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9 ' Lend for s*le. ' lißEb.'' WALLACE. gDILDim CTBEBT. AUCKLAND, E™*™ a 0 ®™- •• ■ "yALTJB& AND Q.KNE&AL SsF^^T*° ximißloN A QENTI ■' ' PHONE ** • and Williamson. Ltd. l^^^wS^^W* enßon and Co.. Ltd, Land ■ Mate Department _ Oombtuation Tools, 3S» each. $WtSs§&S££ farmer «hould have on®. f&WMßireUr, 3a fid .each, Includv: rivets 07 DAIRY FARM. WITH • GOOD i&lpffw»WN MILK SUPPLY. —42 Acres. PJPSESIr good level land in grass. >. W' and subdivided, vratered. and M .V-' •*' House. 6 rooms, cowshed. W !?r At present carrying 13 good ¥•,*- «" , MwrTcalves. 2 light draught S?" wd ducks. These go : t I together all kn- * . —ents and sundries; separator, §§ , Sortkr? plough, cultivator, trap, bar!fe> • mss etc Rent and Rates, £30 a year. mm- ffii has 8 years to run. PRICL|%f •* • jMfiTeash. Compensation for all fl&.o' buildings erected. I>. fIQQD FAYABLH AIOPOSmON-6633 MM *iSIEs! freehold; four mil** torn ¥: »* v, «Mral post offloe in one of th*>.t»oat fife 7 iu •-» Dominion. w¥if~ : 1 a few minute* from tram t« r - P -£Sua As a famine proposition, this Mm ," , S»b» carried 75C0 sheep, and i» fir- s>r^r D y^3 other stock; hijly °2 B Ifefe' l "t fenced and watered; good Homestead, w - io rooms, with modern oonveniences, $M- P lp-MMiat« woolshed and yards, shear##i:N ?'i in machines and oil i ini-ril cottages on the property, • ' i-t'-; mmm are future possibilities in this mm- 22? 200 acre*, good road Iron- & ?L. are suitable for building secl> S ;! :- Smwl and being close to tram pM ! V mf naa will eventually be worth a« %K,/I s> "'Si » is . now asked for the whole property- PRICE. £7 10s P«r EraSiiSSr' • DBI. VOLCANIC COUNTRY, .fPmoHLy situated, but NOT A; STEEP LAND—77 Acres, freehold, all i' "'• |b cultivation, good grass, all plonKUIllilPv abk, well watered and free from , frost, specially adapted for early fer'f*- potato growing. Nice House, 7 rooms, !jii' r *■ ■ and outbuildings, groomed Cottage. &W' * cowshed (10 balls, iron roof), tr»£ is,: v shed with lean-to. pig styes; similea railway > station. 15mins from bus w HKfc-; Trasses daily). 11 miles creamery and JBSiigfe* school. This property can be highly recommended. PRICE. £40 - per acre. WmATOMATA HARBOUR /o£®£®2£hT liiiasfo Healthy position—s4s, Acree, freehold, llillfe':" erasing and cropping, land, e ~J r workable soil; subdivided, watered, all ploughable; mostly in cultivatioa; two miles «ea frontage, nicely - sheltered; admirably suited for subS*" dividing and seaside residency. SM a' (hraernarvestod 100 tons of sheaves, Iftfe one of the best ■ samples on the marSffip ket; orchard and vegetable S**£®s' Igß Well-built • House, 8 • rooms, cowshed. stable, all in thorough repair dSsß®'% PRICE. £13 per acre. ' Easily, reached l«fev br or water; almaet daily Mf|j>b,v:,- This -farm, shows a good proe- - '<4* T^^WAIKI^O—CHOICEDAIRYINQ :|* AND CBOPPING FARM; splendid AHD CHOPPING FARM; splendid ri«r frontage;, good locality: nice maSESt surroundings; well ■sheltered mm: ACRE} freehold: 116 acres in grass, ji- '■ yj acres oats, 10 acres oat stubble, SlS'fe• 28. acres drained.. v swamp, J which carries a lot of rough feed; well ' watered; fenced and subdivided; soil SilflfeS'tit': splendid Quality all ploughable; fmmsmM,*.,.. level; no noxious weeds; WmMW- r fSmm fruit trees; ha« wintered » pplfftlphead^of-cattle and 7 horses. New, Houses six rooms, well finished, built Sate^iS? - Os concrete ■ foundations; ■:.. eowsnea, ■ dairy, wash-house, •••-• old cottage. This • property has a good road lsSfesfti^tage,-:.'i.and 1 !'; is well - suited ;;; for Mi-,?r-mtUng up v into throe, farms; two a-balf -V;- miles from ■ township.. •fu station, school, church, store ana tS"" >a>a11111" ' urn school will be within I# :SrS5: :This farm vis worthy .v of rS&ii#?