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l&y /market review, ' DURING WEEK. E. MARKET REVIEW. 3VEMENT DURING WEEK, ."■ifepßAL business shows an improvement I'lJßOft the beginning of the week, both --wfecJeftsle and retail contributing to the in- ' ({hn<l activity. The break in the market f 1 " 1 ') interfered with some departments, but ' _''•-«» cessation of business on this account uriil be more than made up by the benefit " gat the rain will bring to the country die-*\--*u«etoi even though it has been so limited . in its duration. _ . ; liaise: Very little is arriving from the ' coast, and as a shipment expected this week -lias not come to hand the price holds firm " :-§* 4« 5d on the wharf. It is reported that the market has advanced in Australia, ,„>'■' potatoes: Stocks are still very light, only a small lot having come from the South, --while local are almost over. Heavy purchase* have been made by Auckland mer- \ i "' chants for March shipment from the South, > bat so far not many are to band. The Jfaitai only brought a small quantity, and it I is understood that the weather has also - * Incited the quantity aboard the Mokoia, II; - sow nearly due. Now that the Mai has m \ jeJieved the shortage of apace on the coastal ■ steamers the supplies should be more plentiful. ' In connection with the possibility of ; export to Australia, it is of interest to ■'' : .know that the Australian authorities have definitely stated that unless a shortage of ! i'<- sapplie* within the Commonwealth is actu",s raappues within the Commonwealth actually proved, they will not release the imrport restrictions as they did last year. I'-V< fifths meantime the local market has responded to the shortness of supplies, and tie price may bo given as £8. '. ~ Oats: There is a stronger feeling in.the Sooth, and merchants are buying in antici- "-"■ patten of Australia wanting supplies. The "'. market has already advanced about id per hoshal for all grades, and this will shortly tat* affect here, but for the present sales : ■■' are still being made at 3s ex store. The crop is known to be small, but what there ■$Wjii-&»» turned out of good quality. p*"Wheat: The market holds firm for all v Ascriptions. , _ ' - Bran is in fuller supply, but a good demand keeps the price steady at last quota-•-V -tiejS per ton. Pollard is also in better supply locally. ';' The demand should increase from now on. -■ Onions are scarce -until harvesting be- ■ - cants more general The first of the South- •' ern are due on the Mokoia, and these will ■-wmi a good market, the local quotation ' , bung 8* to Ss 6d. There are not .many . ~ efiermg in the South at present,, and the f| possibility that still exists lor further business with Australia has kept the market . jam. "' . Chaff: The market is fairly bare, and any lots to hand met a ready safe. Waikato chaff will be available in larger quantities soon, but at present the supplies are very limited, and regular shipments of . Southern are arriving by each west coast steamer. An advance of 2s 6d per ton has been' established in Blenheim, our chief i source of supply in the South, and the local market has responded. Present price for Southern may be given as £5 ex store, and , local according to quality. ..< Seeds: All varieties are in rood demand. Cocksfoot remains steady. There is little prospect Of exporting at present, but a good ' demand locally takes up the suopUes. In • ' rye crass a small advance has taken place . , is Italian. A demand is commencing for JRlwlwlm*- seed oats.'