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High Water At Auckiand--U.12 a.m.; 11.26 p.m. r • " " . Manukau—l.ll a.m.; 1-25 p.m. J :: Rises, 5.51 ».m.;" sett, 6.12 tun. ' c Mooa-Fira*Snifter, 1 March 16v&28 *«v'- c WEATHER REPORT., ~, J - itT?i>. O. ; Bfttci' : supplied the folloirfng weather ( wport at 4 p.m. yesterday' l - v -' "" F - ' --• Wind. v'Barr Then Weather. Cape Maria... S., light A 29.87 77 Cloudy * Rnssell ,„. >\W„.light. 29-83 76 *s»r ~ , ■ Manokmu H... ? S.W., light 23.82 76 Fair , « Tauraaga .... N.W., light 29.83 74. Fair J EastCspe ... J?.W„lresh .29.83.-* 69 Fair ,-. » Tanpo...' - ».. Calm •' : 29.86 66 Cloudy Cistern* . ... N.,rnod. . 29.75 74 .Fair ><; 1 Port Aburiri.N.. light 29.71 72 Fair.. ~ 1 Caatlepolnt... N.W., light 29.70 72 Fine ; i Wellington .. N.W., mod. 29.78 /66 ! .Fair ;• c V. Plymouth.. N.W., light ■' 29.75 72 •, Fine ~.,, 1 Cape Egmont N.W., light 2977 71 H««r { Waaganai ... W.S.W.'br. 29.77 69 Fair } Farewell Spit N.W:, fresh 29.76 67. Fine .... C. Foulwind... N.W.', breeae 29.81 67- Fair Westport ... X.light . 2975, 6s, Fair . • Stephen Is.-, • jr.. light 29.80 67 . Foggy „ C. Campbell... X.W., fresh i -29.6« 'off " Cloudy • . Kaikoura' ... Calm 29.52 •• 70 ■ Overcast. J Acaroa Light. K.E., light 29.50 61 Foggy P. Chalmers... K.E.. light 29.63 -59 Overcast . Kuggeta ... X., light 29.62 ,53 , Foggy:,;,,y > Bhil ...•£., breeze '29.60 56 Misty J „iUi«i haa./alien in-roost part* of ..the country hut the weather has cleared in the North. Foggy >. weather is still ' reported from ' Stephen • Island and t on the east cooat of the-South Island, and mode- x rate to strong northerly wind* prevail. j TODAY'S FORECAST. ;. f Present indications are for a -falling barometer , ererywhere, and Tcrv low pressure, may be , expected in the South in about 36 hours. . -. ; „ Squally northerly .winds. Increasing' ; in. : the meantime, with more cloudiness, and considerabo . rain following, may he expected.-especially an * the west cos* A -westerly disturbance appears « *» be no* developing on the Tasman. Sea. .. ~ • —~ '.. ;,: —■■"..'.... t ■•""""'"""v PORT OF. AUCKLAHP^ ARRIVALS. 1 MAHAL*, aa. (6.25 p.m.). 1159 tons, E. Stephen- ) •an, from Whangarei. Passengers: ■■ ;Hfid«nej.: , So**; Mitchell. McKenric. McGregor, Alden, Edge, < " Armstrong: and child, Cutforth, Billington. MoFwlane. Graham. Bouse, Spry and child, Gibson. Wood, Mason, Misses Qalbraith, JBJakey, Murray, J White, Mnrphv. Edge, Harrison, Falconer; Lee, Laughton, Gamble Messrs. Lee, Hamilton, «r«die, 1 Alden, Gngari, Strong, .Sj»nndera, Lowe,"''*s2?T?'. *>a, MeKenaiei Jenks, Orariti McGregor; Wehb, | Pearson, Wood*, Edge. Dyer, Handera, ; Harrison, deary, Ecclee, Seed, Trimbell, Marchant, Bennett, . Saytbe -Barrtll, Nixon. Graham, Beeves, John- ; afein. Brown. -Dane, Baunsky. Davis, Instone, Gibson. Smitls, Slevwright. Waldie, Lamhourne. , Donaldson. Wallbank, Atkinson, Baylis, and 14 steerage.— 8.8 v Co.,;«jfenta. ■--.-••-?- ••"-.' WAiOTABI,'.-ii. <5.40 p.m.), 278 tens, C- Vt. Camming, from the Great Barrier v Paasengers Mlaaea Tbompaoo, Bllingham, Hamilton, ? Martan, i McMillan, Mesdaows 3>rJm>ok.. M«*>\ .