§£ inspection, and cheap at £30 per acre. ARM. - FREEHOLD — One SS^^Wtiete ; .'ir!lll s considerably, increase rin '»alo»-a Atsrm, \ all in gwas, . easy. workable soil."-'-. no- weeds. Good - 'Boom, orooms, ■ wash-house, etc.: ||B>\ j cottvenient : to' station, : school, ami ■ ' 'tttmowty; ■ ' .handy •to ; city. -• would SSgs?ißal»ti!.a;iaioe-Vcountry.- home; grow feßjPfs' early -root crops, - and : 'milk few cow* for town sppp'.-. Easy •«• Terms, or ' fe§Bwgjg? may entertittn EXCHANGE. "• ?; " > ! • ABTLY -IMPROVED FARM KHBd' ',-—642 ACRES. O.RJP/at 15«; 120 'acres .fMgy.v- "in grass, 34 acr«« ln turnips, remain- ' der unimproved, but practically all -'■SSi' ■ ploughaNe with a double-furrow •-tSS' '- : plouffh. House, ' five - rooms, : • shed, "• Ftabjsw and cbaffhouse; wintered' rk-^sft..' '-v: 70 head; of cattle and 6- ; .y horses; •- handy-; to school, township, WSC. ate.; '" 12 miles to' railway - - station. 9 |:S i IWCE. for Freehold, £7 10a -p«r. acre. ' £3600. Will. exchange for bjiiiisßialler farm. ' . ' ;>•? vLOCALITY — A NICE HOME— • : HOUSE, 8 rooms, choice "<?ss§®Pu**iwingroom : and bedrooms, large /:fffl||S«SSaingToom, kitchen: fitted - • with - range, - and. gas stove; - bath■i /- jfiHrSom' and califont; bedrooms fitted 'wHpWi' wardrobes; ■ House ; nicely a rfSSfv Papered and panelled; wash-house, ■ and tabs; hot and oold water fe^'^Wfclteoughoul; good•:• harbour %\ew; Section; Land Transfer Title, exchange for suburban house |l^Kf : «isd. large-'grounds. , NORTH OF AUCKLAND—3SS Ao*s,"' freehold; 96 acres in grass, 'scorm . bosh,-' 5 acres :: orchard, - the . "tnmaindsr being fern; .good' sandstone &■; country, well < fenced. - and subdivided Iff® into ;10 paddocks; , well watered . and aheltured; about two-thirds plough'able. Good;-House.,' 7 rooms, dairy, v a* > ban, cowshed ■. (12 bails). - - Five ' miles wharf; - cream cart passes - th® fl door;store, post ; office, school, fimina* il'^^§£ w *' v PRICE. £2600. ; Terms . PUtaLY IMPROVED FARM—I6SI Acres, ni"'""" freehold, all plousliable. about half if--#»"• is graii, the remainder being, partly ngwp and open - fern country. »oi#;:OMtage. 2 . rooms, good farm build- ' ings; railway station - and school two -Pm-iNlf/' BUtes.' I| miles from creamery. PRICE. acre,' easy terms.:. Ownerhas &R»gj&ie#a ; to England,, otherwise this proSmSjperty would not be ou the market ftjilOßD STOCK FARM—3BO Acrea; a really dairying. or cropping farm; all nearly all in good pasacres ftrt&olass swamp:, well subdivided,''-watered,, and I" ilfi psr acre, easy terms. 5 rooms, Bt fo to otherwise this pro«rty would not be on the market HOCK FARM—3BO Acres; a really nod dairying or cropping farm; all ilonghable. nearly all in good pasa*»; 40 acres flr«t-class swamp: well iswd aad subdivided, watered and Mitared. Good House, 5 rooms. Sgw#-' Willrtngahed (10 bails, -- .fitted ..: with iaaa milking machine. 