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in nannisi uni i ihwiw i . '■■■■_ i ' ■'' " "' *r j:^^erawaif; Lectures, Solree», etc; mil , «"-""""T' l »"f "-UJ-.1- 1 '~-."t ' ""* Bf ETHODIST ' fl»"BOfl»t PITT BTBEET_OIBOIIIT. w __ PITT STREET-OHCECHr-11 a«m.. BBV. W. BEADY, "Livingstone's Centenary.-.^ ».m-.>. Sißterhood dialer >' D6ugla« anrl»Tt 'W. • »«*#•*»; theme : Morning.." I, Alpha and OgM* (Statner)! evening. " The God of; Abraham praise --(Dndley Buck). H"- ; _ _ '•-' #* IMOUNT ALBEBT-11. Her. O. B. Beecroft; 7 Mr. Douglass; . &«5. "Mr.) G." Sheridan (student). •/_.._ i« • AVONDALE—II. Mr. G. Sheridan 6.45. Bey.-dB: Beecroft. . :■:■" '. ;">•;•. I ABCHHILL—7 p.m., Mr. Shackelford. ,„ IWAIKUMBTE— Miaeionor Gatman; 6.45. Mr. Spencer. __ __ . flpencwj 6.46. Mis--I HBNDBBEON—II, Mr. Spencer; 6.46, Mis--Sioner Gatman. i ORATIA—3. Mr. Spencer. m ■ ATATTJ-t3. Misaioner Gatman. .i-, ,n.,......i t >' . . ~ ; j. ~"■- -■ JfBTHODIST CHUBOHBB. [ AUCKLAND v EAST CIBOUTT. GEAFTON BOAD-11. .Bey. w -_f- Ha ?U« Bav. G. Bond. Musical Jervtoe: Tb« ohoir will render " THE CBCOtfTAION qstainer): soloists. Messrs. Aspinall. Byan, fG 4 oSD C? P®AY-Short serviee. J« ft Conducted by circuit minister, to be rol-lowed-by abort orj^-reo^a^and-of sacred nrasio; MR. W. ASPINALL assist"MOUNT EDEN—Church Anniversary. 11, Bev. G. Bond 7. Bey. W. A. Hay. _ ! EPSOM—a W. H. L. Biohardsj 7* Mr. E. J. Emerson. ■■ _ .Ji.--iJi,. ■ NEWMARKET—II, Mr. B. J. Adlington; 7, Mr. P. S. Green. ;■; _ _ ._, n PABNELL—II. Mr. W. Hogg; 7, Mr. G. W. L. Robinson. __ „ , . . . _.. , BEMUERA—7, Mr. "W. S. Neal (student). PANMUBB-3, Mr. P. 8. Green. ——: — in'..! '■•'"' '.. ■■■"■■■V ~'''. -'" ■ '■■■ Auckland WEST cibguit. m JOHN'S CFTJBCH. PQNSONBY boad; 111 a.m.— B. Baine. ->. ..^ ! 7 '■• p.m.—Rev. A. Lawry. ■ S o "^® 0 *: f iavhwt*oao> theaWlitetV Man in Darkest Africa.'* :-Vf,j ..••.-.-•■. ■-••'■ v- ■ ■;;» ; BAYFIELD CHUBOH. ! 11 a.m.—Mr. Slade (student). ;i 7 p^^-^.; Sladei . . iy ■ A UCKLAND METHODIST MIBSION. AUCJKLAND METHODIST MBSION. F" : "iTBEET - f HALti. NEWWN. 7 ' HARVEST '■■■*• THANKSGIVING DAY, Jf *• A^^ , SoD^S a,, ■ PBOVIDENCE." Preacher. BET. N. TUBNEB. ■:"> : ~ $:vm,—9t»#te. ,-r» ■" ;'^-:'^" - '"' < 6.30 an.— Song Setrlee. ' _ , T rri 1 7 p5nV-PEOPLE'S SERVICE. Preaober. RBY. OTCIBXaafITURNEB. StibSet: " COBONATION OP THE TEAB£ .The $terjr?of .Harvest. imsTfl, and ,apng, antawm, etc soloist, MB. H. BIO^AmPS. ; C " AUCKLAND BBOTHJEBHOOD. 3 *m. Men __ . Speaker. Xr*s. MoKENDBIOK. Pi*«by. terian MiflSipaer, , gsjo. i -■'■-.>.■■• ■■: ...'■ DEVONPOBT MEI*MODIBT . CHIIBCH BEBVIOES.-DBVpNPO!BT T ll. «wj; Hi Garland, J3ol««*}.* StJNNYBIDEMI. Mr. mfflH& M*. S. J Student; 7. Mr. W. B. Wilson. / IAT?FHODIBT SEBVIC^.