< Tfcomaa'aid'two children. Moore and child. -Add- I Button and ' child, Beidi-. Messrs. Bmeal.-Thorburn, - wSk, Ftnlk*, Beynard, EUtagharn, Lem- , priere. La Bor. Nicholls, Warbrookr. Thomas, and Bev. Father tlgar.—Northern* 8.8. Co., agents. . j WAIMABIE, ai. (6.55 am.% 245 tons, J. Freemao, fre*n.Paeroa,---NoTthern 8.8 -Co., agents; . KOTOI, aja ff.lo pm.), 63 fame, W. v "j.-; Behiae*ka, from Puhoi.—Northern S.S. Co., agents. , v,-r::;-; .DEPARTURES. . . r. • , " SGAPCHI, aj. (7.10 pm.), 691 tons, T. Haultaia, for-TE|(S*ngai""'■'•''''''''■'•;''■' I , WAIMABIE, as. (3.15 p.m.% 245 tons, J. Freeman, for Faeroa ■,-■.■'•■*' ■ , GLEJfCLG, (4.10Lpjn.),288 ton*, F. Jonas, , lor JnMJpfacei. . ~-'."■ ■<,--,-■ "Yr .*-. ' SAKISBI. M. (12.10 p-m.}, 203 tons, T: Meyers, Whai«arel: -..«■' •' x ifci * ■ ■ - XOTOMAHAllA';r''a.fJ;.^l(iyfJaV) i ;'>lt3 tons, A. Stepfaenac for Qoromaodel.. . . >.„..- /-.,.-, ..,; ' atJlA,'" *ax.'- ik*ooner,' 19* tons, D. McKenxle", -..'- tor Limestone Inland. ■ .'•'.•> ---'•-'•. •'•- ; , ' r -;:-.' BADESO'OWELL. tji. (6.35 p.m.), 1» tons,"H. ..-:,- ■ Petersen, for WhangareL', ,_ ;._,,. -,^., - - -... ... v • -OBE¥BOD»D,"«ut.' schooner (7.15 p.m.), 108 tans,-BLSobritoky^Joe Northern; ports. - . " v * ■ ''''.*"■' "'' EXPECTJ»- %0-JtXt ; - - ; - .. e-v-SJ'.'-.■'•'<'■.■-.' " '-.•.'-■■; ;'" Approx. .' . y#ss<l. •{•;.A«a| '»:v- - •"• time.' • - ; Kysiwfca"-. „ " ... Paeroa —', 6.30 am' ■ ■ Moldavia... -„. ...London ... ' .-6*: m.-„ Mofeji*. .» , ..._ .Soulhern-porta *:j&.~~ '< ■ Marama ... '• „.- ■• .„ Sydney - . it ß"|jftc-nr BsnsM'saaa -„.• " J Obrorhajdel ' 3 p.m. Apanal. -«,; -«. :-,i. ... Northern porta.'■;."•■! SpiMs- v '.'•-: Gael _. .., ... ... W«iput\i : 4-^<-:-.^^A-pj«i : rfy: -~ 9»Marte.» '-'w " — Pa<iroa M ':i ''7pjn. '' .' Sacieri:•,;«. „ :*.«tlßbtjig»irt» --^ffftm.'^ -. '*"••• **wWwii"S^r f ]lv w.V ""'."* : •' „ '■ , '''' \L. I !;__ ' 'itpprest" ' vtisassA';' ,'-.-": IvatinaUoa. - tfino. .- , Chelßutacd ~,.«,. „ w Ohi»» ~ —/r .S«.ts. i v . " ■ 'BiamiK.- , & *'■"*. ... Paetea ''. ... • 3iao"p,m?Xawau «, ... Manzawal ... 330 p.m. McldavU ... .„ , .*. London - ... 5 p.m. ' "'■ Waiotanl... ... Mercury Bay #, 6 pan. Botomabana :, ... Coromandel - 6 p.m. : ; -■■'" S<jaaU''- ;„'". — ; "'V~. <*i*b«rne : ... 6 p.m.- "■■-■ ■ <rv**>«s>?****"* ' S»-2- ■ ■ . ■yWtnm»t'^trP r ' Jr / --'&- M r*ttßtttti*t,\. ~ .11 p,w+ ■ Trifr-T *-.; .*— * ; ,- =Whaka*an« ■ :.■' Midnight - -, _ -,;.- .•' ,*. >*""" '* Thy.''-"-*"*' ' •"<■ " ".". '* rtSSfJS iKIPECTED AT ' APSatLAND. ■•-, : . a - -" - . COASTAi, - AND. IOTBBCOOmAJK ,V' ,„?- '-' ri *> s: '->v' ; v -' < ' •-"",., Appro* ■■■> J fiMs<T<>v'■-"''•■■-*' .-••■/-■"■Wwslv-t .."••'•- r ' v '.. Bnaamonit - , ..*■■ . KS; : .w''.'/'.i . "u:%dnßy' iSr.ifi-,. . : "Wy«W|ispi:' " %wr»r-£«-.B*«Betti , porta' JMar.' 16' :■ WaasA* ,»,.- .^.Southernporta _.Mac, 17..'. Mhnovaf .™ ' -.« ... Southern porta - Mar. 20 t :■■'-.' T<*»» [--.a -. Sydney, **Cla.->aMarr-a^-GMyaosEd; ... ... Northern ports Mar. 22 : - : KaTaa -w -'i. ... W«tport , ... Mar.' 23 'v Msfeeuo ■ « ' ...-, '. .