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[nunc pirn own oobbesponoents.] WAIHI. METHODIST CHURCH SOCIAL. A 'njuuvr social pothering was held in | lao Methodist Schoolroom on Wednesday evening, when -an excellent musical pro-! gramme was provided. Refreshments were handed round, and daring an interval in the entertainment Mrs. Moorhead, ' who for seven years has acted as organist to the church, was presented with a silvermounted Wedgwood biscuit barrel, in making the presentation on behalf of the friends concerned, Mr. J. Mclndoe spoke in appreciative terms of the recipient services to the church. t . j The annual meeting of the men's forward movement was held on Wednesday evening (Mr. D. Johnston, vice-president j in the chair). But owing to the small j attendance in consequence of the incle- j ment, weather, the election of officers was postponed until M*sch 30. The opening jneettag will then be held, and the Hon. W. H. Heroes will be invited to speak. M* W B. Jordan will represent the - branch at the conference at Wanganui daring the Easter holidays. . .. The classea in connection with the Waitu - Technical School (Mr. 8- H. Macky, TOperintendent) are now in full swing, and the attendance of students in the various departments points to a. successful term. TE AWAMXJTU. CHAMBER OP COMMERCE. The regular meeting of the Chamber of CommerTwas held on Tuesday evexung. j Five new members were elected, Messrs. James Oliphant, J. £« xfo^W J ' Jf' Hmsly, F. Quinn, and Edward ThonMoa. The total membership » now 71. With Reference to the flying survey now being made from Kawhia. -flarbour toJij 'Mam Trunk Line, it was resolved that the followiug resolution be forwarded to the Mtauter for Public Works:-" That this chamber notes with pleasure the authorisation of flying surveys in connection with the proposed linking of the Kawhia Harbour with the Main Trunk Railway, and as the construction to Putaruru is logically a portion of this important and necessary work it is urged that the flying surveys be continued on to Putaruru, more especially as this continuation presents no engineering difficulties, opens up exceptionally valuable agricultural Country, and " tops .a.. stone deposit•which would to a .great extent solve the difficulty of the neglected roads in the King. The chamber expressed appreciation of th» . action of the Agricultural Show Committee in endeavouring to acquire suitable grounds for shows* etc., in To Awamutu. In connection Wiethe proposed.discontinuance of the extra express train from Wellington to Auckland, the chamber decided to forward its, protest to the Wellington and Auckland Chambers of Commaice. Mr. H. Tanner, settler of Te Puhi, forwarded a letter received from the , General Manager of RaUways, in reply to a. cosnlaittt with reference to the delay in forwarding goods. Mr. Tanner asked the -frfiTntHif •«* assist m the matter, xm goods were forwarded from Auckland on January 29, and reached his station (102 . miles) on February 6. The Department stated that the goods were to Frankton Junction for transhipment, but as :; the iron was too hear* to he unloaded in and out of the guard's van, and did not warrant the exclusive use of a track* it was held at Frankton Jun*on 4 to be sect forward on the JwaOable opportanity with other goods for TePuhi. « was pointed out that white .the won was. being >eld at Frankton/*!Wher , « grain stacks were being ruined, ..- -There; was always unnecessary delay receiving goods from the Frankton Junction station and as » general role, it took long** to receive goods from Frankton Junction flmn from Auckland. The chamber decided to take the matter up...The director of orchards, etc., wrote forwarding a supply of copfc* ofi detections for preparation •. •■. aia*yinjri»xfciwe*/;nW^^ ' be instied to caU upon the chamber at,an early date* The secretary to the Auckland Agricultural and . Pastoral Association wrote ini*^,Uayn%,;ti»t the master of, the wooldi re* .■ the -assoemtjon's prompt ■ attention. The Kawhia Chamber of Commerce wrote guaranteeing tEeir portion required to connection with the direct telephone line between Te Awamntn and Kawhia. «he secreiarv to the Puketurua, Settlers' Association. wrote for miorination with reference to the installation of telephones. .It was resolved that the president' interview the | Town Board members, with a view to their becoming members of - the chamber,; it being desirable to have a better uuderatandang existing" between the two -bodies. Mr. J. A- MacKentie, the,local*stationmaster, has received notice of his transf«r. to Papakurav, He will be» tendered a