-BIRKENHEAD. MTtfaroh a.m. Rev. W-mmtrr Mr. Olds C»todent); |»BTHCOTE-ll a-rn;. Mr. Olds; 7 BeV. T. -i G. Carr. BIRKDALE-r7 9A,, Mr. >I\NEHUNGA- MBTHOD|BT %J aon. and 7 pjn., Mr. Spiers. MANGEBE 4-41 aan. and 7 pan.. Boy. $• Dukes, "LivingStone's Day." -"""*—"■' \. .<■ .-■ , PBYMTTTVE METHODIST CHURCH.— » ALEXANDRA BTBEET-U *» H *$£* White; 6.45 pja^Bevtf Cooker. mount BOHECLL—II a.m./B»v. A. a Lavrri; 6.45, Mr. J.fWatkinson's farewell service previous %o leaving for England. ■-. Pbtmittyt; hkthouirt churches. M PBANIS^^BaiD-TS,S I i Ajmivorsary. three servleesT £ Cbekert H. pan.. Bev. .A. Lavnr; 6.45. Bev. B. Baine. This to children's day: come and hear. RIOT-ftOND-11, Mr. Laiaggt;6.4s. Mr. .Dowle. WATEBVIEW—3. Bev. B. R-aine: 6.45.-Mr. Barrow. AVONDALE-7, Mr. ,D.i; Goldie. HOBSONVILLB TBIP-B«v. W. Harris.. y•t | ' l ';"ij ITV "■-' v -.w '" ? [IUrpUNT EDEN>• MEIHOpiST CHUBOH. 'I ANNIYBBSABT _■ " SUNDAT. IiABOH 16, 1913. ,-■-'•;'-'■'> •■'- Preachers : ; - , *-':-'' I Morning- 11—Rev. Geo. '<■ Bond. •_•• • ! ; Evenlng.T7—Bev.W.' : A. Hay. , ; |V-v. V Special Singing. j Anthems. .i'-- ! i Animal Social WEDNESDAY, March 19. ij'' ••'-" _ "'" ' '• ' ' '••'■"•••••■ ■■■ . IA UCSKLAND >tENTBAL MIISSSAjQOKLANp ... ~^MBSJQ^. ! TV Motto: "Hava in God.". * , SPECIAL PBEPABATIbN SERVICE 9 will be :i : K held TO-MOBBOW (Sunday). ♦■ j-! 11 a-m.—Central Mission. Preacher. Mr. i John Bissett. SubleeA>„i'.THE LIVING SAOMPIOE.'* |'| Bunday-«flhooi.»» 2.45. j ■'-' HIS MAJESTY'S THEATBB. f . 6JO p.m.—Service of Song. Orchestra, The Golden Land," "Jerusalem;" choir. " JEnoagh, and That Mean* Me."- Soloist, Miss Bisaett. .-Selection by the band. ' ■■*' 7 p.m.-r-SPBCIAL POBWABD MOVEMENT. Preacher. Mr.-John Bissett. Subject, "THE CLEANSING LAVEB^V.- «- I THE.EABTEB INVENTION will be held In the Cepliral Mfesibn: on GOOD FBIDA.T. March 81* to MONDAY, March 24. Servicoa J, and 7M>\ Bp«fcswa: Beva. W. Pawy, A. A* Muw»y; 0. E. Baeoroft. Mr. MeKendrick and Mr. Bissatt. »Mnsio*y, choir, band, and orchestra. v ATI heartily Invited. tIEBESPOBD-STREET CONQBEGATIONAL Xl ,^.-,*..--v•::..■!.■ -CHUBCH.i' ,v »: •- ' i HARVEST THANKSGIVING VICES. :? MornKg^v. : B. MltoheU. , „ T ' Evening—Bev. E. 'M v Brldgor.. Solo, Let There be Light," Mr. Arthur Bipley. Duet, TThft-Oedwrw the* Mountain," Miss Lilian Pickering and Mr. Edwin Dennis. Anthem, *.*0 Lord, How Manifold." Before the service Organ solo, " Offer|oire in D "Flat (Salome). , v- .>»^...i**.•■■!■". '■■'. *','/... rAdJonrned Annual- Business Meeting— THUBePAY. March 30, at 9 p.m. •; IMTEWTON CONOBEQATIQNAL OHUBOH.. I.a ivEDINBUBGS' BTBEET.