-. , /ftams and Bacon: Sides are now in full ' svjspsy'/but in hams the factories have not ;.' ye* overtaken the shortage .occasioned by fc ibs-heavy demand at Christmas, and it is still difficult to supply orders in fulL '■: Xaaxihar Cloves: It i» now definitely T kso«n thai last season there were 12,000 attains brought to the market, whereas j " n the. quanfey. will not exceed 2000 v I ~ £££*' The normal crop ranges from 5000 to :- TOO tons, from which it will be seen that this year - *• - are likely to see some. fancy I ■' ■' Canary Seed: The position becomes more i sad 1 snore aaute, and higher prices are anticipated in consequence of the extreme SBSfcity of supplies. 7 Chained Pineapples: Buyers would do :-#sll>to exercies caution, in seeing that they m ' fSt standard brands of this fruit It is If" disown, that at present there are eome very i Ibor grades being canned, and if these are W'i&tißF^.-rW.™** quickly detract from IT IslwSßty ol this Suit. ' •V Jr¥-"! A slightly better demand IfSJgßfsntT represented, ; "even , though •: fresh . '■ W V so plentiful, and stocks are working Jpanned Goods: New Zealand packers re--fmt great difficulty in supplying orders in Hi wis year. One firm puts the position gflw tssarly in the following terms:—"We Mnt.ak the outset emphasise the fact that HHfevork has. been greatly handicapped 'i*W* through the season on account of jfiMlffafle of labour. We are not peculiar in *%?] {Up condition. In every part of New'Zea^ jffgjjjfljsjsl industrial enterprises are being ham- ,. -mm through inability to obtain labour. pri sjaeinaea of' this difficulty do not : concern ;-. Where; we have merely to record the fact. v ;: ;,. Mf taring attractive work amid ideal surroandmp we hoped to attract labour in : i as*vdneetion, bus our expectations have .;■:;.£ «st hem fulfilled. By continually increasing ** J lafaooMaving inachinerv we have Monght our- output up to the nigbest point ; < psesUe under the prevailing conditions." JM&m Tea: ■ At the Calcutta tea''- sales No. 22, shout 18,000 packages were cata»gwd, of which about 3500 packages were dust. The selection comprised a very large prspnrtaon of rough leaf and poor quality Htt. Saokish leaf and useful liquoring sorts being in mall supply. There wan an it- ■-' JSIWST market, though generally, useful y fssokah common leaf teas advanced about vm to four pies, while brckens of this class : soli at a somewhat larger advance on previ- '- gal' prices. ■ The i<rcall quantity of : fair p I: JSBWnaig, autumnal descriptions sold well at if awr Jswrioos raws. • ' ■:-: Ip-. i ' fungus: Oonti ammo-its coming forward «» on the light side. - Good dry lots can be ftspossd of at 4|d. KAURI GUM. MARKET. tba arrivals to date are 411 50ns. showing V s ~>\& I -^ t f*t e °* r 3* *° M over the correspond'■«f period of last month, when the quantity rssshred was 377 tons. The market is pract^&'&'P* 31 *'*! 11 ' * n(J business continues "***»- The bulk of consignments gWUttf forward still consists nrincipallv of ST grade gum and d** chips and dust. :W;!l!f f select, ordinary, and east coast are ;.- < , sot earning forward in any quantities, but *«WUnenta are readily disposed of. SupPS* ft ?.i» a *<> mail, vis., February 12 feffiai* 12, 1913, 866 tons. fBSW - - • ■ ..... •-;■■ ; ; , .. EXPORTS. '■ 'V. "., America. Europe. Total. ttlfiMni*. - » ;.'■:. . .:-:■-■■ *ona Tons. Toss. ■* «* Zsalandls, for Van\i hni Matatua, for ton- M . ,** »* JW»«i, 20 Syd- 10 7 1* fpi «**» February 24 ... _ 50 «i *« as. o»ri, for London, W M February 28 .' 2-2 fM«?SLS w V l ctorl ». tor Sydfc"e'7 liarcn 3 _ fit rt *g£Sti Grant, for ~ ° » «»«■ fei*"*' * i »"B 8 35 19 M i™> m *?*J>}a 148 1 149 *»*»•. Indraleroa, tor Lon- -:'-"• *«£!?? ** America and &°* "ef>™«»rr 12 430 360 790 SmSrS* . * America and ""- *S2SJ7 February, 1913 460 441 901 «SSaeWm for February, 1913 — — 816 ■? : :it : ?': ■ STATISTICS. . x« faportj— Production— ' '*, *•>- l to Feb_2« Jan. l to Feb. 28 amsiriea. Europe. Total. Tons. Tons. Toni. Tons. IBS." 5!? W 5 I- 20 * •■< 1.525 ■ 410 ■ 826 ... - 1238 SEW? -684 642 1,160 ... 