« Sydney / .;:.■.- Mar. 2y .?■ ■>-,Hsttdi^'iri : J \ •-^ : ioK^so^ J 'aii?'i" - : wsimana... ... .. Southern porta ■ Mar. 25 ■ ■•••."■ Taluafr ~-» --i- .■?^- : BWH«WtWe'*-<.yipr. 3 ;' AMia- \,>-,. >/; Sydney.Trials.- Apr. 19 •/ .:• .■■ - - - ; ; r;, - •:;.; _; RA.IL. • , . ■ '' r -hi9iiimSi-'■■'■'!■' ;£-vu'^'|Rroini-*■•-:--.■ >' ;^-'; ''- flailed. ' - : 'r.«&D». ; -«* ,->.,»•..-'• — Paeet Sounds-, Jjan. lo;. ' Asaaraßft •• * „. > Pnget Sound To anil ;•?■ . iMbGartv — '•..-„ Marseilles '~* ' To sail Alton .- .» ~ Maiden Island 'To sail' ■ % Louisa Cr«|j, „♦,, .To sail . . rOTEBSEA. ;':', •I\' r» # -6.* .'■>'■ ' ,i-~2) fii' " J,' VV' ' * /■'* '* ' '*"■'• ■ AjSplOX. Y«*a*L ; -'Sailed. •' .'• From.''"., .'data.' ■' - ©paw*;-' •„, Jf«n.-s!'- • London - MAi.^aj .•v v .-,-.»aWa|i 7 ,,, . r £»$• Mir, 26 Baofaiira "u. Feb. 6- London ... Mar. 28 -*>■•* * v; Cbliingham i. "Jan. 10 "New York < *: : Mar. 30 -'• Baranlck* '— -' Jan. 15. ' New York -Mar, 38 Whaksraa. ... Jan. 28 London .«• Apr. 7 Macedonia- .- Feb. 21 -J London - M Apr. 11 Jndrabarah ' ; — Feb.* 13 -London '...' Apr. 12 .. aWpaits.:;.,: --:i«r. 2"-ita'dtm ';;;-Apr.iß Bretalael -. '"Feb. : :J New York Apr. 20 Whakaiana >;• /fc. ■ ; Feb. 48 «* «i.v John :. >:•■; Apr. : 20 ' Vcncsfva,..,.-. ,*.» -.'Jan. 30 * New York ... Apr. 20 Berehana ' ' *~ Feb., 24 . London ... Apr. 20 Surrey" .«'' ? ■l■ s^^^eß.? W•■^. , Livferpoof .'..'-MrV'■7. ."• lia"Or»,*it ~> ^..Jaar.^3 . »t.Jaiin .. ; ;i.-:.' f May : l2 Courtileld : *«• 3 New York «. May; 17 , -" ye* FBok-AtJbsiaOT, ■j:.- ".. .-■•.■■.•'■-'■> Asprox • .YesseL '--*■' '■•'' Destination , date. - - : ttiwktfatßßy*,., ;^^.^J^M t * : «'---- : -: ; Msr;.ls' : '■'--: ■" Mokola "■;--'■ -— ■ ; — Southern port* ■ Mar. 15 Waipnrl' :'£'. '* VJ'KWpara"~..".'' Mar. 15 .' Esisex *<* ... •'< ~- Sonthernports • 'Mar.-16-Boatmand. .* >•«,Glsborno,.,..',' ~M«r:.l7;, ':"•.-. Wlmme«^'W./^v;v. / /:^-^ney,vv..^:'„:-.;..;; ; .'MaK' , .17 ■■. Victoria, - ji* ' --is" 'f? Soßtbern portav- S >7 ! /i / VESSELS » HABBOUB. ' :'.'-;.*.;•,• frts, cable steamer* fca-Vreani ' ; - ■<■■' . , i-'Bsyi>'s ;> at* Hallway Wharf. :- :z -Af--;■■•;. ;■;>: Waipori, .aa,^at liohitm-.Siireet Wbatt.- •'■■'-- Squaß, ,a.s.,at Bo: 2 Jetty. i ; Etwnc, as.', •* . Bail way Wharf. . v> „ Southern No. 4 'jWU-^T' Nortbera Cntef, barque, at Bailway Wharfs -. , Bartdna}■"«*.•,-' atream. ■ .:■ SlanrotfttA,; ~-'.., ■' : r -_ _ . ; The Mokoia,; which is running' a- day behind ' her usual time this trip, left, Giaborae at 9.30 a.m. riteiday for Auckland; Tift Tokomaro. Bay. f: She: due here this • morning, and ■■:, on arrival t will berth at thoHobson Street. Wharf; ( ; ,;.- ; ■••';j'v;ij.- > ■■',:;. The Federal-Shire liner Essex will in all 'probability sail on Sunday morning for Wellington, Lyttelton,->«nd Dunedin to -put, out the. balance of her Liverpool cargo. - - ~ After discharge of her coal cargo at Auckland, the collier Waipori ' proceeds .to Eaipara, where she loads timber for Melbourne and Sydney. - • The barque MarjbrlO Craig is 'at present loading' a cargo of timber at Whangarei for an Australian port , *'"- .