captain, ft Beai>b,- who is -: r ■;;;ftv;i ,^,i W; :.;v-.«;;. i; .- ■ : ::fth«.Vmtiki'Mi- Bluff laat flatnidar even- . .'••fsfi: lor Tiiaam to, complete her loading of prodace tor Aosilaod.' Bhe bdue ; here atoai* Sattir- .- 4t<y..-:ußxt*v</ : ,' A. y <,y .-;.■',.v,./:.4., s \ ;•;;.■ :.■..., '*' ' She.ani^^laeßAbfM*'HdUi Mi expected to' leave the- powder.ground off >!otirihl- r«wnd to-morrow, ■ trifin » loadl;ol ««ploaive« ; for: Sopthert-port*.-;. , ■ "iht Waltftl l*av«n DHaedLn' thla:«t<!rao6a^for ". Bait Coast , andl AuckLand. She arrives bare • ■ «o*Soi^^y^:roornlnjt ( raMtt;_-,v'V-,;. ; ;-':■'■■ ~;;,:•;' The bKd ,wiwwier oa Saturday was responslWo lor the isoaaUl ateainer etoelrriafedbeJiig. delayed '; »* * WiJiiaV <' She:Jin: expected back> at Auckland *«J| - The PaexM.. despatched for :Jl«ri- ; '* al««i-Point v ivoi£ way porta yeaterday,-ia pigco of . : ,':.<«* ':.CE&«ltan«|kyrdLj ■'..-•,-■' '■".-. ,-■, ■-•■•.•„' /..,-'• '.'""' P^tiaf; tft ,tbo poq..*, atata of the tMea at ; Wbaka--1 '-' ,:, ban been "de- i ; " ■Jto&0$;& tl«* port!: ghe;i« dn« at: Auckland tWa ':' it.iitow:i'tstned;to.-«ait or,- Whako-i4J^#lT**p.j»./to-,ii»ofjrow-", - : "I**?, pad^-le-attan!«rn'. ; Wakat«ro>:wlir have her' ■ ,%;V Wl W*I6MM wlli:t*ke up her running to tho t*« toel ' Siotoibahana ■■?'' »«yffrt». b-rtbesi at the' '■ [Spin Wliart.eailxyetawday aoroJaf to di»frt»» »bW',«»twday neat for «}<s->:-'.i»wiwtPW«l 'a&.i<*d<.a tax« «iuaa«it;r of. frostia ' ■.«• hafe*< toVeJJlngtoij and ths ffi^ip^^t'fiib» remainder of i Her londoft; ~

"t^"--",,':/-■ '.'■ ."""'■' ."":'-"'■'. .^'-,':•'.■.'•:■/"" : \-,■"'•;'"••■-•%;;■'■ " i ": : ."; ''"'-.'-' ; ■:' ; :.'.j:'':",' '■■' '-■■. . .■ "ilia .fluadftrt-Pftrker :.itmn« J i^ oTi ?i *bg : istilcd : for Sydney last eveaLag, ■-•»^fi_ a i£at tho.New South Wale* port on Wd»y. ■ Th«. coaster Rossroond Arrived from Olrtwra*. yia Unieatoeo Island, last''«««■&._Sd ■ " • for ToJagoßoy and Oiaborne th|* ? tteiei^ 00 J°- i^> . : -The- Kavna- arrived-atvSuya Auckland. * the h ' 3-p.m. on Thursday, beloar due back at Aucwaafl on Monday evening, April r ". " .;■'.'"' : '' ' WHAKABUAS CABGO ' ' \ < The local agents for the Tyier lijtoe & general average ot'lwrcenulajo^^ttck-on the cargo .whieh..«u .|«n«rfd by the;afeWet Wnakarua.' =Thte vessel due flt Auckland about April 9. . ■~'■■ v- . • ' ■ PAKEHA'S ; MOVEHISNTB. . : • . ,> The Shaw; Savill, jMidiAlWon Company's «teM»er Pakeha will not jro to Whaogairei, aavwaa or ginally intended. Tho vessel will probably, sail at daybreak to-morrow ■: for WdUngloni^Lyttelton, . and Dunedin to diEoharg©.the•;■ remainder .of her Uverpool cargo. She will then load, varloua Dominion porta for London, sattog from Auckland finally tor the Home port about the end Of itprtk ■■'-:■: '' •'.; ; .^^- ; ,-'- .