1,414 r V PROPERTY SALES. noon to-day Mr. J. Thornes will ittgcSiiby, 011 a neat five-roomed villa en fe r F**«o*d allotment in Second Avenue, Kings- ;. fW»: •°", * resijenoj of five rooms On a afc.i-**2? section in Epsom. I-K^- /■?* Zealand Loan and Mercantile W?s£S&33 „ m P an 7' Ltd., will sell by auction i- x lavSk* Henderson stock sale on Monday, ■■'^'Stat 5 * a * 1-30. p.m., eight choice sec.quarter acre and over right in the '" 1* ** that * Btr »ct. :^ffiSP?»' S»muel Vaile and Sons will offer y»y* .hy auction to-day two valuable j^£HWl* l *- , 'Wtes--one on Ponsonby Road, next S^^W^. College Road, nearly opposite the ai^Star* ll ?P» Bn< i *be other in Lower Hobil,i|^s££ 00ni * r of Moore Street, and fe!JCT!y*;-'-'tba Tramway Office; also, a ■ |« -JjEWPIt in Collingwood Street,.close sS '--awMßifffthyßoad. villas in Dominion Road, 'si^£S^!v sl6ton Street and Carlton fi ! .S22v«i"«>»ro', Onehunga, and a cottage ■sSmSLt' 1 iQueen. Street, ..Onehunga, : near jiiHßfe* Mandeno Jackson wfll sell by |f|^^^2^a^ I * K>n »* their rooms, ■ Customs at 11 o'clock to-day, ; a valu- : ; or cropping farm situated at UPW FR_Mangere. containing 343» acres, |j^3?! , »|f <•»© mile and a-half deep water I

frontage to the Manukau; all level land, fJ 1 "; 111 grass, subdivided into numerous pad2°?» 8 » and only four miles from Manger© Bridge.. Messrs. T. Mandeno Jackson will also hold a sale of valuable properties at *n«r rooms, Customs Street East, at eleven o clock _ this morning, comprising, a warebouse site situated right in the heart of the city, having 80ft Sin frontage to Wyndham Street, and 49ft Square, together with the four wooden shops erected thereon. The terms of sale are easy. Also, a gentleman s residence of 11 rooms, with all convemences, standing on section having 148ift frontage to King's View Road, "Mount Eden, by a depth of 297 ft, and commanding beautiful views. Also, throe building sections—(l) 60ft frontage to King's View Road, Mount Eden, by a depth of 130 ft, fenced on three sides; (2) practically level section, containing two roods and 19.7 perches fenced on all sides, and situated in Windmill Road, Mount Eden, adjoining the reserve; (3) grand quarter-acre section, having frontage of 66ft to Victoria Street, off Great South Road, Ayondale, by 165 ft deep, standing in good position, and fenced by posts and wires on three sides. LONDON MARKETS. . By Telegraph.—Press Association.—Copyright. London, March 12. WHEAT The market is steady and quiet. Australian is lees freely offered 37s 3d to 3Ts 9d is asked for Australian February-March-April shipment and cargo Five thousand quarters sold at 37s 9d. COPPER. The quotation for copper is £65 7s 6d; electrolytic, £69. v TIN. Spot, £212. LEAD. Lead is quoted at £15 lis 3d. SILVER The quotation for silver is 2s 2gd. ; TAI/LOW. At the tallow sales to-day 1143 casks were offered and 873 were sold. Prices were unchanged. LONDON WOOL SALES. By Telegraph.— Association,—Copyright. (Received March 14, 12.5 a.m.) London, March 13. At the wool sales yesterday competition for all sorts was animated. Prices were unchanged. London, March 13. The following prices were realised for the fleece portions of the dips named: Awuee, top 12id, average Hid; Tibi, top ' 13d, average 8 d; Tautane, top 14d, average 12jd; Cairn, top 15d, average 12£ d; Ngeio, top 12id, average Hid. '■.'.