3} h.p. engine W||2%««ompletel.-- PRICE, £18 per - acre. , ■ ;®iilt«U®T: , - FARM, Tbaady 'to station— Mas, ■ fnwhdld, all in grass or crop: My, undulating country, -all well ■peed and subdivided, watered and Belt*red; now running 22 cows, 15 calrM, and 6 horses,- but could do House,' five rooms; cowshed, ■sgMfe' and * pigsty; " station one • -and miles,, creamery - and township BBHKi™* end arhalif miles. 1 •'• PRICE, £27 ■BplpfeW'/asiaj-,-■■-. Cwner '.will 'take: larger. »feaifc:«ttiMMa North >of Auckland KMpnUUIfOION FREEHOLD.— Sale alSEgff'. la' tile heart of city—Good threeffil; itoiy Brick Building, •. with good i shep ~: frontages rental, -£1250 per mMbfPjwnmmu PRICE, £25,000. - Owner WB^^*«fUld exchange for land .-in,;-the !%«■•■* ■! ■''■Aadfland province. Eouity, £11.000. IPfe DAIRY FARM, WAIKATO—2BS i#|^M ; Adßss,v: freehold, all in ■ grass," - level •IW'Fc?' to'undulating; well fenced, subMfi&s,-. divided " into '15' paddocks, : well «**xrsd. At present carrying '70 "dairy " cows, ' besides young stock horses 'House 5 rooms, bathg*. .f ,V room, pantry, wash-house, harness ®j|»®e'aad.: Implement shed, cowshed ' (8 r Mils, concrete floor), 4-cow plant Wwrtot machine, 3i-h.p. Hornsby Rngiae. * Close to cheese factory, iPfife" waajisry, and school. PRICE,, £30 % ' »jr acre; equity, £3132. Will Ex|Wrogfl'wMMe for small dairy farm. |IJp*2-CLASB DAIRY FARM IN THE -THAMES VALLEY— Acres, 'freet * * mostly level, practically all i sL*.trass; really good' country; if®.! *«1 .fenced. ■ ana subdivided, Sifel .watered and sheltered. Cowshed; - no _ other buildings. Three miles IKffcfc- ***'won,- creamery, . etc.' PRICE, £18 W&tr- U r awe. Owner has disposed of iS-il?' other interests in the district, HSr and « anxious to sell, otherwise the Kp: -■ would not be on the »aat. market. IHBMIJJKEW'a ESTATE, MANUREWA. HiaST i*s Transfer Title—Building Sites Blir *5? £™ 11 '' farms; easily, workable ip|R'f s®~i L un 4 dry, all level; good Imsm a- Jifalthy ppsition; rooa arfhn.l ront *ff g y' few minutes station, SSifei Bea beach. Manurewa is |» # uI mii e « from city by **£ and road. ?% a fe« a & OJ S X .the market, few Sections left. .A -pro-.4skg.-:€S??.--B,uburb with up-to-date ••rrice. ■ ife? Acres, freehold; ■rt-A&iisj; gyiy.- improved. 10 acres in trrass' i-'j ready for oats; M®^Sd J N !SSi? der „ in grass and rough Papatoetoe Kg^a, l^rtlbFe O, iS RtX? 8 r °tSn B PEICE - I^^SSXMEjcbange OWller might °° aexohawoe - NI> * R AT ELLERBLIE, '"-i.-ate; jj«« ' '°ot frontI 1 Pric £«0. equity oinLS?ii?* e at E'lersUe. stand'tjPMjir'' jia» flUarter-acre section. Price. Mmt £450. , s Also. House 8 ■' Cheralier. Price, £700. M^^l', ■' exchange - for poultry CE _ SUBURBAN HOME. ■ Mom*. 6 rooms, bathroom, "iBSSW'-siihs*^2. d ■?H. u y' reception hall, SS i22!f with copper and tubs. iIHK" : SvJ? w . action. i three-quarters of iri. 'P*e to train. Nicegardeu. no mortgage, will conlAMlißairamange for small farm, ' rn, and close to railway. Wallace,

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New Zealand Herald, Volume L, Issue 15249, 12 March 1913, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume L, Issue 15249, 12 March 1913, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume L, Issue 15249, 12 March 1913, Page 3