- ' : ; '> '•""■;'' . "■" ROTORUA AT WELLINGTON \ v The' New'' Zealand Shipping- j Company*B. liner Rotorua arrived at yesterday, morning from London, via Plymouth, Teneriffe, Capetown, and HobartP-a-day ahead, of schedule time. .The local Cfflcejot the:company adviae that the.,.du»k of the tblrd-cleaa passengera ; booked for. Aucklaiid. I 'together • with bagfage ' and a Quantity of cargo, will nrrivo by the Monowa! on Thursday. The );■ Rotorua will ; complete her jdischarge at *yttcnon,'<and -is timed- to leave WelUogton on May, 1, tor way porta and .London. . ~..,;_' .;/^.. : .;'. '.'• "SEW YORK STEAMERS. • •■ «, ■ The atoamer Crown of Toledo haa been 1 fixed, to load general cargo at New York,, on behaa of the- A : Mid: A; Line, for Melbourne, Sydney, • Auckland, Wellington, Helaon, ; ;Lyttelton,. and Dunedin. -She is< sail.early: thia: month. :v:?A- s'teamerf not 'XteX named, : haa been fixed to .load at, New York under the,.,auspices • of. th« same lino for Melbourne,, Sydney, and •; tho four. Sew Zealand.main ports,' She in to sail about iMayTZ. A-, :■'"'■■■.';,-l - • :•-"•,?c-.•' ] The aieamer Star: of Australia? ia to load at New York'about the- middle !of this month tor ; Austraflanand New: Zealand'-porta on behalf, of , .the United Llne., tr . :.■', -_ r - : . 'A 'The Hansa'steamer'Bfaunfela'was to have left 'Ncw.York:oa March -15 with* general car'go <or Melbourne, Sydney, Auckland, Wellington, Lyttclton, Tunaru,. and Dunedin..;■ ... ■'/■ ■; ' : TALUNIS EXPECTED THIS EyENINq. A wireless ' message received by: tl»« Auckland radio station- last night from the Union Company's ■, steamer .Taluno Stated that the vessel expect* to arrive .at Auckland..thla ; eveatoir rrom the Cook and. Societyiiah«d*<; Should lha vessel reach a reasonable-time she will berth aVtbeiHobson Street' Wharf da arrival. . : • ;V : ' WAKATBRB • DELAYED/ ■ ' ■ » ; ; A telM««» received from the Thamea yeaterday states that the Northern Oompaayejteamer was unable to .leate tWbarr there, owtoflf-toiine exceptionally tide, and the veeW*a departure tor Auckland had perforce to-be .■^rtt^ned.'^;: ; The"-'■ .■WakAterevwa*?.to/>/wave :■;the -'^ctoek';thii" morn««» i ;:aad should mt^iva;a!»i>ai,o."aJlL^ , f^■ , % - • '■ --.-';-*.-.• ' ' . v ' ; -W,UvCR.VS" OUTWARD,. PABBENGERS. , : '-The 1 Canadian-Australasian Royal mail steamer ::MBkttr*^nJcb : / «ail«. fcom.Auckland at 6-p-m. on Friday, Aprilill; for Suva, Honolulu, and ;Ye,BeeuVeir, .t*ke* theffflUowtait^paaaeagera^froaj :K«w Sealant :-Firat-'estobnV Mr*-? M^^J^A !J«»'Abbotts .Mr. : Soiithey Baker* Mr. E. Bell,. •Btefc-ra:, :£.'■:■ Csllshan, Jfisa, ''DlekijMlrt;'^; A. ■. ■Forbe»j.:MnNaad- I llra, .1* CL,;G«rdia«r».Mr. -.».* ty ; Oardlner, Ht. A. C. Lieutenant Gran, ; . M*£i& 'flwh"«ai>:Ckdhrle|,'J(r»,' ! ■■Battt-jr 1 :• 'and-«ra^Herheirt*iMiea:; Oxilvie» .■Meaar».-:-.B*wla)'.',! ;;aon';«VMfe.'*Tki'; ::^had«^ Bhodea: i ©KWts^atia^Misiefcf^lili'C^ VtSmMtfl,! 5 Mr. and Mr*; 11 H. Wa.ll, Mr, and Mrs. 1 W, W<ted» i -Mlia*Wcdd,':Mr: 'Mi Mrs. : 'J Mfej»-WyUe, v Mr. E,; Lord. Mr.< E, 0»= Meera,' ; Mr»:vG:<Mlcheß, ; Mw.:MorriS. ■ •«cEenMas" Sir.' .-and :R, Fits-Nigel SNcwton,' ■; Mr. Nic&son, -Mr. ■* and M«s. * OgUvie. Second r^isaloba^-'Mrv'aad'-Mrifc'lAt&^vMr^at^ : Mr.mid Mrs- W. Andrew, MiaeAnketeU,' Mrs. and siss»« BlomSalcl, Mml Bond,- Mr.' and-Mr*. --. Brown, Mr. ; and W. BuehanaOi*Mtaa ' ' : .M«:-M."