■.''" ,4 ~7"'- V'; ''■''■'/ '•■'. :•'-' ■-''• .::. J^...^ The Government steamer Hinemoa. v to- go onf too Wellington patent slip early next,. week for cleaning and painting. She will afterwards visit the Cook Strait lighthouses. " -■'. '•■,.;' : ; The Government training-ship Amokura arrived at Wellington,from. Auckland on Tuesday evening last.;.-v':,r ! •-:•'„ -v.v;.-*,•!■ .; ;..';' ;.■••-' ..; ;>r : ; : The American four-masted schooner Bona "is now 63 days out on the passage from Paget Sound to Auckland, . with a cargo of lumber lor the Kauri Timber Company, -Limited. She should be reported within the next few days. The Craig steamer.lnga left Newcastle on Wednesday for Eaipara, l with a cargo of coin. From Kaipara the Inga will probably go to Southern porta to load timber for. Australia. The barque Louisa Craig arrived at Newcastle from Melbourne on. Tuesday last. She is loading a cargo of coal at.the Mew South Wales port :- tor Auckland. .;•';.-■ ' ■ The R.M.B. Tahiti, which left San Francisco on " . . . Wednesday, March 5, for Wellington and Sydney. via way ports, baa on board 30 passengers in til classes tor New , Zealand, and 80 for Sydney. "' Her cargo for New Zealand consists of 500 tons. The Tahiti is due at Wellington on Thursday, "'■ March 27. . -Tho-Tyser liner Star of Ireland '.leaves' Welling,ton to-morrow for Wanganui,, roadstead, to con- ' tinue her Homeward loading.. From-Wanganui the steamer proceeds to Giaborae and Napier, and then returns to Wellington in time to leave that f> port filially for London on Starch 29. r . ;.; f Mr.' C>* Wells has joined the Maori as fifth ssjgiiirrvr. '..-.'..",' ■ /-x . ■ .', >X*ptaliJ J. W. H. Holmes has .transferred from - ' Hia"iiapourika to the Koromiko, in place of CaptriiT'W .H.."Paver. 1 ■ who Is - to take- command of ' the Taviuni.- x Captain H. W. riatts, of the Taviiii '«oriS"asTitfMrfp# orders. Ca>toirt'D. Hllfchie ' has'-resomed^command.of the Mapouriko. ;>.;;.*; ,*,. • \ The-'ttofcm CMpaay,:«;t^ininj» i Aparihw swfiadßi* Dnrban, on ■ March 7, en route from ■■■:•:' Australia' to* lAtlfyM*»> »«**•»■'' .■'• <i- -..'■■•V '': "" - Captain formerly, master of,. he. bar- . auentine Wantranui, has been given command of §m Br}tfsa-T«s»nan. ' .>^ ~; CaWa «drJc# liaa by.ihe local •cenU tor the SwlW-SariU Company, announcirrtvsl of ICM.B: AUi*tafc at Plymouth fees*- WsUroaton. via way porta,. on Saturday 8. Tbo ithSoWt Wellington °' •^■■^•■*^-' , '-.- i ■""'■.■"■:,. ft "'V 1 & ' J , f ' '".- «

ii <* t ■ , '" i ■ — Mr. H. Owen, chief engineer "of the Arapawa, < having come ashore at .Wellington, Mr. J. McLean » has Joined the- vessel -in-his stead : _ - It is rumoured ;in shipplng.eircles that.negotiationsiaro in progress tor the purchase of the ( Westport Coal Company's well-known collier Cano- y pus by the Union . Steam . Ship Company,of New Zealand. The Oanopusds a fast-working j»» le s' of 133? tons gross> register, \ with a. carrying capa- -~ city of about 1650' tons. ~ '.. ... • ■•-■ ' Mr. J. K. Saint, second 'officer of the Corlnna, went ashore at Lyttelton last Saturday, owing to illness. His place was