The Anglican Bishop of Auckland (Dr. Crosaley), will visit Sere next Tuesday* holding service: in the ■ evening. _ ' _ - - Tno opembg services in connection with '■■ tfai» new Pwsbfytsiriah Church will be con- ■• ducted on Sunday next by the Rev. J. Gibb, DJ>., of WeOSngtoo. A social gathering Trill be held on Tuesday evening. a.;o,'.■:■. j ' , v*'^?~;'rr? : ; , i-iy.f : '»''»'" >| *.' | "j'." j ".~.' i -.^.*!"j'*'"'",.''^i^ i ',i "-^■'' : rr'V. !^',v''^''.''.'-'''.vv: '- .' HT73STLY- , BJJI»w*AY OWJUIAJU FABEWEXiISp. , A social, organised at, * ferWelMoltfr. George "%*• Mercer,' who after-two-and-a half Tears' service as chief clerk at ins Huntly railway station, hi* been ordered to hold ".himself in readiness to take up relieving work, waa held, in Ihe*Kine 1 * Hall, aun%, on Tuesday ntghfe > The weather, which was very bad, militated ": against ■'%' very large attendancer though iSe hall.was com! i<» dancing purpose*/ Borutgan interval in the dancing, Mr.', J. P r Bailey, chairman of; the Town Board, njesenfcea'Mr; Mercer with a well-filled parse of sovereigns, and expressed the ■ best wishes of the, people of Bluntly "lor the future welfare and pros-. perity of the guest," who responded in* fitting manner. '"■' • '""",',„.•---.' ...,,. ' After:!*-' long spell of dry weather, a fine, soaking and welcome rain of over 24 hours duration has • been experienced, and not before time, as the tanks hi -the town were getting low and 1 the pastures some-, what parched. "';'•■■ ■.. '"•.,.•-"■"■.."~".:*,'.. . ~ Though the rain caused a ■ temporary cessation of work* on i the bridge, capital progress being made. It-is expected that the structure will be completed within four months from! date. ..., r :T>i"V An enthusiastic meeting was held in Si. Anthony's XCatholic};:Ch«rcb,.on Sunday, after Mass when, after most ; -favour able oBinion»;of the project had been expressed, "."£. strong branch of the ; Catholio was formed. , V HAMILTON, - < ■ A. AND P. ASSOCIATION. The Eiaeatisßi;. Committee of the Waikato Agricultural- and Pastoral- Society met yesterday- morning,: whenthree new member* were elected. .. The president was instructed to attend a conference to be held at Hamilton, in. April, to discuss the proposed "court, at the Auckland ExhibiOaa. The North Otago Agricultural. and ■ Pastoral I.Association; wrote - suggesting concerted, action in the matter of privileges to members, treatment of exhibitors an a .distance, -and also as to the cost of eon-, dueling shows ; and 'Other matters. The report to be' presented to the annual masting on March 27 state* that the association' has come to an amicable i m*QmsMml : with the South : Auckland i Baying Gob, by which a new grand-1 % ''«t«nd ; has been erected, and the grandstand an* looss4wxes have been moved, Kr : tiaSMWt suitable position, and other im- , :•■ • prevsaeenir' effected. : • : A-'' sum '' of over - £2600 has been ; spent on : these improve-. • imejltii ?0»* revenue account for the past W year, shows a asvplus of £293 7s. The mm&fa : &fc<9&''' l^: *'to- *» *° tha i'-fl fwsat-Maads*^' SA» cxwunittee suc^ Mmmi a private Bill passed