— 11; evening, A4fT>4»»Btor Jethro Lock. '■<: Wednesday, iMwchia.T-A special meeting of church members and adherenta; inewew important. M ol^ %g«':^ , % 04TIq, ' 4l SPECIAL COMMEMORATION ■(.-■■■■■- -■•-• • ' ■■'.' . SEBVIOES. '" ,"'• j Preacher: *EV-. H. STEELE ORAIK. .. Morning, at. at 7. NEW T l^N^iF».njV^ m- 07 Yearbury; V p.m.. Bev.' O. A. Lyon. ■'* ' ■ ' a.m n Bev. O, A. I<ron'lrißEßN '' LANE OONGBEOATIONAL WiCHUBCH, Great South Road.—Morning T-11. Bey. E. A. Bridwr. -i Evening—. Mr. |fflWn».:, MOUNT^ omrBCH-Morn-ir\s~%L Mr. Wood, . E?««ing-»-7, Bev. B- Kit. choll. "••;'■; ■^■■'- :^-:.: .-:: ; -v:--'•• ■'■'•.■■ ■■ : ; ;^; ;'' ' - :; riHURCHES OP OHBXBT, \j- WEST STREET. I Morning, at 11—For Fellowship. I Evening, at 6.4*—Mr. Geo. Aldridge will preach- SabJ 6o ** " Arinjueeddo.n." Wednesday Evening- at 745—Subject, "Efforts to Destroy the Seed Royal" ; WALTERS BOAD. MOUNT ROSKILL. 'Morning at 11 for "" Fellowship. Evening a* 7—Mr. Chaa. P. Garratt will preach. y 'J, ; '~;;--,: t ;..! - :;; . .' ' :: ;^' j ' '"■•• —"n^rA BSOOIATBD . CHUBOHES OP CHRIST. ! PONSONBY BOAD—7 p.m., Mr. A P. Turner. DOMINION ROAD (cor. Burnley Terrace)7 p.m« Mr, P. W. Greenwood. ; BIOHMOND—(Francis Stree-)—Mr. Chas. Watt. -■:'> .TT./VVAr.r ,-- ■ , AVONBALE (cor. Station Road)—6.4s p.m., Mr. Lomax. ■ < I ONEHUNGA (Trafalgar Street). 7 p.m., ' Mr. Creamer. . DE\O»PpRT.. (Masonic Hall, Victoria RoadP-1 1 p-m.. Mr. Allen. ' t POINT CHEVALIER (Coronation Ball)-* 7 p;]ca.. Mv. M. Bellr . PAPAKUBA-Mr. Irwin. The above Churches meet for worship at 11 a.m.; Bible School. 2.45 n.m. GOSPEL HALL, PABN EL L. Sunday—7 p.m., M& Beanney. Tuesday-'7.30 p.m.. Prayexiv Praise, and Ministry. : A hearty invitation to all. THDEN HALL, VIEW BP., MOUNT EDEN, , ! i Sunday—7 pan., Mr. Burgoyne. * Tuesday— p.m., Prayer Meeting. Thursday—-meeting. ~.,.. HOW „. „ 8 . TR I E,T „«. ALL. QW KABANGAHAPK ROAD I Sunday-r-7 p.m., preacher. Mr. G. W. Jones. : Monday—73o p.m.. Prayer, Meeting. Wednesday—7.3o, Bible-reading. GOSPEL HALL. CALLIOPE BOAD. DEVONPORT. 1 Sunday, March 16, ■ 7 Mr. 0. H. Hiuman; subject, The Supernatural in Connection with Christ's Death-" i Tuesday, 18th, at' 7.45 p.m. . i ;••■■- All heartily invited. I TTNEPARIAN CHUBOH. PONSONBY ROAD iJU (near "Preaeher. BEV. R. J. i HALL. MAAMbrning at 11; Evening at 7. Ail «»!« free and unappropriated, TTj, ■i i" 'r " ;" ••'• "? " '■' "•'* " /WISTIAN fIOTENOB «RBVIOEa-Sun., 7, V Wed., t. Readmfvoom open 12JD to 439; Sat, 7to 9 also.— Endean'i Bldffs. pjjjja^.s^.sjjjjjjjjsjjjjjjj.jjsjjjjjjijjjjjjM.jljfj

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New Zealand Herald, Volume L, Issue 15252, 15 March 1913, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 New Zealand Herald, Volume L, Issue 15252, 15 March 1913, Page 4