^-Buc^lanaav^^ ; Mi»a::' : .B.^^ ; : Buchanan iraatte^ Mi*a Mr, i and 'airC^R^^Mine^Miaa^Mial^-Mitfclai^? ■■:' :ltorriw>"a,",:lir«.'','. Carrie, Mrs. W- i - R. r j • Patterson. Mr.-and Mrs. Read, Misses ''(&,* Mra. 7 Richard- . ,«e^'^MrJ'jC: : A. J. Boaif.' ; Mra J.Chinnlsryi Mr.-4 L, alsister, Mr.vand Mrs. ; Foltbn, J: "H. Gr«n«abd, Mlsa"HatTison, ':'Mt^an*-Mra;!>iß^d^^Mri^i : ftbbtt; Mr. J.*D. ■': ■-Jenheav.; ; .Mrs....-Riy, King. ':«i*i : :D.'.:.Ktog r -,.:Rev./ A-\'C.?aad-vMr»j:;li«wfy|'3au»«;,Ot^S^ i ■■Stevenwm- ; -?M^';:and-MT«i'sH* : f Satellite, Mr. J.IT. Thomptoa. ffisn^^'^EitiThompMri,^ : -';MJr.>.-PJ'. : M. Yelvln, ••. Hr. J,W»tsorr, ; £.-Wabator, i«ad'A3»:-third- , Ctoat. " , t , . - -_ ~ ...;:;[-,:.■.■ > ;/'l PORT OF ONEHUNOA. / . ;■ DEPARTDBES ..'•,.. ■■ '>" TARAWA,- »:»;.» 1t372 .ifejns, W. Noibwy r ,for ■'- New Plyteonth; /TPasaeagexat Mlssea, Johnston, (; > ! BenaetV -*Jon«a, ; ' : Chadwlck» Roberta, ' i-Ram**y :::• vv?'M«»d4une«:^iJolmw|eafcUßea.da»lf ? •-Sfceatoai':'Rolb«"on^plwra;':|Wi:i Skeate©, At- : :'-*lnftM)i*,- ?-W«9lw>"- ; B.ns»ell^s^si6%l«»a%» ? B«jdait,rMoot*, S. jB.-MoGuire, Jackson, and 17 ?,' steerage. • ' ' . • -'." . ">-.;-/..'.,-".' , .: > a,5.,-s 1271 'toss, CfcSMta, tor Ksw ny Tvjlh and; Wellington,- .-,■■■■ ■•.'■.■ ■'■■'; ii i|ni i wiMiiiwli ■hiii|[,il»iihiiiii' i , BY- TEL6ORAPH. -Gam VAN 30: The -. steamer ■-Rakaaoa paued sottih at :f>.3o p4a»i-to- ■' day •?■:■;.'.' *i ' '-r^'■•■■ ■■-.-•■:;■..-.-.,'.::-.:•■ ■ :•■ , 31:' Arrired-Domlnlon, •' ketch, from -Taurasite. '■ GISBGRNK.—March 43; ■ M * ■ (at- 7 pjaj),: from.Auckland., March 31: Arrived — sjs. ii%- © a,Tn.), :from: Aucldaads',-?'•.-, ,■'■'. ' ' TVANGANUL—March 31: Sailed-Runu, in (fit : * p.m)i fw Onehuaga, via Opunake, , NEW : PLYMOUTK.-Mfirch 30: : Arrived-U)bin*. :;wriit?a>a^**-ll^v«^3^-f*<OT : B.K. (at 6.45 p-m>, from Oachongft. - l -,". •, '■-'H€JION:.-rM^ •' '■;. Ssiled-Soiffldafc,.' wt'vC«* RS t tor Qcehunga. ■ •■ : ' J ;: ' WBLLINGTOX,~aarcIj ; =:Sl': , Arrlved~Colling^ !&e^a-;a* , .X«t'-1;45. i :TfcOT,)v-froni. New. York, via' Aueklsiad; Roibrua; «.«. (at 5.5 aja.), from Xba-r'4«^-5;-MSalk«wMaoriine,k.:-(at;B.B''-- p.m.\ :for Lyfe*' teltoa; vMohowai, .&»i-j-(isfi &5 '■ for" AuflKend, ■•via:-.'port* ■"■.',■ pAssengerr •.• Auckland : '^Ml4ft» : : Nicholson, wj*verer» / "'M«(lanw» CS), O'Hara, Bat*/ Montgmtm*Mty«&' 'H'-':.,-' •? 'hX y^a-m ■■... ;."&.-^ : ■ .^ y 51 : Arrl,v«!l--.W«nitr»o,<t.|!.,(st 14,'pi«.};-'troia Melboarha And Hohiutt. i-i ■«> YAi^Mirda''' : 31' V:: ■Arrtvcd-rSivft»i' : ;A,ackted. '•_,'- .: . _

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New Zealand Herald, Volume L, Issue 15265, 1 April 1913, Page 6

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SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, Volume L, Issue 15265, 1 April 1913, Page 6

SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, Volume L, Issue 15265, 1 April 1913, Page 6