filled by the promotion of Mr. Bullock to acting-second, and Mr. A. u. Christie, fourth officer on the Moeraki, was appointed third, on the Corinna,. ~ „ A' Press' Association ■ message from Wellington last night stated that the Union Coropanys steamers Warrimoo and; Wairuna. which arrivea at the Southern ' port yesterday from Sydney ana c Newcastle respectively, encountered very rough c weather on the passage across, the Tasman Sea. The rcw Zealand Shipping Company's liner « Tongariro is due at Dunedin on March 26 -, irom I London direct. In addition to o full cargo, she is bringing about 300 Immigrants, who will be distributed on : arrival is'; follows :--Welhngton 1 115; Auckland, 82 LyttcUon. 33; , Gisborne,. 12; j Greymouth, 19 Westport; A l3; Port Chalmers, 11; Napier, 15; New Plymouth, 8; and Timaru, £. l , MARAMA, AND .MQLDAVIA. ' j Wireless advice received by the Auckland radio , station ' last night ; from the Canadian-Australasian ■ mall -steamer Marama stated that the liner will ( arrive at 'Auckland at 9 a.m. to-day *«»-»££ j ney. -She will berth ■': at the* new Queen Street * Wharf on arrival, and Is timed to continue her c voyage to Suva, Honolulu, and Vancouver' at 11 i o'clock,to-nighi. .--.,,. ( >.. .-.;.. -v.if'- ■'■■"' . , ; A wireless message received. from the P. and .O. R:m:S: Moldavia last night stated tHat the vessel t will arrive at Auckland 1 'at 6 am. .-to-day from London and way ports. On arrival the Moldavia a-ill berth at the new Queen Street Wharf (north). , She is timed to sail at 5 p.m. to-day tor London, via the usual Australian and Continental porta. .:.... THE SYDNEY. STEAMER. r The local office of the Huddart-Parker Company is advised that the steamer Victoria left Sydney at noon on Wednesday for Auckland direct. She has on board 113 saloon and 98 steerage passengers,- also 620-tohs "of fargo,' forithis port. : . WP Victoria •is due -on Sunday., afternoon. , , ( ;. .. ; ■,,,., , ,--:/>*>:• >■ -V r »'■'■'■•■"- '■ 1 \ -ll j' --> - .'.; v.-» I i »»i . <'"V , BY« • WIBELESJSi; ( »C- 'll ■ --. -The '■ AucWandiradiOi station advised last «lght that the following steamers. are expected within wireless range INapJar to Gisborne)> Marama (Auckland to S»va),jMakura (Auckland to Srdhey), Talune (Auckland to tootonga).. Moldavia- (Auckland to ■ SfdMpV kfenuka (Wellington to Sydney). Warrinioo fLyttelt«>, to DunediS), Matatua (Wellington .«' Lo^);-«J»«» (Wellington to Lyttelton),. and Victoria (Sydney .to Auckland). ... ■- , ■-~ . ;< . The Wellihgton radio eUUon advised last that the steamers Wimmera^Mar«ma t M&ag, . Taluhe,, Manuka, Warrimoo, Moldavia, Matotua. Arawa,"Maitai, and Victoria,were- within wireless , y range *' ,; .v: :. c ...-. ■ •-•■ ■.'_■: .-'IT ,

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New Zealand Herald, Volume L, Issue 15251, 14 March 1913, Page 6

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SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, Volume L, Issue 15251, 14 March 1913, Page 6

SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, Volume L, Issue 15251, 14 March 1913, Page 6