iMJir-'V;-|ii.iiiii,iAiiVVi.i ; V i" ,IV. il J >>'.'" ' ■ l . ll^ '\ the grounds are used solely for show and recreation, purposes. Thanks were expressed to all who had assisted in the show, and regret at the ; death of Messrs. Pickering and Buttle, both of whom had been actively associated with the association since its inception. A meeting of those interested in the ; formation of a branch of the New Zealand * Farmers' Union was , held yesterday I morning. There was on a small" attendance.. Mr. McGregor was. voted to the chair. "Major Lusk (president of the Auckland branch) addressed the meeting, urging the formation of a local branch. A branch was formed, and a provisional • committee, consisting of Messrs. E\ Mc- ; Gregor, T. White- E. Goodwin,, F, H. Pemoerton, E. J. McGregorj, and Dnxneld, | set up to enrol members, and" meet on i Thursday, April 3, to discuss further details. * . ■ ■'. ".., TE AROHA. . JffNISIEBS' ASSOCIA-TIOiT. A meeting of the Te Aroha-Morrinsville Ministers' Association was held at the Methodist parsonage, Morrihsville, on Monday, the Rev. W. C. Blair being in the chair. Others present were : The .Revs. J. N. Hawkes, M.A., C. W. Brown, G. B. Hinton, Guy Thornton, J. T. Turnhull, and\J. W. Butler. S telegram of greeting and apology for absence was received from Pastor Stanton, who has recently been appointed Baptist minister at Te Aroha. it was resolved to hold a combined service, in the Coronation Hall, Morrinsville, on Sunday next, to celebrate the centenary of the birth of David Livingstone. During the meeting letters of greeting were received from the Revs. T. N. Griffin and P. R. Paris, ministers-elect for the Methodist circuits of Morrinsville and Te Aroha respectively. The next meeting of the association will be held at Te Aroha on March 31. The monthly meeting of the Te Aroha School Committee was held on Monday evening, the Rev. W-' 0. Blair being in the chair. A letter was received from the secretary of the Waikato Winter Show Association regarding the school exhibit, asking that the committee strive to make this more successful than in previous years. It was resolved that the secretary write to the association, stating that the committee would do its best in the matter. The headmaster (Mr. A. F. Burton) wrote stating that the average attendance since the Christmas holidays -was in the primary department just over 260, and that if this, record were kept up" the school would be entitled to another teacher. ■ Mr. Barnard, on behalf of the Borough Council, informed the committee that a suitable site for the manual training school is being considered by the council with every possibility of obtaining one on a reserve near Someratown. The monthly report was as follows:—Number on the roll: Primary, 278; secondary, 12. Average attendance : Primary, 360.4; ;* secondary, 10.5. Accounts amounting to £11 5s lid were passed oc^payment. warkworth. EIBLE KT SCHOOLS JJSCTUS&. . The Roman Catholio Bishop, of Auck- : land (Rev. Dr. Cleary), on his pastoral . visit to Warkworth district* delivered a i lecture on "The Bible in Schools," in the i Townf Hall, to a largo and appreciative audience. N. Wilson, J.P., was in the chair, and briefly introduced the j; bishop. ; lecture was an expositiott of i' - the Cathohc views on the question. After » answering a good number of questions ! satisfactorily, hearty votes of thanks were > accorded the bishop and the chairman. > Welcome rain has fallen, and will check , the, fires which have been burning in soma I- places very deitrtwfcively. We hear, of conL siderable damage to flocks, fencing, and j property and as grass is very f' acaroe," the burning of swamps, bush, etc., * will put stock on very short allowance. i Dredging operations are continued in the i river.'' winch will deepen the river suffii cieß%r to enable the steamer to get in » ;andl«*t without danger of grounding on i< the ridgee and hanks, which hitherto have , heed against making good time. ..The > good* ia.nearing completion, and will i be » large and useful building and a much* > needed one. I TEKOWHAL I. . ~ - - [ A GOLDEN WEDDING. ['■'. Mr. and Mrs. F. Pope celebrated their '. golden /.wedding, on Tuesday last, the * occasion. being met with a -social, which. ■ was attended by friends from far and i near. The happy couple was presented * by their friends with a pair of arm- * chairs. - ■.' ' < . .'*'■" '" ... . ; » > TAUMARUNUI. »* T&>:fi';i. }:'•■:■■:-;'. . ■;->. ■'-'■'■":." Vv '■',».." J WOOL AWAITING SHIPMENT. I ] . The shed at Otunui Landing, some 16! miles down the Wanganui River, is still ; crammed . with wool awaiting shipment. * Owing to the exceptionally dry summer, £ the r?irer has been low, and much delay caused in shipping 'produce. The late rain will nrobablv overcome the difficulty.

< run wiu proßuuir uvtuwuiu mw uuuuuitj. Fencing is an expensive item in the Otanot district, as much as 23a a Chain having been paid for it. In the South Island iron fencing is erected at £50 a mile, which is only 12s 6d a chain. ' » During the last two months buildmgs for business purposes of a value of £680 ■ have been erected in Taumarunui, and during the same time residences costing a total of £3326 have been built. , The Manunui Town Board has approved of a proposal to borrow £2600 for roadmaking purposes. ' |- ' r. ■ ; : *; ; " .whakatane. ';■ CHAMBER OP COMMENCE FOEMED. f, >..''*'v ->--•■ :■■■■': ' ■ ■■'■ ,- ■".' ■:■ .-■... ' A large and enthusiastic meeting of pro- . feeeional and commercial men was held at the County Chambers, Whakatane, on Wednesday evening, when it was decided to lojsro; a Chamber of Commerce. Mr. : Fleming, . solicitor, was elected president, Mr. Samson vice-president, and a committee consisting of Messrs. Levy, Harron, 'and Reid was appointed. A commit- •'.. tee was setup to draft rules and to report! to a future meeting, to be held on March 31. [mmimmmmm mmmmmmmm' THAMES.. ' - '-,- 0 v if: - : ':' : : [ - ■■''■/■'' ' '.: : .'''''"-' ■ "' ■ ■ TBBJBEttB . FOB LIOHTINO PLANTS A special meeting . of the Thames .'-" Borough Council was held to deal with . the - tenders for the construction of the new municipal lighting plant. A number of tenders were received from leading firms in Auckland, Wellington, and other parts of the Dominion, and were referred to the engineer, Mr* F. Black, to work ; out the details and particulars and re- ' port at a subsequent special meeting, to be held as soon as the report is ready, when the most favourable tender will be ;. accepted. i ■ • ■ :

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New Zealand Herald, Volume L, Issue 15251, 14 March 1913, Page 10

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COUNTRY NEWS. New Zealand Herald, Volume L, Issue 15251, 14 March 1913, Page 10

COUNTRY NEWS. New Zealand Herald, Volume L, Issue 15251, 14 March 1913, Page 10