•' ' ' ~ ' 1 The Bank of New Zealand has received the following cablegram from its London office concerning the wool sales :-r-Ourrent prices are: North Island farmers' lots, ! average, condition—Coarse croasbreds, 36's to 40'e quality, lid. to 11W per lb; medium crossbred, 44's to 46's quality, Hid to 12id; fine crossbred, 50's quality, 12±d to loid. South Island farmers lots, average condi- , tion, Canterbury Inferior merino, common 60*s to 64's quality, to lid per lb; superior merino, super. 60's to ol's quality 13d to 14d; half or quarter bred, 56' a quality, 12id to 13id. RTJBBERSUB COMPANY. The manager of the Rubbersub Company, Mr. George M. Metcalf, reports by ' mail that ho. lias rented a large factory at Stroude, Gloucestershire, which he secured with a certain amount of - machinery and motive power. He has bought all the necessary machinery, and by latest advice expected to leave everything running by the ; end of February. During the time he has been waiting for machinery he has ' been making up samples of various products. . The auditor appointed by the com- ; pany in England has visited the works. ' and his report, which has been received, is to the effect that he has gone thoroughly into the matters, and advise that the machuKjay. etc., has .been well bought, all accounts are correct, plant and location are very suitable, and the company has every prospect of being very successful. The shareholders of the Auckland Company have secured representation upon the Christchurch Company, and Messrs. H. R. Cooke and W. J. Ralph have been appointed directors. " ;;'';■' : ; ' . : :>.'V-.'" '■ - '_ " AUSTRALIAN PRODUCE MARKETS. By Telegraph.—Press Association.— (Received , March 13. 9JO p.m.) ■ ' !v Sidney, March 13. Wheat, 3ei 6Jd to 3s 7sd; flour, £8 15s; oats, Algerian, 3s 3d, Giants >2s lid to 3s, "A." Gartens 3s, "B" 2s lid; barley. Cape, malting, 3s 3d to 3s Sd: maize, 4s 2d to 4s 4d; bran, £5 10s; pollard, £5 15s; potatoes, Taismanians. £7 5s to £8 10s; onions, £8 15s; butter, selected 98s, choice 92s to 945; cheese, 6d to 7d; bacon, 9d. Adelaide, March 13. Wheat, 3s 7d to 3s 7id;. flour, £8 to £8 ss; bran and pollard, Is 2d; oats, 2s 2d to 2s 3d, ■" .' ', MARKET REPORT. ':■"%«. ;-'. • ..-■■■. Messrs. G. W. Binney and Sons report as ' 'follows:—. .' ;: Hides.— very firm, with keen competition. Ox: Extra: stout 9d to 91d. stout aid to Bjtd, medium Bjd to Bgd, light 8)d to ■w*v,P°*' Extra good Bid to Bjd, good 8d to BJd, seconds 6|d to 7d- Stage, Bid to 6d. Kips. Md to 7d. Yearlings. 7d to 7id. Calfskins: Best 94d to lOd, good BJd to 9d, meaty 7d to 7Jd, cut and damaged sjd to 6d. Cut and damaged hides. 4Jd to Sid per lb ■■■■■-. - Skins.— firm, with keen competition, i Butchers' picked skins. 7s 6d to 8a ocT; large, . 6s 6d to 7s 3d f medium. 5s ad to 6s 3d; small, 4« 9d to 6s 3d. Pelts: Large Za 6d to 4s, medium 2s 94 to 3s, small 2s 3d to 2a 6d. Lambskins: Large 3s 3d to 3i 6d. medium 2* 9d to 3*. small 2a 3d to 2s 6d. ~Dty skins: Large 7s to 7s 6d, good 5s fid to 6e, medium 3S ad to 4s 6d. Pelts: Large. 2s 3d to 2s 6d, medium Is ad • to Is 9d, small Is to Is 3d. Lambskins: Large, 2s 9d to 3s, medium 2s 3d to 2s ad. small 2s. to 2s 3d. Rat-eaten and weevily skins, 3d to 4Jd per lb.. Pelts and lambskins, 2Jd to 3d per lb. Tallow.— firm. Best mixed, in ship- ' msnt casks, 28s to 295; good, 26s 6d to 275; ] medium, 25s to 25s 6d; inferior, 22s to 23s per cwt. Rough fait, l)d to lid per lb. ' Cowteite. Is 8d per dozen. ] Horsehair: Tail, Is 6d to Is 9d per lb; 1 mane. 9d to 9Jd. . Good, dry bones, £4 17s 6d to £5 per ton. , Wool: Half-bales, dumps, and bags selling , freely at late rates. '

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New Zealand Herald, Volume L, Issue 15251, 14 March 1913, Page 5

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COMMERCIAL. New Zealand Herald, Volume L, Issue 15251, 14 March 1913, Page 5

COMMERCIAL. New Zealand Herald, Volume L, Issue 15251, 14 March 1913, Page 5